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Personajes= la roca-crispino exelino hijos de la roca=Víctor guerrero-jerónimo reyes-juan Riaño


THE ROCK= very good morning to all the community, I don't think it is necessary to introduce myself, but in case you live
under a rock I am the powerful rock, the beautiful rock, the invincible rock, and I am in the mutis so that everyone can
see how strong I am, I am not only strong, I am the strongest of all the world.

//interaction with the presenters// that's true, but I've only eaten a little too much, you need to eat to have the big
muscles I have/my hair? As a demonstration of my strength I cut it, because if Samson was strong with hair, imagine if
he didn't have any.

THE ROCK=as I said before, I'm here for you to see a demonstration of my power, or does anyone in this audience think
they can beat me?

//the mini rocks appear//

ALL THE MINI ROCKS= we dad! we dad! we dad! we dad! we dad! we dad!

THE ROCKwell well well well, so my kids are looking to challenge me, not even a hello first?.

jerónimo reyes= hi dad, sorry for being late, but unlike you, we do train very hard in the gym, you are no longer in your
best days, so you can't be the strongest anymore, we will beat you.

LAROCA= This is a joke? you have to prove to the public that you are stronger than me, so, I challenge you and your
brothers a competition, let's start with push-ups, I do more than 100 in one minute, pay attention.

LAROCA= You can't do more than me, right?

Victor guerrero= yes, I can do more than you

LAROCA= this is not valid, the judges put flour on the floor, but that doesn't matter, let's go on with the next test,
assistants, bring me the heaviest weight you can find, my son didn't eat his vegetables, he can't beat me on this

juan Riaño= that's a lie, dad, and I'll prove it to you.

LA ROCA= this competition is not valid, I am too old for this, you are still young.

juan Riaño= you saw dad, it's another one who didn't eat well.

Laroca: I'm very tired, but let's finish this challenge, juries, do you know of a test we can do?

Intervencion de algun jurado: if you prove that you can break this board, we would believe you are strong.

Laroca: come on son, do it first, I'd win anyway.

jerónimo reyes= don't make me laugh papa, because now we will see that my brothers and I not only train our muscles,
but also our heads, everyone look at the power of the mind.

Victor Guerrero= you saw our strength as brothers, and now, with our new title of the strongest brothers in the world
we will leave.

Alguien : come on, I know you are not in your best days, but if you train a little more, and eat a little better you can get
back to your glory days.

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