Monster Classes I

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Since the ability to play monsters in 5th edition was added to Volo’s Guide To Monsters, I have seen countless players
readily accept the opportunity to embrace new ways to roleplay in this fantasy game. From Hobgoblin clerics, to yuan ti
sorcerers, to the very popular (and excellent combination of) goblin rogue.

These are simple solutions that allow one to roleplay as a monster, while simultaneously not compromising the integrity
of the game. The problem however, of course, is that sometimes these solutions are simply not enough. Roleplaying as a
goblin is easy, and we can all collectively agree that there’s no need to go deeper than what is presented in Volo’s for them.
The problem is that not all monsters are that easy to shape. The Orcs in Volo’s for example, needed far more than being
simply given the ability to run fast towards their enemies.

Some races also simply demand more than a mere couple of small features. The hobgoblins for example are notorious for
their martial advantage ability, which effectively functions like a sneak attack. It is an ability that is shared with virtually
every single hobgoblin, including the spellcasters! For example, a spellcaster hobgoblin can cast the Firebolt cantrip and
get sneak attack on that damage. Isn’t that awesome and fun? The problem is that adding a whole sneak attack mechanic
to a race…might be a tad too powerful. There are many races that suffer from this predicament too, beholders are a good
example of this. Could you imagine making a race of beholders that utilize normal classes? That simply wouldn’t work.

This is exactly why I started this project. I have been determined to allow players to play the monsters they wish they could
be, while being uncompromising in their construction. The playable monsters presented here are both D&D 5e Races
AND Classes at the same time. This would actually allow you to truly get the full experience of what it means to be any of
these creatures, rather than merely pretending through makeshift flavor-fueled roleplay; which is not technically bad, it’s
just sometimes not enough.

Because their construction is uncompromising, some of these classes will play drastically different from the traditional
classes in the Player’s Handbook. From Devas being immune to exhaustion, to Ghosts being able to painfully travel
through walls, to Ogres being able to use dead humanoids as clubs, to even Dragons gaining access to legendary actions.
But consider that these things are what makes these creatures memorable and special, and without them; they would just
be reskins of already existing classes which would dilute their uniqueness.

A few of the features you will see here will be inherently disruptive to a traditional gaming experience (namely many
monster classes having the ability to fly at level 1) but the one thing that I can guarantee you is that nothing presented
here is mechanically overpowered. If your table is happy playing with a character that is considered a Large creature, and
hence, can effectively bypass most encumbrance rules; then that is honestly all you will have to worry about.

Many of these classes skirt traditional table rules because that’s just how it has to be for these classes to be genuine, but
do not be disuated into giving them a shot out of fear that they might be “too strong”. D&D is a game of math, and I have
personally spent a lot of time making sure that the math checks out. Some of what you will see might look shocking to you
at first glance, but that’s the point! I want you to feel like you are amazing and unique, while under the covers be balanced
with your group.

Nothing in here is stronger than a moon druid, or a barbarian. Nothing in here will deal more damage than a paladin.
Wizards will always be king of choice. Nothing will ever beat a warlock casting armor of agathys or any caster casting
polymorph. Do not be concerned about power and immerse yourself in your monster classes. Enjoy!

-Fermin Caballero (MrRhexx)

Lead Designer and Writer: Fermin Caballero (MrRhexx)
Layout Editor: J.D. Mills (
Cover Art: Dominika Dénes (
Interior Art Lead: Dominika Dénes (
Movanic Deva
A Deva is a celestial agent of the upper planes, sent down
upon the world to act as intermediaries between the
realm of the gods and the world of mortals. Their perfectly
sculpted silvery skin evokes beauty and perfection, their
powerful feathery wings carry them to great heights above
their enemies, and their deep divine eyes see through all
lies and deception. 

Ascendant Spirit 
From the torrent of souls that fill the heavens above, only
a selected few are granted the divine choice of becoming
an angel. These chosen heroes rise through the ranks of
the celestial hierarchies until they are given the choice of
becoming a Deva. These promotions are always optional,
for the duties received by a Deva will typically take them
away from the very heavens they now call home. 

The celestial ladders are long and arduous, and the holy
spirits that travel up these hierarchies spend tens of
thousands of years before they are given the important role
of living in the material realm; a particularly coveted role
amongst these upper spirits. These spirits are then granted
the form of a Deva, and are further given free reign to
spread good and stem the tide of evil on the mortal realms
of the multiverse. 

Divine Power
The power of a Deva comes from the divine energies within
itself, not from the gods it serves. Gods are required in
order to create Devas, but once created, these angels are
autonomous and self reliant. In this sense, Devas are closer
to sorcerers than they are clerics; though many Devas
choose to serve individual gods who inevitably grant them
clerical spells. 

As immortal spirits, Devas are resistant to many of the

detriments of the typical mortal body. They do not need
to eat, drink, or sleep; and are completely immune to
exhaustion. They can shift their form at will to better
assimilate under the species and culture they work under,
and some have even been known to transform into animals
in order to study civilizations from a distance. 

Devas can project the divine power within them to

immolate their weapons with divine fire, or cast out rays
of light that burn the unholy. The most powerful have been
known to produce miracles and make the impossible come

The Deva
Proficiency Cantrips Holy Holy Smite
Level Bonus Features Known Energy Weapons Evil
Spellcasting, Smite Evil, Holy Magic,
1st +2 3 4 — 1d8
Divine Awareness
2nd +2 Channel Energy, Gentle Heart 3 6 — —
3rd +2 Healing Touch, Touch of Law 3 14 — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 17 — —
5th +3 Holy Weapons, Improved Holy Magic 4 27 2d8 2d8
6th +3 Magic Resistance 4 32 — —
7th +3 Angelic Transportation, Searing Smite 4 38 — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 44 3d8 —
9th +4 Convoke Light of Heaven 4 57 — —
10th +4 Divine Communion, Exorcism 5 64 — —
11th +4 Ascended Holy Magic 5 73 4d8 3d8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 73 — —
13th +5 Divine Intervention 5 83 — —
14th +5 Spark of Divinity 5 83 5d8 —
15th +5 Deific Holy Magic 5 94 — —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 94 — —
17th +6 Avatar of Battle 5 107 6d8 4d8
18th +6 Aura of Goodness 5 114 — —
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 123 — —
20th +6 Solar Ascendancy 5 133 7d8 —

Righteous Pursuit Fallen Angels

To the good peoples of the world, a Deva would appear Unlike the upper and lower planes, the material world is
like a caring and loving mother. A merciful spirit sent to fraught with morally gray decisions that can tempt a Deva
love and help, like an innocent angelic child who knows of into committing acts of evil that may seem good at first
only happiness and friendship. To the evils of the world, a glance. When such an occasion transpires, a Deva risks
Deva is an unrelenting force of destruction which delivers alienating itself from the heavens and becoming banished
messages at the point of their swords. Proactive in their from their home plane. When this occurs, a Deva gets
efforts to eliminate and unyielding in the slaughter they to keep its powers but might lose any clerical spell given
produce.  to them by the gods that now shun them. Redemption is
always a possibility provided that the offending Deva is
To the gods, Devas are tools designed to spread law and willing to commit itself to a penance in return. 
goodness; ready to do whatever it takes to achieve that
goal. One day they can be a charismatic leader who builds Rarely, it so happens that the Deva commits an offense
schools and orphanages for the poor, while the next; a so vile that the possibility of redemption is questionable.
murderous unfeeling psychopath who butchers demons When this happens, a divine tribunal is convoked where
without remorse.  the Deva is summoned and judged. The offending Deva is
allowed an advocate to reason and/or petition for a chance
Devas are expected to judge situations with infallible at redemption on its behalf. At the end of the tribunal, if it is
certainty, and perform actions to further the cause of good decided that redemption is impossible; then and only then
and push the tides of evil. Even though their ability to is the Deva stripped of all its powers and then de-promoted
gauge morality is exceptional, they can still be tricked into into a lesser form of celestial. 
performing evil acts which taints their otherwise perfect
soul.  In the much rarer event that the Deva commits a heinous
act and is further unrepentant of said act; then, and only
then, does it become a fallen angel. Besides being stripped
of their powers, they are banished to the lower planes and
left to fend for themselves. Most often than not, they are
devoured by fiends and permanently destroyed. Sometimes
however, being spirits, they are able to absorb enough
energy from the lower planes to turn into fiends themselves. 

Varieties of Devas Creating a Deva
Not all Devas are made equal and each is created with a set
of powers that corresponds to the task the angel is meant to When you create your Deva, make sure to think about the
accomplish. Even though some Devas are created more powerful fact that your character has lived for what might easily be
than others, they are all considered equal in political status and thousands of lifetimes. The particular events that transpire
there’s no true rivalry between them. We know of three different within the campaign might be new to you, but you have
kinds of Devas, states as follows:
Movanic Deva. These Devas are considered to be the weakest,
seen the ebbs and flows of good and evil throughout your
as their task takes them the farthest away from the celestial existence and you understand very well how it manifests.
conflicts that ravage the multiverse. They are sent to the material This is typically your focus. 
plane to act as emissaries or ambassadors, as warriors against
mortal evil, or as messengers to the will of the gods. This class is The multiverse is enormous, and an uncountable amount
designed after this particular type of Deva.  of planets and species exist within it. It is indeed feasible
Mondadic Deva. Created to become stewards to the ethereal for you to have never met hobgoblins before, or have only
and elemental planes, these Devas are immune to the esoteric barely heard of dragons. Just because you have experienced
effects of the inner planes and can traverse them at will. Because
inner planar conflicts are rare, they are oftentimes relegated to
so much, does not mean that it is strange for you to be
the defense of the upper planes in case of invasion.  forced to do history checks to know whether or not blue
Astral Deva. The most powerful of all Devas, these angels are dragons spew lightning or acid from their mouths. 
created for the purpose of infiltrating and slaying fiends in the
lower planes. Powerful planeswalkers who interact with Devas Think about why you are on this planet, and what your duty
out in the outer planes, typically encounter this enhanced is here. Playing a Deva is all about understanding your
version. Devas found within the steps of deities tend to also be of vast past and what your current divine goals are, especially
this persuasion.  about how those intertwine together. 

Relentless Crusade
Divine Inspiration
Devas are blessed with immunity to exhaustion, for the gods
From the moment every angel is created, it is born with
expect them to tirelessly seek to help the weak and destroy the
wicked. When others rest, angels scour the multiverse in search a spark of inspiration that will guide it for the rest of its
of evil to vanquish; and so do you. existence. When you create your Deva, think about this
You should always take the opportunity to help those in need, guiding factor and how it has shaped its life throughout the
or do small bits of kindness to those around you, whenever your eons. 
friends rest and you have free time. 
Below is a list of philosophies that you can use as the
guiding force behind your character’s actions. Whenever
Communion  your Deva is conflicted as to what to do, or which direction
to take; think about the universal goal that you have chosen
Devas spend whole lifetimes dedicated to helping those and strife for the option that takes you there. 
in need, and spreading positivity throughout the universe;
but they all do so in their own ways. Thanks to the freedom
D12 Mission
they are given to do their duties, very different personalities
1 Law. Chaos always leads to confusion, misery, and death. You
manifest between Devas and each becomes known for their
strive to uphold the righteous rule of good kings, and fight
own style of charity.  against those who promote anarchy. 
Think about how you support the communities you 2 Peace. You promote an end to war wherever you go. Only
encounter during your travels. The most important factor through conversation and understanding can problems truly be
to keep in mind when roleplaying the goodness of a Deva,
is that they help even when it is inconvenient to themselves. 3 Magic. You spend your existence looking for ancient artifacts and
holy objects, magics lost throughout the eons of celestial conflict.
Your character must spend copious amounts of time Understanding the past will yield to better futures. 
working for others, must spend its own wealth, or sacrifice
4 Nature. The beauty of the wilds is brittle and vulnerable. You
itself in some way for the good of others. That, in essence, must protect it at all costs. 
is the nature of true goodness. Feel free to use any of the
5 War. You have dedicated your existence to eradicating the forces
examples below to find inspiration.  of evil wherever you can find them. 
6 Knowledge. Good and evil. Law and chaos. These are more
D12 Communion than just words, they are sources of power and might. To elevate
1 You always donate any monetary reward you get.  yourself and understand them, you must find the truth of what’s
2 You collect food during your travels, which you then cook and behind them. 
give freely to the poor.  7 Protection. The weak cannot hope to defend themselves against
3 You spend all of your free time at the nearest church or clinic, the darkness. You must be the light to guide their path. 
freely healing and curing any who seeks help.  8 Happiness. You know deep in your heart that at the end of the
4 You spend your time attempting to redeem or help those stuck day, the only thing that matters is the feeling you get when you
in their evil ways. You spend a lot of time in prisons talking and make someone smile. 
convincing murderers to be better.  9 Righteousness. Only by raising, teaching, and training others to
5 You function as a teacher to children whenever you are given follow your cause; can you truly stem the tide. 
the opportunity. Your lessons might include history, religion, 10 Justice. Criminals and rule breakers abound and you shall give
geography, or even philosophy.  them no quarter. Penance to those who submit, and death to
6 You perform religious rites for any who ask, including those those who retaliate. 
seeking penance, confessions, or simple prayer.  11 Arts. You have seen kingdoms rise and fall. You have found that
7 You accept any favor asked of you, even when it is inconvenient; only a few things ever stand the test of time. The power of the
as long as it is asked in good conscience and with pure intentions.  pen always seems to transcend the might of the sword. 
8 You water and maintain the greenery of every town or city you 12 Unknown. You roam the multiverse unguided, seeking answers
reside in. You make sure everyone can enjoy the beauty of nature.  to an existence that lacks purpose. Maybe one day you will find
that spark. 
9 You tend to the elderly whenever you are given the chance. For
those about to die of old age, you always make sure their last
wishes are taken care of.  Treasured Keepsake
10 You find and grant shelter to domestic animals who find You have traveled the multiverse and fought countless
themselves without a home. You cannot see a homeless dog or cat enemies, probably more than it is feasible for a person
without helping them. 
to remember. With such a storied life, you are bound to
11 You perform burial rites every time you have the chance. You also have encountered incredible beings of tremendous power;
spend all your nights taking vigil at the local graveyard, making
sure all the dead rest in peace. 
beautiful sacred places of unknown origin; and even
enemies beyond your reach and understanding. 
12 You have a keen heart to help those with troubled bodies and
minds. You are a steward to those others call crazy. You spend
your free time helping those who struggle with addiction. 

