WF - ENABLE Pakistan Concept Paper

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Ref: WF(E) / GOV-P/2016/1…… March 15, 2016

Subject: W.F’s offers eSchoology – Advanced Blended Learning & Evaluation program for
Pakistan (e-ABLE) for Educational Institutions / Schools – Government of Pakistan.

Honorable Baligh ur Rehman Sb. ,

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to present a solution that we believe will significantly
revolutionize the learning at classroom using 21st Century pedagogies and leave a positive impact
at grass root level. The students, parents, teachers, educational managers will be benefitted to the
highest degree and excel in learning using ICT in TVET i.e. eSchoology.

eSchoology is an idea and innovation of WELTH Foundation – WF operating in diversified

sectors and playing vital role for imparting quality education by implementing I.C.T in Education at
grassroots level. W.F persuades masses to develop learning skills and innovative ideas using I.C.T
at their own pace.

W.F’s core divisions are Training & Development, Educational Consultancy, Project
Management, Software Development, Q.M.S functioning proactively to offer a wide range of
consulting services for deploying smart e–Solutions. We also offer specialized trainings in a
sectors to handle ever-increasing demand of education sector worldwide; turning the Human
Resources into Human Capital.

W.F integrates its products and services to design innovative customized e–Solutions which
set aside to undertake educational technology transformation at grass root level and reorganization
in line with today's dynamic digital environment in commercial sector. Blended Learning is
becoming important tool to support the learning system for imparting quality education worldwide at
low cost with great results.

With the deployment of eSchoology – Advanced Blended Learning & Evaluation (e-ABLE) for
Pakistan; we shall have not only the capacity to conduct training sessions for trainees, teachers
and management but can monitored live and records the real-time feedback from large audience
spread all over the country.

We provide congenial environment that yields optimum learning efficiency applying modern
technology and learning pedagogies by introducing its comprehensive eSchoology (A Learning &
Development Suite) which is operational on both Synchronous and Asynchronous mode and
available on SaaS business model with an objective to spread quality technical & vocational
education at global standards.

Corporate Confidential W.F’s eSchoology A Comprehensive Learning Solutions P a g e | 1 of 2

eSchoology is distinct, comprehensive and fully flexible eTLS (Electronic Training and Learning
System with full capacity of live assessment and tracking) capable of fulfilling a wide range of
training and development needs.

Leveraging technology and teacher’s education acumen, we are focused on training for
employment and beyond (for continued feedback and dynamic improvement of training processes).

We need your support in enabling Pakistan to take the road to modern education; the detailed
proposal may be furnished upon request for your kind perusal and further actions.

We are profoundly passionate to take this tried and proven methodology to the next level with your
support for greater cause.

With warm regards and dedication to serve.

Zamir Hussain Soomro

Managing Director
WELTH Foundation

Corporate Confidential W.F’s eSchoology A Comprehensive Learning Solutions P a g e | 2 of 2

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