Longevity Anti-Senescence Therapy Global BCC 2019

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Global Longevity

and Anti-senescence
Therapy Market
June 2019

Bhavna Joshi

Report Code: BIO185A

Additional segmentations and data sets available upon request. Email custom@bccresearch.com

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
Study Goals and Objectives........................................................................................................................... 1
Reasons for Doing This Study ........................................................................................................................ 1
Scope of Report............................................................................................................................................. 2
Information Sources...................................................................................................................................... 2
Methodology................................................................................................................................................. 2
Geographic Breakdown................................................................................................................................. 3
Analyst’s Credentials ..................................................................................................................................... 6
BCC Custom Research ................................................................................................................................... 6
Related BCC Research Reports...................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 2: Summary and Highlights ....................................................................... 8

Chapter 3: Market Overview ................................................................................ 12
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Drugs, Devices and Technologies Used in the Longevity and Anti-senescence Market ............................. 13
Market Evolution and Key Future Trends ................................................................................................... 15
Timeline of Longevity and Anti-senescence ............................................................................................ 15
Key Future Trends ................................................................................................................................... 16
Clinical Trials and the Expected Launch of Anti-senescence Products ....................................................... 18
Standards and Regulations in the Market .................................................................................................. 21
United States ........................................................................................................................................... 21
European Union....................................................................................................................................... 22
Japan........................................................................................................................................................ 23
India ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Brazil ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Industry Growth Drivers ............................................................................................................................. 25
Increasing Geriatric Population Across the Globe................................................................................... 25
Surging Level of Disposable Income ........................................................................................................ 28
Rising Awareness of Anti-Aging Products Among Generation Y and Later Generations ........................ 30
Increasing Advancements in Anti-senescence Technologies .................................................................. 32

Chapter 4: Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market by Therapy ................ 34

Senolytic Drug Therapy ............................................................................................................................... 34
Gene Therapy .............................................................................................................................................. 37
Immunotherapy .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Others ......................................................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 5: Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market by Application ........... 44

Longevity ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Senescence Inhibition ................................................................................................................................. 45
Cardiovascular Diseases .............................................................................................................................. 47
Neural Degenerative Diseases .................................................................................................................... 48
Ophthalmology Disorders ........................................................................................................................... 51
Cancer ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 6: Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market by Region .................. 63
North America............................................................................................................................................. 63
United States ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Canada ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Europe ......................................................................................................................................................... 69
United Kingdom....................................................................................................................................... 71
France ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
Germany .................................................................................................................................................. 74
Spain ........................................................................................................................................................ 76
Rest of Europe ......................................................................................................................................... 77
Asia-Pacific .................................................................................................................................................. 78
China ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
India ......................................................................................................................................................... 81
Japan........................................................................................................................................................ 83
Australia .................................................................................................................................................. 86
Rest of Asia-Pacific .................................................................................................................................. 88
Rest of World .............................................................................................................................................. 89
Latin America........................................................................................................................................... 91
Middle East and Africa ............................................................................................................................ 92

Chapter 7: Industry Structure in Longevity and Anti-senescence Market............. 96

Industry Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Suppliers .................................................................................................................................................. 96
Research and Development .................................................................................................................... 97
Manufacturing/Production ..................................................................................................................... 98
Distribution and Marketing ..................................................................................................................... 98
End Users ................................................................................................................................................. 99
Investments and Funding Analysis.............................................................................................................. 99

Chapter 8: Company Profiles ............................................................................. 102

About BCC Research ......................................................................................... 118
About BCC Research.................................................................................................................................. 119
BCC Membership ...................................................................................................................................... 119

