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a sattli) eters ort ts Book 21 ee Ona re eo AY St 2, Peace “The American Language Course (ALC) is «comprehensive, motilevel language program for teaching English for vocational and professional purposes, Is designed primarily fr intensive English language ‘ruining ina classroom setting, bu can easily be adapted for slower paced instruction. The ALC's curriculum thas been developed by the Defense Langvage Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of Defense school under the operational contol ofthe US Air Fore. The primary focus ofthe [ALC isto provide a language curiulum fra diverse international military population. To tat end, the Course inches not only general English topics, but ako military topis of a general nature highlighting the typical language military personne will encounter in thei professional and vocational carer felis, The ALC has, however, also been very sucessfully ued in non-military learning env itonments and in US high schools ‘with immigrant student populations, Course components “The coordinated instructional paecages for Books 1-30 consist ofthe folowing: > Instr text (FT) > Stent text (ST) > Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE) > Auuio recordings (ape or CE) > Language laboratory activities text with audio sips and answer key (LLAT) > Computer delivered interactive multinedia instwction IMT for Levels EV > Quiz kit > Optional taining ads Inquiries and orders Ple 1 address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to DLIELCILESL 2285 Andrews Avene Lackland AirFore Be, Texas 792368289 Fl dik keawork@usatnd © 2009 by Defense Language Insitute English Language Center and its licensors, Notice of Rigs: All ights reserved. No pat ofthis book ny be eprviuced or ransmited in any farm orby any means, electonic, mechanical, photocopying, reconling, or otherwise, without the prior Written permission ofthe publisher ‘Various photos courtesy of US Air Force, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, US Deparment of Defense, National Seenie Byways Program, andthe US Library of Congress “This book supersedes ALC Book 21 Student Tet, January 1991 Second Eaton, August 2009 Sixth pining, Suly 2012 ‘BOOKA PRERICE =e OS | ALC Book 21: Scope & Sequence, Lessons 1-5 >The US Naval Re search Laboratory > Experiment: How 1 [An o¥ympic city |» Asktor and | Review: comparative and. | Scan a graph Becoming an” | Pakoovatu- | superiatve adjectives |. Seana text Ojympic cry ations and | and adverbs > Selecta summary of notes > River Cy: Home | SPASMS | rovieye how + acjec: | Wile-a summary of notes tothe Ohmpe twos/advorbe| > Writs answers about a _ Reported speech: past | Sonar! gloesary entry River Cy gots Dooesbeicpae [>See g node comobte erect progesswo | atx! (coz) > Hap avai » Write notes rom writen text oan Use contrasting stress 2D | nine science lab Sofsuch + adjective’ |> Selecta werd to complete ‘a0ver0 + lao of result FRoviow: connectives of ‘ulti, thereore, a te (loz) > Write note from oral toxt > Read a sem-ochncal text, sale > Customer com: ‘etupmeros fresh consequeiy|- ey eaoa ats wen ‘lS - ute age noun -Lahraty a ae sri sen > Seuba diving Prosent perlect passive |” Momingctn wee ‘ipa Reagan ty andor wore 3 | ciatan ana mi. [>in ana_| Rest goa cava» Dsorine w renang oa Syne |" truaen-| "cana tch men)!” Soe aap sone ineStarcspat | epee” | ton and wire” | pond sone tt >The Star of spat | *S'IS | Restrictive adjactve clause] » Select a summary of notes ws iatntoce it unmany ors ary on pee | wast emer mrt gumasiet | s conmigo, Tonvounnia Nees | Sancta wort opts ES stone ast pc pss 4 | tary auonty | -raxterand [reer since rou |= Oarina to nani fa enteral |" groscare |"daes rowers ough ceca | women (ee | eee > Rmycarer cou | SDH | Ae ace [Set a word compo Present gorund or active Tortie as subject Atel (coze) Write notes trom oral text Plait The worst Canmaess sabe | cata wten paragraph Fight ever e > Reda som-technlal txt > Determine the correct mean- ing of a wora + Rese and identty transitional ‘words Review Lesson 5 rviows all vocebulay and stucresinoduced in Lessons 1=4, = ‘RNERIGAN LANGUAGE COURSE Notes to the Student ____ ‘The American Language Course focuses on four components of language learning: vocabulary, grammatical st-uctures, language functions, and skills. * ‘The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English, Bach new lesson builds an the vocabulary of the previous lessons. The language included is appropriate ‘or learners working in professional and vocational contexts, A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military vocabulary is included wherever applicable. ‘+ The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speak and write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that, ‘serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being presented. ‘Language funetions are the ways we use a language to communieate. In each lesson, ‘exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and when to use certain ‘words, phrases, and sentences, ‘+ Inaddition, language and academic skills exercises are interspersed throughout the lessons. These focus on developing the learner's language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, ‘The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the content of the current hook. The four columns outline the new material as it relates to the language ‘acquisition components described above, Bach lesson begins with a table of contents followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a summary of the new material presented in the lesson, Each ALC book has four lessons introducing new material land one review lesson. These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation ‘exercises, Various appendices are also included. ‘The homework and the eveluation exercises are at the back of this text. It generally takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluation exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how well students have learned the material. ‘The appendices follow the fifth lesson. Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word or phrase is introduced is provided next ta the entry. Appendix B presents a list of ‘grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials. OORT PRERICE a = USER NOTES ~ "ERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Book 21 Contents LESSON 1: An Olympic city 1 LESSON 2: In the seience lab 31 LESSON 3: Civilian and military justice coe coscnsees 68 LESSON 4: Military authority ..... : B LESSON 5: Review 123 APPENDICES: Al AB BI Active Tenses on ci Conditional Sentences DI Moda's and Related Structures in the ALC .. esesteenee Eel Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs evo Fel Patteris of Inegular Verbs Gl I: Amercan English Sounds : HI Punctuation and Capitalization u Jz Lesson Resources v1 B2ILI #1 Reading skill (Shoe ad) 43 B2IL241 Vocabulary (Scientific LAWS) ....sssessesseesseeessees ES B2IL2 42 Dialogs (Cause and effect cards) M7 B21L2#3. Reading skill (Dictionary page) 19 B2IL3 #1 Dialogs (Adjective clause cards) uu B2IL4 #1 Vocabulary (Seals)... 1g) B2IL4 #2. Dialogs (Problem cards) FAS Kz US Military, Ranks, Grades, and Insignia Kl LL: Language Functions for Better Communication Ll HOMEWORK: a ee ive EVALUATION EXERCISES: ses BE Mt USER NOTES - = }3— EEN ANGLE COURSE An Olympic city READING: VOCABULARY: READING: GRAMMAR: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: DiaLoss: READING: warnine VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: SPEAKING: Boor ESONT Olympic results: Scanning a graph Becoming an Olympic city River City: Home to the Olympic Games? Scanning an advertisement Asking and answering How-questions Summarizing notes River City gets turned down, Review of eomparatives and superatives ‘Making comparisons ‘The entertainment capital ofthe world Taking notes Helpful advertisements She sad they had been working in Beijing Using stress to emphasize contrasts NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs Other appetite average abnormal athlete call off anyway average @ conclude @ approximately brand contibute average density drain in that case desert keep up with @ maximum growth occur sninimum habit pick up normal industry Populate once again model spread/spread/spread @ per peak @ rapid population recent portion rate @ region sand scenery GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION How rainy was it lastnight? ‘Ask for and make comparisons {and evaluations Tewas fairly rainy. Jim is the tallest. Chloe is shorter than Greg, He said that he had been watching the race on TY, I weigh more than Arnold. ‘Toms the tallest inthe class. Bob runs faster than Arnold, Your car was more expensive than ~~ EFICAN LANGUAGE COURSE kZn Olympic results: Scanning a graph Use the information inthe tne graph to answer the questions below. Olympic Record Times in the 100 Meter Sprint a . Key ° no . women's records sas0 . * 1130 . meni records 990 * . time (n seconds) LEI IPIIPIELISE SIE ILS years in hich an Ohmpic record was set 1. What was the women’s record time in 1960? 