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Since the ability to play as monsters in 5th edition was added in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, I have seen countless players
readily accept the opportunity to embrace new ways to roleplay in this fantasy game. From hobgoblin clerics, to yuan-ti
sorcerers, to the very popular—and powerful—goblin rogue.

These are simple solutions that allow one to roleplay as a monster, while simultaneously not compromising the integrity of
the game. The problem of course, is that sometimes these solutions are simply not enough. Roleplaying as a goblin is easy,
and we can all collectively agree that there’s no need to go deeper than what is presented in Volo’s for them. The problem is
that not all monsters are that easy to shape. The orcs in Volo’s for example, needed far more than simply the ability to run
fast towards their enemies.

Some races also demand more than merely a couple of simple features. The hobgoblins for example are notorious for
their Martial Advantage ability, which effectively functions like a sneak attack. It is an ability that is shared with virtually
every single hobgoblin, including the spellcasters! For example, a spellcaster hobgoblin can cast the firebolt cantrip and
get sneak attack on that damage. Isn’t that awesome and fun? The problem is that adding a whole sneak attack mechanic
to a race… might be a tad too powerful. There are many other races that suffer from this predicament. Could you imagine
making a race of beholders that utilize normal classes? That simply wouldn’t work.

This is exactly why I started this project. I have been determined to allow players to play the monsters they wish they
could be, while being uncompromising in their construction. The playable monsters presented here are both races AND
classes at the same time. This would actually allow you to truly get the full experience of what it means to be any of
these creatures, rather than merely pretending through makeshift flavor-fueled roleplay. While technically not wrong, it’s
sometimes just not enough.

Because their construction is uncompromising, some of these classes will play drastically differently from the traditional
classes in the Player’s Handbook. From devas being immune to exhaustion, to ghosts being able to painfully travel through
walls, to ogres being able to use dead humanoids as clubs, to even dragons gaining access to legendary actions, monster
classes feel and play differently. But consider that these things are what makes these creatures memorable and special,
and without them, they would just be reskins of the existing classes which would dilute their uniqueness.

A few of the features you will see here will be inherently disruptive to a traditional gaming experience—namely many
monster classes having the ability to fly at level 1—but the one thing that I can guarantee is that nothing presented here is
mechanically overpowered. If your table is happy playing with a character that is considered a Large creature, and hence,
can effectively bypass most encumbrance rules; then that is honestly all you will have to worry about.

Many of these classes skirt traditional table rules because that’s just how it has to be for these classes to be genuine, but
do not be dissuaded out of giving them a shot out of fear that they might be “too strong.” This is a game of math, and I have
personally spent a lot of time making sure that the math checks out. Some of what you will see might look shocking to you
at first glance, but that’s the point! I want you to feel like you are amazing and unique, while maintaining group balance in

Nothing in here is stronger than a moon druid, or a barbarian. Nothing in here will deal more damage than a paladin.
Wizards will always be king of choice. Nothing will ever beat a warlock casting eldritch blast or any caster casting
polymorph. Do not be concerned about power and immerse yourself in your monster classes. Enjoy!

-Fermin Caballero (MrRhexx)

Lead Designer and Writer: Fermin Caballero (MrRhexx)
Editor: Gavin Wadsworth
Layout Editor: J.D. Mills (
Cover Art: Dominika Dénes (
Interior Art Lead: Dominika Dénes (
Dragons are winged, reptile-like creatures of great power
and intelligence. They are known for their great size, their
capabilities for destruction, and the resilience of the scales
which adorn and protect their bodies. They are fearsome
predators who possess the ability to consume almost
anything, from scores of living creatures to even hard
inorganic materials like stone or minerals.

True Dragons
Draconic blood is not the only measure by which one
would catalog a creature as a true dragon, for there are
many monsters like the wyvern and the dragon Turtle who
lack the most important and fundamental quality that
defines true dragons. This is the fact that true dragons
become stronger the older they get, seemingly without any

The power that a dragon obtains upon aging is unlike

that of any other monster, for this power is not reserved
exclusively to muscular might. A dragon’s brain enlarges
as it grows older, making the dragon more intelligent over
time. Its magical blood becomes denser and purer, granting
the creature more powerful innate magics as it grows older;
its scales grow thicker, its claws larger, its eyesight clearer,
and its ears and nose more discerning. The oldest dragons
are among the most powerful creatures in the world, able to
contend with even demon lords.

Covetous Minds
Even though many dragons have their own reasons for
doing so, all of them desire and hoard wealth, collecting
massive mounds of treasure and dedicating their existence
to protecting it. Most dragons consider the brilliance of
precious gems and the value of coins to be worthy of their
treasure hoard. However what a dragon would consider
“treasure” shifts dramatically depending on the kind of
dragon in question. There are dragons who collect precious
tomes of lore and history, while there are others who prefer
the pleasant sight of a perfectly sculpted set of statues as

Because of the intrinsic value of a dragon’s treasure hoard,
it is never safe from thieves. So dragons go to any lengths Creating a Dragon
necessary to secure the protection of their wealth. Some The dragon class featured here is at the ripe age for
dragons hire minions to safeguard their lair, while others go adventuring. Being between the ages of 50 to 100, your
so far as to magically trap entire rooms against tampering. dragon has probably just recently left the territory of its
Since fear of having their treasure stolen never relents, parents and begun its journey to find and claim its own. The
and many give way to their neuroticism. Dragons often lengthy process of finding the perfect lair can take decades
end up sleeping atop their own piles of money in hopes of however, since a dragon has to examine each individual
assuaging their fears, often recounting every coin before region for enemies which may contest its superiority.
and after rest.
In this particular age group of dragonkind, your dragon
Otherworldly Body would have just entered young adulthood, which is a
special time for every dragon. It is not just the time when
The draconic body is a vessel for magical energy, which
it searches for a territory, but it is also at this time when
the dragon cannot help but exude from its body naturally.
the desire to mate begins. Many dragons start an extensive
Commonly, this is seen in the form of a breath weapon - an
search for a prospective long-term partner at this time,
attack which allows a dragon to project a blast of elemental
though they seldom settle until after their first century. It is
energy from its mouth. Less commonly, this is also seen as
also through the dawning of adulthood when dragons start
a change in the fauna, flora, and elemental properties of the
innately developing their first spells, including their ability
area in which the dragon resides.
to polymorph—which at this point is still fairly limited.
Because of the inherent magical power of the draconic
When you create your dragon, consider that this is meant
body, dragons often find themselves the targets of
to be the adventurous spate of its life. As every dragon
adventuring groups who seek to slay them; if not for
knows that as soon as it collects enough treasure and finds
their wealth, then for either their scales or organs. Many
a suitable territory, it will become increasingly difficult to
humanoid groups have made the ritualistic imbibing of
leave it. Up until this point, it might have lived its entire
draconic blood a customary tradition in order to obtain
life stuck in a lair with all its brothers and sisters or living
the might of dragons, while others dress themselves in the
alone with its mother atop a great mountain. Consider that
powerful scales of slain wyrms. Experienced sages and
dragons teach their children much about the world, but that
wizards often seek esoteric parts of the draconic body in
still doesn’t change the fact that your dragon has probably
order to fuel dark spells of incredible potency.
never seen much of what the world has to offer. Make sure
Prismatic Personality to really sell that draconic curiosity that your draconic
character is bound to have!
As a species, most dragons don’t really share much with
one another outside of their rough physical description Social Hierarchy
and some specific traits like those described above. This
As dragons become young adults, they start embroiling
is because every individual kind of true dragon is magical
themselves in the local politics of their region; mainly with
in its own way, and is defined by its specific subtype within
other dragons of their kind which they inevitably come
the true dragon category. This class entry describes and
across. Such encounters—primarily with other metallic
provides options for metallic dragons: gold, silver, copper,
dragons—tend to be respectful at first, but can easily
bronze, and brass.
devolve into centuries-long disputes over territorial limits
Each draconic color is its own subtype, comprised of its and land rights.
own personality traits, ecology, biology, physical descriptors,
Some of these meetups can turn ugly from the very
elemental connection, diet, habitat, society, and even forms
beginning—primarily when encountering chromatic
of combat. In general, metallic dragons are considered to
dragons—which result in a constant fear of sudden, deadly
be morally good, noble in demeanor, and respected by wise
ambushes. The delicate dance of territorial aggression in
humanoids. They commonly gain the ability to shapeshift
these encounters can last for many decades, generally only
into humanoid forms as they get older, and can recognize
ending in the death of one or both dragons in brutal combat.
people by the smell of their blood by the time they are full
Many draconic alliances are formed and mercenaries are
bribed during these confrontations.

When building your dragon, think about how your The reason your dragon seeks treasure is an important
presence has shifted the delicate balance between all the factor on how to separate your silver dragon from other
other dragons in the area. Remember that no dragon will silver dragons.
simply hand-wave the existence of another in its territory
without strong consideration, since every single dragon D12 Treasure Hoard
will eventually grow to become a terror; it’s always only a 1 You collect treasure for its historical value, you are fascinated by
matter of time. Feel free to use any of the examples below statues and vintage crafted objects.
to further flesh out conflicts that may have arisen between 2 You know that true value can only be found in books. You seek
your dragon and others. to form a library filled with ancient knowledge to rival even the
greatest of collectors.
D12 Social Relationships 3 Warfare intrigues you. You want to collect the weapons and armors
1 You are the laughingstock of the draconic community because of a of powerful warriors and recorded figures.
faux pas you made at the last dragon council. 4 Magic is fascinating to you, and you enjoy spending time collecting
2 A dragon from a far away land has been spending days just flying ancient magical relics to discover their true potential.
to your territory in order to gaze at you from afar. You are growing 5 You have been fixed since birth on the culture of a particular race.
very concerned. You go out of your way to collect clothing, pieces of art, crafted
3 You have been living for far too long with your siblings, and the materials, and literature from this race.
lair has now recently become too small to house all of you. It was 6 You would rather wear your wealth, rather than keeping it enclosed
decided you needed to move, so you have been on the search for a and secret.
new territory since. 7 You don’t seek treasure for its own sake, but rather to purchase for
4 There’s an extremely attractive dragon that you hope would yourself a great castle in which to live.
become your mate, who lives not so far from your territory. 8 What’s the point of a hoard if not to create a massive pile on which
However, there are other interested suitors with more impressive to sleep. You collect all manner of coins in hopes of creating a
hoards. mound worthy of respect.
5 Your lair is set in a highly-contested territory. However you have 9 You are cursed with a love for a specific type of gem. Whenever
been blessed with an allied dragon who has helped you protect it. you collect treasure, you obsessively try to barter it or sell it in
This ally has been getting more distant during the last couple of exchange for more of that particular type of gem.
years and you are getting worried.
10 You seek to transform your hoard into a vault meant to safeguard
6 You have been quite lucky with your neighbors so far, and have the most dangerous artifacts you find on your journeys. Better
kept a good relationship with most of them. You look forward to locked up than in the hands of your enemies.
the meetings every decade to discuss socio-political events with
your fellow brethren. The new meetup is coming soon, and you 11 You are on the lookout for a mighty and powerful sentient magic
cannot wait. item, to function as the crown of your hoard.
7 Astonishingly, you successfully killed a dragon much older and 12 Beauty is all that matters, and you cannot stop yourself from
bigger than you. Now all other dragons close to your territory fear seeking glittering objects.
you. You know the truth however, it was pure luck.
8 One day you found your treasure hoard stolen, with nothing left Manifest Destiny
save for a fallen scale of the thieving dragon.
A very unfortunate trait that falls onto most true dragons—
9 Because of a mistake you made years ago, every dragon within
even the good ones—is an inherent feeling of superiority
a day’s flying distance figured out the location of your treasure
hoard. You have been attempting to move your treasure slowly and over others. Dragons understand deeply that in every
carefully throughout the years, hoping that nobody finds your new measurable quality, they are simply better than most other
location. living creatures; whether it is in might, intelligence, or in
10 You got into a huge fight with your mate, so you are spending magic. This gets worse and worse over time as the dragon
some time apart while they take care of the eggs. You believe if grows older, since it will notice itself outliving every friend it
you were to bring them an incredible gift, perhaps you may mend makes throughout the years…becoming too physically big to
your relationship. see itself as an equal to all the small and weak mortals that
11 For reasons you can’t understand, the humanoid settlements roam around it.
nearby have been deemed “off limits” for dragons to protect. You
instead make most of your gold by doing quests for them. This trait starts to form at the onset of young adulthood
12 You study and keep meticulous notes on every dragon within 100 for dragons, as they see their form grow to that of a large
miles of your lair. You seek to learn their names, their territories, creature. At this stage of their lives, most dragons start
and even their psychological profiles. developing rudimentary feelings of grandeur that manifest
Treasure Hoard as a desire to accomplish world-changing activities. In
essence, dragons dream big whenever they think about
Every dragon has a particular taste for treasure and one of their future. Think long and hard about what the desires for
the most unique aspects of dragonkind is figuring out what your dragon character would be, considering that it knows
exactly makes your dragon tick. All dragons enjoy coinage it will most certainly accomplish them in due time.
but some might appreciate it simply for its glow, others for
its inherent value with which to purchase things, others You can use the examples below to help fuel your ideas for
because of its rich history and age.In fact, many dragons interesting projects your dragon might seek to carry out.
merely enjoy sleeping on vast piles of gold.

D12 Manifest Destiny Dragon Color
1 You seek to rule over humanoids as a monarch. One day you will
have a great fortress from which to rule, vassal towns who will Starting from the moment you pick this class, you choose a
follow your laws, and humanoid subjects to command. draconic color which defines what kind of dragon you will
2 You wish to become a crusader of justice and good for the chief be. This choice determines your personality, abilities, diet,
deity of metallic dragons. One day you will gather hundreds of alignment, and more. The options included are Gold, Silver,
paladins to fight for your cause. Copper, Bronze, and Brass; all detailed at the end of the
3 An unbelievably kind deed was done to you by a humanoid when class description.
you were small, and you vowed that you would repay that kindness
tenfold. The humanoid died a long time ago, but you have been Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at
repaying that debt to his descendants whenever you can. 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 18th level. Your choice also
4 You dream of every single person in the kingdom knowing your influences the type of Breath Weapons and elemental
name, and by all measures possible you will make it happen. resistances you possess.
5 One day you will be the owner of a magical item of Artifact level.
Quick Build
6 A million. That’s the number that has dominated your entire life.
You will obtain one million gold pieces before you leave this world. You can make a dragon quickly by following these
7 You have been approached by cultists who profess that your suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest
destiny is to become a dracolich. All you would need would be to ability score, followed by Constitution (to improve your
find a pristine black sapphire worth twice your weight in gold. survivability) or Charisma (to improve your breath damage
8 Ancient dragon sages gave you a grand prophecy when you were and the effectiveness of your spells). Second, choose either
born, and you have spent your life unearthing its secrets. the hermit or the outlander background.
9 Your parents committed a great atrocity towards you when you
were little, and you will avenge yourself upon them one day. You
know you will stand no chance against them, but you must try.
10 Chromatic dragons are a menace to an orderly and virtuous world,
and must be eradicated from this land. You have vowed to end the
existence of each and every one you find.
11 You have always felt like there was a magical discovery somewhere
deep within thisland that, if unearthed, would fundamentally
change history for good. You will find it and change the world.
12 You aspire to one day ascend to a form of godhood, whether to
become part of the land as a living spirit, to find the secret to
eternal life, or to somehow gain enough worshippers to become a
walking demigod.

