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S. S. HUOR, E. M. AH/WED, P. V. RAO, and J. A. CORNELL

ABSTRACT Table 1 - Treatment combinations

The objective of this work was to formulate and test the acceptabil- Juice proportions
ity of a fruit punch containing watermelon juice. Frozen concen-
trated watermelon, pineapple, and orange juices, sugar and citric TRT
acid were used to formulate five categories of fruit punches contain-
ing each lOO%, 50%, 20%, and 10% juices. The 10% juices had 15: 1 1 1 .oo 0.00 0.00
and 25:l Brix:acid ratios while the others had 15:l Brix:acid ratio. 2 0.65 0.35 0.00
Optimum proportions of juices were determined, using mixture re- 3 0.30 0.70 0.00
sponse surface methodology, laboratory sensory evaluation, and 4 0.30 0.35 0.35
small scale consumer tests. Results indicated a highly acceptable 5 0.30 0.00 0.70
product could be formulated within each category of punch, and in 6 0.65 0.00 0.35
each case, up to 80% watermelon could be used in the formulation. ,7 0.54 0.23 0.23
8 0.80 0.10 0.10
9 0.40 0.40 0.20
10 0.40 0.20 0.40
xy = watermelon; x; = pineapple; xf = orange
WATERMELON (Citrullus lunatus) has been known to
Americans for centuries. It remains primarily an outdoor
fresh fruit delight (Anonymous, 1975) despite increasing
demand for fruit juices. Frequently, due to surpluses of EXPERIMENTAL
watermelon in Florida the fruit are left in the field to rot.
Red-fleshed watermelons provide an attractive color in Materials
addition to a refreshingly sweet juice. The juice of ‘Charles- All juices were reconstituted from concentrates. Watermelon
ton Gray’ watermklon, the stardard variety of Florida, con- juice concentrate was obtained from ‘Charleston Gray’ watermelbns
tains a high content of soluble solids (9.8’Brix). It could be donated by the Watermelon Growers Association at Lakeland, Fla.,
and processed at the Agricultural Research & Education Cefiter at
concentrated by thermally accelerated short time evapora- Lake Alfred, Fla. A pilot .model of thermally accelerated short time
tion and the concentrate stored at freezing temperatures for evaporator was used to concentrate the juice to 65” Brix.(Huor et
at least 2 yr without significant change in color and flavor al., 1980). Pineapple and grapefruit juice concentrate were provided
(Huor et al., 1980). by the Ben Hill Griffin, Inc., Frostproof, Fla., under the brand name
Watermelon juice has been processed in the past. A weak of Golden Nip. Orange juice concentrate was donated by the Birds
organic acid was added to lower the pH of the juice to 4.0 Eye Division of General Foods, Winter Haven, Fla. All concentrates
before canning or bottling and thermal processing at tem- were stored at -21°C.
peratures ranging from 87.8-1OO’C. The final products, Methods
containing pulp solids ranging from 0.06-10.27% exhibited Preliminary screening test. Watermelon (W), pineapple (P), OI-
stable suspensions and had good natural color, flavor, and ange (0), and grapefruit (G) were reconstituted to 12.4” Brix and
aroma (Yawger, 1942). More recently, Russian investigators mixed to produce four juice combinations, WPO, WOG, WPG, and
recommended the use of fruit products having high natural WPGO, each containing equal proportions of juices and adjusted to
acidity such as plum puree or apple paste to increase the 15:l Brix:acid ratio. A ranking preference test (Larmond, 1970)
sourness of watermelon juice (Gusina et al., 1971; Gusina was conducted, using five well trained panelists and a 4-point scale
with 1 as most preferred.
and Trostinskaya, 1974). Formulation of a fruit punch. Watermelon, pineapple, and or-
The useful effect of watermelon juice has also been rec- ange juice concentrates were used as primary ingredients of a fruit
ognized in the United States of America. Saclcett (1975) punch. Amounts of juice in various punches were: lOO%, 50%, 20%,
reported the existence of “watermelon banks” in Texas and lo%, each having 15:l Brix:acid ratio, and 10% having 25:l Brix:
Colorado for people having kidney problems. With the acid ratio. The 100% juices were prepared by reconstituting all con-
availability of modern processing equipment and a variety centrates to 12.4” Brix, mixing them together in proper proportions
of fruit juices containing high natural acidity, it is possible as determined by the experimental design selected for this study,
to produce a highly desirable product. The objective of this and adjusting the titratable acidity (TA) to 0.827 with citric acid, so
study was to formulate a fruit punch containing water- that the Brix:acid ratio (B:+) was 15:l. The 50%; 20%, and 10%
melon juice and one or two other fruit juices and test its juices were prepared similarly. They contained 2, 5, and 10 times
less fruit sugar and acidity, respectively. Therefore, enough sugar
acceptability by laboratory and small scale consumer tests. and citric acid were added to raise the Brix and TA to 12.4 and
0.827, respectively. Brix was kept at 12.4, but TA was lowered to
0.496 for the lo%-25:l juice.
Laboratory acceptabi!ity tests. Ten treatments were compared
within each category of juice in a balanced incomplete block deSign
and rated for acceptability on a 9-point hedonic scale. Treatr’nents
Authors Huor and Ahmed are with the Food Science & Human were replicated nine times over 18 blocks, represented in this case
Nutrition Dept., Univ. of Florida, Gainesvitle, FL 32611. Authors by panelists. each pair of treatmerits was compared four times. This
Rao and Cornell are with the Statistics Dept., Univ. of Florida, design fitted plan 11.17 (t = 10, k = 5, r = 9, b = 18, y = 4)‘of
Gainesville, FL 32611. Cochran and Cox (1957). A mixture response surface model, using
the Scheffe’ second degree polynomial, was used to fit the treat-
0022-I 147/80/0004-0809$02.25/O ment means and predict the sensory responses (Scheffe’, 1958;
01980 Institute of Food Technologists Snee, 1971; Cornell and Ott, 1975). The ten treatment combina-
tions used (Table 1) were selected to cover the entire range pf the