2. What was the time of the first Olympic record in the men’s 100 meter sprint? 3, In what year was the women’s time around 11.5 seconds? 4, How many years did the 1968 men’s record last? 5. What is the fastest Olympic time for women? By approximately how much did the men’s record decrease between 1896 and 1900? i | Nelo IIE TaA) Becoming an Olympic city pill, L0.C. OLYMPIC CITY SELECTION ‘The Olympie Games give ntenatona athletes the chanco to compete against each ‘other in over 380 sporting avers. Recent Olympics have alowed for participation by more nations and athletes in more sports than eer belore. The summer and winter Olymple Games occur every fur years. However, getting ready forthe Games i a fultime ob for bot the athletes and the fianers. ‘The Intemational Olympic Com- international visitors. The application mittee (TOC), which organizes every also requires a plan for how the city aspect of the Olympic games, is made will keep up with all the preparation up of officials from several nations. requirements. Another portion of the One of the committee’s most impor- application concerns industries in the tant duties is to select the cities where city and the region around it, This in- the Olympics will be held. A large formation can indicate how strong the city with plenty of room for growth local economy is and if there are any tnd development is the model for 2 problems with air and water quality perfect Olympic host city. ‘This kind of information could per- suade the committee to choose one ‘The process of being chosen as a bi : city over another, host citys lengthy and dificult, One of the fist steps i forcty officals to Wa ciy’s application is approved Compete a detailed aplication, The by the TOC, the next sep is forthe parpose of te applicatnn iso show commitee members to inspect the the TOC that we city is prepred to candidate city in person, They stend support large, intemtlonal event. iting by city oficiais, who pres- For example, on portbn of the ep. ent thelr plan for hosting the Games plication asks about Important poins in thecitys population. ("Past SummerOympieGanes ] clude the amount of The IOC needs 0 host lly rations] ime and money the know how the num- mae FT city can contribute ber of people aleady a | te ee Aer living fn city il the TOC visit all the Aa ayo Lt | sa hi, the provide accommoda- erin Cty ‘members choose the tions, such as hotels — 4158 | future host city of and restaurants, for there oe the Olympic Games, za 2 ~~ RAIERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Match the words with similar meanings. 1. tweontritute a tomaintain a pace, not fll behind 2 recent b. not ong ago Set 37 medal increase ee een 4 wgive oa example 6. wheep up with fara HEXGEEEGEEN Write the correct word inthe blank. 1. The ‘of the US is over 300 million people. appearance / population 2. US presidential elections _ only once every four years ‘maintain / occur 3. Paul failed the course because he couldn't the work keep up with / look out for 4, The listening section comes inthe first_____of the test, portion / district 5. Automobile production is the main —__ in our eity. industry / material 6, My father has always been a role _____ for me. picture / model EEEIREEEM Discuss these questions with a partner. | 1. Whatmjrindsties oes our county hve? ¢€ ? 2. Whats the popaison of sourhenetown? aw Wy 3. What are some diflerences between the regions of your country? 4, Whatis the most cent holiday that was celebrated C { ‘in your country? OK ET LESSON — = Mele INETN IN River City: Home to the Olympic Games? River City is applying to the international Olympic Committee (IOC) 10 be considered as a host city for future Olympic Games. An Olympic Readiness Team was formed to assemble the information required by the IOC and to keep the mayor of River City informed. Daily Briets forthe Mayor ‘ropared by he OhympicReaness Team ‘We need to report River City’s average suramer temperature to the TOC. Our weather team averaged the temperatures from July to September for the past 20 years. The average is 80° F. Normal temperatures are between 75-85° F. The IOC requires additional buses in the city as well as more international flights into the country, We are designing a rapid transit system to move people faster from the airport to the city and the future Olympic locations, BREN Gay wit scod a estar of 15000 hovel rooms. Therefore, atleast 25,000 rooms will have to be built at a rate of 250 rooms per month, We'll need to raise hotel tax rates to 8,0% to pay for the additional accommodations Approximately 3,000 more police and medical professionals must be hired and trained to meet he TOC’s security and medical support requirements. The needs of vistors with dissbiliies must also be met. WOE cnarrnam amount of monay thal we can spend on technology is $1.5 billion, and we're certain that amount will be enough. Also, there will Thus, city officials will be notified about the fings and areas, suppor be an increased demand for elecrici need to save energy in all public bui Puta check inthe box ofeach topic tha is discussed inthe text “EP ntrnationa vistors 1@) Restaurants PER Tansportaion © _ Speciatnecas v | OF imate @ _Securty support a [| ig Mociat suppor EEG Soon stadiums A Etectical power | | x Hotel rooms (BB) Technology support == EAE COURSE \swer in this intervi eee 1. Whats the normal time it a. According to past Olympic data, the takes to make a city ready? average is about three years. 2. How much time do we have ——_b,_We will have to raise city tax rates to to prepare fer the Olympics? pay for all the costs, 3. How will we pay for the cc. They could volunteer as tour guides additions? for visitors to our region. 4. Will the new taxes hurt the 4. Not much. We need to make some economy af our city? rapid additions to the city. 5. How can our citizens e. No. We expect growth in jobs and contribute their time to help? ‘earnings during the event. [ESREESEN Fil in the bianks with words from the gray box. State officials amounced a new regulation today that will [make it against the law to talk on a cell phone while driving an automobile. The @ of accidents caused se by drivers using cell phones ts inereused in recent years, | aveTHEC Last year, there were about 40 of these accidents, ‘minimum © month, which is higher than | approximately the year before. It's estimated that people now spend an maximum, © ____ of 35 minutes every day talking per on their phones while they are driving. The new law should ‘motivate drivers 10 hang up their cell phones and pay more attention to the road. Consequently, state traffic police KK expect the number of accidents caused by cell phone use | to decrease by © 100 per year. For thse who chose 40 beak the Lis not cheap: he | © ___ ine is $500. In some cites across \ ge state, the @ _____fieis s0n0,/ 0OKar LESSON MESES compictetn with the best answer 1. Athletes play — 4, The height for women in instruments the US is 5° b. sports| a. maximum ©. roles b. minimum 2. To average . them. Then 5. When did the accident _ a. divide by a occur b. multiply by b. contribute . subtract e. keep up, 3. Theaverage of 2,4,6,and 8 equals 6. Iced tea, soda, coffee, and milk are drinks inthe US. a5 a. unusual b. 10 b. model © 20 © normal Place av next to the first three things you would do. Then discuss your choices with a parte, giving the reasons for your choices 1, build a tot of factories. 2. open new schools and hie new teachers 3. increase taxes to build a football stadium, 4. dd more police to increase public safety 5. build new parks and plant many trees and flowers. 