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SIA TS Bite ti) ee eo Pek ‘The American Language Course (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language program for teaching English fo vocational and professional purposes. tis designed primarily for intensive English language ‘raining ina classroom seting but ean ely be adapted for slower paced instruction. The AL's cutculum ‘nas been developed by the Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), which isa US Department of Defense setool under the operational contol ofthe US Air Force. The primary focus ofthe ALC is to provide s language curiculum fra diverse international miliary population, To that end, the «course includes not only general English tpies, but also military topis of a general nature bighlighing the ‘ypical language military personne wil encounter in their professional and voeational eater fies, The ALC ths, however, also een very successfully used in non-military learning envionment and in US high schools vith immigrant student populations Course components The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1-30 consist of he following > Instructor text (TT) » Student text(ST) > Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE) > Audio recordings (tape oF CD) > Language laboratory ativites text with audio sexipts and answer key (LLAT) > Computer delivered ineratve multimedia instrution (IMI for Levels LIV > Quiz kit > Optional taining sds inquiries and orders Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications 0 DLIBLCMLESE. 2225 Andrews Avene Lackland Air Fore Base, Texas 782365259 Ell eile estonia ©2009 by Defense Languige Institute English Language Center and is licensors. Notice of Rights: AI sights reserved. No pat ofthis bok may'be reprodvced oe tasmited in any form or by any means, electronic, ‘mechanical, photocopying, recording, or edherwise, without the price writen permission of the publisher Various photos courtesy of US Air Foree, US Army, US Marines, US Department of Agriculture (USDA), US Department of Defense, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the US Libary of Congress This book supersedes ALC Book 20 Sudent Tet January 1991 Second Ein, January 2009 Seventh printing, September 2012 Booka PERCE ALC Book 20: Scope & Sequence, Lessons 1-5 > Buying a usod car Equa nequalty wih ‘35 many!much («noun Reviow: adverbs of dog It, toss, tho last, ‘mucin, more, tre most 1, |@ookig across. |-Askatout | Reviews act |= Ropes a dialog wth sross Amores Srlomess |"guitos Cepow ieaton arenes | aumnty [> Wenav iiotime. |, vite. parptace howe The Review: how many/ much |» Listenvwrite transitions: fvazing pateliedlanal eres were, eens untncun + of¢ | pasate cussion Irredonts rain oles “it orev bout Dont get Texas! vr: anteater ty ~ roma esos some tione of aw, |, Stererygesary ery ‘eid @ |wovig iowarts |-Aactr | passve ore win | Scona graphic agarine once Srcgve | pevet/past ores | Repeat dlog wh sess Peace ptcton | Saba! arene aneeace | cote inematon Condition a” ote when else, how else, > Participate in a discussion >tanofpesce? | 5 | wnyelce > Wie a parapivase ano war prone ato oce, | Salecta nord tcomplte = ier ronoune: uno ace, | en (os) peace - Wr a pragaph ator tees hemiboeore @ |Auemotve ——_|-vandng [onion vee varex tec |> Repeat a ao wth arcs Srerette as |"tagay — |Netbaeeateantete. |” onnow hiomaion Pracigenoe | erodes | Vanrhintose) ined, | va sunmary —— rb + to be (direct abject) |* Write notes: Tete ston hapeteper iy taal Parte na deasson Te ira Lets deg ‘combustion Reported speech: past to - cone taal prea + The tansisson Nouns vers tapes pen ‘t-Wor-ive 4 |Atomotie ——|-Askaoon [comparatve/superaive [> Ustenvatevansons Syetoms:Par uw |" andeqess |Cadecnepronam | ute ancmore about Pinecooing | ‘easmnand | guaiors ‘dctonryiseny erry oan purpese | so tha «adverb cause |> Wie summary > The hbricaton pupose abel diagram sytem > wt rote 5 [Pe Lesson 5 reviews al vocabulary and structure intoduced in Lessons 1~4 "AERCAN LANGUAGE COURSE Notes to the Student = “The American Language Course focuses on four components of language learning: vocabulary, grammatical sructures, language functions, and skills. ‘+The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as wel as expressions) thatthe learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English. Each new lesson builds on the vocubulary ofthe aevious lessons. The language included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vecational contexts. significant feature ofthe General English phase ofthe ALC is that military vocabulary is included wherever applicable. + The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced, The grammatical structures presented in the lessons are the Forms a language learner needs in onder to speak and write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or ables that serve to cus the learner’ attention on the particular structure being prevented, + Language funetions ae the ways we use a language to communicate, In each lesson, exercises ‘that Focus on Funetions show the lester how and when to use certain words, phrases, and ‘+ Inaddition, language and academic skills exercises ae interspersed throughout the lessons. ‘These focus on developing the learner's language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and ‘The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the content ofthe current book. ‘The Four columns outline the new material sit relate to the language acquisition components Aeseribed above, Each leson begins with a table of contents followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a surumary ofthe new material presented in the lesson. Bac ALLC book has four lessons introducing new material and one review lesson, These are followed by & homework section and daily evaluation exercises. Various appendices are also included. ‘The homework and the evaluation exercises are a the back of this text. It generally takes about two hours to complete the daly Nomework assignments. The evaluation exercises are short quizzes that {give both the teacher and the student feedback on how well students have leaned the material ‘The appendices follow te fifth lesson. Appendix A provides an alphabetical lst of new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word or phrase is introduced is, provided next co the entry. Appendix B presents a ist of grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with each entry for easy reference. The other appendices ae included as reference materials, BOOK 20 PREFACE =e USER NOTES - ‘RNEICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Book 20 LESSON 1: LESSON 2: LESSON 3: LESSON 4: LESSON 5: APPENDICES: erEermeogk2 Cooking across America Moving towards peace ‘Automotive systems: Part Automotive systems: Part IL Review .. Word List Glossary Structure List Active Tenses Conditional Sentences Modals and Related Structures in the ALC Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs Patterns of Irregular Verbs I: American English Sounds Punctuation and Capitalization Lesson Resources: BOLI #1 B20L2.4#1 B20L3 #1 B20L3 #2, B20L3 #3 B20L4 #1 B20L4 #2 B20LS #1 Listening skill (Transit mal words) ‘Speaking skill (Discussion cards) ,. Grammar (Exercise C) Vocabulary (Automotive parts) Dialogs (Problem role-plays) .....csseeseeress Dialogs (Game cards) Listening skill (Transitional words) Listening skill (Transitional words) K: US Military, Ranks, Grades, and Insignia LL: Language Functions for Better Communication HOMEWORK: EVALUATION EXERCISES: ‘BOOK PRERICE Contents 29 55 87 us Al AB Bl cr El Fu Gl HI LH FL 13 4s WT 19 Fu 13 FIs HIT Kl ul HW-1 ET “USER NoTES - "REREAN LANGLAGE COURSE Cooking across America VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR REVIEW: VOCABULARY: SPEAKING: warnne: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: LISTENING: warrna: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR REVIEW: DiaLogs: READING: BO es Food from all over the USA ‘Tony Russi’s show: The Amazing Microwave . Much many! some any fete. NOUN West Coast ingredients Using stress o emphasize new information Paraphrasing a text Don’t forget Texas! 1 drank most of the coffee. Identifying transitional words ‘Taking notes Microwave recipes How many bags of chips do you want? How many cans of soda should T buy? Using the glossary Chili—A typical American dish 16 0 18 2 23 28 26 | Preview | What's Soon | NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs bet bake cost become of groceries bet/bet/bet ingredient call for jar combine Tabet create lise depend on mixture tty purchase ive away quantity rill recipe list set mix vitamin purchase put/put/put off separate stir tear up GRAMMAR STRUCTURES How many boxes do you have? have several boxes of books, ‘Some of them are really heavy. Other a good deal of a great deal of altogether apart apart from baked can’t help feel like fried from time to time ‘most mostly on hand separate thus LANGUAGE FUNCTION ‘Ask about and express quantity. ‘We need two gallons of milk. How much coffee should I make? Make four cups of coffee Do we have enough fruit? We have plenty of apples, but we could use some oranges and a bunch of bananas, "RERICANUNGLAGE Sole TNIEYSVE Food from all over the USA Look atthe map, and discuss the questions below with a pariner vt 2, Wits themt paar ain y ¥ ae wm. your country? \ 3, Name some methods of cooking used in your country. 4, Which meats, fruits, vegetables, or spices come from different pats of your country? zl oo LESSON ee Re Tony Russi’s show: The Amazing Mi “Welcome to The Amazing Microwave, the show where I teach you how to prepare delicious reeipes using your microwave ‘oven, I'm your host, Tony Russ. ‘This week I've created some typical American recipes for you to make. To get the ingredients for these recipes, T did 1 great deal of traveling all over the US. But you don’t have to travel so far. The recipes eall for ingredients that you probably have on hand. If you {don't have them available, you can purelase them with the rest of your groceries. Til be showing you how to make Baked Apples with Maple Syrup, Caesar Salad, and President’s Barbecued Chicken. We've listed the complete recipes on our website, so you can make them yourself Let's get started. To make the baked apples, I needed maple syrup, so 1 traveled to the state of Vermont, where I met Jacob Alen on his farm.” ‘Tony: I'm here with Jacob Allen and his, tubes running from yeur tees to those tanks? Jacob: I'm collecting sap from the trees to make maple syrup. Vermont makes ‘more maple syrup tha any other state inthe U ‘Tony: How long does it take to turn sap into syrup, and how much syrup do you get from one tree? Jacob: Wel, it takes eight hours to boil the sap long enough to become syrup. The ‘quantity I get depends on the diameter of the trees, but mast give me about a {quart of syrup. Here’s.a bottle for you to try, ‘Tony: ‘The label says 100% maple syrup. [le it tastes great, Thank you. 18 = °°» —EFICAN ANSON COURSE HEEGEESSEN Write T tor true or F for false. - Make the fase statement: true. 4, Tony got apples in Vermont. 