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Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)


Text 1

When Anderson looked at the station clock, it was ten to two. The train was already
twenty minutes late and since his own watch had proved to be five minutes fast when he
got to the station, he had already been waiting nearly half an hour. He turned over in his
mind the idea of going to the booking office and leaving a message, but of course that
would hardly do. As secretary of the local historical society, it was his duty to meet the
monthly speaker, give him dinner and take him rested and refreshed to the meeting.
Anderson hoped that at least, F.P. Maurice would prove to be more interesting than his
articles which were, in Anderson’s opinion, more suitable for the popular press than for
serious historians. However, it wasn’t always easy to find speakers, and if the man
spoke reasonably well, the members wouldn’t complain.
It was a warm afternoon. The station was sleepy and quite and it was difficult to imagine
that the train would ever stop there. Anderson walked up and down the platform and
wondered whether the train would ever come.
It came at last just when Anderson had decided that he wasn’t going to wait any longer.
Only two people got out – a local farmer and his dog and a young woman in jeans and
scarlet sweater. Anderson cursed. Not only was the train late but F.P. Maurice had
apparently missed it. There wasn’t another for two hours. He certainly wasn’t going to
hang about here all that long.
He was marching angrily to the exit when he left a little tug at his sleeve. He turned, in
surprise, to see the young woman who had got off the train.
“ Mr. Anderson?” she said, “ I hope you haven’t been waiting long. I’m F.P. Maurice – I
was told you’d be here to meet me.”

1. The train was to arrive at ….

a. 2.00 d. 1.30
b. 1.40 e. 2.30
c. 2.10
2. When Anderson thought that the train would never come, ……..
a. He left a massage at the Booking Office
b. He left that his job was not a very pleasant one
c. He left the station and decided to come back later
d. He read Maurice’s articles to kill the time
e. He become very uneasy and impatient
3. What was Anderson’s opinion about Maurice?
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

a. He was the best newspaper reporter d. He did not do his job seriously
b. He was not much of a scientist e. He would certainly attract the
c. He was not a good speaker
4. How was the situation at the station?
a. Crowded d. Noisy
b. Warm e. Isolated
c. Deserted
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
a. There were only two passengers travelling on the train.
b. Anderson welcomed Maurice when he got off the train.
c. Anderson thought that the farmer with the dog was Maurice
d. Anderson did not expect that F.P. Maurice was a woman.
e. Maurice knew that Anderson was angry because the train came late.
6. The story is about ……
a. The famous historian F.P. Maurice
b. Meeting a stranger at the station
c. The job of the local Historical Society’s secretary
d. Anderson’s disappointment with his job
e. The arrival of a train at a small station

Text 2
Yesterday we discussed the problem of rising prices, or, in the economist’s terms,
inflation. We noted that during the periods of inflation, all prices and incomes do not rise
at the same rate. Some incomes rise more slowly than the cost of living, and a few do
not rise at all. Other incomes rise more rapidly than the cost of living.
We concluded that persons with fixed incomes, as, for example, the elderly who
depend upon pensions, and persons with slow-rising incomes as, for example, an
employee with a salary agreed to in a long-term contract, will be most seriously affected
by inflation. Please recall that while their dollar income decreases, that is, they are able
to purchase less with the same amount of money.
We also talked about the fact the stockholders and persons with business
interests and investments would probably benefit most from inflation, since high price
would increase sales receipts, and profits would likely rise faster than the cost of living.

7. The passage is mainly talking about …….

a. the concept of inflation d. the effects of inflation
b. the causes of inflation e. the benefit of rising prices
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

c. the problems of rising prices

8. According to go passage, inflation is ……..
a. rising prices d. rising incomes
b. decreasing income e. rising cost of living
c. increasing receipts
9. Persons who get benefits from inflation are…..
a. persons with a long term contract d. persons who own business
b. persons with slow-rising incomes e. persons with fixed incomes
c. persons who depend upon pensions
10. “ Please recall that while dollar incomes stay the same ….” ( Paragraph 2 )
‘Recall’ is closest in meaning to….
a. Discuss d. think
b. Remind e. suggest
c. Remember
11. When income rises more slowly than the cost of living………happened.
a. the increase of dollar income d. the rising rate of dollar
b. the rising of good service e. the decrease of real income
c .the rising of cost of living

