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Fault Detection and Classification for Compensating

Network Using Combination Relay And ANN
Ahmed Sabri Salman Altaie Johnson Asumadu
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department College Electrical and Computer Engineering Department College of
of Engineering and Applied Science Engineering and Applied Science
Western Michigan University Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, USA Kalamazoo, USA

Abstract— The goal of this research is to focus and adopt a Also, these methods were applied on three phase single and
fast, accurate and reliable fault detection technique and double circuit TL [6]. Thus, the proposed researches are
classification method for the high voltage transmission line. The focusing on the voltage and current signals together [1, 2, 4, 6]
proposed method reduces the outage time and hence this or the current signals only [7]. All these researches have
eliminates any possible damage to the other parts of the
advantages and disadvantages. In the other hand, one
system. First, detection of the fault is carried out using a new
proposed technique that combines three type of relays. disadvantages may cause a big problem. Furthermore, one of
Second, the technique isolates the faulty part in a very fast time the major problem on the protection system is the time from
frame. Finally, classifying the fault is carried out by data the detecting till the clearing fault on TL. While many
recorded using Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Artificial proposals did not mention it on their research. Also, many of
Neural Network (ANN) based on different ways. The input these researches did not applied on system with a
training data of the recording devices was sampled using Digital compensating. For the ANN it is very popular algorithm for the
Signal Processing (DSP). In this research the data collected from fault classification on the high voltage TL, and the reason due
the recorders will be used to classify the fault only because the to the capability of this algorithm to learn and recognize the
time is not an important factor as in fault detecting and clearing.
pattern and the behavior of the system under any circumstances
Also, all types of faults are investigated for the fault
classification. Three methods are used (Phase Current sampling, with high efficiency [2, 8]. Therefore, it has earned much
Phase Shift of the Phase Voltage sampling and Phase Voltage interest by the researcher [10, 13]. While, using of the classical
sampling) to evaluate the efficiency, accuracy and the analysis methods with new technique will give new analytic for the
the mean square error. situations, but no longer included all of the transient time
analysis in a very short time [5]. Also, the conventional
Index Terms— ANN, Differential Over Current Protection, approach detects and classifies the fault depending on the
Distance Protection, Fault Detection, Fault Classification. fundamental component of each signal might not achieve the
I. INTRODUCTION desire analysis. Hence, many researches did not addressed the
series faults or not proposed a general ANN system, but
Electrical Power System (EPS) is divided into several parts divided the system into few parts each one for similar fault
and each part classified as a system. Transmission line type different phase.
considered one of the main parts of the EPS network. Therefore, in this research the combinational technique has
However, Overhead Transmission line is more prone to the been adopted and tested to detect the fault on TL with a very
fault than the other parts, because it is long and out of the short time and no one use it earlier. On the other hand, using of
room. Hence, the faults can be divided into two types normal the feed forward Neural Network was built to classify the fault
and abnormal faults, the normal one come from the external on TL. This system was strongly classify all types of fault
influences while, the abnormal faults come from the internal whether it is series like (one line open and two line open) or
influences due to the flow design. Therefore, this research will even shunt fault like (Single Line to ground SLG, Double line
introduce two major tasks as fault detection and classification. DL, double line to ground DLG, Three phase 3PH and Three
Designing of the fast, accurate and reliable algorithm to Phase to Ground 3PH-G). Furthermore, this system will
detect and classify the fault is the first goal of all researches, identify which line was particularly. This method is based on
articles and proposals for the faults in the high voltage the theory that the input value of any variable should be
transmission line (TL) [1-13]. In the last decade many equaled or closed to the output value of the same variable like
researches were presented for the fault detection and the output current has to be same value of the input current,
classification and many of them adopted the classical which delivered to the load under the normal operation. It has
protection method with new technique [1, 2, 4]. Therefore, to be in the same zone to be protected, but when the fault or
there are few general methods to detect the fault. Hence the any abnormal behavior happen in specific zone some of this
new technique mostly used the Artificial Neural Network current will pass through the fault point. So, the current out of
(ANN) [2-4, 6-7, 10-13], Wavelet [8, 12], Support Vector the zone will be less than the current into the zone. Thus, the
Machine [5], Adaptive Nero Fuzzy Inference system [1], etc.

