Level Chemical WhitePaper RevAA

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White Paper

Smarter, safer
chemical operations
How advanced level measurement
devices solve chemical production
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Chemical processing plants are challenging environments for instrumentation, and the
demands placed on level measurement devices are particularly arduous. Applications
can involve aggressive materials, wide ranges in temperature and pressure, and
challenging media characteristics, all of which can affect measurement accuracy and
reliability. This paper explains how solutions provided by modern level measurement
devices help to overcome these challenges, ensuring accurate measurements that
contribute towards improved inventory management and process accuracy, overfill
prevention, and increased safety and operational efficiency.

In today’s highly competitive chemical industry, organizations are increasingly
focused on achieving performance improvements by running their operations
smarter and safer. To help them achieve these goals, many are choosing
to implement digital transformation strategies and advanced automation
technologies to optimize their processes and reduce operational costs. Excellent
examples of how innovative functionality is providing these significant benefits
can be found within level measurement instrumentation.

There are numerous level measurement applications in chemical process plants,

including storage and process tanks, mixing tanks, reactors, boilers and pump
lubrication. The desire to move away from manual measurements, which are
time-consuming and place workers in hazardous environments, has seen modern
automated solutions widely implemented. These various applications present a
broad range of challenges, which can be met by a number of different measurement
technologies. Technology selection is very much application-dependent, but many
organizations are reaping the benefits of installing modern electronic technologies such
as guided wave radar (GWR) transmitters, non-contacting radar (NCR) transmitters and
vibrating fork switches, which can offer greater diagnostics and reliability, plus lower
lifecycle costs.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 1. Chemical process plants contain many types of tanks and vessels, which present numerous challenging level
measurement applications.

Processes in chemical plants can involve materials that are toxic, corrosive, flammable
or explosive, with wide temperature and pressure ranges, and challenging media
characteristics such as steam, dust, foam, turbulence and condensation. These
harsh application environments place arduous demands on level measurement
instrumentation, with the potential to influence their accuracy and reliability.

The design of modern level measurement devices enables them to deliver accurate
and reliable performance despite these challenging conditions. In addition, enhanced
functionality provided by the latest devices enables them to overcome certain specific
measurement challenges, thereby providing solutions that help to optimize plant
efficiency and performance, reduce operational costs and increase site and personnel

Here are some examples of how modern devices are enabling end users to achieve
significant benefits.

Level measurement in reactors and mixer vessels

Reactors and mixer vessels present a multitude of challenges for level instrumentation.
In both cases, foam and turbulence can affect measurement accuracy. In reactors,
vapors are usually present, and the density of liquids can change as part of the reaction,
whilst high temperatures and variable pressures are standard. In mixer vessels,
measurement accuracy can be impacted by rapid changes in level, as well as the
presence of obstacles such as multi-level agitators.

NCR transmitters provide a suitable solution. Advancements in this technology include

signal processing that can counteract the effects of turbulence, disturbing obstacles,
foam, and rapid level changes, so that measurement accuracy is maintained.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

NCR devices can also be used in chambers or stilling wells to isolate the surface from
turbulence. In addition, NCR transmitters do not need to compensate for changes in
density, while pressure variation, high temperatures and reaction vapors will not affect
their measurement accuracy.

A good example of how NCR devices are enabling a company to overcome difficult
measurement challenges in reactors and mixer vessels can be seen at the Perstorp
Specialty Chemicals plant in Perstorp, Sweden. The company produces specialty
chemicals such as plastics, resins and synthetic lubricants for a broad range of
industries, and operates the plant close to maximum capacity. Accurate and reliable
level measurements are essential for several reasons. These include preventing overfills,
monitoring how reactions affect the level and volume of tank contents, and monitoring
the amount of foam in a tank.

Should a level measurement device fail or deliver false alarms, this can lead to a process
shutdown and spoilt batches. The production of each batch involves a four-hour process,
and the loss of even a single batch can have serious financial implications, not only in
terms of lost product and production time but also the cost of cleaning tanks.

