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Banking Practice
for Actuaries –
How it all happened
in South Africa


f late, I have been reflecting a lot on my contributions towards development of
the actuarial profession over the past 15 years. I then thought I should share with
you the South African journey on developing the banking practice for actuaries
that I have led since 2009. I thought that sharing will, hopefully, encourage others to
take up leadership roles within the profession for a greater cause, and in the public

I have written this article based on timelines of how things unfolded. I trust that you
enjoy the reading as I outline what seemed impossible at the start of the journey. In
Nelson Mandela’s words, it always seems impossible until it is done!


2007 to 2010

The Actuarial Society of South Africa

(“ASSA”) adopted wider fields strategy
around 2007/2008 (to my knowledge).
Banking was listed as one of the main areas
for investigation. I moved into Banking
from Investments & Employee Benefits in
September 2008 - I was then 33 years old
next birthday. ASSA decided to establish
task forces to investigate different areas in
2009 and called for volunteers to lead these.

Having caused so much trouble to the then

CEO of ASSA (Emile Boeke) in encouraging
ASSA to consider banking practice seriously, and writing Chair. The key focus areas identified for the first few
a series of emails checking on progress throughout years were as follows:
2008, I was naturally recommended by the ASSA Council • Review the Committee’s Terms of Reference annually
to Chair the Banking Task Force at the end of 2009. The for relevance in line with the Society’s strategic
Task Force did investigations in 2010 with a report on the focus.
findings submitted to Council. The findings of the task • Consider development of a banking syllabus and
force were as expected. The Task Force recommended subject material.
establishment of a Banking Committee after finding out • Develop relationships with key stakeholders in the
that: banking industry
• More than 150 actuarial professionals, including • Progress and support research in key areas of
a significant number of qualified actuaries, were banking that may be identified.
already employed in banking practice, and were not • Hold at least three sessional meetings annually on
catered for by the profession. identified key issues in banking.
• There were a lot of areas of banking practice where • Craft guidance notes for the Banking profession.
actuarial applications were a natural fit.
• Evaluate current professional guidance, including
• Regulations were driving change on how banks guidance from other stakeholders (such as SARB and
were managed, and risk management based on
SAICA) and assess the need for additional actuarial
complicated models became a key focus area as
guidance, and, if required, the Committee to develop
Basel II implementation gained momentum from
additional professional guidance.

The Task Force then developed a Terms of Reference

for the ASSA Banking Committee covering the following 2010 to 2013
• To consider and provide input, from the point of view The ASSA Banking Committee started holding sessional
of the actuarial profession, on matters relating to meetings to enhance CPD offering in Banking. I also
Banking. initiated discussions on the Banking Committee in 2011
• To advise the actuarial profession on all matters on establishing tuition, but this was dismissed by other
relating to Banking related activities. Committee Members for a number of reasons, including
• To lead in the development of education material and the view that we lacked resources and critical mass.
professional guidance for actuaries.
I reopened discussions on the banking subject again
The ASSA Council then approved establishment of the in 2012 after partnering the late Garth Griffin, a highly
ASSA Banking Committee in 2010 with me as the first regarded senior actuary and a former President of ASSA