The Dragon
Proficiency Breath Weapon
Level Bonus Features Damage
1st +2 Magical Body, Draconic Supremacy, Dragon Color Feature -
2nd +2 Dragon Color Feature (Primary Breath Weapon) 2d6
3rd +2 Frightening Presence, Sorcerous Blood (1st level spells) 3d6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Draconic Supremacy 4d6
Extra Attack, Aging Scales (17), Dragon Color Feature, Primary Breath Weapon
5th +3 5d6
(2/short rest)
6th +3 Detect, Dragon Color Feature (Secondary Breath Weapon) 6d6
7th +3 Dragon Color Feature, Sorcerous Blood (2nd level spells) 7d6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Draconic Supremacy 8d6
9th +4 Dragon Color Feature, Aging Scales (18) 9d6
10th +4 Legendary Action 10d6
11th +4 Elemental Attacks, Elemental Immunity 11d6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Draconic Supremacy, Legendary Action (x2) 12d6
13th +5 Wing Attack, Aging Scales (19), Sorcerous Blood (3rd level spells) 13d6
14th +5 Legendary Resistance, Secondary Breath Weapon (2/short rest) 14d6
15th +5 Dragon-Sense, Legendary Action (x3) 15d6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Draconic Supremacy 16d6
17th +6 Improved Frightening Presence, Aging Scales (20) 17d6
18th +6 Dragon Color Feature 18d6
Ability Score Improvement, Draconic Supremacy, Sorcerous Blood (4th level
19th +6 19d6
20th +6 With Age Comes Power 20d6

Your standing height, from the top of your forward

Class Features shoulders to the ground, is 7 feet; if you include your neck
As a dragon you get the following features: then you can reach a height of almost 20 feet with your bite
above you. Your maximum wingspan is 45 feet in length,
Age. Dragons never stop growing, becoming more powerful
but the minimum amount of space that you need in order
as they age and never diminishing in strength even in their
to maintain flight is 20 feet. You weigh an average of 2,500
venerable years. They leave their nests at 25-50 years of age
pounds. Your size is Large.
and spend the next set of decades looking for territory to
claim, treasure to collect, and a lair to live on. They reach Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying
adulthood at around 100 years of age before they begin speed of 60 feet.
to settle. Dragons can live to be thousands of years old, Darkvision. Thanks to your draconic blood, you have
varying depending on the type of dragon. superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in
Alignment. Gold, Silver, and Bronze dragons dedicate their dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
lives to fight evil. They tend to be rigid in their ideologies in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
and are often willing to sacrifice their own well-being for darkness, only shades of gray.
the sake of their ideals. They are Lawful Good. Copper and Perfect Body. Your claws cut as sharp as blades, your teeth
Brass dragons are free-spirited beings which constantly puncture with the strength of pickaxes, and your scales
seek new adventures and experiences. They are good- are as hard as steel. Dragons typically gain no benefit from
natured and caring, and often seek to protect the weak and weapons or armor, and their racial pride prevents them
the frail that live within their domains. They are Chaotic from using them. You cannot use weapons or armor while
Good. on your true draconic form unless the item specifically
Size. Dragon sizes vary dramatically as they age. However states you can. In their stead, the scales that naturally grow
this class represents a young dragon between the ages of 50 in your body protect you, granting you an AC of 16.
to 100. The overall length from your head to the end of your Bite. Your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can
tail is 30 feet. The physical space you actually occupy is 10 use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal
feet long and 5 feet wide, as this doesn’t count your neck or piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier +
head (9ft long) or tail (11ft long). 1d4 elemental damage.

The elemental damage is the element that is associated Equipment
with your draconic color. Your bite has a range of 10 feet.
Claws. Your sharp claws are natural weapons, which you You don’t start with equipment. Instead you get a starting
can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, wealth of 6d4 x 10 gold pieces (or the average of 150
you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength gold pieces). You may —and must unless you are a brass
modifier. Whenever you take the attack action in order to dragon— exchange some of that coinage into gemstones so
make a single claw attack, you can instead make two claw that at least half of your starting wealth takes on the form
attacks. Your claws have a range of 5 feet. of precious stones. Dragons typically hoard their wealth
without spending it, admiring and guarding it as it grows
Size Matters. With age comes power, wisdom, and
larger over the centuries.
intelligence. Pound for pound, you will never measure up
to the greatness of an older dragon. You have disadvantage Ability and Spell Save DC
on all attacks against dragons who are size Huge or larger.
Those dragons have advantage on all attacks against you. You use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving
Awkward Flight. Your massive body flings about awkwardly throw DC for any sorcerer spell you cast, when making an
when attempting to stay in one place while airborne. You attack roll with a sorcerer spell, or whenever a draconic
have disadvantage on melee attacks while flying when ability requires a saving throw from an enemy.
attacking creatures on the ground. Spell save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your
Change Shape. The magical ability to polymorph into Charisma modifier
humanoids is one that takes dragons centuries to perfect.
Because this class represents a young dragon, your ability Spell Attack modifier = your Proficiency Bonus + your
to shapeshift is limited to a single humanoid shape which Charisma modifier
you cannot change after you have decided it. You can use
You can cast sorcerer spells without the need for somatic or
your action to polymorph into this small or medium sized
material components (unless the component has a material
humanoid, or back into your true form. While polymorphed,
cost that is worth 50 gp or more).
you lose your flying speed, your bite and claw attacks, your
Perfect Body racial feature, and all of your class features Magical Body
with the exception of your castable spells. Other than this,
your statistics and resistances are the same in each form. 1st-level Dragon feature
Your equipment or anything that you are carrying is not
transformed, and may fall off if your new form cannot fit it. You are proficient with your natural weapons and they
You revert to your original form if you fall to 0 hit points. count as magical for the purposes of overcoming magical
resistances. In addition, you’re resistant to the associated
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common element for your draconic color (for example if you are a
and Draconic. Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest gold dragon then you are resistant to fire damage).
languages and is often used in the study of magic. The
language sounds harsh to most other creatures and You can cast the spell Detect Magic at will.
includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants.
Hit points
Draconic Supremacy
1st-level Dragon feature
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Dragon level
Hit Points At First Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier All of your ability scores and their maximum scores each
increase by 1. You further increase these scores and their
Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your
maximums by 1 at level 4, level 8, level 12, level 16, and
Constitution modifier per dragon level after the 1st.
level 19.
Proficiencies Breath Weapon
Armor: None
2nd-level Dragon feature
Weapons: None
Tools: None Your draconic elemental breath is the most powerful tool in
Saving Throws: Choose two from Dexterity, Constitution, your arsenal. As an action, you can take a deep breath and
Wisdom, or Charisma. then exhale out a potent current of energy whose elemental
Skills: Choose two from Stealth, Survival, Nature, Arcana, type and shape is dependent on your dragon color. This is
Investigation, Insight, Perception, Persuasion, and considered your Primary Breath Weapon.

The damage of your breath weapon equals 1d6 for every
level in this class. Because of the extreme expansion of
Ability Score Improvement
your chest as part of the action, you cannot use your breath 4th-level Dragon feature
weapon while wearing any kind of medium or heavy armor.
You can use this feature once per short rest. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
Many dragons get a Secondary Breath Weapon at 6th by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
level which is described under each specific draconic color by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above its maximum
subclass. To use this ability you must also spend an action, of 20, unless its maximum has been increased via the
and it recharges on a short rest. Draconic Supremacy feature.
Starting from 5th level, you can use your Primary Breath Extra Attack
Weapon twice per short rest. Starting from 14th level, you
can use your Secondary Breath Weapon twice per short 5th-level Dragon feature
rest. It is very difficult for a dragon to produce two breath
weapons back to back, even if they are of a different kind. Beginning at 5th level, you can use your natural bite and
After you use any Breath Weapon, you must roll a d6 at the two claw attacks as part of a single attack action.
beginning of each of your subsequent turns until you roll a
5 or a 6. When you do, you may use a Breath Weapon again
Aging Scales
as long as you have remaining uses. 5th-level Dragon feature

Frightening Presence As your body grows older, your natural armor increases.
The scales on your stomach and neck become larger and
3rd-level Dragon feature hardier, while the scales on the rest of your body become
Primal fear takes over the heart of your enemies as they more numerous. The AC from your natural armor increases
realize they fight a true dragon. As an action, you force to 17.
each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet As you increase in levels in the dragon class, your scales
of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, will continue to grow and improve. The AC from your
a creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. The natural armor increases to 18 at level 9, to 19 at level 13,
frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end and finally to 20 at level 17.
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
A creature that succeeds on the saving throw becomes Detect
immune to your frightening aura for the next 24 hours.
6th-level Dragon feature
You can use this feature once per short rest.
You can make Perception checks as a bonus action.
Sorcerous Blood Additionally, when you make a Perception check to look for
hidden treasure, you do so with advantage.
3rd-level Dragon feature
Further, you know the exact value of treasure that you can
Many spend decades studying magic and how to control it. see, and can count with perfect accuracy how many coins
To you, it comes innately. Dragons count as sorcerers for there are in a hoard. You can also discover the magical
the purposes of satisfying magical item requirements and properties of items which you hold. If you hold a magical
can also cast spell scrolls which holds sorcerous spells. item for 1 minute, you can discern its properties and how to
You learn two cantrips from the sorcerer spell list. In use them as if you had cast an Identify spell.
addition, choose three different 1st-level spells to learn from
that same list. You can cast each of those spells once at its
Legendary Action
lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can 10th-level Dragon feature
cast them in this way again.
You gain an extra reaction each turn which you can spend
At 7th level, you may choose three different 2nd-level spells. to make a natural tail attack against a target that hits you
At 13th level you choose three different 3rd-level spells, with a melee attack. Your tail attack deals bludgeoning
and at 19th level you choose three different 4th-level spells. damage equal to 1d10 + your Strength modifier. You gain
You may cast each of these spells once at their lowest level, a second extra reaction to use for this feature at 12th level,
and must finish a long rest before you can cast them this and a third extra reaction at 15th level.
way again. Each of these spells must be chosen from the
sorcerer spell list. You can opt to spend these Legendary Actions to make
normal attacks of opportunity.
Whenever you gain a dragon level, you may pick one
spell you learned through this feature and exchange it for
another of the same spell level from the sorcerer list.

Draconic Immunity With Age Comes Power
11th-level Dragon feature 20th-level Dragon feature

You are immune to the element associated with your You have grown past your young stage. You are a true adult
draconic color (for example if you are a Gold Dragon dragon and nothing can stop you now. Aside from your size
then you are immune to fire damage), magical sleep, and increasing to Huge, you gain the following benefits:
• Your dragon hit dice change from 1d12 to 2d12. You
Elemental Attacks may either roll 20d12 or take the average number (140)
and add that amount to your maximum hit points.
11th-level Dragon feature
• The damage of your draconic natural weapons further
Your magical nature bursts out of your body when you are increases. Your claw attacks now deal slashing damage
filled with the fury of combat. Whenever you hit a creature equal to 2d6 + your Strength modifier. Your bite attack
with a natural melee weapon attack, the creature takes an now deals piercing damage equal to 2d12 + your
extra 1d8 elemental damage. The elemental damage type is Strength modifier. The tail attack you use for your
based on your draconic color. Legendary Actions now deals bludgeoning damage
equal to 2d10 + your Strength modifier.
In addition, the damage of your natural weapons increases.
Your claw attacks now deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 • Your Dragon-Sense range increases to 60 feet.
+ your Strength modifier. Your bite now deals piercing
damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier. • Your flying speed increases to 80 feet.

Wing Attack • Your darkvision increases to 120 feet.

13th-level Dragon feature • The range for your Primary and Secondary Breath
Weapons is doubled.
You may spend two uses of your Legendary Action
whenever you are hit by a melee attack in order to flap your • The Size Matters racial feature no longer applies when
wings with immense draconic power. When you do so, every fighting Huge dragons, though it still applies while
creature on the ground within 10 feet of you must succeed fighting against Gargantuan dragons.
on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone and lose their
reactions. Immediately upon using this feature, you may fly Dragons and Magic
and move up to half your movement speed to an unoccupied Creatures of magical origin, like the dragon, tend to work
space. differently while under the effects of an anti-magic field. Most of
the dragon’s biology functions the way it does thanks to a special
organ called the Draconic Fundamentum which is inherently
Legendary Resistance magical, but upon deactivation of this organ while under the
14th-level Dragon feature effect of an anti-magic zone, the advantages granted to the body
do not automatically cease.
Your perfect body grants you proficiency in all saving throws The reason a dragon can fly even though it is too heavy for its
wings to allow it so is thanks to the magic that the Draconis
except Strength and Intelligence. Fundamentum has charged its muscles with. In a zone of anti-
magic, the Fundamentum might stop spewing energy but the
Additionally, whenever you fail a saving throw, you can
muscles are already supernaturally engorged from centuries of
reroll it and take the second result. You use this ability three magical tampering. Hence the dragon would have no problem
and regain uses on a long rest. flying in such a scenario. However, because the Draconis
Fundamentum partially stops functioning in such a zone devoid
Dragon-Sense of magic, the dragon becomes unable to use its breath weapons,
loses its ability to easily digest virtually anything it eats, and its
15th-level Dragon feature highly efficient metabolism slows down considerably.
Dragons do not sweat or pant, instead the Draconic
If you are able to smell, you are aware of the location of any Fundamentum absorbs excess heat from the blood and stores
hidden or invisible creature within 30 feet of you. it as energy, which allows the gland to then further disperse
energy as heat when the dragon gets cold. This is how a dragon
Improved Frightening Presence can exist in either extremely hot or cold environments (without
necessarily being resistant to cold or fire damage). In a zone of
17th-level Dragon feature anti-magic, the organ momentarily stops working, producing no
instant detrimental effects to the dragon but becoming severely
Your Frightening Presence can now be activated as part damaging when exposed long-term.
of an attack action. When used in this way, it becomes an A dragon’s frightful presence is not a magical ability. Dragons are
simply very good at striking fear in the hearts of foes and hence
aura with a 30 foot radius centered on you which lasts for 1 can use this feature even while under the effects of an anti-
minute. Enemy creatures within the aura are afflicted with magic field.
the normal effects of your Frightening Presence.

Prophetic Seers
Many gold dragons obtain powers that they themselves
often fail to understand, which allows them to see versions
of a future which has yet to come to pass. Some of these
visions come in the way of dreams, where the dragon
wakes with a limited capacity to even remember what it
saw; other times it comes as a sudden feeling of déjà vu
which only manifests right before an event is about to

None but the oldest and wisest of all gold dragons are
able to create fully developed prophecies based on these

Gold dragons are often found formulating plans and

strategies based on circumstances that only they seem to
grasp. This has led gold dragons to take on humanoid form
in order to personally guide certain individuals who the
dragon suspects will do great things in the future. Other
times, gold dragons have been seen allowing humanoids to
raise their very own wyrmlings after seeing a vision of the
prosperous future such an endeavor allowed.

Dragon Colors Lair. Gold Dragons lair in out-of-the-way locations where

they can practice their magic and remain unbothered
The options presented below all belong to the metallic for centuries. They will typically pick places that have a
category of dragons, representing about one third of powerful source of magic inherent to the locale, which they
the most well known draconic types. They generally can protect from evildoers.
see themselves as being part of the world around them,
Diet. Gold dragons can subsist on almost anything, but
without seeking to subjugate or destroy it. They tend to
their main diet is primarily precious stones.
have positive moral compasses and the ability to relate to
humanoids in philosophical terms. Treasure. Gold Dragons favor pearls and gems for it
is considered a delicacy amongst their kind. However,
Gold Dragon most of their treasure pile is composed of magical items,
which they hoard for two reasons: for their impeccable
Gold dragons have large, smooth twin horns that sweep craftsmanship and artisanal beauty, and so they may keep
back from nose and brow. Twin frills adorn its long neck, powerful artifacts away from those who would do evil with
and whiskers around its mouth look like the barbels of a them.
catfish. Its sail-like wings start at its shoulders and trace
Element. The associated element of the Gold Dragon is
down to the tip of its tail. The dragon smells of saffron and
incense, and its scales glisten like polished gold.
Age. Gold Dragons are the most long-lived true dragons,
Lone Sages able to live up to 4,400 years.

