M Bài

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1) These days, many people prefer to play a team sport, for example football or

basketball is very popular as it has many benifit. It seems to me that these

advantages are very clear.
2) It is true that some teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer games
and this can cause both their public relationship and their health. It seems
to me that these drawbacks is very clear.
3) Today, there is a problem with amount of foodstuffs. there for some people
do not have enough to eat. I think farmer will have some way to solve this
4) Some parents think that there is no disavantages in premit their children to
watch TV programmes and movies that include a lot of violence. From my
opinion I disagree with this view.
5) Some counties try to figure out the problem of traffic congestion by limiting
the use of private vehicles inner city areas. It seems to me that these
advantages are overshadowed by the drawbacks.
6) I think that teenagers who are still at school just as much study pressure as
work pressure of adults. It have many reason and negative influence to
7) The olympic games is a lagre internetional sporting event and the chance to
host this event is keenly contested by many countries. Personally, these has
good sides and bad sides.
8) Some people argue that moble phones have a negative impact for user
because of the possible health issueshe while orther thinks that moble phone
are great advantages to human. Personally, I agree with both of them.
9) The rise in tourist numbers is negative impact to famous and historic places,
like the sistine chale and the great wall of china. Therefor, the government
need to have some solve to stop these problems.
10) In this essay, I will analyze about a serious problem. Nowaday, many
animal species are disappear since human activities both on land and in the
11) Today children are leave too much time playing video games and
very little time playing sports. I think it is very bad for children, and it have
many negative development.
12) Nowaday, many peoples like to have a year off shortly before
finishing university. I think the good sides is cleaner than the bad sides.

13) ;

14) Some people argue that work for the same company all their carier
while orther thick that is better to work for annorther company. Personally, I
would side with the former view for the following

15) Today, parents of children who guilty should also be retribution since
they are in charge of their chidren’s wrongdoing. I think I totally agree with
this side

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