6. change to solar power asthe main kind of ener: 7. increase services for poor people 8. create more job opportunities for recent graduates 9. design a rapid transit system, “Td create smote \\ job opporuniies because many people } in my townare/ \ Sinetptoyed,_/ ETN COURSE Complete each sentence with a number Then share your answers with a partner. 1, In my country, youneed to earn a minimum of. per month, 2. A meal ina restaurant in my country costs approximately 3. A normal work day in my country is me ¥ 4, You should only dive a maximum of hours before stopping to res. 5, use the Internet an average of. hours per day. a J eZ Cilia) Scanning an advertisement Read the questions below: Then look atthe tex in the appendix to find the answers 1. Name one thing dat “Slam Dunk X2" offers. 2. What does “Moda X-treme IT” have on its exterior? 3. Which tem #is the leat expensive? 4, Inwhat two ways can people order shoes? 5, Whatis the name ofthe store? 0K ay LESSON Ec Asking and answering How-questions Fn mor) (( How hard can it be w assemble ~ Fou howstater.. 7 nl ie) Pating dollhouse for my danghie_/ YywF | together an | this dom ffecant be | terribly | = een not really \Ghara_) Si Say. ‘ee How easy was it to assemble he doll house? not really /not very / not at all TL100k me a Tong time. Iewas | fairly /preuy /rather ‘reasonably | easy. | Itonly took an hour. quite / extremely / really / very TL 100k just a few minutes. Complete the questions with How’ the adjective or adverb in (). Then complete the answers withthe adverb of degree in ) and the same adjective or adverb, 1. (eainy) Q. How rainy _was it last night? (faiely) A. _Bairly rainy _ We got half an inch of rain 2. (easy) (a we Ch ea (extremely) A. ___. Everyone passed. 3. (funny) Q asthe movie? (notatal) A, thought it was awful 4. (soon) Q— cant see my score? (pretty) — ______. Come back in an hour, 5. (well) Oe eaneae did Fane do her job? (not terribly) A,___. She worked too slowly. areca anarncE COURSE the blanks to th jtements true for you. Use verbs and aalverbs, Share your ansivers with the clas. 1, How cold does the weather get in your country? t__________ cold, 2. How difficult is itt live in a new culture? t_________ifficut. 3. How hard is it for you to get up in the morning? It________ haar. 4, How convenient is the dining hall? It convenient 5. How annoyed do you get with noisy neighbors? 1 annoyed. 6. How carefully do you think you drive? I carefully 7. How far did you travel to get to this school? 1 far HEE Compicto the ‘Then, ask and answer the questions with your partner Co 2 How geeky can og Sey 3. How good was 4, How well do you 5. How Iplay cardsquite frequently. CG) OOK LESSON = Reading Furnes Read the wotes and select the best summary. ‘Retired people working in national parks: Main benefits 1. seeingtne US 2. part-time work ~siftshops restaurants 3. staying active eaming extra money 5. tlving ina beautiful focation The many benefits for retired people who work in national parks include seeing the US, working shorter hours, staying active, and earning money. National parks employ active retired people to drive tour buses, be housekeepers, and work in restaurants ind Retiree people who visit national parks can see the United States, stay active, live in beautiful locations. For better physical training, 3 kinds of exercise necessary Strength training Heart training ‘Flexibility training weight lifing waking warm-up stretches pultups running cooldown sit-ups bicycling sireiches Strength training isthe most important kind of physical training, It includes ‘weight lifting, pull-ups, and sit-ups, For better total physical training, do exercises like warm-up and cool-down stretches, situps, and bicycling. For better physical raining, a workout should have three kinds of exercises: strength training, hear training, and flexibility training. = NGAGE COURSE Doge have served people for 1000s of years + Firot animals to become house pets + Man's best friend + Today provide many services = police / military security — scientists use for tests help blind people Reasons to choose a military career 1. lots of job opportunities ¥ management ¥ technical Y senice 2. travel 3. good retirement 44, pride in serving your country CT is | Lea IIIETNEN River City gets turned down. ME international Olympic Committee Headquarters June 13 Dear Mayor Westbrook: ‘The IOC regrets to inform you that your city was not selected as the Olympic city forthe future Summer Olympic Games, After reviewing your application and visiting your city, we concluded that your city is not ready to host the ‘Olympics at this time. However, we thank you for your interest. River City should be proud of its wonderful scenery, such as the desert With white sand and the highest mountain peak in the country, In addition, the clean coast and two rivers are perfect for water events, Nevertheless, the central location where the games would be held lacks the internal technical support to host this evert. In addition, the population density is very high in the downtown area of River City. There would not be enough room to build more hotels since so many people already populate that area, We expect two million people at the peak of the games; therefore, we would prefer a city that could easily adjust to an extremely large number of visitors, Even though River City was not selected as the next official Olympic city, it may be a perfect traning location for athletes before the games begin. Let the IOC know if you're interested in being considered. In that ease, we will contact you and tell you what you need to do. After we conclude the planning for the games, we'll select the Olympic training cities, ‘Once again, thank you, and we hope that you will take part in the application process for future Olympic events. Sincerely, Robeffa Johnson President, IOC ~ RERICAN LANEIGE COURSE BESENESEEL writer for rue and F for fas —_—_ [EERE complete the sentence with the best answer = Lf. 1, The IOC decided that River City will not host the Olympic games. 2, The JOC doesn’t think the city is beautiful enough. 3. Too many people live downtown, 4, Two million people will visit the Olympics at its busiest time. 5. The IOC definitely wants an additional city for training athletes. 6. The IOC will contact River City whether it’s interested in becoming training location or not, you reach the peak of a mountain, 5, you are at the b 2. If $5 for four 4A top bottom middle apples cost $1.25 per pound, [need 6. apples pounds baskets are heavily populated areas. Fums Parks Cities party concludes when 8 the guests bring food the guests talk o each other the last guest leaves 00K LESSONT It may rain tomorrow. In that case, Twill nor. a, do my homework b. goto the picnic . call my aunt really enjoyed the mountain a. scenery b. model average Small cities with many people have & population density, a. small b. low . high Vd rather not go to the because I don’t like sand. a, forest b. mountains ce. beach ‘concluded ee once again: density Desert peak portions 1. Can you please play tharsong 2. We divided the cake ino small_______for everyone 3. After checking my bank account, 1 that T can’t afford anew ea, 4. The Sahara ___ is oated in north Africa, 5. The power often goes out during hours of ____ electricity us. 6. Bach family member _____ $20 fr their grandmother's birthday git 7. "The city experienced a sudden decrease in population —_ after the shoe factory closed, BEEXEISED Wits ansivors to the questions. Use the glossary inthis book 1. What part of speech is anyway? 2. What part of speech is habir? How many parts of speech does average have? 4. How many definitions does spread have in this book? 5. What is the definition of brand? 6. What is the definition of apperite? Ls AERA LANGUAGE COURSE =| ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith have five children. Each year, they write down their children's heights to measure how much they have grown. The scale below shows their heights this year. 7 & * + ARTE "Sole Ohoe Greg Emma Jim — 35" ‘Supertatives show tie ends of a scale: the tallest/ the shortest. Comparatives show the difference ‘between any two points on the scale: taller shorter. Height Scale eri Chloe Greg Emma Jim 4 eS 58, 2009 ‘This year, Jim is the tallest, and Sofie is still the shortest. OF the twina, Emma is growing faster than Greg (teenage boys often develop more slowly than alle). Chloe is shorter than Greg, but she's glad to be taller ‘than Sofie. We'l see how tall they are next year! (EEREEEZM Underiine the comparative or superlative in each sentence. Then write C for comparative oF S for superlative. C1, Groceries at Produce Mart are cheaper than at Health Mar. 2. December the busiest time of year for department stores 3. think socet is a more exciting sport than basebal 4. Mike's cold is worse tha it was last week, He'd etter see a doctor. 