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Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy

Small bowel capsule endoscopy allows your doctor to examine the lining of your small intestine. You will
swallow a capsule the size of a large vitamin pill that contains a camera. You will wear a belt with a battery
pack and small data recorder for 8 hours the day of the procedure. You will not be able to eat for 4 hours after
swallowing the capsule. You may go about your normal daily activities while wearing the belt. The capsule is
disposable and will be excreted naturally in a bowel movement. You do not need to retrieve or return the


Virginia Mason Seattle—Buck Pavilion, Level 1 Virginia Mason Seattle—Jones Pavilion, Level 5
(After check-in, proceed to Level 3) (Access Jones via Level 5 of Central/Buck Pavilions)
1100 Ninth Ave., Seattle, WA 98101 1010 Spring St., Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 223-2319 (206) 223-2319

▪ STOP taking all iron supplements.
▪ You may not undergo any magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for 3 days following your capsule study.
Please reschedule any MRI within this timeframe.
▪ You may take your regular medications today.
▪ After 5 p.m., begin clear liquid diet, such as Jell-O, apple juice and broth, and continue for the rest of
the day.
▪ At 5 p.m., drink 1 bottle of lime-flavored magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate can be purchased at
any pharmacy. It is a laxative and should produce a bowel movement, so be sure to be near a restroom
after taking it.
▪ After 12 midnight: Nothing to eat or drink.
▪ DO NOT have any X-rays that involve swallowing liquid contrast 24 hours prior to your exam. If you
must do so, please call our office to reschedule your appointment.
▪ DO NOT take your morning medications unless your provider has given you additional instructions to
do so.
▪ Diabetic patients: If you take insulin, please call the provider who manages your insulin prior to the
procedure for instructions.
▪ DO NOT eat or drink anything this morning.
▪ Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Please wear a top made of natural fibers, such as cotton or linen
(avoid polyester).
(Continued on page 2)

▪ Avoid vigorous exercise during the study.
▪ You can resume your regular diet during the test, but please avoid drinking acidic and carbonated
beverages, including soda, beer, wine, and juices like orange, tomato, grapefruit or other citrus juices.
▪ DO NOT take any antacid medications during the test.
▪ You will return to the GI Department in downtown Seattle 8 hours after you swallow the capsule.
▪ You will be able to return to your normal activities.
▪ Your study results will be available to your ordering physician within 10 days.
▪ Questions? Please call us at (206) 223-2319.

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