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aye Preface ‘The American Languoge Course (ALC) i a comprehensive, multilevel language program for teaching English for vocational and professienal purposes. Its designed primarily fr intensive English language traning ina clssroom setting, but an easily be adapted fr slower paced instruction. The ALC's eumicuam thas been developed by the Defense Language Ittute English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of Defense school uns the operational contol ofthe US it Fore. The primary fous ofthe ALC iso provide language cursauum fra diverse international military population, To that end, the ‘course includes not ony geneel English topics, hut also military tpies ofa general nature highlighting the typical language military personnel wil encounter in their professional and vocational carer fields. The ALC hes, however, also boon very succesfully used in non-military learning environments and in US high schools ‘wth immigrant student populations Course components The coordinated insiructional packages Fr Books 1-30 consist of the folowing: > tastractor text (I) > Student text ST) > Homework and evaluation exerises booklet (HW and EE) > Audio recordings (tape or CD) > Language laboratory activities ext with audio scripts and answer key (LLAT) > Computerdelivered interactive multimedia instruction IMI for Levels -1V > Quiz kit > Optional wining as Inquiries and orders Please address inguities and voques $s for more information about DLIELC publications to DUFLOLESL 1255 Anirews Avene [Lockland At Force Base, eaas 79236-5259 El dik sw sa i (©2008 by Defense Langusge Instnte English Language Center and its licensors. Novice of Rights: All hs reserved. No pat ofthis book maybe reproiaced a rast in any’ Toxm ory any means, electronic; ‘mechanical, photocopying, recon, o otherwise, without the price written permission of the publisher, Various photos courtesy of US AirForce, Americans with Disses Act (ADA), US Army, US Department of Agsicaltre (USDA), US Deparinent of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), US Marne Corps, [National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration (NASA), US Navy, North Allantie Treaty Organization (NATO), and the US Parks Service ‘This book supersedes ALC Boot 19 Student Tet January 1991 Second Eatin, October 2008 Eighth printing, uly 2012 wore SSCS = ALC Book 19: Scope & Sequence, Lessons 1-5 4, | The tamiy roo "Our Family History" » The generation ap Taking about ownership a relationship ‘Adding “sand ~ 0 show ssession Possossve adjectives and pronouns Inseparable phrasal verbs = Bob ran into an ols frond > Listen toa tat and select the topic > Repeat a dialog with ‘ess on maln content ‘words » Use detonary guide ‘words + Make a graphic organizer ‘rom anor txt > Complete a chart rom a 2 | First responders > Everyday horoos > A dead tre + Resident prevention > Erpress possi and Inpossiity atout past fon and arditons Pertect modals may, might, “and could have (pat. Posstiliy); must nave (Geduetion:coutan' fave (past mpossity) Active causative with have, make and get Indefinite adjectives and pronouns few and ile > Pariipate na ques (group discussion > Read warning and answer questions > Give anova warning ater soning fo, raaing about, or observing a station > Wte a paragraph aftr prowrithg stops Acai cuty 3 1» NUU academies ain ort heater Tak about sivatons in the past ‘lauses pret made ‘sivatons if) nad known, | would have elped you Paslve causative wih have and get Nouns and verbs to ‘acjctves wih able and ‘le stan ia aot and st > Listen toa role-play and answer questions -Paricpate in guided ‘group ciscussion + Fad a paragraph and ross aut he extraneous 4, | Coming to America > Gute shock An immigrants personal ural » Volunteering to > Tak about royets Wish + past perfect > lish had gone wth yo Review toons vary Review: reported present > Flopeat a dialog with sess on mala content ‘words » Make a graphic organizer froma writen txt help teenage te » Write a paragraph ater students pre-witng stops 5 | Review Lesson 5 reviews all ocabulary and stuctures induced in Lessons 1-4 GRANGE COURSE Notes to the Student ‘The American Language Course focuses on four components of language learning: vocabulary, grammatical structures, language functions, and skills. ‘+ The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English, Each new lesson builds on the vocabulary of the previous lessons, The language included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocational contexts. A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military ‘vocabulary is included wherever applicable. ‘= The presentation of gremmar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speale and write standard English, New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being presented, + Language functions are the ways we use a language to communicate. In each lesson, ‘exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and when to use certain words, phrases, and sentences ‘In addition, language and academic skills exercises are interspersed throughout the lessons. These focus on developing the learner’s language proficieney in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, ‘The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the content of the current book. The four columns outline the new material as it relates to the language ‘acquisition components described above. Bach lesson begins with a table of contents {ollowed by a preview page. The preview page provides a summary of the new material presented in the lesson, Eich ALC book has four lessons introducing new material and one review lesson, These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation exercises. Various appendices are also ineluded. ‘The homework and the evaluation exereises are at the back of this text. It generally takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluation exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how well students have learned the material "The appendices follow the fifth lesson. Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word. or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of ‘grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with ‘each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials ‘OOK Io PRERGE ee USER NOTES — ‘AEFICAW LANGLAGE COURSE Contents LESSON 3: LESSON 4: LESSON 5: APPENDICES: BOOK 18 PREFACE A a2: : Language The family tee First responders ‘call to duty Coming to America Review Word List, Glossary Structure List Active Tenses :: Conditional Sentences, Modals and Related Structures in the ALC : Principal Parts of Some Imegular Verbs .. Patterns of Irregular Verbs i: American English Sounds Punctuation and Capitalization 1: Lesson Kesources 19L1 #1 Listening skill (Topic text & flowchart) 19L1 #2 Listening skill (Inference dialogs) 1912 #1 Speaking skill (Discussion cards) 191242. Funetion (Extra information) .. 191341 Listening skill (Main idea text). 1913 #2 Listening skill (Role-play cards) 19L3 #3 Listening skill (Main idea text) 19L4 #1 Listening skill (Topic text) I9LS #1 Listening skill (Topic text) I9L5 #2 Listening skill (Ma I9LS43.—_Listening skill (Role-play cards) idea text) us Mi ary, Ranks, Grades, and Insignia mnctions for Better Communication 21 55 9 10s AL AS HOMEWORK: EVALUATION EXERCISES: HW. FEI ERICA LANGLBGE COURBE The family tree VOCABULARY: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: SKILLS: GRAMMAR: DIALOGS: BOOK 7 LESSON “Our Family History” by Linda McKinney From the Bakkers to the MeKinneys Finding and using guide words "The generation gap Inseparable phrasal verbs Using stress to emphasize content words Choosing the topic and completing a flowchart ‘Who will win Maria's sister's boyfriend’s heart? What's mine is yours, ‘Talking about things you own. Ezz What's nex NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs culture atract divorce lick (on) female divorce file end up ‘grandchild/-children ‘get along (in) granddaughter ‘get along (with) ‘grandson inquire (about) in-law reglect (to) knowledge rt up with, link: tolerate male relationship spouse tolerance GRAMMAR STRUCTURES ‘The salesmen’s boss left early. Mr. Glass's car is dirty. All ofthe groups’ ideas are good, ‘Their house is blue, Ours is whte, Pm looking forward to my vacation. Other all at once along with alongside (of) certain complete consequently eager general & great. in addition incomplete fonce in a while someday specifi tolerant while LANGUAGE FUNCTION ‘Talk about ownership and relationship. Hannah is my brother’s wife. She’s ny sister-in-law. Sam's great-grandfather’s watch is the most important thing Sam owns, Matt's car is new. Mine isn’t, “AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Vocabulary (On a while, 1 deam of visting the countries my relatives came from, T want to collect ard share knowledge about our family histery with my children ‘Thon they can share t with their children someday. For these reasons, I was eager to find out more about my family history. 