978-1-4799-8802-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE


summation of both currents (taking into consideration the • Decision unit

direction of both currents) gives a value in fact no zero, this This unit works to send a signal to the circuit breaker
magnitude will make the relay to operate and make a decision to let it open or close, the decision depending on the
if there is a fault or not depending on the pre-set value. As a different behavior of any signal compared with the
result, the sensitivity of the relay to the fault can be adjusted other one. In this unit the delay should be attend due to
due to many factors. So, the accuracy of the equipment and the the transient time which very famous in (EPS) then if
method that is used to transfer the information from the end the fault happen caused by anything the open signal
side to the sending side, which will compare and make a has to be attended and the system should stay on this
decision will play a vital role in this process. Therefore, these situation until the fault released and reset the protection
factors effect on the sensitivity of the relay. Above all, this system.
method is used to detect the fault immediately and it is very • Circuit Breaker unit
sensitive for the sudden rising of the current in and out of the
zone [14]. In this paper the combination of three types of relays
was adopted to detect the fault for the long and short high
voltage TL.
To model the combinational relay the three types of Fig. 1. Fault detecting and releasing block diagram
methods are formed to represent this new technique Figure 2, shows the blocks for the fault detecting process.
A. Differentiation method. • Delay block: it works to cutoff the transient or the
abnormal behavior of the system for a short time. So, if
B. Over current method.
one or both of the previous situations occur and
C. Distance method. continued for more than the setting time the process
The differentiation method with the over current method it will take the fault case and start the disconnect process.
can called differential over current method and the third Therefore, after substituting the input from the output
method is how to connect the (D.O.C) to protect the high current that is passing through TL the RMS (root mean
voltage transmission line. So, instead of install two ends of the square) will work to get the effective value, after that
(D.O.C) relay for the whole transmission line it can be divided switch1 will give the RMS value if the input equal or
into few parts according to the length of the transmission line. exceed the limitation and zero if it is less. The output
Thus, it is clearly that the advantage of this new technique is to will be the input to the integrator. Thus if there is any
detect the fault as fast as possible. Also, for the far away fault it magnitude the integrator will start to increase this
is not easy to detect it. So, by this algorithm the fault will be value. The last part of the delay is the normalizing
detected and cleared faster than the distance or even the switch2 that should give the decision for the system, in
differential methods each one alone. The new relay is divided case of the integrator output is a magnitude and
into five parts, Current Transformers unit, unify beginnings exceeding the reference, the output will be (0) meaning
unit, comparison signals unit and decision unit. fault, and (1) meaning no fault. Figure 2 top shows the
• Current Transformers unit delay process.
This unit is responsible for reading the current passing • Hold block: it is important to save the (EPS) during the
through the transmission line (in and out) and sending fault. Thus, it is very necessary to keep the faulted
the data to the next unit. system off. Therefore, the purpose of using the hold
block is to keep the trip signal working till fixing the
• Unify beginnings unit
faulted system. The reason of that is the behavior of
This unit is responsible to make all signals in the same
the system during the fault will inter the normal region.
phase shift and make it ready for the next unit because
Therefore, the system will see normal condition and
the (D.O.C) method is depending on the comparison of
forcing on signal to the circuit breaker. As shown in
the signals has to be in same beginning position.
figure 2, the bottom is the hold block, if the output of
• Comparison signals unit
the delay is one then there is no trip. Thus, the
It is the main unit which has to compare the two comparator will give zero and reset the integration
signals that were receiving from the previous unit and process, but when it is zero the output of the
check the behavior of all signals that should be comparator is one, in this case the integrator will keep
compared. So it is not depending of any stored data, count till it exceeds the limit of switch2 and send a trip
but it is compare the behavior of the signals under signal.
same circumstances. So it will be not responsible for
any abnormal behavior of the signals lies outside of the
protected zone.

