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Question 3.


What are the PCBU’s obligations in relation to consultation?

Consultation is a collective approach between both the PCBU and the employees. It entails exchanging
health and safety information. PCBUs shall provide employees who are or are typically the most
impacted by a health and safety problem with a reasonable chance to voice their views or raise
concerns. PCBUs are recommended to communicate with employees regarding workplace health and
safety, and they might even be required to discuss, collaborate, and interact with other responsibility
holders. The main responsibility of care is to guarantee workers' safety and health when they are
working in a business or endeavor. A PCBU is also responsible for making sure that the work done does
not endanger the health and safety of everyone else.


List three health and safety issues that should be included in consultative or participative processes.

Assessing hazards or risk.

making decisions on how to control risk.
proposing changes to the workplace, plant, substances, processes, and other requirements in use in the
workplace and the work performed that may affect the health and safety of employees.

Question 3.2

List 10 strategies for providing workers with an opportunity to contribute their views on health and
safety matters.

1. seeking nominations fot hsc membership or hsr role

2. at regular team meetings or specific health and safety meetings

3. circulating agendas and minutes of health and safety meetings

4. recording health and safety issues in a management diary or on a designated whiteboard

5. seeking staff suggestions for content of health and safety policies and procedures, best practice or
resolution of issues

6. questionnaires or surveys that invite staff feedback on health and safety issues

7. hazard notification and incident and accident/injury reporting forms.

8. workplace inspections.

9. producing fact sheets to fully inform personnel about health and safety rights and responsibilities

10. formal and informal discussions with supervisors/team leaders, HSR's/HSC members

Question 3.3

How might you resolve a health and safety issue brought up through use of the suggestions box,
where the workplace has a HSR but not a HSC. List at least five steps that might be followed.

1. First try to analyze the problem and how to fix it.

2. Talk to HSR about the problem encountered.

3. Have a professional agreement with HSR to raise issues to HSC and resolve it.

4. Provide details that you have gathered for them to be aware.

5. If HSR don't prioritize it you can always ask for the permission to visit HSC.


List three advantages of involving a health and safety representative in resolution of a health and
safety issue.

1. Feedback direct to employer.

2. An easily seen point of contact for each employees seeking to provide inputs about health and safety

3. Gave workers the rights to raise issues with more formal and coordinated ideas.

Question 3.4


Who could you provide with feedback on health and safety management practices? List at least three
people or groups.

1. HSR

2. Manager

3. Team Leader


List 10 methods that can be used to provide feedback on health and safety management practices.

1. Email

2. Discussion at workplace meetings

3. Internet or intranet sites

4. Meetings with individual staff

5. Posters on notice boards in common access areas such as hallways or lunchrooms

6. Minutes of meetings

7. Newsletter
8. Information sessions

9. Coaching or mentioring sessions

10. Staff surveys and questionnaires

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