1 first inquired about family histories at the local library. I read some old documents from their historical files, but the information I found was. incomplete. It only talked about my grandparents, not any earlier relatives These paper files could only give me general information; however, I wanted 19 know many more 2.0 move out "sulting from the act GT or ey tom a lve, eae Spe goaeper a pee who dled te goa ‘rein stole heperps Slowea “nverte gues fase asus, Sey coranoursocrdora‘oranpovsare sc} Secreto pon pont ar n'a SSE, anal ele te ses blo Getandecon creed gets ies (EM bul an it acer ening 5. die 6. to function : F.Ge co worn Seep 6.10 fon oo lw olin usodincons naa wor nd eee yoal 1. the end point of a rece 2. the end olf an outdoor game played on a large: Sal topo of aan Z th ond 9 in ol doe en ar tovrguichei' rege am = 27 Pe toga etl attempt to advance a ball tovards fo score & all round pocket inthe ground ‘ge Guide words are located st the top of a dictionary page. They show the first and the * Jact words on the pags [EES Write the guide words. Use the glossary in Appendix A, Part 2. Left guide word Right guide word 1. fatal disappoint 3. someday 4 stay avay from — 5. bite 6. lenient oa COU [EEGEESER Compare each set of 3 words to the 2 guide word: Decide if any ofthe 3 words would appear between the 2 guide words ina dictionary. 1. flash — heart bit yes heat yes forcast yes 2. beard — brunet barricade yes biology yes bald yes 3. include — insulation indicate yes incapable yes in yes no no no 4. condition — damage danger yes no drizzle yes n0 commission yes n0 5. eas yes no gather yes 10 green yes no 6. effort—even evacuate yes no electric yes no elderly yes no IESEEEEEEA civic the word on the page which has these guide words. __| 1, become — below a, be b. beautiful ©. before d. belt 2. address — age a. accident b. advice agent 4. ago 3. daily — decide 1a, decision b. dark ©. dad desk umbrella — use a. utility b. useful uncertain ugly physical — pie a. photo b. phone ©. piece pick receive — regular a, rest b. remain ©. red receipt i i | WNEINM regenerating == (ti(‘«é‘d ‘When I look at the young people of today, I think alee ee eee ma eee as darian the ‘30s after my family came to the US from Greece. We had to have tolerance fo: the many difficulties we experienced as we became used to the new culture, We worked hard to make a living. My brothers and 1 got up around 5 a.m. eack day to help our parents before we went o school. Our family didn’t own a car, so we walked fo school, Because of this, we had to tolerate all kinds of weather. After we returned from. school, we worked at small jobs inthe neighborhood, but we never neglected our homework. While we were poor, we were proud to be together. admire my parents greatly. Moving to a new country and successfully building a now life demanded a certain amount of toughness, luck, and patience. Even though ‘my parents argued once in awhile and went through some rough times, divoree was cout of the question. Keepin3 the family together was the most important thing for them. My parents remained loyal to us and to each other, unlike today’s young people. Josh Pas in my grandparents! generation have old-fash- arin ioned ideas. Life doesn’t have to consist only of getting up Andarian gly and working lng hours. Geting up at ® asm. scaly enough for me; I'm certainly not tolerant of getting up carly. But my grandparents consider that to be lazy. They refer to do things the hard way. A life with some fun and relaxation is what attracts me instead. For example, [ own a car, so I drive everywhere. ‘Why walk? It's a complete waste of time when T could rive and have more time to enjoy life. And I definitely can’t get along in life without a TV and a computer. ‘My ideas about marriage are also different from those of my grandparents, I don’t think it's a big problem for cou- piles to divorce if they can't get along with each other. [ mean, they may end up hating ‘each other, In that situation, I think it’s better to separate, I'm sure my grandparents \wouldn’t agree, but [think heving an ex-wife or ex-husband isn’t a bad thing. Besides, hho one has fo put up with the mother-in-law anymore. ~~ ERIN LANGLAGE COURSE 1. Greg thiaks that young people's lives aren't easy. Josh doesn't like to get up carly. Greg and his family had to accept many difficulties Sometimes Josh prefers to walk instead of drive Having 4 TV and computer is important for Josh Greg sometimes forgot to do his homework, Greg's parents never considered a divorce. Josh's opinion about divorce is the same as Greg's, Chock off the person each opinion could match the best. ] Who could have said it? Greg Josh 1. No one needs to work all day, every day. 2. Ihave no tolerance for lazy people. [ 3. ‘The family is more important than my own wishes. 4. Twon’t put up with children who complain, 5. I'm attracted to people who are proud to work hard, 6. Life needs a certain amount of relaxation and enjoyment. 7. I's not easy, but I can become accustomed to anything, 8. You shouldn’t tolzrate a relationship when you don’t like each other anymere. 9, You'll end up with a good life without spending every minute working. 10, While you may argue with your spouse one ina while, ] you had beter ty to get along with him or her. ‘BOOK 19 LESSON Li TEESE select the vest answer. 1. Ifyou have to share a small house or apartment with several people, you must learn to each other’s personal habits, a. click on ». tolerate attract 2. Military personnel who their duties can lose money and rank. a. neglect b. pat up with ©. divorce 3. The relationship between any two countries is better when their leaders. each other. ‘a, getalong in b._ get along with ec. end up 4. Is difficult to a. get along with b. attract c. getalong in life without being able to read or write, 5. As children grow up, they gradually add to their experience and a. knowledge bi. links ©. grandchildren 6. Most children are eager fo a. clean the bathroom . have a day of fun and games forget about their new toys 7. The store manager offered a 25% discount because he wanted to customers. a. inquire >. attract . neglect 8. Most ofthe jobs in the nursing profession are filled by a. relationships b. males c. females == CRN LANGE COURSE [EEE Write the words that go with each set of phrases. gotalong (well) in endup neglect —_getalong (well) with ex- attract o | le e_ wife / husband doing the laundry ‘your boss: + boyfriend /giririend to make repairs | the teacher a ‘your studies the neighbors ° 6 6 causing an accient flies | his classes like his brother new business + anew job leaving early the opposite sex relationship Ll (EERE Use tho cotlocations in Exercise D to answer the questions. 1. Jim and Sue were martied for 10 years, but then they got a divorce, What is Sue's relationship to Jim now? She's his ex-wife 2. Sam’s house is s» hot and uncomfortable, [think he never fixed the air conditioner. What did Sam neglect? 3, Cindy couldn’t sind the people who lived across the street from her. Who did Cindy not get along with? —_____ 4, Richard didn’t like the party, so he didn’t stay for long. What did Richart end up doing? 5. We were havinga wonderful picnic, but we forgot to cover the food. What did the food attract? 6. Steve is enjoying his classes and is making great scores. How is Steve domg in school? 300K 1 LESSON ‘Write the underlined words in the correct categories below. Melissa is a very ki but she i ‘person and has great toleran tolerant about selfishness, efor difficult people, An international school isa great place to meet people from many different cultures, Carol didn’t divorce David even though he wasn't loyal to her. David is lucky that Carol didn't ask for «divorce. ‘Which of the sexes can tolerate pain bette nales or females? Eva gets along with her in-laws, but Eric just can’t put up with his, In winter, north Texas ge's fairly cold, while south Texas stays warm most of the time. Consequently, many people like to go on winter trips to south Texas. Larry found some information about his great-grandmother in the library. In addition, he located her social security and census records on the Internet. Nouns Yerbs Adjectives: Adverbs Write 2-3 sentences that use as many words above as possible, = oe ARE RCABANGUAGE COURSE EEG Select the best answer. 1. Did the police officers suddenly leave 4, Was your car parked next to Nathan’s? a. Yes, they left all at once. a. Yes, my ear was parked behind his. b. Yes, they Teft one by one. bb. Yes, my car was parked alongside his. 2, Is your daughter interested in taking, Was the information I gave you ‘swimming lessons? detailed enough? Yes, she’s too bored to take them, ‘Yes, hanks. It was very specific, Yes, she’s very eager to take them. b. Yes, thanks. It was general enough, 3. Did your brother end up earning 6. Did you ask the travel agent about the degree? hotel reservations? fa, Yes, he graduated after many years. a, Yes, Ineglected the reservations. be Yes, he failed to carn it '. Yes, inguired about the reservations. {ts better to - Link it's a good : /, idea to ask a relative to go with 1. getup early on weekends { you to the doctor. He ean remind you sleep late on weekends \ of everything you want to say and help you remember what the _/ doctor tellsyou. 2, drive everywhere. NN ‘walk when its possible. 3. watch news on TV daily. Vv , watch TV news once in a while. ¢ vw take clave along with you L ( 6. divorce when things get very rough, tolerate your spouse and never divorce. score tesSNT SS BEE ree ro sos Discuss the topics with a pariner, then underline he inseparable phrasal verbs. When was the lasttime you got together with your friends or family’? 