5. Kevin run the fastest of all the boys in his elementary schoo! 6. Josephine performed the best ofall the actors in her role as Juliet 7. Kate handles problems more capably than anyone else in the office _ 8 Sunrise Atines went out of business because their planes are known to land the least safely pocket essen ere a = BESTEIESEEM compote tho chart by writing the missing words onthe lines. General rules for making comparative adjectives and adverbs cone syllable more than one syllable loyal ‘an adjective that ends in-y curly ‘good, bad, or far good far ‘add -er than, later than use more/Iess ... than Jess frequently than ‘drop -y and add -ier than rinier than Use the iregular form worse than ‘> Most adverbs that end in-ly take more/ less than. Circle the correct form of the comparative adjective or adverb. | need to tighten this lug nut It’s looser /more loose than it should be. = tt The students got a badder/worse score on their test last week than on this week's, ‘Tony feels relaveder/more relaxed after taking a hot bath, ‘That restaurant's food was greasier/more greasy than I'm used to fel sick. Mike runs quicklier/more quickly than 1 do. Do you feel gander /bester today than you did yesterday’? Do you eat vegetables oftener/more often now than when you were a child? Ittook longer /more fong_ to accomplish the mission than anyone expected "AEGAN LANGUAGE COURSE HESEEEESSEM complete the chart by writing the missing words on the lines. General rules for making superlatives adjectives and adverbs cone syllable -_ add the ...-est the hardest ‘more than one syllable mp use the most/least popular the least regularly fan adjective that ends in-y amp Use the ... est noisy the ugliest ‘good, bad, or far “= use the irregular form the best bad far {Most adverbs that end in -ly take the most/ the least. Cir 1. Samantha is my goodest (Gea) frien, Mount Everest is the highest /most high mountain in the world, 2 3. Seth wins every game he plays. He's the huckiest/most lucky person I know 4. Love my chemisty class. I's the interestingest/most interesting class Uhave. 5. On Saturdays, thisrestaurant is the erowdedest /most crowded restaurant in town, 6. Ofll the children, Joan plays the quitlest/ most quietly 7. Iwas the nearest most near I'd ever been to a famous person atthe rock concert. ‘That home-building company is known to work the carefllest /most carefully MM ee IESEERISEL Complete the questions using the corect form ofthe word in ()! Afterwards, take turns asking arl answering the questions with « partner 1, Asastudent now, are you — more motivated than ____ (motivated) when you were younger? 2. Is your country ee (cold) mine? 3. Of all professionals, ae soldiers ______(isciplined) people? 4, Do you agree that___ (good) advice of al is to sleep well before a test? 5. Do you think women cock _— (well) men? 6. Does eating too much make you run (slow) if you don’t eat a lot? 7. Where do you go__________(often) on your vacations? 8. Why do people at soccer games yell (loudly) people ata golf course? TE AYE Making comparisons Follow your teacher's instructions LINE UP! LD dytime in the military LP by number of brothers and sisters BD by how many countries you've visited ACHR YS P| ERICA LANGUAGE COURSE za The entertainment capital of the world Select one word from each gray box to write on the line. called the entertainment capital of the world. It offers a wide activities forthe millions of tourists who travel there each year. @_____ visitors come to Las Vegas for the hotels and casinos, where they can slay and gamble, @___ addition, they can also enjoy attending comedy shows, concerts, and musicals. @________ those aren't the only things to do in Las Vegas. The city offers other attractions, such @________ shopping, sports, and museums—more than enough to keep the average person entertained, Besides the attractions inside of the city, places inthe surrounding region add @ the area’s tourism. At Lake Mead, visitors can swim, boat, or fish, Besides that, tourists can ski ‘on Mt. Charleston, whose peak rises to 11,900 feet, Many people also drive to Red Rock ‘Canyon to @___ the beautiful desert scenery orto go horseback riding. They can even take a tour t0 visit the Grand Canyon, ® is about four hours away by car or bus. No matter what kinds of activities tourists prefer, they can always find something interesting to do in Las Vegas. ° e © ° in None To But of Most With or for Half In So ° ° e ° as for have what Tike on see when 0 to walk which (ook?) SiON esl eR Read the text, and complete the sotes inthe space below Pelé Edson Arantes do Nascimento, who is also known as “Pelé,” is considered by many to be the greatest soccer player of all time. He was born in Brazil in 1940 to a very poor family. As a child, hhe couldn't afford to buy a soccer ball, so he made one with an old bag stuffed with socks Pelé started to play professional soccer when he was only 15 years old. ‘One year later, he became the lop scorer in the Bravilian league. In 1958, he was ‘chosen to play for the Brazilian national team in the World Cup. He was the youngest player to ever play in a world ‘cup at that time and scored six goals in four matches. oor farmily became top scorer OD oa enn = youngest player 1972- retired retired again in 197 = 6 goals in 4 matches 1962 - teams wanted to buy him After winning the 1962 World Cup with Brazil, many European teams ‘wanted (© contract Pelé, However, he stayed in Brazil, and in 1969, he scored his 1000th goal. In 1972, he retired from professional soccer in Brazil, but three years later, he decided to retum to the ‘game. This time, he went to New York to play in a new soccer league and to try to help introduce the sport he loved in the United States. Pelé retited again in 1977, but his talent and skill on the soccer field still inspire people throughout the world today. Pelé: Greatest soccer player of al ime ~ ANERIGAN LANGUAGE COURSE Read the text and take notes inthe space below. +d ‘Types of Bieycles ‘There are basically two types of biey- cles which are popular nowadays. These are road bikes and mountain bikes. ‘The moder road bike was originally designed in Europe. [thas a thin, light- ‘weight frame, which is built to go fast Its thin wheels are designed to have less friction when they ‘ouch the ground Road bikes are desigred so that the rider sits on the bike with his back parallel to the ground, These kinds of bikes are ‘great for road racing, long-distance tour- ing, oF commuting toand from work. Mountain bikes were first designed in the 1980s in California, and since then, they have become more popular than road bikes. Mountain bikes have strong frames and thick tires, Most mountain Dike tires are atleast wo inches thick so that they can be used on rough surfaces. ‘These kinds of bikes have upright handle bars, so the rider sits in an upright posi- tion. They are designed for off-road rid- ing in places that road bikes can’t go, Booka WESSONT ea Helpful advertisements ofl Bae Find online coupons and discounts for all the best food brands at vvu-brands4you bib pickup second Wan od have fo? a or © fbr © 955-456-4111 Keep up with the local news and \eather. Find out what's happening in your area. Retamers ‘Languatriends 5 atm to control your appetite. BBQ or garden party 4 Lear to control your appetite because of rain, We treat abnormal RENT A TENT! cating habits Visit ant afford a vacation? Moe's Pool Prep Now you an take ‘Well drain and clean your pool ‘one anyway! for winter: 1/2 PRICE! ‘www.cheaptripsrus.vac (655) 768-3298 Discount hotel Spread the word to your neighbors for an adional 10% of 3 "MEICAN LANGUAGE COURSE (EEE write the letter of the ad that answers each question. Oo [EEEEEEN match the word with its antonym. (Eel | Which advertsement would help you if you... 1. were shopping for some items for your home? 2, needed to earn Chinese fora busines rip? 3. had litle money for a vacation? 4, were going to save an outdoor reception? 5. had suddenly gained 20 pounds? had grocery bills that were too expensive? 