Additional segmentations and data sets available upon request. Email custom@bccresearch.com
List of Tables
Summary Table: Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 1 Various Approaches to Anti-aging Therapeutics ............................................................................ 13
Table 2 Increasing Global Life Expectancy (in Years) for Both Sexes, by Region, 2000-2016 ..................... 17
Table 3 Drugs and Biologics Related to Aging Under Various Phases of Clinical Trials, as of January 2019
.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Table 4 Global Population Aged 60 Years and Older, by Region, 2015, 2030 and 2050 (Millions) ............ 25
Table 5 Global Geriatric Population (Aged 65 Years and Older), 2014-2022 (Millions) ............................. 26
Table 6 Percentage Distribution of Worldwide Population (Aged 65 Years and Older), by Region, 2016
and 2050 (% of Total Population) ............................................................................................................... 27
Table 7 Household Disposable Income Across Selected Countries, 2012-2018 (Per Capita) ..................... 29
Table 8 Lifetime UV Exposure in the United States (%) .............................................................................. 31
Table 9 Start-up Companies in Anti-Aging Solutions .................................................................................. 32
Table 10 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions)....... 34
Table 11 Types of Senolytics Drugs ............................................................................................................. 35
Table 12 Global Market for Senolytic Drug Therapy, by Region, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ..................... 36
Table 13 Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2012-2017 (% of Total Population) .................................. 36
Table 14 Global Market for Gene Therapy, by Region, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .................................... 38
Table 15 Leading Institutional Developers of Genomics Tools, 2017 (Number of Tools) .......................... 38
Table 16 Global Market for Immunotherapy, by Region, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ................................ 41
Table 17 Global Market for Other Therapies, by Region, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ................................ 42
Table 18 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Drug Discovery and Development, by
Region, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .............................................................................................................. 45
Table 19 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Senescence Inhibition, by Region, Through
2023 ($ Millions) ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 20 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Cardiovascular Diseases, by Region,
Through 2023 ($ Millions) ........................................................................................................................... 48
Table 21 Number of People with Dementia Worldwide, by Income Level, 2015-2050 (Millions) ............. 49
Table 22 Investments in Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment ........................................................................... 50
Table 23 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Neural Degenerative Diseases, by Region,
Through 2023 ($ Millions) ........................................................................................................................... 51
Table 24 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Ophthalmology Disorders, by Region,
Through 2023 ($ Millions) ........................................................................................................................... 52
Table 25 Global Number of Adults with Diabetes, 2015 and 2040 (Millions) ............................................ 53
Table 26 Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Diabetes, 2015 (Millions) .............................. 54
Table 27 Percentage Increment of Diabetes Across Regions, 2015-2040 (%) ............................................ 55
Table 28 Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Cancer, by Region, Through 2023 ($
Millions) ...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Table 29 Global Cancer Prevalence, by Type, 2016 (Millions) .................................................................... 58
Table 30 Cancer Prevalence Across Regions, by Type, 2015-2016 (Number of Cases) .............................. 60
Table 31 North American Number and Distribution of Persons Aged 60 Years or Older, 2017 and 2050
(Millions/%) ................................................................................................................................................. 63
Table 32 Demographic Indicators Related to Population Aging in North America, by Country, 2017 and
2050 (Thousands/%) ................................................................................................................................... 64
Table 33 North American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Country, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 64
Table 34 North American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 65
Table 35 North American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 65
Table 36 United States’ Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 66
Table 37 United States’ Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 67
Table 38 Canadian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .. 68
Table 39 Canadian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Table 40 European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Country, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .. 69
Table 41 European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) . 70
Table 42 European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Table 43 U.K. Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .......... 72
Table 44 UK Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ....... 72
Table 45 French Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ...... 73
Table 46 French Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions) . 74
Table 47 German Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .... 75
Table 48 German Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Table 49 Spanish Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions)..... 76
Table 50 Spanish Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions) 77
Table 51 Rest of the European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 77
Table 52 Rest of the European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 78
Table 53 Asia-Pacific Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Country, Through 2023 ($ Millions)78
Table 54 Asia-Pacific Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Table 55 Asia-Pacific Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 79
Table 56 Chinese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .... 80
Table 57 Chinese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions) 81
Table 58 Total Rural Income in India, 2015 and 2021 ($) ........................................................................... 81
Table 59 Indian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ....... 82
Table 60 Indian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .. 83
Table 61 Share of Japanese Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050 (% of Total Population)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Table 62 Japanese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .. 85
Table 63 Japanese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Table 64 Share of Australian Population Aged 60 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050 (% of Total Population)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Table 65 Australian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions). 87
Table 66 Australian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Table 67 Rest of APAC Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Table 68 Rest of APAC Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Table 69 RoW Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Region, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ........... 89