The plant has reactors and mixer vessels that contain central shaft agitators, running
at speeds of 30-80 revolutions per minute, at multiple levels. This makes the process
material surface extremely turbulent and therefore difficult to accurately measure.
Some of the vessels also contain a thick layer of dense foam and can be prone to
condensation, adding to the measurement challenge. The company tested ultrasonic
level measurement devices as well as NCR transmitters on the vessels, but none
performed as required, which resulted in costly downtime and lost batches.

After discussions with Emerson, Perstorp solved the challenge by installing three
Rosemount™ 5408 NCR Level Transmitters with process seal antennas. The high
sensitivity and unique software features of the Rosemount 5408 enable it to handle the
foamy environment, while advanced signal processing allows the device to accurately
measure the process material surface despite the extreme turbulence within the tanks.
In addition, the device’s process seal antenna is a good solution for dealing with the
heavy condensation that can be present in the tanks.
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 2. A Rosemount 5408 Level Transmitter installed on a reactor at the Perstorp Specialty Chemicals plant in Perstorp,

Perstorp has been very impressed with the performance of these devices, and the
company now has accurate and reliable continuous level measurement in these vessels,
despite the challenging process conditions. This has resulted in fewer lost batches, and
has also reduced downtime, maintenance requirements and costs.

Wireless solutions
Vessels or tanks can often be located in remote areas of the plant, perhaps without
the existing data communications infrastructure needed to support automated level
measurement solutions. Wireless networks, which are now prevalent within process
plants, are helping to overcome that problem, by extending plant networks without the
need to install new cabling at significant cost and often disruption to operations. These
non-intrusive, self-organizing and self-powered networks can be deployed very quickly
and easily integrated into existing systems. Where wireless networks already exist,
adding new instruments to the network can take a matter of minutes.
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Taking advantage of these wireless networks are wireless level devices, including
calibration-free GWR devices that enable fast commissioning, reducing installation time
and costs by over 50%.

A good example of wireless level devices providing significant benefits can be seen at a
storage terminal in Lyon, France, operated by a global chemical distribution company.
The company needed to achieve a high degree of level measurement accuracy to
efficiently manage stock levels in its tanks, but problems with corrosion on the housing
and copper wires of its transmitters was affecting their accuracy and reliability.

The distance between the tanks and environmental barriers prevented all the tanks from
being monitored with wired solutions. Brenntag therefore opted for a wireless solution
from Emerson using Rosemount 3308 Wireless Level Transmitters, Rosemount 2160
Wireless Vibrating Fork Level Switches and two wireless gateways.

Figure 3. The Rosemount 3308 Wireless Level Transmitter and Rosemount 2160 Wireless Level Detector.

With wireless communication, the company is now able to manage each quantity of
product in its tanks with better accuracy. The GWR probe length was predefined for
each tank, which reduced commissioning time from seven days to just two days for all
98 items. Retrofitting the devices onto the tanks was quick and easy, and their remote
diagnostics capability increases reliability and reduces downtime.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Solids level measurement

Measuring the level of solids can often be challenging because of the variables that can
affect measurement accuracy and reliability. These variables include uneven surfaces
and rapidly changing levels, material accumulation and clogging, the dielectric constant
and bulk density of materials, the amount of dust that is created during fill cycles, the
presence of condensation and noise, and electrostatic discharges.

Among the organizations typically affected by challenges such as these are producers
of lime, limestone, and clay products, for whom automation technology is key to
continuous production. Solids level measurement applications include crushed and
powdered limestone, coal in silos that feed kilns, and hydrated lime as it is produced. All
these applications present challenging operating conditions. At a large lime processing
plant in the US, the production team had tried
Figure 3several level measurement technologies

to measure solids, with varying degrees of success.

Hydrated lime surge bin

The plant’s end product passes through a hydrated lime surge bin before being
conveyed to large storage silos. The company wanted to run a screw conveyor to carry
the material out of the surge bin at a steady rate. To do this, an optimal level height was
needed but getting a stable reading was challenging. Within the small surge bin, the
material tended to compress in some areas, and create gaps and bridges in other areas.
To prevent this, pneumatic vibrators are used to shake and re-distribute the material.
Previously, a capacitance probe had been used to perform the level measurement, but
its measurements were erratic and slow to respond to level changes. In addition, the
high vibration shortened the lifespan of the capacitance unit to only a few months. As
the surge bin is only four feet tall, this made GWR technology the ideal choice.

