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Attention please

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Good morning ladies and gentle man

Introduce my group,my name wildanar elrasya istanto as group leader

My name Iqbal rasyid zhalifunnas

My name roro rahmadanti fitriani

My name putri andela

The points we can take in this text are

1.Function - 2.Benefit -3. get to know the school environment - 4. Don't forget to pray 5 times

-5. Don't forget to pray for your parents -6.religius education -7. School mosque -8. School

Our group will explain about the AL-JIHADUL AMANAH mosque usually students and teachers carry out
prayers at this mosque

As in the picture The AL-JIHADUL MOSQUE is a house of worship for Muslims or Muslims. Masjid means
a place of prostration, other terms related to mosques in Indonesia are musala, langgar or surau. For the
building it resembles the term mosque which is not used for Friday events, iktikaf, and is generally small
in size. Besides being used as a place of worship, the mosque is also the center of the life of the Muslim
community. Holidays, discussions, religious studies, lectures and learning the Qur-an are often held at
the mosque. Even in Islamic history, mosques have played a role in social and military activities.

As in the picture,here are the activities at the AL-JIHADUL AMANAH MOSQUE

This is all we can say, thank you very much for your extraordinary attention, Ladies and Gentleman.
Thank you for listening, hopefully everything we share is useful for all of us.Thank you very much for
your attention, we say goodbye. BYE-BYE


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