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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Faculdade de Ciências Politicas

Trabalho de campo de Inglês

Types of letter, concepts and its differences

Domingas José Francisco Najama

Curso: Desenvolvimento comunitário e Serviço Social

Disciplina: Inglês
Ano de Frequência: 1º
Tutor: Manuel Bana

Quelimane, Agosto de 2023


Folha de feedback
Categorias Indicadores Padrões Pontuação Nota Subtotal
máxima do
Estrutura Aspectos  Índice 0.5
organizacionais  Introdução 0.5
 Discussão 0.5
 Conclusão 0.5
 Bibliografia 0.5
Conteúdo Introdução  Contextualização 2.0
(Indicação clara
do problema)
 Descrição dos 1.0
 Metodologia 2.0
adequada ao
objecto do
Análise e  Articulação e 3.0
discussão domínio do
escrita cuidada,
coerência /
coesão textual)
 Revisão 2.0
Nacional e
relevante na área
de estudo
 Exploração dos 2.5

Conclusão  Contributos 2.0

teóricos práticos
Aspectos gerais Formatação  Paginação, tipo e 1.0
tamanho de letra,
entre linhas
Referências Normas APA  Rigor e 2.0
Bibliográficas 6ª edição em coerência das
citações e citações/referênc
bibliografia ias bibliográficas

Recomendações De Melhoria (A ser preenchida pelo Docente)


Contents page

1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Objectives .......................................................................................................... 5

1.1.1 General ........................................................................................................ 5

1.1.2 Specific ........................................................................................................ 5

2. Letter Writing ........................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Types of Letters ................................................................................................. 6

2.1.1 Formal Letter ............................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Informal Letter .............................................................................................. 7

2.1.3 Other types and its differences .................................................................... 7

2.1.4 Sample of type of formal letter ..................................................................... 9

3 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 10

4 Reference list ......................................................................................................... 11


1 Introduction

The present assignment is going to talk about letter, in the sense of letter writing.
Therefore, as it can be observed along the paper, letter writing is an essential skill
where participants address messages to others participants or institutions. Nowadays
the prevalence of emails and text messages is observed, everyone has to write letters
at some point. From this, it is also observed the types of letters described along this
paper that encompass letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters
requesting changes or making suggestions, the list goes on and on.

1.1 Objectives

1.1.1 General

Explore and analyse the thematic lying letter writing and its types;

1.1.2 Specific

Identify the different type of letters;

Describe different types of letters;
Show a sample of letter writing.

2. Letter Writing

Letter writing is an important channel of communication between people who

are geographically distant from one another. According to My Child Magazine (2008),
‘‘in earlier times when the telephone and e-mail were not available, the only means of
communication between people was through letters. Letter-writing is a skill that has to
be developed.’’

In general there are two types of letters: formal, that are written to convey official
business and information and informal, which are personal letters to communicate with
friends and family. Formal letters are sent out when we need to write to various public
bodies or agencies for our requirements in civic life. For example, we might have to
ask for a certificate or to inform a change in our address. A letter is usually one in a
series of exchanges between two people or parties

2.1 Types of Letters

There are generally two types of letter, namely Formal Letters, and Informal
Letters. But then there are also a few types of letters based on their contents, formalities,
the purpose of letter writing etc. Let us have a look at the few types of letters.

2.1.1 Formal Letter

These letters follow a certain pattern and formality. They are strictly kept
professional in nature, and directly address the issues concerned. Any type of business
letter or letter to authorities falls within this given category such as
cover letter, sick leave application, resignation letter, job offer letter, complaint letter,
business letter, appointment letter and leave application for Marriage/ maternity
(Lomonosov Moscow (2017, p.23).


