ARISQuick Modelling Guide

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ARIS Quick Modelling Guide

The Golden Rules for EPCs Level 4 EPC Symbols

1. Process must start and end with at least one Represents an event, which is either trigger
of an activity or a result of an activity E.g.
Event Order Received
2. Sequential flow is Event, Function, Event
Represents a task or activity, which incurs
3. A Function or an Event may have only ONE Function cost and resources, and takes time to
incoming flow connection and ONE outgoing complete E.g. Enter Invoice, Print Delivery
flow connection (introduce AND, XOR or OR Note
operator as appropriate) Represents an interface to the precedent or
subsequent process and will always be
4. A single Event must not be followed by an XOR Process interface
used in conjunction with the prior or
or an OR operator that splits the flow, as Events following event
cannot take decisions
Roles are responsible for activities which
5. If you split a path using one operator (an XOR, Role
require the same or similar skills and are
AND or an OR), the same operator must be used required for the design of jobs, trainings
and security profiles
to join the paths
Jobs carry out a combination of roles and
6. When looping back in the process flow, the XOR Job describe a job within the line organisation
operator should ALWAYS be used to join the associated with a certain job grade
process Represents an external person or contact
that plays a role in a process.
Logic Operators External person
For Example: Customer, Transport carrier
Represents a logical application system. It
Application is linked to a Function to show the
system type
AND XOR OR particular application that supports an
All branches One branch At least one activity E.g. ISP, Outlook
are true at only is true at branch is true at
Represents a logical module of an
any one tme any one time any one time
Module type application system. This object should be
used if the system is modularised.
Examples of Use of Rules
Represents a business object, such as data
or a group of data and information. It can
Licence key Change in record New record Entity type
assigned requested requested be used to describe any business related
entities, which can be input or output to a
Check ARIS
complete 48 hours Represents any kind of document in
prior to training File
XOR Rule electronic format. E.g. Project Plan.pdf,
Find record Process Model.doc

Represents any kind of physical paper

ARIS installed
Data entered into Document document, which can be input or output to
required database a function E.g. Assurance Form, Credit
Represents a report created from data or
Customer List / Report information in application system. It is used
complaint received
to differentiate from documents, which have
Invoice received
received AND rule the form of a list. E.g. Stock Ledger Report
Information Represents means of communications
carrier such as email, fax and phone.
Check customer Inform Area
complaint history Manager
Pay invoice
Used to denote risk associated with a task,
activity or work step and represents the
possible danger that a process objective
will not be achieved.
Invoice paid

Key Represents the measurement of the
escalated to Level 2 performance performance of a function or process

Ti ckets for holi day

Employee was
E mployee was
pr omoted Function and Event Naming Conventions
Verb Example:
Pr epare clothes for OR/Any Rule +
Update employee Business Object Send
Business Object Example:
Change relfected in +
Decided on casual Decided on Decided on smart HR system
outfi ts swimwear outfits State/Status Invoice sent to
Change supplier

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ARIS Quick Modelling Guide

Creating a new model Making Events Meaningful

Add value with Events by: Arrived at Passport


1. Focusing on the impact of

the function performed
2. Considering the purpose
of the function performed
Show Passport

3. Focusing on why the Ac cess Granted Ac cess Denied

function was performed

(e.g., to get what result?)

Using Events & Process Interfaces to show

link Events / Process Handoffs
1. A process handoff is when one EPC leads to another
2. To show an EPC leading to
your EPC:
Use the end Event(s) in
1. Remember to copy the Model Header template the previous process as
into your model adjust without BP specifics the Event triggers in your
Template EPC Header
Owner*: Wolstenholme, David E Segment*: Refining & Marketing
process. In other words,
Subject Matter Expert*: Shah, Hardik SPU/FU*: Lubricants
Project*: Admin Projects
EAM Level 1*: Marketing, Sales and Service
EAM Level 2*: Market Research Development
Country/Region*: UK
Site*: Hyde
the end Event(s) and
EAM Level 3*: Market knowledge
EAM ID*: A.1.1 Process Phase*: Target Operating Model
Valid from*: 09-Mar-05
trigger Event(s) are the
Description/Definition: This model is used to hold the header for models.
To use it simply copy the w hole header box and paste it at the top of your model.
You may need to re-align some of the pieces of text
and delete any that are not applicable.
Valid until*: implementation of XYZ