Volume 45 (1980)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-809

Table 2-Ranking preference of various punches containing equal Table d-Mean acceptability scores of fruit punch as influenced by
proportions of watermelon (W), pineapple (P), orange (0) and composition and juice concentration in the punch
grapefruit (GI Composition Juice cone (%‘I
Treat- w p o
Punches ment 100 50 20 - 10 - 10
no. % 15:l 25:l
1 100 00 00 5.47 5.27 5.28 5.18 4.60
A Ia 2 4 3
2 65 35 00 5.79 6.34 6.23 5.80 6.05
B 1 3 2 4
3 30 70 00 6.12 6.74 5.83 6.58 6.28
C 1 2 3 4 4 30 35 35 7.17a 6.94a 6.03 5.65 6.18
D 1 3 2 4 5 30 00 70 7.24a 6.92a 7.23a 6.73 7.05a
E 1 3 2 4 6 65 00 35 6.67 6.64 6.30 6.48 6.18
Mean 1.0 2.6 2.6 3.8 7 54 23 23 6.69 6.49 5.93 6.95a 6.08
a Rank based on a 4-point scale, with 1 = most preferred and 4 = 8 80 10 10 6.19 5.99 6.25 7.03a 5.93
least preferred. 9 40 40 20 6.42 5.74 6.45 6.15 5.43
10 40 20 40 6.67 6.59 6.25 6.23 6.00
a Means significantly higher than those of treatment number 1 with-
triangular simplex over which the surface was represented. The frac- in each juice concentrate, at the 0.05 level. Each rnean is an aver-
tional proportions of watermelon (x, ), pineapple (x,), and orange age of three replicates.
(x,) in each treatment must add up to 1.
The objective was to maximize watermelon utilization; hence a
minimum of 30% watermelon was set for each treatment. Therefore,
the maximum possible proportions of watermelon, pineapple, and combination was preferred over other combinations. This
orange, that could be assigned to any of the treatments, were in combination was used in the present study as the basis for
proportions of lOO%:O%:O%,30%:70%:0%, and 30%:0%:70%, for
the formulation and sensory acceptance experiments.
watermelon:pineapple:orange, respectively.
To place the proportion of these three components on the same Laboratory acceptability tests
scale (0 to l), a transformation of data was made, using the follow- Observed means of acceptability scores assigned to each
ing formula: of the ten treatments within each of the five types of juices
tested are shown in Table 3. Treatment 1 of all juice con-
centration types containing 100% watermelon (W) received
the lowest scores. The mean score for treatment 1 was sig-
nificantly lower (0.05 level) than the mean score for treat-
Components xi, xi, and xi, known as pseudo-components were ment 5, containing 30% watermelon (W) and 70% orange
used in the Scheffe’prediction model:
(0), with all juice concentrations, except the 10% juice
q=b,x; +b,x; +b,x; tb, 2x;x; +b, ,x:x; +b, ,x;x; with 15:l B:A ratio. The treatment 1 mean score was also
lower than the mean score for treatment 4 (30% W:35%
Small scale consumer acceptability tests. Samples were placed in P:35% 0) of 100% and 50% juices with 15:l B:A ratios.
lidded plastic cups for small-scale consumer tests. Coded cups were Also, the mean scores for treatment 1 were lower than the
transported to testing areas in plastic foam chests packed with ice. scores given to treatment 7 (54% W:23% P:23% 0) and
Each of 60 panelists was presented two samples and asked to state treatment 8 (80% W:lO% P:lO% 0) of 10% juice with 15: 1
which one of the samples he/she preferred or if there were no pref- B:A ratio. However, the mean for treatment 1 was not signif-
erence. Three categories of juices were tested; 100% and 50% with icantly different from the scores given to the rest of the
15:l ratio and 10% with 25:l ratio. Three treatments were com-
pared within a paired-comparison test according to the method of treatments.
Rao and Kupper (1967). Each panelist was considered as a replicate, A significantly higher score was received by treatment 8,
thus each treatment was replicated 60 times. Data were analyzed containing 80% watermelon, 10% pineapple, and 10% or-
with a computer terminal, using APL language. Treatments, one ange than other combinations within the 10% juice with
from each of the three categories of juices based on the probability 15:l B:A ratio group. It seemed to have a ISweeter taste
of preference, were compared in a final small-scale consumer test, provided by watermelon which contains a high ratio of
using the same procedure as before.
fructose to glucose and sucrose (Khattak et al., 1965;
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Myskin and Fokin, 1974), and some balance of sourness
from other components. This formulation appealed to the
Preliminary screeining tests laboratory panel even though its juice, concentration was
The results given in Table 2 showed clearly that WPO low (10%). This observation was supported by the highest
-Continued on page 812