1, Tony Russi made his own recipes. 5. Tony expects to like the maple syrup. 2, He didn’thave to travel very far to get the ingredients. 3. Most people will have the ingredients for the recipes in their kitchens. EERE Complete each sentence with a word from the box. label groceries set recipe 1. My mother makes the best 2. This is a traditional 3. My uncle gave usa 4, Does your country produce a large list quantity bet baked fish in the world —_________ from my country. of dishes for our anniversary, of oil? 5. My wife usually cleans the house, and I buy the —_— 6. Can you all of the problems you've had with the new apartment? 7. Check the {see if that shirt can be washed in hot water. 8, Mike loves to 1o0« at tools. IL department right now: that he's in the tool EGA match th est __ 1. Inthe US, college costs don’t have any 2. 3. My recipe fr lemon cake 4, Tim ought to purchase 5s ‘You'll need potatoes, carrots, ‘00K LESSONT 4 new suit for his job interview, calls for one cup of sugar and other ingredients to make soup. ‘a great deal of money. sugar on hand e | ry Cres day reer ‘ai oncount nouns ne Pred erg ir core fer [oF with count nouns | with noncount nouns with both count & noneount nouns many | roach alinte afew = lite a oe alotof eae lots of | Se areata ‘> These adjectives are indefinite quantifiers, which describe a general amount of something. EXERSSSLN Undertine Julia is giving a big party ina few days. She has several things to do before the party, but she hasn't taken any time off from work to finish preparing fori, She's expecting a lot of people, so she needs plenty of food, She's already bought most of the groceries she needs, In fact, she’s spent a good deal of money ‘on food. Now she has begun tc:cook for the party, so great deal of her spare time has been spent on cookin Julia needs more chairs, She's going to borrow some garden chairs from her neighbor. Because her husband Bab has added on to the patio, she'll have enough room for all the guests. She has gotten lots of help from her sister Ann but not ‘much help from her husband. TRERCAN LANGUAGE COURSE BEER wite short answors trom the information in Exercise A.) Underline how much, hew many, or any and the moun thax follows. 1. How many people is Julia expecting? lotof people How much food does she need? How many things does she stil have to do? Has she bought ny groceries? How much money has she spent on food? 6. Is she going to borrow any chairs? 7. How much room will there be? 8, How much time as she taken off from work? 9. How much time nas she spent on cooking? 10. Has Ann given Julia any help? How much and how many are used to ask questions about quantities. EEEEEEGIGR Write a few sentences about a city you know well, Choose five ropes from the box. Use w quantifier from the chart on the previous page tn each sentence. Then share the information in small groups. museums, shopping malls parks and gardens traffic hospitals good restaurants unemployment factories, libraries ‘entertainment universities pollution (There are several universi- | ties in my city and plenty. [ ‘of good restaurants. There is little pollution because = — | there ew Scores ) d\ oe SOT a Raza LINETaVE West Coast ingredients “Welcome back to The Amazing Microwave. Next, I needed apples and other fruit and vegetables for my recipes, so T visited two states on the West Coast of the US. I went to an apple orchard in Washington and a fruit and vegetable mar- et in California, ‘Tony: Ann: Tony: Here I am in Ann Harti’ apple orchard. Ann, apart from the colors red, yellow, and green, I don't know ‘much about apples. Well, Tony, Washington grows nine varieties and each varity has different qualities. Thus, some are mostly good to eat raw, and some sre better to cook with. The apples in this orchard are called Golden Delicioas. They make great snacks. If you feel like picking some, take as many as you like. ‘Thanks, Ann. {know Ieally should wait to eat these at home, bat I have to try one right now. Iean’t help it. 181 Ceioe ‘Tony: Today I'm at Ortiz’s Fruit and Alex and Tony at the markt Tony: Alex: ‘Tony. Alex: Vegetable Market with the owner, Alex Ortiz, Alex, I know California grows a good deal of the fruits and vegetables that we eat in the US. Alex: ‘That’ right, Tony. Altogether, California grows 350 different fits tnd vegetables, all full of healthy vitamins, I sell most of them depending on what's in season, Great, Ihave oranges, lemons, and lettuce on my at this time of the yeas? Thave them all, Help yourself Do you have any of those Great! I see some large oranges over there. What's the east per po ‘They're $1.25 per pound. Let’s try some. %1 ‘NUEPOCAN LANGUAGE COURSE HEGEL write short answers to each question your instructor asks. 1 4 = 3 6 BEEEEISGEN Replace the underined word with a word from the box. | mostly apart from cost altogether a good deal of raw 1. What’ the price ofthat diamond ring? 2. Mike chiefly reads adventure stories, 3. Your dog eats lat of food, 4, Tike t cat uncooked vegetables 5, With the exception of peas, dislike vegetables 6. My mother has two brothers, and my father has three: inal, Thave five uncles, HEGRE Fotow the steps to ist in the box belo Then compare your list witha partner. 1. Make a list of your six favorite activities. 2. Onthe lis, circle two of the activities that ‘you fee! like doirg today after clas. 3. Apart from these two activities, things that you'd like to do this weekend, circle (wo Poke een — | Ez ki Using stress to emphasize new information 1. Listen and repeat. Listen 10 your instructor read the dialogs. Then repeat them, using the stress correctly. 7 1. A: Do you have any pets? 3. A: Ineed a pen. 7 va B: Yes, Ihave a cat B: What cofor do you need’? iz Z need a red one. 2. A: Did anyone call? ce eet 7 B: Yes, Steve did, je We stress content words t let the listener know wihich words are important. We also stress words that bring new information to the sentence. HI, Listen and mark the stress. Listen to your instructor read the dialogs. Mark the stress: Then read the dialogs with a partner, using the stress correctly. 1. A: Who made this soup? 3. A: What kind of bag do you prefer? B: Chris made it B: T'd prefer plastic, please 2, A: Did you buy a car? 4. A: Is Colonel Winters here? B: Yes, [bought a red one. B: No, but Colonel Smith isin. Il, Mark the stress and practice. With a parmer, mark the stress inthe dialogs. Then practice the dialogs, using the stress correct 1. A: Who opened this jar of pickles? 3. A: Where are you moving to? B: Bob opened it, B: To Delaware, next month. 2. A: Did you lock the door? 4, A: Do you like your new job? B: [think I forgot, Bs Yes, really ike it A: You'te so forgetful A: Are they still hiring? = "RUERIGAD LANGUAGE COURSE Paraphrasing a text Listen 1o a text. Then conplete the flow chart. ‘Studying for a Test begin early r bjpouseh <— << with others Pee 4 1500420 LESSON T aa clot AEIET igs Don't forget Texas! “Welcome ack to The Amazing Microwave. From time to time, I like to visit Texas to eat some barbecue, I got some ‘cooking ideas and a famous sauce recipe from Amy Lee, win- ner of the Cowboy Barbecue Contest in Dallas, Texas.” ‘Tony: I'mhere with Amy Lee, who won the contest for Dallas’s Best Barbecued Chicken. Amy, I just finished tasting your chicken, and it’s d tell me how you made it Amy: I'm glad you like it, Tony. The cook- ing method and the sauce are my two secrets. I bake the chicken for a short time before I grill it, Tever fry it, and I never cut it apart until it’s fully cooked. ‘Tony: I'll make a bet that you created the sauce recipe, and that it's a secret. Amy: No, it’s no secret, The sauce is a favorite one of a former US President from ‘Texas, Lyndon Johnson. I can give you the recipe. Tony: ‘That's great! [ook forward to making it, 1 “Thope you've enjoyed seeing my trips around the US as much as I enjoyed taking them. Before we start cooking, let me remind you about the contest on our website. We're sgiving away a wonderful vacation to New York, Winners will get wo tickets to my show, a stay in a great hotel, and the chance to taste some really terrific food and wine ‘There's no purchase necessary, so don’t put off entering. Do it today! Now, ets find out what will become of all bose wonderful items I collected, Let’s star cooking!” = - : FEFICAN LANGUAGE COURSE 1m pal Answers wil vary. What kinds of food can be grilled fried bread steak eggs Conplete each question with a word from the bo» ‘Then ask and answer the questions with a parmer: 1. Do you often ______ items you no longer want? pat off ’ : : ‘What places do you like to visit 2 from time to time [ Se 3. What is an activity that people often purchase 4. Have you ever won an important give away a wl 5. Have you ever made a large —_____ that you regretted afterwards? ‘00K LESSON haa ite of it, but Bob = had some coffe, 100. Bob brought his own coffe from home. I drank most of your coffee m) make some more. C Hey! Who drank all, ‘of my coffee? > A.quantifier indicates the amount of something in general: some coffee. Using of after a quantifier can limi: the amount to just a part ofa larger amount: some of your oe | —qoenmers wen or ola ane Sane, ee [ many two ‘count nouns aie both | of | the students ee a ‘noncount nouns alittle of your coffee ite . . half some. oe | | ee ‘noncount nouns ‘most none / your coffee a ‘4 A.quantitir + of's usually followed by words such as the, your, these, six, or pronouns such as i, them, yours, ee. = NGAGE COURSE Gary: Allen: Gary: Dylan: Mia Sil: Pete: Toby: Jane: Mayor: ‘00K LESSON Read each dialog and cit My wife wants to change the color ofthe living room to blue or green, think either of those colors is fine, but it’s up t0 me to do the p How much of your free time do you think the painting will ake? T think it will use up too much of itt TF Gary likes both of