No 2. Sep 2022 Report - NB Minh Man

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Report 2, September 2022

Send to : Mrs. Pham Thi Huong Lan

Copies to external :-
Copies to internal : Mr. Tran Quoc Phong
Number : 02
Author : Nguyen Bach Minh Man
Date : 30/09/2022
Project name : JET report
Ordered by : Mrs. Pham Thi Huong Lan
Company : Siam City Cement – INSEE VietNam
Title : Monthly report September 2022

SAFETY (Official form and PowerPoint file or pictures attached)

SOT Site &
Date Findings Trilogy Comments
no. Location
Coal storage -
Attached PowerPoint
5 mill, Preheater 30/08/22
Attached PowerPoint
6 Clinker Silos 15/09/22

PTO Site &

Date Findings Trilogy Comments
no. Location
3 441-CT1 16/09/22 Attached form (image)
4 12/09/2022 Attached form (image)

EOT no. Site & Location Date Findings Trilogy Comments


Activity & Devlp.
Subject Date Trainer Follow up action

7&9 –
Power BI Use basic Power BI
28&30 Mr. Trung Practice with Power BI software
(offline at HO) software for work

13&15 –
Power BI Use basic Power BI
21&23 Mr. Trung Practice with Power BI software
(online) software for work

JET Report 2 / September 2022 Nguyen Bach Minh Man

• Safety pyramid
• Safety management system
• Measurements of safety
Safety INSEE safety
13- • Safety Moment
Certificate Mr. Thao management system
14/09/22 • Job safety analysis (JSA)
Program and tools
• Permits for hazardous jobs
• Toolbox talk
• TO

Dept. /
Date Activity / Task Acquired knowledge Comments
• Get to know some equipment
Learn: and areas
05/09/22 Heat Waste • The process of utilize the HW
Retreatment from the preheater and cooler
systems to rotate the turbine

• Preheater • Have a basic overview of their
• Rotary kiln locations, functions, principles
• Cooler • How to measure the clinker
• Clinker silos' level in the clinker storages

• The structure of the preheater

Production Learn: tower
• Preheater • The directions of hot air and raw
• CCR meal in the cyclones
• Get to know some equipment
• The CCR basic functions
• The procedures of check and
clean the CT injectors for heat
• PTO at 441-CT1
balance (Raw mill’s stoppage the
16/09/22 • Get to know the
next day)
clinker cooler system
• Some equipment of the cooler
Control raw meal
17/09/22 outlets to reduce the
released dust

JET Report 2 / September 2022 Nguyen Bach Minh Man

Get to know the
An overview of Cement functional
cement group:
location, process and equipment
19/09/22 • Areas
(Cement mills, additive
• Process
• Equipment

Preventive Calculate the mass of

Maintenance items

Topic Date Acquired knowledge Comments
I need more time to
improve my listening
• Read professional documents. and speaking skills,
English Skills Daily so that I can
• Improve the ability of thinking in English
communicate in
English more fluently

I learned that I must

Get to know more and more people/co- accept a lot of
Daily workers/seniors day by day and learn from different thoughts and
them a lot attitude in this
I need to learn a 3D
Intention drawing software to
serve my job

MS Excel Intention Excel (Advance)

Title/Task Status

No. Target, date and result


COMMENTS (Other information, difficulties and questions)

JET Report 2 / September 2022 Nguyen Bach Minh Man

This month, I traveled a lot and learned a lot as well. Being at the Production department for
two weeks brought me many opportunities to work with more people and learn more about the
core department of our plant. My obstacle was that I did not have a specific roadmap at that time,
so that I could filter the knowledge that I learned. Because I did not know what is necessary for
me to research thoroughly.
I also highly appreciated the chance to study the Power BI software that I was offered.
However, the difficulty is that I still have no idea to apply it to my practical job. I am afraid that if I
do not use it for a long time, I’ll easily forget it.

JET Report 2 / September 2022 Nguyen Bach Minh Man

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