Table 4-Parameter estimate+ and coefficients of determination (R’) values for quadratic (Q) and linear IL) polynomial models for the
prediction of sensory responses (0) for different juice concentrations and Brix:acid ratios
Parameter estimates
Juice -
, I
cone 0:A Model’ Xl X3 x; x; XI x3 4x3 R=

100% 15:l Q 5.55 6.11 7.20 -0.02 1.24 1.20 0.93

L 5.65 6.23 7.45 0.87
50% 15:l Q 5.35 6.67 7.00 0.56 1.57 -1.35 0.70
L 5.57 6.35 6.98 0.61
20% 15:l Q 5.38 5.88 7.18 2.69 0.06 -1.86 0.84
L 5.67 5.91 6.95 0.59
10% 15:l Q 5.39 6.45 6.59 1.59 4.00 -2.73 0.52
L 5.96 6.24 6.63 0.10
10% 25:l Q 4.73 6.28 7.01 1.95 2.10 -2.o:! 0.96
L 5.20 6.24 6.99 0.79
a Estimates b,, b,, b,, b,,, b,,, b,, for pseudo-components x,‘, xi, xi, xix:, x: xi, and xixj, respectively.

gl&JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE- Volume 45 (19801


FIG. I. 100% (15:l) juice FIG. 4. 10% (15:l) juice


FIG. 2. 50% (l5:l) juice FIG.5 10% (254) juice

Fig. I--&Quadratic (dashed lines) and linear (solid lines) polynomi-

al model contours of predicted equal sensory responses for mixtUreS
of pseudowatermelon (XI I, pseudopineapple (xi:!, and pseudo-
orange (x;) components for different juice concentrations and Brix:
acid ratios.

FIG. 3. 20% (l5:I) juice

Volume 45 (1980)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-87 1 I

Table 5-Smalkcale consumer tests with 100% (15: 1) juice Table &Small-scale consumer tests with 50% (15: 1 J iuice
Treatment Probability of preferencea Probability of Treatment Probability of preferencea Probability of
pairs A R I: no areference pairs A B C no preference
AB 0.44 0.40 0.16 AB 0.49 0.48 0.03
AC”* 0.19 0.70 0.11 AC 0.50 0.47 0.03
EC”” 0.17 0.71 0.12 BC 0.50 0.48 0.02
a A = 0.30 W:O.70 P; B = 0.30 WzO.70 0; C = 0.54 W:O.23 P:O.23 a A = 0.30 WzO.70 P; B = 0.30 WzO.70 0; C = 0.54 W:O.23 P:O.23 0.
l * Significant at 0.01 level

Table b-Small-scale consumer tests with

Treatment Probability of preferencea Probability of
Table 7-Small-scale consumer tests with 10% (25: 1) juice pairs A B C no preference
Treatment Probability of preferencea Probability of
AB 0.46 0.48 0.06
pairs A B C no preference
AC 0.56 0.38 0.06
AB 0.43 0.50 0.07 BC 0.57 0.37 0.06
AC 0.39 0.54 0.07
a A = 100% (15:l) juice = 0.54 W:O.23 P:O.23 0; EL = 50% (15:l)
BC 0.42 0.51 0.07
juice = 0.54 W:O.23 P:O23 0; C = 10% (25:l) juice = 0.54 W:O.23
= A = 0.65 W:O.35 P; B = 0.65 W:O.35 0; C = 0.54 WrO.23 P:O.23 0 P:O.23 0.

