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Mang Isko is a popular carpentry in his community. He

used to build houses made from bamboo, wood, concrete and
even metal. He is also making furniture, beautify the
different parts of the house and make some other useful
things. He is considered as a “Super Carpenter” in his
community because he can do everything. In other words, he
is all-around carpenter. He has lots of tools and equipment
used in carpentry, masonry, plumbing and fixing electricity.
He also helped his community by asking other men to do
some jobs for him and be his helpers if he works for a long

As the time goes by, he put up a business that sells

construction supplies. His business gave some more jobs to
others for both men and women.

Unfortunately, there are large constructions supplies

nearby. That made his business unpatroned by others. There
are also instances that burglary but Mang Isko set a CCTV
camera to avoid it.

For so long in the business world, Mang Isko’s children

finished their studies and they are planning to expand their
business to serve everyone in their community. That whole
family is very happy and hands-on in handling their
construction supply business.

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