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Republic of the Philippines


Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig


2 Semester, S.Y 2022-2023

WONDER (2017)
(Special / Inclusive Education Class)
Project #3

Submitted by:
BAON, Janna Louris Andrey M.
CED 03 201A

Submitted to:
Dr. Susan S. Dominguez
Photo Credits to:
Directed by: Stephen Chbosky

The 2017 American drama film "Wonder" was directed by Stephen Chbosky and produced by David

Hoberman and Todd Lieberman. The script was written by Jack Thorne, Steven Conrad, and Stephen

Chbosky, and was based on R.J. Palacio's 2012 novel of the same name. Lionsgate distributed the film,

which opened on November 14, 2017 at the Regency Village Theater in Los Angeles. It was later released

on November 17, 2017 in the United States and in other countries around the same time. The movie has a

runtime of 1 hour and 53 minutes and it was rated Parental Guidance (PG) by the Motion Picture

Association of America (MPAA) for thematic topics such as bullying and some minor language.

August "Auggie" Pullman, a young child with a facial deformity, attends public school for the first time

after being home-schooled, is the protagonist in the film. Auggie's attempts to blend in with his peers and

deal with the problems of being different are depicted in the film, as is the impact his condition has on his

family and others around him.

"Wonder" is a heartwarming emotional drama about August "Auggie" Pullman, a young boy with a

facial deformity who has been homeschooled his whole life. Auggie confronts a lot of problems as he tries

to blend in with his peers and negotiate the social complexity of middle school when his parents decide to

send him to a normal school for the first time. The movie focuses with themes such as acceptance, kindness,

and empathy, as well as the effect that one person's actions may have on those around them. All throughout

the running time of the movie, I searched for the real name of the cast and found out that, Auggie is played

by Jacob Tremblay, his parents are Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, his elder sister Via is played by Izabela

Vidovic, and the school's principal, Mr. Tushman, is played by Mandy Patinkin. The action takes place

mostly in a New York City middle school, where Auggie attends classes alongside other pupils his age.

In my opinion, "Wonder" is a highly successful film that manages to balance its heartwarming message

with an emotional and complex analysis of its characters and themes. The film's greatest strength is its

capacity to elicit a wide range of emotions, from humorous and joyful moments to heartbreaking images of
pain and loss. One example is the film's depiction of Auggie's relationship with his parents, who are

presented as loving and supportive while yet struggling with their own concerns and anxiety about their

son's illness. Another example is how the film depicts the impact of Auggie's presence on his classmates,

who initially resist him but eventually come to appreciate him for who he is.


"Wonder" is a well-crafted and emotional film that successfully explores themes of acceptance,

empathy, and kindness. The movie's central message is that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness

and respect, regardless of their appearance or differences. The film does an excellent job of conveying this

message through its compelling characters, nuanced writing, and skilled direction. One of the strengths of

the movie is its strong performances from the ensemble cast, particularly from Jacob Tremblay, who

delivers a deeply moving and nuanced portrayal of Auggie. The movie's pacing is also well done, allowing

for moments of levity and humor to balance out the more emotional scenes. In terms of weaknesses, some

viewers may find the movie to be overly sentimental or emotionally manipulative, particularly in its use of

musical cues and tearjerker moments. Additionally, while the film does a good job of exploring Auggie's

experiences, it may have benefitted from delving more deeply into the experiences of other characters,

particularly Auggie's sister Via.

Stephen Chbosky, the director of "Wonder", does an excellent job of bringing the themes and messages

of the novel to life on screen. Chbosky's direction is skilled and thoughtful, allowing the movie to strike a

balance between heartwarming moments and emotional depth. He effectively uses pacing, editing, and

music to heighten the emotional impact of the story without tipping over into melodrama. I also like the

pacing when each of the important characters in the movie has their own backstory related to the protagonist,

which is “Auggie”.

The visual design of the movie is understated but effective, with the use of muted colors and

naturalistic lighting creating a realistic and immersive environment. The film's music and sound design are

also well done, with a moving score by Marcelo Zarvos and effective use of sound effects to heighten the

emotional impact of key scenes. The primary strength of "Wonder" is its ability to convey a powerful

message of empathy and understanding in a way that is both engaging and emotionally resonant. The
movie's ensemble cast, strong writing, and skilled direction all work together to create a compelling and

memorable film.

However, the movie's sentimental tone and reliance on emotional manipulation may be seen as a

weakness by some viewers. Additionally, while the film does a good job of exploring Auggie's experiences,

it could have benefited from giving more attention to the experiences of other characters, particularly

Auggie's sister Via.


In conclusion, "Wonder" is a film that touches the heart and reminds us of the power of kindness and

empathy. The story is centered around Auggie, a young boy with a facial deformity, and his struggles to fit

in at school and navigate the complexities of childhood. Through Auggie's journey, the movie explores the

themes of empathy, acceptance, and kindness in a way that is both heartwarming and emotionally resonant.

The film's strong performances, particularly from Jacob Tremblay as Auggie, and skilled direction from

Stephen Chbosky make it a highly recommended viewing experience. Chbosky's direction strikes a balance

between moments of levity and humor and more emotional scenes, effectively conveying the movie's central

message without resorting to melodrama.

Despite some viewers finding the movie to be overly sentimental, the film's portrayal of the impact of

small acts of kindness and empathy is both engaging and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the

viewer. The message that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, regardless of their

appearance or differences, is one that is particularly relevant in today's world, and the movie does an

excellent job of conveying this message in a way that is accessible to all audiences.

Overall, I believe that "Wonder" is a highly effective and emotionally resonant film that succeeds in its

goal of promoting empathy and understanding. While it may not be without its flaws, the movie's strengths

far outweigh any weaknesses, making it a highly recommended viewing experience.

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