Fig. 2. Simulink Diagram for Fault Detecting



Input layer Hidden layer Fault
The fault detecting will consider two process to detect the Series
fault, and both of them are depending on the current passing Shunt
through the transmission line [15]. The differentiation and the Phase A
over current methods are applied for the fast, reliable and Phase B
accurate fault detection. Thus, according to the over current Phase C
process will check if the current passing through the Ground
transmission line is greater than the limitation then the
protection system will begin the clearing process. In the other Fig. 3. Perceptron representation and Neural Network for Fault Classification
hand, the differentiation method built to compare between the To make the ANN’s system works duly it has to be trained.
input current and the outgoing current [15]. There are three All inputs have to be assigned to an output [4], there is no
condition have to be achieved to start this comparison. problem if the number of input less or greater than the number
• The comparison has to be done for the same phase. of output. The output is a result of a set of processes that occur
_ & _ . on the input, which means the output should be close as
• The currents (in and out) has to be in the same phase possible as to the desire response. The main goal of using the
rather than the process will not be true, because the ANN with all systems because of the efficiency of this
phase shift due to the impedance of the transmission algorithm to reach the require point with all systems if its
line will play a vital rule to shift the current that is output is linear or nonlinear. Thus ANN is adopted to classify
passing through it. the fault in transmission line as shown in figure (3). So, there
_ & _ 1 are three ideas were built the NN system for training and
The angle of the current before entering TL. comparing among them according to the errors, accuracy and
The difference between the current angle before efficiency of the result or even to improve the NN system.
entering TL and the current angle after entering TL.
Therefore, the delay has to be presented for the practical
The Artificial Neural Network is considered a machine
like the brain of the human. It has the properties of learning,
capability and generalization [16]. Also, it can be defined as a
set of artificial neurons which is depending on a series of a specific
mathematical model for information processing on the basis of
relational approach for the computation [4]. The most significant
property for this algorithm is the ability to understand and learn
the behavior of the model with a lot of data training which give
satisfy and desirable results. Therefore ANN algorithm is Fig. 4. Fault classification block diagram
adopted to classify the type of fault. The ANN can be
responded to the changes, but with the small changes the ANN
may not investigate the minor changes of the input signals
which might come from the noise or even the distortion to the According to the previous information that collected from
signal that is lying in this pattern [17]. Therefore the signal that the recorders the three phase voltages ( , ), currents
has a small distortion or noise the ANN will not be taken into ( , ) and phase voltages angle ( , ), the
consideration the small differences [17]. In the other hand, this ANN system now ready to define each type of fault these are
algorithm expects the behavior of the system or the model even already defined on the transmission line and send it to the
without the prior knowledge of this situation or even the output. Therefore, in this paper, the name and the type of the
behavior, and all these acquis belong to a lot of training. Figure fault will be indicated by giving the name of the exact phase,
3 shows the general representation of the ANN. The ANN for example the single line to ground may be happened
system given by the equation below, the inputs are between (A-G, B-G or C-G), for double line (A-B, A-C or B-
, ,……, the weight of each input is , , … … , . C), for double line to ground (AB-G, AC-G or BC-G) and for
Also the bias is represented by b and the output represented by three line to ground (ABC-G), all of these faults are called
a. So, the output can found by the equation below, it should shunt faults [18], but in the other types which are called series
consider the value of each input with its current activation state faults, for example the open line (A-open, B-open and C-open),
[4]. for two line open (AB-open, AC-open and BC-open) and three
line open it is considered as a non-effective fault and it needs
2 just for reclosing relay[15].


Fault type Series Shunt PH_A PH_B PH_C G
NORMAL 0 0 0 0 0 0
A-G 0 1 1 0 0 1
B-G 0 1 0 1 0 1
C-G 0 1 0 0 1 1
A-B 0 1 1 1 0 0
A-C 0 1 1 0 1 0
B-C 0 1 0 1 1 0
A-B-G 0 1 1 1 0 1
A-C-G 0 1 1 0 1 1 Fig. 6. Trip signal for Double Line to Ground fault (DLG)
B-C-G 0 1 0 1 1 1 The trip signal comes after (8)ms. Which is a very fast
A-B-C 0 1 1 1 1 0 i
A-B-C-G 0 1 1 1 1 1
A-OPEN 1 0 1 0 0 0
B-OPEN 1 0 0 1 0 0
C-OPEN 1 0 0 0 1 0
A-B-OPEN 1 0 1 1 0 0
A-C-OPEN 1 0 1 0 1 0
B-C-OPEN 1 0 0 1 1 0