Gold dragons are the most mysterious out of all of Gold Spells
dragonkind, secreting themselves away from all society and
watching the world unfold before them from afar. Instead of You gain extra Gold spells at the Dragon levels listed in the
taking direct action to stop evil, they tend to develop long- Gold Dragon Spells table. These spells are wizard spells
term plans and strategies which inevitably will lead to the to you and can be cast once per long rest without the need
downfall of those who follow evil; plans which allow the for spell slots. These spells use your Intelligence modifier
dragon to stay out of harm’s way. instead of your Charisma modifier.

From their isolated lairs, they hoard magic which they If you pick Gold Dragon as your dragon color, you
seek to protect from the world, studying every intricate start with a spellbook and either an arcane focus, or a
detail from every dark tome they possess in order to better component pouch. You may copy other wizard spells into
comprehend and safeguard it. Most dragons rely solely on your spellbook, but to cast them you must expend the
their innate ability to produce sorcerous magic, but gold usage of one of the normal wizard spells selected below;
dragons are some of the few who go out of their way to so long as the expended spell is of the same spell level or
study the art of magic. Like solitary wizards in their ivory higher. You need not prepare spells.
towers, gold dragons train and plan their way into a better
world for all of society.

Gold Dragon Spells A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. You may
Dragon Spell use this feature once per short rest.
Starting from 14th level, you may use this feature twice per
3rd Any wizard spell of your choice of 1st level.
short rest.
7th Any wizard spell of your choice of 2nd level
or lower. Future Sight
13th Any wizard spell of your choice of 3rd level 7th-level Gold Dragon feature
or lower.
You obtain random glimpses into the future which you can
19th Any wizard spell of your choice of 4th level neither control nor understand until the very moment right
or lower. before they become true.

Diamond Sensing You cannot be surprised in combat and you have advantage
1st-level Gold Dragon feature on initiative rolls. As part of a long rest, you may attempt to
make sense out of your prophetic glimpses by focusing on a
Your eyes glimmer in sparkling tones in the presence of particular ally. Until your next long rest, that ally cannot be
gems - they call to you like a moth to a flame. You can cast surprised and may forgo making initiative rolls and instead
the spell Locate Object without expending spell slots for use 20 as their total.
the purposes of locating gemstones. The distance at which
you can detect these gems increases by 1,000 feet for every In addition, once per long rest you may enter into a state of
Gold Dragon level above one that you possess. meditation for 10 minutes in which you soften your mind
and allow your revelatory powers take hold. When you do,
For the purposes of this feature, a gemstone means any the DM may give you one truthful statement about an event
kind of mineral crystal that is valuable enough to be which is meant to unfold within the next 7 days. The event
considered treasure. Precious rocks like opal and lapis can be of legendary proportions, or entirely mundane and
lazuli, or solid organic materials like amber, jet, or pearls inconsequential. The event which is to pass does not take
are not considered minerals and hence would not be sensed into consideration any possible circumstances that might
with this feature. change the outcome; meaning, the future you have glimpsed
is not set in stone and can be changed.
Primary Breath Weapon: Fire Breath
2nd-level Gold Dragon feature

Your breath weapon takes on the form of a 30-foot cone

blast of fire. Each creature in the area of the blast must
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature
takes fire damage as dictated under the Breath Weapon
feature. The creature takes half damage on a success.

Peace, Not War

5th-level Gold Dragon feature

Beasts and monstrosities avoid attacking you to the best

of their abilities, unless they feel like they have no other
choice. This can be either because they are magically
compelled, you have encroached upon their lair, they feel
their mate or their babies are in danger, or because you or
your companions have attacked them.

Secondary Breath Weapon: Weakening

6th-level Gold Dragon feature

As an action, you exhale a weakening gas in a 30-foot cone.

Each creature in that area must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based
attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws
for 1 minute.

Unlock Destiny
9th-level Gold Dragon feature

Sometimes a Gold Dragon will be granted a prophetic

vision (as per the Future Sight feature) where a commoner
is seen performing feats of great heroism, being
celebrated for their successes, or otherwise excelling
or succeeding in a worthy goal.

For example the vision could be of a poor cobbler

heroically saving his city from a savage undead army,
or a person you recognize as a simple farmer being
sworn in as the new king. When such a future is
shown to you, if you consider the individual worthy,
you may bestow upon the creature the opportunity to
seek their destiny.

For you to be able to use this feature, the

creature must be willing to accept their
destiny and can’t be charmed or otherwise
magically influenced by you. The basic
form of this feature simply has you
come into contact with the creature,
and offer the individual either a
word of encouragement or some
kind of guidance that you feel will
help them in the times to come.
However, the DM might rule that
further involvement is necessary,
especially if the destiny of the
individual is of legendary proportions.
If the parameters are met (and the DM is
satisfied with your guidance), then the
creature becomes empowered until he or
she fulfills or rejects their destiny.

Melee and spell attacks, weapon

damage, spell save DCs, ability checks
and all saving throws of the creature
are increased by an amount equal to your
proficiency modifier. Further, the creature
gains temporary hit points at the beginning
of each day by an amount equal to 15 x your
proficiency modifier. In addition, whenever
the creature takes the attack action, they can
make an extra weapon attack as part of that

This feature can only be used on

creatures of CR 1 or lower and you
can only have this ability activated
on one creature at a time.

Improved Future Sight

18th-level Gold Dragon feature

You may now focus on two allies

instead of one when using your Future
Sight feature. Those allies cannot be
surprised and may take a 20 on their initiative

Lair. Silver dragons seek to live in the clouds, figuratively
and literally. They seek high mountaintops as their
preferred living space, in particular abandoned castles
or towers high up in the mountains since it combines
both their love for high altitude and their adoration of
Diet. Silver dragons share similar culinary tastes to
humanoids, enjoying traditional fine cuisine and rustic
flavors all the same. Since they only have to eat three
to five dragon-sized meals a month to survive, they are
perfectly satisfied eating three small meals a day (just like a
humanoid). This allows them to have the genuine humanoid
eating experience which other dragons cannot.
Treasure. Since they hate spending time in their lairs,
silver dragons prefer wealth which they can carry on
themselves. This would include fancy jewelry, expensive
Silver Dragon engineering trinkets like watches, or valuable pieces of
Silver Dragons possess a smooth and shiny plate that forms clothing and fabrics.
the dragon’s face. It has a frill that rises high over its head Element. The associated element of the silver dragon is
and continues down the neck and back to the tip of the cold.
tail. Long spines with dark tips support the frill. It has two Age. Silver dragons are some of the most long lived
smooth, shiny horns, and wings that are wide and sleek. dragons, living up to 4,200 years.
The dragon has the scent of rain, and its scales gleam like
liquid metal. Silver Spells
Human at Heart You gain extra silver spells at the dragon levels listed in the
Silver Dragon Spells table. These spells are sorcerer spells
Out of all dragons, none love humanoids as much as silver to you and can be cast once per long rest without the need
dagons do. The hustle and bustle of city life, the rich and for spell slots.
varied cuisine, the simple and eccentric clothing options,
the politics of the rich, the games and pastimes of the Silver Dragon Spells
populace, and the architecture of the locales; everything Dragon Level Spell
about humanoid life is desirable and sought after by the 3rd fog cloud (cast at 3rd level)
silver dragons. 7th warding winds
These dragons enjoy leaving their lairs for decades at a 13th control winds
time, seeking to live life as humanoids and immersing 19th wind walk
themselves in their culture. silver dragons often find
themselves staying in their polymorphed humanoid form for Cloud Walk
longer than they need to, as they appear to find enjoyment
1st-level Silver Dragon feature
in its compact shape. silver dragons are the closest of all
dragons to the human way of thinking. You can walk on clouds or fog as if it were solid ground. You
can selectively choose which part of the cloud or fog is solid
Lover of Freedom to you, in such a way so that you can ascend and descend
While many dragons suffer from indecision and inaction, into it or out from it at will. Further, you do not take falling
often spending years debating how to proceed in their fight damage when you land on clouds or fog. Clouds and fog
against evil, silver dragons choose instead to act. These do not hinder your vision, and you can always see clearly
dragons seek to protect the innocent and slay the wicked through them.
wherever they may find them, and frequently go out of their In addition, you may cast the spell silent image without
way to rally humanoids towards a good cause. using spell slots but only by using clouds or fog as the
Most silver dragons share a common philosophy for material for the images. Because they are made of
dispensing justice: evil which actively produces evil must cloudstuff, creatures get advantage on any saving throws
be destroyed, though evil which merely passively exists may made to determine that they are an illusion, unless they
very well be left alone. silver dragons fundamentally believe are within 15 feet of the illusion, at which point they
in the freedom to live, and seek to promote violence only automatically succeed.
on those who directly harm others. Typical for a metallic
dragon however, rules such as these seldom apply against
chromatic dragons.

Primary Breath Weapon: Cold Breath
2nd-level Silver Dragon feature

Your breath weapon takes on the form of a 30-foot cone

gust of freezing wind. Each creature in the area of the cone
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the
creature takes cold damage as dictated under the Breath
Weapon feature. The creature takes half damage on a

Feathers of a Kind
5th-level Silver Dragon feature

Birds and birdlike creatures share a kinship with you.

Winged beasts with Intelligence 3 or less know you mean
them no harm and refuse to attack you or your group.
However they will defend themselves if you or your
companions attack them. These beasts consider you a god-
like creature worthy of being protected and heeded, and will
go out of their way to obtain your approval.

You have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) and all

If the attack or the spell was an area of effect, then you take
Charisma checks made to interact with these creatures.
maximum damage without the chance for a saving throw;
Secondary Breath Weapon: Paralyzing but you protect all non-combatant humanoids within 10 feet
Breath of you by sheltering them under your body as you withstand
6th-level Silver Dragon feature the effect.

You exhale a paralyzing gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature Your DM can rule over which creature is considered a “non-
in that area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or combatant” for the purposes of this feature, but in general
be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving it is a non-player humanoid of CR 1 or less which can’t
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on participate in the combat associated with the current event;
itself on a success. whether because it is far too weak (a mere guard defending
himself against a lich) or because it can’t or does not know
Starting from 14th level, you may use this feature twice per how to fight (a child, a commoner, or servant).
short rest.
Improved Speed Aura
Speed Aura 18th-level Silver Dragon feature
7th-level Silver Dragon feature
Your ground and flying speed increases by another 10 feet
Your ground and flying speed increases by 10 feet, and you and your Speed Aura feature now targets friendly creatures
make Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws while within 30 feet of you.
flying with advantage.

Friendly creatures other than you that start their turn within
10 feet of you gain an extra 10 feet of movement until the
end of their turn.

The Protector of Humanity

9th-level Silver Dragon feature

Your adoration of humanoids kindles in you great power

when used to protect them. As an action, you may touch
a humanoid non-combatant and grant them the effects of
both the sanctuary and death ward spells for up to 1 hour.
You may do this an amount of times equal to your Charisma
modifier. You regain all uses of this feature when you finish
a long rest.

In addition, you may use a reaction in order to become the

target of an attack or spell that was instead going to target a
non-combatant humanoid within 10ft of you. When you take
the dodge action, all attacks and spells meant to target non-
combatants within 10 feet of you instead target you until the
beginning of your next turn.
Copper Dragon
The copper dragons possess massive thighs and shoulders
with overdeveloped muscles in them. They have short faces
and broad smooth brow plates that jut over the eyes. Long,
flat horns extend back from the brow plates in a series of
overlapping segments. They have backswept cheek ridges
and frills on the backs of the lower jaws that sweep forward
slightly. Layers of triangular blades point down from the
chin. The dragon has an acrid odor, and its reddish scales
have a metallic shine.

Boisterous Pranksters
Copper dragons revel in laughter and good company,
constantly seeking the spotlight and entertaining everyone
they meet. They are extremely witty and charismatic, telling
jokes and pulling pranks whenever possible, typically at the
Its particular favorite is the giant scorpion, for its poison
detriment to anyone else around them, who quickly grow
tastes spicy to the copper dragons who find it a delicacy.
overwhelmed by the incessant nature of the dragon.
These dragons also often find themselves in love with
Because copper dragons have a harder time polymorphing humanoid wine.
into humanoids, and hence can’t secretly live among them, Treasure. Treasures of the earth are what copper dragons
they are instead forced to make deals with humanoid seek when forming their hoards. They prefer beautiful
settlements in order to be allowed to live close to their crystals, precious stones, and valuable metals, though
cities. Since copper dragons love being the center of expertly designed crafts made of stone are also considered
attention, they thrive while in the presence of humanoids valuable to the dragon.
who typically fall in awe of their presence. Element. The associated element of the copper dragon is
Copper Greed
Age. Copper dragons can live for up to 3,400 years of age.
copper dragons have a major flaw: they have the biggest
ego out of all of the metallic dragons. Because they see Copper Spells
themselves as the most witty, funny, and smart creatures in
You gain extra copper spells at the dragon levels listed in
the world, they tend to fall into the thought process of “why
the Copper Dragon Spells table. These spells are sorcerer
shouldn’t I have all that I want?” This typically tempts them
spells to you and can be cast once per long rest without the
to take treasure from others even if it means tricking people
need for spell slots.
or stealing from them. Many copper dragons inadvertently
find themselves the leaders of thieves guilds spanning Copper Dragon Spells
multiple cities. Dragon Level Spell
At their heart, copper dragons are good-natured and 3rd meld into stone
would not take from those that need it, even if they wrestle 7th stone shape
sometimes with keeping their greed in check. These 13th transmute rock
dragons often struggle with balancing their natural desire 19th glibness
to dominate and take what they want, with keeping the
humanoids they enjoy happy.
Athletic Limbs
Lair. Copper dragons prefer to lair on dry, rocky hills,
1st-level Copper Dragon feature
specifically in large and complex cave systems dug and
molded by the dragon itself. If the opportunity arises, a You are used to acrobatically maneuvering through rocky
copper dragon would rather have its lair close to humanoid and mountainous terrain without the need for flight. Your
societies for company. muscles are sharper and more developed than your fellow
Diet. The thrill of the hunt is as much part of the eating draconic kin.
process as the consumption of the meal itself for the copper
dragon. These dragons dislike being served food, or hunting • You have the ability to move up, down, and across
easy game; instead they prefer to hunt dangerous monsters vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings. You
that can fight back. gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

• You may cast the spell jump on yourself at will as a

bonus action.