who was the then the Chair of Barclays Africa (ABSA), and
Pravin Burra, another Senior Actuary who was a Partner
at Deloitte at the time and was also on the ASSA Council. The late Garth Griffin
These two respected actuaries greatly supported
this view, so I now had leverage. This time it gained
influenced the direction a
momentum and the proposal was supported by Council, great deal, as he encouraged
although informally. Pravin Burra, who was a Council the ASSA leadership to
Member, and also a member of the Banking Committee,
did a lot of lobbying on behalf of the Banking Committee. consider banking seriously –
We now had to clear some hurdles such as motivating
for the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) subject to
The late Garth Griffin influenced the direction a great
count towards the fellowship track as it did not count at
deal, as he encouraged the ASSA leadership to consider
the time. We needed the ERM subject as a recommended
banking seriously – as I said earlier, he was the then
specialist subject for taking the banking fellowship
Chair of the Barclays Africa (ABSA Group) Board with
subject. Some senior actuaries in other traditional
great relationships with the South African Reserve Bank.
practice areas did not support ERM to count towards
I agreed to lead the whole process and set up everything
fellowship at all at the time.
with the assistance of the ASSA Executives and the
We then decided to engage the membership as a show of Education Office. I admit that I had no clue where to
democracy. So we held sessional meetings to argue for start, but the creativity came as I navigated through the
ERM to count towards fellowship in Johannesburg and process, and with the support of the Banking Committee
Cape Town, and the late Garth Griffin and Andrew Gladwin members.
joined both as they were promoters. The Johannesburg
We designed a syllabus led by myself, Pravin Burra and
meeting voted an overwhelming NO, but the Cape Town
2 Australian Actuaries, Stephen Claxton and Phillip
meeting voted YES by a very small margin. Most members
Everett, and reviewed by the late Garth Griffin. Initially
of the Education Board (EB) voted NO, although it was not
the syllabus was highly technical and Garth Griffin tore it
a binding vote since it was not a decision of the EB, but
apart saying that it was not going to serve the intended
one of Council. Based on these split votes, Council then
purposes. So we had to revise the syllabus to reflect
led by Themba Gamedze as President and Peter Temple
the fellowship level of thinking in line with the other
as President Elect resolved formally to let the ERM
fellowship subjects.
subject count towards fellowship in the best interests of
the Actuarial Society and development of the profession. I then investigated, on the internet, some banking text
books that we could use as a base for the banking
subject, and I came across Professor Moorad Choudhry’s
2013 to 2015 books. Professor Moorad Choudhry is a world renowned,
UK based, author in banking, so he was a natural choice
On the back of ERM now counting towards fellowship, for me. So I motivated for his engagement to convince
we then motivated for a Banking subject at fellowship others. The motivation was accepted and ASSA bought
level. Council, again, voted YES to a banking subject, but one of Professor Moorad Choudhry’s books, Principles
required strong motivation for implementation. This was of Banking, that I then reviewed. It was fascinating, so
with Themba Gamedze, Peter Temple, Pravin Burra and I recommended that we use it as a base for the banking
Mike McDougall leading at Council in support at leadership subject. ASSA then gave permission that I approach
level. Andrew Gladwin and myself led in support at the Professor Moorad Choudhry as we needed his expertise,
Curriculum Committee where serious debates took being a professor with significant practical experience in
place before motivation to the EB and Council. I was not banking. I led negotiations with Professor Moorad until
a member of the EB or Council at the time of motivation, we agreed a contract.
only joining both in 2014, so my influence was limited at
that higher level of decision making. Through the help of Lee Bromfield, who was then working
for FNB Retail, and a member of the Banking Committee, I


recruited an external project manager, Kim McCarthy, with agreeing to disagree. The late Garth Griffin had the final
publishing experience and negotiated a contract. The lady say though, as the custodian of the actuarial profession.
was highly skilled in project management and she proof So his revised chapter was then reviewed by Prof Moorad
read every chapter. She was simply a pleasure to work with who then fully agreed with the contents. I learnt a great
such that we delivered within budget and timelines. deal though this process.

Through the actuarial networks that I had established, The involvement of the late Garth Griffin allowed us to
and the help of the ASSA Banking Committee Members, I get access to, and input from, senior banking executives
also recruited banking actuaries in the industry to review and the South African Reserve Bank Governor and their
every chapter, and agreed their honoraria. Some of the teams. We shared our syllabus with several banking
experienced banking actuaries involved in the review executives who supported the syllabus objectives, and
of the notes included Phillip Olivia, Simon Greenberg, some gave positive comments on the notes.
Alastair Bye, Dawie Spangenberg, Antonie Jagga, and
Rolf Van Den Heever among others. The late Garth Griffin
and Pravin Burra who were the main promoters also 2015 to 2020
reviewed and gave input to some chapters.
We finished writing the tuition material on time and
within budget in the first half of 2015. Through our
In my case, I was not remunerated for the
actuarial networks, I then led the recruitment of the Chief
many hours that I spent in between my day Examiner (Rolf Van Den Heever), 2 Assistant Examiners
to day work. I worked day and night and (Antonie Jagga and Alastair Bye) and the External
weekends on this for free as a volunteer. Examiner (initially the late Garth Griffin but taken over by
I donated my time and knowledge for this Pravin Burra on the passing of Garth just before launch),
great cause. It was my way of giving back to and motivating to the EB and Council. The team was
the profession, and it was, indeed, fulfilling! hailed as a good mix of experience and youth.