A Rosemount 5303 Level Transmitter from Emerson was selected to replace the
capacitance probes. A critical advantage of the Rosemount 5303 is its ability to provide
accurate measurements in small vessels with rapidly changing levels, which is essential
for this application and enables a steady level to be maintained. The device is available
with a remote housing extension for mounting the transmitter head away from the
probe, which protects the electronics from vibration, helping to extend its lifespan.
The device is proving to be reliable and maintenance-free, and the improvement in
measurement accuracy has allowed the process to become more stable.
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 4

Figure 4. Rosemount 5300 Guided Wave Radar is installed on the hydrated lime surge bin. The transmitter head is mounted
remotely to minimize the impact of vibrations

Coal silos

Coal that is used to heat the kilns at the plant is stored in two 112 ft (34.14 meters)
silos. Accurate and reliable level measurements are vital for inventory management
purposes, to help ensure the kilns are always supplied with fuel. Previously, an ultrasonic
level sensor had been used to perform the measurements in the silos. However, while
the device functioned correctly most of the time, occasionally it would ‘lock up’ and
despite several work orders to investigate and eradicate the error, the cause was never
determined. Because of this unreliability, there was a reluctance to empty the silos to
less than 40%.

Figure 5. Accurate and reliable level measurement is vital in coal silos.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

The production team decided to replace the device, and Emerson’s engineers
recommended the Rosemount 5408 Level Transmitter. Due to the height of the silos, a
parabolic antenna was installed to direct the radar signals. As the weather warmed, the
radar started to act in a similar way to the ultrasonic device, with short periods where
it would lock up. One of the key features of the Rosemount 5408 is its standard built-
in data historian, which automatically collects and stores data for up to seven days,
making troubleshooting much easier. Using the data historian and its accompanying
tank radar echo spectrum, large signal peaks were found close to the antenna area
that corresponded to the times it locked on high readings. This insight to the change in
process conditions was not available with the previous ultrasonic unit.

Inspection of the device during one of these peaks revealed that moisture was
condensing on the antenna and causing the high-level readings. During the summer,
the damp coal and high heat created a very humid environment in the vessel, with
condensation occurring on surfaces. Air lines were installed to blow off the moisture
and this eliminated the condensation issue. The radar has subsequently worked well,
providing accurate and reliable measurements. Ultimately, a second radar was installed
on the second silo with both a parabolic antenna and an air purge system.

Figure 5

Figure 6. A Rosemount 5408 Level Transmitter echo plot showing signal disturbance. Data historian functionality helped to
troubleshoot the issue to quickly identify its root cause (condensation on the antenna) so that corrective measures could be

Hydrated lime storage silos

Since hydrated lime is a valuable end product, accurate inventory measurements are
important as the product accumulates in the silos and is removed for sale. Hydrated lime
is a fine dry powder that flows similarly to a liquid. Whenever the silo is filled, the powder
creates an internal dust cloud similar to a blinding snowstorm. The material is warm,
with a slight static charge that makes it cling to surfaces. If the lime comes into contact
with any moisture, it tends to form a hard, crusty layer that can be difficult to remove.

To perform level measurements, the company had been using an NCR level transmitter.
Initially the measurements seemed to be correct, but the readings would eventually
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

start to drift. The existing radar used a Teflon cap attached to the antenna to help
reduce build-up. However, build-up still occurred, and the resulting readings became
unstable, requiring the units to be cleaned. This required a maintenance engineer
with the appropriate tools to climb more than 200 steps to the top of the silo, remove
the unit and clean the antenna. This occurred every two or three days and was not
only time-consuming, but also hazardous, especially during inclement weather. Each
occurrence was estimated to cost about $50 per trip. While this cost seems small, over
time it added up. Plus, each trip was a safety concern and took personnel away from
other maintenance tasks.

The production team decided to replace the existing radar with a Rosemount 5408 Level
Transmitter, and worked with Emerson to get the right solution. The access point for the
radar was a 6in nozzle, which was too narrow for a parabolic antenna. The combination
of silo height and the low dielectric properties of the hydrated lime exceeded the
range limits of a process seal antenna. Thus, a standard cone antenna with a flushing
connection for an air purge was recommended.