• You don’t take damage from falling 60 feet or less as If a target succeeds on its saving throw, it instead becomes
long as you are not incapacitated. repulsed by you. The target becomes offended at some
perceived slight, fails to take one of your jokes, or becomes
• Whenever you are subjected to an effect that forcibly generally insulted by your general actions. You and any
pushes or drags you, you are moved 10 feet less. person associated with you, make Charisma checks with
• Your biology has acclimated to allow you to eat the disadvantage whilst interacting with the offended party for
dangerous animals found in the biomes you live in. You the next 7 days. If the saving throw succeeds by more than
are immune to ingested poisons. 5 and if it is within the personality of the creature, it will
resort to violence in response, whether now or in the future.
Primary Breath Weapon: Acid Breath The degree of the fallout is up to the DM.
2nd-level Copper Dragon feature Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
Your breath weapon takes on the form of a torrent of acid finish a long rest.
in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the
area of the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a Secondary Breath Weapon: Slowing Breath
failure, the creature takes acid damage as dictated under 6th-level Copper Dragon feature
the Breath Weapon feature. The creature takes half damage You exhale a gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that
on a success. area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature can’t use reactions, its speed is
Center of the Spotlight halved, and it can’t make more than one attack on its turn.
5th-level Copper Dragon feature In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus
Your jovial nature and shining personality brings happiness action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1
and laughter… to those willing to take a joke. If you are minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the
within the presence of a group of creatures for at least 10 end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a
minutes, you can attempt to charm them by pulling pranks, successful save.
joking around, or entertaining them. Starting from 14th level, you may use this feature twice per
At the end of the 10 minutes, choose a number of short rest.
humanoids within 60 feet of you up to your Charisma
modifier (minimum of one). Each target must succeed on Cheerful Aura
a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be 7th-level Copper Dragon feature
charmed by you. While charmed in this way, the target Your jovial and affable nature inspires your allies. You and
laughs at every joke you tell, admires every story you give, creatures within 10 feet of you cannot be frightened.
and follows you around, enthralled by your charisma for
the next hour. In the meantime, it speaks glowingly of you …And Also
to anyone who talks to it, and it becomes willing to take any 9th-level Copper Dragon feature
action you ask of it as long as it is mischievous in nature
or is bound to have a funny outcome. However, it will avoid You may interject into any conversation that is happening
doing anything that will result in violence or will produce within 60 feet of you as a reaction in order to add an
an effect that will have long lasting negative repercussions important missing detail, insert a comedic end, or fix an
upon itself. error.

If your ally fails a Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation

check; you may grant them a second try at the check. The
check is then made with a bonus equal to your Charisma
modifier in addition to any of its other bonuses. You may
use this feature either immediately upon seeing the roll (if
the DM reveals the roll to be a failure) or at least within 1
minute of the roll being made (whether or not it is clear the
roll was a failure).

You may activate this feature once per short rest.

Improved Cheerful Aura

18th-level Copper Dragon feature

The range of your Cheerful Aura increases to 30 feet

around you. Persuasion and Deception checks made by
allies within 30 feet of you are amde with advantage.

collecting amber whenever possible. More so than the other
Bronze Dragon metallic dragons, Bronze dragons feel the draw towards
The bronze dragon has a ribbed and fluted crest sweeping gold the most. They do their best in suppressing this drive
back from its cheeks and eyes. The ribs in the crests end in as much as they can so as to attempt to overcome their
curving horns. They also possess small horns at the chin greed.
and lower jaw. Their mouths end in beak-like snouts and Element. The associated element of the Bronze dragon is
possess a small head frill which ends at the base of their lightning.
neck. The dragon smells like the salty scent of the sea and Age. Bronze dragons live extremely long lives, living up to
its scales have a metallic golden brown cast. 3,800 years of age.
Dragon of Justice Bronze Spells
Bronze dragons spend most of their existence delivering You gain extra bronze spells at the dragon levels listed in
justice upon those they deem to deserve it. They travel the Bronze Dragon Spells table. These spells are sorcerer
the land assaulting pirate ships, dismantling bandit spells to you and can be cast once per long rest without the
organizations, and apprehending murderers. To a bronze need for spell slots.
dragon, the law is black and white; you are either good
or you are evil, with no inbetween. They find themselves Bronze Dragon Spells
constantly chafing under humanoid rule, as they generally Dragon Level Spell
find their laws to be lax. Often when bronze dragons grow
3rd create or destroy water (cast at 3rd level)
old enough, they will seek to supplant the rulers and take
7th detect thoughts
over the land in order to rule it itself.
13th control water
It takes a lot for a bronze dragon to kill an intelligent 19th tsunami
creature. One of the most unique characteristics of these
dragons is that they will go out of their way in order to Improved Polymorph
prevent the direct death of their enemies. For example,
1st-level Bronze Dragon feature
a bronze dragon might set up their ambushes so as to
neutralize their enemies with the least amount of damage, You are accustomed to fighting in humanoid forms. While
or design traps that will leave the trespasser unconscious, polymorphed into a humanoid, you gain the following
or might destroy the sails of a pirate ship in order to leave benefits:
them stranded so they have no option but to surrender.
• You gain proficiency in simple and martial weapons.
Hide in Plain Sight You gain proficiency in all armors and shields.

Bronze dragons loathe taking their true form when out • If you have the Breath Weapon features, you can use
and about, only assuming their draconic shape when safe them while polymorphed. The range of your Primary
within their lairs. While in the presence of humanoids, Breath Weapon is reduced to a 30-foot line while the
these dragons will pretend to be one of them for as long range of your Secondary Breath Weapon is reduced to
as it takes, never revealing the truth unless the situation a 15 foot cone when used this way. You can use breath
demands it. Many adventurers have traveled for months
with a bronze dragon without realizing who they truly were.

While shaped like a humanoid, these dragons enjoy testing

the goodness of the people they meet. They often beg for
food to see if the person would offer some, sometimes they
walk defenselessly across a dangerous city alley seeing if
they get robbed or attacked. These tests seldom reward
those of good heart, but certainly punish the wicked who
fail them.

Lair. Bronze dragons lair in coastal caves and seaside

reefs. Even though these dragons spend a lot of time
underwater, they make sure that most of their lair is dry.
Diet. Bronze dragons prefer to eat aquatic animals, in
particular sharks which are their favorite meal. As is typical
for metallic dragons, they refuse to eat intelligent creatures.
Bronze dragons, however, make an exception for sahuagins,
which they happily devour whenever given the opportunity.
Treasure. Bronze dragons tend to side with colorful corals
and pearls as their choice of precious items, sometimes

“defeated” for the next 24 hours after you or your party
Relentless Crusade bring it to 0 hit points through combat.
Bronze Dragons, like all the others, do not get access to their
Perfect Body dragon racial feature while polymorphed. Because Secondary Breath Weapon: Repulsion Breath
of this they cannot use their bite or claw attacks, and cannot gain 6th-level Bronze Dragon feature
the armor class benefit of their scales while polymorphed.
Dragon characters who pick Bronze Dragon may start with a You exhale a blast of repulsion energy in a 30-foot cone.
purchased set of equipment if they desire, instead of leaving it all Each creature in that area must make a Strength saving
for the hoard.
throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 40 feet away
from you.
weapons even while wearing medium or heavy armor.
Starting from 14th level, you may use this feature twice per
• If you have the Extra Attack feature, you can make short rest.
a second attack as part of your attack action while
polymorphed. Lighting Rod
7th-level Bronze Dragon feature
• If you have the Legendary Action feature, you can
activate it to make a tail attack even while polymorphed. For as long as you are conscious, allies within 10 feet of you
You make the reaction attack with a weapon attack are resistant to lightning damage as much of the lightning is
instead of a tail. instead diverted towards you.
• If you have the Elemental Attacks feature, whenever you You gain immunity to lightning damage. If you have the
hit a creature with a weapon attack while polymorphed; Draconic Immunity class feature, then once a round
the creature takes an extra 1d8 lightning damage. whenever you negate lightning damage coming from an
enemy creature, you gain 1d12 temporary hit points.
• You may activate and gain the benefit of your other
dragon class features as normal while polymorphed, Protection From Chaos
with the exception of the Frightening Presence and 9th-level Bronze Dragon feature
Wing Attack features.
As a bonus action, you can enter into a fanatical crusade
Amphibious against those who defy the rightful justice of the law. For
1st-level Bronze Dragon feature 1 minute, creatures with the Chaotic alignment attack you
with disadvantage and you can’t be frightened or charmed
You can breathe air and water. You gain a swimming speed by them.
equal to your walking speed.
You can activate this feature once per short rest.
Primary Breath Weapon: Lightning Breath
2nd-level Bronze Dragon feature Improved Lightning Rod
18th-level Bronze Dragon feature
Your breath weapon takes on the form of a stream of
lighting in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in The range of your Lightning Rod feature increases to 30
the area of the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On feet. In addition, you and allies within range gain resistance
a failure, the creature takes lightning damage as dictated to thunder damage.
under the Breath Weapon feature. The creature takes half
damage on a success.

Inquisitor of the Law

5th-level Bronze Dragon feature

If you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, but decide

to knock it out rather than killing it, you gain temporary hit
points equal to your Charisma modifier + your Dragon level.

You gain advantage on Intimidation and Insight checks

made against defeated targets which you interrogate.
For the purposes of this feature, a creature is considered

Brass Dragon
Brass dragons’ heads have a massive plate at the forehead
and bladelike horns at the chin. They have frills which run
the length of the neck, and possess manta ray-like wings.
They smell like sunbaked sand, and their scales glisten like
polished brass.

Social Butterflies
Brass dragons live for conversation and will talk for
hours with any intelligent being it meets, whether they
like it or not. They love exchanging stories, discussing
drama between dragons, unraveling and debating political
philosophies, and overall just talking in general. Their love
for conversation sometimes goes so far that they have been
known to imprison others in order to prevent them from
leaving, just so that the dragon can have a partner to talk to.

Many get the impression that brass dragons are cowards,

since they seem to always go out of their way to avoid
fighting in order to resolve things peacefully. The reality is
that these dragons will always attempt to talk it out just in
an effort to converse with an enemy, rather than as a way to
avoid combat. Treasure. Brass dragons are unique in that they dislike
metallic treasures and precious stones, so gold and gems
Master of Tongues are wasted on them. Instead they seek artistic crafts as their
favorite type of treasure—from beautiful, crafted statues to
The average adult brass dragon knows over one hundred exquisitely-made paintings. They enjoy possessing libraries
and fifty languages, which include barely-spoken tribal and decorating their lairs with rugs and fancy banners.
languages that might exist within its territory and the The gold they do collect, they instead bury underground in
language of most animals which reside nearby. The brains places where they can easily unearth them back if they need
of these dragons acclimate supernaturally fast to new to. The best treasure a Brass Dragon could ever obtain
languages and so they can learn new ones in a mere week is a sentient magic item, since the dragon could talk to it
of training. This allows them to talk to virtually any creature whenever it wants to.
they are bound to meet.
Element. The associated element of the brass dragon is
One of the most impressive feats in their arsenal is their fire.
uncanny ability to learn and speak the language of animals. Age. Brass Dragons can get up to 3,200 years old.
Every brass dragon is born with this ability and uses it to
great effect in learning about the environments in which Brass Spells
they reside. It is thanks to this fact that many brass dragons
form strong connections with the land in which they live, You gain extra brass spells at the dragon levels listed in the
seeking to protect it at all costs. Since of course without Brass Dragon Spells table. These spells are sorcerer spells
these critters then the dragon would certainly not have to you and can be cast once per long rest without the need
anyone else to talk to. for spell slots.

Lair. Brass dragons prefer living underground in locations Brass Dragon Spells
where digging is the most convenient to them. These places Dragon Level Spell
tend to be dry arid landscapes, desert areas, and badlands, 3rd animal friendship
where they can easily swim through the ground with the 7th speak with plants
least amount of solid rock on the way. 13th skill empowerment
Diet. Brass dragons dislike consuming anything that 19th incendiary cloud
might alter the brittle ecosystems in which they live under.
This means that they will not eat animals unless it is to Incessant Speaker
the benefit of the ecosystem, and will refuse to eat plants 1st-level Brass Dragon feature
while living in a desert. Thankfully, these dragons have the
You learn 3 languages of your choice. In addition, you can
supernatural ability to receive all the nourishment they
comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts.
require from the smallest of meals, sometimes making due
by merely drinking the morning dew of plants. Further, you gain proficiency in Persuasion if you don’t
already have it.

Sand Skulker
1st-level Brass Dragon feature

You gain a borrowing speed equal to your walking speed.

While underground, you can detect and pinpoint the origin
of vibrations within a specific radius, provided that the
source of the vibrations is in contact with the same ground
you are under. With this ability, even if you can’t see them,
you know if other creatures are burrowing near to you or if
creatures are walking above ground close to you. You can’t
borrow through solid rock and other creatures can’t ride
you while you burrow.

Starting at 1st level, the radius is 30 feet. It increases to 60

feet at level 5 and then to 90 feet at level 20.

The tunnels you create are left partially collapsed and

dangerously unstable.

Primary Breath Weapon: Fire Breath Starting from 14th level, you may use this feature twice per
2nd-level Brass Dragon feature
short rest.
Your breath weapon takes on the form of a 30-foot cone
blast of fire. Each creature in the area of the blast must Taunt
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature 7th-level Brass Dragon feature
takes fire damage as dictated under the Breath Weapon You have the uncanny ability to find just the right topic of
feature. The creature takes half damage on a success. conversation that will distract even the most reserved foe.
Brass Tacks You can spend an action to attempt to force a group of
5th-level Brass Dragon feature enemies within 30 feet of you that can hear you, to focus
on you. The creatures you designate must succeed on
Choose one of your skill or tool proficiencies. Your
a Wisdom saving throw or become taunted until the
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
beginning of your next turn. Creatures taunted in this way
that uses Persuasion or that chosen proficiency.
cannot target other creatures with attack or spells. If they
Further you learn an additional 2 languages of your choice. cast or use an ability that has an area of effect, then you
These languages can include special languages such as must be the center of that area.
Thieves’ Cant or Druidic. Your ability to learn additional
You can use this feature a number of times per long rest
languages is further increased—whenever you take a long
equal to your proficiency modifier.
rest, you may designate that you are spending your free
time learning a language of your choice. After you complete Improved Sand Skulker
ten long rests learning a particular language, you become 9th-level Brass Dragon feature
proficient in that language.
You can burrow through solid rock at a rate of 5 feet per
You must have a learning source for the languages which round (or 3,000ft an hour). When you do so, you leave a
you pick using this feature. This source can be books with stable 5-foot wide, 8-foot high tunnel behind you which can
the correct translations, a speaker that is willing to teach be safely used by other creatures. Further, with 1 hour of
you, or any other form of access that you may find for the work, you can stabilize a 100 foot long tunnel made out
language. For example, you may not learn the druidic of sand, earth, or mud; so that other creatures can safely
language unless there is a druid willing to teach you. traverse them. You can now carry up to one medium-sized
creature or two small-sized creatures on you while you
Secondary Breath Weapon: Sleep Breath burrow.
6th-level Brass Dragon feature
In addition, you deal double damage to structures which
You exhale a sleep gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature
you attack with your natural weapons.
in that area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends on a Improved Taunt
creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an 18th-level Brass Dragon feature
action to wake it. Creatures immune to charm effects are
immune to this ability. Creatures in combat, who are not The range of your Taunt increases to 60 feet. In addition,
surprised, make the saving throw with advantage. creatures have advantage when attacking creatures taunted
by you.

Ogres are burly, ugly creatures who survive on raiding and
scavenging. They often prey on the weak, and associate
freely with others who allow them to get what they want.
They understand only strength and solve every problem set
before them with brute force. When that fails, they either
ignore the problem or run away. 

An ogre’s skin typically ranges from a dead yellow to a dull

black-brown, and sometimes even a sickly looking violet.
Their dark hairs tend from blackish blue to dull, dark green,
and are always greasy and unkempt. 