score received by treatment 5 within the 10% (25:l) juice differences were small, except in 10% (15: 1) juice, where
group, whose B:A had to be increased to be as well ac- the maximum response was not at 70% orange as indicated
cepted as 100, 50, and 20% juices. by L model contours but at some other place along the
Treatment 1, which contained only watermelon juice watermelon-orange edge (xi - xi). The coefficient of de-
was less acceptable than any other treatment containing termination of the L model for this juice was only 0.1
pineapple and/or orange juice in addition to watermelon (Table 4).
juice. This could be due to the fact that citric acid used to A model having the highest coefficient of determination
adjust the B:A ratios did not impart the appropriate sour should be used in formulation work, if a computer is avail-
taste to watermelon juice. Gusina et al. (1971) recom- able and if one is interested only in predicting optimum
mended addition of products having high natural acidity, response from a set of factors. Such procedures as stepwise
such as plum puree for satisfactory processing and accepta- regression can be used for selecting the best prediction
bility. equation.
Based on these combinations, any type of juice, be it Contour plots are very useful in fruit juice formulation
10% or lOO%, can be as well accepted as another, provided because they show possible combinations producing the
the formulation (proportion of juices used, and amount of same response and thus provide alternative products of
sugar and acid added) is appropriate. Juices with a B:A equal acceptability. For example, the manufacturer would
ratio greater than 15: 1 are required for 10% juices, while make a competitive product by using more of the cheaper
those containing more than 80% watermelon are not recom- ingredients and the most efficient conditions to manufac-
mended. ture a product of equal acceptability. Thus he would truly
The response to other possible treatment combinations serve the consumers through both lower price and good-
were predicted by the Scheffe’ linear and quadratic poly- quality product if he could do it without sacrificing nutri-
nomial models. Parameter estimates and their goodness of tional quality.
fit for each type of juice are given in Table 4. Contour plots
of constant estimated response (Fig. l-5) were constructed Small-scale consumer acceptability tests
using both the linear and quadratic models. The contours Only three categories of juices were used, due to their
are in this case,superimposed for purpose of comparison. popularity and the availability of resources. Three compara-
Contours given by the quadratic or complete model (Q) tively good treatments within each category of juices, based
were almost linear for 100% juice with 15 : 1 B: A ratio (Fig. on laboratory acceptability tests were used for the con-
1). This was expected because the coefficients of the cross- sumer tests.
product terms were very small. This means there was very Treatment C containing 54% watermelon, 23% pineapple
little synergism or evidence of any binary effects due to the and 23% orange for 100% juice, 15: 1 ratio was most pre-
blending of watermelon and pineapple, watermelon and or- ferred (Table 5). Its probability of preference was 70 to
ange, and pineapple and orange. The Q model contours in 71% over treatments A and B. Treatments A. and B were
this case almost coincided with the linear or reduced model not significantly different from each other, but were highly
(L) contours so the Q model would be replaced by the significantly (P = 0.01) different from C. In all cases,
linear model. Coefficients of determination (R*) of the Q 1 l-16% of the consumers reported no preference between
and L models were 0.93 and 0.87, respectively (Table 4). the pairs of samples tested.
The general increase in responses converged toward orange, Treatments A, B, and C for 50% (15:l) juices, contain-
with maximum at 70% orange and 30% watermelon. The ing 0.30 W:O.70 P, 0.30 W:O.70 0, and 0.54 W10.23 P:O.23
lowest response was at xi = 100% watermelon. 0, respectively, were not different (Table 6). Treatment
The Q model contours provide more detail for other combinations were rearranged in order to conform with
juice concentrations (Pig. 2-5). For example, the Q model model predictions and verified with a larger panel (120
contours showed a median surface, which slopes up or judgements). The probability of no preference ranged from
down in a certain direction instead of showing a smooth 2-3%. Fewer judges than in the case of 100% (15: 1) juices
surface sloping ,up toward 70% orange, as in the case of L showed no preference between pairs of samples. Flavor
models, However, the L model contours could represent the notes were probably more easily detected at lower juice
Q model contours in all cases, considering the fact that the concentrations. Treatment C containing up to 54% water-

81%JOURNAL Oi FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 45 (1980)


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