Joint Org April 6 2023 Agenda Packet

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Special Meeting of the Joint Organization Committee

Thursday, April 6, 2023 – 10:00 am

601 12th Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Oakland, CA 94607
Join Meeting via Zoom

1. Call to order, Sara de la Riva and Mike Guerra

2. Public comments and announcements

3. Approval of the minutes of the February 23, 2023, meeting Action Item

Adjournment into Executive Session

All staff and public attendees are required to leave the meeting at this time.
All decisions will be a part of public record according to Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act)

4. Confirm the recommendation of the Clean and Safe Committee to approve contracting with
the selected bidder for Clean and Safe Services in 2023 and recommend to the Joint Boards
for approval Action Item

5. Other

6. Next meeting date: TBD

7. Adjournment

Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporation posts agendas
with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of the agenda are available from the Downtown Oakland Association at 388 19th Street,
Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the
Joint Organization Committee Meeting
February 23, 2023 – 9:00 a.m.
Via Zoom Conference

Present: Mike Guerra, Sara de la Riva, Kim Bardakian, Jamie Flaherty-Evans, Courtney
Belanger, Nicole Price, Carmen Benjamin

Absent: Ruth Simon

Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Victoria Decker, Tamiko Garner, Mauton Akran, Charles

General Counsel: Daniel Schacht

Discussions held and decisions made by the Joint Organization Committee

Subject Discussion Action
Call to order The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m.
Public comments and ● Black Joy Parade festivities this weekend.
announcements ● 13th Street revamp final touches today (Feb 23).
● 1911 Telegraph property – working w/PG&E for
refund and Staff is hopeful that it will cover the
cost to return the space to its original condition.
OSA will lease from the City – basketball courts,
soccer pitch, and more.
Approval of the minutes of The minutes of the January 20, 2023, meeting were Mike Guerra moved, and
the January 20, 2023, presented to the committee for review. Nicole Price seconded the
meeting motion to approve the
minutes of the January
20, 2023, meeting as
presented. The motion
was approved

388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122  LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530  

Meeting with Mayor Thao –
Agenda Review Meeting February 24, 10 am in person meeting with
Staff, Board presidents and the Mayor at the Mayor’s
office. Agenda items include:

1. Standing monthly meetings

2. NCPC support (neighborhood crime prevention
council) - It has been determined that handling
this level of crime is a better mechanism for
facilitating robust NCPC. The mayor can
empower a liaison to help with solution-oriented
suggestions at the meeting. Asking the question.
Why is the crime happening? Captain Burch
(Downtown) and Captain Rosin (Uptown) oversee
areas 8x and 4x.
3. Activations at Frank H Ogawa Plaza - how the
Mayor’s office can support. Staff will provide a
sponsor/activation deck with suggested ways to
support. Meeting with staff on the 27th
specifically about activating the Plaza.

Review of New Board ● Alisa Orris with TMG has been active and
Nominees engaged on the Downtown board for several
● Michelle Lane has suggested Gregor Thibodeaux
to the Lake Merritt board as representative of
the Oakland Diocese.
● Sarah Fox has moved to a new position and is no
longer on the Downtown board.
Adjournment into Executive Session: 9:22 am
All staff and public attendees are required to leave the meeting at this time.
All decisions will be a part of public record according to Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act)
Confirm the Discussion, but no action taken. No action taken.
recommendation of the
Clean and Safe Committee
to approve contracting with
the selected bidder for
Clean and Safe Services
2023 and recommend to
the boards for approval.
Return from Executive Session: 9:46 am
Next Meeting Date TBD
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 a.m.

Minutes taken by: Tamiko M. Garner, Marketing and Administrative Coordinator

388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122  LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530  

Welcome to the Board!

Welcome to the Lake Merritt Uptown District Association Board of Directors. We appreciate your
willingness to serve. Our organization fills an important need in our community, and we believe that
you will find serving on the Board a rich and rewarding experience.

As a director, you and your fellow board members are responsible for overseeing the organization’s
operations, while maintaining our commitment to the organization’s mission. This involves
establishing our strategic direction, ensuring our compliance with all applicable legal requirements,
and keeping our organization financially healthy. Below are links to our corporate documents and
websites that will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a director. We encourage
you to refer to them whenever you have questions about your service on the Board of Directors. Hard
copies of any or all corporate documents can be made available to you upon request.

Mission: The Lake Merritt Uptown District Association is a Community Benefit District (CBD)
Management Corporation committed to revitalizing Oakland’s historic downtown by: Maintaining
cleanliness and order in the public rights-of-way, promoting district identity, building community,
promoting business attraction, fostering cultural opportunities and creating and maintaining new
public spaces.

Articles of Incorporation - Bylaws - District Management Plan - Disbursement Agreement - Bidding

Policies and Procedures - 2022 Areas of Focus Presentation - District Website – Oakland Central

A list of your fellow board members can be found on the website at

Staff Contact Information:

Steve Snider Andrew Jones

Executive Director Program Director
415-847-2903 510-384-7874

Tori Decker Tamiko Garner

Operations Director Marketing and Administrative Coordinator

Charles Taylor Mauton Akran

Program Coordinator Digital Media Coordinator
510-846-1774 510-815-4404
Welcome to the Board!

Welcome to the Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors. We appreciate your willingness
to serve. Our organization fills an important need in our community, and we believe that you will find
serving on the Board a rich and rewarding experience.

As a director, you and your fellow board members are responsible for overseeing the organization’s
operations, while maintaining our commitment to the organization’s mission. This involves
establishing our strategic direction, ensuring our compliance with all applicable legal requirements,
and keeping our organization financially healthy. Below are links to our corporate documents and
websites that will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a director. We encourage
you to refer to them whenever you have questions about your service on the Board of Directors. Hard
copies of any or all corporate documents can be made available to you upon request.

Mission: The Downtown Oakland Association is a Community Benefit District (CBD) Management
Corporation committed to revitalizing Oakland’s historic downtown by: Maintaining cleanliness and
order in the public rights-of-way, promoting district identity, building community, promoting
business attraction, fostering cultural opportunities and creating and maintaining new public

Articles of Incorporation - Bylaws - District Management Plan - Disbursement Agreement - Bidding

Policies and Procedures - 2022 Areas of Focus Presentation - District Website – Oakland Central

A list of your fellow board members can be found on the website at

Staff Contact Information:

Steve Snider Andrew Jones

Executive Director Program Director
415-847-2903 510-384-7874

Tori Decker Tamiko Garner

Operations Director Marketing and Administrative Coordinator

Charles Taylor Mauton Akran

Program Coordinator Digital Media Coordinator
510-846-1774 510-815-4404

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