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Lajwanti" RAJINDER SINGH BEDI Raye Stic Be (1915-84) wos ne of tho leading Ur writes lhe twentieth century. Pim @ short sry wir, he wos aso ‘he author ofthe weldnown novel Ek Chodor Ma i, whieh ‘won him He Sahitya Akadon! Award in 1962. He wrote fim [eipt ond cls in Hinds far ove fey Bs cing Clatucs such os Devos, Mirza Ghalib and Maahumol He was ‘awarded the Pada Shain 1972 and te Ghalés Award in 1978 Bed Kishon Chonda, lsat Chugh and Mano spoctheoded the Progressive Wes’ Movement Toh he as ofthe Loe, thy co and ihr omg (From «Pani song ‘Avex rae Pano, when countless wounded people fad Sally ‘ead the gore from thelr bre, they tured hk ates to those ho hed not sled bol bur ba heen wounded in thet ‘Rebiaton commits nee Frm in ery eightoutncd end side set andthe psig to dp the i ar busy, tnd bros fr theneles got wera wih mach ens, ‘war ene programme, tng, wich msmed to bate ecg neice ‘oncerned ie eubitation of bared women, allpngery wat "Rehsiate emia your bear’ Iwar tery oppor by Narn Bw trpl nd the conmervaives who Bred and aro "Rcommite a fared inthe Mula Shakar eign me ‘he temple to got the programme off the ground. abu Saar Lal vas lc i ereay By a jority of eleven ote spd the Vb *RajoerSugh Hl, "suet Mall Ur Main, Ee ec ai Bl of Sate fo, ga, Aojider Sigh tsk 57 Shi its president teas the opinion of the old pion writer the (Chak Kan dict ~in which eter well-wepded dials af ‘he acghbourbod concurred sth him ~ to ce could be expeted to werk more pomonately foe the cate shan Suna La, teenie his own wife Laf Lajwatt ton nd Ben ated arly in the moringwhes Sadar Lal Bab and hs companions aslo and Ned Rane to make lr ound hough the ncn aging i ein, Touch he anes ofthe aro ee al nd wir Cy Sundar als vis wel de Walking slongm lence he wold ‘Bink shat Lajwanti ~ who Knows whore abe might be? Un What ‘ution? What would she be tsking of im? Wold she eer cme back? an hie feet would fer on the clean prement ‘But by now dings al eke pone what he al topped even ting about Laan Hi pa wat longer ost iy hd bese par ofthe words angus Ar o pare unset derastaton be eer hms along ino serving the prope Al the sme, ery tne be Joined he compos ethan, he exude’ lp sronderg at how dekcste the human het The sights ching ul rt acy he the swans lat, hose lees ci wp st {he bat och Wel ht ny es Bt rs mm prt, ad never spare ay fre ining ht own Lajas bly at posable He Trou bea er onthe Hime pretest, bing expen to the ay “he got up, the way she ast down, the way she coke fod —aying tod everyting, ja wa lender and age lags gi Too mich an had turned Jar sin gle dak, an a nervous energy informed ber movement sshich Brought o mind the fl grace oa deve drop ling mercury lhe om ae now to nes, now to the ote Her Iams, whch ves more sg of els ha tabenc,woeried Sn Ll Bs, Sac when he oberved Row wel ecole all manner of avery, Including even physial abuse, he progrenively incremed hit ‘mntrament oer, que forging th pt crt mi eye [uence sure or ot Lapa, to, hal cnt hers In ‘Sharing the perception of cha lint By tre she wae one to 1k! onto her angus or too lng, simple me fromm Sundar Lal following tbe wart Sgt nd abe war nate wo xp her glgls" yo beat me ever gun ever pak to you” {58 Col Dey, nguic Poy & cry Toons te was obvi she hl lend forgotten af sbout the Nit and eat shah aod tet te wis ~ she Ene hs rath EENET a any other vllge gi. Hea woman showed the lightest ieelpendene the gl sherslsee woul be the Bist to dsapprome rat el an he Can eres ep i ie womans ie Tne phyla en subjected ther wives to ad ever ade sau the women's songs Lap ere welt ig hry hy by? — No me took i bo ad ay mat ao. Nonehcle, a the very iss opportuni ah ha fen none with Hut sachs iy boy, Sundar Lal ho Ba st ome to he ile a Provo welding purty fel wipe int the groom’ ea, Yur vere i ey fot st, Your wie mast be quite 3 ds Tn id overheat hi, Stok no nie aa of hi gs, se nts a eget al bot er on 70 a te the memoris Ua Sania Lal recalled doing is ly