Guidelines For Remote AGMM Annex A Draft

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Union Street, Eastwood Expansion, Eastwood City,

Barangay Bagumbayan, Quezon City, 1110


1. Pre – registration – Pre-registration shall start upon the announcement of the Notice of the Meeting to the
members on July 1, 2021May 26, 2023. Members or their duly appointed proxies shall submit in advance their
Letter of Intent to Participate (Annex “C”) in the meeting through formal notice to the Corporate Secretary by
accessing or by mail, courier, and
email, or submission in person at the Property Management Office (PMO). A corresponding link shall be
provided to the bona fide members for the virtual registration and validation on the actual date of the meeting.
Members may appoint their proxies through the Proxy Form herein attached as Annex “B”. The identity
validation process of the pre-registered members or their proxy shall start on July 1 until July 28, 2022., 2 days
before the meeting schedule

2. Virtual Registration/Validation Room – The Virtual Registration/Validation Room shall be opened at least two
(2) hours before 9:00 A.M. All attendees shall be required to present a valid government ID during the virtual
registration. Upon validation, the meeting link and passcode will be sent to the registered email of the
members together with the Official Ballot Form.

Members, or their proxies, shall put their real name and their tower and unit number (i.e, Juan Dela
Cruz, 1 Unit - 1X) as their Zoom username when registering in the Zoom conference so that the PMO may
properly record the attendance of the members. This will be the basis for accepting the member into the Zoom
meeting and more importantly, in determining the presence of a quorum. The cut-off for accepting members
for the purpose of determining the quorum will be at 08:30 AM.

3. Call to Order – After the cut-off for registration and other meeting programs have been facilitated (i.e., prayers,
national anthem, etc.), the Presiding Officer or the Chairman shall call the meeting to Order.

4. Determination of Quorum – For the purpose of determining the quorum, the presence of the majority of the
good standing members who have registered and have been accepted in the Zoom meeting before the cut-off
time will be considered. The PMO shall provide the Corporate Secretary the numbers based on the registration
process which includes the tally of the number of members in good standing who have registered and have
been accepted into the meeting. For this purpose, a real time tally shall be displayed in the screen/Zoom

5. In case of quorum and the election of officers is held:

 An advance nomination for the five (5) seats of the Association Officers shall be exercised and shall
commence upon the announcement of the Notice of the Annual General Meeting to the Members.

 Only members in good standing (Qualified Voters) are eligible to be nominated as officers or to
nominate other good standing members as candidates. A good standing member intending to run as
an Association Officer may file his candidacy through a Self-Nomination Form (Annex “D”) to be
accomplished and submitted to the Corporate Secretary through the Property Management Office
seven (7) days before the date of the actual meeting or by accessing the following link: Likewise, a member may
also nominate other members by submitting a duly accomplished Nomination Form (Annex “E”) signed
by both the nominating member and the nominee.

 A member in good standing may nominate up to five (5) nominees for the Board seats. For this
purpose, an additional nomination form may be requested from the PMO office.

 The cut-off for accepting nominees and candidates shall be seven (7) days before the meeting date
or until July 26, 2022. The Corporate Secretary shall then make an announcement to the Members of

Professionally managed by: First Oceanic Property Management

the list of the candidates without prejudice to the candidates’ rights under the Data Privacy Act of
2012. For

 this purpose, the candidate shall provide their consent with regard to the posting of their personal
information. The actual voting of Officers shall be conducted during the Annual General Meeting.

6. Voting Procedures:

 Upon due explanation of voting procedures by the Corporate Secretary, the Chairman will pronounce
the commencement of the election of Officers. The Google Ballot form link where votes may be cast
shall be reflected on the Zoom screen.

 The percentage of share votes must be counted based on the unit area owned by the voter. A tally
sheet shall be presented on the screen with the nominees’ column, total voters unit area, and
percentage of share votes.

 Only the votes of the members in good standing and their corresponding percentages shall be
counted. Good standing members are those who have fully paid their condominium assessments and
have no further outstanding obligations in this regard as of the April 2022 billing.

 After the voting, the top five (5) candidates garnering the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed
as the winners and the new duly elected officers of the Association.

In the event that the required case no quorum is presentnot achieved, the members present as a Body may
choose either whether to continue with the other items in the agenda and discuss the presentation of the
Annual Report or to adjourn the meeting.

7. Other Rules of the Meeting:

 All attendees shall be on mute during the reporting. The meeting facilitator will automatically, or from
time-to-time, put on mute attendees with their microphones on so as to not cause disruption of the

 The acceptance of queries and questions may be done in the pre-registration form. If there are still
questions pertaining to the whole association that are not covered during the General Assembly, feel
free to email at or

 All attendees are expected to behave in a polite and respectful manner. No derogatory remarks shall
be tolerated in the meeting and butting in when someone and speaking shall be prohibited. The
facilitator shall mute the microphone of any member who acts in a rude and disrespectful manner. The
Chairman of the meeting has full authority to call the member out of order, mute the microphone,
and/or instruct the facilitator to kick the member who will display rude and disrespectful manner
during the meeting upon due notice and warning to the member.

Professionally managed by: First Oceanic Property Management

Professionally managed by: First Oceanic Property Management

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