An ogre’s stupidity is of legendary status, a fact known by
most travelers who spend even a minute with these brutes.
They often believe everything that is told to them and seem
completely unable to understand how the larger world
around them functions. They focus their lives on what is
directly in front of them and try not to think too hard on
concepts beyond where to get their next meal. 

When made to use their brain, ogres shut down quickly and
become irritated. Since ogres are used to solving all of their
problems using their power, they devolve into attempting
to destroy that which confounds them. Eloquent creatures
who try too hard to confuse an ogre often find themselves
squashed under their angry fists. 

Fabled Gluttony
If an ogre is not eating, it is either thinking about eating or
is smashing something that is preventing it from eating.
They are primarily carnivores, though they have voracious
appetites and won’t shy from eating anything edible that is
left within their grasp. 

Unfortunately for the good peoples of this world, an ogre’s

favorite foods are dwarves, halflings, and elves; a fact that
is difficult for an ogre to forget once it has developed the
taste. Most ogres who live within human civilization do so
by having never partaken, for once an ogre eats these races
they find it difficult to stop. 

When you create your ogre, think about what must have
Covetous Nature happened for your character to end up with normal
Like a child, an ogre wants to own anything that catches its humanoids. Rarely does an ogre have a simple change
eye, forming hoards of “treasure” which it greedily collects. of heart, since ogres don’t quite moralize things the way
An ogre’s stupidity prevents it from truly understanding humans would; instead try to envision a drastic event that
what is valuable and what is not, leaving it hoarding ugly must have forced your ogre’s hand for that shift to occur.
and useless trinkets for no reason other than to simply What sort of wacky circumstance drove your ogre to travel
possess them. An ogre’s lair resembles a human hoarder at and adventure with your fellow companions?
its pinnacle of debasement. 
D12 Change of Fate
An ogre cannot be trusted with understanding what is 1 Humans have this bizarre piece of paper that says that when you do
fair for it to have and will constantly fight with others over things for them, they must give you food. They appear to be afraid
obtaining more loot from its raids. Like most creatures, it of the piece of paper. You now abuse the power of that which they
is naturally attracted to shiny objects. However, an ogre will call “the contract.”
almost always be willing to trade anything from its horde 2 Soldiers raided your old tribe and took you prisoner. You spent a
with something else that catches its eye, being too dumb to few years as their indentured worker in a mine until a hole to the
underdark was unearthed and monsters came forth. You fought
notice if it’s ever swindled.  
and defeated them, earning you your freedom. 
3 You were one of the many cooks in a small city of hobgoblins. For
Creating an Ogre reasons you are ashamed to admit, you discovered that hobgoblins
taste delicious. Things got very awkward after that. 
Most of the ogres which adventurers come across are evil
4 You lost your bugbear best friend to a marauding tribe of
to the core, because ogres will always follow the strongest. barbarians. To commemorate his passing, you decided it was in
In the wild, the strongest tend to be evil creatures like good taste to use his dead body as your new weapon; something
dragons, hags, giants, or large groups of orcs or goblinoids, that didn’t sit well with your other bugbear tribesmen. You were
which ogres will unquestionably follow and heed. What quickly banished. 
is important to understand is that ogres truly care about 5 You were born as the fourth son of a family of ogres. Unfortunately,
food, with the occasional desire to hoard trinkets and your parents did not know how to count after three and discarded
baubles. As long as you understand these desires, you can you to make their lives easier. You have struggled out in the wild
turn a previously evil ogre and sway it back to its more your whole life. 
natural, indifferent state. Just as easy as ogres join bands of 6 Adventurers slayed your parents and found you as a young child.
raiding orcs, they join groups of benevolent mercenaries or They took pity on you and took you on their adventures. You have
been traveling the world with heroes ever since. 
7 You used to work as a wall breaker for a terrible gang of raiding
Ogres are not loyal, but are fantastic followers who will do orcs. You fell during a raid gone wrong, and were left for dead. You
anything you ask of them, so long as it sees you as mightier woke up alone with the gang having abandoned you. 
or as a reliable source of comfort. An adventuring ogre 8 You were a servant for a nice family of cloud giants who treated
will be perfectly happy going on quests so long as it is you with love and respect. One day they decided to “free” you by
leaving you amongst your own kind, but you absolutely detest other
given some kind of loot (ogres don’t care about value; they ogres. You have been searching for your cloud giant family ever
just want “stuff”) and is left to enjoy its constant meals. since. 
A snappy ogre just needs to be shown that the party is 9 Your treasure kept on getting stolen by your brothers and sisters.
stronger than he is, and he will follow happily.  In a torrent of rage and fury, you clobbered your way back to your
treasure and ran. You have been on the run ever since, waiting for
If you would desire to roleplay the evilness of your them to take their revenge. 
alignment, then keep in mind that an ogre is evil mostly
10 You accidentally sat on top of, and killed, the goblin chieftain of the
thanks to its selfishness. It truly doesn’t care about goblinoid tribe you used to live with. They nominated you as their
anything that is happening around itself, it only cares about new leader, but you grew bored and left.
its comfort and its appetite, and gets very grumpy and 11 One day you learned that food appears to taste better when
aggressive when those things are actively removed from it. cooked. Your fellow ogres made fun of you for being too civilized
An ogre never actively seeks to do evil, but has an easy time and wasting perfectly edible dwarf legs, but by then the writing was
doing evil if prompted to do so.  on the wall. You just could not get back to eating raw dwarf and
were forced to leave.  
Change of Fate 12 You once ate a strange elf “bread-like” ration which completely
eliminated your hunger for half a day. You have never felt such
Most ogres live terrible and brutal lives, where the one clarity since and you dream of the day when you can free your mind
who smashes the hardest gets the food. These lives are again.
lived through constant bloodshed, murder, and betrayal.
Ogres often live in cave systems with others of their kind,
brutalizing any unlucky humanoid who finds themselves
nearby. They collude with awful monsters like goblins, orcs,
and even giants in order to destroy and dominate. 

Extreme Misunderstanding Fighting “Technique”
The way an ogre’s mind functions is a marvel to behold— Ogres do not practice their weapon stances nor do they
countless books could be written describing the comical perfect the art of the blade, most don’t even know the
levels of stupidity this creature showcases. When building difference between a sword or an axe. Ogres use greatclubs
your ogre’s personality, take advantage of the very unique because smashing comes naturally to them, but in the mind
scenario of being able to play a creature known for its dim- of an ogre, a greatclub can be a tree log, a sack filled with
wittedness.  potatoes, or the skeletal remains of uncle Patrick. At the
end of the day, for an ogre, the greatclub is a state of mind,
For your ogre, the world should be a very confusing place and in this regard they can be quite creative. 
and most things should befuddle them. Make sure that you
portray this by establishing different quirky personality Most of the fun from playing an ogre comes from being
traits that showcase its general misconception of how able to adapt to the scenario given to you, by using anything
things ought to be. Remember that most ogres can’t even around you as a possible weapon to use against your
count to ten, even with their fingers in front of them; enemies. You can separate your character from other
nothing is too far-fetched when it comes to roleplaying a ogres by coming up with unique fighting styles that rely
dumb ogre. Feel free to use any of the examples below to on creative use of your surroundings in combat. Perhaps
expand the personality of your character.  you can even develop your own flavorful style that might be
remembered by your fellow players for years to come! 
D12 Extreme Misunderstanding
1 You actually have no idea what an ogre even is. You have been told D12 Fighting Style
since you were little that you are just a very big ugly human. You 1 Food tastes better drenched in the blood of your enemies. You
now live amongst humans believing you are one of them. prefer to use delicious cow legs as clubs or kobold kebabs as
2 You carry with you a dead animal who you believe is alive and spears. 
perfectly healthy. You rationalize it not moving with tons of 2 You are not even sure how to hold them, but you use fancy human
excuses, and get exceedingly angry at whoever tries to disprove weapons whenever you can. If it works for them then perhaps they
them.  might work for you?
3 You once saw a halfling mage obliterate an ogre with a powerful 3 Shiny objects make for the strongest weapons! 
spell. You now believe all halflings are monstrous demons hiding
4 You only use enormous objects as weapons, often giving them
their true forms. 
names that start with the word “great”. Greataxes and greatclubs
4 You are scared to count to four. Last time you tried, you had the are okay, but your favorites are great-barrels and great-trees.
biggest headache of your life and almost died, without realizing it
5 You have finally figured it out. After years of rigorous testing with
was actually just indigestion. You have spent your life separating
trial and error, you have come to the conclusion that sahuagin are
things into groups of three.
the perfect club. Their weight and height fits just right with your
5 You are certain that unless you collect the skulls of every enemy style of swing. The fact that they make a funny sound when they hit
you kill, their ghost will come back to haunt you. Every nightmare a hard surface is quite frankly a nice bonus. 
you have, and every shadow you see, you attribute to that one guy
6 It doesn’t matter what kind of object or blade you hold as a
you forgot to take the skull from. 
weapon, you always resort to punching with it instead. 
6 You are certain that showering and using shirts will make you more
7 Giant slings are the way to go. You fill them up with all kinds of
attractive to ogres of the opposite sex. It in fact repels them. 
objects, really anything that you find on the streets. You constantly
7 You not only believe trees can understand your words, you also in tell your friends to drop their trash into your sling ammunition bag
fact fear them since they are bigger than you.  for you to use later. 
8 You fear that hunger is really your body telling you that you are 8 Why try something new when the classics always get the job done?
about to die of starvation. You are never without food in your Rocks are versatile; you can smash with them and you can throw
mouth, and you make certain you always have your next meal them at your enemies. And if you get bored, you can always find
planned out.  pointy rocks to mix things up.  
9 Gesturing and grunting has become your main form of 9 Shields are, in fact, very effective as a bludgeoning tool.  
communication. You believe that as long as you don’t talk, you
10 Whether a sword, a dwarf, or even a bow: it doesn’t matter what
cannot be tricked by others. 
you use as a weapon… you always choose to throw it at your enemy
10 You refer to your companions as your minions, and your party’s rather than entering close quarter combat. 
headquarters as your lair. Every decision the group makes,
11 You see yourself as a spellcaster that takes matters into their own
you believe it was ultimately your idea, and that every treasure
hands. You mutter out fake magical incantations as you throw balls
owned by the group ultimately belongs to you. You believe this so
of mud, and scream “firebolt!” when you push a bowl full of hot
strongly, that it defies logic and reality. 
coals onto an enemy. 
11 You have discovered that all puzzles are distractions from the
12 You received “formal” weapons training from goblins once, and
fact that you can simply break through the secret wall hiding the
now you avoid improvising much. You prefer using simple weapons
treasure. Whenever you find a puzzle in the wild, you try and break
the way the gods intended them to. 
through everything trying to find the secret treasure. 
12 You grew up watching your elders drool and spit all around the
den. You have grown to believe that swallowing your own saliva is
poisonous. Now you drool and spit wherever you go. 

The Ogre
Max Strength Strength Score Damage Iron Grip
Level Features Score Increase Reduction Throw Distance
1st Ogre Strength, Thick Skin 24 - 6 -
2nd Improvised Weapon, Crush Area 24 - 6 -
3rd Simple Tactics 24 - 6 -
4th Ability Score Improvement 24 - 7 -
5th Brutal Attack, Cleave 26 +2 7 -
6th Iron Grip 26 - 7 10ft.
7th Unmovable Fortress 26 - 8 15ft.
8th Ability Score Improvement 26 - 8 20ft.
9th Dumb Luck, Improvised Weapon (d10) 28 +2 8 25ft.
10th Squeeze the Puny, Improvised Magic 28 - 9 30ft.
11th Brutal Attack (Triple Damage) 28 - 9 35ft.
12th Ability Score Improvement 28 - 9 40ft.
13th Ignore Pain 30 +2 10 45ft.
14th Cleave (Up to 4 targets) 30 - 10 50ft.
15th Extremely Dumb Luck 30 - 10 55ft.
16th Ability Score Improvement 30 - 11 60ft.
17th Crush Area (2/rest), Improvised Weapon (d12) 32 +2 11 65ft.
18th Indomitable Might 32 - 11 70ft.
19th Ability Score Improvement 32 - 12 75ft.
20th Brutal Attack (Quadruple Damage) 32 - 12 80ft.

Quick Build Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. 

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
You can make an ogre quickly by following these as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of
score. Your high Strength score will compensate for your gray. 
lack of proficiency modifier. Your next highest score should
Mental Limitations. You do not have a proficiency modifier
be Constitution. Second, choose the Hermit or Urchin
and you cannot become proficient in anything. You can’t
seem to figure out how to use martial weapons properly and
so they are improvised weapons to you. 
Class Features Large Body. You live in a world populated by puny creatures
As an ogre you get the following features: and you cannot help but be all powerful. You make Strength
checks with advantage. Your hit point maximum increases
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and it increases by 2 every time you gain a level. You
by 6, your Constitution score increases by 2, and your cannot make non-lethal weapon attacks. 
Intelligence score decreases by 4. Your Dexterity, Wisdom,
Gorger of Refuse. You are used to eating anything you can
and Charisma scores all decrease by 2. 
find, from raw animals to toxic, barely edible trash. You
Age. Ogre bodies are forced to mature faster than humans cannot become diseased from eating and you are immune
since they are typically thrown into a chaotic, brutal world to ingested poisons. 
as soon as they can hold a club. They reach their adult size
The Bigger They Are. Whenever you would take falling
by around age 10, though their child-like mentality remains
damage, you take twice that damage instead.
for at least a few more years. Ogres can live up to 90 years
of age, but rarely make it out of their third decade thanks to Languages. You can (barely) speak Common and your
the violent life they live.  choice between Giant, Goblin, or Orc. You however do not
know how to read or write. 
Alignment. An ogre’s desires and principles begin and end
at the thought of where they can get their next meal, while Hit points
solving every problem along the way through smashing.
Hit Dice: 1d12 per ogre level.
They always follow the bigger and the stronger, whoever
Hit Points At First Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier.
that happens to be at the time. Most ogres are chaotic evil. 
Size. Adult ogres stand between 9 and 11 feet tall and Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d12 (7) + your Constitution
weigh between 600 to 1,000 pounds. Your size is Large.  modifier per ogre level after the 1st.

Improvising Weapons
The Ogre does not have, nor can it obtain, any proficiencies. Whenever an Ogre picks up a weapon and improvises its usage,
This class does not use a proficiency modifier.   that weapon loses every single feature it possesses and instantly
becomes an improvised weapon. The Ogre might pick up a sword
Armor: None by the blade and smack its foes with the handle, or might wrap
Weapons: None up a whip around its fist and then punch its enemies with it. You
get to decide whether the Ogre does bludgeoning, piercing, or
Tools: None slashing damage based on the nature of how the Ogre is utilizing
the weapon. 
Saving Throws: None Magical items as improvised weapons lose all of their combat
Skills: None magical properties for as long as the Ogre is improvising with
them. This means that an improvised Flametongue longsword
You use your Strength modifier when setting the saving (which normally deals an extra 2d6 fire damage on strike) no
throw DC for any Ogre ability or feature you use. longer deals extra fire damage on a hit. In a similar manner, an
Ogre does not get the extra +1 damage or +1 to hit value from an
Saving Throw DC = 8 + your Strength modifier improvised +1 longsword. In general, magical effects that trigger
when the Ogre attacks or deals damage with the weapon do not
Equipment function. The GM may choose to override this rule if the situation
allows it. Following the improvised weapons rules in the Player’s
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Handbook, a GM may rule that a weapon imbued with permanent
equipment granted by your background: fire (like a flametongue) does fire damage instead of slashing. 
Magical items with magical effects not relating to doing attacks
• (a) a greatclub or (b) any simple melee weapon or dealing damage through attacks, still function as normal
even while the object is being used as an improvised weapon;
• (a) four javelins or (b) large-sized sling and four big and these weapons still count as magical for the purposes of
rocks overcoming resistances and immunities. 