the colors his wife is considering for the walls. TF Probably more than half of Gary’s free time will be spent paint Mia, how many of the steaks in the freezer should I take out for the party? ‘Take out five of the big ones forthe adults and three of the little ones For the kids, TF There are more than eight steaks in Mia's freezer, ‘There are 20 children in my third grade class, Most of them behave well, A few of them behave less well, and one of them is very difficult. TF About fifteen of Jill's students behave well, TF Around four of them don’t behave well. AlLof my neighbors have modern TVs. Half of them even have two or three TVs, Idon’t think any of them has an old TV that needs an antenna. TF Quite few of Pete’s neighbors have two or more TVs. TF Pote thinks none of them has an old TV anymore. [My friend Justin and his brother Dustin love rock music. Both of them play in a local rock band, Justin plays the drums, and Dustin plays the bass. Neither of the brothers is good enough to play the lead guitar yet, TF _ Either of the brothers plays well enough to play the lead guitar, How much of the town was destroyed by last week’s hurricane? Half of the town was destroyed. A lot of the rest was severely damaged. Little of cur town remains in good shape. TF _ Very few of the buildings in the town remain whole Fill in each blank with a phrase from the box. J either of them two of tem all of them none of it all of it ‘most of them none of them any of them 1. Jan doesn’t like any of my cock CDs. She thinks ___are awful 2, We have few vegetables to sell because the summer heat killed 3, Six of the eight students studied atthe library. ______studied elsewhere, 4. ‘There’s no more coffee because Paul drank 5. Ltvied on all of the women’s coats inthe store, but I didn’t buy 6. Ms, Kem enjoys her class because all of the students behave well. behave badly. 7. Ken got lots of advice about preparing for the quiz, but helped. He failed anyway. 8. Wendy, Ann, and Kira chose two movies to go and see. Their friend Sonya didn’t go with them because she didn’t want to see Identifying transitional words Listen 1o paragraph, and check te transitional words you hear Then use the checked words to complete the paragraph on Page I-3 besides however 1 ination | but terete | ee le AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Eze Taking notes ‘Read the text below, and complete the time line The Civilian Soldier Colin Powell was the first African-American Secretary of State. Before he reached that high position, he had had an outstanding career as both a civilian and as a member of the military. He was bor in Harlem, New York, in 1937, In 1954, he graduated from high school and began work ng on a bachelor’s degree in geology. At the same time, he joined the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). When he graduated in 1958, he received a commission as a second lieutenant in the US Army. Between 1962 and 1970, he served ‘wo tours in Vietnam, where he received both the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. In 1970, after his tour of duty, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and began working in the White House under President Nixon. In 1979, he was promoted to brigadier general, and in 1987, he became the National Security Advisor under President Reagan. He retted from the Aemy in 1993 but he continued his government service. In 2001, Powell reached the highest position of his career—Secretary of State. Throughout his long career, Colin, Powell has definitely set an example as an honorable soldier and a loyal civilian, 1987 + born in Harlem, NY 1954+ + joined ROTC 1958+ 1962+ + promoted to lieutenant colonel 1979+ 1987+ + retired from the army 2001+ Booka lEssONT NNT Microwave recipes ‘Address _http:/www.theamazingmicrowave.dlirecipes THE AMAZING MICROWAVE: Recipes Cooking words you need to know | Pel] tormovete kn of tor vega tho sin ars remoed Chap} to cuties Pour focal pt unt anche dh Spine | cep anal eons of fod cs the op someting Met | to heat bod unit becomes st Grate | t0 cut oo into very smal pices by pushing it against a gate, ‘which stool with a rough side 4 eppes (center cutout; 1% in. section peed rom the top) 4 tablespoon raisins tablespoons chopped nus gated peel from one orange 2 tablespoons fresh oango juice tablespoons resh lemon ice 4 cup maple syup ‘Apple with centr cut out Arrange the apples in a large dish with sides, They shouldn't touch each other or the side ofthe dish. Fill each apple with a mixture of the raisins, nuts, and orange peel. Combine the juices and syrup, and pour it around the apples Cover the dish with plastic wrap. Make sure the wrap sticks tight but doesn’t touch the tops of the apples. Place the dish in the microwave, and cook on high far 9 minutes. Remove the dish from the microwave, tnd make a %-inch hole in the plastic. Set the dish aside for 5 minutes. Uncover and serve with maple syrup. a "RERCAN LANGUAGE COURSE CAESAR SALAD 2 teaspoons chopped garic 6 tablespoons olive ot 1 teaspoon salt ‘cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons resh lemon juice ‘ead romaine lettuce 1 teaspoon Wboestershire sauce 1 cup croutons 1 cooked egg{see separate drectons)* pepper otaste ‘To make the salad dressing, mix the garlic and salt together in a bow, Mix in the lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Stir in the egg until the mixture is thick. While stirring, slowly pour in the olive oil. Finally, add 2 tablesfoons of the Parmesan cheese ‘Separate the lettuce leaves, Wash the lettuce and tear it up. Place half of the salad dressing and the eroutons in the bottom of a large bow Mix. Add the letuce and remaining mixture, Serve sprinkled with Par- mesan cheese and pepper. How 10 cook an egg in the microwave: break the egg into a small bowl, ‘and cook for 15 seconds, Presivenrs BarsecurD Cricken cup buter cup lemon juice cup ketch ‘cup Worcestersie sauce cup red wine vinegar B chicken logs Melt the butler in a dish. Add the remaining ingredients (except the chicken), and stir until mixed. Cook for 1 minute, ‘Arrange the chicken in a dish so that the meatier parts are toward the outside oft ‘Spoon the sauce over the chicken, turning the chi en (0 cover all sides. Cover the dish tightly with plastic wrap, and cook it in the microwave on high for 12 minutes. rr ieee 1 teaspoon Sm [tablespoon Te cup sTe, 0K LESSONT Write each word from the box in a eat ‘Some words may ga in more than one categor apart stir mixture combine altogether bet separate mix tear up Nouns. Verbs Adjectives Adverbs BEEN Seite seotanover >} 1. You need an open fire 10 a. grill b. ist 2. [think thatthe best way to cook chicken is 10 a. combine b. bake ©. create 3. I need to make a few a. labels b. vitamins purchases 4. My brother and Thave a. fomup . created ©. fired 5. My doctor recommended that I take a. vitamins b. recipes cc. groceries ‘meat and vegetables. it, atthe pharmacy. ‘anew game called fireball, every morning. "RERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE 10, 14 Boa LESSONT Eggs break very casily. __, you should be careful when you touch them. a, From time to time b. Thus ©. Apart from Why did Jack: a. mix bi. sharpen ©. tear up the leter you wrote him? Could you help me open this ‘of mayonnaise? b. jar c. recipe Do you know what a. became of be gave away c. putoff ‘Andy's old motorcycle? {’d like to make sandwiches, but I don’t think T have any bread a. separate >. apart from ©. onhand ‘We are planning on taking a trip this weekend, but it. ‘a. combines depends on . becomes of the weather You'll never finish your homework if you keep a purchasing it b. depending on it putting itoft 1 know I shouldn ¢ eat more des a can't help b. bet ©. created it. but I just We need more oi. if we are going to b. fy ©. combine this chicken, ee Review: How many bags of chi Write the name of each item next the quantity it's usually packaged in 1. abottle of 8. aslice of 2. apotof_____________ 9, abunch of _ 3. acupot 10. asetof 4. abowlof____________ 11. aloarof _ 5. ajarof 12, apack of 6. acanof 13. apairof = 7. abagof____ 4. aba of [ESCM Listen anc complete the shopping list. 4 cans of com 6. 1 bag of potato chips (onion flavor) Eva How many cans of soda should ! buy? | -Maich the answers withthe questions. Write the leter 1 How aay ounces chat? abl ‘Whaat cbout eggs? Do we need any? C says there are twelve ) ounces. That's plenty for How much sugar should we buy? \° ae —, _myrecipe. How many cans of soda should I get? How many teaspoons of sale does. es “d. We have one bottle. >, terse cal Nana) 7] \ oughtto doit, 7 (a We only (0. alls for one qua oon haveatew dole» { ter teaspoon, That —. (tars Lets gota ( doesn’t seem like Ve €.No- West \ two-pound bag. / \_much sal, _/ (ave six of the brown NN ‘ones and two of the } Ve £.Then we're 6. How much potato salad should T make? ee 10 you need any cigarettes? food 8, Most of the class is coming tothe party ——— 9, Is that set of seredrivers complete? gli kave one 10. You wanted me to get lage can of T'll need another pepper, didn’t you? {nck soon \ A. /iNowit's sup- eae Ti Between wo posed iobeaset) / i Yes did, We ‘want to be sure we} \_have enough, are missing, nee CT | [EEXEECEGM spena $45 on grocer - ossibl, without spending move than $45, You may only buy You must spend as clase to $45, =e] oof the same item, for example, nwo ounces of cheese, vo quarts of milk, ete 750 int o: ‘San mile ‘Salon 2pinis = Tquart aie she suart ("4 quarts = _Tgallon Let’s start with 2 quarts of ice cream. That makes $4. gpoccrncnccnsr Lace (‘want wo add 2 pounds) Ststakforsi2.) ecm "Plus two 10-pound ) bags of potatoes for | $13. That makes $29 s0 far ~~ TRERIGAN LANGUAGE COURSE ICEYlat i Using the glossary Using this Book's glossary, write the guide word which appears on the same page as each word, You have I minute for ecch group. left guide word 1, peave a 2. list Group1 3. worvout 4, exhaust 5. spark 2. freeiom Group2 3. war aoe 4. gear 5. create jestions. Use the gl 1. What does the abbreviation m stand for? What part of speech is threat? 