With such a storied past, you are likely to carry mementos Size. Devas average about 6 feet tall and weigh about 140
of your time in the outer planes. Think about the sort pounds. Your size is medium. 
of adventures you may have had, the friends you have Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying
left behind, the memories of the heavens you cannot speed of 50 feet, but to use this speed you can’t be wearing
currently return to. Below is a list of examples you can medium or heavy armor. You lose your flying speed while
use of treasured keepsakes you could hold that tell of your grappling medium sized creatures or bigger.
Darkvision. You have been blessed with superior
awareness by the gods that bestowed you your form. You
D12 Keepsake can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were
1 A lily that never wilts. Given to you by an archon mentor to bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
remember them by. 
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 
2 The scale of a titan-sized snake you befriended in The Beastlands.
It glistens under the rays of the moon.  Celestial Body. You bear an immortal divine body. You are
immune to disease and exhaustion. You have resistance
3 A beautiful tunic embroidered with glowing blue threads. A gift to
you by an elvish moon goddess for protecting her realm from a
to radiant damage. While you are wearing no armor, your
slaadi invasion.  AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma
4 The blade of a fellow celestial ally, who fought by your side and
fell in an invasion of the abyss.  Shapechanger. You can use your action to polymorph into
5 You keep a jar filled with the heavenly sparkling water of the silver a small or medium humanoid, or back into your true form.
sea.  You lose flying speed without wings. Other than your size,
6 You protected a town in Ysgard from the last modron march. You and potentially your speed, your statistics and abilities are
still hold the dynamo core of the Decaton that led the platoon.  the same in each form. Your equipment or anything that you
7 You hold a collection of small bags filled with delicious are carrying is not transformed, and may fall off if your new
condiments, a gift from a small hafling demigod.  form cannot fit it. You revert to your original form if you fall
8 A book that holds the philosophical tenets which helped you to to 0 hit points. 
climb the seven mountains of Mount Celestia.  Immortal Soul. Whenever you are made to roll a Death
9 You once defended a mortal as his lawyer in the devil courts of Saving Throw, you automatically succeed. Critical hits no
the nine hells. You still keep the contract that almost cost him its longer produce two failed Death Saves against you. When
the Deva falls to 0 hit points, it is automatically granted the
10 Once a lifetime ago, you defeated and imprisoned a powerful effects of a Sanctuary spell that lasts for as long as you are
being in the prison plane of Carceri. You made an oath to hold and
at 0 hit points. You are immune to spells or abilities that
protect the key to the prison with your life. 
automatically kill you, these abilities instead drop you down
11 A set of poems you wrote while gazing at the beautiful elvish
to 0 hit points. If you die, all parts of your body, clothes,
heaven of Arvandor. You always read them before meditating. 
weapons, and possessions vanish completely as your spirit
12 You keep a sentient sunflower in a pot, a friend you made while
is sent to your home plane. It then takes you ten years to
traveling Bytopia. 
manifest a corporeal form again. Only a True Resurrection
Quick Build spell can bring you back. 
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common,
You can make a Deva quickly by following these Celestial, and two extra exotic languages of your choice.
suggestions. First, make Charisma your highest ability
score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the acolyte Hit points
or hermit background.  Hit Dice: 1d10 per Deva level
Hit Points At First Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Class Features
Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
As a Deva you get the following features: Constitution modifier per Deva level after the 1st.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
2. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. 
Age. A deva is an immortal servant of the heavens, and does Armor: All armors, shields
not grow old or frail.  Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons. 
Alignment. Devas are always Lawful Good. They follow Tools: None
the commands of their gods to the letter, infallible in Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
their ideals of justice and goodness. When in mortal Skills: Religion. Then choose two from History, Insight,
lands, they follow the laws of its rightful rulers. Devas are Medicine, and Persuasion
uncompromisingly good, always choosing what is right even
if it is inconvenient. Even when they follow chaotic gods,
they are unbending and absolute in their servitude. 

Equipment In general, the good deed needs to take the angel at least
1 hour to complete. In specific situations, the DM might
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the rule that it is possible for the good deed to be replaced
equipment granted by your background: instead by a great feat accomplished under the name of the
• (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial angel’s god. This can range from defeating a band of cultists
weapons which professed allegiance to an enemy god, to cleansing
a powerful artifact from evil energies, to even investigating
• (a) a longbow, and 20 arrows or (b) any simple melee and uncovering the location of a hidden sect of fiends. 
Spellcasting Ability
• a priest’s pack 
Charisma is your Spellcasting ability for your features and
• Five holy symbols representing different deities  spells. The power of your spells comes from your ability
to project your will into the world. You use your Charisma
Spellcasting whenever a Deva spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
1st-level Deva feature addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the
saving throw DC for a Deva spell you cast and when making
Celestial power courses through your body like blood in a an Attack roll with one. 
human’s veins. You can funnel this energy into divine spells.
Spell save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your
Cantrips Charisma modifier

You know three cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
list. You learn additional cleric cantrips of your choice at Charisma modifier
higher levels, as shown in the cantrips known column on
the Deva table.  Spellcasting Focus
You have no need for a spellcasting focus when casting
Holy Energy Deva spells. 
You gain a resource called Holy Energy, which you can
spend in order to cast spells. You start with 4 points of Smite Evil
Holy Energy and you obtain more as you gain further levels 1st-level Deva feature
in the Deva class, as shown in the Holy Energy column
in the Deva table. You can never have more Holy Energy Your weapons are infused with divine power which harms
than shown on the table for your level. Abilities and spells the impure. Melee and Ranged attacks you make with
which you can cast using Holy Energy are obtained as you weapons that you are holding deal an extra 1d8 radiant
progress through the Deva class.  damage to Fiends and Undead. This extra damage
increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown on the
You regain spent Holy Energy by performing feats of Deva class table at the beginning of this class description.  
goodness and kindness to those around you, by praying to
a god, by exalting your zeal or by directly executing the will In addition, all your weapon attacks use your Charisma
of your god. The Deva does not regain spent Holy Energy modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the Attack and
through a long rest, instead one half of the Deva’s maximum Damage Rolls. 
Holy Energy can be regained through divine offerings of
word and prayer, while the other half can only be obtained Holy Magic
through offerings of deeds. 
1st-level Deva feature
Once a day, the Deva may either pray to their god or
You may pick two 1st level spells from the Cleric spell list.
meditate on the nature of their celestial oaths in order to
They become Deva spells for you which you may cast each
regain half (rounded up) of their maximum Holy Energy
at their basic level by spending 2 points of Holy Energy. 
allotment for their level. The prayer or meditation must
take at least 4 hours. The Deva is not directly granted Divine Awareness
magical ability by any god, instead the prayers are meant
to bolster the confidence and zeal of the angel. Hope and 1st-level Deva feature
righteousness is your power. 
Your empyrean eyes allow you to see through deception and
Once a day, the Deva may perform a great deed of kindness malice. You automatically know if a person is lying, though
or goodness in order to regain the other half (rounded up) only if the person in question is answering a direct question
of their maximum Holy Energy allotment for their level. issued by you and only if they are looking you in the eyes as
This offering of deed can be anything from performing a they answer. Further the lie must be direct and absolute for
quest for no reward, to obtaining and delivering food to the you to sense it. You can be tricked through omission or by
homeless, to even giving a proper burial to the enemies you clever use of wordplay. 
have just defeated.

In addition, you can cast the spells Detect Evil and Good, or
Detect Magic by spending 1 point of Holy Energy. Starting
Healing Touch
from 3rd level, you can cast the spells See Invisibility or 3rd-level Deva feature
Beast Sense by spending 3 points of Holy Energy. These
become Deva spells for you.  You are a conduit for blessed energies, and your very touch
can heal the wounded. As an action, you can spend up to 12
Channel Energy points of Holy Energy and touch a creature. That creature
regains a number of hit points equal to 2d10 for every 3
2nd-level Deva feature points of Holy Energy spent. 
Your celestial connection to the planes allows you to tap Alternatively, you can expend 3 points of Holy Energy
into the positive and negative energy planes, and use it to to cure a target you touch of one disease or neutralize
either heal or harm creatures around you. You create a one poison affecting it; or spend 5 points of Holy Energy
burst of energy centered on you that explodes outwards in a in order to attempt to dispel a magical effect currently
nova, extending to a 30ft radius around you. You can choose affecting the creature. This functions as a Dispel Magic
to be affected by the effect or not. The amount of healing or spell. You can cure multiple diseases, neutralize multiple
damage caused equals 1d6, and increases by an extra 1d6 poisons, dispel and heal a creature all in a single touch
at 3rd level, and then increases again by another 1d6 every by spending the required amount of Holy Energy for each
other level. You can do this an amount of times equal to separate type of cure. 
your proficiency bonus. You regain spent uses at dawn. 
Undead creatures affected by your Healing Touch are
Channel Positive Energy. Your energy heals the living damaged instead of healed. You can make a melee spell
and harms the undead. Undead creatures within 30ft of attack against an undead creature using this feature. On
you must do Wisdom saving throws or take the amount in a hit, the undead takes 2d10 points of radiant damage for
radiant damage. They take half damage on a success. Non- every 3 points of Holy Energy spent. You can only spend an
undead creatures are instead healed by the amount.  amount of Holy Energy equal to your Deva level this way. 
Channel Negative Energy. Your energy damages the living This feature has no effect on Constructs.
and heals the undead. Non-undead creatures within 30ft
of you must do Wisdom saving throws or take the amount Touch of Law
in necrotic damage. They take half damage on a success.
Undead creatures are instead healed by the amount.  3rd-level Deva feature

Gentle Heart As an action you can touch a willing creature, infusing it

with the power of divine order and allowing it to treat all
2nd-level Deva feature attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the end
of your next turn as if the d20 roll resulted in an 11. You
Those who look into your eyes, even while under guise, can can use this feature a number of times per day equal to your
see that you have a divine heart. Though they might not Charisma modifier. 
understand why, commoners will extend you every courtesy
and do their utmost to help you. Unless you have shown Ability Score Improvement
yourself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms
to fight alongside you, should you find yourself facing an 4th-level Deva feature
enemy alone.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
You have advantage on Charisma checks made to interact 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
with creatures that use the commoner stat block (typically by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
used by simple humanoid creatures like townsfolk, farmers, by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
and some merchants). Commoners you interact with will using this feature.
always be considered friendly towards you, so long as you
have not done something to directly hurt them. Commoners Holy Weapons
cannot lie to you.  5th-level Deva feature
The DM may choose to decide a creature is not a Your weapons are anointed with the holy fires of the
commoner for the purposes of this feature. Be it because celestial armies. To some angels, these take on the form of
the creature has a destiny to fulfill, has an evil alignment, or blue or red flames; to others a yellow incandescent glow.
for any reason they desire.  Once per turn, you can fill your weapon with these flames
to deal an extra 2d8 radiant damage to one creature you hit
with a melee or ranged weapon attack. 

The amount of radiant damage increases as you gain levels
in this class, as shown on the Deva table at the beginning of
Convoke Light of Heaven
this class description.  9th-level Deva feature

Improved Holy Magic As an action you can stretch your hand upwards and
command the very clouds to part, summoning the shining
5th-level Deva feature light of heaven down upon your foes. The light blasts a 30
You may pick three spells from the Cleric spell list. The foot radius area around a point you choose within 60 feet of
spells must be of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. The spells become you for 1 minute. When a creature enters the light’s area for
Deva spells for you which you may cast at 3rd level for 5 the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is burned
points of Holy Energy.  by the holy light and must make a Constitution saving
throw. It takes 4d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half
Magic Resistance as much on a successful one. Fiends and undead do the
saving throw with disadvantage.
6th-level Deva feature
On each of your turns after you use this feature, you can use
Your perfect angelic body resists mental and physical a bonus action to move the beam of light up to 60 feet in
corruption. You have advantage on saving throws against any direction. 
spells and other magical effects. 
You can only have one instance of this feature active at any
Angelic Teleportation point in time. This feature can only be activated in an area
with access to the sky. The light is sunlight.
7th-level Deva feature
Convoke Light of Heaven costs 7 points of Holy Energy. 
You can spend 3 points of Holy Energy as a bonus action to
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that you can

In addition, you can now use your flying speed even if you
are wearing medium or heavy armor. 

Searing Smite
7th-level Deva feature

As an action you can focus divine power from your body

like a ray of radiant light onto a creature within 60ft of you
that you can see. The target must make a Dexterity saving
throw. The target takes 8d8 radiant damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Fiends
and undead have disadvantage on the saving throw.

Fiends who fail the saving throw must then also succeed on
an additional Constitution saving throw or become blinded.
A blinded fiend can, at the end of each of its turns, repeat
this saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. 

Undead who fail the saving throw must then also succeed
on an additional Wisdom saving throw or become turned
for 1 minute or until they take damage. A turned creature
must spend its turn trying to move as far away from you as
it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet
of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use
only the dash action or try to escape from an effect that
prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the
creature can use the dodge action. 

Searing Smite costs 6 points of Holy Energy. 

Ascended Holy Magic
11th-level Deva feature

You may pick three spells from the Cleric or Paladin spell
list. The spells must be of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th level.
The spells become Deva spells for you which you may cast
at 5th level for 9 points of Holy Energy. 

Divine Intervention
13th-level Deva feature

You can call upon a deity of the upper planes to intervene

on your behalf when your need is great. 

After a 1 minute prayer to a specific deity of your choosing,

you can have that deity produce a magical effect equal
in power to any spell of 6th level or lower. As part of the
prayer you loudly word out exactly to which deity you are
beseeching help to and what you are asking of said deity,
and then you pick a spell that you wish the deity to emulate.
Divine Communion At the end of the minute, if the end goal aligns with the
10th-level Deva feature desires of that deity, the effect takes place. The end result
may not be entirely the same as the spell being emulated,
You can cast the Commune, Hallow, and Raise Dead spells depending on the whims or desires of the deity (DM’s
at will. You must still provide any material components choice). 
required. These are Deva spells to you. 
No material components need be paid for the emulation of
Exorcism a spell unless the cost is 1,000gp or more. If the emulated
spell requires a saving throw, you use your own spellcasting
10th-level Deva feature ability for it. You may activate this feature only once a day,
and it costs 10 points of Holy Energy. 
You can use your divine authority to expel the foulness of
the dark, or entice it to redemption.  Spark of Divinity
Once a day as your action, you touch a creature you can 14th-level Deva feature
reach that is charmed, frightened, or possessed. The
creature you touch is no longer charmed, frightened, or At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal
possessed and becomes immune to those conditions for to 5 + your Charisma modifier. You don’t gain this benefit if
the next 1 hour. You can regain usage of this feature by you have either more than half your hit points, or if you have
spending 7 points of Holy Energy.  0 hit points. 