Table 70 RoW Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023 ($ Millions) ......... 90
Table 71 RoW Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023 ($ Millions) .... 90
Table 72 Latin American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 91
Table 73 Latin American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions) .................................................................................................................................................. 92
Table 74 Disposable Income in UAE, 2010 and 2017 ($) ............................................................................ 92
Table 75 Middle Eastern and African Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through
2023 ($ Millions) ......................................................................................................................................... 93
Table 76 Middle Eastern and African Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through
2023 ($ Millions) ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Table 77 Global Suppliers to Longevity and Anti-senescence Market........................................................ 97
Table 78 Some of the Notable Longevity and Anti-senescence Companies............................................... 98
Table 79 Investment Analysis: Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market..................................... 100
Table 80 Product Portfolio: Acorda Therapeutics..................................................................................... 102
Table 81 Product Portfolio: AgeX Therapeutics ........................................................................................ 103
Table 82 Recent Developments: AgeX Therapeutics, 2016-2018 ............................................................. 103
Table 83 Product Portfolio: Antoxerene ................................................................................................... 104
Table 84 Recent Developments: Antoxerene, 2016-2018 ........................................................................ 104
Table 85 Recent Developments: Calico Life Sciences, 2016-2018 ............................................................ 105
Table 86 Product Portfolio: Celgene ......................................................................................................... 105
Table 87 Product Portfolio: Cleara Biotech............................................................................................... 106
Table 88 Recent Developments: Cleara Biotech, 2016-2018 ................................................................... 106
Table 89 Product Portfolio: CohBar .......................................................................................................... 107
Table 90 Recent Developments: CohBar, 2016-2018 ............................................................................... 107
Table 91 Product Portfolio: Human Longevity Inc. ................................................................................... 108
Table 92 Recent Developments: Human Longevity Inc., 2016-2018 ........................................................ 108
Table 93 Product Portfolio: Insilico Medicine ........................................................................................... 109
Table 94 Recent Developments: Insilico Medicine, 2016-2018 ................................................................ 109
Table 95 Product Portfolio: Oisin Biotechnology ...................................................................................... 109
Table 96 Product Portfolio: PowerVision Inc. ........................................................................................... 110
Table 97 Recent Developments: PowerVision Inc., 2016-2018 ................................................................ 110
Table 98 Product Portfolio: Prana Biotechnology Ltd............................................................................... 111
Table 99 Recent Developments: Prana Biotechnology Ltd., 2016-2018 .................................................. 111
Table 100 Product Portfolio: Proteostasis Therapeutics Inc..................................................................... 111
Table 101 Product Portfolio: Recursion Pharmaceuticals ........................................................................ 112
Table 102 Recent Developments: Recursion Pharmaceuticals, 2016-2018 ............................................. 112
Table 103 Product Portfolio: resTORbio ................................................................................................... 113
Table 104 Product Portfolio (Pipeline): Senex Biotechnology .................................................................. 114
Table 105 Product Portfolio: Senolytic Therapeutics ............................................................................... 114
Table 106 Product Portfolio: Spotlight Bioscience ................................................................................... 115
Table 107 Product Portfolio: T.A. Sciences ............................................................................................... 115
Table 108 Recent Developments: T.A. Sciences, 2016-2018 .................................................................... 116
Table 109 Product Portfolio: Unity Biotechnology ................................................................................... 116
Table 110 Recent Developments: Unity Biotechnology, 2017-2019 ........................................................ 117
List of Figures
Summary Figure: Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, 2017-2023 ($ Millions) 9
Figure 1 Increasing Global Life Expectancy (in Years) for Both Sexes, by Region, 2000-2016 ................... 18
Figure 2 Global Geriatric Population (Aged 65 Years and Older), 2014-2022 (Millions) ............................ 27
Figure 3 Percentage Distribution of Worldwide Population (Aged 65 Years and Older), by Region, 2016
and 2050 (% of Total Population) ............................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4 Household Disposable Income Across Selected Countries, 2012-2018 (Per Capita) .................... 30
Figure 5 Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2012-2017 (% of Total Population) ................................... 37
Figure 6 Number of People with Dementia Worldwide, by Income Level, 2015-2050 (Millions) .............. 50
Figure 7 Global Number of Adults with Diabetes, 2015 and 2040 (Millions) ............................................. 53
Figure 8 Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Diabetes, 2015 (Millions) ............................... 55
Figure 9 Percentage Distribution of Increasing Diabetes Cases, by Region, 2015-2040 (%) ...................... 56
Figure 10 Global Cancer Prevalence, by Type, 2016 (Millions) ................................................................... 59
Figure 11 Cancer Prevalence Across Regions, by Type, 2015-2016 (Number of Cases) ............................. 61
Figure 12 Canadian Population Shares Distribution, by Province or Territory, 2018 (%) ........................... 68
Figure 13 Index of Mean and Median Equivalized Household Disposable Income in the U.K., 2015-2017
.................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 14 Geriatric Population in France, 2012 and 2017 (Millions) .......................................................... 73
Figure 15 Total Rural Income in India, 2015 and 2021 ($) .......................................................................... 82
Figure 16 Share of Japanese Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050 (% of Total Population)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 17 Share of Australian Population Aged 60 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050 (% of Total
Population).................................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 18 Disposable Income in UAE, 2010 and 2017 ($) ........................................................................... 93
Figure 19 Industry Structure and Process Flow: Longevity and Anti-senescence Industry ........................ 96
Chapter 1