snoring ons wih hi compass He would soy tise, TRH pe ater chance, ut one ore cance, Peseta inimy Beat Ti show the pple that hse poor women a hall 2 ‘ane forthe abdveton, tevez by Ieceros ters. A recy whch mble wo ase and eta hse nee women fr roten to the core, Bt only to be destroyed ‘Sunt Lal woul plead wih the yop o ke these wore onder ther rot an ge hem he see ats wich ny woman, any ox ‘Raghav wl enjoyed, He wool urge the fans never sped, event hint atthe things the poor women had sf, Seon te hers were already wounded en frag, Uke the Ince afi cement, tent a op ate met touch “he Malla Sur Retain of Hearts Commies tok out nay ely nrg reason 0 pt programms in ect. The hens ft ing wee the most Fee ie for i iy (Sman ae, wali sar Even she dogs, fier an exasting gt long ware, would be alee his hut, a they ay curled up ree the trons lng sins gone ea. Ard peopl, Hodes Sojnda Sogh Sah 59 th yw ake pt ne doy Ob at gap People tne to Sun Lal Habs propaga, smties with pate nmctmes with tation, Women wh al mode hy to TB the borers ely nth be, whe their bas Iying bese then, bed protests agit sense kd wp By So morning ely, or 2 tld vomeeere opened ts ees far = Tomment and Tell hock to seep, taking the dolefit petition of "haat ther your bears fo ly Nonde wtich eer the er ao eu inthe woring rarely fi 0 proce ev floc They reverberte nthe mil the whale ay, ad Prete ing ening not realy aprent, one notes Ende cl repetng ther Soy thanks to this fic, when Miss Matla Sar Ea i] secured the exchange of abducted wore Tecwecn tia ané Paitan, ame people in the Mulla Shakur nod wing) tock ar women bck They wet to ec Acne iy Chai Kalan ora while the abe waren a her reas fed eachother in awkward lence. Ten with ‘Ter heats nt ow they retured to plc phe plccs of hi es ‘De reba ther homes, Meni Ral, Not Ram and Serdar {Ed owed fr them wth er, oof Lang Live Mahendar Sing Tre tong Live Shan Lal ny bep pan hetero weak Tt thre were some aie women whose husbands, prety, or bling hed even to reagite term. As fara het anion ee cncrned, ty soul ave Kl Wemssves Thy hou ve ‘ica pon to er vin, Or jmp tt 2 wll Conard ‘lng to fe so tence! Haniel thorns of wanes ha fat ill hemos to une th hen But what soul hey ow’ of te courage 0k veto ve ont What eu hey Kno ofthe ey stare tok fo he re pore to lok don in the fae, in 4 workd where even thee [Robust sed wo teengrn them One or aoder ofthe abthted vRpeas for mane to Heslf Sag abe wo has sug, the “Theta er haa She spots er bree the crow ad 92 ni one fal ine Even ou, rt, refse wo reco me! Sony pale yo wen you were smal Br wit to 60. Cube! Dir, nguise Ply & Leary Taos slip sey, but he laks te patents and reas, who ste Ut eve and lok expertly at Narain Bos, who near hook in ter blplennest atthe sky — which has no realty, which i merely at optical illsoe, te nit Beyond which our eer do not Live bomever, wat ot among the ated women Mi Sra Bal i buck in Ue exchange Sundar Lal, balanced prcoioly tween pe and dap st the Ist geome down from the miltary turk. Sabequend, with quilt determination, he redobled Tis forts n adncng he wrk of hia Commite. No anger nly the mornings she Crit took outa evening lly a wel, and tow and then ab held nedngs a wich the ok bree Katha anh Saf the Comite’ Present, fd frth In hie apy, tstimate voice, with Raaloo vas tending i dic bese him, tokling the ptton. Saange sounds would por out fom the Ioipeser essa Next Nek Ra, the petition ‘wre ofthe Cau, wo ot op oy someting Ba whatever be Int or quoted from he Shatas or Puranas verve ely to ona Tis pi Jost then Sadr Tl woul ove to alae the stein ute coldt manage more than «couple of setenes Hs voice woud become progreniely hoe and tors wos ral on ics Te wold ge up and se don. A stage lence would sweep over ‘het Soar al abso emtences, whch orang fom the Apts his ar, exe ther more thn ale estoy eloquence tthe old barter Kalla Parad Sf, But the people abe few fears then andere, whith eed thr bears and return ume, py beaded a eve ‘One dy the Commitcewallhy