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Akriti yoga Position of planets effects

Gada - Mace All planets in Adjacent Wealthy

kendras: Amassing wealth
1-4 house/ Perform sacrifices
4-7 house/
7-10 house/
10-1 house
Sakata All planets in 1-7 house Coach driver
Have bad wife
Vihaga/paksin- bird All planets in 4-10 house Messenger
Wandering habits
sringataka All planets in 1,5 and 9 house Sweet tongued
Happy in old age
Hala - plough All planets in Agriculturalist
2,6,10 house/ Poor
3,7,11 house/ Gluttonous
4,8,12 house Messenger
grief stricken
deserted by kinsmen
vajrayoga Benefics in 1-7 house and Brave
Malefics in 4 -10 house Handsome
Hated by kinsmen
Happy in initial and final stages
of life
Yava reverse of vajrayoga Malefics-in 1-7 house Engaged in observing vows
Benefics 4-10 house and performing religious rites
Happy and moneyed in middle
part of life
kamala Planets in the kendras Famous
Long lived
Wielding power
vapi All the planets should occupy Hoard his money
panamphara or apoklima Be miserly
Have some unenduring
yupa All planets should occupy the Charitable, wealthy, happy
1,2,3,4 house illustrious, truthful, observes
Isu/sara All Planets in 4,5,6,7 house Engaged in manufacturing
arroes, imprisons thieves,
hunting and wanders in forest
Bad artisan
Sakti All Planets in 7,8,9,10 He is mean indolent, indigent,
grief-stricken and short lived
danda All the planets in 10,11,12,1 Will be without wife, children
house and wealth
Will be condemned by all and
deserted by his kin, will be
mean, miserable and in
Nau All planets in first seven Concerned with amass wealth
houses from lagna through water related
(1-7) profession
Greedy and unsteady
kuta All planets in 7 contiguous Person is cruel
houses from 4th house (4-10) Poor
A gambler
Liar, jailor
Dwelling in mountain fortress
Chatra All planets in 7 houses from Kind hearted
7th house (7-1) Charitable
Of noble disposition
Favourable of kings
Helps kinsmen
Be happy
Fortunate in initial and final
portions of life
capa All planets in 7 seven houses Liar
from 10th house (10-4) Thief
Dwelling in forest
Unlucky in middle portion of
ardhacandra All planets are in seven houses He is handsome
from the 4 apoklima houses or Commander of an army,
4 panaphara Of prepossessing manners
Favourite of kings
Possesses gems and gold

Samudra All planets should be in the 6 Endowed with wealth sons and
even houses (2,4,6,8,10,12) enjoyment of pleasures
Powerful and equal to king
Cakra All planets should be posited He will recievethe homage of
in the 6 odd houses kings and become a mighty
1,3,5,7,9,11 monarch
Sankhya yoga Positions effects
Vallaki/vina Seven planets are in 7 The person will have many
different signs friends
Will speak sweetly
Well versed in scriptures and
instrumental music
Will have many servants
Damini Seven planets in 6 signs Will help others
Will be wealthy
Full of cattle
Blessed with children and
Pasa All planets in 5 signs Will be active, talkative
Have many servants
Ultimately imprisoned
Kedara Seven planets in 4 signs Will be helpful
Of changing moods
Sula 7 plants in 3 signs Cruel
Lazy poor
Noted warrior

Yuga 7 planets in 2 signs Heretic

Ostracized by society
Bereft of children, honour,
Golaka 7 planets in 1 sign Poor
Without education and honour
Always sad & wretched
Candrayoga Position of planets Effects
Adhama yoga Moon in kendra (1,4,7,10) with Moral calibre is low
respect to sun Financial position is deplorable
Wisdom practically absent
Intellectual powers are meagre
Sama yoga Moon in panamphara Moderate moral calibre
(2,5,8,11) with respect to the
varishta Moon in apoklima (3,6,9,12) Good position of morals
with respect to the sun
If the moon is in her own amsa Subject will be happy and
or in that of a great friend opulent
Is aspected by Jupiter and
Birth in daytime
Or is aspected by venus birth
in night time

Candra adhiyoga Benefics mars,Jupiter, venus in Commander of the army

6.7.8 house from the moon Minister/king
Live long w/o diseases and
Great prosperity
power & victory over enemies

