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_______ 1. What occurred in 1760 that affected Great Britain and later the entire globe?

a. Emancipation was passed.

b. The Industrial Revolution occurred.

c. Independence was declared.

_______ 2. What is an accurate characterization of utilitarianism?

a. To improve morality and values through pain.

b. To achieve self-gratification and happiness for others.

c. To follow rules and laws in avoiding punishment

_______ 3. During Bentham’s time, many changes were happening. Complete the following
statement true? “There was no need for manual labor because…”

i.The Industrial Revolution began.

ii.The Emancipation Bill was passed.

iii.The wages of people had improved.

a. ONLY iii

b. BOTH i and ii

c. ALL i,ii,iii.

_______ 4. What are the 2 types of Hedonism?

a. Psychological and Social Hedonism

b. Ethical and Fundamental Hedonism

c. Psychological and Ethical Hedonism

_______ 5. Bentham says that the two sovereign masters are:

a. Pain and Pleasure

b. Pain and Evil

c. Pleasure and Morality

_______ 6. _______ says that an action is good in so far as it tends to promote happiness for moral

a. Principle of Utility

b. Contractarianism

c. Eudaimonia

_______ 7. How does Bentham justify whether an action is declared right or wrong?

a. By the results/consequences it results in.

b. By the intentions/ motives expected to follow that act.

c. By the effect society will face.

_______ 8. Bentham believed in Rule Utilitarianism and Mills believed in Act Utilitarianism.

a. True

b. False

_______ 9. What is a weakness in Utilitarianism?

a. Allows for subjectivity

b. It is flexible and allows for exceptional circumstances

c. Consequences are difficult to predict

_______ 10. What is ataraxia?

a. The state of being extremely unhappy with your life

b. The state of being free from emotional distancing and anxiety

c. The state of not enjoying happiness moderately so it brings pain

_______ 11. Bentham promoted:

a. quality/quantity

b. self/others
c. quantity/quality

_______ 12. According to____________ you should keep the change as long as it does not hurt

a. Kant

b. Mills

c. Bentham

_______ 13. John Locke stated that all humans are equally created with rights of:

a. Life, liberty. Love

b. Life liberty loyalty

c. Life liberty property

_______ 14. Which is Bentham’s theory

a. Pleasure = Happiness = Morality

b. Pain = Pregnancy = Amorality

c. Pleasure = Sadness = Depression

_______ 15. Psychological hedonism refers to:

a. Searching for pleasure/ happiness and eliminating pain/ unhappiness

b. Searching for pain and eliminating happiness

c. eliminating both pain and happiness

_______ 16. Rule utilitarianism is defined as:

a. Actions with the goal to create the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount
of people

b. the good is equal to our pleasure and happiness while trying to avoid pain

c. As a form of utilitarianism that says an action is right once it conforms a rule that leads
to the greater good
_______ 17. Pretend you are a lifeguard on duty, there are two strangers drowning to the far left and
the prime minister is drowning to the far right. According to Bentham’s Philosophy, who would you save?

a. the two strangers

b. the prime minister

c. neither of them

_______ 18. There is the long-awaited World Cup final matchup between Lionel Messi and Cristiano
Ronaldo and a Charity Event both happening on the same day. Which will you choose using the
Utilitarianism theory?

a. Watch the World Cup

b. Stay home because you don't know which to choose

c. go to the Charity event.

_______ 19. Buying an ice cream would make you very happy; however, there are two ice cream
parlors down the street. One parlor sells cheap ice cream whereas the other parlor says expensive
high-quality ice cream. You could either buy 1 high-quality ice cream cone or 4 cheap cones. In this
scenario Mills would say to go for:

a. 4 cones

b. 1cone

c. no cone

_______ 20. Your mom is short on finance, she gave you more than she usually does for school. In
your quest to decide if you should tell her or keep quiet, What theory or method can effectively help you
look at every possible contingency to choose the morally right option?

a. Act utilitarianism

b. Hedonistic Calculus

c. The Principle of Utility

_______ 21. You studied hard for a test and you passed so you feel extremely happy. In terms of the
felicific/hedonistic calculus, this scenario is demonstrating the __________ of that pleasure.
a. Fecundity

b. Propinquity

c. Intensity

_______ 22. In this scenario , there are at least two persons that would be beneficial for human
survival. One of which has the knowledge and capabilities that could help cure the world from any
diseases known to man . On the other hand, we have a wise and noble leader who is willing to sacrifice
everything in this world for balance even if it means sacrificing the most important things in society. If
you were in Bentham’s shoes what would you do?

a. Save the leader

b. Save the Doctor

c. Save none of them

_______ 23. It is your little cousin’s birthday party and you offered to purchase ice cream for the
party. Your little cousin, who is the birthday girl wants chocolate ice cream, but all the other children
prefer vanilla-flavored ice cream. According to Utilitarianism, which ice cream should you purchase?

a. Chocolate Ice-cream

b. Vanilla Ice-cream

c. Purchase no ice-cream

_______ 24. You go to class and you cheated on a quiz. Which of the following do you do according
to Bentham?

a. Keep it a secret

b. Tell the teacher

c. Share the answers to the entire class

_______ 25. Scenario: You’re in a supermarket gathering groceries for tonight’s dinner when you
notice a girl stealing noodles. Knowing that she’s shoplifting, you tell the cashier. Which philosopher
would back up your answer?

a. Bentham

b. Kant

c. Mill
_______ 26. You were a witness to a motorcycle incident that claimed the life of a woman. You took
pictures of the dead body and immediately uploaded them to Facebook. According to Mills, was this a
moral act?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Uploading the video was not significant

_______ 27. You are at an ice cream parlor and buy yourself an ice cream. There is a little girl beside
you who badly wants an ice cream but cannot afford to buy one. You decide to give your ice cream to the
little girl. Which hedonistic calculus is being displayed?

a. Extent

b. Profundity

c. Intensity

_______ 28. Which one of the following of the Hedonistic Calculus follows the question:

“How long will the feeling of pleasure last”

a. Intensity

b. Fecundity

c. Duration

_______ 29. Which one of the following of the Hedonistic Calculus follows the question:

“How strong is the pleasure that the action will render?”

a. Duration

b. Intensity

c. Propinquity

_______ 30. Which aspect measures the frequency of the same feeling?

a. Certainty

b. Purity
c. Fecundity

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