Bullying in Schools

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Bullying in schools

Bullying is a common occurrence in schools. What is

bullying? A group of students isolate one student and
get onlookers to support or remain neutral. Bullies
taunt and tease before physically bullying the target.
Bullying occurs as physical, emotional and mental
abuse, cyber torture and sexual harassment. Bullies
come in all shapes and sizes. Boys are more physical
bullies whereas girls are verbal social bullies.
Bully teenagers are themselves the victims,
retaliating against victimization, suffering from physical,
mental issues and low self-esteem. Bullied victims
exhibit withdrawal and submissive symptoms, become
vulnerable and easy targets.
Bullied victims are depressed, suicidal and
insecure, thirsting for revenge. Sometimes they turn
into bullies themselves. Solutions are difficult. Adults
especially parents and authority figures as role models
should be made aware of bullying incidents and take
proactive measures like building up defence techniques
for the bullied, counselling bullies and instilling in them
moral values.
When teenagers respect others and live
harmoniously, community living would be thorn-free
and carefree.

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