Lagna adhiyoga Benefics mars,Jupiter, venus in Commander of the army

6.7.8 house from lagna Minister/king
Live long w/o diseases and
Great prosperity
power & victory over enemies

sunapha Any planet in 2nd house from Prosperous

the moon except the sun Mighty
Of virtuous disposition
Very famous
Well versed in sastras
Attractive on account of his
superior qualities
King or minister
Very wise
anapha Any planet in 12th house from Eloquent speaker
the moon except the sun Rich
Free from diseases
Of good character
Happy and contented mind
Well dressed
Enjoyer of good dishes drinks
garlands damsels
durudhara Any planet in 2nd and 12th Famous for qualities of his
house from the moon except speech
the sun Wisdom
Valour throughout the world
Will enjoy independence,
happiness, wealth and
Will be generous
Will take pains to look after
kith and kin and property
Of good character
Leader of men
Kemadruma Absence of above three yogas Born in royal family, will lose
Exceptions his wife, friends,houses,
If any planet except the sun is clothes and food
in any kendra from lagna or Oppressed by poverty, misery,
moon diseases and wretchedness
If the moon is conjoined with Be unclean
any five planets In servitude
If all the planets aspect the Roguish
moon His conduct is hated by all

Sunapha/anapha If mars is situated in 2nd or Energetic

12th house from the moon Wealthy
Sunapha/anapha If mercury is situated in 2nd or Clever
12th house from the moon Of sweet words
Proficient in arts
Sunapha/anapha If jupiter is situated in 2nd or Wealthy
12th house from the moon Religiously inclined
Honoured by kings

Sunapha/anapha If venus is situated in 2nd or Rich

12th house from the moon Enjoying all pleasures of the
Sunapha/anapha If saturn is situated in 2nd or Will enjoy himself with others
12th house from the moon wealth, clothes etc
Will have many activities
Leader of men
birth in night time and the Good fortune
moon is in the visible half (7th
to 1st house)
or birth in day time and moon
is in the invisible half
Upaceya yoga/vasumat yoga All 4 benefics (moon, Venus, Immensely rich
Jupiter, mercury) are in
upaceya houses (3, 6, 10, 11)
from lagna

If three benefics are in He will be wealthy

upaceya houses counted from
the moon
If there are 2 benefics in Moderately rich
upaceya houses
Single benefic in upaceya Meagre wealth
Amala yoga Benefics in the 10th house Kingship
from the moon or lagna Wealthy
Good morals
Subhavesi Any benefic planet in the 2nd Handsome
house w/ respect to the sun Happy
EXCEPT THE MOON Paragon of virtues
Brave and a king
subhavasi Any benefic planet in the 12th Famous
house w/ respect to the sun Liked by all
King’s favourite
Subha ubhayacari Any benefic planet in the 2nd Have beautiful limbs
and 12th house w/ respect to Speak sweetly
the sun Appreciator of beauty
Papavesi Any malefic planet in the 2nd Scandalizes others
house w/ respect to the sun Lose his splendour/ appetite
EXCEPT THE MOON Love the mean
Be wicked
Papavasi Any malefic planet in 12th Deceitful
house w/ respect to the sun Abuses others
EXCEPT THE MOON In company of rogues
Wicked and yet quoting the
Papa ubhayacari Any malefic planet in the 2nd He will be sad at heart owing
an 12th house w/ respect to to bad name in the public
the sun EXCEPT THE MOON Be bereft in education, wealth,
Subhakartari Presence of benefics in 2nd He will live long
and 12th house from lagna Free from dangers, diseases,
and enemies
papakartari Presence of malefics in the Shortlived
2nd and 12th house from Indigent
lagna Unclean
Without happiness, wife and
Short of limb
susubha Benefics in the 2nd house from
lagna, unaspected by malefics
Kesari/gajakesari Moon is in kendra (1,4, 7, 10) Destroyer of his enemies like a
from jupiter lion
Eloquent and noble speaker
Have rajasic nature
energetic and active
Live long
Build up bright fame
Be possessed of exceptional
intellectual acumen
Victorious by dint of his valour
Saktayoga Moon is posited in the 6th, 8th Fortune will be fluctuating
or 12th house from the Jupiter Will not be a man of
Moon shall not be in a kendra consequence in the world
from the lagna Will be miserable on account
of some secret trouble which
he cannot get rid of
subhamala All the benefics must be in all Governor/ high officer of the
5, 6, 7 houses from lagna state
Praised by the king
Enjoys pleasures
Give charity freely
Help others in need
Fond of kinsmen
Blessed w/ worthy sons and
Asubha mala Benefics are posited in the Addicted in bad way
regular order in three bad Miserable
houses (6,8,12) Ungrateful
A murderer
w/o respect for brahmins
cursed by people
Lakshmi yoga Lord of the 9th house and Will enjoy the blessed
venus in the kendras or konas company of his good and
identical to their own house auspicious wife
Free from illness
Be very rich
Brilliant protector of kith and
Abode of the grace of goddess
ride horses and elephants
carried in palanquins
best of the kings
pleasing all his subjects
munificent in gift
Gauri yoga Lord of the 9th house and Charming personality
venus in the kendras or konas Belongs to illustrious family
identical to their own house Friends with the kings
also moon is aspected by Possessed of obedient and
jupiter virtuous children
His face resembles the lotus
Victories will eulogized by one
and all

