Phrasal Verbs 4B1

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Phrasal Verbs Section Unit 3 break through: 1 force your way through sth: Protesters tried to breakthrough the poice cordon 2for a quali, ty bevarne apparent Hs humour broke through 3for the sun, to become visible agan from behind clouds: ‘As we se ofthe sun broke through break up: 1 divide into parts: | broke up the chocolate bar and gave ¢ piece to each chit. 2 lor members ofa aroun) separate and go your own way: Thai fans were desolate when the pop group broke up. 3.end a relationship with sb: ‘She broke up with her boyfriend because he smoked. 4 (for a meeting or gathering) come to an end: The party broke up a trea in the morning. 5 interrupt sth to make it less boring: [My working days eight hours, butt is broken up by cots breaks. 6 (for school) stop forthe holidays: When schoo! breaks up fim going o get ab at ahold camp. break with: 1 disagree with sb andino longer stay with thom: He disagreed with his partners, go he broke with them and set up on his own, 2no longer follow a custom or tradition: Lets break with tradition and do someting iferent this holiday. bring about: cause sth to happen: The scandal eventually brought about the goverament's cownal bring in: 1 introdueo ath now: The firm is trying to bring in new working hours. 2 bring a new person fo join your and take part in an activity: ‘He brought his son in as junior partner. 3imake or earn money: The government is hoping tha the new {aes wil bring in much-needed revenve. bring off: do sth succosstuly: Inwas an ambitious project, but we brought it of bring on: 1 cause pain, suffering, hess: The smoky atmosphere brought ona if coughing 2 improve sb's ability: That new teacher has realy brought Thomas" reading an 4 cause sb to experience trouble or pain: Ho fot guily about he rouble he had brought on his fay. bring out: 1 produce and sella product: ohn Braggs has just brought ut his latsst book 2 cause particular feelings or behavour: ‘She brings out the best n ner pups. ‘help sb be less sty: . Going to schoo! has really brought Thomas out bring round: 1 help sb regain consciousness: When the borer was knocked out, they threw water over hin to bring him round. 2 persuiade sh wha diasagress with you to agree with you: Her father did not want her to go abroac fo study, but she ‘eventually brought him round. bring to: make sb conscious again: Thoy threw water over him to bring hiro bring up: 1 raise chiiren: She was brought up by her unt 2 introduce a subject into the conversation ‘She brought up the problem of financing the project: 3 be sick, vomit: The dog brought up és dinner, brush aside: pay no attention to sth because you do not ‘considér it important: Se brushed aside is suggestion. 328 brush up (on): revise and improve a subject whi have not been involved with for a while: thought ' bottor brush up (on) my French since | was going o France on holiday. build up: 1 gradually increase in strength, size or intensity Tension but up during the talks. 2 gradualy improve an organisation, make it bigger: She took over her ator’ fling business arc ui it up nto a fusing enterprise. ‘bump info: moet sb you know by chance: hadnt seen Fred {or years uni! bumped into hi a tho Job Cent. burst into: suddenly start doing sth: The child burst nto tears when he cropped his ies cream. call at: visita place triey: {called at the post office 'o buy some stamps on the way home, call back: 1 tclephon> ob who has tried te contact you: im afraid Sue isn't here, but Fl gether to call you back. 2 ask sb iho is walkirg away from you to return: He was leaving when I caed him back to gv him some money. 3 return to sb you have contacted or visited before: 1 callback tomorrow to pick up the rest of the books. call for: require, demand, need: Tis situation cals for srong leadership. call In: 1 ask sb to come to help you with a problem | called inthe plunber wnen water started gushing out of th pipe. 2 vista place to see sb: He cals in avery day to s90 his mather. 4 (for a firm) ask for a product that has heen said to be retuned as there is st wrong with it: All Weanvel tyres were called in afer being blared for series of accidents. call off: 1 cancel an event: She called off the wedding afer she found ber fiancé with another woman. 2 stop a dog or sb attacking sb or sth ‘Ho called his cog off wen attacked ihe postman. call on: visit: Joe dectied focal on his aunt since he was inher ‘neighbourhood. call out: 1 shout: She called out to her mother as she ran up the stairs to her room. 2 summon emergency services: We called out th fre brigade. 3 (for a union) tl its members to strike: The union has called outits members fora twenyfour hour site. call up: 1 telephone sb: {called up my friends and invited them round. 2 conscipt; inform sb tney have to join the armed forces: Five tousaed yourg menand worn were Gale upto fahtin te war. 3 cause you to remenber: The smell of cut grass alvays calls yp memories of my chlahood. 4 oblain rom a comput Wy dr’ you call up the information onthe computer? carry off: 1 succeed in doina sth dificult: He canied of the Jimpersonaton; no-one realised he was not a policeman 2 win a prize: ‘Louisa Blank cared off the ist prize in the wring competion. carry on: 1 continue doing an activity (otten in spke of problems): The othes et but I carried on for another hour 2 make a fuss and coryplain about sth: H/o cared on booaueo ‘he had forgotten to get his coat fom tho cy cleaners.

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