3. How many definitions does engage have? 4. What ist e definition of the noun form of filter? OR (eSSON Iara steraea = LSU Chili—A typical American dish Select one word from each gray bex 19 write onthe line Chili is one of America’s mest popular dishes. It's easy to make, and it doesn't costa Jot, Chili ean be made with ingredients that most Americans already ° ___ on hane in thei kitchens. And if you're lacking something, you can easily change @ ee ________ recipe and create a new kind chili, He isa basic recipe that you ean start with, First, cut some onions and cook them in a pan with half a pound of ground beet. When the ground beef @_____ completely cooked, mixin salt, pepper, and chili powder, ©_____can purchase chili powder at the grocery store. ©__, add a talfa cup of water, two tomatoes, @———— * avcan of beans. You can also add any other ingredient ©. fou think ‘might taste good, Cook this mixture for about 20 minutes, sting frequently. When the chili starts to thicken, it's ready to eat. Serve the chili with rice oF com bread, and enjoy! o e ° ° take the ‘0 is have of does ‘cook too by makes ° © e ° You ‘Then next whether The First and where 1 But all that = TERE ESEEEEME Fl out the recipe card for a food you know how to make. ‘Then describe toa partner how to prepare the food. ’ Recipe for: Ingredients: CO | BEE BEE Direction: 6 | USER NOTES ~ AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Moving towards peace VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: SPEAKING: VOCABULARY: WRITING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DiaLoss: WRITING: 100K 20 LESSON? Military topics: Security Force Protection Condition, Classes are being offered Using stress to emphasize new information Participating in a group discussion Man of peace / Man of war Paraphrasing a text International peacekeeping forces What else do you plan on doing as president? What else do you like to do? Process paragraphs taeadiaige What's new in Lesson 2? NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs other ally alert additonal attack attack alert bate suthorize neutral border @ call up nevertheless combat defend @ onalert defense define secure enemy engage @ take control of freedom intain @ take sides member notify take steps peace settle @ property takeover security threaten situation threat GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION The letter i being writen right now. Ask for and give addtional information and comments, Brett’s car was being fixed, so his friend took him to work What else should we bring to the party? Fm not sure what else we should bring. enjoy playing soccer. ‘What else do you like to do? also enjoy playing basketball. ~ RERICAN NORGE COURSE WXEAIETANM Military topics: Security | Discuss she differen level of security shown in these pictures Book a0 LESSONE MeL TIELN ES Force Protection Condition | ‘The chart below describes Force Protection Condition, or FPCON. It is a system that indicates the threat to US military bases and other areas from terrorists. It describes how security forces should respone (o different threat levels. The commander of US Northern ‘Command (USNORTHCOM) decides what the FPCON will be forall the installations in the continental United States. Individual commanders may increase their local FPCON if they want, but they must not go below the level established by USNORTHCOM. ‘There are five Force Protection Conditions: FPCON Level Situation ‘Stops To Tako Normal. | + There is no real threat * Use routine security, suchas ID checks at of tororist actu. base gees, ‘Agha | + There sa general threat of + Notiy personnel tobe alert for unusual possible trroistactviy people taking photographs, asking +The heats tot completely qestionsebout operations, or carting understood, suiteases or other containers * Check vehicles carefully rom the outside. Bravo | + Acommandemayhave _» Stly inspect ll ID cad. specific infomation about « Moye unnecessary objects, such as possible attack vhicis, away rom areas that could be + Thore i an insroased 0 attacked. more clearly nderstood «tert al personne when ational threat ‘ernst ht information becomes availabe Chat | + information indicates that Maintain all Alpha and Bravo steps. tenors action i key + Take stops to have the inside o all vehicles inspected, + Sot up baricades to contol afc and ‘make defenses beter. + Guard the borders o the base, Data | Aterrt tick has * Conve Alba, Bravo, nd Care tps. happeredorialnost ——« ngpc al baggage coming in certain to happen against e seth {spot oon zn ae "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE BESTE Us0tho chart to write answers to the questions. ——id 1, What situation is indicated by FPCON Delta? 2, Which FPCON is established if there isa general threat from terrorists? 3. Which FPCON shows that there is no threat of terrorist activity? 4, What should be guarded during FPCON Charlie? 5. What step makes FPCON Delta different from FPCON Charlie? HEGRE match each question with an answer below. QUESTIONS 1. Why did the commander order the gates to be closed?” ide? Do you need some additional time to de ‘What is the situation with your current job? Did you alert the others about the hurricane? How can make my home more private? Did you roti the extra police around the building? avewers B, Yes wamed > e "You could plant . ~ them about it. a, Yes i's because, "em abont trees orputatence (the president received « Y“ around the border thet. of your yard , The company my position, eo E f. No, we are: base easier. _/ BOOK LESSON Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. notified taking steps security alert threat attack maintain Atteaton in the bung ( ‘The base commander has®_____us of a possible @___ on the barracks in our area. The police are © to tighten @ —_________arouna the barracks and on the rest of the base to meet the ® Go outside only if absotu ly necessary, and remain © @__ FPCON Bravo until further notice, BEEEEEGEN in sat groups, couse these questions. 1. What should you do it you ase your military 1D and? 2. What steps can you take to make the security of your residence better? 3, What are some threats that people currently worry about? 4. What steps can you take to avoid being a target of terrorists? 5. Do you think conttions ike FPCON Charlie and FPCON, Delt shold be maintained for long amount of time? Why orwhy not? a By rr ees Classes are being offered. Read the news briefs, an ili the missing wonds in the chart ad The Wilton Wingman TEs LUNCHEON A luncheon is being organized by the Wilton AFB Family Club for all Air Force dependents. The luncheon will be held on Friday, October 9, at LT am, at the Manor House, Cost is $12, For more information, call MSgt Sylvia Brunner at $55-3498. NEW POLICE OFFICER Wes Brown, who retired last year after 20 years of Air Force service, is training at the Wilton Police Academy t0 become a police officer, “The academy isa great experience. P'm being trained to work with police digs,” said Brown. He will graduate next year, LEARN SPANISH Free Spanish classes are being ‘offered at the base Education Center ‘Classes are Monday and Wednesday from 1900 to 2030, Call 555-6639 Wilton Air Force Base Vol. 65 No, 5 October for more information, or stop by the Education Center to register SOCCER GAME CANCELLED ‘The Wilton AFB Soccer League's final game was cancelled last Saturday due to weather conditions. The game \vas being played when lightning came within five miles of the soccer field, The game will be rescheduled, BOWLING CENTER CLOSED ‘Walker Bowling Center is closed until further notice, The center is being, used for people who were evacuated from the coast during Hurricane Harold. FREE TELEVISIONS Wilton Career Center has ten used ‘TVs available, They were being used for training purposes but are now being replaced with new models. They’ are free on a first come, first served basis present / past progressive pa BE | being | past participle 1. A luncheon by the WAFB Family Club. 2. Classes | offered | onbase. being The game] was when lightning came too close. 4. The TVs| for training purposes, 0K 0 LESSON HESSEN Underine pote] ‘all parts of the active and passi Then write A for active and P for passive 3. Do you know hew many students are studying Spanis P__ 1, Isaluncheon being ganized for Air Force dependents? 2. Who is being trained to work with police dogs? 4. Are other classes being offered at the Education Center? 5. The soccer players were playing a game, ‘The Bowling Center i "being used for bowling right now, 6. 7. The Wilton Career Center is giving away ten used television sets, 8. Why aren’t the televisions being sold? HEXEN Flin the bianic withthe correct form ofthe verb in ()- Use present or past progressive passive forms, 10, Free classes are being offered ___(offer) this semester atthe university, Pm sorry, Mr Ranner Your car isn't ready yet. It (work on) by the mechanic. ‘The arrival of Flight 133 from Rome —___ (delay) due to severe weather that is blowing in from the southeast The recruits (teach) how to fire their weapons today. Just as I entered the classroom, attendance (ake), Dut E was not marked late, ‘AS Mr. Smitherton spoke, is words - (write down) by his secretary. Both English and Russian —_ (speak) when my and I joined the conversation Homework ____(not require) often enough this year ‘The employees ___(not give) vacations last year You can’t reach Mrs. Madison right now because she — (measure) atthe tailors fora formal dress for her daughter's wedding next spring, = = ERE LANGUAGE COURSE 1 tinge ie s/o hwy 467 2 tetas ae hepsi 4. revving sen cng/a to meses 4. ting leone eee 5. a tour of the city/ the president / being / given (i 6. set up / were / barricades / as the storin began f being / ? 7. were /at the same time two meetings / why / held / being /? BEESON conpicte the sentences with your own words, then aiscuss. | 1. believe that too much money is being spent on 2, Inmy opinion, __isn’c being taught enough in schools, 3. In most people’s ives, not enough time is being taken to Bonus Vv mt Use the present progressive passive form ‘complete this sentence. think that - [B00K20 LESSON? == ETL Using stress to emphasize new information | |. Mark the stress and practice. With a partner, mark the stress inthe dialogs. Then practice the dialogs using the stress covrecly. 1A: Did you buy your house? 3. A: What does Frank do? B: No, I'm renting it. B: He's a policeman, 2. A: Do you like American food? 4. A: Is your son in high school? B: Well, like hamburges. B: No, he attends Chester University. AA: Really? I prefer hot deg. A: That's great |. Complete the dialogs and practice. With a partner, finish the dialogs: Mark the stress. Then practice the dialogs out loud. Answers will var 1. A: Do you like rock music? B: No, but I ike ___musie. 