2. Who isa person that you get along with very well? 3. Is there something or someone that you can’t put up with? Have you ever run into a famous person? How often do you work out? 6. Which activites do you enjoy taking part in? 7. What new activity would you like to take up? HEEESEW conpine Write the inseparable verbs that have the same meaning as the verbs in the chart with underlined verbe from informal / spoken more formal / written a put up with tolerate ee met soolly a —__ meet unexpectedly e —_________ havea good relationship with a be pattcipate OTS =.= le rcil lis CRE HESSEN Unscramble the words to make statements and questions. o || teat put up with smoking. X |[ on |e] fA phrasal verbis called inseparable when you cannot put anything between any parts of the verb. smoking up with, 1. can’t/1/ up / with / put / smoking / [can’t put up with smoking. 2. drop/on/Let’s/ Judy and Joe /in / 3. promotion /for is / up / soon / Lt Miller / very / 4, coffee (need / cut / You / on / 10 / down / 5. children / Rachel / after / enjoys / looking / small / 6. for/ the boys fen / Can /help / count / we /? 7. you / in-laws / with / Do f along / get/ your /? 8. weekend / go//Iast/ Jason / out / Did /? 00K 79 LESSON HESEEREEEN Fi in the tiank with an inseparable phrasal verb. ee] ‘Match the meaning ofthe word in parentheses. Use the correct form of the verb work on cut down on work out take off drop by geton 1. Why don't you (ist) our ranch sometime this weekend? 2. Flight 763________ pats) for Boston in 15 minutes. 3. You really need to ____ (reduce) the amount of coffee you drink. 4, Aren't you going to (exercise) later this afternoon? 5. Teed to_ (repair) my broken fence tomorow 6. think dropped my wallet when |________ (entered) the bus. HESSEN Mate phrasal verbs with get, look, put, drop, or take. dong with | | by back ® in off O_ on aside cout a rid of @ out together together = up.with forward to sess = ‘apart off we © out of 4 This exercise roviows 5 voros commonly TERESI: pertin Used in phrasal combinations. = = ees "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE ETI Using stress to emphasize content words | jen and repeat. Listen 1o your instructor read the short dialogs. Then repeat them, using stress correctly Z Zz L.A: Istthe list complete? 3, As Isthe cat a male? 7 B: No, it sate B: No, it’s a female, ia Z 2. A: Ishe your brother? 4. A: Have they left yet? a Z B: No, he's my friend, B: No, they're still here. 4 We stress certain words to let the listener know those words are important. These ‘words are “content words:" nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Many times, but not ‘always, this content word is the sentence’s last word. Mark stress ane practice. With a parmer, mark the stress in the short dialogs. Then practice the dialogs using the conveet stress. Your teacher will do the first one with you as an example. L.A: Is it going wo rain? BB: No, there aren’t enough clouds. 2. A: Will the coffee keep him awake? BB: Yes, he'll beawake for hours 3. A: Do you have any fuel for the fire? B: Yes, we have some wood. 4. A: Did the boy drown? B: Yes, he drowned in the lake, 5. A: Can we drop by your house? B: No, I'm at te office now, BOOK 19 LESSONT Choosing the topic and completing a flowchart Circle the topic after Ustening to atext ‘a, Showing the proper ID b._ Passing the written driving test ©. Getting a Texas driver's license ESERIES Compete the flowchart after listening to the text agai —__} ‘tte ivesteose free ‘tn how 3 me [completed apriation T pay afee }—+[ personal check L ves lake a vision test - J receive permanent Ticense by mail [| CHB LANGLAGE COURSE Rete Who will win Maria’s sister’s boytriend’s heart? Underline all the words thar end ins oF vsear NEWS &. Dr. Smith's Body! @. SDS 3Women’s Hearts (9S? Cr : rae a ene aur ie Doctor Dean Wilson walks into his laboratory and finds the body of his partner, Dr. Smith, on the floor. What killed him? The police's opinion is that Smith's death was caused by harmful chemicals, Perhaps Smith and Wilson's new drug was not as safe as they thought. Stay tned next week to see what really killed Dr. Smith. Maria is secretly in love with Jake, but Jake has been dating Macia’s sister, Tamara, Jake's boss's daughter also has her eyes on Jake, Which ‘woman will Jake choose? Which of the ladies" hearts will be broken? ‘Watch next week’s show to see ifthe three women’s love for the same man becomes public knowledge. HEEEESGEND ite an oxanpie of ach ne fom thetox above. +) aesvesive noch fie a Example of ule + noun [1 stngutr nouns sal] ae 2, Singular nouns that end ins addl'8]. | > 3. Plural nouns tha end in-saaal"]. | 3 4 tegulr pura nouns aaa] io 1 cousinvene 5. menvinsiucor Ce ee ee eee con Oe ee Ree a DKON HEESESAL Combine the sentences by using ['s] or ['}- 1. My mother has three sisters. aie oa _My mother’s three sisters live in Ohio, 2. Linda had a soccer game. Teas cancelled. 3, The salesmen have a meeting. Ik starts at 0900. re 4. The soldiers have a mission, Its to protect the base. ee 5. The base has a commander He's been here a month,.§—§ 6. The children have two cats. ‘They're named Spot and Rex, — ae 7. Thomas has a roommate. His roommate is from Braz 8 Ben has a watch, I belonged to his grandfather, £$£$@——@—————— BESET Listen to the pronunci jon of the underlined words. (Check she box forthe final sound ofthe underlined word, 1. the group's decision 6, the wine’s color 2. my family's vacation [| 7. his wife’s cousin 3. Nicole’s sisters 8. the watch’s hands 4, Dr Jarvis’s project 9. the busses’ tires 5. the children’s toys 10. employees’ rights =a REGAN LANGLAGE COURSE | Grammar | What's mine is yours. Complete the chart below with your instructor Subject ‘Object Possessive Possessive Pronouns _| Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns 1 1 me my = - 2 you your yours 3 he im his 7 ais her her 5. we our ours 6. it it @ 1. they their Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. 1, Can T borrow —your__(you) car? 6, Wenneed (ve) papers 2. Jeffealled______(he) brother. 7. The reerits must follow 3. Lean'tfind @) lasses. (chey) drill sergeant’ instructions 4, Sara colored (she) hair red, 8 You and your wife should bring 5. ‘The cat lay in (it) bed, : (you) children to the party. [EXE Pepiace tho underlined words with possessive pronouns. 1. Your room is much cleaner than my room, 2. Once we write the check, the house will be our house 3. Mike borrowed James's tools because his tools were broken. _ 4, I's not right for people to take things that aren’t their things. 5 ‘We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season, BooK Ta LESSONT a =e MEEEUEGE Cite the corect wordto compete the sentences. ] [Number Fis an example, Daniel Collins’ grandmother gave him a special git for his 8th bday. It was an antique pocket watch that O(Fer) hers grandfather had given her when she turned 18. ‘The watch was very od, but @ is /i's condition was tll quite good. Danie’s grand other tld him, “This watch was once ® my'/mine, ut now i's @ your /yours. One day you can give it to © your /yours grandchildren.” Daniel thanked his grandmother, then sad, “When I give it 10 © my/mine grandchildren, tell them that it came from © their / theirs great-great granimother Replace the underlined words with the adjective or pronoun. A beautiful estate first belonged to George Roberts II, 4 rich Iand owner and art collector in the early 1800s. It was © George Roberts I's house until © George Roberts III's death, tut it stayed in ® George his Roberts II's family for more than 50 years, In 1915, the base wasn slog wit O eon at ton, — 5 to. famous actress, Suzanne Fearnside, The house was g © Suzanne Fearnside’s house until @ Suze 5 _ earnside's death in 1965, At that time, @ Suzanne — g Fearside’s chien decided not to keep the house. It > ‘vas © the children’s house by law, but they knew © the g children’s mother wanted ito bean art museum, So,in 4g 1970, the house became a muscum in honor of @ the 4g children’s mother's wishes. a ERIE LANGUAGE COURSE Eve My great-great-grandfather’s military sword ‘When I was a boy, used to visit my grand- ‘mother in Indiana every summer. I still remember ‘many of the stories she would tell me about her 7 grandparents—my great-great-grandparents. One jj story was about her father’s Father, who had once ‘owned the sword which hung above her fireplace. ‘The antique sword’s blade was made of steel, and it had a curved handle. My grandmother told ‘me that my great-great-grandfather had carried the sword to war in 1861. That same sword now ‘hangs on the wall in my living room, and I tell my ‘grandmother's stories to my three grandchildcen, g Someday, I'll pass on the sword to one of them. List Then choose an item to describe. Include details about why it's special Items passed on to you Items you want to pass on grandfather's pocket watch my coin collection My father gave me : /// tay grandiather's pocket watch when | / graduated from college. I's gold, and it till keeps perfect time. Ihave an old photo of \_ amy grandfather vearing the watch, He'd / received it as agraduation git from —_/ his father in 1937 a OOK 19 LESSON? USER NOTES — "RERICAB LANGUAGE COURSE First responders VOCABULARY: SPEAKING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DIALOGS: GRAMMAR: WRITING: OK 19 LESSON Everyday heroes Panicipatng in a group discussion A deadly fir in Blue Lake « F'n having them build house for me Prevent accidents during the summer ‘Making guesses about what happened in the past ‘Saying you're 95% sure about the past Figuring out what happened in the past Few and litle (© mean not many / not much A narrative paragraph 39 2 45 a7 50 sl 33 Ezz What's new in Lesson 2? | NEW VOCABULARY Nouns ‘get someone to do something stay away (from) assistance st through o use up bite @ ‘eet through with other chemical have someone do something department insist on) @ aheohtcly fuel according to @ inspect helmet Keep away (from) at least © method make someone do somethin mae rest ae convincing Verbs right have entire arrange @ nisplace fatal assist rust have few biterbivbicten rrevent in place of, col have rescue litle couldn't have respond otherwise drop off @ run across preventable drown search tim GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION Hannah could have let eatly Express possibly & impossibility Susan must have been sick. about past actions or concions Mrs, Lee made her son wash the Where are my keys? dishes. You may might/could have left Nicole as litle free ime and few them at home, friends. 