You also gain the ability to recite holy burial rites which Unholy weapons disrupt this regeneration for 1 minute.
burn with seraphic command. Through these rites you A weapon is considered unholy for the purposes of this
can help an undead pass on to the afterlife. The rites take feature if the weapon naturally produces necrotic damage
10 minutes of ritual preparation and require at least one or if it is being wielded by an Undead or Fiend of CR 5 or
creature present who the undead knew in life. This person higher. 
must forgive the undead for the ritual to work. This person
can be a living creature, a pet or even an undead itself. The Deific Holy Magic
ritual can help pass two undead this way as long as they 15th-level Deva feature
are both willing to forgive each other. The Deva may use
a diamond worth 300gp as a ritual component if no such You may pick three different spells from the Cleric spell
creature can be found. list. The spells must be of 6th, 7th, or 8th level. The spells
become Deva spells for you, and you may cast each once a
After the ritual is concluded, the Deva forces the willing day for 11 points of Holy Energy at 8th level. 
undead to pass. If the undead creature is unwilling, the
creature must first be defeated and the ritual must be
done within the original site that the undead is haunting.
The ritual removes any curses that may keep the undead
anchored to the material plane and dispels any anger or
resentment within its soul, allowing it to pass on to the
afterlife in peace. 

Sources of Power
This class assumes that your Deva gets support from a variety
of different deities, many of which you have probably helped
throughout the course of your vast and prolonged existence.
In the event that you specifically work with gods of nature, it
is perfectly acceptable for you to take spells from the Druid
spellbook rather than the cleric spellbook. In the same vein,
you may choose to pick spells from the sorcerer spell book if
you wish to play a Monadic Deva rather than a Movanic Deva.
Whichever choice you make as far as spells are concerned, you
cannot change this decision once it is made and you must stick
with said spellbook for your character’s journey.

Avatar of Battle
17th-level Deva feature

You gain resistance to non-magical weapon attacks that

deal piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing damage. 

Aura of Goodness
18th-level Deva feature

You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can’t be

frightened or charmed by fiends or undead. Further you
and allies within 10 feet of you gain resistance and have
advantage on saving throws, against spells cast by fiends
and undead. 

Fiends and undead have disadvantage when attacking you

or allies within 10 feet of you. 

Solar Ascendancy
20th-level Deva feature

The deities of goodness grant you the perfect form

of a Solar for a momentary act of great heroism. You
assume the form of a Solar, including its hit points and
abilities. (The DM has the stat sheet for the creature). The
transformation lasts for up to 1 hour, until you cancel the
effect, or until your new form hits 0 hit points. At which
point you revert back to your normal form alongside any hit
points you had prior to the change. 

While transformed, you are limited to the actions under

the Solar stat sheet except that you can still cast any Deva
spell you have access to, and you still possess your Aura of
Goodness feature. You do not have any legendary actions,
instead any legendary actions under the Solar stat sheet
can be used individually as a bonus action during your turn.
Your gear melds into the new form as you are transformed
and you can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from
any of your normal equipment. 

You can only activate this feature once a day. 

A succubus is a beautiful and lustful fiend, who often
travels to the material plane in order to seduce humanoids
into committing sinful acts. These fiends can change their
form to better mold themselves into the shape that better
suits the desires of their victim. When the succubus has
managed to tempt the mortal into committing the betrayals
of thought, word, and deed; then the succubus kills the
mortal with her draining kiss. Dooming the mortal’s soul
into the lower planes. 

Reborn in Fire
The first succubi were angels of love in heaven, but were
banished once they rebelled against the gods for desiring
to love whoever they chose. These primeval angels turned
into the first succubi, who later migrated across the lower
planes and adopted new forms. 

Those who made their home in the abyss were granted

the ability to reproduce by the mutagenic properties of the
realm and built upon it, a society from which they could
exist with a powerful succubus queen to protect them.
Those who stayed in the nine hells became servants to the
devils, who utilized the beguiling power of the succubi to
farm the souls of the perverted. 

Certain souls who commit depraved sexual acts are

sometimes sent into the abyss, where they are transformed
into even newer forms of succubi demons. These are
oftentimes abused by lustful demons who see them as
nothing more than meat to be used. 

Shifting Body
The body of a succubus can mold and shift its shape to that
which others find the most attractive. It uses this ability to
masquerade itself onto a species in search of either victims
to seduce, or a place to rest and hide. It is often difficult
for authorities to dispose of succubi because of their
impressive ability to disguise as others, an ability that even
allows them to change sex at will.  

It is rare but some Succubi prefer the male sex as their

default form, these particular variations are called Incubus;
and by changing their sex accordingly, two Succubi can
actually reproduce with one another. The result of which
will be another Succubus. 

The Succubus
Level Bonus Features Spells Known Slot Level
1st +2 Spellcasting, Succubus Charm 1 1
2nd +2 Expertise, Fiendish Resistance I 2 —
3rd +2 Deadly Sin Feature 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 —
5th +3 Profane Gift 5 3
6th +3 Deadly Sin Feature 6 —
7th +3 Demonic Translocation 7 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 —
9th +4 Deadly Sin Feature 9 5
10th +4 Fiendish Resistance II 10 —
11th +4 — 11 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 11 —
13th +5 Telepathy 12 7
14th +5 Deadly Sin Feature 12 —
15th +5 — 13 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 13 —
17th +6 Fiendish Resistance III 14 9
18th +6 Truesight 14 —
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 14 —
20th +6 Fiendish Resistance IV 14 —

Lewd Mind Creating a Succubus

The body of a succubus feels a heightened sense of Succubi live in a world that covets their mighty powers.
pleasure that can never quite be fully quenched, and so they Devil warlords and demonic tyrants seek you, for succubi
find themselves constantly seeking new ways to satisfy their are some of the few fiends who have the ability to traverse
desires. Particularly evil succubi who find their partners freely into the mortal world; A very valuable trait in the
lacking, find inhumane and often sadistic ways to achieve lower planes. Humanoids on the other hand, seek succubi
sexual completion.  for their unnatural beauty at best; and as prized trophies to
use at worst. 
Sexual activities with a succubus are otherwise very
traditional with one clear exception:  Succubi cannot kiss Think about how these things have shaped your past, and
a person in the mouth without directly harming them. The what kind of person you would trust. Would you appear as a
kiss of a succubi feels emotionally cold to the recipient and fully fledged fiend? Or would you change your form into that
brings no satisfaction to the fiend, regardless of any feelings of a normal human? Would you embrace your sexuality? Or
the two might have towards one another. The only way to fix would you shun it? 
this is through redemption. 
Wicked Sin
Return to Paradise
When you were a mortal, you committed a great sin which
Being originally from the heavens, the succubi have been doomed your soul into the fiendish form you now possess.
granted a road to forgiveness that admittedly only very few It is best if the sin you choose for your character’s backstory
succubi strive for. A succubus must answer seven times fits well with your succubus subclass. You can find below a
for each betrayal she has made to the gods; meaning, she few examples you can use to better build your character’s
must do seven good deeds for every sin she has committed past. 
throughout her entire existence. 
You can alternatively choose to be a naturally born
Succubi who tread this road often spend hundreds of years succubus who was raised in the abyss. If that’s the case, you
performing good deeds in order to repent for their crimes. can slightly change any of the examples presented below to
Those who succeed, are finally granted freedom from their suit a tragic event during your time in the lower planes. A
lascivious minds and are granted the ability to kiss those great sin you committed that perhaps started your journey
they love. Their fiendish body, however, forever remains.  into redemption.

D12 Sin D12 Dark Master
1 You were a murderer. Those who saw you would claim you always 1 As the lead torturer for a minor demon lord, you performed your
had a smile while doing it.  job admirably. Until the layer was invaded by a rival demon lord
2 You enjoyed pitting people against one another. You realized that and you were forced to flee. 
when a person wanted you, they would do anything for you.  2 You worked with yugoloths on Gehenna as a mercenary, fighting
3 There was always something special about the men who would kill on the side of the blood war that paid the most. A sizable bounty
themselves after you left them. You chased that feeling for a long was put on you, so you decided to lay low. 
time.  3 You unwillingly served a decadent nalfeshnee as a member of his
4 You stole from those who would sleep with you.  harem, until you and the rest of the servants murdered him in his
5 Your sexual tastes were unorthodox. When you could not satisfy
them with willing partners, you had to improvise.  4 You were cursed after making a bad deal with a coven of night
hags on Hades. You can’t return to the lower planes until 333
6 You used to be a powerful ruler, but you let your ego ruin not just years have passed. 
your estate; but the lands around you. 
5 You have been tempting mortals into sin for as long as you can
7 The sin was not yours, but your parent’s; who signed a devilish remember in order to satisfy a contract to an old devil. You don’t
contract for great wealth and power. In exchange? You, their first know where the souls are going, but it certainly is not to hell. 
unborn child. 
6 You were a famous performer at a popular club in the outlands.
8 You found your lover in the act of cheating on you. You killed them The owner betrayed you and sold you to a slavemaster. You were
both.  taken to the material plane before you managed to escape. 
9 You were a member of a devil worshiping cult. When the time 7 You worked under a powerful pit fiend warlord as part of his
came for a willing sacrifice in the name of Asmodeus, you army. You conquered and slaughtered in his name before you ran
volunteered.  away. 
10 You were the most beautiful single noblewoman in the kingdom, 8 You were happy once. You had a house and a loving partner.
but you let your narcissism become out of control. You were cruel Everything changed when a capricious demigod wanted you for
to those who wouldn’t compliment you. When the noble you were itself. 
interested in, chose another; you murdered him.
9 You were the master, as you held countless pawns in the palm of
11 A pious bishop and you fell in love, which inadvertently made him your hand. Your second in command, a fellow succubus, seduced
quit his post. You have always felt that the god unfairly punished you and betrayed you. You were left with nothing. 
you by damming your soul. 
10 You were hired to assassinate an efreeti noble in the City of Brass.
12 You don’t remember what doomed your soul, and you don’t care. You used your guiles to work your way to the top but failed at the
Life is good now and that’s all that matters.  last moment. You were saved by a brass dragon that lived in the
city who treated you with kindness and respect. 
11 You were the secret concubine to a fallen angel in the city of Sigil.
Dark Master The jealous partner of the angel found out, pushed you through a
portal door, and threw away the key. You landed on the material
Most succubi are natural pleasers, deciding to follow rather plane and the rest is history. 
than to lead. Their powers are great and mighty when 12 You struggled alone. A scared dove amidst a crowd of monsters.
effective, but when challenged by those immune to their Yet you survived and persevered. 
charms; they crumble easily and succumb to servitude.
Most succubi have been forced to serve under one or many Kink
dark lords. 
Every succubi has a weakness, that which warms their
Think about what job you used to have when you spent your blood and flushes their cheeks. These fiends spend their
existence in the lower planes, and how that expertise would entire existence balancing the act of satisfying their base
have saved you in an otherwise unkind world. What kind urges while not letting them get the better of themselves
of masters did you have, what kind of evil acts were you in situations that might be otherwise dangerous. But for
forced to do in their name, and more importantly; how did many…there’s always one thing that they just cannot seem
you escape that old life. It is important for you to figure out to kick. 
why you now roam the mortal realm instead of living on the
lower planes.  One of the most fun parts about playing a succubus is being
able to do sexual comedy. Good natured hijinks that might
Are you running away from something? Perhaps you are get you or your party in trouble; or might lead to funny
hiding? Or maybe you are simply looking to find peace roleplay. Think about how your character can enrich and
or to radically change your life around. An adventuring create a fun atmosphere for your fellow players by coming
succubus is very rare to see so coming up with a strong tale up with unique quirks that might make your succubus
is important! unique. 

Perhaps you find all talk of sex embarrassing and you blush
constantly. Perhaps you wish to one day kiss a dragon and
see what happens. Or perhaps you are redeeming yourself
and you find holding hands to be outrageously sinful. Come
up with something fun and unique!

Class Features
As a Succubus you get the following features:

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by

2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1. 
Age. When a mortal soul is transformed into a Succubus,
they take on the immediate form of a stunningly beautiful
humanoid of adult age. As a fiend, a Succubi does not age
and maintains their beauty and look forever. 
Alignment. Succubi indulge themselves in any vice which
catches their fancy, reveling in forbidden pleasures and
basking in their lustful sins. They take what they want
when they want it, and find it irritating when they can’t get
their way; but all the same, thrive when subservient to a
master or becomes beholden to somebody which she can
please. Succubi do not follow any morals, and are willing
to do anything so long as it is either entertaining or will
Love and Sex eventually lead to some form of pleasure. They are neutral
Sex is not meant to be inherently a sin. Angels can fall in love
and have sex with their partners, and so can you. Making love
and enjoying each other’s bodies can be considered a gift of Size. Succubus match humans in average size and weight.
creation towards those who perform it. However, using this gift Your size is medium. 
to corrupt, using one’s body for power, or manipulating someone
into committing acts they wish not to do would indeed be a sin.
Shapechanger. You can use your action to polymorph into
A succubi who wishes to be redeemed can make love, but they a small or medium humanoid, or back into your true form.
must be careful how they use this power and to not abuse it.  You lose flying speed without wings. Other than your size,
and potentially your speed, your statistics and abilities are
the same in each form. Your equipment or anything that you
are carrying is not transformed, and may fall off if your new
D12 Kink form cannot fit it. You revert to your original form only if you
1 You always propose plans which involve you getting tied up.  die. 
2 You constantly blush and become flustered whenever you see Fiendish Blessing. When you are not wearing any armor,
someone’s bare feet. 
your AC equals 10 + Dexterity modifier + Charisma
3 No one seems to understand it, but you consider your tail to be modifier. 
the most intimate part of your body. No one is allowed to touch it
and you certainly are not gonna show it to strangers.  Persuasive. You are proficient in the Persuasion and
4 You could never help yourself against those blessed with copious Deception skill. 
amounts of hair.  Draining Kiss. The kiss of a Succubus brings no pleasure
5 You are, in fact, into 12 foot long aberratic horrors. The more or satisfaction, only the cold emptiness that resides deep
tentacles the better. It is what it is.  at the heart of the fiend. Every subsequent kiss entices the
6 No, you will not in fact put a shirt on.  mortal into further acts of passion which bring nothing but
7 You seem to really enjoy getting cut and bruised in combat.  further feelings of emptiness. Each kiss saps energy from
8 You start every interrogation with “You have been such a bad….
the mortal by doing 1d6 points of psychic damage + your
bad…boy…”. Charisma modifier. A recipient of such a kiss must then do
9 Whenever you find yourself disguising or pretending to be
a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled into taking another
someone you are not, you always choose awkward roles like: cute kiss, as if affected by the Command spell. A mortal who
nurse, lusty maid, or barely legal schoolgirl.  took the kiss willingly which dies through this damage, has
10 You are honestly shocked that not more people find halflings and its soul sent into the lower planes; typically directly towards
gnomes attractive. Oh well, more for you.  the dark lord the Succubus serves. This racial ability can
11 Whenever an enemy insults and demeans you, you can’t help but only be used against creatures that are either willing,
make it weird. charmed, restrained, incapacitated, or grappled by you.
12 Bathing in the blood of your enemies is not for everybody, but it Creatures that are not charmed or willing must succeed on
certainly is for you.  a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid the kiss. 
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying
Quick Build speed of 50 feet, but to use this speed you can’t be wearing
medium or heavy armor. You lose your flying speed while
You can make a Succubus quickly by following these
grappling medium sized creatures or bigger. 
suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability
score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the entertainer