• cook’s utensils and a large leather bag holding a dead

animal  Ogre Strength
1st-level Ogre feature
Thick Skin
Your Strength score maximum is 24, instead of 20. In
1st-level Ogre feature
addition, your current and maximum Strength score
Weapons barely bruise you and arrows get stuck on your increases by 2 at level 5, level 9, level 13, and level 17. 
hard, scabby skin. Your flesh is accustomed to brutality and
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier
it serves you better than any armor. 
bludgeoning damage on a hit. You have advantage on
Your AC cannot go above 10. Any damage you take from Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws. 
a melee, ranged, or spell attack is reduced by 6 (to a
minimum of 1) unless it is lightning, psychic, or it is a
melee attack coming from a creature with the Incorporeal
movement feature, like a ghost. This damage reduction
increases by 1 every three levels as shown under the
Damage Reduction column in the ogre class table. 

Improvised Weapons Simple Tactics
2nd-level Ogre feature 3rd-level Ogre feature

You have the uncanny ability to smash enemies with Some may call this strategy, but to you this is simply
anything you find. You can, as a bonus action, dismantle a pummeling with extra steps. You have a resource called
Large-sized object (or smaller) within 5 feet of you and turn Brainpower which represents your ability to perform
it into a usable improvised weapon. For example, you can special combat maneuvers before you become mentally
break down a small tree into a usable club piece, unearth exhausted. Brainpower is represented as an amount of
a rock which you can use to smash or throw, or tear a points equal to your Strength modifier which you can spend
dead ogre’s arm to use as a flailing weapon. You need the by using any of the abilities described below. When you use
necessary materials to exist around you for this ability to a point, it is then expended and cannot be regained until
function, and your DM might rule that no such materials you finish a long rest. 
exist or that the object is too hard for you to dismantle.
Squash. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you
In addition, the damage die for improvised weapons can expend one Brainpower point to attempt to knock the
you use increases to 1d8. This means that you can use target down. If the target is Large (or smaller), it must make
weapons like daggers and javelins as improvised weapons a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the
in order to increase their damage dice, but you then lose target prone. 
any properties those weapons might possess, including any
magical effect relating to hitting enemies through attacks Sweep. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you
or dealing damage through attacks. For example, javelins can expend one Brainpower point to attempt to drive the
you use this way would no longer have the thrown (range target back. If the target is Large (or smaller), it must make
30/120) property and instead would use the Improvised a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you push the
weapon thrown range as per the PHB rules which is 20/60. target up to 15 feet away from you.
Conversely, the great club would no longer have the two- Smack. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you
handed weapon property which would allow you to wield it can spend two Brainpower points to attempt to daze the
with one hand.  target. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving
As per the improvised weapons rules in the PHB, if the throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. 
weapon could feasibly deal fire, cold, or any other type of Snatch. Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee
magical damage, then the DM might allow the improvised attack on your turn, you can expend two Brainpower points
weapon to do that specific type of magical damage rather to try to grapple the target as a bonus action. 
than physical. You also always add your Strength modifier
to the damage of your improvised weapons.  Lunge. When you make a melee attack on your turn, you
can expend a Brainpower point to increase your reach for
Further, you can use dead Medium- or Small-sized that attack by 5 feet. 
creatures as improvised weapons. 
You can regain expended Brainpower points by consuming
You deal additional damage with your improvised weapons large quantities of food. Eating two Small-sized creatures
as you level up in this class. Your improvised weapon or a single Medium-sized creature (or about 100 lbs) allows
damage die increases to a 1d10 at 9th level and to a 1d12 at you to regain one point of Brainpower. You can repeat
17th level.  this process until you have eaten at least 400 lbs worth
of food (or a single large creature) to a maximum of four
Crush Area Brainpower points regained in a single day.
2nd-level Ogre feature
An Ogre which expends all of its allowed Brainpower points
As an action, you may target two creatures within 5 feet of in a day gains a point of exhaustion, as it is bombarded with
each other as long as both are within melee range of you. killer headaches and nosebleeds. You regain all expended
You obliterate the area between the two creatures with a Brainpower points after a long rest. 
massive weapon slam. Roll the damage of your weapon as if
you had successfully hit with an attack, including the Brutal Ability Score Improvement
Attack bonus if you have it. The target creatures must 4th-level Ogre feature
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take the damage.
They take half damage on a success.  When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
You may use this feature once per short rest. Starting from by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
17th level, you can use this feature twice per short rest.  by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature unless its maximum has been increased
through another feature. 

Starting from 14th level, provided you have enough
remaining damage after your two killing blows, you can
repeat the process in order to cleave into a third and
potential fourth enemy creature. 

Iron Grip
6th-level Ogre feature

Your old days of snatching halflings might be done, but the

training carries over.

Your speed is not lowered when attempting to move while

grappling creatures that are smaller than you. You have
advantage on the melee weapon attacks you make against
creatures grappled by you. 

Moreover, you have the ability to throw creatures across

great distances thanks to your incredible strength. As an
action, you may throw a Medium-sized creature (or smaller)
grappled by you up to 10 feet in any direction. The distance
at which you can throw a creature increases by an extra
5 feet for every additional level you gain in this class as
shown on the Ogre table at the beginning of this chapter.
The creature then either takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning
Brutal Attack damage for every 10 feet of travel distance, or takes
falling damage as per the rules in the Player’s Handbook,
5th-level Ogre feature whichever is greater.  
Once per round and only during your turn, when you
successfully deal damage to an enemy creature with
Unmovable Fortress
a melee weapon attack; you can choose to double that 7th-level Ogre feature
It is very difficult to move you by force. If an effect moves
Damaging effects that happen as a consequence of your you against your will along the ground, you can use your
attack are not doubled. For example, effects that might reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10
force an enemy to make a saving throw to prevent more feet.  
damage (like certain poisons) would not be subject to this
damage doubling. Damaging effects that accompany your Further, when you are subjected to a damaging effect that
attack that only activate once per attack or once per turn allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw; you may
are also not doubled. For example, damage from features reduce any damage you take from that effect by an amount
like sneak attack or a bard’s temporary damage increase equal to your Thick Skin’s damage reduction.  
would also not be doubled.You also do not double the extra
dice damage granted by a critical hit, only the regular Dumb Luck
weapon damage. 9th-level Ogre feature
Your Brutal Attacks become more powerful as you gain Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or
levels in this class. Starting from 11th level, you triple 20. 
the damage rather than double it. Then at 20th level, you
quadruple it instead.  Squeeze The Puny
Cleave 10th-level Ogre feature
5th-level Ogre feature You can use an action to forcibly crush a creature or
object that you have currently grappled. When you do, you
If you reduce an enemy creature to 0 hit points with a melee automatically deal an amount of bludgeoning damage equal
weapon attack, you may have a secondary creature within to 3d10 + your Strength modifier. You cannot be holding
melee range take the remaining damage. Choose a creature any other object in your two hands for you to be able to use
within reach. There cannot be other creatures or obstacles this feature. If you use this feature against an object you are
between this creature and the original targer passing holding, you deal double the damage. 
through the arc of the attack. If the original attack roll is
higher than the armor class of this second creature, then
apply any remaining damage to it. 

Improvised Magic
10th-level Ogre feature

Your improvised weapons always count as magical for the

purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-
magical attacks and damage. 

Ignore Pain
13th-level Ogre feature

You no longer go unconscious when damage from an enemy

creature drops you to 0 hit points, and you can continue to
take actions as if you were still standing. 

You still make death saving throws as normal for a

character at 0 hit points, except that if you roll three death
saving throw successes, then you are healed by 1 hit
point. Successful attacks against you continue to give you
automatic failed death saves as normal, and you die if you
collect three such failed saves. 

Once this feature is activated, it will not activate again until

you take a short rest.

Extremely Dumb Luck

15th-level Ogre feature

Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

Indomitable Might 
18th-level Ogre feature

If your total for a Strength check is less than your Strength

score, you can use that score in place of the total. 

Playing a Large Creature

Because it is not often that a player gets to play a Large-sized
creature, it is important to remember a few of the changes such
a size incurs:
• Your carry weight equals your Strength score
multiplied by 30. 
• You will be considered squeezing while traversing through
5-foot wide hallways, which means all of your attacks and
your dexterity saving throws will be made at disadvantage.
Attacks against you while squeezing are made at advantage.
Such small hallways are difficult terrain for you.
• You can grapple and shove creatures up to Huge in size.
Small creatures cannot grapple or shove you.  
• Medium creatures can mount you without causing any
restriction to you. 
• Small creatures can simply walk through your space. 
• Large-sized versions of common clothes or objects are
generally about four times more expensive than their
Medium-sized counterparts. 
• For the purposes of this class, your weapon damage dice
do not increase by virtue of being a large weapon used by a
Large creature. Neither does your melee range increase.

Lycanthropes are creatures which have been afflicted with a
terrible curse that transforms them into monstrous beasts.
These unfortunate souls can shift between their traditional
humanoid form, a fully bestial shape symbolic of the origin
of the curse, or a hybrid of the two. They can transmit the
curse onto others through their bite, mindlessly spreading
the contagion throughout civilization.

Divergent Beginnings
True Lycanthropy. The union between two true
lycanthropes creates a baby who is born a true lycanthrope.
There is no way for a creature to be turned into a true
lycanthrope unless they inherited the affliction from their

These lycanthropes can shift and change their form into

their bestial shape at will. The process of transformation
into a beast is described by them to be of “transcendent
ecstasy” as their body mutates into their hybrid form. For
the most part, these werebeasts maintain a high level of
intelligence throughout their transformations and have
societies built around their many forms.

Pathologic Lycanthropy. A creature can become a

lycanthrope by becoming infected with the dreaded
disease, typically by being bitten by another lycanthrope.
The disease is carried by the saliva, blood, or any other
liquid secreted by the body of a lycanthrope, and it can
be contracted when such liquids make contact with the
bloodstream of an otherwise healthy creature. After a few
days of the disease running its course, the victim will be
fully afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy.

These lycanthropes typically cannot change their forms at

will. Instead they transform when confronted with certain
“triggers.”Examples of triggers can be high amounts of
stress, the smell of blood, hearing the howl of a wolf, seeing
the full moon, or even the bloodlust of combat. The process
of transformation for these lycanthropes is described as
unbearably painful, to the point of agonizing pain, as their
bones break and their skin tears in the shifting process.

Most pathological lycanthropes lose themselves in their Nothing short of a Wish spell can remove this type of
transformations, becoming no more than feral beasts. It is lycanthropy, with perhaps clever usage of spells like
believed that the reason why most blank out during their Reincarnate or Magic Jar being the exception in order to
shifts is as a self defense mechanism to withstand the effectively change the cursed body with a new one.
painful process. Most of these lycanthropes can either take
on a hybrid shape, or a fully bestial shape; but generally not Pathologic Lycanthropy. Once the disease has taken root
both. upon the body of a creature, it becomes exceedingly difficult
to remove. The lycanthropic affliction is by nature a curse,
Maledictive Lycanthropy. As a powerful curse, the and so it falls under a very distinct set of rules that sets
lycanthropic affliction can befall a creature by the use of it apart from traditional magical maladies that would be
high-level magic. Creatures who wish upon dark gods for otherwise easy to remove via simple curative spells.
strength often become cursed with this malady, others who
make deals with hags suffer similarly. The first step is to destroy the source of the curse - often
called the primogenitor. It is not enough to simply kill the
In its most general terms, maledictive lycanthropes function werebeast that produced the infection, if that werebeast
similarly to pathologic lycanthropes. However the nature of was itself infected by another. One must track the line of
the transformation is ultimately dependent on the source infections until the original source of the contamination is
of the magic, and so has the potential to break established found—typically either a true lycanthrope or a maledictive
norms and rules. These lycanthropes can be influenced lycanthrope. This lycanthrope must be killed before the
radically by the ever-volatile nature of magic. next steps can be taken. Failure to do so prevents the curse
from being broken.
Curing the Curse
The second step is to repent for any transgressions one has
True Lycanthropy. A true lycanthrope cannot be cured of committed while transformed into a beast. As with many
its existence, in the same way as one cannot cure a dwarf curses, lycanthropy is a magical malady that reacts strongly
from being born a dwarf. to symbolism.

Rejection of the bestial gift is a powerful statement that D12 Cursed Contact
weakens its hold upon the body, but even more powerful is 1 You were offered up as a baby to a dark group of cultists. These
the restitution one takes to clean the soul of the taint which foul followers of Baphomet summoned dark magics upon you,
has infected it. twisting and misshaping your form.
2 You were part of an odd group of people hidden up in the
The third step requires assistance from a third party, in mountains away from civilization. You and the rest of your
particular a healer with the necessary spells. The cursed small tribe pledged yourselves to a god of shapeshifters and
creature must be bound and forced to transform into lycanthropes. Through a series of profane rituals which you dare
its bestial self. Precautions must be made to securely not mention, you and the rest of the village were turned into
chain the lycanthrope so as to prevent the healer’s savage beasts of the night.
murder. The first spell to be cast is ceremony (Atonement), 3 You have spent your life hunting monsters until you were bitten
provided it is successful, which restores the sentience and and afflicted with a terrible disease. The disease mutated into a
curse which granted you no comfort—but terrible power. You now
intelligence of the cursed victim even whilst transformed.
wield this power against the monsters you still hunt.
Upon gaining full sentience, the victim must then assert 4 You were born under an ominous red moon. Since childhood
all its willpower in order not to move; a very difficult task you have felt an odd attraction to the full moon which never
as the pain of transformation will be present alongside the manifested as anything more than a strange fascination. Decades
later you found yourself on a hill under the same red moon,
bloodlust provided by the bestial curse. The healer must unknowing how you got there. You grew powers from the moon
then cast lesser restoration in order to cleanse the disease which defy reason. You fear the day the red moon comes back.
from the victim’s blood, and then cast remove curse in order 5 Your calm, riverside community has been bullied by a group of
to finally dispel the curse. Provided that the victim stood bestial mutants for decades. Every other year they ask for a single
perfectly still during that whole process and the atonement child to be delivered to them, in order to quell their anger. When
spell took hold, then the lycanthropic curse will have finally your daughter was picked as a sacrifice, you volunteered instead.
been removed. For some reason they accepted.
6 You successfully fled as your city was sacked and burned by
Maledictive Lycanthropy. These lycanthropes can barbarians. Lost and hungry, you were saved by a mysterious
simultaneously be either the easiest to cure or the hardest sanctuary found inside a glade within the woods. The dryad
to cure, depending entirely on the nature of the magic used offered you a home. All you had to do was accept her blessing.
to inflict the curse. Curses of this magnitude function at a 7 You once roamed the nearby forests of your small hometown
level too high for basic curative spells like remove curse to village. You met a beautiful lady who offered you a gift. You asked
effectively remove, and oftentimes slaying the source of the her to be able to speak to the animals of the woods. Her shape
shifted into an ugly crone who then cursed you into the shape of
curse does nothing to stem its effect. a beast.
Most magical curses include some kind of escape clause. 8 You practiced alchemy within a prestigious university. An accident
If the action in this clause is performed, the victim is freed within the laboratory caused a grand fire in which many of your
colleagues tragically died. The fire melted and combined many
of the taint of lycanthropy. Sometimes the clause is known of the reagents you were working with, creating a bizarre purple
by the afflicted, while other times it must be searched for smoke which you inhaled. Your transformation into a monster gave
and discovered. It is not uncommon for all the victims of a you the strength you needed to escape.
maledictive lycanthrope to become cured of the curse once 9 You signed a contract with a devil. In exchange for great power,
the escape clause is reached by the primogenitor. you lose your agency and free will once a month - specifically
during nights of the full moon.
Creating a Lycanthrope 10 A mysterious group of clerics visited your city claiming to have
vials containing the blood of an ancient god. When administered,
Cursed Contact the blood would cure any disease and even regenerate lost limbs.
At first everyone considered it a great miracle and revered the
Lycanthropy is defined by the nature in which the curse blood—until the clerics left and the first full moon appeared under
the night sky.
was afflicted, for this power can be your source of solace
amidst a dangerous world or a traumatizing experience 11 You were already an animal in spirit, murdering and cannibalising
your victims. One day you targeted a poor child who lived in the
which destroys all you love. How you obtained this power
sewers. You were never the same after tasting their flesh.
will define the kind of lycanthrope you will be, which in
12 You parents were lycanthropes, and so you were born a natural
turn will signal how you are supposed to roleplay your

It is important to remember that lycanthropy can be Animalistic Behavior

obtained through many sources, not just infections. So Lycanthropes naturally develop instincts and behaviors
when building your character think about giving it a really that are traditionally associated with the animal their
interesting and mysterious beginning. Use the options transformations symbolically represent. A wererat
presented below as a gateway to further creativity in lycanthrope for example might constantly twitch and be
designing your connection with the curse. hyper neurotic even while in humanoid form. It might even
develop a strong taste for cheese!

