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Ch 05

Niccolò Machiavelli
1. Basic Introduction

2. Machiavelli’s views on
a. Classification of forms of the government. **
b. Thoughts on Religion
c. Thoughts on Politics
i. Ideas on morality in Politics.

3. Why is Machiavelli regarded as the Father of Modern Political Thought? **

a. Contribution in history of political thought

4. Criticism

Ch 07
John Locke
1. Basic Introduction
2. Locke's Idea on
a. State of Nature
b. Natural Rights
c. Social Contract
d. Civil Society

3. Locke’s views on
a. Consent
b. Resistance
c. Tolerance

4. Explain John Locke's statement “In all cases, while the government subsists, the
legislative is the Supreme Power.”

Ch 08
1. Introduction

2. Concept of General Will. ****

3. Critique of civil society. ****

4. Explain the statement, ‘‘Rousseau’s Sovereign is Hobbes’ Leviathan with his head
chopped off.’’ **

5. Criticism

Ch 10
1. Immanuel Kant's views on
a. Perpetual Peace **
b. Social Contract & the State *
c. Universal law of right
d. Political ideas on Morality

2. Immanuel Kant’s views on human reason. *

a. Examine Kant’s transcendental idealist view of human reason. ***

3. Why Kant’s Philosophy considered international?

Ch 13
J.S. Mill
1. Mill’s views on
a. Representative Democracy ***
b. Justification for equal rights for Women **
c. Idea on Utilitarianism *
d. Concept & Importance of Individual liberty *

2. “It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied,” Explain. *

3. “After Food and clothing, liberty is the want of human nature,” Explain.

Ch 14

1. Hegel’s views on
a. Theory of State ***
b. Idealism *
c. Concept of Dialectics
d. Philosophy of History ***
e. Freedom of Individual *
f. Civil Society

2. “State is the March of God on Earth”, Explain. *

Ch 15
Karl Marx
1. Karl Marx’s views on
a. Theory of Class war *
b. Theory of Alienation ******
c. Historical Materialism **
d. Surplus Value **
e. Views on Revolution *
f. Vision of communist society

2. “The economic structure of society constituted by its relations of productions is the real
foundation of society,” Explain. *

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