Model Status*: In Progress

same. Y.3.1
Last change: 17/04/07 11:15:31

3. To show your EPC leading into another EPC:

Last user: wolstede

2. adjust without BP specifics Your end Events become their trigger Events
Remember to maintain the mandatory model
attributes as per the BPM Minimum QA Checklist 4. To use the correct function for the process interface,
– In Progress (see location of document on you must copy the Level 4 function that either
SharePoint on Page 3 of this Guide). As a comes before the Event if you are modeling the
reminder, the attributes are – trigger coming into your process OR after the Event
• Name if you are modeling the final result. This object must
• Process Phase come from the
• EAM ID corresponding
• EAM Version Level 4 model
Level 3 model
• Segment (as appropriate)
Level 3 model
• Country/region (as appropriate) 5. Change the

• SPU/FU (as appropriate)

symbol to a
• Operating Unit (BU) (as appropriate) E2

• Site (as appropriate)

• Project Interface (see F2.1

• Model status picture E6

opposite). This
can be done F2.2

using the E7


Properties >
object E3

appearance F3


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ARIS Quick Modelling Guide

Using Organisation objects and RACI 6. If activities are manual then the
Relationships in a Process system ‘Manual’ must be linked to Manual

1. The connections between Roles or Jobs and an the function. See example below
activity (function) are made via RACI X.
Manual Put cheque in
R carries out envelope and place
Role Processor
in post tray
A is accountable for*
Function Role

C has consulting role in


I must be informed about

Using Data objects and CRUD relationships
2. Relationships – in a Process
a. if two Roles or Jobs carry out an activity 1. The CRUD relationship is used to associate data
alternatively, ‘carries out’ will be used. to/from a function: C = creates; R = reads, U =
updates, D = deletes
b. As a minimum requirement, the responsible
‘carries out’ has to be defined for each
activity unless automated activity is being Entity type

Systems supporting Functions Entity type Function Entity type

1. An Application system type Entity type


or Module type object Warehouse

supports the activity being retrieval system
2. All data/ information should be maintained as data
carried out. entities, unless a specific format is required, e.g.,
2. Use a Module type object to paper document, electronic file, report/list
describe a component or SAP ERP- 3. How data is sent or received is depicted by an
module of an application MM-PUR Information carrier, i.e. email, fax, phone (see
otherwise the Application object symbol on Page 1 of this guide)
system type object is used.
4. The display format for data to/from function is
3. Use a combination of System//Function/Role - to shown above and also shown in the BP Standard
describe a semi-automated step Template (Page 4 of this guide)

Enter invoice data Invoice Processor

4. Use a combination of System/System Function 1. Only Functions and Events are unique objects
Actual to describe an automated step
2. Exception to the above rule is start and end
Events which should have at least two
SAP ERP- Create customer occurrences to link to a model via a Process
MM-PUR xml file interface

Other useful sites to view and learn about modeling methodology, getting support, standards & conventions

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ARIS Quick Modelling Guide

Generic Standard Template Layout


On th is side all ob jec ts in
On this si de all o bjec ts in
regards to DATA and
regar ds to ORG ANISA TION
SYS TEM S are pla c ed . P roc ess interfa c e are placed.
The relati on ships between
The r elatio nsh ip betwe en
thi s side are Read, Update
th is side I s Cr ea te
a nd De lete

Even t
Informa ti...

c ategory
Do cu ment

Entity typ e F u nc ti on

Jo b

Fi le

Gro up

List / Re po rt Even t
E xte rnal person


Ad di tio na lly on this side

are RISK, K PI and SL A

App licati on
system typ e
Doc ument Ri sk

c reates
Module ty p e
F unc tion Entity ty pe F unctio n KPI in stan c e

Sy stem System _ ____ __ _ _

interfac e in terfa ce _ ____ __ _ _

_ ____ __ _ _


Even t

P roc ess interfa c e

Left Hand side of the Centre - Right hand side of the

function- function -
• Process flow
• Event/Function/Event • Knowledge category
• Applications systems types
• Module types • Roles, jobs, groups & External
• Data that is ‘updated’, persons
‘deleted’ or ‘reads’ • Data that is ‘creates’
• Risk

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