1 couldn't have left them at home because I used them to drive to ‘work, Tmust have dropped them in the parking lot =m nA NGAGE COURSE Vocabulary [prog While modern firefighters’ main job is to put out fires, they perform many other pub- lic safety duties, Firefighters respond to automobile accidents, medical emergencies, and hazardous material spills. They help search for and reseue people from natural ‘and man-made disasters. In addition, fie fighters teach public fire safety education tnd inspect buildings to prevent fires. Staying prepared for the demanding job of firefighting takes a lot of work. Along with keeping their bodies fit, trim, and strong by exercising and lifting weights, firefighters are careful to eat heallhy diets. To keep their abilities up-to-date and to prevent making fatal errors, they spend a lot of time training. Some learn special methods for putting out, fires on airplanes and ships. Some take courses to become specialists and carn certifi- cates; some go on to earn degrees in fire science at a college or university Firefighters work as teams which are led by a fire chief. It takes at least ten years of experience, a bachelor’s degree, and hundreds of training hours for a firefighter to become a chief. Is the responsibility ofthe fire chief to insist on safe methods and disci pine, and to make sure that firefighters who are under his command keep their equipment in excellent condition, ready for immediate use. This equipment includes fire vehicles, special tools, fireproof coats and boots, and helmets for head protection. While city fire departments are responsible for their local dis tics, all fire departments in the United States have agreements {o assist other districts. Specially trained firefighting teams are ‘often asked for their assistance by other cities, other states, and even other countries. Several times a year, fire departments in cities and on military installations join with police departments, hos- pitals, and city officals to conduct joint disaster train- ing. These drills allow officals to be sure that everyone knows how to do their jobs according to the emergency ‘management chain of command and policies. Firefighting is an important and dangerous job. ‘The men and women who do it are truly everyday heroes. | [EEGEEEGEN select the topic of graph on the previous page. | Paragraph 1 Paragraph 3 | Firefighters’ duties a, Fire chiefs |b. Medical emergencies b. Equipment es Siete = Paragraph 2 a. Putting out fires . Staying prepared Paragraph 4 | a Assistance agreements b. Local fire departments Paragraph 5 a. Fire drills b. Joint training Use the boided words in the text to answer the questions. |. What is another word that means to look for? —_—_ 2. Which adjective means causing death? 3. Which word means a way 0 do something? 4. What do firefighters use to protect their heads? 5. What is another word that means to help someone? BEERS Discuss thase questions with a partner. ‘What are some differences between firefighters in he US and in your country? How can someone become a firefighter in your country? 3, What should you do if there isa fire? 4, How can fires be prevented? 5. What other professions have “everyday heroes”? = URGE CORE [ESGEEEEEGN) atch a phrase trom each column to make sentence. 1. Thetraining must be done a, eight chairs forthe meeting 2. Though egutarexereise——b, help prevent sickness. 3. Washing yourhands will ——_e, according to regulations 4. Fimworks in the appliance d._resoue the driver from the flood. 5. The fire departments had toe, department of a furniture store, 6 Weneed atleast f. we cam stay healthy and trim. [EEGREEEEE Write the words in the box in the correct categories. Two words will be used in two different categories fatal assistance rescue fatally at least insist on ‘method assist search respond response im inspection inspect NOUNS | _VERBS ADJECTIVES. ADVERBS. Te i | Use a word from ‘box to complete ich conversation, Seseelh is AnD ‘an you help me find my ring? department fatal assistance Can sou help me find my ring See ae Sure, le’s _ fori 1. How did Sue move that big desk? 5. Why do you exercise so often? She asked for I want to stay healthy and. 2. How can L avoid getting a flat tire? 6. How far is it tothe airport? your tires often, Its 15 miles 3. Where can I find swimsuits? 7. What caused the train accident? Tn the sports ‘Someone made a_error [ESSE comp interview with words from the box. Bob Gates: Hello, I'm reporter Bob Gates. We're here at an apartment building where a local man named Mike Walters Mr. Walters, sir, can you tell us what happened? ‘a baby from a swimming pool. Mike Walters: Well, Iwas riding my bike past the pool when Tsaw the helmet baby in the water. I got off my bike, took off my + method jumped in, and pulled him oat. He didn't____at first, fist 00, soT used a rescue _____ that Thad earned in school. scroning to helped the baby the best I could what Td leamed. He began to cough. Then some other people ran over to < _____________ me. Later EMS took him to the hospital ne Gates: Do you know how the baby got into the swimming pool? ein respond Walters: No, I don’t, but you can see there’s no fence around the pool, Gates: ‘Thankfully, you saw the baby. The renters in this apartment building should «fence around the pool 10 something like this from happening again, Mr. Walters, you are a hero, Thanks for talking f0 us. "EMS = Emergenoy Medica Senice z= - "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Discuss the situation below with your group. Write down what you decide to rake and why: ‘You and your friends are going on a ‘out-day camping tip in the woods. ‘You have checked the weather forecast for your trip and know it will be very cold at night and warm in the daytime, You'll he camping, far away from any highways, and no one Tives in the area. You'll have to walk many miles te reach the location where you plan to camp. ‘The woods where you'll be are home to many plants and animals. Each person brought a backpack, ‘The tent, sleeping bags, food, ‘water, and extra clothes have been divided between you to make all the backpacks weigh the same. Afier packing, you realize tire is room left for five more liens. Declde together which five you should take. Hem =a __7 Possible items to take flashlight first ald kit mirror laptop computer knife newspaper shovel compass gun matches ‘can opener soccer ball toilet paper ‘camping stove Reason Wel IVIET NE A deadly fire in Blue Lake | Fire Chief tells public: Stay away from Metro Plastics Weonespay, Ari 29, BLUE Lake Thomas Horton, 25, a Met Plastics employee, was killed and two firefight- ers were injured Tuesday in a fire that destroyed an entire building. Police have barricaded the streets around Met- 10 Plastics. “The fire is not completely fout, and there may still be dangerous chemicals in the air. People should avoid the area,” says Blue Lake Fine Chief, Darrel Simon, ‘The two firefighters were injured when heavy smoke made it difficult to get through fo Horton in the basement of the buming building. According to the police report, the firefighters used up the air in their air tanks before they could get out of the buildirg, Other firefighters had to assist the three men. Horton was taken t0 Blue Lake Hospital ‘here he later died of severe barns, A. Metro. Plastics. spokesperson. told police that Horton was working in a basement room where tanks 0° propane fuel and chlorine, a chemical which is commonly used to make plestic, had been misplaced. Horton was loading the tanks to drop them off elsewhere, Government regulations require that chlorine be handled only by specially trained workers. The Metro. Plastics spokesperson did not know if Horton had been tained. Neither the employee nor the injured firefighters were wear- ing hazardous materials (HAZMAT) protection equipment. Fatal Fire Was “Absolutely Preventable” Says Fire Chief ‘Tuurspay, APRiL 30, BLUE Lake - Fire Chief Darrel Simon says Metro Plasties had failed a safety inspection just one week before the fire that injured two firefighters and killed a Metro Plastics employee. “The factory manager had insisted that there were uy problems with where the propane fuel tanks and the chlorine tanks were kept,” said Simon, But records show that fie inspee- (ors had run across a basement room where {anks of both liquids were arranged too close together. Some were lying on their sides Chlorine can be very dangerous if proper pre: cautions aren’t taken to keep it away from other materials. It doesn’t burn, but it causes other materials, ike propane, to