2. AA: Have you always lived in Texas? B: No, L was born in 3. Az Whats the capital of your country? is the capital 4. A: Do you like B: No, I prefer ae 5. A: Where can I find 2 B: You can look =n FAGAN LANGUAGE COURSE eT ZeMMIgi§ Participating in a group discussion | With a group, read the siuation below. Then write the additions you would suggest and why. ‘You work for a company that designs houses. A ‘new customer, Mr. Smith, has hired your company to build a new house for his family. Mr. Smith has already asked fora kitchen, four bedrooms, a bath- ‘90m, and a living room. Now he has only $50,000 left to spend, He has.a long list of the additions he wants for his house, and he can’t decide how to best spend the money he has lef. inicio’ | a = Mr. Smith is a lawyer, and his wife is a doctor Ae om ‘They have three chikiren (4, 6, and 9 years old). \asticaie § 10000 ‘The whole family enjoys the outdoors and spends | guesthouse _§ 25,000 ‘Jot of time together Mr, Smith often has to work | sauna $ 5000 from home, Talk with your group, and decide | jurcargarge $0000 ‘which house additiors to suggest to Mi. Smith en Caan House adition 00K 20 LESSON? ee Lea Man of peace / Man of war Freedom is not worth heving if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. ~ Mahatraa Gandhi Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi was an important leader of India during the Tate 1800s andearly 1900s. He strongly believed in nonviolence, which is a way to achieve political and social goals without using ‘weapons or force. Gandhi took a position as 4 lawyer in South Africa in 1893, and he worked to defend the rights of the Indian commu- nity there. However, he chose not to settle in South Africa, and he returred to India in 1915 "These he organized workers and helped them to fight against the high taxes that were being collected by the foreign power which was in charge of the gov- cemment. He showed people how to avoid using violence while they gradually took ‘over government responsibilities for them- selves, ‘Gandhi's life was far from easy. He spent many years in prison, and there were six attempts on his life. Nevertheless, he con- tinually engaged in working toward peace until bis last day. His strong beliefs led India to independence, and he became an example for others around the world who ‘want to obtain civil rights and freedom, In preparing for battle, [have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. — Eisenhower Dwight Eisenhower was one ofthe great- cst military officers in US history. He suc- ceeded in battle because he understood that ‘the most important part of any soldier's equipment was his motivation to fight. From the time he was a child in the carly 1900s, Bisenhower developed this motivation. He grew up in a poor family, and other children would laugh at his old clothes; he had to fight to earn respect. He Was successful as a junior officer because he worked hard and motivated his subordi- nates After Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, Eisenhower, now a general, was called to Washington to help make plans for war. He later led the American forces and their allies in North Africa and France. During the war, he worked to motivate Americans athome. He reminded them that the soldiers needed to know that everyone at home was working t© maintain the soldiers’ ability (o fight. He also said that any person who failed to do his or her duty 100% should feel guilty for making the war last longer. Eisenhower's example greatly helped the Allies to win World War I . "REAGAN LANGLBNGE COURSE BEDE write Tor tue and Ftor Mote the fase statements true. 1. Gandhi helped the Indian community in South Attica Gandhi chose to stay in South Africa Gandhi stpported taking back governmental power by force. Gandhi continued his work until he died. Eisenhower had to fight to ear respect asa child Eisenhower helped to decide the US strategy for fighting in Europe. During the war, Eisenhower led only American forces. Eisenhower wanted Americans to support the soldiers fighting abroad, BEERS eriaco cach undertined word with a word from the box. | defended allies. engage nevertheless. took over 1. Many people in the Midwest participate in farming, 2, The soldiers protested the base when it was under attack, | —__ 3. The police began controlling the area when the army lef. 4, The US and Canaia are countries that support each other, —__ 5. Our chief is very demanding; however, we all enjoy ee = working for her ‘Maich each word with its definitior 1. freedom a. to keep in good condition 2. wssettle b. one fight between two nations or groups. 3. to maintain the right to do what you want when you want 0 —— 4, atte 4d. to move to a new area and make your home there fetes 5 ally .alperson or country who supports you acorn SOE —— | [EXER Complete he chart by checking off the correct person. Answers may vary. ES Who could have said it? Gandhi Eisenhower 1. Thate war as only a soldier who has lived it ean. O 2. Only nonviolence can lead ns to true freedom, 3. Am eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. ts) (e 4. Force can protectin an emergency, but it won't bring lasting peace. '5. The size of the dog in the fight isn’t as important as the size ofthe fight in the dog. 6. Power built on love is a thousand times stronger than Oo power gotten from making people aad, WESC Pur a checc nent to each sentence you agree with. Discuss your choices with a partner. Give reasons for each choice In my opinion 1. Violence is someti nnecessaty, Violence is never necessary. 2, Inlife, war is more common than peace. In life, peace is more common than war, 2. Pannicher mained tough oe ¥ Peace is eter nan trough undead 4, Having a lot of freedom increases security. Having a lot of freedom decreases security. q a ‘Terrorism can neverbe eliminated. GUAGE COURSE Ez Paraphrasing a text Listen toa text. Then complete she chart Answers will vary. Public schools Private schools receive money from taxes must accept any student ‘can design their own edueation plans 0 of the text you heard, STE TaN International peacekeeping forces Peacekeepers are forces who are sent to maintain conditions of peace in areas that have experienced war. They do this in many ways. For example, they assist ex- fighters in observing the peace zgreements they have entered into. ‘This may include power-sharing arrangements, support for elections, and guarding the borders between countries. The peacekeepers’ job is very difficult because they must often put themselves between enemies. Peacekeepers are often members of the military, but they may also be civilian police officers or other civilian person- rel, While peacekeepers sometimes carry ‘weapons, they do not have to engage in combat. They must consider themselves ‘guests in the country where they're serv- ing and remain neutral. This means they can't take sides with any of -he groups that have been fighting. Peicekeepers must always be on alert because they are asked to take control of situations that could quickly worsen and threaten an area with violence and destruction, They also have to defend and protect property within their assigned area and make the people of both sides feel secure. Peacekeeping troops are usually called up by groups like the United Nations (UN) and the North Atlantic Treaty Orga nization (NATO). The leaders of these ‘groups must agree on the need for peact keopers and then authorize the peace- keeping force. The force takes a lot of time to organize because it is put together from personnel and equipment which are furnished by several different cou tries. The peacekeepers’ mission is partly defined by rules of engagement (ROB): ‘These rules describe in detail when the peacekeepers may engage with their weapons and where they may go within the nation, Some people think that peace- keeping doesn't really work because it doesn't solve anything—but_we must remember that itis not the job of peace: keepers t0 settle all the problems of a war; their job is to bring some security to the situation and give leaders the chance lasting peace. 7 << iE EN CANINE COURSE BEEGREIEEEE Listen to each sentence and circle T for true or F for false. te ote eG Cte 3 oT OF 2 oT OF 4 7 OF 8 oT OF [FEEEEEEGIEN Complete the sentences with words from the box. border secure oon ast define property ‘members authorized 1. The gymis not responsible for lost or stolen 2. Atthis moment, we don’t feel any danger, We feel very 3. Our science club has over one hundred 4. Twant to know the meaning ofthis word. Can you 5. ‘The base might be attacked, so all of the troops are: 6. Make sure you have your passport with you if you are planning to cross the 7. ‘The commander. her assistant to make decisions while she was absent BEERS discuss the questions witha parinen Sid 1. Should nation ightly conto their borders? 2. Is combat atways an honorable duty? Why oF why not? 3. Whats the best way to settle an argument? sok LESSONS ca Se Jack: Who did you support in the argument? Brad: I didn’t take a. sides b. steps ©. over init ‘The president should a. threaten b. callup . attack ‘more troops to complete the mission faster. A dangerous hurricane is a. defending b. setting threatening to hit the coast. Soldiers promise to __ their countries against all enemies. a. defend b. engage cc. authorize If you are physically threatened, you may. a, alert b. settle ©. engage the enemy to protect yourself. Bob and Steve are always arguing, I'm friends with both of th n, so try 10 a. alert neutral ‘The students are noisy and aren’t showing each other respect. The teacher must the class. a attack bi. take sides in ce. take control of, Many people from other countries have decided to a. settle b. alert c. maintain in the US. "AWERCAN LANGUAGE COURSE 9, Someone needs to this situation before it gets dangerous. a. notify bi. take steps . take control of 10, Even though we won some important —___, we stil lost the wat. battles pence 11. This base should always be prepared for a possible a, border b. attack ©. member (EGS write the phrases that you hear. i [STEEN choose the correct words from Ex. Eto complete th sentences: | 1. A child was accidentally hit during the —_ oon the street. 2. ‘The two countries signed a and put an end to the wat 3. A_____tawallows anyone to ask for and receive copies of documents held by the US Government. 4. The men who tock the expensive paintings from the museum were caught on 5. We've located the __, and we are preparing to attack in the morning. 