7. needed help maintaining your swimming pool? 8. wanted to find out the weather forecast? 1. growh a. wfillup 2. abnormal b. tostat 3. rapid normal 4. approximately 4. slow 5. woconclude e. exactly 6. todrain reduction 7. postion 8 the whote thing (ESET atc the words to make sentences. BooK2i Ifyou eat too much now, a, one brand of jeans. 2, Lisaonly likes to wear —b. but I bought a new one anyway. 3. Biting your fingemails _¢, you won’ have any appetite later. 4, already hive a computer, d. isa terrible habit LESSON = Write the word that goes with each set of phrases. keep up with contibute spread. pickup call olf’ drain —— eee | the news ‘a swimming pool a bad habit tablecloth a bank account ‘anew language butter on toast boiled potatoes ——aspont __ fmenmcaanes Go] Genuueuanemunn aT) time ‘soccer match your homework money —awedding the news, opinions party your PT leader WESEIEISEEM Use the cotocations in Exercise D to answer the questions. |] 1. Lori told everyone about the beach party next weekend, What did Lori spread? She spread the news My sister spent all of her money last week. Now she's broke, What did my sister drain? 3. Beth learned to play tems in college, What did Beth pick up i college? — 4. ‘The generals discussed what they thought about the war strategy at the briefing. What did the generals contribute? 5. ‘The coach canceled the soccer match because his best player was injured, What did the coach call of? 6, Judy always turns in he: school assignments on time, What does Judy keep up with? =a ERIC AN TANGLE COURSE Fete »- said she had been working in Beijing when ... NOTES FROM ALL OVER _ Aoilissue ne In the 1972. Sumer OLympies in Germany, Amertan rimmer Mark Spit won sen old medals 0 the 2008 Sumner Olympics in Chine, anther Aner an swimmer, Michoel Phas, robe Spite record by wing ight gold medals. Many people ean clearly re- call what they were daing ‘when aa important event took place in their lives. 1 went out ‘on the streets of Seatle to Find font what people were doing fon August 17, 2008, the day of Phelps" final rae, Greg Walters, an electrici said he had been watching the final race ona giant-sere TTV at a local sports ber. He told me that everyone in the bar had been yelling and cheering for Phelps and his teammates during the race. iff Clark, a salesman, told me that he had heen visiting friends in San Diogo on the day of the race. “We watched the race on satellite TV, It was fantastic BEET who saiaine 1. Las watching on a gi | was working in Beijing. screen TV. {was vsing friends n San Diego f 1 was witnessing history in the making. Everyone was yelling and cheering. Greg Angie Chung, a reporter, said that she had heen working in Beijing on a magazine assign ment when she was given the ‘opportunity to go and see the race. She told me that she felt that she had been witnessing history in the making. Ie would ‘be a moment she would never forget. I'm sure that many Americans Fel ike Angie di on that day ‘because the country’s hopes for Phelps were realized when he and his teammates won that final race, allowing him to receive his eighth gold medal. 2222S EH clit Angie TT i’. | {> When reporting the past progressive, change it tothe past perfect progressive. Direct Statement Keadwatching | the race on T. <= She told me/said | (that) | shead been watching YesiNo Question Wers'yov following | Phelps’ final race? vastedter | yp | stad Beanotoving | Pcp’ hl nee Iortlon Queson What {WeiByou doing during the race? ——— ia [ee |e ‘Complete the sent 160 with had been + a verb of your choice. and destroyed the power plant. We went out and asked our neighbors what “__ they had been doing when the Fights went out, 1. Mrs, Penn said she 2. Paul told us that he and Cliff Mrs. Penn’ Paul and Clit — 3. Marta told us she 7 “hiss WLI News@Nine.Atomodo ty ached down in tw =) Ms, Dunlop Marta — 7 5 4, Ms, Dunlop said she zm AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE ESE Feport Detective Jones's questions on the lines below. > \ Satie Zak Seren) Leseclehelen S — — eee ( 3, Were ll the tellers work » Where were » ae ingat tir oat postions?) \_ you standing? s ~ 5.Why were you >) (— 6. Who was standing) taking on the phone?) \__bebind you in tine?) ‘The detective asked me. 1, if the manager had been working in his office. ‘Complete the question with your own words. ‘Ask your parter the question. Report your question and your partner's answer to the clas (Carnes 7 oe 2 U 7) What were you doing when BOOK21 LESSONT {| EP TCIMCg Using stress to emphasize contrasts _ 1. Listen and repeat. Listen to your instructor rea the dialogs. Then repeat them, using the stress correct 1. A: Did you drive to Cal fia? B: No, I didn't dive. 16 Z, A: Do you work with Ro6? 4 4 B: No, Rob works nighis and (work days Z 3. A: Are you working tomorrow? Z Z, B: I'm working, but my wife isn't, ‘>We often stress words that give contrasting information. Listen and mark the stress. Listen to your instructor read the dialogs. Mark the sess. Then respond to your instructor's ‘questions, using the stress correctly. 1. A: Do you like soup? BB: [like chicken soup, but I don’t like tomato soup. 2. A: Isthis your jacket? B: I's not my jacket. Itmust be Amold’s jacket. 3. A: Do you like pets? B: Well, [really like eas, but I can’t stand dogs, 4, A: Tneed you to help me on Wednesday and Thursday. B: I can't help you on Wednesday, However, I can help you on Thursday. ‘Az What do you think about Marsha? B: She's very interesting, but she’s not very friendly ~ AERIGAN LANGUAGE COURSE In the science lab | e VOCABULARY: READING: VOCABULARY: WRITING: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: READING: GRAMMAR: piaLocs: SPEAKING: READING: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: READING: “Tho US Naval Research Laboratory ‘The science of fying Experiment: How do submarines work? ‘aking notes Adjectives to nouns: humid + ity womidity Laboratory accidents You'll have such a good ime that Scuba diving equipment . Using waste water Connecting causes of cause an efTeet The cause of Ken's accident Using stress to emphasize contrasts Understanding the correet meaning ofa word An accident has been reported Review . Using transitions 2 Co | NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs content absorb effect affect experiment bend/bent/bent property bounce result contain seal escape substance float form Suffixes resist ility result from “ity result in seal sink /sank/sunk soak soak up squeeze stretch GRAMMAR STRUCTURES ‘The electricity went out, ‘She has a friendly personality ‘Temperatures have been so cold that water pipes are breaking, Colombia has such good cofiee. Aluminum overheats quickly; therefore, it's no longer used to make wires. eee == other ainigh ania aa rou as are of effective caste flexible hardly inflexible nowadays oviinal rel sig a such @ such hat vraterroof watertight LANGUAGE FUNCTION Express cause and effect. ived in a foreign country. As a result, I grew up speaking two languages. Because I had this experience, Twas able to get a job with the government. "NEICAW LANGLAGE COURSE Lea LANEY The US Naval Research Laboratory The Mission The US Naval search Laboratory (NRL) isa military laboratory which develops new teca- nical knowledge for the US Navy and Marine Corps ‘The lab was established in 1923 as a result of a sus- gestion by Thomas Edison, who was a famous Amer- ican scientist. The orig nal purpose of the lab was to bring the best scientiss, engineers, and inventers {together in order to prepare the US Navy for war by designing advanced wesp- ‘on systems for its. ships Nowadays, the NRL cie~ ates technology which is used to support naval mis- sions not only in the wa ter, bat also in space. Such technology can be used in many ways. For exampie, ships have equipment to Book ay LESSON? forecast bad weather weeks in advance, while satel- lites im space make naval communications secure. ‘The Lab ‘The scientists who work in the NRL perform excit- ing—and sometimes even dangerous—laboratory ex periments, For example, they may want to study how a chemical weap- ‘on could affect a person's body and health, There- fore, the scientists need to know how to mix haz- ardous chemicals in order to est them without caus ing danger to themselves ff others in the laborato- ry. After they perform the experiment, the results right be used to produce medicine that could. pro- tect of cure a soldier in a real chemical attack. This is only one kind of exper- iment that might be con- ‘ducted by NRL scientists to create military technology. ‘The Results ‘The NRL has been re- sponsible for many new ideas in science and tech- nology that make life eas jet AS a result, some de- vives that were originally developed by the NRL for military use are now pop- ular with civilians as well (One example is the glob- al positioning satelite sys- tem (GPS), which was first developed by the NRL 10 guide military ships and planes. The system uses a Special device which trans- mits a radio signal to sat- elltes in space. The signal then bounces back to earth ‘and shows users exact- ly where they are located, Many people take advan- tage of this system to get directions while driving or to avoid getting lost while enjoying outdoor activities. ‘Thanks to GPS and oth- et technologies, the NRL is one of the most impor- tant government Ins in the US. Its scientists are constantly developing new ideas that will surely con- tinue to benefit both mil- itary and civilian life - = ‘Write T fer tue and F for false. 