Darkvision. Thanks to your fiendish heritage, you have Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it
dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and with another spell from the sorcerer spell list of the same
in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in spell level. 
darkness, only shades of gray. 
Whenever you learn a spell, you may then cast that spell
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, once a day. You may pick the same spell more than once in
Infernal and Abyssal. order to cast it multiple times a day. 
Hit points
These sorcerer spells are considered Succubus spells for
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Succubus level. you. 
Hit Points At First Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
Spellcasting Ability
Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d8 (5) + your Constitution
modifier per Succubus level after the 1st. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Succubus
spells, since the power of your magic comes from your own
Proficiencies body; and so it depends on your ability to project your will
upon the world. You use your Charisma whenever a spell
Armor: Light armor refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Weapons: Simple weapons, rapiers, scimitars, shortswords, Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for
whips, hand crossbows, and nets.  a Succubus spell you cast and when making an attack roll
Tools: None with one. 
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Skills: Any two skills of your choice Charisma modifier
Equipment Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: Spellcasting Focus
• (a) a rapier or (b) a whip You do not require a focus for your Succubus spells. 
• (a) a hand crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) any simple
Succubus Charm
1st-level Succubus feature
• Entertainer’s pack and a set of manacles
You have the innate magical ability to seduce and charm
• Leather armor and a dagger
creatures in order to force them to do your bidding. You
Spellcasting can cast the spell Suggestion an amount of times a day
equal to your proficiency modifier. You do not need somatic
Your fiendish blood blesses you with fiendish magic, which components for this spell.
you can use to cast sorcerous spells. 
In addition, you may expend a usage of your Suggestion
Cantrips spell in order to distract creatures within 60 feet of you that
can see you. When you do so, you perform sensual acts,
At 1st level, you know 2 cantrips of your choice from the dance, wink at, or otherwise become the center of attention
Sorcerer spell list. These cantrips become Succubus for humanoids and fiends around you. Those creatures do
cantrips to you.  Perception checks with disadvantage and receive a -5 to
their passive perception checks. You may distract creatures
Innate Spells of 1st Level and Higher this way for as long as you spend an action every round for
You innately know one 1st-level spell of your choice from a maximum of 10 minutes, or until you become separated
the sorcerer spell list. You may cast this spell once a day.  from those creatures by 60 feet or more.

The spells known column of the Succubus table shows Expertise

when you learn more sorcerer spells of your choice. Each
2nd-level Succubus feature
of these spells must be of a level for which you can cast,
as shown on the maximum spell level column on the same Choose one of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency
table. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
the new spell you pick can be of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.  Persuasion or Deception (your choice) and your chosen
skill proficiency. 

Fiendish Resistance I Profane Gift
2nd-level Succubus feature 5th-level Succubus feature

You reduce all lightning and fire damage taken by an A Succubus charms countless souls throughout her
amount equal to your succubus level. existence, and none of them are ever worth a second
thought to the fiend, they are morsels ready to be consumed
Deadly Sin and discarded. Rarely however, the Succubus will find
a soul worthy of notice. To this mortal, the Succubus
3rd-level Succubus feature
can grant a Profane Gift; a blessing that signifies a bond
Immoral acts define your kind and shackle you to your between the fiend and the mortal which joins the two in
fiendish form. Choose the nature of the sin which has an unholy union, not too dissimilar from a warlock and a
swayed your wicked soul: Pride, Lust, Vanity, or Wrath; all patron. 
detailed at the end of the class description. 
As part of a long rest, you can bestow upon a willing
Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 3rd creature your dark gift through the course of a private
level and again at 6th, 9th, and 14th level. These include a ceremony. The activities performed to achieve this
list of spells - your sin spells - that you gain at the Succubus ceremony can range from hardcore sexual acts, to intimate
levels noted at the beginning of the Sin’s description. Once massages, platonic deep conversations, to even simple yet
you gain a sin spell, you can cast that spell once a day. meaningful acts of kindness that would leave the target
These spells are Succubus spells for you.  creature captivated by you. At the end of the long rest, the
creature becomes enthralled by you and is considered
Ability Score Improvement Bewitched for the next 24 hours or until the creature takes
another long rest; whichever happens first. The mortal and
4th-level Succubus feature the fiend must continue their nightly escapades in order to
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and continue the effect.  
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.

You and the creature Bewitched by you gain the following
13th-level Succubus feature
• The Bewitched creature can choose an attribute score
of their choice. That attribute has its current and You gain the magical ability to communicate mentally
maximum score increased by 2.  with another creature within 60 feet of you. The creature
need not share a language with you but must be able to
• The Bewitched creature is considered charmed by you,
understand at least one language. Unless the creature also
and is otherwise immune to the charm effect when it
has the ability to communicate telepathically, they can’t
originates from other creatures. 
terminate the conversation. 
• You and the Bewitched creature can communicate
You do not need to see the creature in order to telepathically
telepathically across any distance, including through
communicate with them, though the communication breaks
planes of existence. 
automatically as soon as you are separated for more than
• You can use the help action as a bonus action when 60 feet. The communication is also broken if either you or
targeting a creature that is Bewitched by you. This help the target creature enters the area of an antimagic field or
action has its range increased to 30 feet.  any other location where magic doesn’t function. 

In addition, you can use your influence upon the Bewitched Fiendish Resistance III
creature in order to gain a momentary spurt of control
when the need is great. You can forgo your action during 17th-level Succubus feature
your turn in order to command your enthralled pet to You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
protect you. The Bewitched creature can immediately use damage from nommagical attacks. 
its reaction to move up to half its speed and make either
one weapon attack or a single-target spell attack against Truesight
a target creature of your choice. The attack is done with
advantage if the target creature dealt damage to you since 18th-level Succubus feature
your last turn. You can activate this ability an amount of
You can see things for how they really are out of a range
times a day equal to your proficiency modifier. 
of 60 feet. Within this range, you can see in normal and
You can only have one creature Bewitched at a time.  magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects,
automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving
Demonic Translocation throws against them, and perceive the original form of a
shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic.
7th-level Succubus feature Furthermore, you can see into the Ethereal Plane within 60
As an action, you can teleport to a location within 120 feet of you. 
feet of you that you can see. You can activate this feature a
number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. 
Fiendish Resistance IV
20th-level Succubus feature
Starting from 10th level, you can replace a usage of your
Demonic Translocation ability in order to move into the Your fiendish body is a powerful vessel to behold. 
Ethereal Plane as per the Etherealness spell; except that
it only lasts for 1 round. You may expend further uses of Your AC increases by 2 and you reduce all acid damage
this feature in order to extend the duration for additional taken by an amount equal to your succubus level. In
rounds.  addition, you can now use your flying speed even if you are
wearing medium armor. 
Starting from 13th level, you can expend 5 uses of your
Demonic Translocation in order to cast the spell Teleport.  You can cast the spell Hellish Rebuke at will. You gain an
extra two reactions every round to use exclusively for this
Fiendish Resistance II spell. 

10th-level Succubus feature

The unholy blood coursing through your body makes you

resistant to poison damage, and you roll saving throws
against poison with advantage.  

Further you reduce all cold damage taken by an amount

equal to your succubus level. 

Deadly Sins Savage Insults
3rd-level Pride Succubus feature
Sin defines the life of a Succubus, whether it is because
they indulge in its forbidden fruit or because they strife You learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip, and it becomes a
to run from its ever reaching grasp. Succubi feel these Succubus cantrip for you. 
temptations stronger than most other creatures and many Further, your Vicious Mockery cantrip becomes
struggle to contain their urge to misbehave. Each and every empowered. Whenever you roll damage for this spell, you
Succubi suffers from its own weakness as they all feel instead roll twice as many damage dice. Moreover, you add
pulled towards different sins. your Charisma modifier to the damage roll. 
Pride Maximized Spells
Your perfect fiendish body stands high above the masses. 6th-level Pride Succubus feature
The lesser fiends that fought against you never stood a Whenever you cast a Succubus spell of 5th level or lower,
chance, and you made sure to tell them so; before you you can cast it at the highest possible spell level you have
incinerated their pathetic hides.  access to; up to a maximum of 5th level. For instance,
Rarely do succubi suffer from pride, unless there is good whenever an 8th level Succubus casts a Succubus spell of
reason to do so. And with such powerful magic, how could 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level; she can choose to cast it instead at
they keep their ego in check. These snobby ladies ridicule 4th level. 
their targets before they burn them to bits. Nobody touches
these fair maidens for no one is ever good enough for them,
Untouchable Body
9th-level Pride Succubus feature
and those that try never see the light of day. 
You can turn your magic into a shield meant to protect your
Pride Sin Spells precious form. Whenever you take damage, you can spend
Succubus Level Spell a reaction and sacrifice the usage of one of your Succubus
3rd Scorching Ray spells in order to reduce that damage by 20. 
5th Fireball
Elemental Bane Overchannel
14th-level Pride Succubus feature
9th Immolation
The absolute belief in the superiority of your being,
increases the power of your magic. When you cast a
Succubus spell of 1st through 5th level that deals damage,
you can deal maximum damage with that spell. 

The first time you do so, you suffer no adverse effect. If

you use this feature again before you finish a long rest,
you take 2d12 necrotic damage for each level of the spell,
immediately after you cast it. Each time you use this feature
again before finishing a long rest, the necrotic damage
per spell level increases by 1d12. This damage ignores
resistance and immunity. 

Do Not Be Cringe
I have given you the tools to play a proper succubus, without
any restriction or censor. It is however extremely important
to note that not everyone wants to play in an adventure where
sexual themes are constant, especially when they get in the way
of the actual plot. I recommend only doing things that suggest
sexuality, rather than literally describing sexual actions. I am a
big proponent of giving DMs and players as many options as
possible, and letting them curate it as it fits their table. 
Make sure everyone at your table is okay with you playing such
a class and, for the love of god, don’t make things weird. Please
do not make me regret this. You do not want to appear on
CritCrab’s youtube channel. 

Lust Expanded Magic
3rd-level Lust Succubus feature
Pleasure, ecstasy, and decadence; the sweet nectars of life.
Allow them to wash away their fears and lay their weary You learn 2 cantrips of your choice from the Sorcerer or
souls upon your lap. They shall look upon your eyes and do Warlock spell list. 
as you say. It’s already too late, they are yours to command.
Starting from this level, whenever you are made to pick a
You shall never take a no for an answer. 
spell from the sorcerer spell list as per your spellcasting
The most common of all the vices for these fiendish feature, you may choose to pick it from either the sorcerer
creatures of desire. These sinful girls enthrall their targets or warlock spell list. These are Succubus spells for you. 
with their feminine guiles, distracting them from the
dangers that lie underneath. Not even other fiends can Aggressive Tease
resist them, and all shall fear their kiss of doom.  3rd-level Lust Succubus feature

Lust Sin Spells You seem to have the uncanny ability to always find yourself
in revealing positions in the midst of combat, just in the
Succubus Level Spell
right angles to distract your opponents. Whenever an
3rd Detect Thoughts enemy creature that can see you makes an attack roll, you
Summon Lesser Demon can spend your reaction in order to force them to reroll the
7th Charm Monster attack. The creature must then use the new roll. You must
Dominate Person activate this feature before the results of the attack are

You can activate this feature an amount of times equal to

your proficiency modifier, and you regain all uses back on a
short rest. 

Enticed Summons
6th-level Lust Succubus feature

Conjured fiends that you summon using a Succubus spell

cannot attack you or your allies unless you attack them
first; and whenever such a spell has the fiend do a saving
throw in order to resist your control over it, that fiend does
the saving throw with disadvantage. In addition, fiends you
have conjured deal extra damage with their weapon attacks
equal to your proficiency modifier for as long as you are
within 60 feet of it. 

Persuasion checks you make against fiends are done with


Sultry Rest
6th-level Lust Succubus feature

You can recover a portion of your power by reveling in

your sin. Once per day during a short rest, you can choose
to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. These can range from
reading erotica, to having sexual activities, to fantasizing
about future or past endeavors. When you do so, you can
choose three different expended Succubus spells of 5th
level or lower. You regain the ability to cast those spells one
more time today. 

Seductive Eyes
9th-level Lust Succubus feature

Whenever you target one or more enemy creatures with a

spell from the enchantment school, you can choose to target
one additional creature. 

In addition, Succubus spells from the enchantment school
you cast are casted without somatic or verbal components;
provided that the target can see you and you can see them.  Three hours straight applying makeup, two more to style
the hair, a hundred coins spent for a spray of the sweetest
Kiss of Death perfume, and a hundred more for the touch of lace on
14th-level Lust Succubus feature the perfect dress. They shall all stare at her in disbelief,
You can funnel your demonic energies into one powerful beauty that blinds the gods. Her voice is silk, her combat
Draining Kiss with the intent of blasting your target with all form… impeccable, even her posture is excellent. The craft?
the potency you can muster. Once a day if you successfully Perfection.
deal damage with your Draining Kiss racial feature, you can When you are given ultimate beauty, it takes exceptional
force the target to succeed on a Charisma saving throw or care not to rebel in the admiration. These gals perfect the
take an additional 14d8 points of necrotic damage.  use of the whip to form an elegant battle style that is in
If the creature is a mortal humanoid and is killed by the itself, enthralling to behold. A beautiful dance of death that
necrotic damage, you may have it rise at the start of your combines dancing and impressive acrobatics feats. 
next turn as a Vampire Spawn. The vampire maintains the Vanity Sin Spells
same alignment it had in life and it is under no compulsion
Succubus Level Spell
to obey you, but it is nonetheless charmed by you for 1
3rd Mirror Image
year. If the vampire spawn survives for the full year, whilst
feeding on the blood of the innocent, then it achieves a 5th
Elemental Weapon
transformation into a true Vampire at the end of the year. 7th Freedom of Movement
Otherwise, its body simply turns to dust upon death and its 9th
Animate Objects
soul passes on to the afterlife. 
Exotic Combat
For as long as you have a Vampire Spawn charmed, you 3rd-level Vanity Succubus feature
cannot raise another one. 
You become proficient with the long whip, a special
variation of the whip characterized by its exorbitantly long
length and its ability to include deadly attachments. The
long whip functions similarly to the traditional whip except
that its range is 15 feet, and any attack made with it at a
range of 5 to 10 feet is done at disadvantage. 