burn, The in- spectors also noted that the building did not have a “fire diamond” sign on the outside to ‘warn of the hazardous materials inside. “There were serious problems;” said Chief ‘Simon, “Our inspectors had been told that all the tanks were empty. We weren’t convineed, so we fold Metro Plastics to have HAZMAT: trained workers clean up the room and move the tanks toa safer place, It appears that wasn’t «done according to regulations.” TRERICHN LANGUAGE COURSE PEEL Work with a partner to complete the safety checkli Use the news articles and the Couments section ofthe checklist to decide whether 19 mark the YES 0r NO column an to fll inthe blank boxes inthe COMMENTS column, ‘BUILDING SAFETY INSPECTION CHECKLIST Page 3 of 5 | | [company Name Metro Plasti Date April 22 ‘Address 2525 8. Notro Avenue, Bi c Inspecto(s)_Aeot.Fize Chief M. Jones & Lt. 7. Shore MATERIALS YES | NO ‘COMMENTS 1. | Hazardous chemicals present x chlorine 2. [Fuels present propane SAFETY 3. [Fre diamond vibe on bulking | [a [Hazardous materiasin safe locaton in basement against regs 2, [Location has good ai ow x_| against regulations [Location has weatve protection * according to regulations 5, | Hazardous matrals tanks kept apart x 6, [ark marked wit name warning ‘according 19 regulations 7. [Tanks Geary matted FULL or EMPTY ‘ho marks 8. [Tanks propery sired upright HAZMATTRAINING 9, [Upto-date ist of el employees AND: x_[ names from last year only «| dates of HAZMAT waining alongside cs names who have woeied it ©. | schedule of HAZMAT taining for those facia Neral no record of training IMPORTANT State law requires immediate correction of al problems, RECOMMENDATIONS finen your company gets through with che entize list of corrections, arrange with the fire department for ané ingpection within 15 days. Otherwise, your company a fine and can be shut down until the problems are fixed. i | Read the text about fire diamonds. Answer the questions. ‘The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is an international organization whose goal is fire prevention and public safety. The fire diamond is a special warning sign developed by the NFPA to help firefighters identify tuildings or containers that hold dangerous materials. Its purpose is to indicate how to fight fires that occur near the ‘cangerous materials, A fire diamond has four sections: blue, red, yellow,and white. ‘The blue, ted, and yellow sections each have a number, from (104, which shows certain kinds of dangers. herent Blue = health hazard 0 Roney Red = ability to burn 1 Yellow =fkeinood of 2 explosion 3 White = special hazards | | 4 extreme danger The white section is for special hazards. It may be empty or hold a leter or symbol. For instance, if there is a W, firefighters know not to use water on a fire because that chemical becomes extremely dangerous when it touches water. Another example is OX, letters which ‘mean that the chemical will not burn by itself but can cause or strengthen a fire. 1. Look at the fite diamond for the chemical, chlorine. ‘What hazard does this fire diamond indicate? likelihood of explosion bi. ability to burn ©. damage to health Chlorine Fre 2. Look atthe fire diamond for propane. What warning Diamond does it give firefighters? Propane burns extremely easily '. Propane is a serious health hazard, cc. Water can't be used to put outa propane fire. 3. According tothe fire diamonds, both chlorine and Propane . a, bum very easily b. are extreme health hazards, Propane Fire cc. have no danger of exploding, Diamond ed a. Don’Cuse water on this chemical, b. This chemical is very hazardous to healt, ¢. Be careful. This chemical burns easily ‘This chemical will make others burn stronger. ‘Take precautions because this is a health hazard, ©. There is a low danger of the material burning, Be extromely careful around this chemical Don’t worry. This chemical is not dangerous. :| Warning! This chemical burns easily of these chemicals with a partner. 00K 1 LESSON PERSE Match the word with its definition. 1. entire a. tofinish 2. fatal b, to putin the wrong location 3. to getthrough with , 10 demand oF say strongly 4. absolutely 4. allof something 5. toinsist ©. a material used to produce power 6. fuel causing someone to die 7. wo misplace completely BESET Replace the underlined words and rewrite the sentences. ‘get through to, convinced drop off otherwise preventable keep away from run across. |. Anna’s on a diet, so she avoids desserts 2. Is raining, so take my umbrella, If you'll get really wet. 3. T've been preparing for months, so I'm sure I'l win the big race. 4. Tied to reach my friend in Italy by phone, but I couldn't 5. Could you take me to the aisport? 6. Did anyone find my keys by chance? 7. Notall accidents can be stopped from happening. ST GE COE Pee I'm having them build a house for me. | eee Sam: Hi Jan, Thaven't seen you ina while. What have you been doing? Janet: Pm having Gold Star Homes build « new house for me, I's not finished ye. Sam: ‘That's great, How is everthing going? Janet: Well, spend a lot of time checking onthe hows. already made the painters change the colo of one — room, They'd painted it the wrong colo. And P'm eae going fo make the builder replace the new oven uence because it already has a broken door Sam: ‘That's not good. You should get the company to be sore cael. Janet: Maybe I'll stop paying uni all the problems are fixed. That might persuade them ae Inthis grammar structure, we use have to hie or instruct someone to do something, ‘make to require of force, and get to persuade someone. BSEEEISEME Fin the brant trom the datos al es it the painters the color. GET object can [EEGEEEGEEN De:ide on the meaning of the underlined verb and write the number. Write (1) for hireinstru, 2) for requirefforce, or) for persuade 1. The seigeant makes the recruits do push-ups when they make a mistake. 2. Col Kent had his secretary phone Col Donner. 3. The pice made the trafic stop while they took care of an accident. 4. How can I get my neighbors to make less noise? 5 Will Kim havea gardener work on her yard once a week’? I's so small Booe ig LESSONZ of the verb in (). 1. Lt Roy got his teacher (show) him how to use a computer. 2, We'll have a photographer ___ (tak) pictures of our son’s wedding. 3, The managers made the employees (work) Tonger than usual 4, ‘The school bus driver made the noisy students _________(be) quiet 5. Tom hasn't gowen his wife__________ (agree) toa divoree yet 6. How did you make your dog (stop) barking? 7. Did Cindy finally get er husband ____(buy) a better dishwasher? 8. Why can’t we have the deliverymen____ (arrange) the new furniture? 9, When did Mr, Jones have «repairman (fix) his garage door? 10. How did Mate get his paren ~ (lend) him money fora cae? ESERCEEEEM Unscrambie the words to make sentences and questior Use the word in parentheses as the subject. 1. (Mrs. Bames) her cook / prepare / have / for Dr. Forbes / will /Tunch J Mrs. Bames will have he: cook prepare lunch for Dr. Forbes 2. () reduce / my landlord /10 / have gotten / the rent / 3. (we) make / refund / the store / our money / should / 4. (Mt. Darson) for everyone / had / pizzas / his favorite restaurant / deliver / 5. (the boss) _is/ miss / making / the company picnic / you / Why /? 6. (Hannah) her friends / clean / How / get /did / her apartment / to /? 7. (you) have / might / Where / your house / Gold Star Homes / build / aia OUSE HESEREEGHEM Discuss what is happening in each situation with a partner. Use have, make, or get. - yrould you help me) es, please?_) (Reenits,clean wp isl Sit Yes, 2 Ed em ) Waier, please ==" bring my friend a ( soupaand a beer anu beer. | c iene Fil bi No problem, i ,, Mike! If you help” Make it ten :\ ae il buy ~ eae aa angie | ime wash the car ilgive } and you've} hes chars Can How ont] rite" gets) (Green 2 ait f © eos Co | a] ‘Summer can be fun hen fails remember o stay sate. In tis month's newer, we tak about some common summer occasions where accidents can easly be prevented Sleepiness and Driving Many people drive long distances on their summer vacations. Driving for houes on straight roads ith few intersetions and lite trafic |) can cause a driver to drop aft AA National Highway Transporation Safety report found that crvers who fell sleep while diving cased necrly 25% of al car accident ln year. “The best way to avoid this danger isto break a long trip into sages For example, top fora break every | few hours. I'you're hungry, get a quick bite ro cat instead of eating & large meal. Once you have driven | 8-10 hours in one day, stopand | get some slep. After that, you can | Safely drive the rest ofthe way. Dangerous Dogs People and dogs spend more tim ‘outdoors in the summer than in the ‘winter, o there is more of a chance you ‘will run across a dangerous dog. Dogs bite about 4.7 million people in the ceach year, sending nearly 1900 people to the emergeney room every day. ACCIDENT =. | PREVENTION (pR) June Newsletter Here are some suggestions for avoiding dog bites. First, don’t surprise a dog you don't know by immediately touching it; at least let it come to you first and smell you. | Second, don't bother a dog while | it’s sleeping, eating, chewing on a toy, or caring for its young. Finally, never leave children and dogs together without adult supervision, | 1 Water Safety | Swimming and boating are popular | activities in the summer. However, one | of the dangers of enjoying the water | is drowning, About nine drownings | happen each day in the US. Following | these rules can prevent this hazard. | + Be sure everyone with you can swim | or is wearing a life jacket, | ‘+ An adult should always supervise children who are in or near the water, + Never use swimming toys (beach | balls, etc.) im place of life jackets to | eop people safe + Never go swimming or boating alone, * Never drink alcohol before swimming or boating, "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE [EEEEEISSEAT Match the two parts to make sentences. 