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Definiton of Notice

Baca Selanjutnya
notice is a functional text used as an
instruction or guidance to someone doing
or not doing something. A notice/caution
may be in the forms of
pharases(combination of words),
clauses(sentences), or Kita serasi
seperti selai

images/marks/signs. kacang dan jeli.

social Functions of Public Notice
LA notice is a formal means of communicaion. The purpose a notice is to
announce or display information to a specific group of people. In the social
communication, there are many functions or purposes of notice:
-To give an instruction/to instruct people to
To give directions
To Ask People to...
characteristic of notice

Mostly use images/ pictures

short and easy to Written in capital fonts

Features of Using Declarative Sentence
The typical form od a

public notice declarative sentence is:

Subject + verb

Im p er ativ e m ood
er at iv e S en tence) e Spoken/ writt
(imp tive mood imperativ e
The n languages
The Impera features
ive m oo d is a verb
The impera t
a co m m and or
form which m
a requst
Terima kasih

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