You may choose to attach a weapon with the light property

to the tip of the long whip. If you do, then whenever you
do damage with the long whip, you roll damage as if you
had hit the enemy with the attached weapon instead. You
may attach up to 3 different weapons this way onto the
long whip, but you can only do damage with one of those
weapons per attack. You can choose which weapon to do
damage with whenever you hit with a long whip attack. 
As a bonus action, you may attempt a Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check contested against a target enemy’s Wisdom (Insight)
or Wisdom (Perception), their choice. If you succeed, you
can move without causing an attack of opportunity against
that creature. 

You can perform grapple checks using your long whip at a

range. Creatures grappled by your long whip can still move,
so long as they move closer to you. 

Sweet Spot
3rd-level Vanity Succubus feature

Through practice, great effort, and impeccable timing; your

long whip strikes tear through your enemies’ flesh. Your
long whip attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage whenever you
attack at a range of 15 feet. This damage increases as you
gain levels in this subclass, as shown on the Sweet Spot
Damage table. 

The movements necessary for you to attack with your long
whips are a marvel to behold, as your whip performs a
dance of death around you. Unfortunately for you however,
you require ample space in order to perform. You do
not gain your Sweet Spot extra damage if you have any
obstacles or creatures within 5 feet of you when you make
the attack. An obstacle to you is any furniture, wall, or solid
structure with a height of 2 feet or more. You also cannot
perform the necessary lashes to obtain the Sweet Spot
while you are flying. 

Finessed Slap
6th-level Vanity Succubus feature

Your ability to control the long whip is exceptional, and now

it functions as an extension of your very being. As an action,
you can grab non-fragile objects from up to 15 feet away
using the whip, do simple interactions with those objects,
and even bring those objects over to you. For instance,
through this feature you can activate levers using your whip,
grab and open doors that open inwards, lasso and fetch
simple objects, and even grapple onto a branch in order to
swing over a chasm. 

In addition, you may spend a reaction whenever you fall

in order to grapple onto a stable object using your whip;
potentially allowing you to hang safely instead of falling. 

Superior Skill
9th-level Vanity Succubus feature
Slaves to her whim, tools to abuse, victims to exploit. Her
As a bonus action, you can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics)
army of love starved sycophants dance to her tune, they
check against a DC 20. If you succeed, then any attack you
throw themselves at her enemies without knowing that they
make with the long whip this round receives the Sweet
never mattered to her in the slightest.
Spot damage bonus even if there are creatures or obstacles
within 5 feet of you or even if you are flying; so long as you A succubi that has fallen to rage and fury is the most
are not squeezing on a small hallway.  dangerous of all. These focused assassins learn the martial
arts of the blade and the bow to slaughter her enemies with
Master of the Scourge deadly precision. Using their charms and looks, they seduce
14th-level Vanity Succubus feature and trick anyone they need to; in order to get their blade in
Your whip flourish is a marvel to behold. The range of your the throat of the undeserving. 
long whip increases to 20 feet, and the range for your Sweet
Wrath Sin Spells
Spot increases to encompass 15-20 feet. 
Succubus Level Spell
While in active combat using your long whip, you become a 3rd Blur
whirlwind of death. Once per turn when an enemy creature 5th Nondetection
moves within 5 feet of you, that creature takes damage 7th
Greater Invisibility
equal to your proficiency modifier. Moreover, your flourish
9th Steel Wind Strike
can deflect incoming missiles coming at you. You can use
your reaction to block a ranged weapon attack that hits you. Focused Slaying
When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is 3rd-level Wrath Succubus feature
reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Succubus
level.  You become proficient with all martial weapons and with
disguise tools (if you are not proficient already).
Sweet Spot Damage
Starting from this level, whenever you are made to pick a
Succubus Level Damage
spell from the sorcerer spell list as per your spellcasting
3rd 2d6 feature, you may choose to pick it from either the sorcerer
6th 3d6 or the ranger spell list. These are Succubus spells for you.
9th 4d6
12th 5d6
15th 6d6
18th 7d6

Femme Fatale
3rd-level Wrath Succubus feature

Your magic is a key to your opponent’s heart, in more

ways than one. Whenever you charm a creature; you
automatically learn any immunities, resistances, or
vulnerabilities it might have. In addition, successful melee
weapon attacks against creatures charmed by you are
automatic critical hits. 

Moreover you gain the ability to inject sudden unnerving

images into your opponent’s brain whenever you strike
them, from gruesome pictures of their future death to
lustful portrayals of you and their significant others. These
images wreak havoc on the creature’s mind and distract
them from combat. Whenever you deal damage to an enemy
creature using a weapon attack, you may choose to add an
extra 2d6 points of psychic damage to the attack. When
you do, the creature is then forced to pass a Wisdom saving
throw or get disadvantage on all attacks and ability checks
made until the end of their next turn. You can activate this
ability once per short rest. You gain an extra usage of this
ability per short rest at level 6, and a third one at level 14. 

Extra Attack
6th-level Wrath Succubus feature

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take

the attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one
of your Succubus cantrips in place of one of those attacks. 

Useful Toys
9th-level Wrath Succubus feature

You are more effective fighting alongside your charmed

subjects, since those subjects appear to be willing to
sacrifice themselves for you. Whenever you are about to
take damage from a creature’s weapon attack or from a
spell attack that only targets you; you may spend a reaction
in order to force a creature within 5 feet of you, and that is
also charmed by you, to take the damage instead of you. 

14th-level Wrath Succubus feature

You can add your Charisma modifier to the damage of your

weapon attacks when attacking humanoids, fiends, and

A ghost is the spectral soul of an intelligent being which
suffered a highly emotional death, and has found itself
subsequently not being able to pass on to the afterlife.
These creatures roam places that were important to them
in life, oftentimes blaming the living for their distress and
lashing out against those that stray too close.

A Transitory Existence 
Ghosts resemble the physical form they had in life but
exist partially in both the material and the ethereal realm.
They appear translucent to the eye and semi-present to the
touch. In their natural state, most objects will pass right
through them; causing their form to flicker and partially
dematerialize. With practice and concentration, a ghost can
interact with objects and even use tools or weapons; though
most resort to using their supernatural abilities rather than
their own spectral hands. 

Healing magic has no effect on the ghost, which now

resides separated from the conduits of life. In fact, many
ghosts find themselves harmed by magic which intends
to heal the living. Spells like Life Transference are the
exception, which seek to transfer vitality from one source to
another. These are the lifeblood of the undead which rely on
sapping the strength of others to further their own. 

Unfinished Business
Ghosts cannot be permanently destroyed unless that which
binds them to this world has been resolved. Regardless of
how many times a ghost is defeated, it will materialize again
and again until it is ready to move on to the afterlife. The
unfinished business of a ghost can be as simple as solving
a puzzle which confounded them in life, to as complex as
having revenge on an entire civilization. 

A ghost will seek to complete its desired goal above all

else and might seek assistance from mysterious creatures,
dangerous magics, or even other undead to achieve it.
Once the unfinished business is revolved, the ghost feels an
incomprehensible sense of relief which grants it the peace it
needs to pass on. 

The Ghost
Proficiency Supernatural
Level Bonus Features Manifestations Ghostly Curses
Withering Touch, Supernatural
1st +2 1 —
Manifestations, Weakening Curse
2nd +2 Master of Darkness — —
3rd +2 Minor Possession — 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement — —
5th +3 Power Over Fear 2 —
6th +3 Jump Scare, Spectral Evasion — —
7th +3 — — 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement — —
9th +4 Major Possession 3 —
10th +4 Horrifying Visage — —
11th +4 Grand Manifestation — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement — —
13th +5 Life Sense 4 —
14th +5 Doom — —
15th +5 Grand Possession — 3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement — —
17th +6 Wraith Aura — —
18th +6 — — 4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement — —
20th +6 Dread-Lord — —

Ghostly Manifestations 
Varieties of Ghosts
Because of the extreme nature of the death of the creature There are many different kinds of ghosts, and they all share a
which is turned into a ghost, these undead creatures are wide and varied set of abilities; which is why we give them all
highly emotional and their feelings manifest around them in different names. The ghost itself is different from all of these,
but you can use these other undead as inspiration for naming the
ways that appear supernatural. A woman that drowned the kind of creature you are. 
night of their wedding, might appear as a dark bride which Specter. These are spirits of anger, who want nothing but
magically drips salt water wherever she floats.  An evil to be alive again. They lash out angrily at the living world,
witch that was burned alive might manifest as a skeleton killing everything within their grasp. They shun light and live
which freezes everything she touches, showcasing the cold in darkness. If you are driven by mindless anger, you could call
yourself a Specter. 
heart that withstood the flames; or perhaps it showcases an
Wraith. Living beings which toy with magic or dark forces to
aversion to the fire that killed her.  become immortal, oftentimes end as a spectral undead figure.
These are so suffused with dark energy, that they kill plants in
These manifestations are dependent on the psyche of their wake, animals run away from them, and fire quenches in
the individual and the nature and impact that their death their presence. If you made a dark pact to turn into a ghost, you
had on them. Most often, it is through these ghostly could call yourself a Wraith.
manifestations that adventurers can find the clues that will Banshee. Creatures cursed for their vanity, who used their living
lead them into figuring out what is keeping the ghost from beauty to corrupt or deceive. These creatures are hexed to an
afterlife devoid of pleasure. They hoard beautiful objects but
passing on. Bearing their emotions for all to see, the ghost
find no happiness in them. If you were magically cursed into this
cannot help but show everyone their inner demons and how ghostly existence, you could call yourself a Banshee.
they truly feel inside.  Shadow. Sometimes when a person is drained of all its vitality,
typically from another undead, and is left to die in a darkened
Haunted Demesne corner; the shadow of the dying person becomes sentient and
rises as an undead. These creatures absorb the life of others
The energy that keeps a ghost tethered to the world of which inevitably create more shadows. If you were drained by
the living, is a powerful form of emotional magic which is another undead, you could call yourself a Shadow.
usually focused on either a specific location or a specific
object. This location or object is considered desecrated
when detected by clerics or paladins, and functions as the
heart of the existence of the ghost. If broken or destroyed,
the tether between it and the ghost can be severed;
permanently banishing the undead into the beyond. 

Typically most ghosts will roam in and around this place You can use these examples to help you flesh out your
or object, afraid of what might happen if they leave it. death. 
Others venture outwards in search for a solution to their
wails, concealing their haunts or even coercing others to D12 Death
protect it. Holy men who seek to banish the ghost, will seek 1 A cold blade pierced your heart and killed you. When it
the haunt knowing full well that the ghost’s supernatural happened…you felt nothing. 
manifestations are always at their strongest at the very core 2 You started coughing after a meal. After a few minutes of
of their lair.  confusion, you became numb and died on the spot. You were
3 You drowned. You felt fear as all you could see slowly turned to
Creating a Ghost darkness.
4 A mysterious illness came upon you. When you fell asleep that
The ghost is an entity that has been physically cut off from night, you never woke up.
the world of the living, yet constantly tempted to emotionally 5 You do not remember how you died. The last thing you remember
partake in it. Think about how your character feels about is waking up as a ghost. 
not being able to enjoy the warmth of a summer’s day, or the 6 You were burned alive. You felt the intense excruciating pain for
cold refreshing taste of spring water. Most undead retreat minutes before you died.
into the dark crevices of their dungeons to wallow in their 7 You committed suicide. 
despair, but you will be constantly enticed to roam cities
8 A beautiful voice whispered in your ear to jump right into the
and traverse valleys in a world that no longer welcomes you. gorge…and you did. 
Are you jealous of the living? Do you wish to reincarnate?
9 You helplessly bled out for over 20 minutes, slowly awaiting and
Or do you seek to finish your business and move on as embracing your death.
quickly as possible? These decisions will form and shape
10 You died of old age; surrounded by family, friends, and someone
the personality of your ghost.  you did not recognize. 
More so than probably any other class, the ghost relies 11 You fell in darkness, devoured by unspeakable creatures which
you dare not remember. 
heavily on a strong backstory to form the basis for the type
of character you will be playing. To distinguish your ghost 12 You were buried alive. You spend the last moments of your life
screaming until your voice gave out. 
even further, consider the options in the sections that follow. 

Type of Death Unfinished Business

A person’s death is arguably the most memorable Every ghost has a reason for existing, and they always
experience they will have in their lifetime, especially if your seek to accomplish that goal above all else. Think about
current existence relies heavily upon it. Your creation as what would satisfy your character enough to finally die
a ghost must be somehow tied up with the cause of your in peace. It is important that you set for yourself a quest
death, whether because of a magical influence, a divine or that is achievable, but not so easy as to have your task
evil force, or the sheer raw emotion you felt as you perished. be completed before you truly get a chance to enjoy
Ghosts are meant to be rare, and only through special the adventure! Remember that once you complete your
circumstances can they be created. Make sure your death is unfinished business you are meant to pass on into the
memorable and important in your backstory. This moment afterlife.
in time has locked you away from your previous life and
should be meaningful to you. 