We held the first Banking Seminar in June 2015 where

The Education Board and Council then approved both
we launched the banking subject formally. We have held
the budget and the project plan. I joined Council and the
banking seminars annually since then. We launched the
Education Board in 2014 on the invitation of Themba
banking exam in the second half of 2015. Garth Griffin,
Gamedze and Peter Temple, which helped a great deal in
whom we had appointed as external examiner. passed
presenting and motivating the case from then onwards.
on just around the exam date. I then approached Pravin
Work then started on developing the Tuition material
Burra who agreed to take up the external examiner role.
in 2014, with Prof Moorad in the lead, supported by two
other UK based professors with international experience. I volunteered to become the course leader of the Banking
The notes were written from scratch, but borrowed a lot subject for Tuition support. I have presided over all
of material from Prof Moorad’s previous work. We had to tuition sessions since 2015.
convert the material to be actuarially relevant, and this
was one of the major roles that I played being an actuary Following launch of the banking subject, consideration
in banking practice at the time. was given to beefing up the Actuarial Risk Management
subject to include some banking content at an earlier
I reviewed every chapter before passing it on to those stage of the exams. This has happened. The investments
other actuaries to whom I had allocated topics based on fellowship subject also now has banking content.
their areas of specialisation. In some cases, I made a lot
of edits for actuarial relevance. I remember at one point I was appointed as the first Chair of the International
the late Garth Griffin disagreeing with Professor Moorad Actuarial Association (IAA) Banking Working Group towards
on the Banking Governance chapter, and the late Garth the end of 2016, following nomination by ASSA led by Peter
Griffin had to rewrite the whole chapter to reflect what Doyle, a senior actuary, past President of ASSA, and former
he believed was relevant in banking and should be taught Group CEO of the then Metropolitan, who had approached
to actuaries. It was both interesting and enlightening me for the role. I gladly accepted, and to this day I am still
to see two gurus of banking practice engaging and the Chair of the renamed IAA Banking Virtual Forum.


As the Chair of both the IAA Banking Working Group and banking application subjects were then developed
and the ASSA Banking Committee at the time, the ASSA with Kudzai Chigiji leading the team that included IFoA
Banking Committee also identified the following as key and ASSA members. The other team members included
strategic focus areas: Christiaan Opperman, Jerome Mahadeo and Antonie
• Lead and give input to further the work of the IAA Jagga from the ASSA Banking Committee, and Iain Allan
Banking Working Group and Dr. John Young from the IFoA, among others. I was
• Hold a number of banking seminars at the IAA semi- only consulted in the background and I was not part
annual meetings held around the world, funded by ASSA of the main team as the team was adequate and well
• Encourage IAA member associations to consider experienced. They delivered specutacularly.
banking as a practice area
The international banking subjects were launched in
• Develop a Banking Practice Area Development collaboration with the IFoA, and the first exams were taken
Toolkit to assist IAA member associations in in May 2022. There was zero pass rate for international
establishing their banking practice areas. students in the advanced application subject in the
• Carry out survey around the world’s actuarial May 2022 sitting, similar to when the subject was first
professional bodies to gather interest of members introduced in 2015 where no one passed. A Certificate in
in banking, where we had more than 800 responses Banking was also re-launched for those not following the
that were largely in support of banking practice for actuarial fellowship route, or who have already qualified
actuaries. in other practice areas.
I stepped down as the Chair of the ASSA Banking Committee I have remained the course leader for the advanced
at the end of 2017 after 8 years, and handed over to Kudzai banking subject to guide students taking the fellowship
Chigiji who also delivered spectacularly before handing exam, and enrolment has increased with more
over to Christiaan Opperman, the current Chair. I learnt international students joining the tuition sessions.
that it is important to develop leaders who can take over
and sustain the cause long after you are gone. Through the IAA Banking Virtual Forum that I chair, we
continue to influence other actuarial bodies across the
My ASSA Council term expired at the end of 2017 and I also globe to promote the involvement of actuaries in banking.
stepped down as Chair and member of the EB at the end of This will be a continuous process until banking practice has
2017. I am now back on Council again, and on the Education matured, and it will take many decades of concerted effort.
Board, and hopefully I will continue to make a difference.

