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Monkayo College of Arts, Sciences and Technology
Poblacion, Monkayo, 8805, Davao de Oro, Philippines

Full Name: _______________________________________________________ Score: __________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________


Specific Learning Outcomes:

During the student engagement, they will be able to:
1. Express their expectations towards the course, the teacher, their classmates and the learning environment through
creative representations.

Week 1, Activity No. 1

In the academe, it is really essential and vital to ask students their expectations at the start
of a course or subject. Expectations from the teachers, the subject and the learning environment
including the classmates are just some of the common ideas asked. Setting of expectations is an
important avenue for teachers to solicit ideas on what the students wanted to learn and what they
anticipated to achieve. It can also serve as a basis for teachers to prepare for possible activities that
the students might be interested learning or acquiring. Additionally, it may also include clarifications
and explanations of possible misconceptions regarding a certain subject.
Moreover, the students can also express their ideas and notions of the subject as well as give
message to their classmates on their weaknesses and strengths inside the class if there are possible
cooperative learning activities. Students can also establish rapport towards their classmates and
teachers and gain valuable insights to motivate them to learn in the utmost.
However, many would jokingly say “Dili ta mag-expect kay masakitan ra gihapon ta.” In
contrast, as humans, we need really to expect something in every aspect of our lives because it makes
us feel alive. If we will not expect to learn from a certain subject, we will not also do our responsibilities
to learn. Since we are not expecting something, we are not also motivated to do something for us to
learn. Therefore, we truly need to set our expectations; not too high that we will be frustrated if we
can’t achieve it but just a balanced and sufficient one for us to work and learn.

Directions: Considering the importance of setting of expectations, your task is to produce a creative representation of your
expectations to the course/subject, to the instructor, to your classmates and the learning environment. You may create a collage,
a photo essay, a comic strip, a painting, a poster (may be digital or traditional) or any creative representations that you are
comfortable to do as long as it conveys the required message. Deadline of submission will be on August 26, 2023 during the
first on-site meeting. You may use a different sheet of paper for this activity. You will be graded following the rubrics below:


Outstanding (5) Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2)
Improvement (1)
The output
The output is
exceeds the The output is The output is The output needs
Creativity and excellent and
expectations with presented within somehow further
Originality presented the
additional the standard satisfactory enhancements
required only
The message of
The message of The message of The message of
the output is
the output is the output is the output is The message of
Content/Message excellent and conveyed and somehow the output is
vivid and can be
understood by the understood by the understood by the difficult to grasp
easily grasped by
audience audience audience
the audience
The output is The output is The output is
The output is The output has
Neatness and outstanding in excellent in satisfactory in
good in neatness several erasures
Overall neatness and neatness and neatness and
and overall and somehow
Presentation overall overall overall
presentation dirty
presentation presentation presentation
Submitted one Submitted two to
Adherence to Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted very
day after the three days after
Deadline the deadline deadline late
deadline the deadline

1 | GE111_Understanding the Self | Academic Year 2023-2024, First Semester


Specific Learning Outcomes:

During the student engagement, they will be able to:
1. Familiarize with the course/subject especially the scope of its content; and
2. Reveal their expectations, initial learnings, and apprehensions about the course/subject.


The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affects the development and
maintenance of personal identity. The course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self
and identity to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet its goal by stressing the integration of the personal
with the academic – contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday experiences of students –making for
better learning, generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude
while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.
The course is divided into three major parts: The first part seeks to understand the construct of self from various
disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology, anthropology and psychology – as well as the more traditional division between
the East and the West – each seeking to provide answer to difficult but essential question – “What is the Self?”. And raising,
among others, the question: “Is there even a construct of the Self?” The second part explores some of the various aspects that
make up the self; such as the biological and material up to and including the more recent Digital Self. The third and final part
identifies three areas of concerns for young students: learning, goal setting, and managing stress. It also provides for the more
practical application of the concepts discussed in this course and enables them the hands-on experience of developing self-help
plans for self-regulated learning, goal setting and self-care. This course includes mandatory topics on Family Planning and
Population Education. (CMO No.20, s.2013)


Upon completion of the course, students of the BSBA in Financial Management program are expected to:
A. The Self from various perspectives:
1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across different disciplines and perspective
3. Examine the different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the development of one’s self and identify by developing a
theory of the self
B. Unpacking the Self
1. Explore the different aspects of self and identity
2. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of self and identity
3. Identify the different forces and institutions that impact the different aspects of self and identity
4. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of self-discussed in class
C. Managing and Caring for the Self
1. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different aspects of the self
2. Acquire and hone new skills and learning for better managing of one’s self and behaviors
3. Apply the new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life

Week 1, Activity No. 2

Directions: Using the table below, fill-in the expectations/initial learnings/apprehension guide. Based on your creative
representation on the previous activity, write your expectations about the course on the first column. On the second column,
based from your readings on the overview of the course, write your initial learnings. Lastly, on the third column, write your
apprehensions about the course. Twenty (20) points each answered column.


Expectations Initial Learnings Apprehension

2 | GE111_Understanding the Self | Academic Year 2023-2024, First Semester


Specific Learning Outcomes:

During the student engagement, they will be able to:
1. Interview various people regarding the question “Who am I?”; and
2. Compare and contrast various answers to the question “Who am I?”.

Week 1, Activity No. 3

Directions: Interview at least three persons and ask them the question, “Who are you?”. You need to ask a priest, a pastor or
any religious leader on the perspective of the scriptures regarding the question, “Who am I?”. Also interview someone who is a
professional and ask the same question. You need also to ask the same question to a teenager and an elementary grader and your
own answer also. Afterwards, fill-in the graphic organizer below with their exact answers. They can answer in English, Filipino
or Cebuano.


Pastor/Priest/Religious Leader Professional

Teenager Elementary Grader

My answer

3 | GE111_Understanding the Self | Academic Year 2023-2024, First Semester

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