Are you seething in anger over something that happened D12 Haunt
to you before or after your death? Perhaps you were happy
1 You haunt the house you grew up in. You have kept everything
in heaven but felt you were needed in the world below, or inside intact in spite of the ever increasing degradation. 
perhaps you were forced. Feel free to use the options below
2 You protect and haunt a precious gift, an object which symbolizes
to inspire yourself into coming up with a great way for your a promise you made. 
character to participate in the story. Make sure to work with
3 You haunt the tree that rests atop your unmarked grave. The
your DM to make your great quest possible.  forest around it has now become your home. 
4 You haunt the weapon that was used to kill you, which now holds
D12 Unfinished Business most of your spectral essence within it. 
1 Revenge. A person has committed an egregious wrong upon you,
5 The cold tip of a mountain used to be your place of solace and
a deed of such vile that you refuse to pass on until you set the
meditation. Now you haunt it.
score straight. 
6 You made an oath to protect the sacred scrolls of your order, that
2 Love. You died protecting a cherished lover, or a dear friend; you
covenant has tethered you to the texts you now haunt. 
will do whatever it takes to save them…even coming back from
the dead.  7 Your best memories in life are from times you spend at a lake
close to home. You feel a protective instinct towards it and haunt
3 Knowledge. You spent your life searching for a higher truth, but
right before you could reach it; your light was snuffed. You refuse
to pass until you find your answers.  8 Your body was never properly buried, and now you haunt your
4 Redemption. You made mistakes in life which you didn’t have the
time to atone for. Now you seek to right the wrongs in undeath.  9 You haunt an abandoned church dedicated to a god you used to
serve in life. 
5 Duty. The kingdom you served has fallen to war. The king has
ordered all abled men of age to raise a sword in its defense. 10 You inherited a family heirloom which has been passed down for
Somehow, you answered.  generations. Without an heir to pass it to, you now haunt it. 
6 Greed. You were a powerful and wealthy prince in life, and were 11 Your town was raided by monsters or bandits, and now you haunt
buried with your riches upon death. Grave robbers plundered its streets always looking for survivors that are never there. 
your tomb, and you won’t rest until you get it all back.  12 You fell victim to a devious magical trap, and now haunt the trap
7 Oath. You made a promise in life that you could not fulfill. Death warning others of its power.
will not stop you until you complete it.  If you seek further inspiration for objects you could haunt,
8 Protection. You were designated as the guardian of a very you can roll on the trinkets table in the Player’s Handbook
important individual. Without you, they shall surely die. You have pg.160. 
come back to save them.
9 Fear. The great beyond scares you beyond understanding, so Quick Build
you have spent centuries hiding in the living world until you can
overcome your fear.  You can make a ghost quickly by following these
10 Peace. Your grave has been disturbed by chaos and mayhem. You suggestions. First, make Charisma your highest ability
have raised from the tomb as a spirit, to bring peace once again to score. Your next-highest score should be between Strength
the area; so you can sleep once again.  or Dexterity, depending on whether you want to be able
11 Destiny. You are the spirit of a great hero summoned from the to carry physical weapons or on increasing your AC (Your
beyond by powerful clerics. You are conjured and bound to slay armor class is 10 + your Dexterity modifier). Second,
the villain before you can go back. choose the hermit or sage background. 
12 Betrayal. Someone very close to you purposefully caused your
death, you must find out why before you can rest. 
Class Features
As a Ghost you get the following features:
Ghosts always have a keepsake, location, or magical bauble
Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores each increase
that tethers their spectral essence into the realm of the by 1. 
living. It is through this artifact or place of power that the
Age. Your undead form has transcended the shackles of
ghost can manifest and influence the material world. Some mortal life. You don’t age. 
ghosts carry this object with them, protecting it at all costs; Alignment. Ghosts share the alignment that they had while
while others haunt the last vestiges of that which gave them alive, but oftentimes lose respect for the sanctity of life.
hope or happiness in life.  These ghosts are no longer swayed from killing if it serves
their goals or ideals, and occasionally fail to understand the
Think about either a location or an object that matters the fear that living beings have over death. 
most to you, what is the thing that you would have the most Size. Your ghostly body is the same size as the one you
emotional attachment to. That which keeps you grounded possessed in life. Since you reside between the material
is also what can destroy you, and you know this. Perhaps it realm and the ethereal plane, your body is weightless. 
is your daughter’s favorite toy, or perhaps it is the skeletal Speed. You levitate in the air at a speed of 25 feet to a
remains of your dog; your only companion in life. The thing maximum height of 30 feet. The Ghost can “hover” over
chasms and pits as if jumping, so long as they are always
you haunt must have been very important to you in life. Feel within 30 feet of a surface. Ghosts can levitate up and
free to use these examples below to inspire you.  effectively climb vertical surfaces.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
Petrification and one extra language of your choice. Ghosts speak the
languages they used to speak when they were alive, and
Ghosts are not immune to petrification. A ghost
seldom learn new languages when they enter undeath. 
that becomes petrified becomes stone and
collapses, shattering on the floor; which produces Hit points
an instant death. This does not stop the ghost from
rejuvenating at midnight.  Hit Dice: 1d1 (1). Whenever a feature or event asks for a
Hit Dice from the Ghost, the roll is a 1.
Hit Points At First Level: 3 + your Charisma modifier
Undead Nature. You don’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
You are immune to the conditions: charmed, exhaustion, Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d1 (1) + your Charisma
frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone, and restrained.
You have resistance to the damage types: acid, cold, fire, modifier per Ghost level after the 1st.
lightning, necrotic, poison, thunder; and bludgeoning, Proficiencies
piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons. Your
creature type is Undead. Armor: None
Darkvision. The negative energies that flow into your Weapons: All simple weapons
undead body grant you the ability to see in the darkness. Tools: None
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma  
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Stealth, Arcana,
Ephemeral Body. Since you do not possess a physical History, Religion, and Intimidation
body, you have no constitution score. Ghosts use their
Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when Equipment
calculating hit points, doing Constitution saving throws, and
any special ability that relies on Constitution. Ghosts are You don’t start with equipment. Instead you get a starting
not healed by mundane or magical healing effects, including wealth of 4d4 x 10 gold pieces (or the average of 100 gold
spells like Cure Wounds or healing potions. Ghosts cannot pieces). This wealth must be spent on items which used
actively take short or long rests. Instead, the Ghost obtains
the benefits of a long rest exactly at midnight. Features to belong to you when you were alive. These items are
which require a short or long rest to work, for example like special to you and you share a deep emotional bond with
attunement, function exactly at midnight for the Ghost. them. You may choose to have these objects deposited at
Because you only partially exist in the material realm, your the center of your haunt, or you may carry them in spectral
hold over physical objects is tenuous at best. Your strength form alongside you. If you choose to carry these items with
score is reduced by -10 to a minimum of 1. You are immune
to abilities or magics which reduce or increase your you, they dematerialize alongside you when you die and re-
Strength score from outside of this class. Finally, you gain materialize with you when you rejuvenate. 
no benefits from wearing armor.
Incorporeal Movement. You can move through other Haunt
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain,
however passing through certain materials is taxing to your You cannot pass on to the afterlife and instead, are forced
form. You take 1d10 (5) force damage for every 1 foot of to wander the world in hopes of completing the unfinished
stone, 1 inch of common metal, or 3 feet of wood or dirt business that ties you to the mortal realm. The reason
you pass through; even if you only move a part of your body why you have stayed is important and dependent on your
through it. Further, you cannot pass through any form of backstory, but the force that actually maintains your
lead, any magically enchanted surface, or running water.
You can however pass through still and calm water. For incorporeal form is your Haunt. A Haunt can be either a
the purposes of this racial feature, a magically enchanted location or an object of vital importance to you. Something
surface can be any wall, chest, door, clothing, or any object that you valued in life, had a hand in your death, or in some
in general which has a spell or enchantment active on it. In way shaped the creature you used to be. Your presence is
addition, you take 1d10 (5) force damage if you end your tied to this location or object. 
turn inside a solid object. Your incorporeal movement racial
feature requires great effort and concentration, and cannot If your Haunt takes on the form of a location, it can be as
be used as a reaction; nor can it be used to move through
any kind of fast moving surface or object (for example a large as a house or as small as a tree. It can take on the
sword strike, a flying arrow, a swinging scythe trap, or a form of a free standing structure like a playground or a well.
boulder rolling down towards you). Ghosts are immune to If the structure is ever destroyed, then you die permanently.
falling damage.
Ethereal Sight. You can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane.  If your Haunt takes on the form of an object, the object
Rejuvenation. When a Ghost goes down to 0 hit points, cannot be moved by you unless it is moved by another
it automatically dies without the ability to do death saving creature; you then feel an incomprehensible urge to kill
throws. On the next midnight, the Ghost reconstitutes its that creature and put the object back where it was. If the
spectral body at any location within half a mile of its Haunt object is ever taken farther than half a mile from its original
at full hit points. Non-attuned items in your possession drop location, then you die permanently and the object crumbles
onto the floor when you dematerialize upon death. Items
selected at character creation under the Equipment section to dust. The physical location of your Haunt, or the place
further down, alongside any attuned items, dematerialize where your haunted object rests; is defined as the center of
with you upon death and are re-materialized with you upon your Haunt. 

You can travel as far away from your Haunt as you want as
long as you stay within a plane of existence that borders
Weakening Curse
the ethereal. This means that you can travel to the Inner 1st-level Ghost feature
Planes but not to the Upper planes or the Astral Plane. You
can circumvent this by picking the Soul Bind Supernatural As an action, you can weaken a creature that you can see
Manifestation which allows for you to carry your Haunt with within 60 feet of you. The creature must do a Wisdom
you.  saving throw or become cursed by you for 1 minute. There
are three different forms the Weakening Curse can take,
If a creature uses the spell Banishment while touching and you must pick one as the ability is used:
or holding the center of your Haunt, and you fail on your
Charisma saving throw; you and your haunt become • The target creature’s AC goes down by 2. 
exorcized and you die permanently. Spells which can
• The target creature gets a -2 to all attacks they
produce similar effects which are of the same spell level or
higher can also accomplish this goal, like for example the
spell Dispel Evil and Good.  • Whenever the target creature deals weapon
damage, reduce that damage by 2. 
Withering Touch
You may use this feature multiple times against the same
1st-level Ghost feature enemy, and afflict them with two or more of the Weakening
You have the ability to destroy and absorb life with your Curse’s effect. You cannot however afflict an enemy with two
cold touch. You can make special unarmed strikes called instances of the same effect. 
Withering Touches which deal 1d6 + your Charisma
modifier instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an
Master of Darkness
unarmed strike.  2nd-level Ghost feature
Once a turn when you hit a creature with Withering Touch Your ghostly aura disturbs light sources, as they flicker and
who is cursed by you or is currently frightened of you, you dim in your presence. As an action you can turn off all small
may have that creature do a Constitution saving throw natural light sources within 30 feet of you. Candles are
or suffer from an instance of energy drain. In addition, snuffed, torches are smothered and windows are closed.
whenever you afflict a target with Energy Drain you may Bigger light sources like fire places, and protected sources
choose to spend a hit dice in order to heal. The healing like hooded lanterns or windows with stoppers are not
equals 1 + your Charisma modifier.  affected. Small magical lights are dimmed to half their
range for 1 minute. 
Energy Drain. The creature takes a cumulative -1 penalty
on all ability checks, saving throws, as well as to attack and While in complete darkness, creatures do saving throws
weapon damage rolls. The creature may do a Constitution against being cursed and against the frightened condition,
saving throw at the end of a long rest, removing the with disadvantage; as long as you are the source. In
penalties on a success. Lesser Restoration and similar addition, you gain advantage on Intimidation checks while
effects can also remove these penalties.  in the darkness or dim light. Further, your AC increases by
an amount equal to your proficiency modifier whenever you
Supernatural Manifestations are in darkness or dim light. 
1st-level Ghost feature
Minor Possession
The nature of your transformation into a spectral form has
3rd-level Ghost feature
imbued you with unique abilities which affects you and your
haunting location. These manifestations define what kind of You can target a humanoid within 5 feet of you that you
ghost you are and how you present to the living world.  can see, and attempt to enter its body and control them.
The creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or
At 1st level, you gain a Supernatural Manifestation of your
become possessed by you for 1 minute; you then disappear
choice. Your manifestation options are detailed at the end of
and the target becomes incapacitated and loses control
the class description. When you gain certain Ghost levels,
of its body. While you are inside the creature’s body, you
you gain additional manifestations of your choice, as shown
can’t be targeted by any attack, spell, or any other effect,
in the Manifestations Known column on the Ghost table. 
except ones that turn undead or those that specifically
Further, when you gain the ability to pick from the target possessed creatures. The possessed creature retains
Supernatural Manifestations; you can in addition choose awareness and struggles against your possession, limiting
one of the manifestations you already possess and replace it the control that you have over its body.
with another manifestation.

You have control over the creature’s body and may use any
ability within its stat sheet, with the exception that your
Power Over Fear
speed becomes 5 feet, you cannot hurt yourself or commit 5th-level Ghost feature
suicide, and you may not cast any spell. You further take
your turns at the possessed creature’s initiative order. The As your curses spread and your enemies flee, you become
target creature may do a Charisma saving throw at the end more powerful. As a bonus action, you can immediately
of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.  make a number of attacks against a single creature within
range with your Withering Touch. The number of attacks
A creature can be possessed willingly, or may become can be up to or equal to the number of creatures that you
willing mid-through an on-going possession. If that’s the can see within 120 feet of you that are cursed by you or are
case, then you gain full control over their bodies without currently frightened of you. 
any restriction; except that you still can’t cast any spells.
The effect no longer has a duration and lasts for as long as The total number of attacks that you can ever do in a single
you wish it to be or until the creature struggles once again; turn equals your proficiency modifier. 
at which point, they may do Charisma saving throws at the
end of their turns to attempt to end the effect as normal. Jump Scare
Whether or not the creature passes its Charisma saving 6th-level Ghost feature
throws, the effect can only ever last a maximum of 1 minute
whilst the creature is unwilling.  If you hit an enemy which is either surprised or had no
awareness of your presence prior to the attack (whether
In all events, the possession ends when either the creature because you were invisible or in stealth), with a melee
passes a Charisma saving throw, it reaches 0 hit points, you attack; that creature automatically becomes frightened of
are pushed out by a spell or effect, 1 minute has passed (if you until the end of its next turn. 
the creature is unwilling), or until you end it as an action
or bonus action. When the possession ends, you reappear Spectral Evasion
within 5 feet of the body. A target which has suffered from
your possession, or passes one of the associated Charisma 6th-level Ghost feature
saving throws; become immune to your possession feature
You can use the disengage and dodge actions as bonus
for 24 hours. 
You don’t gain any special access to a creature’s memories
or proficiencies when you possess them; you also retain Major Possession
your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores but use 9th-level Ghost feature
the creature’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. 
Your Minor Possession feature becomes improved. There’s
Creatures protected by spells such as Protection from Evil no longer a limit of time in which you can possess an
and Good or Magic Circle cannot be possessed by you.  unwilling creature and those creatures do Charisma saving
You may attempt a possession only once a day. While throws at the end of every hour instead of at the end of each
possessing a creature, you can’t use any Ghost features of their turns. 
other than this one. While possessing unwilling creatures, your speed is no
longer restricted and you can take suicidal actions. 
Ghostly Curses
You can now target beasts with your possessions.
3rd-level Ghost feature

Undeath has granted you the power to produce great and Horrifying Visage
powerful curses to afflict your enemies.  10th-level Ghost feature
You gain a Ghostly Curse of your choice. Your curse options As an action, you may perform a spectral screech and
are detailed at the end of the class description. When you showcase the true terror of your being. Each non-undead
gain certain Ghost levels, you gain additional curses of creature within 60 feet of you that can see you must
your choice, as shown in the Curses Known column on the succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or drop whatever it is
Ghost table.  holding and become frightened of you for 1 minute. If the
save fails by 5 or more, the target also ages 1d4 x 10 years.
Ability Score Improvement A frightened target that loses line of sight of you can repeat
4th-level Ghost feature the saving throw at the end of each of its turns ending the
frightened condition on itself on a success. If the target’s
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice becomes immune to your Horrifying Visage forever. 
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.