Text 3
The Tornado
It’s one of the most awesome and deadly forces in nature. Within a few minutes,
it can form, destroy millions of dollars of property, then vanish as quickly as it appeared.
Scientists believe that a tornado is born through complicated energy changes
inside intense thunderstorm cloud. No one knows exactly how it happens, but there is a
combination of weather conditions that seems to spawn most tornadoes: unseasonably
warm, humid air at the earth’s surface, cold air at middle altitudes and strong high-
altitude “ jet stream “ winds. When appendage grows out of a thunderstorm cloud, when
the funnel extends to the grounded, it becomes tornado.
Tornadoes have appeared at all hours, in every month and in all 50 states. But,
statistically, tornadoes strike most often in the Midwest, during late afternoon hours in
April, May or June. The average tornado cuts a path a quarter mile wide and less than
15 miles long. It usually moves from southeast to northeast at 30 mph, with winds up to
250 mph. On March 18, 1925, for example, a tornado traveled 219 miles through
Missouri, Illinois and Indiana at an average of 60 mph and killed 389 people.
There’s a great deal you can do to save yourself from death and injury when a
tornado strikes. But there’s not much you can do to save your property. That’s why, back
in 1884, the “Iowa Mutual Tornado, Cyclone and Windstorm Insurance Association” was
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

formed. Over the past century, IMT Insurance has helped thousands of midwestern
farmers and property owners recover from loss due to tornadoes. We know that
tornadoes are as unpredictable as they are deadly. But, over the years, one fact stands
out : knowledge leads to safety.
Safety is why IMT Insurance and your local Independent INT Insurance Agent
offer this booklet-free-as a public service. It tells you the steps you should follow in the
event of a tornado. This is essential information. Knowing what to do before a tornado
strikes can save your life and the lives everyone with you.

12. Which part of the country is mostly struck by Tornado?

a. Midwest d. Northeast
b. Southwest e. Northwest
c. Southeast
13. What does the text mainly discuss?
a. Countries that suffer from tornado
b. The danger of tornado and how we can escape
c. Ann insurance company which markets it service by exposing the danger of a
d. Tornado as the most dangerous nature disaster
e. The steps we should follow in the event of a tornado
14. Which of the following is true according to the text ?
a. There is only one factor that causes a tornado to happen
b. A tornado contains slow moving wind
c. All of states in the country are struck by tornado
d. In March 1925, a tornado struck two states in the country
e. IMT is a name of an insurance company
15. Tornado is a natural disaster. Which one is not a natural disaster ?
a. earthquake b. tsunami c. plane crash d. land slide e. long

Text 4
The sun pours plenty of energy down on Earth, and many homes now use this
energy to heat their water. It is difficult and expensive to trap solar energy on a large
scale but in some sunny parts of the world scientists use mirrors to reflect sunlight into a
boiler on top of a tower. This heats up water in the boiler into steam, which can then be
used to turn electric generators.
Many countries now have nuclear power stations. These use a rare metal called
uranium as a kind of fuel. Under certain conditions, the nucleus (center) of uranium
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

atoms can be made to split. This called fission. When this happens fantastic amount of
energy is given out. The heat produced in nuclear reactor is taken away by cooling liquid
or gas. It goes to a boiler where it boils water to produce steam. The hot steam powers
electric generators to make electricity.
One of the main drawbacks with a nuclear power station is that it produces
dangerous waste. It is dangerous because it gives out radiation (rays) that can harm
most living things. Nuclear engineers have to make very sure that none of the radiation
escapes either from the reactor (where fission takes place) or from the waste.

16. Solar energy has not been popular yet because ……..
a. it requires high cost d. it can be used only for heating water
b. the energy produced is weak e. the scientists do not use it for
commercial target
c. it cannot be trapped on a large scale
17. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. Using solar energy has advantages and disadvantages.
b. Electric generators are needed to heat up water into steam.
c. The splitting of the nucleus of uranium atoms is called fission
d. Radiation may be emitted from the reactor or from the waste produced
e. Uranium is kind of metal that makes nuclear power station produce fuel.
18. In the ‘top of a tower’ …. turns the water in the boiler into steam.
a. the electric generators d. a boiler on top of the tower
b. a large scale of energy e. the heat from reflected sunlight
c. the energy from the earth
19. In what condition does the radiation of a nuclear power station become dangerous?
a. When it cannot be released d. When the container is closed firmly
b. When it reaches the reactor e. When none of it escape from the
c. When there is a leak in the container
20. Under certain condition, the nucleus of uranium atoms can be made to split.
The underlined word means…..
a. jump to the air c. break into part e. launch into the air
b. explode loudly d. release suddenly
21. Which sentence has Past Perfect pattern?
a. You had better go home now.
b. You had much time to do the works.
c. You’d rather take a job after SMA.
d. You had received the invitation.
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

e. You had been playing football.