6. When a war between two countries ends, international organizations can be called into help ‘00K LESSONZ _ zm [EGE Select one word from each gray box to write on t The First War Photographer hetine. | Mathew Brady is known as te first war photographer, He was born in New York state in 1822, and he started @©__on private photography business asa young man, @___ the US Civil War began in 1861, he and his employees traveled @___ many diferent areas ofthe US so that they could @__ pictures of battles. Brady didn’t eam a great deal of money with his war photography. In fact, @ paid most ofthe costs himself, He felt that it was his cuty to take these pictures so thatthe Civil War would be remembered @___ the future, ‘Taking photographs of combat was not always easy, and there were many dangerous situations when Brady’s life @ _____ threatened. However, as 2 photographer, Brady remained reutral, and he was able to take pictures of soldiers from @__sides of the war. He photographed many different people—from presidents and generals to cooks and privates, but Brady is probably most famous for taking pictures of soldiers who were killed in combat. His pictures showed people the terrible ruth of war, and now the photos are an important part of American history. o e ° ° an ‘When with take the What to give his 7 for have © ® o © when in has this they with was half he to aid both = °° °°» © "ERICA LANGLBGE COURSE Mr. Webster, during our last press briefing, you talked about creating more jobs for the middle class, What else do you plan on doing as president if you're elected? Well, [also plan on improving health ‘care and tightening border security Rep. 2: You've talked bout improving health care by changing health insurance programs. Please tell us how else you will improve health care ‘Mr. W: Iwill make hezlth care more affordable by having the government help pay for people's medical costs Rep.3:_ Besides the borer in the south, where else does the country need protection? Mr, W: Our border in the north needs additonal forces. Rep. 2: We've heard you're considering Samantha Long for Vice President. Is that true? Mr. W: She is one of several possible candidates, Rep. 1: Could you tellus who else you are considering? ‘Mr. W: Not at this time. Last question, please. Rep. 3: Your supporters say that you are extremely concerned about the economic condition of ocr country. Is that true? Mr. W: Yes, Why else would I be in this election?” BEGEEEEEM Complete the chart with words from the dialog. 1 does the country need protection? 2| What | else 3 ‘would Ibe in this election? 4, Please tell us|_how else Could you tell us ‘you are considering? ‘BOOK LESSON: = = = Hi, Katherine, this is Dean. Tomorrow is the opening night of our play, but our lead actors sick. I don't know © who else can play his role, I've red calling other agents | 10 se if other actors are avaiable, but none of them are. © What else can I do? Do you think I should postpone the play’ I don'tknow @ when else we can do it because Pierce ‘Theater is only available this weekend. @ Where ese could we perform? T need your advice. I don’t know @ who else to cal. Please give me a call! QUESTION WORDS: time other than romorrow night away person other than the lead actor what =| a thing/action ae eieaah dares SE ce aan action other than calling other agents lace other than Pierce Theater Gs | a ploce place other tha The son other than Katherine swho(m) ~].a person ae eee HEIEEEGE conpcte tn eotercos wih quostonvordcae ‘The underlined words indicate which question word you need to use 1, Paul goes to Las Vegas for business. Do you know why else he goes there? 2. plan to go hunting in Alaska, Can you tell me ___ there isto do there?” 3. Tinvited Amy and her family, _ do you think I should invite? 4. Did Alex’s teacher send that did she send it 10? -mail only to us? —_ 5. Bla prefers to travel by tain, 1 don't know she would travel 6. The drugstore is open on weekends I don’t know W's open, 7. don't think Meg will go only 1 the post office will she go? 8, Welove swimming in the ocean, would we go to the beach? = "RMERICAN LANGLAGE COURSE Eze What else do you like to do? Write answers thar are efor you. You'll share them with a partner in Exercise B 1. One thing I like todo in my free time is ‘One country I would like to visit is (One way I like torelax is by ‘One person I respect i 2 3 4. One reason I'm studying English is 5 6 ‘One time of day Hike to study is [ESET Change each statement above into a question with else. 1, What else do you like to do in your free time? [EEGSRESSEN 0 pairs, discuss your answers, and (ite wok ony ania . : Rh > vas also like to visit Sere p L 00K LESSON? Process paragraphs Looking in depth ‘The conclusion of a process paragraph Wis the last sentence in the paragraph. restates orsummarizes the main idea, doesn’t add new information. Checking in at the Airport Follow these easy steps the next time you fly, and you will have no problems. First, call the airline the night before your flight to confirm your flight time andl see if there are any changes. Then, on the day of your flight, arrive atthe airport as early as possible because it’s difficult to know how long it will take to check in, As soon as you arrive, you should check in and get your boarding pass. Don’t forget that you must show some form of identification. At the same time you get your boarding pass, you can also check your Inggage. Alter you do this, you must go through security control and enter the waiting area, The final thing you need to do is find your gate and wait to boaed your flight, You will have a great airport experence if you use this simple advice, BESTE eed the paragraph below and select conclusion] There may be more than one posible answer Ifa police officer pulls you over, use these basic guidelines. First, pull your ear over to the right edge of the road as soon as possible. Next, park your vehicle and tur off the engine. Alter that, lower your window, place your hands on the steering wheel, and wait, for the officer to come to yourcar. Do not get out ofthe car or make any sudden moves, When the officer arrives, you will need to show your drivers license and insurance card Answer all ofthe officer’s questions, and be sure to remain calm ‘The final step is to pay your fine. Remember these mules when dealing with the traffic police. t's easy to lear to drive if you use this method. J. Follow these instructions, and you will have no problems if the police stop you. = C~*” Se ~ RVERCAN LANGUAGE COURSE [EEG Follow the steps to prepare a process paragraph. Ansvoers will vary ‘A process paragrash ives instructions on how to do something or explains how something works. has a clear main idea sentence. includes « complete list of steps inthe process, contains transitional words to connect the steps. has a concluding sentence which restates the main idea, 1. Choose a topi 1, Write the main idea of the paragraph: IM List each of the steps needed to complete the process: IV, Number the steos above to put them in the correct order. CK SOON eee = BESTEESEEIGR Use the intormation in Exercise B to write a process paragrap Put the main idea first. Use transitional words to connect the steps. Write a concluding sentence, = i RGTNGE COURSE Automotive systems: Part | VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: WRITING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: SPEAKING: WRITING: VOCABULARY: wrrina: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: SPEAKING: DiaLogs: VOCABULARY: 300K 20 LESSONS Basic automotive systems ‘The ignition system Vd like new locks (to be) installed. ‘The senator hopes to be elected president. Summarizing a text ‘The fuel system . ‘The internal combustion engine Adding -ive /-tve to make adjectives Using stress to emphasize new information Taking notes. ‘The transmission system Working with diagrams Automotive systems: Review test Reported speech: Past to past perfect Panicipating in a group discussion Handling problems Review 31 58 60 . 2 65 . 66 6 70 n B 14 n 8 80 4 - 85 86 NEW VOCABULARY ‘Nouns pressure clutch >rocess coil oump combustion purpose cylinder spark distributor spark plug exhaust system @ filter transmission fuel injector valve function = Verbs ignition accelerate a eliminate pedal filter piston amet GRAMMAR STRUCTURES Td ike the work (to be) finished by Friday. Lisa spoke slowly to be understood by the students The news reporter repeats the same information over and over. He's repetitive, Lt Davis said he'd eaten breakfast before the briefing, provide pump release shift supply transmit Other automatic internal ‘manual standard LANGUAGE FUNCTION Handling everyday problems. Good morning. How can I help you? bought this suit yesterday, and it doesn't fit. Can Texchange it? ~MERIGAN LANGUAGE COURSE Meera Basic Automotive Systems } Welcome to the DLI Basic Automotive Course. In the first part of this course, you will earn about the following automotive systems: Unit 1. The ignition system Unit 2. The fuel systen Unit 3. The internal combustion engine Unit 4: The transmission system Each unit includes learning objectives, a presentation with diagrams, practice exercises, and discussion questions. There will be a review test atthe end of the lesson, 00K aT LESSONS LZ The ignition system | Learning objectives: + Name the main components of an electrical ignition system. * Describe the purpose of each part ofthe ignition system, + Explain how the different components of the ignition system work together. ignition switch et] ELECTRICAL IGNITION SYSTEM ‘The ignition system is one of the systems that helps start the engine of an automobile. When the key is inserted jin the ignition switch and med to the run position, an electrical circuit is, closed and the battery sends current to the ignition coil. ‘This current from the battery is not strong enough to start the engine by itself, so the coil increases the power of the current. From there, this increased power travels to the distributor. ‘The distributor's job is to send the power to each of the spark plugs ir the correct, oder. When a spark plug receives the power, it creates a spark irside of the = battery distributor spark plug cylinder ofthe engine. This spark causes the ‘gasoline-air mixture, which is provided by the fuel system, to ignite, or start to burn, side of the eylinder. “Top view of ol stu and spark plug ~~ EFICAN TANORGE COURSE [EQEDEGEN discses the questions wihaparmen id ‘What is the purpose of the ignition system? ‘What are the five main components of an ignition system? When does the >attery send current to the coil”? \ ‘What is the purpose of the distributor? ‘What does the spark plug do? HEGRE Select the best answer to each question. ‘What happens when the ignition switch is tumed to the run position? ‘a. The current from the battery is increased, bb. The distributor sends a spark to the spark plug, ‘What is the purpose ofthe coil in the ignition system? 