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Osmeña Colleges

City of Masbate, 5400 Philippines


Title of Research Proposal “Factors of Engaging Illegal Mining/Quarrying Activities

of Local Communities within the Province of Masbate”

Author John Louis A. Ng

Provincial Office on Environment and Natural Resources Management
Province of Masbate

I. Research Questions/Statement of the Problem

A. Main Research Problem/s

The study seeks to find out the factors and reasons of engaging illegal
mining/quarrying activities of local communities within the Province of Masbate.

B. Sub-Problem/s

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Location of the Quarry Area/Address

2. Economic Factors:
2.1 How do the financial gains from illegal mining/quarrying activities
compare to legal alternatives for local communities?

3. Social Factors:
3.1 What are the social dynamics and community relationships that
influence participation in illegal mining/quarrying activities?

4. Regulatory Factors:
4.1 How effective are the current regulatory frameworks in deterring
illegal mining/quarrying practices?

(056) 333-2778
II. Scientific/Theoretical Background of the Study

By integrating both Rational Choice Theory and Social-Structural Approaches, the

research can provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors and reasons behind
local communities' engagement in illegal mining/quarrying activities. This
interdisciplinary approach can capture both individual decision-making processes and the
broader socio-economic context that influences these decisions.

Rational Choice Theory can provide valuable insights into understanding the factors
and reasons behind engaging in illegal mining/quarrying activities. This theory posits
that individuals make decisions based on a rational assessment of costs and benefits. In
the context of illegal mining/quarrying, local communities may engage in these activities
if the perceived benefits, such as financial gains or improved livelihoods, outweigh the
perceived risks or costs of legal alternatives. Rational Choice Theory can help analyze
the decision-making process and individual motivations driving participation in illegal
mining/quarrying activities.

Social-Structural Approaches focus on the broader social, economic, and political

structures that shape individuals' behaviors and choices. Within this framework, factors
such as poverty, lack of alternative livelihood options, and inadequate law enforcement
can contribute to the prevalence of illegal mining/quarrying activities. Analyzing the
social structures and contextual factors can help understand why certain communities in
the Province of Masbate are more prone to engaging in illegal mining/quarrying activities
compared to others.
III. Knowledge Gap to be Filled

No studies have been conducted yet in the Province of Masbate that deals with the
factors and reasons of engaging illegal mining/quarrying activities of local communities
IV. Materials and Methods
A. Research Design

Considering the research objectives of understanding the factors and reasons behind
engaging in illegal mining/quarrying activities, a mixed-methods approach can be
effective. This involves combining both qualitative and quantitative methods to gain a
more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. By combining these research
designs within a mixed-methods approach, researchers can gain a comprehensive
understanding of the factors, motivations, relationships, and barriers related to engaging
in illegal mining/quarrying activities. The qualitative data provides rich insights into the
experiences and perspectives of individuals involved, while the quantitative data allows
for statistical analysis and exploration of associations and patterns within a larger sample.
For a mixed-methods research design, a combination of descriptive and diagnostic
research design would be appropriate. A Descriptive research design aims to describe
the characteristics, and patterns of engagement in illegal mining/quarrying activities . This
qualitative data can help uncover the underlying reasons and social dynamics influencing
participation in illegal mining/quarrying. A Diagnostic research design would be useful
for identifying the causal factors and potential barriers to compliance with regulations
regarding mining/quarrying permits. This design involves investigating the reasons
behind non-compliance and the hindrances faced by local communities in adhering to the
permitting process.

B. Respondents and Sampling

The respondents are the reported illegal quarry operators within the Province of Masbate.
The POENRM-Masbate's records indicate that there is an average of 30 documented
illegal quarry operations annually.

The Quarry Operators with an expired permit however, continues to operate and
extract/mine will also be added as a respondent.

A total of 60 Quarry Permits are existing as of (June 2023) in the entire Province of
Masbate, duly signed by the Provincial Governor of Masbate.

C. Data Gathering Instrument/s

The main instrument to be used in gathering the data needed for the study will be a set of
questionnaires that will be accomplished by the researcher through an interview with the

Socioeconomic factors:
Income level:
Employment status and opportunities:
Poverty level:
Access to alternative livelihood options:

Social factors:
Social networks and community relationships
Influence of family or peers
Cultural norms and values
Perception of social acceptance or stigma

Regulatory factors:
Effectiveness of enforcement and monitoring mechanisms
Clarity and accessibility of the permitting process
Perceived fairness and transparency of regulations
Penalties and consequences for non-compliance
Environmental factors:
Availability and accessibility of mineral resources

V. References

Title of the Title of Author Problem and Major/Results/Findings

Article Journal/Book Methodology
Becker, G. S. The Economic Gary S. Applies economic The importance of
(1976). The Approach to Becker analysis to various economic incentives, costs,
Economic Human Behavior aspects of human and benefits in shaping
Approach to behavior, seeking to individual behavior across
Human understand and various domains such as
Behavior. explain human crime, family, education,
University of decision-making in a and labor markets. He
Chicago wide range of social argues that individuals
Press. (Book) contexts. He explores make rational choices by
how individuals make weighing the costs and
choices based on their benefits associated with
rational self-interest, their actions, even in non-
aiming to maximize market settings. Becker's
their utility or well- approach has significantly
being. influenced the field of
economics and social
sciences, introducing
economic analysis into
areas traditionally studied
from a sociological or
psychological perspective.
"Social American Patricia This article explores Individuals both reproduce
Structure and Sociological Hill the interplay between and resist social structures
Human Review Collins social structure and through their agency, and
Agency" individual agency. highlights the importance
Patricia Hill Collins of considering the
examines how social intersectionality of
structures, such as multiple social categories
race, class, and in understanding social
gender, shape inequality and social
individuals' change.
constraints, and
actions within society.
The The Geographical Gavin The article addresses The article highlights
environmenta Journal Hilson the environmental issues such as
l impact of impact of small-scale deforestation, water
small-scale gold mining in Ghana. pollution, soil degradation,
gold mining It aims to identify the and ecosystem disruption
in Ghana: problems associated resulting from mining
identifying with this form of activities. It may also
problems and mining and explore discuss the social and
possible potential solutions. economic impacts of these
solutions The author likely environmental issues. The
employs a article likely offers insights
combination of into possible solutions to
qualitative and mitigate the negative
quantitative research environmental effects,
methods to investigate which may include
the environmental improved mining practices,
issues arising from regulatory measures,
small-scale gold community engagement, or
mining. The specific sustainable mining
methodology approaches.
employed in the study
would be described
within the article.
Impacts of Nature and Faune Ian The article focuses on The negative impacts of
sand mining Thornton the impacts of sand sand mining on river
on ecosystem and mining on ecosystem ecosystems. These impacts
structure, Helen structure, process, and could include altered
process and Sangster biodiversity in rivers. sediment transport,
biodiversity It likely explores the changes in channel
in rivers environmental morphology, habitat
challenges and destruction, loss of
consequences biodiversity, and disruption
associated with sand of ecological processes.
mining activities. The The article may provide
methodology insights into the specific
employed in the study, ecological consequences
which would be observed in the context of
described within the sand mining and their
article, could involve implications for river
field observations, ecosystems.
data collection, and
analysis of ecological

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