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M3 Lesson 2: Check-in Activity

What have you realized after watching the Video Documentary about Filipino Values and Culture in
Lesson 2. Type your answers in the REPLY SECTION.

I started to consider the ideals that I already knew others held more deeply after watching the documentary.
But little did I know that those ideals actually touched and changed the lives of others. Those values are
apparent and always discernible in Philippine society. Simple actions that come naturally to us can have a
significant impact on someone's life and even have a ripple effect. I came to see the value of living our
values, especially when we do it sincerely and spontaneously. Whether they are Filipinos or immigrants
from another nation, the morals we acquired from our predecessors are a unique trait for others.
You may also include insights on the following:
1. Traditional Filipino values which are evident in today’s families and communities.
- In order to preserve the natural culture of the Filipinos, many values have been practiced up until this
point since they have been passed down from generation to generation. One of them is the practice of
"pagmamano" and utilizing the terms "po at opo," which is still prevalent in many families and communities
today. This merely demonstrates that older people have been treated with respect and gratitude by Filipinos
up until this point.
2. Comparison of Filipino Values from other nationalities.
- When it comes to comparing Filipino values to those of other nationalities, there are many points of
comparison in my opinion, and the respect Filipinos have for senior citizens is undoubtedly one of them.
When compared to other nationalities who casually converse with those who are older than them, the best
values of Filipinos are and have always been those. Another thing is the hospitality of the Filipinos or how
they Treat their guests. Even though there won't be enough more to give them, they treat their guests like
they are blood relatives and make the most of them. Each nation has its own set of ideals, which adds to the

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