Figure 6

Figure 7. A Rosemount 5408 Level Transmitter installed on a hydrated lime silo.

As this kind of application is typically very dusty and contaminating, there was a
recommendation to use a parabolic antenna with an integrated air purging system
to keep the antenna clean. Other solutions may be to use either a 4 inch process
seal antenna or a 4 inch cone antenna with air purging option. The new radar has
provided robust measurements without the need for cleaning for over a year now.
By implementing this more reliable measurement device, the automation system
measurements are verified with the manual measurements required in the monthly
audits, and plant operators are able to reconcile inventory mass balances.

By having more accurate and reliable solids level measurements, the plant is not only
able to more efficiently schedule the delivery of raw materials such as coal, but can also

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

track the movement of lime products throughout the plant. Reducing maintenance
requirements and eliminating downtime due to problematic devices has increased
personnel safety and increased operational efficiency.

Overfill prevention
Safety must be the number one priority for the chemical industry. One of the highest
risk areas is tank overfills, as failure to identify and prevent spills and leaks from tanks can
have catastrophic consequences. It is therefore essential for organizations to implement
robust safety measures that minimize risk and comply with the two key global standards
relating to overfill prevention. These are the International Electrotechnical Commission’s
IEC 61511 standard, and the American Petroleum Institute’s API 2350 standard.

These standards recognize that minimizing the risk of spills and leaks involves employing
a series of independent layers of protection. The basic process control system (BPCS),
which monitors and controls processes to ensure they are running smoothly, forms
the primary layer of protection. If the BPCS is functioning correctly, it will prevent the
need for other layers to become active. The second layer of protection is the overfill
prevention system (OPS), which must remain separate and independent of the BPCS
to provide redundancy. The OPS should prevent an overfill from occurring if there is a
failure or problem with the BPCS.

Within overfill prevention solutions, thereFigure

is no5 ‘one size fits all’ level measurement
technology and system. Different applications have their own challenges and
requirements, so it is important to select the appropriate technologies for each. Modern
electronic technologies that offer greater diagnostics and reliability include vibrating
fork switches for point level measurement, and GWR and NCR devices for continuous

NCR devices featuring 2-in-1 technology can be used simultaneously in both a BPCS and
an OPS. This technology is used in the Rosemount 5900S 2-in-1 radar level gauge from
Emerson, which consists of two galvanically separated and independent gauges within
the same housing using a single antenna. When connected with the cables separated
in different cable trays, a single gauge can be used for both level measurement
and separate OPS purposes, in compliance with both IEC 61511 and API 2350. This
solution allows for cost-efficient safety upgrades of existing tanks by replacing a single
BPCS or OPS sensor with two continuous level measurements, with little or no tank
modifications, as only a single opening is required.
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 8. The Rosemount 5900S 2-in-1 Radar Level Gauge consists of two separate and independent electrical units and a common
antenna, enabling it to be used for both level measurement and separate OPS purposes.

These technologies are well proven in BPCS and OPS applications, but deployment
of automated solutions is now being extended into the third layer of protection. This
is a secondary containment area, to minimize the consequences in the event of an
overfill causing spillage, or from tank damage resulting in a leak. The containment area
is typically an underground pit or dyke surrounding the tank, into which liquid can
accumulate to prevent it from spreading any further.

Historically, the monitoring of containments areas has been performed through visual
inspection by personnel during manual rounds of the site. However, this method is time-
consuming, places workers in hazardous areas, and can result in spills or leaks going
unnoticed for some time. This can then delay essential repairs and clean-up activities
and risks a vapor cloud spreading across the facility and igniting.

