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Name: kasu Samuel

Index number: BC/ICT/20/125
Explain the following ethical approaches and how they are applied

I. Virtue ethics approach: Virtue ethics is a human moral

conduct and person character that focuses in the carefully
developed, stable, long term inner dispositions of a moral
agent as the foundation of the agent’s moral excellence and
goo life.
Virtue ethics approach is an approach that treat the concept of
moral virtues as central.
For example, a person or organization apply this approach by
aiding his or her client to accomplish what he or she wants
through compassion, trustworthiness and honesty.

II. Utilitarian approach: Utilitarian approach is an ethical

approach which assesses ant action in terms of its
consequences or outbring.
This approach focuses on every entity interests, and also be
considered equally when making a vital decision. It enable
group of people to achieve the greatest good for the greatest
number while creating the least harm and preventing
For example, in pricing a product or service for different types
of customers the utilitarian ethical approach is the best to
III. Fairness approach: Fairness is the quality or reasonable
treatment of people in accordance with accepted rules and
principles (without favoritism or discrimination on basis of
age, gender, nationality, race, or religion).
The fairness approach focus on the fair and equitable
distribution of good and harm or social benefits and costs,
across the spectrum of a given organization.
For example, fairness ethical approach at work should include
accommodating and not discriminating against employees and
clients with disabilities or impairment.

IV. Common Good approach: Common Good approach is an

approach that focus on ensuring that the social policies, social
system, institutions, group of people and environment on
which we depend are beneficial to all.
This approach consist of the outcome that is achieved through
collective participation in the formation of a shared

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