22. Tom studies hard…..he always gets good marks.
a. so that c. in order that e. in order to
b. such that d. in order not to

23. Ali : Can you make fine paintings?

Ruli : No. ……….. fine paintings needs skill and creativity.
a. make b. making c. makes d. made e having made
24. “ Do you know the man ……. the car?”
“ Yes. He is my uncle “
a. drives c. is driving e. drive
b. driving d. to drive
25..We allowed the children to watch their favorite TV program yesterday, only after they
a. finished c. finish e. would finish
b. have finished d. had finished
26. One of the problems …… by foreign businessmen is the frequent changing of
a. facing c. is facing e. are faced
b. faced d. is faced
27.Children like to see a plane …… high in the sky.
a. flying c. is flying e. to fly
b. fly d. flies
28.“ Living in Solo, we always went to school on foot.”
This means that we ….. on foot when we lived in Solo.
a. got to school d. are used to going to school
b. were going to school e. liked going to school
c. used to go to school
29………. for five years in the marketing. I feel well qualified to apply for the job of
marketing manager advertised in the newspaper.
a. worked c. have worked e. I had worked
b. having worked d. I have worked
30“ When did the guests come yesterday?”
“ When she ……… cooking “
a. had just finished c. finished e. finishes
b. is finishing d. has finished
31.“ How’s the new restaurant?”
“ The food is good but …….. “
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

a. it can be reached easily d. it’s parking lot is big enough

b. the service needs to be improved e. the waitresses are friendly
c. the price is reasonable
32.My brother is …… busy …. I seldom meet him.
a. so … that c. in order …. that e. too …. that
b. such …. that d. so …. for
33.Steve : I fell bad that I can’t help you more.
Tomy : Never mind
The underlined part express ………..
a. advice c. blaming e. complain
b. regret d. accusing
34. Bimo : You really hurt Linda’s feeling
…………. you said it?
Roni : Yeah. I regret it.
a. Are you sorry d. Are you satisfied
b. Do you complain e. Are you pleased
c. Do you sorrow
35. It is …… a beautiful painting …….. many people admire it.
a. so … that c. very … that e. enough … that
b. such … that d. too … that
36.The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
We can also say ……..
a. The coffee is too hot for me to drink
b. The coffee is hot enough for me to drink
c. The coffee is enough hot for me to drink
d. The coffee is too hot for me to drink it
e. The coffee is hot enough to drink it
37.People cut the forest blindly ……. we always get flood in rainy season.
a. although c. because e. otherwise
b. therefore d. since
38.We decided to stay home because Sita wasn’t very keen on …… out in the rain.
a. go c. going e. went
b. goes d. to go
39.A leak in a nuclear power station endangered people living in its surrounding.
The underlined word mean ….
a. explosion c. source e. crack
b. power d. spot
40.My father asked me whether ….. the school fee last semester.
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

a. I pay c. I had paid e. I have paid

b. I paid d. I would pay
41. Ari : You smoke too much
…….. It is not good for your health
Dedi : Thank you for your advice
It is not good completion.
a. You had better stop it d. I am warning you
b. You should stop it e. I think you must stop it
c. Keep on your smoking
42. Bram : I lost some money. You must have taken it.
Tom : Be careful with your mouth
The underlined express ………
a. advice c. regret e. blaming
b. sorrow d. complain
43. Manager : Our business partner in Jakarta needs our proposal. Could you fax it,
Secretary : Yes, Sir.
In the dialogue, the manager is …… to secretary.
a. giving instruction c. accusing e. proposing something
b. giving advice d. complaining
44. Dadang : …………. for accusing you to steal my money.
Amir : You apology is accepted
a. I am sorrow d. I wonder
b. Forgive me, please e. regret me
c. Don’t blame me
45. Dicky : I heard you were involved in the fighting
Soni : That wasn’t true. I was at home then.
In the dialogue Soni is expressing ………
a. admition c. denial e. complain
b. warning d. regret
46 Ali : The rain doesn’t fall regularly.
Would there be any …… of getting good harvest?
Adi : I don’t think so. Rice fields need good irrigation
a. possibility c. prediction e. intention
b. certainly d. speculation
47. Mita : How about the test ?
Dina : Difficult ! Only some students are …… of doing it.
a. able b. capable c unable d. incapable e. possible
Test for Year XII (IPA/IPS, BHS)

48. Teacher : Ali, please answer question number 7 ?

Ali : I’m sorry, sir. I can’t. It is so complicated.
From the dialogue we know that …..
a. the teacher makes Ali angry
b. the question is obvious
c. Ali is trying to answer the question
d. Ali is unable answer the question
e. Ali is reluctant to answer the question
49. Hani went to his friend’s party ….. it rained hard last night.
a. Although b. since c. however d. because e. in spite of
50. Father asked me : “Did you prepare for the English test ?”
Father asked me …… for the English test.
a. that I had prepared c. which I had prepared e. whether I had prepared
b. what I had prepared d. I had prepared

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