Think about how your character’s animal persona directly Cursed Responsibility
affects its humanoid behavior, and what other kinds of
changes such a strange curse would inflict upon your Your character holds in its hands (or paws) the ability to
psyche. Use any of the examples given below to expand the spread its curse to as many people as it desires, a power
personality of your character. that should not be taken lightly. Every lycanthrope develops
D12 Animalistic Behavior strict guidelines as to how it wishes to use this power. Some
1 You no longer feel safe sleeping inside closed rooms and must find use it to empower their tribe, while others hoard it, seeking
a location outside to rest. to keep this mighty blessing for themselves instead. What is
2 You flinch whenever someone gets too close into your personal your character’s take on this mighty responsibility?
space, you refuse to physically touch people.
D6 Cursed Responsibility
3 You can’t help but growl or hiss at your enemies while in the thick
of combat. 1 You seek to spread your curse to as many creatures as possible.
4 You find it easy to become bonded with close friends, feeling like 2 You see your blood as your legacy, and you are on a journey to
you ought to protect them against enemies. You detest becoming afflict the most powerful creature you can get your hands on. You
separated from them. will create something incredible.
5 You despise clothing. You wear the bare minimum necessary to 3 You want to study your curse. If you fear it then you may never
not be shunned by society. understand it.
6 Just how most people study objects by touching them, you do so 4 You would only spread your curse to those from your pack. If an ally
through smell and taste. asks to be granted your blessing then you would accept.
7 You struggle with a strong desire not to bathe, compounded with 5 Your life experiencing this curse has been a nightmare. You hunt
a need to spread your scent over your home and sometimes even those that are cursed as you are, destroying every remnant of
companions. lycanthropy that you can find. This curse dies with you.
8 You traverse cities, dungeons, and forests alike whilst barefoot, 6 You have vowed never to bite another creature again. You will never
without a care in the world. bear a child. This curse is yours to survive and no one else shall
suffer it.
9 You are unnaturally hairy and find yourself constantly self
grooming, oftentimes using your own saliva.
10 You only eat raw food and become increasingly agitated when
others approach you while you eat.
11 You cannot stand being alone and desire to always be surrounded
by large groups of people.
12 You sense in yourself an extreme feeling of dysphoria, struggling
to balance your dual nature. Some days you feel the need to
behave like a wild animal while others you act like a common

The Lycanthrope
Proficiency Bestial Transformation
Level Bonus Features Temporary Hit Points
1st +2 Bestial Transformation, Werebeast Subclass Feature 10
2nd +2 Wild Senses 20
3rd +2 Werebeast Subclass Feature 30
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 40
5th +3 Extra Attack 50
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement 60
7th +3 Desperate Transformation, Cursed Claws 70
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 80
9th +4 Werebeast Subclass Feature 90
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement 100
11th +4 Bestial Attacks 110
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 120
13th +5 Bestial Attunement 130
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement 140
15th +5 Werebeast Subclass Feature 150
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 160
17th +6 Endless Form 170
18th +6 Werebeast Subclass Feature 180
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 190
20th +6 Bestial Attacks (four attacks) 200

Class Features Curse of the Werebeast

As a Lycanthrope, you may choose any character race as During the day, you walk amongst humans. At night, you
normal. stalk as a beast. Choose your lycanthropic curse which
describes the nature of your monstrous transformation:
Hit points Werewolf, Werebear, or Wererat, all detailed at the end of
the class description.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lycanthrope level
Hit Points At First Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 1st
level and again at 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 18th level. These
Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution features are only available or active for as long as you are
modifier per lycanthrope level. transformed, unless they explicitly say otherwise.
Proficiencies Bestial Transformation
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields 1st-level Lycanthrope feature
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Your body mutates as your bones restructures, your
Tools: None flesh warps, and your mind shifts. As a bonus action, you
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution transform into a monster which takes on the shape of a
hybrid between your humanoid shape and that of your
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Athletics, bestial curse. Superficial wounds taken while in your
Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth and bestial form regenerate as your skin molds itself back to
Survival completeness.

Equipment When you transform, you gain a number of temporary

hit points which represent your ability to maintain the
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the transformation through pain and stress. The temporary
equipment granted by your background: hit points equal 10 x your lycanthrope level. If you lose
these hit points then your transformation ends, you take
• (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
1d6 points of damage per lycanthrope level (which cannot
• (a) two handaxes or (b) one martial weapon be reduced in any way), and you gain a level of exhaustion.
While transformed, you gain abilities which are described
• An explorer’s pack and a net under your chosen lycanthrope subclass.

Shapeshifting into your cursed bestial form fills you with You can end the transformation willingly by spending 5
animalistic rage and instinct which inhibits your ability minutes outside of combat by concentrating, meditating, or
to understand the world around you. Your Intelligence doing any form of mental exercise meant to bring you back
and Charisma scores are reduced by 10 (to a minimum to your humanoid self. Your transformation also ends if you
of 1) while transformed, unless they are being used to perform a short rest, long rest, or after you spend a number
perform Intimidation checks. Your DM can make special of hours transformed equal to half your Lycanthrope level,
exceptions for unique scenarios in which you could rounded up.
feasibly make a skill check using your full ability scores
in spite of your bestial mind. For example, if you perform You can activate your Bestial Transformation only once per
a sacred religious rite to a god of beasts; then your DM short rest.
might allow you to make an Intelligence (Religion) check Silver Vulnerability. Silver objects burn your skin like
using your full Intelligence score. While transformed, your bright hot metal upon your flesh. Whenever you touch an
new stats designate the kinds of behaviors you can take object made of silver you take 1d4 points of damage that
as your animal mind takes over and your instincts rule cannot be reduced in any way, and you cannot use your
your personality, as shown on the Animal Intelligence and Bestial Transformation for 1 minute. If you are already
Animal Charisma tables. transformed, then the damage is applied to both your
A lack of Intelligence prevents you from effectively working temporary hit points and your current hit points. Similarly,
together with your party or being able to use the tools weapon damage done to you with silver weapons while
necessary to perform tasks. A Lycanthrope with low transformed is applied to both your temporary hit points
Intelligence doesn’t understand the world around it, and and your current hit points.
hence seeks to defend itself from anything it perceives. It Mark of the Full Moon. Once a month, when the full moon
might behave like—and know—it is a human (for example), rises at night, you are forcibly transformed into your bestial
but it can’t discern friend from foe and finds itself in a form for the entirety of the night, ending at dawn. Your full
constant state of confusion. This type of Lycanthrope may moon transformation is harsher and more brutal than your
find itself in tears and shame as it eats its loved ones. They typical bestial change. Your Intelligence and Charisma
devastate quickly and are found and killed immediately scores are reduced by 15 (to a minimum of 1) instead of
after. -10, and you take a level of exhaustion immediately upon
Animal Intelligence transformation, and once again when you revert back at
dawn. Further, you do not gain temporary hit points through
If 1 or 2 You are a mindless creature. You attack the closest
creature that you can see.
the full moon transformation. Instead, while transformed,
you gain resistance to all damage except psychic damage
If 3 or higher You can recognize those who have treated you kindly, and
know you are protected while with them.
and bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from silver
weapons. You do not need to be looking at, or have access
If 5 or higher You can use tools and weapons. You can rationalize and
understand the purpose of things.
to, the moon for thesechanges to occur.
If 7 or higher You can attune and use magic items that require
attunement while transformed.
Wild Senses
2nd-level Lycanthrope feature
A lack of Charisma hampers a Lycanthrope’s ability to
speak and behave in a human-like manner. A Lycanthrope You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
with low Charisma behaves like a beast, since it sees itself rely on hearing or smell. Your passive Wisdom (Perception)
as one. It may understand its surroundings, and even be increases by 5 when used to detect things that you can hear
able to manipulate it to its advantage, but it is driven by its or smell.
animal desires and base urges. This type of Lycanthrope
You gain proficiency in Survival. If you already had
can be the most dangerous to a civilization, as they willingly
proficiency, then your proficiency bonus is doubled for any
and stealthily spread their curse to those they can control,
ability check you make using Survival.
then form packs that raid and hunt.

Animal Charisma
Ability Score Improvement
If 1 or 2 You are a beast. You eat raw flesh from the dirt, 4th-level Lycanthrope feature
sometimes right where you sleep. You can’t speak. Your
actions are cruel, inhumane, and detached. When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th,
If 3 or higher You can understand when creatures speak to you in a 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
language you know. You know to keep yourself clean. You score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
feel and can express social emotions. scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an
If 5 or higher You can speak in simple short phrases. You know you are a ability score above 20 using this feature.
humanoid and deserve to be treated like one. You possess
humanoid tastes.
If 7 or higher There is no longer any distinguishable mannerisms
between your real and bestial shape. All Charisma skill
checks are made without a penalty.

Your Lycanthrope body adapts to the attuned magic item
Extra Attack and magically produces the effect as it would be expected
5th-level Lycanthrope feature to. A Flame Tongue sword might turn your claws fiery and
have them produce the fire damage on a successful claw
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take attack, Armor of Lighting Resistance might make your fur
the attack action on your turn. constantly glow with electric currents and give you the
resistance, or the Slippers of Spider Climbing might just
Desperate Transformation make the soles of your feet and paws sticky, allowing you to
7th-level Lycanthrope feature climb.

You can force a transformation even if you have no uses At the end of your Bestial Transformation, you become
left, at a cost. As an action, you can take an immediate unnatuned from the magical item.
level of exhaustion and undergo an imperfect Bestial
Transformation. You do not gain any temporary hit
Endless Form
points through the transformation, and you can’t gain any 17th-level Lycanthrope feature
temporary hit points from any source while transformed.
Instead, the transformation lasts for 1 minute or until You no longer gain a level of exhaustion nor, do you revert
you fall to 0 hit points. At the end of the duration, if you back to your humanoid form after losing the temporary hit
are still above 0 hit points, you can choose to prolong points associated with your Bestial Transformation. You
the transformation for an extra minute at the cost of an still take 1d6 x your Lycanthrope level in damage if you lose
additional level of exhaustion. your temporary hit points, but this damage now becomes
necrotic damage and can be reduced if able.
While under the effects of the Desperate Transformation
feature, you are vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage made with silver weapons.

You can only extend the duration of your Desperate

Transformation up until you reach 5 levels of exhaustion.

Cursed Claws
7th-level Lycanthrope feature

While transformed, your natural weapon attacks count as

magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and
immunity to non magical attacks and damage.

Bestial Attacks
11th-level Lycanthrope feature

While transformed, you can attack three times, instead of

twice, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks you can make while transformed
increases to four when you reach 20th level in this class.

Bestial Attunement
13th-level Lycanthrope feature

You can have a magic item which requires attunement,

meld into your new form as you shift into your Bestial
Transformation. You become automatically attuned to the
magic item and this attunement does not count towards
your maximum number of attunement slots. Further, you
can attune to this item even if you do not currently have the
necessary Intelligence score in order to attune to magic
items while transformed.

You can’t attune to an item in this way if you do not meet the
necessary class, level, or any other character requirements
for the magic item.

with silvered weapons. But their curse also grants them
Curse of the Werebeast ferocious strength and a taste for blood. Most werewolves
Choose your lycanthropic curse which describes the nature are drawn to madness as a refuge from warring between
of your monstrous transformation: Werewolf, Werebear, or their dual natures. The part that remembers humanity
Wererat. Each curse changes your form and behavior in seeks to end the savagery by finding a cure or isolating
uniquely different ways, altering the way you interact with themself, while the wolf demands the thrill of the hunt. Rare
the world. is the werewolf who can stave off this madness long enough
to find a solution to their torment.
Werewolf A werewolf seen in humanoid form is not easily recognized
Of all the lycanthropic creatures, none is more well-known for what they are. Experienced or learned experts might
or feared than the savage werewolf. Wolf howls heard in take note of a person’s elongated fingers, fur-like hair,
the dead of night are terrifying enough without the dreadful discolored eyes, or even the way they tend to prowl as
suspicion that it might be a werewolf’s cry. they walk. These can all be tell-tale signs of a person’s
lycanthropy, though it isn’t definitive evidence. However, this
Just like their animal brethren, werewolves tend to hunt in doesn’t stop many hunters from committing acts of swift
packs. A lone farmer trudging along a forest path at night retribution and has resulted in more than a few innocent
might feel comfortable enough with his silver medallion, but lives lost.
that ease of mind soon ebbs as his lantern reflects dozens
of glowing eyes in the surrounding foliage. Werewolves generally feel more at home at the fringes of
society or in utter wilderness, since it’s easier to track and
Werewolves who detest or deny their nature tend to wander scout in wide, open spaces. The dense populations of cities
the world alone, but they risk discovery and execution provide ample meals, but all the competing scents and
at the hands of adventurers or monster slayers armed sounds make it difficult to hunt. That said, some enjoy the
added challenge that comes with prowling in cities, and
the vast populations render it easier to blend in with the
masses when the guards are stirred to action.

Werewolf adventurers must quell the inner beast in order

to serve a higher calling. They might find slaying and
devouring criminals and monsters a constructive outlet
for their gnawing hunger and discover that being lauded
as a hero slakes a purer kind of thirst. Such praise quickly
evaporates once the werewolf is exposed for what they are,

Shape of the Lupine

1st-level Werewolf feature

Your Bestial Transformation takes on the form of a hybrid

between your humanoid form and that of a wolf. The curse
blesses you with strength and protection.

When you transform, your Strength score becomes 17

unless your original score is higher. In addition you gain a
+1 bonus to AC.

Your claws and bites count as natural weapons for you

which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit
with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d8 + your
Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage
normal for an unarmed strike. These attacks count as
weapon attacks for you and you are proficient with them.

Sense Weakness
1st-level Werewolf feature

The scent of blood is intoxicating, it draws you like a moth

to a flame.

