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2023/6/24 凌晨2:58 "Where I Lived and What I Lived For"

"Where I Lived and What I Lived For"
10 Questions DATE  : 

1. Thoreau develops an antithesis in each of the following pairs from paragraph 1 EXCEPT

A "mean" and "sublime" B "suck out" and "rout"

"genuine meanness" and "strange

C D "devil" and "God"

"front only the essential facts of life" and

"practice resignation"

2. Paragraphs 1 and 2 contain each of the following EXCEPT

A an oxymoron B an allusion

C an extended metaphor D a simile

E a paradox

3. By "my next excursion" Thoreau suggests his

A movement to a spiritual afterlife B writing of his next book

C taking up a new profession D upcoming trip into town

E next hike in the Concord woods

4. In the second paragraph, Thoreau employs a play on words with which of the following?

A dishes B frittered

C gang D quicksand

E sleepers 1/3
2023/6/24 凌晨2:58 "Where I Lived and What I Lived For"

5. What is the antecedent of "it" in "It lives too fast" (middle of paragraph 2)?

A "heedless expense" B "German Confederacy"

C "nation itself" D "rigid economy"

E "our life"

6. The speaker of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following

To understand life, it is essential for one Success in life is predicated by active

to keep up with current events. measurement and calculation.

The nation improves with the increased Clarity of purpose and a determined
complexity of its interrelationships. approach will bring success in life.

The full meaning of life is only to be

discovered in the afterlife.

7. Emerson and Thoreau were

A Nature lovers B Concord residents

C friends D All of the above

E Transcendentalists

8. Thoreau lived at Walden Pond because

A None of the above B He couldn't afford a real home

C He hated people D He wanted to live simply

E He wanted to get away from Emerson

9. Thoreau, in "Civil Disobedience,"

A criticizes the American government B advocates for anarchy

Both criticizes the government and

C D expresses antipathy for self-reliance
advocates for nonviolent protest

advocates for nonviolent protest of

unjust governmental laws and policies 2/3
2023/6/24 凌晨2:58 "Where I Lived and What I Lived For"

10. In Walden, Thoreau explores his interests in all of the following EXCEPT

A journalism B individualism

C self-sufficiency D simplicity

E naturalism

Answer Key

1. c 2. a 3. a 4. e

5. c 6. d 7. d 8. d

9. c 10. a 3/3

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