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WAFEEQ FOR ALUMNNI 2023 FORGING FUTURE CONNECTING PAST MANIFESTO FORGING FUTURES, CONNECTING PASTS As we stand at the threshold of a new chapter, | am honored to present my manifesto for the position of Alumni Affairs Secretary. By facilitating networking opportunities, embracing innovation in alumni interactions, and contributing to the growth of our Alma mater, we can collectively shape an alumni association that thrives on our shared values and aspirations. MENTORSHIP PROGRAMS Develop mentorship initiatives that pair current students with alumni in relevant fields for guidance and advice,So that they would land at their passionate domain. Partnering up with our eminent alumnus who are Ceo's and other officers across various industries to initiate a startup mentorship program to bridge the gap between product innovation and market. For enhancing startup ecosystem in the institute, will partner up with alumnus to introduce Co-working space and angel investing community . Se i Cc Organize alumni reunions, networking events, workshops, and seminars to provide opportunities for alumni to connect and share experiences. DATABASE MANAGEMENT Maintain an updated and organized database of alumni contact information, career details, and achievements. COLLABORATION Collaborate with regional or industry-specific alumni chapters to strengthen the alumni network and engage with a wider community. ALUMNI AWARDS Establish and manage an alumni awards program to recognize outstanding achievements of alumni in various fields. ALUMNI FEEDBACK Collect feedback from alumni to improve the institution's offerings, programs, and services. CAREER SERVICES Provide career development resources, job postings, and networking opportunities to help alumni advance in their careers. STUDENT COLLABORATION Foster interaction between current students and alumni by arranging guest lectures, workshops, and panel discussions. DEPARTMENT COLLABORATION Work with other departments to integrate alumni involvement into academic and extracurricular activities. FUNDRAISING AND DONOR RELATIONS Work with alumni to support fundraising campaigns, scholarships, and other initiatives that benefit the institution. ALUMNI DIRECTORY Create and maintain an online alumni directory to facilitate networking and connections. LEGACY INITIATIVES Develop programs that recognize and honor the contributions of alumni who have made a lasting impact on the institution. "nt WAFEE

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