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Anatomy & Physiology – Lecture (Nursing)

Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Kriztel Andrei Navaja

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
BSN 1-A19 Schedule: ________________________________________
Section: ____________ 08-17-2023
Date: ________________

The neurotransmitters are secreted by neurons to activate another neuron, muscle cell or glandular cell.
They serve as intercellular chemical signals, secreted by nerve cells and are important__________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ in functions of the nervous system.
2. Hormones alter cellular properties and functions by, except:
a. changing the quantities of enzymes present. d. changing the rates of transcription or
b. opening or closing ion channels. translation in a cell.
c. changing the rate of enzyme formation. e. all of these are true.
ANSWER: ________
All of the following statements are correct, except option C. Hormones alter cellular properties and functions
by changing the rate of enzyme breakdown.

3. Lipid soluble hormones:

a. are polar molecules
b. bind to intracellular receptors in the target cell
c. dissolve readily in water for easy transport in the blood
d. include those hormones derived from proteins and amino acids
e. all of the items are true of lipid soluble hormones.
ANSWER: ________
Lipid-soluble hormones bind to intracellular receptors in the target cell. Options A, C, and D are all characteristics
of water-soluble hormones.
4. Which of these statements concerning hormone action is not true?
a. Most protein and peptide hormones bind to receptors on the surface of the cell membrane.
b. The combination of a hormone with its receptor may alter the permeability of the cell
c. A hormone that combines with a receptor in the cell membrane may act as a first messenger.
d. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) functions as a second messenger.
e. None of these are not true statements.
ANSWER: ________
In hormone action, all of the aforementioned statements
RATIO:___________________________________________________ are true.

5. Intracellular receptors: (Select all that apply)

a. are located on the outside surface of the cell membrane.
b. typically bind to lipophilic (hydrophobic) chemical signals.
c. are exemplified by hormones such as steroids.
d. may cause changes in transcription and translation when bound to appropriate signals.
ANSWER: ________
All of the statements are correct about intracellular receptors, except option A. These
receptors are located in the cytoplasm or nucleus of the cell.

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Anatomy & Physiology – Lecture (Nursing)

Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

6. Membrane-bound receptors cannot:

a. open or close membrane channels. d. produce a cascade effect by activating many
b. activate H proteins. enzymes inside the cell.
c. activate enzymes attached to the cell e. do all of these things.
ANSWER: ________B.
All of the following can be done by membrane- bound receptors, except option B. Membrane-

bound receptors can activate G proteins.


7. __________ are produced in response to hormonal activation of G proteins.
a. primary messengers d. pheromones
b. hormones e. all of the items are correct
c. second messengers
ANSWER: ________
These activations from G proteins and intracellular mediators elicit second messengers that activate the
cellular response referred to as second-messenger systems which act rapidly because they act on already existing
8. The structure that makes releasing and inhibiting hormones which control anterior pituitary hormone
secretion is the:
a. anterior pituitary d. adrenal gland
b. posterior pituitary e. pineal gland
c. hypothalamus
ANSWER: ________
Hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland in two ways: hormonal control and direct innervation.

9. The posterior pituitary gland is stimulated to secrete hormones by:

a. stimulation of neurons within the c. stimulation of the cells of the infundibulum
hypothalamus d. stimulation of neurons within the anterior
b. stimulation of glandular cells within the pituitary
posterior pituitary e. all of the methods are correct.
ANSWER: ________
Hormones secreted are controlled by action potentials carried by axons that pass from the hypothalamus,
referred to as direct innervation.

10. Pepper’s patient has been diagnosed with controlled diabetes mellitus. In response to high blood
glucose, the pancreas releases insulin to enable glucose to enter body cells. When the blood glucose
level returns to normal, insulin release stops. This is an example of regulation by:
a. endocrine dysplasia. d. neural regulation.
b. negative feedback. e. somatic regulation.
c. positive feedback.
ANSWER: ________
Negative Feedback: prevents further hormone secretion once a set point is achieved.

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