1. The Naval Research Laboratory is a privately owned business 2 Today, the NRL develops technology only for missions in the water. 3. Tests that are done atthe NRL can sometimes be hazardous, 4. Civilians ae nc allowed 1 use any NRL technology. 5. GPS signals are sent in only one direction 6. The work doneat the NRL is useful for many people. BESTE Use the totded words in tho text to answer the questions. ] 1. Which adjective means rt? 2. Which word is a ype of scemtfc test? 3. What is another way to say a the present time? 4. Which adjctve desribes something that is happening infact? 5. Which verb means to produce a change? 6. Which adverb phrase means consequently? [EGER Complete the sentences with words from the box. resu ——asaresult as aresult of 1. Losing weight is one of exercising and eating less. 2, Many of the restaurant’ customers got sick the poorly prepared food, 3. Itdidn't rain much this year, —_____ lot of crops died before the harvest x IC ANTANGUNE COURSE IEICE The science of flying Select one word from each gray box to write om the line. Hot air balloons use a basie scientific rule to make it possible to fly. They have three ‘main components: the balloon (or envelope), the basket, and the fuel system, Hot ait balloons © powered by liquid fuel tanks which are kept in the basket where @___ passengers and pilot ride, When the fuel is ignited, a small © ______ whichis controtted by the pitt, begins to burn, The hot air ereated ° the fire rises up into the large balloon overhead, This raises the temperature of the sir inside of the balloon, and makes it lighter © ___ the air outside of the balloon, and as a result, the balloon begins to rise, This scientific rule © _ known as Archimedes's principle. ‘The more hot air that is pumped into the balloon, the higher the balloon will @__. When itis time to bring the balloon back down, a valve, which allows the hot air to esca2e, is opened, ©. the balloon lands, ° e ° e ean the part of are a fire at do them, air by © © e © as will fy but more has take and than is run or aooKe TERSONE = MeYV VIET Experiment: How do submarines wo ues of science explain how sub- marines can operate both onthe surface ofthe water and deep below the sea. At the capains command, ‘these special ships must beable 10 rapidly sink below the waters sur faco or quickly rise back up to float ‘nt The folowing experiments de- ed to show the scietic laws ‘which allo submarines to perorm ‘these actions wih such speed " Pictured:The USS Georgia Materials required for the experiment + water + aplastic drinking straw + a flexible plastic bottle® that can be sealed + some paper clips, preferably made from plastic + a small elastic band, such as a rubber band or hair band * An uylexible glass or plastic rte won't work Step 1 Cut the plastic straw in half, Bend the straw in the middle so that it forms a"V" shape. Fasten the ends of the straw t0- ‘gether with the elastic band, Do this tight- ly so no air can eseape from the stray. Step 2 Attach the paper clips to the elas- tic band. The paper clips witl add ‘weight to the straw. Now you have your own model of a submarine TANGO COURBE Step 3 ‘Test your submarine by dropping it into ‘cup of water. If it doesn’t float verti- cally, you will need to add or remove pa- per clips in order to adjast the weight ‘Add paperclips if the submarine floats horizontally on the water's surface; re- ‘move paperelips if the submarine sinks. Step 5 ‘Add more water until the bottle is com- pletely full. Serew the cap on the bot- Ue in order to make an airtight seal. Stop 4 Now you are ready to perform your experiment. Fill the plastic “bot- tle with water until it is almost full Drop the submarine into the bottle, Step 6 First, make a guess about what will happen if you squeeze the bottle. Then go ahead and squeeze it. Observe what happens. ‘Write down your observations: BOOK LESSON? EEG" pairs, discuss the results of the science experimer 1. What happened when you squeezed the bottle? What happened when you stopped squeezing the bottle? Why does this happen? List some ways in whici this experiment could fal How does a submarine sink and float? [EESREEGEEN Number the instructions from the text, ‘Science Experiment Instructions Part 1: Preparing the materials 3, cut the plasti straw in half [J b. Fasten both ends of the straw together with an elastic band ‘c. Alter that, test to see if the straw floats in a cup of water 44. Attach paper clips to the elastic band, e. Add or remove paper clips so thatthe straw floats vertically. £. Then, bend the strew in the middle. Part2: Performing the experiment 4. Then, fill the bottle the rest ofthe way with water. [J b. Screw the cap tightly on the bottle . To begin, fill the bottle almost full with water, 4, Drop the submarine into the bottle of water. ce. Finally, squeeze th: sides ofthe bottle, and observe what happens. ~REFICAN LANGUAGE COURSE [EEEDEGEA Complete the sontonces witha word fromthe box. ————_—| bounced tend squeeze sank seal escaped formed float 1. How do boats — onthe water? 2, The children ___acirele to play a game 3. The dog was ted up but it when its rope broke. 4. You should ________your knees when lifting heavy boxes 5. Amy likes to ______ fresh lemon juice over er grilled fish 6. When {kicked the ball agains the wall t_____ back 7. The —________on the water pipe broke, and the ktchen flooded. 8. The passenger ship____ when twas damaged in the storm, Listen toa text, and sake nes in the space below: a _ | Adjectives to nouns: humid + ity = humidity Children’s Hospital Because her friendly personality has greatly helped sick children fee! better, and because she has taken responsiblity for many fun activities and completed them with creativity and dependability, we name ? Eom Volunteer of the Year! Adjective Noun equal = eauality re aunty flexible lity = flexibility Most nouns with the suffxes -ityor-iity aro used to talk about ideas and qualities. WEEEIEEGEN ie the ries to change adjectives to noune.Filina Some words follow these spelling rules adjective noun adjectives ending in -e, active a > Drop the-e — > Add -ity creative Adjectives ending ine, available > Drop the le visible > Add-ilty J cligible a —aERICAN TANGUNGE COURSE HESSD Liston tothe word pairs, and circe the stressed syllable. 