You automatically know when a creature’s current hit point the purposes of this action. This increases to 3 at level 9, 4
total is less than or equal to half its maximum hit points. at level 13, and 5 at level 17.
To you, these creatures are considered Bloodied. You can
sense the general direction of any Bloodied creature within Instinctual Slash. You can spend a Fury point in order
1 mile of you, and ability checks you make to track them are to gain an extra reaction which you immediately spend in
made with advantage. order to make an attack of opportunity.

Successful weapon attacks against Bloodied targets deal an You regain an expended point of Fury by dealing a critical
additional +4 damage. hit or reducing an enemy creature to 0 hit points. You regain
all expended Fury points after a short or a long rest.
Territory Master The maximum amount of Fury you have increases to 4 at
1st-level Werewolf feature level 7 and to 5 at level 15.
If you are keeping watch during a long rest, you can choose
to scout the surrounding area for 1 hour. If you do, your Kindred Shape
party cannot be surprised for the duration of the long rest 3rd-level Werewolf feature
and you get a general idea of the types of creatures that can You can spend a use of your Bestial Transformation in order
be found or have traveled through 1 mile of your location. to Polymorph (as per the spell) into a dire wolf for a number
You still get the full benefit of the long rest. You of hours equal to half your lycanthrope level (minimum of
momentarily assume your Bestial Transformation for this 1). You can use your lycanthrope and werewolf features, and
feature even if you have already spent your usage of the you get to keep your mental ability scores; but are otherwise
ability and you gain usage of it again after your long rest. limited by your new form. Your DM has the stats for the dire
wolf. You need not hold concentration to Polymorph in this
Feral Fury way and your gear does not meld into the form, it instead
3rd-level Werewolf feature falls onto the floor if your wolf shape cannot hold it.

You can channel your thirst for blood in combat through You also have a limited ability to communicate with wolves.
great feats of ferocity and violence. This bloodlust is Even though you can’t directly speak with them, they seem
represented through Fury points. Starting from 3rd level, to understand the meaning of your words. You can interpret
you have 3 Fury points which you can spend on the actions the approximate meaning of the wolves’ intentions and
represented below. messages. Animal Handling checks made to influence them
are made with advantage.
Feral Lunge. You can spend a bonus action and expend
a Fury point in order to dash. You must move in an You can only use the Kindred Shape feature while not
unobstructed straight line directly towards a Bloodied under a Bestial Transformation.
enemy creature for you to be able to use this feature. If your
dash moves you 15 feet or more towards your target and Reinforced Ligaments
you immediately hit with an attack upon reaching them, you 9th-level Werewolf feature
may force the enemy creature to fall prone as long as it is a Your jump distance is doubled and climbing no longer costs
Medium-sized creature or smaller. you extra movement.
Bloodlust. If an enemy creature becomes Bloodied within When you fall, provided you are within 5 feet of a
15 feet of you outside of your turn, you can use a reaction continuous stable surface like a wall, you can use a reaction
and a Fury point in order to immediately move up to your to slow down your rate of descent by clawing onto the
speed towards that creature and make a melee weapon surface as you drop. If you do so, you do not take any fall
attack against it. damage from the descent.
Rabid Strike. Before you make a melee weapon attack
against a creature, you can expend one Fury point to
Hunting Tactics
gain advantage on the attack roll. The creature counts as 15th-level Werewolf feature
Bloodied for the purposes of this attack. You have advantage on attack rolls against Bloodied
Howl. You can use a bonus action and expend one Fury creatures that are within 5 feet of one of your allies.
point to rally your allies for combat. When you do so, you
Leader Of The Pack
can target up to 5 creatures that you can see within 15 feet
18th-level Werewolf feature
of you (including yourself). Those creatures gain temporary
hit points equal to half your Lycanthrope level + the number Your allies have advantage on melee attack rolls against any
of Bloodied enemies within 120 feet of you. Starting from Bloodied creature within 5 feet of you. Successful attacks
5th level, each individual Bloodied enemy counts for 2 for made by your allies in this way deal an extra +4 damage.

have a tragic past filled with hatred, torture, and violence.
Werebear They view humans as a scourge that only seeks to destroy
Despite their massive size and strength, werebears are that which is beautiful in the world. This perspective drives
relatively benign creatures. The voracious hunger still them to retaliate in kind, with senseless violence and
consumes them from time to time, but they often serve as murder. When two werebears come to blows over such
guardians and protectors for other like-minded creatures. disputes, the resulting combat is a truly terrifying exchange.
They are frequently found in druid groves or in service of
Werebears are well-suited to the life of an adventurer.
nature deities. When such homes are destroyed, werebears
They still keep their lycanthropy a secret as best they can,
tend to exact vengeance upon the destroyers and then
but their sense of community and protection make them
wander in search of a new home.
excellent heroes. A werebear will protect the lives of their
A werebear’s humanoid form is usually broad-shouldered companions with their own, especially if these companions
and brawny, and they move with the confidence of an apex are aware of the werebear’s nature and have accepted it.
predator. This, combined with their dark eyes and stern
features, makes them an intimidating sight even while not Shape Of The Ursine
transformed. But when a werebear makes an ally in you, 1st-level Werebear feature
you can rest assured that they will defend you with all their
Your Bestial Transformation takes on the form of a hybrid
between your humanoid form and that of a bear. The curse
The majority of werebears are calm and collected unless blesses you with strength and protection.
provoked, but there are exceptions. Vicious werebears often
When you transform, your Strength score becomes 19
unless your original score is higher. In addition you gain a
+1 bonus to AC.

Your claws and bites count as natural weapons for you

which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Your claws
deal slashing damage equal to 1d10 + your Strength
modifier, while your bites deal piercing damage equal to
1d12 + your Strength modifier. These attacks count as
weapon attacks for you and you are proficient with them.
You can only use your bite once per turn.

Powerful Body
1st-level Werebear feature

You gain a climbing speed of 30 feet which you can use only
on surfaces that are not completely smooth. In addition, you
count as one size larger when determining your carrying
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Animal Ferocity
3rd-level Werebear feature

Your normally passive nature erupts in rage as arrows and

blades pierce your skin. You gain a resource called Ferocity
which is represented by points that are collected during

You obtain a point of Ferocity whenever you take damage

from an enemy or whenever you successfully deal damage
to an enemy creature. You can only get a maximum of 1
point of Ferocity per source of damage. For example, you
only get 1 point of Ferocity when you take damage from
the magic missile spell, even if multiple missiles hit you.
And you can only get 1 point of Ferocity even if you manage
to hit multiple enemies with a single attack or spell. Each
individual attack in a multiattack action is its own source
of damage, so you can get multiple points of Ferocity
whenever you hit multiple times with weapon attacks or
take multiple hits from different weapon attacks.

You can spend your Ferocity points on any of the following Guardian’s Vigil
abilities: 9th-level Werebear feature
Ferocious Bite. Once per turn, you can spend 3 Ferocity The threat of harm against your allies enrages you.
points and turn a natural bite attack into a Ferocious Bite.
You roll the bite attack with advantage and it scores a Whenever you roll for initiative, you obtain 1 Ferocity point
critical hit on a roll of 17, 18, 19, or 20. You gain temporary for every enemy that you can see.
hit points equal to one third (rounded down) of the damage
you do with this attack. These temporary hit points can Additionally, you also obtain a Ferocity point for every
be added to the temporary hit points associated with your new enemy creature that you discover through combat;
Bestial Transformation, but never above the maximum for this includes enemies that were hidden from you at first,
your level. enemies that were summoned in the middle of combat,
allies which become enemies, enemy reinforcements that
Overpower. When you make a weapon attack against join the battle, etc. You cannot obtain more than 1 Ferocity
a creature, you can choose to add a bonus to the attack point this way from the same creature.
roll equal to the number of Ferocity points you expend by
activating this ability. You can use this ability before or after Your Ferocious Bite now deals 2d12 piercing damage.
making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack
are applied.
Demoralizing Roars
9th-level Werebear feature
Thick Hide. When an enemy creature that you can see
makes an attack roll against you, you can use a reaction in Any hostile creature within 5 feet of you has disadvantage
order to add a bonus to your AC against that attack equal to on attack rolls against targets other than you. An enemy is
the amount of Ferocity points expended as you activate this immune to this effect if it can’t see or hear you or if it can’t
ability. be frightened.

You gain additional abilities in which to use your Ferocity Relentless Stance
points as you gain levels in this subclass. 15th-level Werebear feature

You can only obtain points of Ferocity during combat and The maximum amount of Ferocity points you can hold
only up to a maximum of 10. These points are lost 1 minute increases to 15 and you gain the following abilities:
after combat ends.
Stand Your Ground. You can use a reaction and 5 points of
Kindred Shape Ferocity in order to reroll a saving throw. You must activate
3rd-level Werebear feature this ability before you know the results of your roll, and you
must use the new one.
You can spend a use of your Bestial Transformation in
order to Polymorph (as per the spell) into a brown bear Bear Guard. Whenever an ally within 5 feet of you takes
for an number of hours equal to half your Lycanthrope damage from an attack, you can use your reaction and
level (minimum of 1). You can use your Lycanthrope and expend 2 points of Ferocity you to take that damage instead
Werebear features, and you get to keep your mental ability of your ally. This ability transfers any accompanying effects
scores, but are otherwise limited by your new form. Your that the attack would have otherwise caused your ally, and
DM has the stats for the brown bear. You need not hold this damage can’t be reduced in any way. In addition, for the
concentration to Polymorph in this way and your gear does remainder of that turn, any further attacks made against the
not meld into the form, it instead falls onto the floor if your ally you protected are instead made against you.
bear shape cannot hold it. You may choose to polymorph
into a different color or variation of bear, while still using
18th-level Werebear feature
the stats of the brown bear.
You no longer lose your accumulated Ferocity after combat
You also have a limited ability to communicate with bears.
Even though you can’t directly speak with them, they seem
to understand the meaning of your words. You can interpret Your Ferocious Bite now deals 3d12 piercing damage.
the approximate meaning of the bears’ intentions and
messages. Animal Handling checks made to influence them
are made with advantage.

You can only use the Kindred Shape feature while not
under a Bestial Transformation.

Wererat Shape Of The Murine
1st-level Wererat feature
While most lycanthropes prefer rural or wilderness
environments, wererats feel more at home in densely Your Bestial Transformation takes on the form of a hybrid
populated areas; or at least, underneath them. Any city between your humanoid form and that of a rat. The curse
with a large and unmonitored sewer system is likely to blesses you with speed.
be home to at least a few wererats, if not entire colonies.
Commonfolk strolling their cobbled streets are likely not When you transform, your Dexterity score becomes 17
aware of the entire society living underneath their feet. unless your original score is higher. In addition, you have
advantage on saving throws against poison and have
Wererats are most comfortable when lurking in shadows, resistance against poison damage. You can also use the
unseen or unnoticed by other people. They operate in hide action as a bonus action.
thieves’ guilds, gangs, smuggling operations, and most any
criminal enterprise imaginable. Wererats are primarily Your claws and bites count as natural weapons for you
selfish and conniving, but they also recognize the value in which you can use to make unarmed strikes. Your claws
working as part of a large group. deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity
modifier, while your bites deal piercing damage equal to
In their humanoid forms, wererats are often short and wiry, 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier. These attacks count as
with thin, patchy hair, and elongated fingernails. When weapon attacks for you and you are proficient with them.
they walk, they unconsciously keep to the shadows and You can only use your bite once per turn.
tread quietly. Wererats are despised by most and viewed
as parasites on society. Even while not transformed, they You are immune to diseases in both your humanoid and
tend to be distrusted for their shifty eyes and twitchy bestial form.
Diseased Body
Wererat adventurers are typically those who have been 1st-level Wererat feature
exiled or driven away from their colonies and have attached
Your body is a breeding pit for all kinds of afflictions and
themselves to what they deem a strong and capable crew
virulent maladies.
that can protect them. Wererats find it difficult to pursue
higher purposes than their own greed, but once they You can, twice per short rest, attempt to inflict a creature
discover that hero work is often very lucrative, they tend to with a potent disease. As a bonus action you can cover a
embrace their new role with open arms. melee weapon, natural weapon, or missile with bodily fluids
meant to taint it with a disease of your choice. You start
with three choices: Sight Rot, Filth Fever, and Seizure; and
you obtain more options as you level up in this class. The
next attack you make this turn carries with it the chosen
disease, forcing the enemy creature to make a Constitution
saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The
poisoned creature must then make another Constitution
saving throw at the end of its next turn, and if it fails again,
then it is inflicted with your chosen disease for 1 hour. The
creature can make Constitution saving throws at the end of
each hour, ending the disease on a success.

A creature afflicted by any of these diseases is also poisoned

for the duration.

Sight Rot. Pain grips the creature’s mind, and its eyes turn
milky white. The creature has disadvantage on Wisdom
checks and Wisdom saving throws and is blinded.

Filth Fever. A raging fever sweeps through the creature’s

body. The creature has disadvantage on Strength saving
throws, and deals only half damage with weapon attacks
that use Strength.

Seizure. The creature is overcome with shaking. The

creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, and
its AC lowers by an amount equal to its Dexterity modifier
unless it uses heavy armor.

You automatically gain the following disease options at the You can only use the Kindred Shape feature while not
specified levels within this class: under a Bestial Transformation.

Mindfire (9th-level). The creature’s mind becomes feverish. Nimple Reposte

The creature has disadvantage on Intelligence saving 9th-level Wererat feature
throws, and the creature behaves as if under the effects of
the Confusion spell during combat. When a creature misses you with a melee attack roll,
you can use your reaction to cause that attack to hit one
Flesh Rot (15th-level). The creature’s flesh decays. The creature of your choice, other than the attacker, that you can
creature has vulnerability to all damage except psychic see within 5 feet of you. On your next turn, the next attack
damage. you make against the creature that missed you is made with
Slimy Doom (15th-level). The creature begins to
bleed uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Constitution saving throws. In addition, whenever the proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
creature takes damage, it must succeed on a Constitution you finish a long rest.
saving throw or become stunned until the end of its next
turn. Evasion
15th-level Wererat feature
Your Diseased Body feature requires your enemies to make
saving throws to resist your diseases. The saving throw DC When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make
is calculated as follows: a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw,
Disease save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
and only half damage if you fail.
Constitution modifier

As you travel, you may gain additional disease options Feint Strike
to add to your repertoire. If you are ever the target for a 18th-level Wererat feature
disease and would have normally become infected by it,
If you miss with a melee attack, you can choose to instead
you can instead store that disease within you and gain the
re-roll the attack with advantage.
ability to produce it as an attack much like the ones above.
Your DM has full jurisdiction on what diseases you could You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended
feasibly use this way or not. uses when you finish a short rest.

3rd-level Wererat feature

If you make an attack with advantage using a weapon that

has the light property or with a natural weapon, you deal an
extra 2d6 damage on a hit.

You make attacks of opportunity and attacks against

poisoned creatures with advantage.

Kindred Shape
3rd-level Wererat feature

You can spend a use of your Bestial Transformation in order

to Polymorph (as per the spell) into either a rat or a giant
rat for an amount of hours equal to half your lycanthrope
level (minimum of 1). You can use your lycanthrope and
wererat features, and you get to keep your mental ability
scores, but are otherwise limited by your new form. Your
DM has the stats for the rat and giant rat. You need not hold
concentration to Polymorph in this way and your gear does
not meld into the form, it instead falls onto the floor if your
rat shape cannot hold it.

You also have a limited ability to communicate with rats.

Even though you can’t directly speak with them, they seem
to understand the meaning of your words. You can interpret
the approximate meaning of the rats’ intentions and
messages. Animal Handling checks made to influence them
are done with advantage.

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