When frightened by this feature, a creature must take the You can only target a creature that is within 30 feet of you
dash action and move away from you by the safest available and currently frightened of you. The creature must do
route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. a Wisdom saving throw or immediately gain 3 points of
exhaustion, and become afflicted by the Curse of Doom. A
You can use this feature an amount of times a day equal to creature affected by this curse must do Constitution saving
your proficiency modifier.  throws at the end of each of their turns or risk becoming
The aging effect can be reversed with a Greater Restoration further damaged by the curse. For every failed saving
spell, but only if used within 24 hours of it occurring.  throw, the creature gains another point of exhaustion. If the
creature successfully saves three times then the curse ends.
Grand Manifestation The successes need not be consecutive. 

11th-level Ghost feature You can use this feature as an action or a bonus action; but
only once a day. Undead and constructs are immune to this
The Grand Manifestation represents the culmination of you curse. 
absorbing and hoarding spiritual energy throughout your
unearthly journey. This energy can be used as a catalyst for Grand Possession 
a radical change in your abilities, or even your form. You
can pick one option from the Grand Manifestations list at 15th-level Ghost feature
the end of this class features.  You can now target any creature with your possessions. Not
just humanoids or beasts. 
Life Sense
13th-level Ghost feature Wraith Aura
You can sense the life force of living creatures within 1 mile 17th-level Ghost feature
of you. Through this ability, you can not only tell how many You, as well as any undead within 30 feet of you, gain a
living creatures there are in the area but also the veracity bonus to damage done with melee attacks equal to your
of their life force. Powerful creatures overwhelm your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). A creature can benefit
senses while weaker ones barely register as mere blips in from this feature from only one Ghost at a time. 
your consciousness. You cannot sense undead through this
feature.  Dread-Lord
Mechanically, the more Hit Dice a creature has, the 20th-level Ghost feature
more powerful its essence registers to you. Though you
don’t know exactly how many Hit Dice a creature exactly As an action, you can empower your Wraith Aura for 1
possesses, you can compare creatures against yourself or minute. The aura smothers any bright light in a 30 foot
your allies. So you know if a creature possesses more Hit radius around you to darkness. Whenever an enemy that is
Dice than you for example.  Frightened of you starts its turn in the aura, it takes 4d10
psychic damage. Additionally, you and any creatures you
Because of how much focus you are required to maintain choose in the aura are draped in deeper shadow. Creatures
during combat, your ability to become aware of the location that rely on sight have disadvantage on attack rolls against
of any hidden or invisible creatures during combat becomes the creatures draped in this shadow. 
reduced to 30 feet around you. This effectively gives you
blindsight 30ft while in combat.  While this empowered aura lasts, when you use your Power
Over Fear feature you can have your Withering Touch
Doom appear from any point within the aura. 

14th-level Ghost feature You can only empower your Wrath Aura this way once a day. 

The Curse of Doom is the most powerful affliction in

your arsenal. It starts with a strong sense of impending
doom, which manifests as a hyper awareness of one’s
breathing, followed up by an inability to move, confusion,
and paranoia. As the curse moves through the body of the
creature, it envelops the heart which causes palpitations
which eventually turn into heart attacks. The creature
becomes incapacitated as further heart attacks leads to
powerful myocardial ruptures. Finally the creature’s heart

Liquids within 5 feet of you become automatically spoiled
Supernatural Manifestations and poisoned for 24 hours, unless it is in a closed container.
The beneficial properties of a manifestation are obtained In such a case, your ghostly touch upon the container
immediately upon its selection. However any changes made corrupts and poisons the liquid inside. This includes
to your spectral form and to your haunt happen gradually magical potions. A creature which drinks the liquid must
throughout the span of a few days.  succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d12
poison damage and become Poisoned for 24 hours. On a
Blight successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn’t
Your body appears rotten, with pustules growing throughout
your skin. Your hair has mostly fallen out and your skin tone Haunt: All sources of water and liquids of any kind kept
turns greenish.  within half a mile of the haunt become ruined and poisoned. 

Non-magical plants wither and die in your presence. Small Starting from 5th level, if your haunt’s range includes a lake,
plants you touch automatically decay while larger trees rot you can summon from it a single Water Weird which obeys
in 10 minutes of being in your presence.   all of your commands but can’t leave the lake. If the Water
Weird dies, it reconstitutes itself within 48 hours. The
Attacks you make against Plant monsters with your Water Weird shares your alignment.
Withering Touch ability are done with advantage. 
Haunt: All plants in a half-mile radius putrefy. Crops rot,
trees lose their leaves, and the land becomes infertile. Your eyes gain an otherworldly glow, and those who gaze
When the haunt ends, it takes 3 months for the land to into it can see it stretching to infinity. Sometimes you can
return to normal.  manifest eyes on different parts of your body which appear
Ruin Water
You can cast the spell Augury at will. 
Your body is constantly dripping and you leave ponds of
fouled water beneath you as you float. You can now pass
through running water. 

Haunt: The howling wind that passes through your haunt Haunt: Hair grows ten times as fast within half a mile of
whispers dark prophetic truths to those that dwell within. your haunt. This amounts to about an inch of hair growth
For every hour that a creature resides within half a mile per week. 
of your haunt, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the creature is
whispered by the winds of an event which would result Scare
in its or its allies’ death. For example if the characters
Your ghostly face is hideous and always seem to bring terror
are traversing through a gorge, the winds might tell the
to those who look upon it. You constantly feel the need to
character that jumping down would result in its death.
protect your face and hide it from others. 
The whispers are random and mostly inconsequential, but
always true.  You can cast the spell Cause Fear at will. 

Exhaust Haunt: The center of your haunt projects a frightening aura

as if under the effects of an Antipathy spell. This affects all
Your form appears drowsy and your eyes are always half creatures except constructs and the undead. 
closed. One half of your face sags lower than the other.

As an action you can target a creature you can see. The

creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or Your body is bloated and always on the verge of ripping. 
gain a point of exhaustion which lasts for 8 hours.
As an action, you can force a creature which fails a
Haunt: Long rests no longer remove points of exhaustion Constitution saving throw to eject all the air in their lungs.
within half a mile of your haunt.  A creature that cannot breathe underwater which runs
out of air, can survive an amount of rounds equal to their
Misfortune Constitution modifier; after which point they drop to 0 hit
Your spectral form shows multiple scars all across the body. points.
Your clothes are mangled and look stained.  You can cast the spell Hold Person once a day against a
As an action, you can force a creature you can see to do creature which is underwater. This spell is casted at a spell
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature does level equal to your proficiency modifier. For example, if your
all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws with proficiency modifier is 3 then you cast the spell at 3rd level. 
disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn. Further Haunt: Creatures find themselves constantly gasping for air,
if the creature takes the dash action before the beginning and cannot seem to be able to hold their breath within half
of your next turn, they trip and fall prone at the end of their a mile of your haunt. Abilities and magical effects which
turn. require breathing, exhaling, or any function which utilizes
Haunt: Creatures no longer gain any additional benefits the lungs do not work while within this range. This includes
from rolling a natural 20 over rolling any other number. Any draconic breath weapons, spells like water breathing,
exceptionally negative repercussions from rolling a natural musical instruments that require a creature to blow, or any
1 also extend to rolling a natural 2, 3, or 4. These bouts of such kind of activity. In addition, perception checks that rely
misfortune only happen within half a mile of your lair. In on smell are done so with disadvantage.
addition, halflings lose their Lucky and Brave racial features
while in the haunt’s range.   
Your voice becomes reassuring and soothing. Those who
Prehensile Hair listen to you speak, often find themselves losing themselves
Your hair is exceptionally long and almost appears to have a in your voice. Your humming is particularly melodic. 
life of its own.  As an action, you can target a creature within 30 feet of
You can cause your hair to grow up to 10 feet long or you that you can see. The creature must succeed on a
to shrink down to its normal length. Further you can Constitution saving throw or fall asleep for 10 minutes. The
manipulate your hair as if it were a limb, potentially using sleep can be interrupted if the creature takes any form of
it to hold objects as dexterously as your own hand. You damage or if someone uses an action to shake the sleeper
can separate your hair into a maximum of 4 different awake. 
independent limb-like clumps, however your entire head You can only target creatures that could feasibly fall asleep
of hair would be needed in order to make combat actions in whatever position and location they are currently at. For
against enemies using your hair. Whenever you are required example, a person could not fall asleep mid conversation,
to make an ability check or saving throw using your hair, or in the middle of combat, or while walking. However
you make all Strength checks using your Charisma instead.  a creature could fall asleep while resting their back on
Damage caused to your hair does not damage you, and a wall, while sitting in a chair reading a book, or while
any piece of your hair which is cut shrivels away into taking a bath. Drunk creatures do the saving throw with
nothingness.  disadvantage and fall asleep for 1 hour. 

In addition, you can cast the spell Sleep a number of times Nightmare
equal to your proficiency modifier. The spell is also casted
at a spell level equal to your proficiency modifier. For You don’t remember what you used to look like in life, and
example, a level 9 Ghost has a proficiency modifier of 4, you can’t seem to be able to see your reflection. To others,
which means it can cast the spell Sleep 4 times a day at 4th your face appears blurred or empty and devoid of features. 
Once a day, you can target a sleeping creature within 5 feet
Haunt: Creatures who sit or lay down for longer than 10 of you with the spell Dream. 
minutes anywhere within half a mile of your haunt, must
do a Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep. Creatures who Haunt: Creatures within half a mile of the haunt suffer
fall asleep in this way naturally wake up 1 hour later unless constant nightmares and do not gain benefits from long
roused. This effect can’t happen more than twice a day for rests. 
the same creature. Further, creatures who take a long rest
within half a mile of your haunt sleep for 14 hours instead
of the average 6 to 8 hours. In addition, when you cast the You constantly hear voices in your head that are not yours.
spell Sleep within this range; you roll twice the normal You find yourself often responding to questions that were
amount of dice when determining how many creatures you not asked, or addressing creatures nowhere to be seen.
can affect with the spell. 
You gain limited telepathy. You can magically communicate
Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t simple ideas, emotions, and images telepathically with
affected by this ability.  any creature within 100 feet of you that can understand
a language. In addition, as part of your telepathy, you can
Unnerve Beasts perfectly replicate a memory you have and have a creature
Your spectral teeth grow pointy, your hair fizzy, and your within 10 feet of you see it in perfect clarity with sound in
eyes look bestial and wild. You find yourself constantly their head.
cranky and irritable.  Haunt: Your haunt gains sentience which takes on the
Your presence is offensive to animals, which react to you form of a separate, yet familiar, version of yourself. The
with a combination of anger and fear. Beasts do their best personality of the haunt becomes a mirror reflection of
to stay away from you. Outside of combat they growl and the Ghost, sharing similar personality traits and ideals but
yap at you while maintaining a healthy distance.  with the opposite alignment. The sentience takes on the
same name as the Ghost and believes itself to be the real
During combat, aggressive beasts avoid you while focusing personality, and even though it refuses to hurt the Ghost
on your allies instead. Approaching a beast which has or its allies; it will do its best to convince them to do things
been affected by your presence causes it to lash out at you. in accordance to its alignment. The haunt gains the ability
Beasts within 5 feet of you will always attack you until you to communicate telepathically to any creature within half
move away, regardless of how docile or calm the beast is.  a mile of the center, and can produce minor effects across
its domain at will. These effects can take on the form of
Haunt: Beasts refuse to enter your haunt. If forced, they anything found within the spells Prestidigitation, Druidcraft,
grow aggressive and filled with malice. Animals which are Thaumaturgy, or Mold Earth. 
stuck inside of the haunt for longer than 24 hours change
alignment to Chaotic Evil and refuse to leave the haunt.  Profane Knowledge
Apparitions You gain proficiency in your choice between Arcana,
History, Nature, or Religion. You double your proficiency
Things around you are never what they appear to be, as modifier when doing checks using that skill. You may pick
you seem to always produce bizarre smells and sounds as this Supernatural Manifestation multiple times. 
you move. Your mouth becomes forced shut but sound still
appears to come out of it.  Detect Soul
You gain the Minor Illusion cantrip. You can cast the spell Undeath to you doesn’t quite feel so different than being
Silent Image at will.  alive. You feel hungry and become satisfied after eating
(even though food goes right through you), you feel tired at
Haunt: Creatures within half a mile of the haunt see and
night and revitalized after pretending to sleep (you close
hear visions of their past reflected upon the land. This could
your eyes but remain alert), and you feel lust and desire
take on the shape of reflections in the water, to shapes on
which is quenched after becoming intimate (even though
the leaves, to even voices and sounds in the wind. These
your ghostly body partially goes through other living
creatures become distracted and paranoid from looking
beings). Your ghostly body appears to have a need to satisfy
too deep in places where they shouldn’t and so have
bodily functions for reasons that defy your understanding. 
disadvantage on perception checks and take a -5 to passive