1. e-qual e-qual-i-ty 2. per-son-al per-son -al-i-ty 3. pos:si-ble pos-si-bil-i-ty 4, avvail-a-ble a-vail-a-bil-i-ty 5 he stressed syllable. dde-pend-a-ble de-pend-a-bil-i-ty se-vere se-versi-ty lear clarity ‘ge-ner-ous, gesner-os:i-ty BEEEEEEGRG Select the noun or adjective that completes the sentenc 1, Dan and Emily's soccer all year round, a. active b. activity children play 2. This kind of bird returns to these hills, with geeat covery year, a. regular b, regularity 3. Jack is an extremely employee. ‘a. dependable b. dependability 4, ‘The fog reduced to ze, atthe airport a. visible b. visibility 5. What's the in that country? a. available b._availabitity (of good health care Booka LESSON 6 10. All the appliances in the house are a. electric b. clectricity LLcan bend the plastic tube because of its a. flexible b, flexibility The of the injuries from her auto accident kept Jane at home for a ‘month, a. severe b. severity ‘The bride and groom thanked their family and guests for their a. generous b. generosity Is Mr. Kenmore a. eligible bi. eligibility fovoe? MelerVANETNAN Laboratory accidents Mercury Spill Kit Hazmerk Industries ? a sae end ab workers know that mercury is a dangerous substance and should be handled with exteme caution However, accidents are sometimes. un- avoidable. Protect yourself and your em- ployees with the newest and most effec five mercury spill kit from Hazmerk®, ‘Each spill kit eontains the following: 1 pair of safety goggles 1 pair of gloves® 1 heavy bag which can be tightly sealed (Chemical powder to soak up mercury Special sponges to absorb any ‘remaining powder (Way soy a Kir? . The chemical properties of mercury make it extremely hazardous to humans. Ale ‘hough it has no taste or smell, its effects ‘on your health can be serious, even deadly. Our kit includes everything you will need to effectively and quickly clean up a mer- ccury spill, so you don't have to worry about ‘your health and safety. Step by step instruc- tions are provided for easy use, Order today! * Wasa: Normal rubber gloves don’t re= sist meteury. Use only the gloves that are contained in the kit to keep mercury from being absorbed into the skin, 1 Sexo your onper rors! C11 wemcury smi. xr: $299 (wcie00 rosrace) 4 ' Hazmerk® Industries ee : 1 6167 Chemica Pen conn : 1 Anytown, USA 01234-1111 eee tae i ' (555) 555-0123 : ¥ 2) cr cx : ' SiN Re Oa 1 Re oi cnc i = a "AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE [EEGEESEIW Answer the questions by checking the correct boxes. 1. isnot a very dangercus substance. canbe cleaned up wth sap and wate el oy 3. has several chemical properties [ iz] 4, needs to be handled zarefully 5. isn’t used in laboratories. BGEEEESGEN tates tho two paris to make questions, ‘Then discuss the questions witha partner 1, What materials way o quit smoking? 2. Whatis the effect of heat on metal? 3. Whatare te properties, to seal a leak? 4, What ean you use a. ofice? 5, How can you absorb liquids? 6. What's aneffective f. resist your bad habits? [ESEXEESEAE Complete the sentences with a word from the box. soak up This bottle _two quarts of milk 2. Angela_____ the envelope before she mailed i substances . : . “ 3 AN of water is that it freezes at 32° F contains 4, Jeremy used a paper towel to the soda that he Property tad spilled sealed 5. Natural____that are found in vegetables help people stay healthy. es a: | ‘Match the question with the ansver Write the leteron the blank. a How bas (the weather in Alaska /~ by How is the economy doing in your state? >” af ee ek ae 2.1sin (that there are so many (such bad shape that cars being driven that} { a } tae cab Answers (3 suc aoa tie) [ eta \ Seatac) — ae / = wreaking. / 0/such situation clause result clause ‘Temperatures have been so cold ‘water pipes are breaking. (that) ‘The Beckett Theater has such good plays it always has a full house. The so/such clause must come before the result clause. 4p S0%s followed by an adjective; adverb; or much, many, few, or ite + a noun. ‘Such is alvays followed by a noun or noun phrase. TEFICAN CANGUNGE COURSE [EXERT match the situation with its result. - | 1. Colombia has such good coffee a. that some people couldn't avoid the flood. Thave such a stict supervisor _b. that there aren't enough teachers for them. - The rain fell so quickly . that I'm afraid to be one minute late Private Julie Ross was so tired d._ that a helicopter flew him to the hospital 3 4, 5. The school has so many students e. that she overslept and was late for PT. 6 ‘The driver had such bad injuries that its exported all over the world, [EESEESSEM Use the charis to fill in the blanks with 50 or such. Then put a mark (A) undereach sentence where the word that should go. adjective/adverb) noun/noun phrase so} expensive/quietly anger s eee 8) |, satiety | say ‘much /manyiitle few Goda so | much rain/few students | that) 1, Teas —_such___a hot day the chien played inside most of the time. 2. The fog was ____ thick Paul couldn't see far enough ahead to drive. 3. Rick has ____ big feet he has trouble finding shoes that fit. 4, Professor Drew spcke ___ softly no one in the room could hear hi 5, ‘The cashier acted with ___ honesty he was given a promotion, 6. The classroom had ___ litle space some students had to share a desk 7. The manager has wade many mistakes he'll be fired soon. 8. Christmas is ___an important day schools and businesses close. 9, Some violins are made with ____ much care they cost over $100,000. 00K LESSON BESET Unseramole the words to complete the sentence 1, The Highland Hotels such beausiful rooms that it costs a otto stay thee. such that /beauifl/ has / rooms 2 tos t have tent him are lost garage / that / Derek's /such /is terrible / mess a 3. On Seth’s ear, ___the wheels shook dangerously. 0 /the / were /lugs / that / loose the team can’t afford to lose him. aan player / that Jon/ important / such J is 5. Mitlown_______mast people find work elsewhere, that / few / offers / 90 / opportunities ——— ________he ean’t possibly pay them back, Paul's / that / debts / great / are /so 7. Bo's Motors 20 cars can be displayed. is building /showroom / that a /such /Targe 8. The people had to run to get out. rapidly / caught / mall fire / that / so HSER Compicte the sentences with words that make sense to you. ] 1. Jake was so disappointed about his test score (that) 2. The classroom was sucha mess (that) 3. Recruits get so little sleep (that) 4. My friends have such loud car stereos (that) 5. The musicians played so badly (that) 6. My spouse was so upset with me last weekend (that) 7. There are so many homeless cats (that) ica Ca E COURSE (SERS with « partner, ask and answer the questions wi ~~ Thave acopy (/“ot te latest oak by Shawn a interesting or boring —// isi / ~~ 1. How strict of lenient ‘was your last teacher? 2. How quiet or noisy are your neighbors or rcommates? 3, How cheap orexpensive is ‘gasoline where you live? 4. Have you ever stayed awake an ‘extremely long time? How did you feel? moka LEONE or such. “ Lfoundit ES toe so interesting that» (.Tspent the weekend uy reading it 6, How pleasant or painful is it for you to visit the dentist? 7. How annoying or amusing do you find children to be? 8, Have you ever eaten a large amount of food? How did you feel afterward? 5. Tow difficult or easy are the tests at your school? MoFe TVET Scuba diving equipment cuba. ving isan undenvater” activity that_many people enjoy in thir free time. Other people, such 8 navy divers, uso. scuba equipment to perform their daly work and complete milly missions. Both types of scuba divers need. 10 learn about the mandatory ‘equipment that keeps them sale and prevents cients underwater, Divine surrs: A diver can wear either a wetsuit or a Wen uets four anesvos jon ues of ene nd tol Be cv waste spears cps 1. A harmful chemical spilled in the lab, 4. The doctor ordered Mr. Smith to rest; — everyone had to evacuate, he took up soccer, a. Therefore, a. consequently b. Therefore’ b. as aresult ©. therefore, ©. however 2. ‘There was a short in the circuit; 5. The street had flooded; therefore, the power was off for tvo hours ana a. Consequently, a. itstopped raining '. consequently . the ground was dry ©. consequently, . the police set up barricades 3. Many employees were sick, __, 6. The equipment was defective, As a attendance at the meeting was low. result, —__, a. asaresult a. it worked excellently b. Nevertheless ._ we used it for many years . Consequently . itdidn’t funetion properly x= RICAN LANGE COURSE ESSERE Put the sentences in order to complete the text. Then circle the cause and eect connectives. Pay attention to punctuation. Bigger cities offer more employment opportunities than small cities; |] Asa result, employers can hire people who are willing to work for the feast amount ‘of money. Some people aren't able to eam enough to support their families; consequently, people who are unable to find work often move to bigger cities. (1 However, some bigcities aren’t designed to support a lot of people. therefore, they end up moving back to smaller cities to look for opportunities. ‘Thus, th living conditions can be poor. Another problem in big cities is that ‘J sometimes there are more people than jobs. EGSEESEEM Complete the senten your own ideas. Use therefore, thus, consequently, or asa result, Add punctuation. $$$ Moneytalk $$S= 1. People often sgend more money than they eam, 2. Other people spenel only what they have 3. Some people