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The Odyssey: Books 1-4 Name: _____________________________

1. Why can’t Odysseus return home? _______________________________________________


2. Why does Athena want to help Odysseus? _________________________________________


3. Who are the suitors? What are they doing in Odysseus’ house? ________________________


4. In what way have the suitors affected Odysseus’ home? Explain your answer. ____________


5. Who is Telemachus? Describe him. ______________________________________________


6. What causes Telemachus to gain confidence to stand up to the suitors? __________________


7. How did Penelope fool the suitors with her weaving? ________________________________


8. What is Halitherses’ interpretation the two fighting eagles? ___________________________


9. How does Athena assist Telemachus? ____________________________________________


10. What does Telemachus plan to do?



11. What is Nestor’s relationship to Odysseus?


Name: __________________________

12. How does Nestor finally get home?



13. Who is Orestes and what is his relationship to Agamemnon and Aegisthus?


14. In what fantastic way does Athena depart from Telemachus and Nestor?


15. Who is Menelaus? Describe him.



16. How did Odysseus sneak into Troy?



17. How does Menelaus feel about the suitors?



18. How does Menelaus break the curse and return home?


19. In what way do the suitors plot to kill Telemachus?



20. How does Penelope react to the news of Telemachus mission?



Name: __________________________

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