We started considering internationalising the banking

Some great lessons along the way
subject in 2017. We introduced the offering that would
lead to a certificate in banking, but it did not take off as
There were some great lessons along the way that
we would have wanted. However, in 2020, consideration
included the following:
for banking international exams was made easy with
online exams being introduced due to Covid. • Being thought leaders can lead to positive change,
with ASSA deciding to go it alone in 2013:
We, therefore, considered introducing a specialist o When the IFoA refused to partner on the basis that
subject in banking, an F100 level exam to accompany it would never gain traction, and that it was not
the advanced banking subject. Kudzai Chigiji led this going to be popular.
process as the then Chair of the Banking Committee, o When the Australian actuaries realised that they
and successfully led the ultimate partnership with the did not have support within their Governance
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). structures to progress the initiative.
• Debating with actuaries who opposed banking
as eroding the value of the actuarial profession
2020 to current but who, in most cases, seemed to have limited
understanding of what they were talking about given
ASSA entered into partnership with the IFoA to revamp the that it was not their area of expertise.
banking subject and split it into two. A banking specialist • Realising how fellow actuaries usually have no clue


about what they do not know, and yet pretend to know. the actuarial profession through introducing banking
• Realising in 2013 that I still did not know much about practice for actuaries.
banking practice myself, having already spent • Lessons on how to influence other professionals
5 years in banking, and with an MBA focused on around the world towards a common cause.
banking and finance related subjects. I learnt more • Realising how many good friends I made through this
through the banking subject development process. process, and today I am leveraging those relationships.
• Learning that “Finance” is not the same as • Realising how people can deliver to the best of their
“Banking” when it comes to sound management of abilities when they are inspired by the vision of their
banking institutions. We started off as a Banking leaders.
and Finance Committee in 2010, and later changed • Realising that knowledge is a powerful tool to
the name to Banking Committee after realising the influence things towards a desired direction:
major differences, and aligning with our objective o You cannot successfully push for what you don’t
of actuaries being involved in managing banking know or don’t believe in.
institutions from end to end in the same way they do o When you argue with verifiable facts, you will
in traditional areas of actuarial practice. always win an argument.
• Learning that “sound risk management for • Realising that the status quo, although comfortable
sustainability” ahead of “profitability at all costs” is and less risky, is not always the best for society – we
at the centre of every decision within a bank, which need to always innovate and influence for progress
makes it a domain practice area for actuaries as risk and change. We must never fear change as change is
managers. the only constant.
• Being at the centre of significant change that would • Leveraging the power of communication to tell your
later take the actuarial profession by storm around story and influence.
the world – everyone is now talking about banking
practice for actuaries and we are presenting a Many thanks to all those volunteers who helped in the
number of webinars around the world through the process. Special mention goes to the ASSA Education
IAA banking Virtual Forum jointly with member Office initially led by Petrus Bierman and later by Conrad
associations. Backeberg who played a significant role in driving the
• There were many leadership lessons that were learnt initiative. Christelle Mouton was the only constant in the
in the process, with great insights on how to deal education office as she presided over the development
with and influence people – I learnt many normative throughout. Mike McDougall, the ASSA CEO, and the rest of
skills going through this process. the ASSA executive team also led well with great support
• Lessons on how different people may hold coming from the late Wim Els and the rest of the ASSA
completely different views and yet all still be correct office leadership. The support provided by successive
– it’s about defining your objective clearly and Councils, the Education Board, and the Chief Examiner,
convincing others. Christoff Raath, can also not go unmentioned. In the end,
it was all about leadership, decisiveness, and execution.
• Lessons on how powerful “holding sincere coffee
sessions” with those opposing your idea is in
This is a story that has never been told in this detail. I
bringing them to your side – it bridges the gap and
believe that it is important to reflect on history as there
helps forge a common purpose. I did a lot of that,
are always some important learnings to take from it. I
and sometimes had to deal with and convince people trust that you enjoyed the story.
holding powerful positions, which is a difficult task.
• Lessons on when to play politics and when to stop, Aluta Continua as we continue to develop the actuarial
but doing it professionally for the greater good of the profession from all angles – It always seems impossible
profession. until it is done – Nelson Mandela!
• Lessons on how to deal with difficult characters and
win them over for the greater good. Michael Tichareva BComm, FASSA, FIA, MBA (Wits)
• The fulfilment of giving your time selflessly to a good Chair of the IAA Banking Virtual Forum
cause that changes the face of the world is a lifetime Executive Chairman & Senior Actuary – Claxon Actuaries
experience – I believe we changed the thinking of International


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