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Republic of the Philippines

City of Masbate

ACTIVITY No.2 (The Research Problem)

EDUC 200- Methods of Research
2nd Semester 2022-2023

A. Enumerate three possible problems you may encounter in the following circumstances:
1. Personal Life (family and friends)
a) Health Crisis
b) Financial Crisis
c) Safety and Security

2. School (Life as a Teacher)/Work (as a Public servant)

a) Poor Work-Life Balance
b) Insufficient Training
c) Trust Issues

3. Government
a) Economy
b) Education
c) HealthCare

4. Relationships with colleagues and mentors (co-teachers/co-workers, Department

Head/School Head)
a) Interpersonal Conflict
b) Communication Problems
c) Bullying

5. Other areas of interest or concern

a) Climate Change
b) Over Population
c) Water Conservation

B. Based on the enumerated possible research problems, identify at least three researchable
problems and explain why you chose them.
1. Water Conservation - The current water supply on Earth comes from surface water runoff and
groundwater. This supply comes from the same sources that have been used for thousands of
years, which is threatened by overdevelopment, pollution, and global warming. Only three
percent of the Earth’s water supply is made up of freshwater, with only half a percent of that
available for human consumption. Through Water Conservation we can maintain a healthy and
functional ecosystem.
2. Climate Change - Studying climate change will help us understand why global temperatures
continue to rise, how the climate affects us, and how we can tackle this challenge before things
get much worse. Given that we are currently experiencing El Ñino here in the Philippines.
3. Over-Population - ‘We cannot make the world uninhabitable for other forms of life and have
it habitable for ourselves’. If this occurs and a man becomes the only form of life on earth, his
future existence is questionable. As the number of people increases, so does the demand for
food, water and other resources. 

C. From the source topic that you have identified, formulate a research title for the said research

Climate Change’s Negative Impact on Biodiversity


Student Subject Instructor

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