A. Data Training Fig. 7. Trip signal for Three Phase to Ground fault (3ph-G)
The ANN algorithm is built in a Matlab/ Simulink using The trip signal comes after (7)ms. Which is a very fast
Feed Forward ANN through three types of methods; each i
trained through one hidden layer. Then, it was improved to get
the best, accurate and minimize the mean square error (mse) by
taking the best number of layers and the percentage of
validation and training. Every type of these methods has three
inputs and six targets. The training data have to include all of
the needful information of the input in different cases.
In this paper the faults applied through the system which
has a TL long of 600 km with two series compensated
networks and the fault was applied in 300 km. Fig. 8. Trip signal for One Line Open fault (OLO)
B. Data Testing The trip signal comes after (22)ms. More than one cycle
The faults in this system were sampled with 20000
samples/sec (333.333 samples/cycle) and trained with 2000,
500, 200, 100 and 50 samples for each type of fault. The total
data trained was 34000 samples. These three methods applied
for the fault classification according to the best results can be
defined by:
• Phase Voltages method.
• Phase Currents method.
• Phase Shift of the Phase Voltages method. Fig. 9. Trip signal for Two Line Open fault (TLO)
VII. SIMULATION AND RESULTS The trip signal comes after (22)ms. More than one cycle.
A. Fault Detecting Results
B. ANN Results
The results showed there are different factors effect on this
investigation. Many of these factors come from the flaw in the
testing design system which has to test the system as below:
• Number of layers.
• Percentage of validation and testing.
• Number of sampling.
In the other hand, the second factors are dealing with the
Fig. 5. Trip signal for Single Ling to Ground (SLG) fault. number of sampling, type of the variables that will give the
best results and the algorithm that is used in order to get the
The trip signal comes after (10)ms, and it is a very short time minimum error. So, according to the effect of these factors,

five types of sampling, two types of validation and testing, As a result, the best design of this method founded by (50)
three types of variables and one algorithm were applied to get samples, (15% of validation and testing), the voltage variable
satisfying system that can be applied in different systems. and ANN algorithm were giving the best result, as shown in
the charts above from (13-15).
Furthermore, the last three charts from (16-18) show the
comparison between the same variable with different layers,
validation and testing. Thus, it is clearly that the Phase Voltage
variable gives better results than the Phase Current or even the
Phase Shift of the Phase Voltages variables.

Fig. 10. One Layer 10% of (Validation and Training)

Fig. 16. One layer 10% of (Validation and Training) on the top Ten
Layers 15% of (Validation and Training) in the bottom phase Voltage test
Fig. 11. Five Layers 10% of (Validation and Training)

Fig. 17. One layer 10% of (Validation and Training) on the top Ten
Layers 15% of (Validation and Training) in the bottom phase Current test
Fig. 12. Ten Layers 10% of (Validation and Training)
From the previous charts, despite the fact that the results
were good, but it still needs to improve. Therefore, the next
step is trying to get the best result through changing the
classifier performance and features as follow.

Fig. 18. One layer 10% of (Validation and Training) on the top Ten Layers
15% of (Validation and Training) in the bottom Angle of Phase Voltage test

Fig. 13. One Layer 15% of (Validation and Training) This proposed research has investigated the use of
combination method for fault detection and clearing. It uses
RMS values of phase current as input. The combination
method achieved a desired performance that met the
expectations of the requirement of a protective system. While,
it applied on both types of fault, and it was highly satisfactory,
due to the fast fault detecting and clearing time with fault
analysis. Also, it was demonstrated that the Feed-Forward
ANN performs well in fault classification on TL. It uses RMS
Fig. 14. Five Layers 15% of (Validation and Training)
values of phase voltage, phase current and phase voltage angle
as an inputs and compared among them. All faults were
discussed; series faults and shunt faults (with respect to all
types of them). Based on the flexibility of the Neural Networks
algorithm that accept any real values as an input, resistant to
errors in the training data and fast evaluation. The results
obtained proved that the performance of the (FF) Neural
Network architecture is robust.
Fig. 15. Ten Layers 15% of (Validation and Training)

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