Automated monitoring of containment areas

Whilst the IEC 61511 and API 2350 standards cover overfill prevention measures inside
tanks, many countries and local authorities have their own codes of practice relating
to the containment area outside the tank. The conditions outlined within these codes
of practice can vary, but typically include requirements relating to the volume of liquid
that containment areas must be able to hold, as well as the materials from which they
should be constructed. However, there is no regulatory requirement for organizations to
install level measurement instrumentation to detect spills and leaks through continuous
monitoring of containment areas. Despite this lack of regulation, automated monitoring
of containment areas is nonetheless an internal requirement for some organizations,
who recognize the valuable safety benefits this additional layer of protection provides.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

However, there is no regulatory requirement for organizations to install level

measurement instrumentation to detect spills and leaks through continuous monitoring
of containment areas. Despite this lack of regulation, automated monitoring of
containment areas is nonetheless an internal requirement for some organizations, who
recognize the valuable safety benefits this additional layer of protection provides.

Quick, reliable leak detection

A global petrochemicals company wanted to install continuous level monitoring in

the secondary containment areas around its hydrocarbon storage tanks, to fortify
its protection against the potential consequences of leaks. The company needed to
deploy instrumentation with the capability of detecting leaks as quickly and reliably
as possible, to increase site and personnel safety. Initially they installed hydrocarbon
detecting sensors, but found that these probes were not as robust as it required for
the application, with regular short-circuits causing false fire alarms. This led it to seek
alternative solutions.

The new solution had to be able to measure the full range of the containment area,
to measure an interface between oil and water, and to detect hydrocarbons from
a thickness of 2.4 inches (60 mm). The chosen technology would also have to be
unaffected by weather changes in the containment area and operate reliably whether
the area was dry, contained one liquid (water or hydrocarbon), or two liquids (water and
hydrocarbon, requiring both level and interface measurements).

Detecting a thin hydrocarbon layer

In GWR technology, low energy microwave pulses are guided down a submerged probe.
The level can be measured when the microwaves are reflected back to the transmitter
from the surface. Because a proportion of the emitted pulse continues down the probe,
an interface can also be detected, which makes the technology ideal for identifying the
presence of oil as well as water in containment areas. However, to enable the device to
distinguish between the signals reflected from two different liquids, the upper liquid
layer typically must be between 2 inches (50 mm) and 7.9 inches (200 mm), depending
on the liquid properties and the choice of antenna. With containment areas being very
large, that can mean a considerable amount of hydrocarbon would need to have leaked
before being identified by the device.

This was a key reason for the selection of the Rosemount 5300 Level Transmitter, which
has enhanced functionality that enables the minimum detectable thickness of the upper
liquid layer to be reduced to just 1 inch (25 mm). This is enabled by Emerson’s Peak in
Peak interface algorithm, which allows the transmitter to detect signal peaks that are
closer together without having to decrease its signal bandwidth, which would reduce
its high sensitivity. This was an important consideration, as it enables the presence of
hydrocarbons in containment areas to be detected much sooner, thereby significantly
minimizing risk and increasing safety.
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 9. It is possible to measure an upper liquid layer of only 1 inch (25 mm) with the enhanced functionality of the
Rosemount 5300 Level Transmitter.

More robust measurement

Because containment areas are open to the elements, there is always the potential for
materials such as leaves or dirt getting into them, and for build-up to eventually stick
to a transmitter’s probe, which can affect measurement consistency. To overcome
this challenge, a large coaxial probe was used with no internal spacers, which makes
it more resilient against clogging. This enhancement also provides protection against
exposure to rainwater, which can impede the transmitter’s signal strength and affect
the robustness of the measurement.

The measuring range of GWR transmitters is typically limited by a dead zone at the very
bottom of the probe. This presented a challenge because the presence of hydrocarbons
in the containment area may not have been detected when the liquid level did not reach
the bottom of the probe.

However, a redesign of the large coaxial probe’s centering disc has enabled the lower
dead zone in the Rosemount 5300 to be minimized to just 0.79 inches (20 mm) for
water and 1.97 inches (50 mm) for hydrocarbons – a 50% reduction from what was
previously possible.

Results achieved

Although an overfill prevention system was already in place, the automated continuous
monitoring of the previously passive safety layer is now providing greater visibility of
potential leaks, which was not previously possible. The ability to detect a very thin
hydrocarbon layer enables leaks to be identified quicker, so that any necessary tank
repairs and clean-up activities can be performed sooner.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

This will lead to reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds, minimized risk of
soil and water pollution, and a reduced chance of a vapor cloud forming and spreading
across the facility. In addition, the automated monitoring solution increases the safety
of personnel who no longer have to visit hazardous areas to perform visual inspections
and are instead able to focus on value-adding tasks.