bay large houses that they can’t afford, —__ 4, Others live in smaller houses and save their money, oman $9 00K EONS a: | Ken and Abby were walking and discuss- ing their homework one day. Ken thought Abby was such a pretty gil that he couldn't 1. Abby was such a pretty gil that 2 3. He didn’t pay attention to where he was walking. As a result, 5. He felt stupid, so 6 | | look away from her. He was so interested in their conversation that he didn't pay atten- tion to where he was walking. As a result, he walked straight ‘cause he'd been looking only at Abby, Ken didn't see the pole. He felt supid, so he acted like nothing had happened. Abby laughed gently and sai going, you'll avoid a lot of accidents” Ko a telephone pole. Be- “if you watch where you're hie didn’t pay attention to where he was walking, Ken didn’t sce the pole. you'll avoid a lot of accidents, "RUERICAN ANGLAGE COURSE (ESGEEISSEN Match cards to make cause and effect sentenc: Use two white cards and ore gray card for each new sentence. Pay attention to punctuation. EXAMPLE: wae 5 Write down three important events in your Ii Then think ofthe cause or effect ofthese evens, Take ruras shaving this information with a partner EXAMPLE: | joined the military. Life Events When I was 18, ~ T wasn't sure what career should start. As a result, my ’) parents fold me to join the military. ote =" ss ESTA AIYCI Using stress to emphasize contrasts | 1. Listen and repeat. Listen to your instructor read the dialogs. Then repeat them, using the stress correctly, “ L.A: Can I put this sweater in the washing machine? Bs You can put it inthe wing machin, but don’t pti inthe dir. 2. A: Did you read this aficle? Bs Tread it, but I didn’t understad it Listen and mark the stress, ‘Mark the contrasting stress in each dialog. Then read the dialogs witha partner, using the stress correctly 1. A: I's too bad you're working today Bi; I'm not working today. I'm working tomorrow. 2. A: Do you like scary movies? BB: [like seary movies, but not too scary 3. A: I'm going to give her flowers B: You can give her flowers. Just don’t give her roses. 4. As Ate your classmates coming to the party’? B: Rodrigo is coming, but Yusef isn’t 5. A: Are you sick? B: I’m not sick, I'm just tired, 6. A: Have you been to Les Angeles? B: I've never been to Los Angeles. However, Ihave been to San Francisco. = se REGAN CANGUNGE COURSE IToltaYe am Understanding the correct meaning of a word Look up each italicized word in this book's glossary. Weite the definition of the word which is used inthe sentence 1. Jackie sealed the jar tightly before she shook it. 2. The seal on the hose is no longer tight, so it leaks, 3, Abe is always in such a hurry. However, he’s never on time, 4, The driver sped through a red light. Sucl carelessness could have resulted in serious. injury or death. 5. Samuel reached the peak of his career when he was fairly young. 6, ‘The climbers had planned to reach the peak by evening, but they had to stop and \wait forthe suddler snowstorm to pass, 7. Noone can keep up with Private Green when we're running. SOUR espns icicles el ‘An accident has been reported. Welcome to the 6 o'clock news. 'm » = a Troy Lancaster Today in our cy (/" bn ecodet has boon reoried ~ — atthe comer of Main and Bush, |\ Trac is ata complete stop. A suitcase containing five milion dollars has been found at the airport. The bomb team almost blew it up before they realized what was inside. a er phere err eenabaerry aca [or res mayne eb poten / has gathered ‘has /have been + past suBJECT participle Present Perfect : Pie | City officials | | have been gathered bythe mayan) FEES Unceriine ali parts of the active and passive verbs. Then write for active and Pfor passive |. Police have found child tha was missing 2. Achild that sa5 missing has been found by police. 3. Alnurricane has hit the towns of Floresville and Smithton, 4. Emerson, Floresville, and Smithtown have been hit by a tornado. 5. Many changes have been made tothe fire department, Sr CE [EEE Use the words to complet 1. all ID cards airpor officials hhave been checked by, 2. aworld record /a fourteen-year-old runner Sisters sree ave sg) yap been tuoked bye eeenesieniines 3. ten thousand troops the president _— have been called up by 4, his boss / Sam's ideas have been considered by 5. anyone /this car has never been driven by (ESEEEEERER Fil in the blanks with the present perfect passive form. 1. Thecld computers replace) with new ones 2. Amagreement between the enemy nations ________ (reac. 3. Abetter tax system (establish by the government 4, Ange shate of money z (put in a Swiss bank account 5. The employees benefits (seduce) by the management 6. The young actress__(deseribe) asthe next Marilyn Monroe. 7. Simon Walton _________ (name) Businessman ofthe Yea. 8, A new treatment for the common cold (develop). 9. A date forthe completion ofthe new mall (choos. 10, New laws which will beter protect the earth (omit). mooka eSSON2 Make sentences from the /nave + been. EXAMPLE: [Schools C i] Sak Coa vh m | (eon) “RE | Westlakes News vol XV Feb. 5, 2009 CEO Fired - Peanut Butter blamed for Man's Death | Bear Returned to Zoo = New Hotel Completed Soccer Game Postponed SS = ** Family Restaurant Closed Five Students Selected to Visit White House = Ten Sets of Twins Born at = === Westlakes Hospital Peace Agreements Made Se SSS = ==== Thousands of Homes 0 z [ERICA LANGLBGE COURSE Le bulary [Gove Select the best answer 1, The final football game a, result b. resulted in as aresult of ati, 2. Deb got accepted to a great university, result from b. asa result c. asaresult of her good grades. 3. The problems we have today a. asaresult >. result from cc. result in the mistakes that we made in the past. 4, We didn’t hear about the election results b. result in © as aresult until midnight. 5. Kirk lost is Job. _, he has 0 cut down on his monthly spending, a. Result from b. Asaresult c. Asa result of 6. Patients want the most ‘medical treatment that is available. a. affect b. effect . effective 7. How will the president's decision a. effective b. effect ©. affect our country’? 8. Bating too much candy ean have a bad ___on your health. a. affect b. effect c. effective omiesove SSS Ra Using transitions Read the text below, and circle te transitional words. The Main Causes of Automobile Accidents ‘Automobile accidents are cne ofthe leading causes of death inthe United States. These types of accidents happen for a variety of reasons. However, there are three main reasons most automobile accidents occur. Te first main cause of automobile accidents is speeding. The faster a vehicle is traveling, the longer it takes that vehicle to come to « complete stop. For example, driving just five miles over the speed limit decreases the chances of being able to stop f some unexpected danger appears in the road, The second main cause of accidents is inexperience. Drivers under the age of 21 are three times more likely to be involved in accidents. This is because they"ve had less time to develop the Skills which are necessary to avoid hazards on the road. In addition, young drivers often take greater risks when driving. The third main eause of many automobile accidents is drivers who are not paying enough attention tothe road. There are many activites which can take the driver's attention away from driving, such as using a cell phone, adjusting the radio, or even engaging in conversation. These activites decrease the driver's awareness of road conditions, which inereases the chances of an accident. In conclusion, it's everyone's responsibility to toke driving seriously, Being aware of these three factors can, really reduce the chances of being in an automobile accident "RERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Civilian and military justice READING Vocabulary in context 6s VOCABULARY: The Star oll spi 6 Gramman: Iehas been a pleasure working with you. 6 VOCABULARY: ‘The Storoil spill wil 70 GRAMMAR: ‘Thote + BE + gerund : 7 READING: Fingerprints: A key to identification... 15 VOCABULARY: Military lw cee 16 GRAMMAR: Review ofadjcive clases... ai Using adjective clauses wih whose as piatocs: Describing people, places, and things 85 READING: Summarizing notes : as wana: Takingnotes : a SPEAKING: Using sess to emphasize contrasts... 88 GRAMMAR: Past perfect passive a) READING: America's mos favs criminal nr] Danii

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