1a. Itinereases the power produced by the battery. b._Itignites the gusoline-sir mixture in the cylinder head. It sends the current to the spark plugs in the correct order, ‘Which system provides the gasoline-air mixture? a. the ignition system D. the fuel system cc. the spark system ‘What does the spark from the spark plug do? ‘a, It ignites the gasoline-air mixture, b._ It inereases the current from the battery. cc, It starts the igaition system, HEGRE Listen to your instructor. Circle T for true or F for false. Booka LESSONS Loot F 47 F 2 7 F se F 3007 Fr ot F ''d like new locks (to be) installed. Handyman; Good morning, ma'am, We talked yesterday on the phone about fixing some things for you. ‘Mrs. Vance: Yes, hello, Please come in, Handyman: What work do you want done? Mrs. Vance: First, I'd like new locks to be installed in two doors. Next, Inced curtain rods to be hung in the living room, I don’t like having such large windows without any curtains. Then, I want the Ieaky faucet in the upstairs bathroom replaced with « new one. Handyman: No problem, ma'am. Anything else? Mrs. Vance: No, but I expect the work to be completed prompily, as we discussed yesterday. Complete the char with words fom the dialog. [expec/ouigeinesian | object (tobe) past participle | would like . (10 be) installed. 1 | | want tobe completed promplly 4 Wocan uso tho verbs above to ak bout things we want someone ee odo. BEEEEIGEN Wits tobe + past participio of the ve a parentheses. | 1. The teacher wants the assignment tobe tunedin __(¢urn in) by Friday. 2. T'dlike the money ______ (divide) among my closest fiends. 3. Eva needs her dress (ew) before the big dance. 4. We don’texpect our car__ (repair) before the weekend 5. Are you expecting the pizza_______(deliver)in 30 minutes? 6. Does the colonel need the report —____ _— (ovrite) immediately? 7. Do youlike yourshirs________(send) tothe ry cleaners? 8. Where dacs Katie want her clothes __ (keep) while she’s gone? RICAN ANSON COURSE Fill in the blanks with your choice of words from the boxes. Change the wixas tothe past participle, You may also use your own words, Answers will vary. 2. 3. 4. . * MESEEEEEEN uncerambie the words to compl 1 Booka LESSONS opsecrs venes car documents iron polish dinner furniture serve repair house dishwasher paint send clothes packages type clean ewelry windows move replace Texpect tobe) I need (tobe) want SS | would tike* Ce ike" to bey Would lke is for polite requests. Like is for talking about routine services. ‘sentences. 1 typed / reports / want / our / to /be / Our professors Our professors want our reports to be typed for class. don’t /to /T/ washed / expect / be / the dishes right after dinner, the check / be /to / needs signed / The bank teller before cashing it likes / Kept / The General /his vehicle /be /10 in perfect condition. Would / more wine / tof brought / you /be / like before the main course? Why / the dill sergeant / does / these rocks / painted / want /to / be white? Rezo The senator hopes to be elected president. | ZBC NES INSTANT UIRE RELEASE Dub + The junior senator fron Illinois hopes to be elected president. + Citizens want t> be guaranteed that they won't Hose their savings. | Victins of disaster ware demanding to be rescued. J Election officials expect to be hit with many Jquestions in the next few veeks: h inspection 1, Employees have asked to be given md family days. 2. Employees who are eligible for a promotion wish to be notified Immediately of job opportunities. 3. Employees should expoct to be briefed about the new sick leave policy by the cend of next week. www.Nopody Cares About The Facts.surve\ Your website forall ind oF useless info! lick for details, ‘Most men prefer to be left alone while watching football on TV. ‘+ Some women don't like to be given flowers on valentine's Day. thered while reading a newspaper ¢ magazine. = ERICA TANGLAGE COURSE verb to be + past participle ‘a [The junior senator hopes Citizens i |__ tobe guaranteed : have asked tobe given |__| Employees should expect be inspected : | tobe inspecte aren't intended Most mea refer 5 pres | Some women tobe given flowers Other verbs that can follow this pattern include demand, wish, need, and hate. WEEE conpicie each sentence using tobe + past pan Use the verb phrases from the box, or ute your own ideas. Answers may vary fire introduce by the boss. bother discipline follow consider forthe opening obey_-—_give more time offer the job assist by a classmate train assign mote work 1. Tlike tobe the leader. I prefer 2. Tom knows he filed at his job. He's prepared 3. There is a new position open in the company, and Britney has the qualifications fort She hopes 4. I’m very busy right now. I don’t want 5. We have a new employee in our office. She expects 6. LtChan hasn't finished his assignment, He will ask i i | Complete the questions with to be + past participle. Use your choice of verbs: Then ase and answer the questions with a partner: 1, Would you hate J 2. Do you hope —_ —_ 3. Do you expect 2 4. Are you prepared ? 5. Will you ask co) 6. Doyou » (Roald you hate to be ——__—. (assigned to a boss whois Z Yes, Lwould. Hhink ) ~_younger than you? __ it would be hard to got along with him, ir [SS eT "NERCAN LANGUAGE COURSE | Writing | Summarizing a text Listen toa text. Then complete the flowchart, Finding a New Job {ype of position prepare a résumé |—+| T r ~ Jw peo C4 Co EEEECISGE Use the flow chart to write a summary of the text you heard. 0K 29 LESSONS = WXEL TETAY The fuel system “Learning object ‘+ Name the main components ofa fuel system. + Describe the purpose of each component of the fuel system. + Explain how the different components ofthe fuel system work together FUEL SYSTEM ‘The purpose of the fuel system is 10 supply fuel to the engine. The fuel system starts with the fuel tank, which is where gasoline or diesel is kept. When the driver accelerates by pressing the gas pedal, the fuel pump moves the fuel from the tank through the fuel lines. The fuel is then pumped through a filter. The fuel filter is very important because it cleansthe fuel by removing or filtering out any dirt or other ‘material before it reaches the ergine. In the past, fuel was delivered to the engine by use of carburetors. Now, most standard automobile engines use fuel injectors. Fuel injectors are electronically controlled valves which open to send fuel into the cylinder head, where it is ignited by the spark from the spark plug and begins to burn, eaffre Det oa tet tier ~~ ERICAN TANGINGE COUASE Discuss these questions with a partné 1. What isthe purpose ofthe fel system? What are the main parts of the fuel system? v 3. Why isthe fuel iter important? " FSGHENEIEN Match the part with its purpose. Part Purpose —— fel lne ignites the gasoline-air mixture —— 2 gaspedat b, provides electricity —— 3. spark plug 6. cleans the fuel 4. pump 4. controls acceleration —— 5. fiter caries fuel wo the engine Sani 6 taney {moves fuel from the tank to other parts of the car HEEGESEEAT Complete the sentences with the words in the box. spark Theft system __ fuel to he engine spel Fuel needs to be _ before it reaches the engine. purpose 3. ‘Thedistributor is part of the system, ignition ‘The ignition system provides an electrical filtered 5, -The____—_of the coil is to increase power. systems “ 6. An automobile has several which work together, is | Mole V TETAS The internal combustion engine Learning objectives: + Explain where combustian takes place. | _tereate combustion + Explain the purpose of combustion in an automobile engine, | + Describe how the different systems in an automobile work together Q Fig. Fig. 2 INTERNAL COMBUSTION PROCESS ‘The main funetion of an automobile engine is to supply the power required to move the vehicle. The engine creates this power by burning fuel. This burning pro- cess is called combustion, Because this type of burning takes place inside of the engine, its called internal combustion, ‘An internal combustion engine works in the following way: First a valhe opens, and the fuel injector sends fuel and air into the cylinder (Fig. 1). Then, the up, which creates pressure inside of the cylinder (Fig. 2). This pressure, combined with the spark from the spark plug, causes the fucl-air mixture to ignite, and the pis- ton is pushed back down again (Fig. 3). As the piston moves back up, a valve is opened to remove the exhaust, the burned gases created by combustion (Fig, 4), Once the cexhaust is eliminated, the process in Fig- ures 1-4 is repeated, Each piston in the engine is connected to the crankshaft, and as the pistons move up and down, the crankshaft also moves ‘The crankshaft takes the energy produced by the pistons and sends it to the transmis- sion system, which is the subject of the next unit, "RUERICAN UNGLAGE COURSE (EEE Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. What is the purpose of combustion in an automobile engine? Where does combustion tke plas? y How deste process of combustion wok? “y Ve ‘Why does the pston move in the cylinder? fn A 5. What is created by combustion? L Jy With a partner, number the events in the correct order. 1. Internal Combustion ‘The fuel-air mixture is ignited by a spark, and the piston moves down, “The piston moves up and creates pressure in the cylinder, ‘The piston moves up again, and the exhaust is eliminated. The fuel injector sends a fuel-air mixture into the cylinder, 2.The Ignition System The coil makes the power stronger. The spark plug ignites the fuel-air mixture. The ignition switch is tumed to the run positon The distributor sends the power to the sparkplug. _— The circuit is closed, and the battery sends current tothe coil, Booka TERNS = G ‘Do you get much support ») ero / Noun adjective from your boss? a to protect protective 1 ascent 4 we seerctve to select selective pp supportive R fh ome te rai Some words follow these spelling rules. noun/verh. —_agjective. ‘Words ending in-e defense defensive > drop the tocreate creative todestoy destructive Some words have ireguarspelling changes. persuade persuasive tora talkative ‘> Adjectives with the -ve or-tive suffix mean having the characteristic or quality of ESEESSSEW Complete the sentences with adjectives from the boxes above. 