Figure 10. A Rosemount 5300 Level Transmitter with a large coaxial probe, installed in a secondary containment area.


Age increases the potential for hardware to fail, but periodically checking the
functionality of OPS components maintains confidence in their ability to perform
correctly when there is a safety demand, and verifies that they are operating at the
required safety integrity level (SIL). These checks are known as proof-tests and involve
testing each device individually as well as each safety integrated function (SIF) as a
whole, as any device failure would compromise the SIF’s ability to safely shut down a
dangerous process.

The latest level measurement devices for OPS applications incorporate diagnostic
software that detects a failure and takes the device to a safe state. However, some
failures are not detected by the device diagnostics. These are known as dangerous
undetected failures (DUs) and are identified during proof-testing.

Two types of proof-test – comprehensive and partial – may be performed in compliance

with both IEC 61511 and API 2350. Partial proof-tests have a reduced scope compared
to comprehensive tests and are performed to ensure an individual device has no internal
problems. Partial tests bring the PFD of that device back to a percentage of the original
level and ensure it fulfils its specified SIL requirement. Whereas a comprehensive proof-
test verifies all three functional elements of a device – output circuitry, measurement
electronics and sensing element – a partial test verifies only one or two of them.
However, a combination of partial tests that covers all three functional elements will
reach a proof-test coverage close to that of a comprehensive test.
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 5

Figure 11. The effect on probability of failure on demand by performing comprehensive and partial proof-tests.

Partial tests do not replace comprehensive tests – they complement them. As a

partial test detects only a percentage of potential failures, a comprehensive test must
eventually be carried out after a given time interval to return a device to its original
PFD. However, partial testing can crucially provide a technical justification for extending
the time interval between comprehensive tests, while remaining within regulatory
requirements. This provides organizations with the freedom to schedule testing around
planned shutdowns, resulting in significant operational cost savings.

Remote partial proof-testing

The digital technology available in modern level instruments enables partial proof-
testing to be performed remotely rather than through the traditional on-location
approach. As a result, partial testing can be performed in minutes, thereby minimizing
process disruption, and can be performed in-process, without the need for raising and
lowering the process material. Performing a partial test keeps workers out of harm’s
way, and results in significant time and cost savings.

Let us consider the example of vibrating fork switches, which are typically applied within
an OPS to provide high and low limit detection. In the latest advanced devices, such as
the Rosemount 2140 vibrating fork level detector from Emerson, remote partial proof-
testing can be performed by issuing a HART® command from the control room. Upon
receiving the command, the device enters test mode, whereby its fork frequency is
simulated for on, off and alarm conditions. It then cycles though the different current
output levels, verifying that there are no faults preventing the device from switching
from the on state to the off state, or vice versa. The test exercises the processing and
output electronics of the device, and since it is performed in-process, it can take less
than one minute to complete the test cycle. On completion of the proof-test, a status
is displayed within the control room to show whether it was successful. The device then
automatically returns to operational mode, thereby eliminating the risk of it accidentally
being left in test mode.

How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

Figure 12. The remote partial proof-testing functionality of the Rosemount 2140 and 2140:SIS Vibrating Fork Level Detectors
provides significant benefits.

Remote partial proof-testing provides significant benefits in terms of reduced

time and complexity. As the instrument remains installed and does not need to be
immersed during the test, tank downtime is minimized, and worker safety increased.
Consequently, the ability to perform partial proof-testing remotely has become a key
selection criterion when implementing point level technology as part of an OPS.

Advanced functionality in the latest level measurement devices enables them to meet
the demands of even the most challenging chemical industry applications. Optimizing
level measurement accuracy and reliability helps to ensure plant and worker safety
whilst maximizing production efficiency, helping organizations to make substantial cost
How advanced level measurement devices solve chemical production challenges White Paper

For additional information on Emerson’s level measurement products,

visit www.Emerson.com/RosemountLevel





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00870-0900-5100 Rev AA, July 2021 ©2021 Emerson. All rights reserved.

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