1. Iwas very tired, so T almost Dia you know that your bad eat Lee’ take the bus If you can’t go to the pany, Dao you want to stop and get ‘Steve fell into the water and I did't get through with my work bitme on the arm? because Iran out of time. bite teat? in place of driving nearly drowned. roped off in clas. at Jeast call Joanna to tell her. FXERSEEEM Flin the blanks in the announcement with words from the box. otherwise assistance entire method arrange dropped off ANNOUNCEMENT ‘To: Lakebourne Students From: Sue Binder, Head Librarian Subject: Library fines Attention Students, Before you complete the semester you must @ Lakebourne + University + 10 pay ‘any library fines tat you may have. You must pay the @ ————— amount due, @ ______ you will not be permitted to sign up for next semester’selesses. Cash isthe only @ that you ean use to pay. No personal checks or credit cards will be accepted. Cash payments can be® _— a the library. For ® call 555-9970 or visit the library's main desk, coke LESSONS Answers wil vary. 1. You see this warning sign on the Fence of a house you pass by when you take your children to the park, What BEWARE should you do to stay safe? OF DOG myo 2, You are driving late at night and you see this warning sign. What should you do? 3. You go to the beach to swim, but you see this warning, ‘ sign on the lifeguard’ chair, What should you do? No «ky LIFEGUARD ON DUTY from 6 pam. to 6am. With a pariner, add more ideas to answer the ques What are some things that you can / should ... ? misplace inspect get through with | stay away from wallet car homework fire = ANGE COURSE Pea Making guesses about what happened in the past Keep watching the 6 o'clock news. CMe what : After our commercial break, wo'l explain how this car ended up in a tee. \ happened.) ‘A tomado might have Blown the car up the \ Ii an en = flood, / Maybe it was for a movie. /( Armovie studio may have placed | the car there for a movie scene. ‘They could have used special _/ ‘machines to lift it. ag We use may have, might have, and ‘could have to make guesses when we'te less than 50% sure about ‘something that happened in the past. BSEEESEN toe tec Ise past participle / modal subject / object. a me 3. People may, me placed: the car there .. [EEE compote the irregular verb cha base | past | pastpartciple base | past 1. blow 5. strike 2. come 6. take 3. leave 7. wake 4. lose : | [ewe | ESTER Complete the guesses with perfect modals. Use the words in). Use the modal + have, and change he verb tthe past partie 1. Boss: ‘Sam: 7. Sim: John: 3. Dad Mom: 4, Charley: Mrs. Fry: Mr. Fry: Why aren't our michines working properly? Well, boss, the pover__might have gone out_ (might / go ou) lastnight There was a terrible lightning storm tat lasted for hours Lightning ____ (could / strike) the factory. Why was Joe late yesterday’? He —__ may / wake up) tat. Orbis tire might blow out, He should have replaced ita while ago, ‘What happened to my radio? Some of its pieces are missing! Well, Jimmy —_ cout / take it apart) since he’s interested in seeing how things are assembled. Then he (may / Tose) some of the pieces by accident Mom, why is there a note on our front door? Our new neighbors (could / come over) while wwe were gone, They (nay / write) us the note. Or the mailman might teave) it NE COURSE es Saying you're 95% sure about the past Welcome back to the 6 o’olock news! The sunny weather made perfect conditions for TV producers. to work on their latest show Extreme Car Chases. / You were right. The (( movie producers must have) placed the cartiere. 7 Yes, | was thinking that {there coulda’ have been ato») (since we've besn having all \ Stas voy wean v Use must have when you ate 95% sure about something that happened in the past. Use couldn't have when you are 95% sure that something was impossible in the past. EGRESS Match the situation with the most reasonable response. Situation Response 1. The grass was wet this morning 4. She couldn't have quit already. 2. A's phone was out of order yesterday. b. He couldn’t have called me. 3. Jenna stared a great job last week. ce Ttmust have rained lastnight. 4, Last week's weather was extremely d. They must have argued about ‘unusual for summer, something. 5. Sue and Joe aren't speaking to cach —_¢, He must have been allergic to other. seafood 6 Acustomer got really sick after Even the best weatherman he ate the grilled fish, couldn't have forecast it. i = ESEEEESIEN Unscramble the words in parentheses to make sentences. 1 Why is the dog all wet? (in the pool / He / have / must / jumped) 2. Why is the room freezing? (Allen / forgotten / to close / have / must / the window) 3, Why was the kitchen full of smoke last night? (must / Karly / been cooking / have) 4. Bobby is too young to drive. (seen him / driving / You / have / couldn't yesterday) 5. Tmailed a card to you this morning, (it/ You / gotten / couldn't / already / have (6. Matt was broke last year. (couldn't / have / He / a new car / afforded / at that time) KEES were mustnave or court have and ust verb mn (.—— (Change the verb 10 the past participle. 1. Gary's looking fora job, Hehe fired from his od one 2. Nina's working overseas. You ________(see) her at he mal lastnight. 3. Nick broke his leg last week He—_____ (run) in the race las nigh. 4. Alknows nothing about cart. He____________ (fx) the ear himset. 5. Diane looks relaxed these deys.She_________ (go) om a long vacation, 6. Bill's a terrible fisherman, He (catch) 10 fish in one day. 7. How did Kay clean the house in 30 minutes? She (get) help. 8. The chocolate cake Sarah brought to work yesterday was eaten by her co-workers in Jess than 10 minutes. Everyene dike) it tor. aca TaN GTRGE COURSE Use a perfect modal (modal + have + past participle) oe must have | You're 95% sure that something in the past was true. couldn’thhave | YoU 95% sure something in the past was impossible, may have ae you're guessing about the past might have | youre less than 50% sure) could have EEEEEEEEEEN Choose the modal that gives the sentence the same meaning. 1. Maybe Ted took tte money. 5 ‘Ted have teken the money. a. must >. may ©. couldn't 2. Tm not sure, but! think Jane was 6 upset last nighs. Jane have been upset last night. a, must b. could ©. couldn't 3. I's impossible that Sherry took 7 the money, Sherry havo taken the money. a. must bo may ©. couldn't 4. 'malmost certain that Frank was 8, responsible for the accident Frank have been responsible, a. must b. might ©. couldn't ‘00K I9 LESSON? Perhaps Joel missed the bus. Joc! —_— have missed the bus, bo may ©. couldn't T'm not really sure that Kyle passed the exam yesterday. Kyle —— have passed the exam, a. must b. might ©. couldn't I'm very sure that Sam ate the last piece of cake. ‘Sam —— have eaten it. a. must b. could ©. couldn't F'm positive the team didn’t win the ‘game afier playing so poorly ‘The team have won the game. ‘a, must b. might fe. couldn't 2 = Ezra EN feyc.oam Figuring out what happened in the past ‘Read each situation with a parmer and take notes of your guesses. Then say what may have, might have, and could have happened to the clas. EXAMPLE: Late one night ‘Tom was driving in the country: side late at night when he suddenly drove off the road. ‘What do you think happered? 1. Lost Car cueeeoe Jill parked her car outside a shop- e pping mall and went inside. When she finished shopping and walked outside, her car wasn’t there ‘What do you think happened? 2. Happy Waitress. A waitress was serving a man dinner ata restaurant. When the ‘man left, the waitress was very happy. Why do you think she was happy when he tet? 3. Sitting in the Dark im was watching TV one night when all of a sudden, the TV tumed off by itself. What do you think happened? ee "ANEAIGRNLANGLBGE COURSE Pee Few and little to mean not many /not much ‘Alotof | A0t ot sept it to wach soccer. Casita . Re & Ae Ay : | de, | poptephy soccer we Few | RS Ay k use | Peone ae soccer spears _eE>F——e fp The word few without ana") means not many or nt enough of something. [EXEESEGEEM Chock A for agree and D for disagree. Discuss in small groups. ca [ea] DOOOOOg 1. Young people today have few reasons to complain 2, Pew ovcasions ave us impustant as your wedding 3. Newly married couples have few arguments 4. Most medicines just reat the symptoms ofa sickness, ew teat the cause. 5. Poor people have many problems, bat rich people have few. 6, Members of the military have many ben ‘opportunities, and privileges. ‘Compared to them, civilians have few. Wilt one 9 jon using few and one of the words in the bos ‘Ask your classmates if they agree or disagree with your statement, people nations children doctors factories animals woo eso? =e | HEEEEEEERGR complete each sentence according to your own use of time. ] Use alot of, alittle, or tle, litte time l (pet much, time for reading. ‘not enough) time for sports. time for e-mailing. alittle time oe (some) time for web surfing. time for shopping. otal tine time for family and friends. (much) time for studying, The word litle (without an“a") means not much or not enough of something. BESGEEESEIN check tor agree and D for disagree. Discuss in small groups. [1 C1 People in generat now have ie rsp for working han and saving 2. Blected officials have litle loyalty o the people who vote for them. Young people today have very litle self-discipline. 