1, ‘The university {applied to selects only the best students to attend. It’s difficult to be accepted because it's very 2, The enemy atta We took a -ked, so we had to defend ourselves. position, 3. The Springfield factory produces more cars than any other factory, Its the most factory in the country. 4, The hurricane destroyed most of the homes in the city. Tewas a very —___ — storm, 5. All ofthe workers need t buy gloves to protect their hands. ‘They should always wear loves when working with dangerous chemicals. RIE ANGIRGE COURSE Seles he best woo complete the senienen, ——____] 1. Insome military exercises, the air 6. Leaming a second languay fore the army, Tets you ‘with more people. a. supports a. communicate supportive b. communicative 2, All automobiles need 7. We all must agree on the location. We maintenance. need to make a decision. a. prevent a. collect b. preventive b. collective 3. Allnations need astrong. 8, The Smiths just bought a very a, defense home. b. defensive a. expense . expensive 4. Your argument is very a. persuade 9. Firemen wear clothing b. persuasive protect so my car ir the accident Dea a destroyed b. destructive (ESGESSERG Liston as your partner describes three people. ‘Then write the adjective from the bos that best completes the sentence. Your teacher will give the example. scortive auractive creative talkative persuasive productive supportive Example: Gay A B 1. Amotdis 1. Beth 2 sey ee Cada ee 3. Mike is 3. Phil — nxn soe z | STILT Using stress to emphasize new information |. Mark the stress and practice. With a parmer, mark the stress inthe dialogs. Then practice the dialogs sing the stress correctly. 1. A: Where are you going this spring? B: To Chicago, A: Is your family going with you? B: No, I'm going alone. |. Complete the dialogs and practice. With a parter, nish she dialogs, Mark the stress Ansivers wil vary. 1. A: Is the teacher here? No, but the Can you help me with my — Sorry, Ihave to Have you ever been No, but P've been to AA: Really? Did you : Have you ever met Yes, Lmet him 2 Was he 2 ee Re No, he was very 2. A: Can Ihelp you? B: Yes, Ineed a birthday cake, ‘A: What kind would you like? B: Chocolate, please ‘Then practice the dialogs out loud, tomorrow? tomorrow, EAICAN LANGLAGE COURSE Ee Taking notes Read the text below, and complete the timeline ‘Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Grace Murray Hopper was the first woman to achieve the rank of admiral in the U Navy. In addition to tha, she is famous for developing the first computers used in the military. She was born in New York City in 1906, As a child and teenager, she was. extremely interested in machines and was always taking things apart to learn about them, Although many people thought it wasn’t proper for a woman to study math or science, she received a PhD in mathematics from Yale University in 1934 and became a professor in the same year. In 1943, she made the decision to serve her country by joining the Navy at the age of 37. At this time, it was very difficult for a woman to become an officer. But ‘through hard work, she received a commission as a lieutenant in 1944. Her first military assignment was to program a computer which could predict how to aim naval guns in different weather conditions. She completed this work successfully in 1946. In the same year, she lef the military to continue her career as a civilian computer scientist and ‘mathematician. However, in 1966, the Navy needed her special computer knowledge, so she was recalled into active service. After many years of active duty, she was promoted to the rank of commodore by special presidential appointment and then to the rank of rear admiral in 1985, She retired from the military in 1986 at the age of 80 as the oldest active duty officer at that time, She not only was a strong military leader but also contributed to the civilian world with 1er advanced technical knowledge. 1906 * born in New York City 1994+ a 1943 1944 1946 + completed her military assignment 1966 + : 1985+ 1986+ 0K 29 LESSONS MeL ADS The transmission system Learning objectiv + Describe the purpose of the transmission system, + Explain the difference between manual and automatic transmission systems. + Explain the relationship between combustion and the transmission system. transmission TRANSMISSION SYSTEM (Rear whee! drive) ‘The transmission system is one of the most important systents it an automobile because it uses the power which is. generated by the engine to move the vehicle. We have learned that the crankshaft is moved by the pistons in the engine. The crankshaft is also connected to a set of gears in the rans- mission, Gears are different sized wheels which move together. When the crankshaft moves, the ‘gears also move and these gea's transmi for pass on, this movement 10 the dri ‘There are basically two kinds of trans mission systems: manual anc automatic. Both of these systems incluée a eluteh, x= However, an automatic transmission sys- tem has no clutch pedal. Instead, the transmission shifts by itself using a complicated system of gears, In the manual transmis- sion system, which is also called a standard system, the driver controls the clutch with a clutch pedal, ‘This pedal is located inside of the car to the left of the gas and brake pedals. When the driver steps on the clutch pedal, the clutch disconnects the ‘engine from the transmission. The driver does this when he wants to start or stop the engine or change gears. The driver shifts gears by moving the gear shift lever ‘When the driver releases the clutch pedal, the engine is connected to the transmis- sion again, and the car starts to move. "HERRCHN LANGUAGE COURSE [EEGREEEEE Discuss these questions with a partner. 1, What is the purpose of the transmission system? cy 2. What are gears? away OD 3, Whatis ach 4, ow isa man tansmisson een fom an bufomattarsmisson L (EES with a partner, decide if these sentences are true or false. Circle T for rue or F for false. Correct the false sentences. 1. ‘The transmission system moves the crankshaft 2. The gears in the tansmission system are connected to the driveshaft 3. An automatic transmission system is also called a stundard system. 4. Internal combustion happens ouside ofthe cylinder head. 5. The buming of fuel in the engine is called combustion. Aa aa as 6, Fuel injectors send fuel into the fuel pump. WEXGSEERG Write a sentence using the words in parentheses. Answers will vary 1 mi il oh) 2. (tofilter/ gasoline) 3. (system /to pump) Ao dimime ted) ocean Mt = ‘the cor EGRESS write each word you hear ct categor a] Some wors may go in more shanone categors. Adal any other words that belong. Automotive systems and processes Ignition Fuel Combustion Transmission HEE Organize parts to create an automoti Follow your teacher's instructions system. ‘Then the fuel passes The fuel pump is” ieee ‘connected to the fuel tank ) Review the learning objectives foreach unit with a pariner | Follow your teacher's instructions THE INTERNAL THE HSTEM —gugceystem COMBUSTION TRANSMISSION. - ENGINE SYSTEM = REIGN Ee Working with di Label the parts ofthe fuel system (I) and the combustion process (ID, ook LESSONS Mele | ANETaVEs Automotive systems: Review test Select the best answer to each question, 1, Where does internal combustion take place? inthe distributor b. inside the cylinder ©. inthe exhaust valve next to the clutch 2. What is the purpose of the fuel filter? It pumps the fuel b. Itcreates a spark, €. Itreleases the clutch, 4d, Tteleans the fuel. 3. What does the fuel system provide to the engine’ a. current b. gasoline or diesel fc. apump the gas pedal 4. Which part belongs to the transmission system? a. gears b. pistons distributor filter 5. How is an automatic transmission system different from ‘standard transmission system? a Tthas gears b. Tt works by itself. . Itreleases the clutch, 4. his manual, 6. What happens when the driver accelerates? a. The car moves faster. b. The clutch is released c. The cylinder begins to move, 4d. The battery provides electricity ita COURSE 7. What happens when the driver shifts gears? a. They create pressure. 'b. The gears are filtered cc. They increase. d. The gears mov. 8, What happens wten fuel ignites? a. It starts to bum, 'b. It moves from the tank, ¢. Itis cleaned, 4d. Itis removed. 9, What does the pressure inthe cylinder do? a. It provides current b. Ttbums fuel €. It forces the piston to move. 4. Ichanges gears. 10. What happens to exhaust when it is eliminated? Ibis removed from the engine. b._Itmoves to the transmission system, c. Itereates pressure. d. Temoves the IL, Whatis the name of the burning process which takes place inside of the cylinder head? a. transmission ». elimination ‘c. combustion acceleration 12, How is fuel moved through the fuel system? a. Itis pumped. b. Itis filtered. c. Itis released, 3 4. Itis shifted Rewlew reer You must get atleast 9 out of 13 13. Which part moves inside of the cylinder? correct answers to pass the test. the coil b. the clutch . the filter the piston Number correct: Pass Pail Do Ts Eze Reported speech: Past to past perfect RacING News by Greg Andersen Last week I interviewed stock car driver, Andy Parish, First, © I asked him if he had decided to become a driver becatse his father had been one. He answered yes and © said that his father had taught him torace whenhe wasateenager. © When I asked him how he'd finished in his very first professional race, @ he said that he'd ended up in L4th place. He didn’t Jet this finish stop him, however. In his second professional race, he finished first and realized that he had found the right career ‘dy Parrish (Check out next week's column 10 read my report on an interview with female race car driver, Sonyé Ketcher. age When reporting a statement or question that has a simple past tense verb, we % ‘change the verb to past perfect. Pronouns also change. ERGREEE What aid they } Write the leter ofthe phrase fromthe text above on the line ofits matching quotation belo. D1, Andy: “Yes. My father tught me to race when T was a teenager! 2 Andy: “ended up in 14th place 3. Greg: “How did you finish in your very fist race” 4. Greg: “Did you decide to become a stock car driver because your father ‘had been one?” x EFTGAN TANGUNGE COURSE

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