Sarasvati yoga Three benefics (mercury, He will be intelligent

Jupiter, Venus) in kendras, Clever in dramaturgy
konas, 2nd house which Prose compositions, poetry,
should be their house, friends mathematics and rhetoric
or exaltations Poet
Jupiter should have strength Scholar in sastras
Famous throughout the world
Very rich
Blessed with wife and children
Honoured by sovereigns
Sarada yoga Lord of the 10th house must He will be intelligent
be in the 5th house Clever in dramaturgy
Mercury in kendra Prose compositions, poetry,
Sun being strong in his own mathematics and rhetoric
house Poet
Jupiter in kona from the moon Scholar in sastras
or 11th house from mercury Famous throughout the world
Mars in kona from mercury Very rich
Blessed with wife and children
Honoured by sovereigns
Srinatha Venus and mercury are in the The person becomes wealthy
kendras/konas identical to Clever in peasantry
their own, exaltations or Sweet speech
friends’ house Possessed of body marks on
his body resembling conch
Recites always verses in praise
of the lord in the company of
his devotees
Worships his devotees with
Is blessed with worthy wife
and sons,
Pleasing in appearance and
very amiable
Srikantha Lord of lagna, the sun and Adorned with rudraksa
moon are all in kendra or rosaries and holy ashes
konas identical to their own, Magnanimous
friendly or exaltation house
Meditating on the lord shiva
Will observe vows to please
the lord,
Help virtuous men
Tolerant of the other religion
Brilliant in appearance
Taking delight in worshipping
lord shiva
Virinci/brahma Jupiter, Saturn and lord of the Intent on getting the
5th house are in kendra or knowledge of the supreme
kona identical with their own, brahman
or exaltation or friendly house Very intelligent
Following the scriptural path
Will have many disciples
Will speak gently
Be very rich
Have wife and children
Long life
Will have spiritual lustre
With senses under control
Receiving respect and homage
from kings

parivartanayoga When lords of two bhavas effects

exchange their position
dainyayoga Lords of bad house 12 Fool
exchange position with any of Reviler
the remaining 11 houses Committing sinful acts
11 kinds of dainyayoga are Oppressed by enemies
formed Speaking harshly
Of wavering mind
If the lord of the 6th house Having his undertakings always
exchanges position with interrupted
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11
10 kinds of dainyayoga are

If the lord of 8th house

exchanges position with
1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11
Nine kinds of dainyayoga are
Khalayoga Lord of the 3rd house Will go astray
exchanges position with Sometimes will lose his
1 2 4 5 7 9 10 11 fortune and sometimes he will
8 kinds of khalayoga are get much wealth
formed Sometimes will speak nicely
and other times harshly
At times will be happy other
times will be miserable
mahayoga Lord of the lagna exchanges Blessed with gpddes of fortune
position with the lord of Be very rich
2 4 5 7 9 10 11 Lordly
Bedecked with excellent
Lord of the 2nd house clothes and ornaments
exchanges position with Will receive honour and
4 5 7 9 10 11 authoritative position from the
Lord of 4th house exchanges Blessed with good children and
position with vehicles
5 7 9 10 11

Lord of 5th house exchanges

position with
7 9 10 11

Lord of 7th house exchanges

position with
9 10 11

Lord of 9th house exchanges

position with
10 11

Lord of 10th house exchanges

position with


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