4. Most people remember litle from their childhood. ] 5. Leaming a foreign language takes alot of time. Forgetting it takes litle (ee [eal ie] [1 6. Otderempioyes who have lots of experience are beter worker than Younger Ones vbo heve like HEEERISEER Write one opinion using ite and one ofthe words inthe box. ] Ask your classmates if they agree or disagres with your statement respect education damage happiness electricity time = AERC ANGLNGE COURSE Rize A narrative paragraph Follow your teacher's inaructions Yesterday, Eric Groen ... A narrative paragraph has. clear main idea. Yells astory V__ uses transition words to connect the events of the story in the order they happened. Main Idea: Yesterday, Bric had a(n) BOOK 19 LESSON White the main idea sentence firs. Use some ofthe words inthe box to connect your ideas after when because who = but. and before first afterwards that ~—or__ finally since next although which s0.— while Eva eZ Feme Extra information for example on Page 50. ~The road smust have been slippery. ae coulin'thave ») fallen asleep. _/ "REAIGRN LANGUAGE COURSE A call to duty VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DIALOG: SPEAKING: GRAMMAR: READING: VOcABULAt LISTENING: US Noncommissioned Officer Academies A training exercise briefing 1 gor my shoes shined An award leer Past IF conditional: Not real in the past TET had been i his shoes, Participating in a group discussion Adding, -able and -ible wo make adjectives Ae all of the sentences about the main idea? Review Skills moss SC What's new in Lesson 3? BE serene NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs Other attendance aecomplish confident capability secount for educational confidence whieve once suidance just (00) quite afew mission © assume responsibility quite a(n) (adj) + noun routine congratulate routine self-confidence éevelop sensible skal guide successful success make sense sulicent technique abject (to) coin succeed GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION Josh had his ear repaired, Brenda got her silver rings polished. If Thad come earlier, I could have bought tickets, [achieved my goal ‘The goal was achievable. ‘Talk about hypothetical situations in the past. If had been in Karl's situation, T might have handled it differently. If Gary hadn’t had a map, he ‘wouldn't have found Lea's house. "RIEPOCAN LANGUAGE COURSE leadersip. capable and (con ae fase te techn ll tr of te US may. They Genel. teres ani) of ‘oome leaders thrush yes | LEADERSHIP] seuss winch ar anata wo ‘of “on-the-job” experience L~! NCOs according to their level: tod edvetona Ganng at junto, mide and seo NCO acatomiceAn CO academy's msion is Though teve demanding courses to pole les loa pepe tassume NCOs btn the tnowedge the) gree respon net anis The aces nee togliethtsles pepe tie oer courts ta stengen the NCOS’ and pode suon leaden. T JUNIOR NCOs who have 310 5 years experience attend academies to increase their technical and fighting 4] skills. Consequently, their daily routine includes several hours of classroom instruction in addition to outdoor taining exei AirForce | Army ses, MID-CAREER NCOs who have 6 t0 9 years experience leam how 10 develop their unit’s capabilities: E6| They leam how to judge their soldiers” strengths and weaknesses, take advantage of the strengths, and overcome the weaknesses, SENIOR NCOs with 10 10 15 years cexperience are confident leaders who sharpen their abiity to make prompt, effective decisions. Self- £8) confidence is an important charac- teristic of senior NCOs because they routinely make decisions that affect hundreds of soldiers. | Es) USAF NCO PUE ‘Graduate bon For more iormation, se Appendix K:US Mitry Ranks, Grades, and Insignia. Curent SOME I wt | Oo» > Sy @® OWOoOoXes! BEEN Answer the qustons by checking the const bores TS i 1. increase their own fighting abilities? 2 judge ther men's strengths and weaknesses? } 3, trust their own decisions? 4, learn to strengthen their unit’ eapabil prepare to accept more leadership duties? ] [EEEESEIEN Complete the dialog by using words from the box. routine assumed responsibility obiain educational mmission guide skills Jay: (university advisor) Tell me, Scott, why did you decide to return to college in ‘your eatly-30s? ‘Scott: (returning student) Well, 'd been working for a software company for years, T couldn't stand doing the same thing every day, so I got really tired of the daily © ___Atso, 1 wasn’t making much money though I had o = fora great numberof projects In addition, my boss never promoted me although I believe I had! more technical © than my co-workers Jay: Why do you suppose your boss wouldn’t promote you? Scott: I guess he doubted my @ Therefore, I decided that Vd better go back to college and @ _______a higher degree. Jay: What's your career goal now? Scott: Iplan to stat my own company and produce © —__ ‘computer games. I hope that someday in the future schools will use my games. Sounds great, And it's the university's @ —__ to help you reach that goal. Okay, let's look through the academic course catalog, and I'l © Jay! _________you through the course selection, So CRE COURSE Nelo IIa A training exercise briefing Seer Read the briefing, Discuss new words with a parter Together, fill n the blanks with words that ‘seem reasonable to bothof you Listen up! Tomorrow we have a day-long training exercise, You must be there. Attendance is © Doring this taining exercise, you'll be given an assignment that will est your leadership capabilities, Here's what you'll hve to do: Your mission will be 1 get to a specific @ _____imthe shortest amount of time possible, We will put you in 2-man teams. To aecomplish the assignment quickly and correctly, you will have to work together to be successful. The two of you must develop a sensible ° If you object to your partner's @ you wil need to decid on another strategy, one that makes sense to both of you. Quite a few of youhave performed difficult training exercises in the past, but let me warn you that this willbe different from anything you've ever experienced. This isnot a routine © “There willbe a few surprises. You'll need to adjust to the@ ___around you and ehange your strategies as needed. Once you have finished the nission, you're going to have to explain how you accomplished it you'll have to aceount for your @ Maps and more specific information will be available in the morning. Tomorrow ‘will be quite a long diy, so be sure you get sufficient © Any questions? BOOK LESSONS BESTEEIEEE Complete te sentences with bolded words from the briefing. | L.Ifeveryone must be present, then is mandatory. 2. A specific military assignment is called a 3, A strategy that you understand to you. 4. Ifyou disagree with a plan, you — S.A regular exercise is a exercise. 6. Enough time to complete something is —____ time. 7. Avery long day is long day. 8. When something changes, you must the change, HEEGEEEEEEN Write the test word that completes the sentence. 1. My son will be able to drive he passes his driving tests ‘once / until Tim thought he had $2,009 in his bank account, but when he checked it, he had only $1200. He couldn’t ‘the missing money. ‘account for / accomplish 3. Out of 30 students, only 17 passed the test, __faile Few / Quite a few 4. Protecting the country isthe chief ___ of soldiers. mission / routine 5. If you are interested in applying for a position in our company, more information es from our website, ‘developed / obtsined 6. Even though he was broke, Mr. King bought a new sports car with his edit card ‘That certainly wasn’t a — decision. sensible / sufficient 7. Ifwe want to ___our assignments, we need to work together. ‘guide / accomplish ei GUAGE COURSE BEEEREEEREN Cress out the word that is ait Be prepared to give the eason you think the word is different confident fil 3 goal ferent from the others in each set. a I mission B = i i i (PE) (Bienes A) lifmon oo) (eT) We Mss M1) ME se TN) IU ome =i) Hl— 8) (bel Poe ID em TP Wee | === BEETESIIEN Diccuss the topics and questions in small groups. What's the best way to develop your own leadership capabilities? 1. Teadership How do you know when a subordinate is ready to assume mote responsibility? What do you think makes a person successful in life? to develop it? confidence if « person has little self-confidence, what can he or she do. ‘What is a sufficient amount of time to leam a foreign language? 3. language hat differences between your language and English have been the most difficult to adjust to? BOOK LESSONS Josh: Hey, back from vacation, Chris? How was it? , C= eee WE. cleaned, my clothes washed. and my shoes shined thant hve odo anything bead pay cate and relax by th swimaing pool Anal ths was et \ sox: Where isthe perfect vest place? ike to have ie everything done for free for me, too ] Chris: Well, I not sure my mom would be so nice to you! BEEEEISEEN compte ne chart with words fom the dialog. HAVE/ GET object |__ past participle : all my meats prepared. I got washed, my shoes : would like to have - > Inthis grammar structure, have and get mean the same thing. ESEEEEGIEM Write the past participle of the verb in parentheses. 