Clean & Safe June 14 2023 Agenda Packet

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Meeting of the Clean & Safe Committee

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 – 12:00 pm

Location Century 21 Building 2100 Franklin
Virtual Option via Zoom Video Conference

1. Call to order

2. Public comment and announcements

3. Approval of the minutes of the February 22, 2023 Action Item

4. Discussion of Upcoming and Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

a. Sign up committee member for the next 3 monthly audit of Hospitality and Maintenance
i. June
ii. July
iii. August
b. Review transition plan for BBB to DW
c. Status of Shop Safe Grant funds
i. Safe City Network Expansion
d. Social economy coalition update
e. Discuss OPD presentation of Safe City Network

5. Meet and Greet with new Team

6. Next Meeting Date: August 16, 2023

7. Adjournment

Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular
meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of the
agenda are available from the Downtown Oakland Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If
you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Downtown Oakland Association and Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association
Clean & Safe Committee Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.
Via Zoom Conference

Present: Sara de la Riva, Matt Klimerman, Kurt Hanson, Don Rogers, Felicia Scruggs, Terry Wood, Mike
Guerra, Tederal Glover, Yvette McCoy,

Absent: Chris Kwei, Greg Pasquali, Nicole Price,

Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Tori Decker, Tamiko Garner, Charles Taylor, Joe Castagnola

Guests: Team from Responsive Parking and Mobility Team - Kevin Dip, Yvonne Huynh, Kerby
Olsen, Rachel Antelmi, Adrienne (Get Around carshare)

Discussions held and decisions made by the Clean & Safe Committee
Subject Discussion Action
Call to order The meeting was called to order at 1:31 p.m.
Public comments and
Presentation from OAKDOT – Presentation by the Parking and Mobility Team
Demand-Responsive Parking and regarding changes in parking meter fees.
Mobility Management Initiative Secondary presentation by Adrienne with Get Around
which is a car share service.

Approval of minutes of the The minutes of the December 14, 2022, meeting Mike Guerra moved, and
December 14, 2022 meeting were presented to the committee for review. Sara de la Riva
seconded the motion to
approve the minutes of
the December 14, 2022,
meeting as presented.
The motion was
approved unanimously.

Budget Review Tori Decker reviewed the YTD Clean and Safe
The budget discussion was postponed for this

Clean & Safe Enhancements YTD Actuals:

Clean and Safe

388 19th Street ■ Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122 ■ LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 ■ Fax 510.452.4530 ■ ■
DOA: $_____ LMUDA: $____

DOA: $___ LMUDA: $____

Program Director
DOA: $____ LMUDA: $____

Program Coordinator
DOA: $___ LMUDA: $___

PROW Maintenance
DOA: $___ LMUDA: $___

Total Clean and Safe

DOA: $___ LMUDA: $___
1. Discussion of Upcoming a. Meeting with Mayor Thao – February 24:
and Ongoing Projects and Staff is meeting with the Mayor on Friday,
Initiatives February 24 to discuss how the CBD can offer
a. Meeting with help as well as review opportunities of support
Mayor Thao – from the mayor’s office. Staff is suggesting
February 24 setting a monthly recurring meeting.
b. Revised Approach
Around NCPC b. Revised Approach around NCPC
Engagement Engagement:
c. City Emergency Staff is looking to be more involved with NCPC in
Grant Funding areas 8x and 4x which are within the districts.
d. Safe City Network The goal is to work with an empowered liaison
Expansion that will work with the OPD captain of each area,
Captain Burch (Uptown) and Rosen (Downtown)

c. City Emergency Grant Funding:

The Holiday programming is still in effect. Staff
has set a meeting on February 28 at Bar Shiru to
meet with large operators and owners to discuss
options to help mitigate violent crimes as well as
traffic closure in the Entertainment District

d. Safe City Network Expansion:

Staff is continuing working to expand the
network. Currently they are speaking with 12
different owner and tenant groups who want to
expand to their area. One of the areas of growing
concern is the Valdez Triangle and staff is
working to expand the program in this area.

Adjournment into Executive Session Start 2:10pm Adjourn 2:39pm

All staff and public attendees are required to leave the meeting at this time.
All decisions will be a part of public record according to Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act)
Confirm a recommendation to the
Joint Org Committee to approve

contracting with the selected
bidder for Clean and Safe in 2023
Next Meeting Date April 19, 2023
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:42 p.m.

Minutes taken by: Tamiko Garner, Administrative & Marketing Coordinator

Dear Committee Member,

Thank you for taking the time to help the committee consistently and fairly conduct an assessment of our
Hospitality and Maintenance program. The below is a checklist that is meant to be used by committee
members on a monthly basis as they observe and try to understand how the program functions, its health,
and the overall effectiveness of the team. It is recommended that the designated committee member spend
up to 2 hours monthly working with staff, walking the districts and observing conditions in order to get
the most complete sense of the program and a clear picture of the conditions the program is facing. The
members' findings will be brought to the Clean and Safe committee, and presented to help guide the
committee decision making process.

1. Have the monthly baseline hours been met (currently 1016 weekly hours)
● Yes or no?
● ADS contracted hours met?

2. What is the condition of the Capital Equipment

● Is all heavy equipment available and operational
● If not, why, and what's the plan?

3. Has the team been conducting community outreach? If so explain

● Did we attend the local NCPC meetings?
● Did we host any stakeholder meetings?
● Did we receive any emails from stakeholders or community-at-large members?

4. Review and monthly Operations Report

● Was a monthly Operations Report created?
● Any questions or concerns?

5. What outreach was done regarding the unsheltered population within the Districts boundaries
● Did we use Oakland's MACRO team?
● Did we utilize the team at Urban Compassion Project?
● If yes, review

6. What special projects or programs did the team support

● Special events:
● Greening and beautification:
● Public space management:
7. Try to assess the overall morale of the frontline Ambassadors
● How is the team morale overall
● Was any additional training given this month, and if so, what?

● Are there any events planned for the team
● Any emails from the stakeholders or community-at-large members?

8. Were Block Audits Conducted

● Review with staff
● Could you review and present any thoughts/findings?

9. Was the weekly Management and Operations meeting held

● Yes or no, why not?

10. Walk the districts and look for any outstanding issues; if you see them bring them to the team and
track for closure.

General notes and observations:

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