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Operator’s manual

multi-line 2
4189340253C (UK)

Operator’s manual
• This is a manual for the daily use. In the Operator’s manual
you will find the necessary information about using the multi-
line 2 display. Further it gives important information about
the daily use and easy trouble shooting.
• For more detailed information, programming and I/O list,
please refer to the multi-line 2 documentation, CD-ROM or

hard copy.

DEIF A/S Tel.: (+45) 9614 9614

Frisenborgvej 33, DK-7800 Skive Fax: (+45) 9614 9615
Denmark E-mail:
Display unit
The display unit used in the multi-line 2 communicates and receives power supply through a 9-
pole sub-D plug. The plug fits directly onto the main unit, so the display can be mounted on the
top of the main unit, or a display cable can be used.

Entry window
This window is shown when using the BACK pushbutton 3 times from the set-up menu or when
the multi-line 2 is powered up. In the view menu this window is shown when the cursor is placed
below V3.

Entry window example, PPU:

First line in display

Operational status.

Second and third line in display

Measurements relating to operational status.

Fourth line in display

Selection of set-up and view menues.

In the standard GPU the entry window is the last window shown in V1.

View menu
This menu is for daily use purposes. Enter the view windows through the entry window by moving
the cursor to V1, V2 or V3. (V2 and V3 are only selectable in synchronising units). In view 1,
using the and

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Operator’s manual, multi-line 2

Set-up menu
This menu can be applied for daily use and for programming purposes. Enter the menu through
the entry window through SETUP. The entry window can be reached again by pressing the BACK
pushbutton three times.

First line in display

(Daily use) The first line is used to display generator and BUS values.

Second line in display

(Daily use) Various values can be shown.
(Menu system) Information about the chosen channel number.
(Alarm/event list) The second line will display the latest alarm/event.

Third line in display

(Daily use) Explanation for the lower line selection of set-up.
(Parameter menu) Present setting of the function in question, and, if
changes are to be made, the max. and min. possible
value for the setting.

Fourth line in display

(Daily use) Entry selection for the parameter menu. If SEL is pressed, the selection of
the underlined menu will be entered.
(Parameter menu) The first (entry) display uses the fourth line to select a sub-function for the
parameter e.g. limit. What the selections are, depends on the function

4189340253C (UK)
Lamps: multi-line 2 display
Alarm LED: Flashing light indicates unacknowledged alarm(s).
Steady light indicates that all alarms are acknowledged.

Breaker on LED: The breaker is closed.

Power LED: Auxiliary supply is on.

The inhibit input is on, or the “auto det. run”

function is enabled, and the engine is stopped.

The status relay is on, and the unit is functioning.

Regulator on: The start sync./control input is on, and regulation is taking place.

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Operator’s manual, multi-line 2

Lamps: multi-line 2 unit

Service port

The inhibit input is on, or the “auto det. run”

function is enabled, and the engine is

The status relay is on, and the unit is


The auxiliary supply is on.

4189340253C (UK)
Pushbutton functions
There are 10 pushbuttons on the display unit with the following functions:

INFO: Shifts the display 3 lower lines to show the alarm list. (Up to 30 alarms can be in
the list).

JUMP: Enters a menu number selection. Every setting has a specific number attached
to it. Using the JUMP button enables the user to select and display any setting
without navigating all the way through the menues (see later).

VIEW: Shifts the upper line displaying in the set-up menu.

LOG: Shows the event and alarm list.

: Moves the cursor left for manoeuvring in the menues.

: In the view menu it changes the displayed window in V1.

In the set-up menu it is used to change measurements in line two, to step
through the menues and to change set-points.

SEL: Is used to select the desired function (underscored selection in the lower line of
the display).

: In the view menu it changes the displayed window in V1.

In the set-up menu it is used to change measurements in line two, to step
through the menues and to change set-points.

BACK: Jumps one step backwards in the menu (to previous display).

: Moves the cursor right for manoeuvring in the menues.

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Navigating in the menues

The menu navigating starts from the daily use display fourth line and is carried out from there
using the SEL, , , , and BACK pushbuttons.

Set-up menu system

The following is an example, but all menues operate in the same way.

Starting from the daily use display fourth line, select the menu indicated with underscore (move
the underscore with the and pushbuttons):



1010 BUS high-volt 1 1020 BUS high-volt 2
Set-point 103.0 % Set-point 105.0 %



First Yes

No Enter passw. 1999

Increase no.
ENTER Decrease no.

1011 BUS high-volt 1 Increase setting

100.0 103.0 120.0 % Decrease setting
and move the selection (underscore)

4189340253C (UK)
Alarm situation

This list explains what happens in an alarm situation.

1. An alarm occurs. The alarm LED starts flashing.

2. The display automatically shows the alarm info window.
3. Move the cursor to ACK and press SEL to acknowledge the alarm.
4. The alarm disappears when the alarm condition is no longer present.
5. If the alarm LED flashes, unacknowledged alarms are still present.
6. Use the up/down buttons to step in the alarm list.

If governor/AVR options are selected, the regulation continues during an alarm situation except
for the general failure alarms where the running situation is frozen.

Short alarm list:

General failure alarms:

Sync. failure: No synchronisation within the delay time. Check voltage/frequency.
GB position failure: Wrong breaker feedback signal.
Open/close failure: No breaker operation.

Other system alarms:

Battery low voltage: Check the auxiliary supply.
External com. error: No communication with master unit within the delay time.
No com. to main unit: Check the display connection.

Other alarms:
At other alarms – please refer to the Designers Reference Handbook or enter the protection set-
up in the display.

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Service menu
The service menu falls outside the menu structure and can only be entered via the JUMP
pushbutton. This menu can be used for trouble shooting purposes, and all the timer functions
and status of digital inputs and digital outputs are displayed.

This list explains how to enter the service menu.

1. Press the JUMP button.

2. Use the up/down buttons to step to channel 4980.
3. Press the SEL button to enter the menu.
4. Choose the desired function, alarm timers, inputs or outputs by moving the cursor and
press the SEL button.
5. Step in the list using the up/down buttons.

4189340253C (UK)
Language selection
English, German, French or Spanish language may be chosen via the system set-up or the
JUMP function.

This list explains how to change the language setting.

1. Press the JUMP button.

2. Use the up/down buttons to step to channel 4231.
3. Press the SEL button to enter the menu.
4. Choose the password with the up/down buttons and press the SEL button.
5. Use the up/down buttons to select the desired language and press the SEL button.

The password must be reentered when the display has not been used for 3 minutes.

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Password setting
The password setting falls outside the menu structure and can only be entered via the JUMP
pushbutton. Beware: Write down the new password. If you forget it, entering the menues will not

4189340253C (UK)

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