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Tiger! Tiger!

Aid to vocabulary:

1) trice-in a moment; very quickly.

2) Pursuit-chase
3) skirted-to go around the edge of something
4) plantain-a fruit similar to a banana but larger and less sweet
5) Vermillion -of a bright red colour
6) Shrine- a place in which devotion is paid to a saint or deity
7) Laden-having or carrying a lot of something
8) Shoved-to push with a sudden, rough movement
9) Receded-to move away and begin to disappear
10) Hurling-to throw something with great force
11) Spooky-scary
12) Estuary-the wide part (mouth) of a river where it joins the sea
13) Paddy-rice
14) Plentiful - in abundance
15) Creek-a small river; a stream
16) Fringe- outskirts
17) Foliage-the leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage.
18) Shrimps-a small sea creature with a shell and a lot of legs that turns pink when you cook
19) Egrets-a heron with mainly white plumage,
20) Clutched-to hold something tightly, especially because you are in pain, afraid or excited
21) Stoutest-fat/strong and thick
22) Bellows-to shout in a loud deep voice,like a bull
23) terrain-lay of the land
24) Loin-a piece of meat from an animal’s lower back or sides near the tail
25) Intently-attentively, watchfully
26) Twitching-make a quick sudden movement,
27) Deliberately-on purpose, knowingly
28) Perspiration - sweat
29) Gasping-to take a sudden loud breath with your mouth open
30) Stammered-to speak with difficulty, repeating sounds and pausing before saying things

Let's check your understanding!

Answer the following :

Q1. Identify the place and the special natural features of where the story 'Tiger!Tiger!' is
taking place.
Sunderbans-The world’s largest delta .Has many estuaries.
● Thick mangrove forest
● Rich both flora and fauna - home to several species of crocodiles
● renowned place for tiger conservation
● brackish water for fishing
● Sundarban has a unique Tidal Phenomenon twice a day – there are high
tides when water level seems to rise and low tides when one can see the
huge mud land area lying flat.

Q2. How old was Kanai? Why did his father need to rest?


Kanai was a 12 year old boy. His father had been attacked by a tiger.

Q3.Why was Kanai trembling from head to foot?


Kanai heard a deafening roar. The tiger had dropped the grass cutter and was charging
back the way he had come. Still roaring, it tore through the elephant grass, away from
the hollow, away from the tree where Kanai was hiding. In a flash it had disappeared
from view, only the sound of that roar kept.
The grass cutter, poor man, was about to die. So, Kanai was trembling from head to

Q4. What win-win solution was devised by the forest guards to protect the humans and
save the Tigers too?

Ans.The win-win solution devised by the forest guards to protect the humans and save
the Tigers too was to make human dummies and set them up in different parts of the
forest. These dummies would carry a mild electric charge. The moment a tiger touches a
dummy, it gets a shock. In the future it is hoped that more and more tigers will learn to
connect human beings with electric shocks and so leave them alone. In this way, the
forest will become a safer place for humans and the tigers

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