As an action, you may perform an Insight check against As an action, you can ward a creature you touch against
a DC which is equal to the number of Hit Dice a target damage. The warded creature gets a +2 to AC and a +2 to
creature has. If you succeed, you know the exact number all saving throws. The ward lasts until the creature takes
of Hit Points the creature currently has. You may use this damage or fails a saving throw. You can only have one
ability a number of times a day equal to your proficiency Spectral Ward active at a time. If you already have a ward
modifier.   active, that ward dissipates if you use the ability again. You
can’t use this ability on yourself. Spectral Ward does not
Haunt: The true soul of a creature is harder to mask while stack with Shield of Faith. 
within half a mile of your haunt. Evil creatures find it
difficult to hide their evil intentions, while good characters Haunt: The center of your haunt has the supernatural
feel more inclined to do good. Lying becomes difficult and ability of appearing mundane, even though magical and
unintuitive, and saying the truth comes easy even when it divine forms of identification. 
causes harm. While within half a mile of your haunt, Insight
checks meant to study a creature’s intentions or character Soul Bind
are done so with advantage. In addition, deception
You can bind yourself to an object by extracting a large
checks are made with disadvantage. You always know the
portion of your essence and implanting it onto the object.
alignment of a creature you see within half a mile of your
This special item becomes your Soul Bind and it grants
you a series of special effects which can be both helpful
Ascendant Levitation and detrimental to you. The ritual takes 8 hours and can
only be accomplished at the center of your haunt. After you
Your levitation speed increases to 40 feet and you can now have already done the ritual once, you may repeat the ritual
levitate up to a height of 300 feet.  in order to move your essence from one item to another,
without the need for the original haunt. You can only bind
Chilling Presence into one object at a time. 
Your body is constantly quivering and your teeth chitter all From now on when you die, you rejuvenate within 30 feet of
the time, yet you don’t feel cold. All the hair in your body your Soul Bind instead of at your Haunt. When you drop to
turns white, and your skin tone becomes pale.  0 hit points and subsequently dematerialize, your Soul Bind
does not disappear with you and instead falls onto the floor
You gain immunity to cold damage. You produce a freezing
if it was being carried by you.
aura around you wherever you go. The temperature drops
dramatically in any room you enter for as long as you If the Soul Bind is a weapon, you become proficient with
remain there and anything you touch starts to freeze.  the weapon, it counts as magical for the purposes of
overcoming resistances, and you can use your Charisma
Your aura has a range of about 30 feet which creates a
modifier in order to calculate your attack and damage with
chilling atmosphere, creatures do not take damage from
the weapon. Your melee strikes with the bonded weapon
the cold. Any object which you touch drops to freezing
can inflict Energy Drain as if you were attacking with your
temperatures, completely freezing liquids and growing a
Withering Touch. 
layer of ice rime around the object. 
Since there is a substantial part of your essence within
You gain the Frostbite cantrip.
the Soul Bind, if another creature carries the item, they
Haunt: Your haunt and half a mile around it become hold power over you. For as long as a creature holds your
unnaturally cold, as if encased in a perpetual state of winter. Soul Bind, you are charmed by that creature.. Spells and
The center of your haunt is frozen and covered in rime. abilities which require a Charisma saving throw, can be
For as long as creatures stay within your haunt’s center, effectively used targeting your Soul Bind instead of you.
they take 1d6 points of cold damage at the beginning of Divine spellcasters can exorcise you by targeting the Soul
their turn unless they have resistance or immunity to cold Bind instead of targeting the center of your Haunt, but
damage.  only if they carry the Soul Binded object. Your Soul Bind
gains supernatural resilience against mundane forms of
Spectral Ward destruction, however it can still be destroyed if enough
magical power is used; if your Soul Bind is destroyed then
Your body takes on a more physical presence. You find you die permanently. How difficult your Soul Bind is to
yourself having the ability to project your existence fully into destroy is up to your DM. 
the material plane, preventing things from passing through
you and being able to perfectly touch objects and creatures. You always know the location of your Soul Bind even if it is
You can however only use this selective power occasionally on another plane of existence. 
and through great mental effort, so you are still subjected to
the constraints of your undead form; including your inability
to wear armor. 

You can communicate with mindless undead, even if you
do not share a language. In addition you can, as an action,
target one undead creature within 30 feet of you that can
hear you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
failure, the undead creature must obey your commands for
the next 24 hours, or until you use this feature again. An
undead whose challenge rating is equal to or greater than
your Ghost level is immune to this effect. 

You can use this feature a number of times a day equal to

your proficiency modifier. 

Haunt: Mindless undead within half a mile of your haunt

become docile and submissive. They stop hunting living
creatures and instead regress back to that which they
did in life. Undead farmers might seek to stand around
living or undead cattle, soldiers might stand in guard of an
ancient decayed doorway, and undead couples might find
an abandoned house and lay in bed together unmoving
for years. Intelligent undead feel a calming effect but are
otherwise unaffected by this power. 

Ghostly Curses
All of the options presented here are treated as curses for
as long as they are active on a creature, and hence can be
dispelled with a Remove Curse effect. 
Travel Unseen Scarring Curse
Your form is mostly a single color, which can shift between You can curse a humanoid creature to force them to
blue and purple tones. You are also particularly translucent magically age and grow horrible scars upon their face. Once
and your features are hard to distinguish amids the rest of a day as an action, you can target a creature that you can
your spectral shape.  see within 30 feet of you and have them make a Charisma
You can cast the spell Invisibility on yourself an amount of saving throw. On a failure, they become cursed. A cursed
times a day equal to your proficiency modifier.   creature ages 1d4 x 10 years and grows gross looking
blotches and imperfections in their skin. While cursed,
Haunt: Your haunt is unnaturally difficult to find, as if the the creature has disadvantage on all Charisma checks and
land itself hides its presence. Creatures can only find it saving throws. 
if they have seen it before, if someone who knows of the
location is helping them, or if they use divination magic to Blinding Curse
find it. 
You can cast the spell Blindness/Deafness an amount of
Touch of the Grave times a day equal to your proficiency modifier. 

Your spectral shape takes on the form of a skeletal being, Voice Reap
with colored pinpricks for eyes and a scary echoey voice. 
As an action, you can target a creature you can see within
Creatures you hit with your Withering Touch can’t regain hit 60 feet of you and force it to do a Charisma saving throw.
points until the start of your next turn.  On a failure, the creature loses the ability to speak for 1
minute. The creature then does a Charisma saving throw at
Haunt: Magical healing and supernatural ability does not the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. 
heal the wounds of creatures within half a mile of your
haunt. These creatures can only heal through the natural Creatures can’t cast spells that require a verbal component,
healing provided by long rests.  nor can they use magical items that require a command
word; without the use of their voice. 
Whispers of the Damned
You can use this curse an amount of times a day equal to
Your ghostly voice becomes a soft whisper which is hard your proficiency modifier. 
to understand for those not within your immediate vicinity.
Interestingly, undead creatures appear to be able to hear
you sometimes from hundreds of feet away. 

Hexing Curse You can use this curse an amount of times a day equal to
your proficiency modifier. 
You can cast the spell Hex at will. 
Common Curse
Ruining Curse
You can cast the spell Bestow Curse a number of times a
You can cast the spell Bane an amount of times a day equal day equal to your proficiency modifier. 
to your proficiency modifier. 
Curse of Vulnerability
As an action, you curse a target within 60 feet of you that
You can sow suspicion upon a creature within a group. As you can see. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving
an action, you can target a creature you can see within 120 throw. On a failure, the creature gains vulnerability against
feet of you. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving the next source of damage it takes from a creature other
throw or be cursed.  than you. The curse lasts for 1 minute or until the creature
takes damage. 
A creature which wishes to interact in a positive manner
with the cursed creature must succeed on an Insight check You can use this curse an amount of times a day equal to
contested against your passive deception check; if they fail, your proficiency modifier. 
they become increasingly paranoid towards the cursed
target for the next 8 hours. These creatures refuse to move
within 5 feet of the cursed target, will not target it with Grand Manifestations
beneficial abilities, will ignore it in conversation, and will
generally avoid them to the best of their abilities. They will Your time spent draining the life force of your foes and
still defend the cursed creature against enemies. gathering energy throughout your travels has finally come
to bear. The fruits of your efforts culminate in massive
You can use this curse a number of times a day equal to displays of force which is showcased as an incredible
your proficiency modifier.  supernatural manifestation. Will you use your power to
redeem yourself? Or will you use it to empower your dark
Clumsiness magics? The options presented below will radically shift the
nature of your ghost.
You can, as an action, curse a target within 30 feet of you
with a sudden burst of ineptitude. When you use this ability, Reincarnation
you can choose to curse a target’s hands, feet, or wings. The
target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have the Your undead existence ends as you are presented with an
limbs cursed. The cursed target may repeat the Wisdom opportunity at a second chance at life. The reasons for your
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, on a success the reincarnation could be many, whether it is because a holy
effect ends.  cleric has cast a Resurrection spell upon your corpse, a god
has taken pity upon your soul and has granted you new life,
Arms. At the beginning of the creature’s turn, it drops or perhaps you have accomplished your unfinished business
everything that it is holding in its hands and can’t pick them and through sheer force of will you have materialized a
up until the beginning of their next turn. Objects which are body to continue on towards a grander quest. Whatever the
strapped on are not dropped. reason or cause, you are provided with a new body that your
Legs. At the beginning of the creature’s turn, it falls prone soul can permanently enter. 
and cannot get back up until the beginning of its next turn. The body you are given is exactly like the one prior to your
Flying creatures are not affected by this effect.  death (unless your DM rules otherwise), except that it has
Wings. At the beginning of the creature’s turn, its flying been cured of any poisons, diseases or curses you may
speed becomes 0 for the turn and then descends 60 feet have had during your living life. Any scars or wounds your
towards the ground.  original body had are also cured alongside any missing
body parts you may have lost during your past life. 
You can use this curse an amount of times a day equal to
your proficiency modifier. You lose all Ghosts levels you possess, and instead, gain
an amount of levels in any class that would be pertinent for
Minor Geas your character (with DM approval) equal to the amount of
Ghost levels lost. In addition, you lose access to your Ghost
As an action, you curse a target within 30 feet of you with racial features and gain those associated with the race you
a minor charm of forbiddance. The target must make a were prior to becoming a ghost, including your racial ability
Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for 1 minute. A
cursed creature takes an amount of damage equal to your
Ghost level whenever it makes an attack. A cursed creature
can repeat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on a success. 

score improvements. You are no longer undead. Your Haunt • You can now cast any spells which you may possess
ends and slowly returns to normal within the span of a few while possessing a creature, further you can also
months.  cast any spell that the possessed creature may
Make sure to work with your DM ahead of time if you plan
on picking this Grand Manifestation, in order to make sure • While you possess a creature, you increase the
the transition happens smoothly or whether it is a feasible damage you do with their attacks by an amount
option for the campaign.  equal to your proficiency modifier. 

Corrupting Possession  Wraith’s Reap

You no longer merely become a guest in another creature’s As an action, you can now make an undead servant out
body. You have learned to become whole while within, of the spirit of a humanoid which has recently suffered a
enacting your presence with greater force than before. violent death. Such a fragment of woe becomes a Specter,
While possessing a creature, you gain these benefits: spiteful of all that lives. You can only use this feature
at night, and you must be able to touch the corpse of a
• Your Supernatural Manifestations now apply to creature which has violently died within the last minute.
your possessed body, though as esoteric as they Your DM has the stat sheet for the Specter. 
might be, they do not harm the body. 
As a free action, you can mentally command any specter
• You can now use all of your Ghost class features you control within 120 feet of you. You decide what action
while possessing a body. You still don’t use any of the specters will take and where they will move during their
your racial features however.  next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as
• You are now able to learn the memories of the to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no
creatures you possess. By spending 4 hours commands, the specters will scatter and seek to end the
meditating, you can recall any and all relevant life of living creatures they find. Once given an order, the
memories that a creature might have that might be specters continues to follow it until the task is complete. 
pertinent to an investigation. Otherwise, you can You can create as many specters as you wish but you can
recall simple and direct individual memories at will.  only hold control over an amount of specters equal to your
proficiency modifier. 

Unhallowed Demesne
Your Haunt gains the benefits of a permanent form of
the Druid Grove spell, which affects a radius of 90 feet
emanating from the center of your Haunt. However, the
look of the effects are shaped based on the nature of your
Supernatural Manifestations instead of looking druidic. 

In addition, you can cast the spell Awaken once a day. If you
cast the spell within half a mile from your Haunt, the cost
of the material components are halved. The newly raised
plant creatures slowly become to adopt your supernatural

Soul Monger
You can cast the spell Soul Cage once a day. When you
Steal Life using this spell, you gain Hit Points in spite of
your Ephemeral Body racial feature. 

Raise Revenant
You can perform a long 8 hour ritual in which you project
your otherworldly power onto the threads of the afterlife in
order to commune with a soul which suffered a cruel and
undeserving fate. For this magic to work you must know
the name of the creature and they must have died no longer
than a year ago. 

You may attempt to convince this creature to accept your
calling and return as a Revenant spirit onto the material
world in order to finish a task it never managed to finish
while it was alive, make amends in order to rest in peace,
or have its desired revenge after some terrible unjust deed
that was done to it. Regardless of the reason, for the magic
to work, the spirit must have a specific creature or group of
creatures which it must find and punish.

Your DM has ultimate say on whether the creature would

want to return back in order to accomplish its desire. If
it accepts, the spirit finds its dead body and reclaims it;
superficially resembling a zombie. If the original body was
destroyed or is inaccessible, the spirit can enter any other
humanoid corpse it may find. In any case, the undead
creature is now a Revenant. Your DM has the stat sheet for
the Revenant. 

The disposition of the Revenant towards you or your

companions is dependent on the alignment and nature of
the creature; and it is under no compulsion to help you.
Though it may heed your counsel as thanks for giving him a
second chance. The revenant only has one year to complete
its task, before its soul is forcibly sent back into the afterlife. 

You can attempt this feature as many times as you wish, but
you can only successfully raise a Revenant once during your

The World Unseen

You can cast the spell Etherealness on yourself once a day. 

Empowered Weakening Curse

As you use your Weakening Curse, you can choose This change heightens your form. You gain the following
to empower it a number of times a day equal to your benefits: 
proficiency modifier. When you do so you can now choose
from these options:  • You can now become affected by magical healing. 

• The target creature’s AC goes down by 4.  • You can cast the spell Daylight and Aura of Vitality
each once a day. 
• The target creature gets a -4 to all attacks they
make.  • You no longer receive a -10 penalty to Strength.

• Whenever the target creature deals weapon • You gain resistance to all damage except for force
damage, reduce that damage by 4.  or psychic damage. 

You cannot use an empowered Weakening Curse more than • Your Horrifying Visage no longer magically ages
once on the same target.  those who fail by 5 or more. 

As the transformation takes place, your Ghost features and

Redeemed Spirit
abilities take on less unnerving undertones. Your spectral
You have used your undeath not as an excuse to spread appearance stops scaring children, your voice becomes less
death and misery, but instead to bring mercy, kindness, and ethereal and more real, your touch no longer feels empty
forgiveness to those around you. You never wallowed in and devoid of substance but instead warm and caring. Your
despair or let the light in your heart fade. Your curses were Horrifying Visage might instead momentarily turn you into
not tools for wickedness, but beacons to bring hope and an angelic aspect which produces fear on evildoers. Your
salvation to the weak.  Wraith Aura might grant solace and hope to undead who
deep inside wish they could become redeemed like you.
You undergo a transformation which allows you to live
materially closer to the mortal plane than normal ghosts. Work with your DM to showcase the extent of your
transformation and how it affects the look and feel of your
character and its abilities.

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