The senders address is put at the top right hand side;

Include telephone number and email if available;
The address of the person receiving the letter goes on the left hand side below
the sender’s address;
The date;

Greeting — Dear Sir or Madam, or To Whom It May Concern. You can use the
titles Miss, Mrs. or Mr. if you know the name of the person to whom you are
The message;
Complimentary close — Yours faithfully (when you don’t know the person’s
name), or Yours sincerely (when you know the person’s name to whom you’re
Write name in block letters (this is to ensure that the person receiving the letter
knows exactly who has sent it. Signatures may not be very clear (Lomonosov
Moscow (2017, p.23).

2.1.2 Informal Letter

These are personal letters. They need not follow any set pattern or adhere to
any formalities. They contain personal information or are a written conversation.
Informal letters are generally written to friends, acquaintances, relatives etc.


The sender’s address should always appear on the top right hand corner of the
Include telephone number and email if available;
Greeting — There are several variations that can be used depending on how
well you know the person: Dear Mary, Hi Mary, Greetings;
Complimentary close — short comment, for example Love, Lots of love, with
thanks, See you soon (Lomonosov Moscow (2017, p.25).

2.1.3 Other types and its differences

Business Letter: This letter is written among business correspondents,

generally contains commercial information such as quotations, orders,
complaints, claims, letters for collections etc. Such letters are always strictly
formal and follow a structure and pattern of formalities (My Child Magazine,

Official Letter: This type of letter is written to inform offices, branches,

subordinates of official information. It usually relays official information like rules,
regulations, procedures, events, or any other such information. Official letters
are also formal in nature and follow certain structure and decorum.
Social Letter: A personal letter written on the occasion of a special event is
known as a social letter. Congratulatory letter, condolence letter, invitation letter
etc are all social letters.
Circular Letter: A letter that announces information to a large number of people
is a circular letter. The same letter is circulated to a large group of people to
correspond some important information like a change of address, change in
management, the retirement of a partner etc (My Child Magazine, 2007).
Employment Letters: Any letters with respect to the employment process, like
joining letter, promotion letter, application letter etc.

2.1.4 Sample of type of formal letter

Cover letter

Nampula, Mozambique

(+258) 872865123, 842865123


To: Ever Green Lda

Subject: Application for the position of Seller

Dear Sirs,

My name is Alberto Guedes. I am humbly writing this cover letter for the position
of Seller in your company. I have appropriate and relevant qualifications managing
customers’ portfolio, making sales to customers and developing routine visits to
new potential customers, preparing monthly, quarterly and periodical management
reports, making tax forecast and sale's results in financial management with private
and public funds. Therefore, I believe I am suitable to perform duties at your
company, bringing my ability to motivate and explore all activities of sales in an
engaging and innovative way at any date you desire to start the activities.

My skills and attributes are as follows the ability to work as part of the team in
different areas of work; high levels of communicative abilities in English Language,
Portuguese and French; willingness to take on different tasks, regardless of their
complexity; proficient in Microsoft Office types of programs.

Please accept my application for this vacancy. I believe I would successfully execute
it, while demonstrating a proactive approach, an exceptional work ethic and a
strong determination to meet all assigned goals and objectives.

Yours Faithfully,


Alberto Guedes

3 Conclusion

The paper covered the types of letters where the writer was supposed to explore
it, analyse, identify, describe and bring a sample of any type of letter in order to show
the different rules used for initiating a letter. Therefore, it was observed that a letter is
a written message that can be handwritten or printed on paper. It is usually sent to the
recipient via mail or post in an envelope. Any such message that is transferred via post
is a letter, a written conversation between two parties. However, today a lot of our
communication, especially the formal kind, is done via letters. Whether it is a cover
letter for a job, or the bank sending you a reminder or a School acceptance letter,
letters are still an important mode of communication.

4 Reference list

My Child magazine. (2007). Letter Writing Resource Pack. London, U.K. Author. Retrieved
February 26, 2008, from

Lomonosov Moscow (2017) how to write formal letters. State University Raisa V. Dorogikh,
Liubov I. Teplova Study guide for students of English Sevastopol Ribest

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