stared out om thelr prechng early in he evening and ended up tha ae len bea conservtve singel. Sete cra cement pater around « peepl tee outside the tele, theif wereIstening to sors Fo th Ray Narain Rava was rating the epee ch = ‘wabernan bal own his witout fd house apg, im 0 Rae Ramchand, wo woul take Sta back ar ae ad spent may year with Ravan? Which ed Racha t order the virtuous Sia fut ofthe huss even thigh he wae eth eh ‘Can you in ber example of aun Raha Narain Hews Fajr Singh Bai 61 rac Ram Raj nein which 2 wathermans words to recive the The al Il by now eaced the temple and topped to iste the Ramayan ory al pou yans, Sandra aught the ns fe ‘word and retorted, We don't want Rar Rj, Biv” “Angry wees st up fr the tron, ofthe fh: Be gue! ‘Wr do you thnk you are” ‘th ‘But Sundar al, endnte, one forward ‘Noboy can top me from spang” he doted bask To which be ced ea oly of aly angry wordt —Qut” se wan you peak! and oma corner, nen ert, Wl wily ‘arin ows silt ho ony, andar Lal my dear, you don understand the os and elton of te Shsis! "But do ulead on ing Ba Ant 8 then 2 war ould be head Rar Raj, wile Is camps olay wont chen Tien wo Sar Ll” “The very people who s minute ago had goten up determined pet hen is poe uly ve, meping aay the ppl rt ‘thick ad eon fla on thle ety ad 'A igh,Lt’s ar hin | Th Remloo and Nei Ram sured Sundar Laon who sa, No Ahoub Shes Rar ws cur gest ender Bat why, Baw that he Teter dhe warmoan bt not is cor wl, the retest Maran ‘arin Bs eine, ping # novel sac Sta was iow vie Te woud appear, Sadr Tal tht you have wot read the portance of th ft a, Rav Sardar Lat Rabo ster ae many ings in hs ori tt don't era But ok a ander re Ram Fa) Iman woul bese oop nen hmsll Itc gas nee [ban genta in ap jon spnet sth Ty, Ld Ram bar gan ‘Seow Sit tof aunt ene sh war compelled to ive sv Ran for some tine. Bat was she to blame for Was she 2 ‘tin of doe nd tickery tke oor marbles mothers and ters toy? Was x queston of Sts tah or falchood Or ofthe ark (62 Cael Die, Ungite Puy & Urry Toons beasties of te demon Ravan, who bas tem human hes, ut also as aot bigger on, tie of + donkey Tay our Sta has been Cpl nce ae, oly watt t,o Sea» Laan He Bethe dwn at wep esa Nel lam aed the ed banners on which he sal cen tht very yl et oat nd ped fret slogans for tem, and the poceson got gong once ae, al sbotag Lang itn he mone ye Lang toe St ‘nd someane cle Ramchand ‘lene! Slence!” jt ery went up. Within seconde moss of Navin Fava labour ment dow the da, a2 good portion of his tenreoton got up a alos the proceso, le by barster Kaka Parco and Hoke Sigh he ptiton writer at Chak! Kalan, both trump tapping ther old walking sticks onthe ground, Sander {el wile hong nih to, ess were sl teaming dwn ie cs His eat nd ben art very bay tod. The people mere shouting ith ret gs ach he ae of the yan they cu ad irom “The song wae sil reverberate arf the people. The an a nor yet ren ad he wow so Beane ruber #14 In Mulla Shakur tee all wing rte a er bd Just thon Cal Chie, who wat Tom Sindor Lal vlge aod whom the later and Kalla Par Ching heise, ba ep to ep aon sop, eased over Sundar Lal, He offre i hind em ander is ck, coarse ‘bowl ad i “Congrataton Sanda Lal "Compas for wht, Lal Ca? Sundar Ll asked, ping some mele ewetenl thas nhs chill. jt sae Bi ‘he clas fl oma Sur Lal nd andthe aoc satered onthe for." Wharel be asked, grab Lal Ca bythe older, fd shaking hin bard when be dat anor sickly enough. ‘the Wg oder He abroply lego of Lal Chan's shoulder. "Must be someone he Rend Singh Bai 63 'No, iy rely was aj Lal Chand edt convince Hm Se wos Lj al rie: "De you even bow hee? Sundar Lal ake ate gered he usec al gn it etn is pals, Wl en Be i ering the chilam fe Ra's nla el me, what are her ding ett ‘ato un er chi, acter om ber ehk “er yes yal” Sundar Lal mel completed he desrpion, ‘And third one om Ber forehead” He didn't want there to be any oat. ‘Siddenly he recall those tattoos on Laan’ body he had vw so wl too she a ote ae gi, whch resembled the igh roe