1. Cody got his prescription __ (il) at the pharmacy, 2. Pm having leather boots (end) to me from Spain, 3. Nicole has already had het wedding dress (make) 4, Thaven't gotten my refrigerator —________ (fi) yet 5. Are you going to get youreyes (examine) by Dr Colson? 6. How often do you have your hair________ eu? 7. Where will Capt Brown get his uniform ________¢rony? 8. Did you got the blades on your lawn mower ________(sharpen) yet? = ae aR ANGIE COURSE active: | 1 || had my mother] | prepare my meals passive: | 1 || tad || mymeals || prepared by my mother ‘ ) est patciple [EEE Use the chart above to change the active to passive Use have or get inthe right form. 1, The city government had the fire department barricade the flooded streets, ‘The city government had the flooded streets barricaded. 2. Jim had the mechanic fix the flat ire on his ear, 3. Lisa will have “Bob's Heating & Cooling” install a new air conditioner next week. 4. I'm getting a friend to bring me some sik. from China 5, When did you get your brother to wash your car? 6. How will you get a moving company to send your furniture to Italy in just four days? 7. Will Mr. Roberts have his secretary print and mail the reports by noon tomorrow? 8, Why is the swim team coach having a sports doctor design new swimsuits? ‘OOK 9 LES HESEEEISSIOM in groups, tak about things you can got or have done. Use the shopping center directory and the nouns and verbs below i for ideas ” ‘electronics aut s harawar® | shoe | jevelry a on || lam a] We ary Pleasant Breeze Shogging Center cleaner a benk | business automotive aber 6 canter service center eee: ciaia| — [oon] Gal AS ® NOUNS: VERBS keys oil money eo adjust sharpen Ww watches niforms cut mail change hie copies jewelry fix print replace beard film wakes clean repair develop faxes ties ‘computers ‘vim send lengthen dresses eyes dothes cash polish shorten suits shits prescriptions iron check exchange stereo engines _—_glasses fil install deposit, boos stissors packages paint shine examine shoes checks germs color make work on aa — oa sterco system installed center. Where can my wife | in my car’? oe have her hair done? p me /aettcauy stop, ~ RS | = ~ RERICAN TANGIAGE COURSE Las VM An award letter ay THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ‘TO ALL WHO SHALL SEE THIS CERTIFICATE, BE IT KNOWN THAT THE ‘SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE HAS AWARDED THE ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL 0 TECHNICAL SERGEANT GARY THOMPSON FOR EXCELLEN? ACHIEVEMENT WHILE SERVING WITH THE 377TH COMMUNICATIONS SQUADRON TSgt Thompson has achieved this honor for his success as a supervisor. Because of his leadership and guidance, he was able to ob} excellent performance from his subordinates who had complete confidence in him, In addition to his role as a supervisor, he also succeeded in designing better techniques for managing information systems. TSgt Thompson should be congratulated for his service to the United States Air Force GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ON THIS 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008 FRANK HOWARD, Colonel, ‘Commander 317th Mission Support Group HEGRE watch the word with its definition. 1. twcongratulate a. _aftera specifi time oF event has passed ae 2 ane b. totell someone you ate happy for them 3. wachieve ©. acertain way of doing something 4. technique 4. advice o leadership for thers 5. guidance ©. a favorable end or result —— 6. sucess £ toreach a goat [EEEEGEN complete io aricte by using words rom the gray box] succeed congratulate guidance achieved techniques confidence attendance Sports Club News June __Stanville High School Secon 8: Suing Iestimeto® go Dixon for being named “Youn Swimmer of the Year” His caac, Greg Moore, says Dixon is his best athlete, one whohas@___________ great success because of his hard work and perfect @__________at training practice. Coach Moore guided Dixon in developing special swimming @ \hich allowed him to win every race, The young champion says he couldn't have accomplished so much witheut his coach's © Coach Moore has a lot of @___ in Dixon and is positive he will os atthe professional evel once he graduates, PBK Pi ERA NAGE CORSE Past IF conditional: Not real in the past Sue: Hi, Terri, Hi, Matt, How was your vacation? Terri: Not great. The night before we left, we forgot to set the alarm clock. If we had set the alarm, we might not have gotten up late. Driving our ear tothe airport was the next mistake, Matt: That's right. Ifwe had known the airport parking lot was already full, we could have taken a taxi. We had to drive round and round for 15 minutes before we found a parking. Ss space. By then, we were in a big hurry to check in, ‘Terris We rant the check-in counter. When we gotthereLrealized gf Td left my at home. I didn’t have any ID. We had to S drive back home, If T hadn't left my wallet at home, we wouldn't have missed our flight. Matt: So we couldn't leave until the following day. The rest of the ‘vacation went just as badly. P'm telling you, we would have had ‘more fun if we hadn't gone anywhere at all! MEER Conploto tho chart with vor from the daiog above, —__] if-clause (uneeal condton in he pas) main clause (past possiiy) Itwe thealarm clock, | we | mightnothave goten up | _ late It we | nadknown | thelorwas fall | we | — sta lee ny wallet a home, | we cu ih ttwe |_| anywhere ata, | we | more fon, HEGRE write v for yes and N for no according to the dialog above. 1, __ Did they set the alarm? 4 Did they take a taxi? 2, __ Did they get up late? 5, —__. Did they miss their flight? 3, __ Did they know the lot was full? 6, ___ Did they enjoy the vacation?” BOOK LESSONS a ms | MEEEEDIEENGN Use the chart below to complete the sentences. ‘would ct] could | (not) hove | P28 subje inot)| re [RS Se COR | passe | et ae | + The i-clause can go befor or after the main clause. Use comma when ifs first. 1, 1f1__had seen ___(see) Pat, 1__could have said _ (could say) hello, 2. [Jonathan _______ ask) Marie to go out with him a few hours earlier, she ____ (might go) to the movies with him, 3, [__ (could visit) the Johnsons in their new home if (not lose) the directions to their house, 4, Barbara and Samantha _______(would come) with us if we ___ (teil) them that we were going to the mall last night 5. Ifthe students ___ (not work) so hurd on their project, they (might not finish) on time, BEEEEIEIEEIEDS iston anduse the senionces above to ciclo You or No. LYN SRO sy N SERA 8 yon RYN 4YN 6YN &8YN WYN [EXER Use the chart below to complete the questions, ———S—*d Would ] 5 Could | subject | have Pa if | subject | had (not) a ? oe pac a paticiple 1. Could Billy —____ (ux) his bike i his dad (not hei? 2. Would Ted_______ ee the doctor ite wait? 3. Hea _____(graduste), woutd her dad (give) her ear? 4. 1____ ot ose) ny 1D card, could T_______ (go) onthe trip? = ~_ANERIGANTANGLAGE COURSE fp se the past i-condtional o talk about iferent possible results in the past instead of what actually happened. Real past situation Bric | bought =| mycar|.| 1 | didn’t sell © | iwonan, sore pastsuston a If | Eric | hadn't bought © | my car | ,| 1 utd ave std & f cwoN, ‘dp Positive © verbs become negative, and negative © verbs become positive ‘These verb changes show that the /f-conditional situation did NOT happen, BESTE Practice changing verbs by completing the chartbetow. | Combine the other sentences in the same way by adding If and changing the verbs —- 1 Kate | didn’t leave © [ontime || She we © Jiate. (night) 1 | Kae © [ontime].| she o| we. 1, Ttrained yesterday. We didn’t go to the beach, (would) 2. Nora forgot to call her father. He was upset. (might) 3. Tony earned a lot ef money. He bought a house. (could) 4, [didn’t know you lke rock music. I didn’t invite you to the concert. (could) 5. Josh didn't go fishing, He repaired his roof, (would) 6, The boss wasn't satisfied with my report. He fired me, (might) BoorstesoNsS = PIE AY, Euem If! had been in his shoo: 50% possibility 195% possibility there were other choices or possibilities [EEG '» pairs, discuss Ben's choices. Then write your own ideas, When Ben graduated from high school, he thought he had only three career choices: (1) go to college and get a degree; (2) go to work for his father in the family’s restaurant busing ‘or (3) join the military. Ben decided to work for his father. In addition 10 these three choices, what eise do you think Ben could have done? IT had been in Ben's situation, .. T would (not) have might (not) have In pairs, pick a story and Oa Kevin's sister, Nicole, went to Basie’ Training She let him look after her car while she was gone. He had an accident and damaged her car. He had a mechanic repair it. He didn't tell her oF tepor i to the insurance company. What would/might/ could you have done? Ls lp Sophie and Sarah are 19-year-old twins. Their grandmother gave each of them a large amount of money. Sophie used her money t© open a beauty shop. Sarah used hers to pay for her col- lege education ‘What would/might/ could you have done? iscuss different past possibilities. Oc Paul found a wallet on the sidewalk near a shopping center, He Picked it up, looked inside and_saw cash. He took al the cash and threw avay the wallet a8 well as the ID and credit cards inside. ‘What would/might/ ‘could you have done? "AERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE

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