spot othe tact pln and eased eto ck eaves atthe sights hie of an ppoching bard. Exactly he Stine may Lajanti woul cul up fem modeey the instant anyone Pent at ber tat, She would withiroy ito herselw dapen, ad tht ll ee socret a Bos et ut, ht she Bad been made pr bythe phnder of iden wemure apd. Sundar Las tire bny began wo hur with a knoe Er, ith an nko ‘pit andi pred Bir. He gabe Lal Chay the shaler wae pin sd ake How cl Taf ge to Wash? “There war an exchange of abducted women between Tia and Pakistan: Lal Chod mid “Wa happened ten? Sadar Lal sed, ae aged down ‘he Hoo." me, what happened then? ‘Ras to sup in eo sr ed, coughing at only smokers oT rely eve? Laat Blab eure” al Chand continued. At the aga border, Fain nde on sateen yomen and rectved uate in exchange. Buta altertion eeepes. Our voter ced tht here were oo many me ‘gt and wel women the cotnget Paisan was handing fpr A crowd qucely gathered onthe sone Jus the, volte from th ote nde potted Lf Babi andere, you el ler ll Have a lock. None ofthe gla you have etre ca match er” Mesnwfile aj Babi was eal tying to hide her tatoos fom the pope's probing eyes The agument pt more heated. Each ‘te decd ote back hg ved ea La ab” 64 cated Diy, Ung Py & inary Tendon thou owe ary gris eat yp rove ay or ag Poke Ta Chand bred is lbw to sow where be bl been rk by Rolph Ra ec, wie Sar al ped tse to oc Pepe beating soo ae, ha reremed,b hen gin dnt He ake Be someone wh fo roe he ecg of Blaer ds tung Trae wae «wee, hs parched tong ging ut on cael Shen ta frre T elton ck i th eee of Sep Freinds il emit ven te Pron only ‘bar orm To, pel noel spy rhe es Myon ated smene ty, La Sh snd Bi er ew Tatu, who wel tone n Smal gk an crt wl ome She worer Den ane flow woul mine sel irae made “Worse een than thy here were ol ods! people who ae nba eae na Hea at atte as prope Daye pl ack Ue mot of cow ra mateo te pipes hes ire now poop or oc Fay We eily ats yong woman, ber lounge, Ber met at seb thr Tt of dese Tolan igi dow to lr ey bones In eres, eat, eee ak tae ue epee cero «nerd Fang et ected ul oc ney Ty, eer het aren ld been pul up. erty wos barging damclenly inthe open, wth reg fr dor, Tas ranactn, is poling real sn pode ght tof Bocao a marae depicting the unnihicd boyy ad sling of wen: com werent Ind up, huang teaches Before the Uk pocrer, who pokes i pro then wih his finger. lee pik indentation where tucker he d,s le erm sound andthe pa th pale rush to meets Urick moves on, ad the red womas, ated by bunliaon adsame, str uncon, bling the Sater her lowed Tome garment ‘wih ae nd, ing he [ef th pubes ge th te oer. Ltr even he ong of share departs Th sh wae nn though he bras of Axara ‘Sia Lal ws ering edly to go to the Bre own of Arita Fojeder Singh Beck 65 ih th ews of a at eto his bens ere Tee He veal tak sp tow te dr bt Sy tapped back A sin feng to ge tn to Mi topos Sled im Hehe wed to nd al Ue ples al Setamer af Rebblenion Commie ston he ow an at Sema) hs hero But easton wa dy reper Saban xenon ef cmatin. He bevel og tc te re ‘eign inl iced ey sy ovat Cha Re, Be Taj usage hi, sng wth fw anyone toc Sar La twa de, She geen eo kv bay oi eed her bread new tat i we rtrig ae ng with nt an ere wa llg wha fe igi Sad La oko ot Lj Se el ped he ape al her boy slack ‘Kp on ot te rt verb cere Spel Hi on, oly uo, Pap te enero secs wth eM ness al take fe expe om Fe copce Thro, he neon go Sanda Lalo mach ‘Reagent lt ore o wor) sas png erat rahe dips the night fo, Av ays wo leo ‘Beng te bse dren betwee Mar ed Mod cts eter the apt went ve the ight okt thulder Rt now ‘Beton tere Sk Lalembg aace etee epe aed ee Sank Lal wat ck. He ced a Lavan at ie ad teailer tn fore ced eked plump Whore rognedsea hero at be eng Hehe eng get rod hve ems fat he he tn weak event eT ‘agi a kp a amd ie tetng tr for be ied errant gure seat ich ators. Il te sme, he col Ip munderiag wy bd se cen to ‘rir ae led sapere ne? Peep ie dan goveramen toed er, ng er Thre weg er tpl Lajas ny fi

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