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Chapter 1: Introduction

Study Goals and Objectives

BCC Research’s goal for this study was to determine the status of longevity and anti-senescence market
and assess the global growth potential over the period of 2018 to 2023. The market was analyzed for the
following main therapies: Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy and Others.

The application segment was characterized by various types, i.e. Longevity, Senescence inhibition,
Cardiovascular diseases, Neural degenerative diseases, Ophthalmology disorders and Cancer.

The major focus of this study is the market for product under global longevity and anti-senescence
market, which highlights a major future market segment for the growth of global longevity and anti-
senescence market. The market has been analyzed on various regions that include North America,
Europe, Asia-Pacific and RoW.

The overall report objective is to present a comprehensive discussion of the longevity and anti-
senescence market along with the current and future commercial potential for each of the key market

Reasons for Doing This Study

The global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market deals with the adoption of different therapy
and treatment options used to extend human longevity and lifespan. Human longevity typically
describes the length of an individual’s lifetime and is synonymous with the term “life expectancy.”
Anti-senescence is the process by which cells stop dividing irreversibly and enter a stage of permanent
growth arrest, thus eliminating cell death. The longevity and anti-senescence industry and its markets
are important components of the healthcare industry and are thus of interest to a wide audience.

This report seeks to provide a qualitative and quantitative description of the longevity and anti-
senescence industry so that emerging market opportunities can be identified and utilized by the reader.

The report achieves this objective by examining the main therapies and applications while helping
companies prioritize product and strategic opportunities. The report highlights key industry and market
trends as well as quantifying the main market segments. The reader is thus able to better understand
industry structure and changes occurring in the industry.

Some of the factors driving market growth are an increasing geriatric population across the globe, a
rising awareness of antiaging products among generation Y and further generations, a surging level of
disposable income and the increasing advancements in anti-senescence technology.

These demands create unique market opportunities. This report analyzes these trends and their impact
on future markets for longevity and anti-senescence products.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 1
Scope of Report
The scope of this report is broad and covers various therapies currently under trials in the global
longevity and anti-senescence therapy market. The market estimation has been performed with
consideration for revenue generation in the forecast years 2018-2023 after the expected availability of
products in the market by 2023. The global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market has been
segmented by the following therapies: Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy and Other
therapies which includes stem cell-based therapies, etc.

Revenue forecasts from 2028 to 2023 are given for each therapy and application, with estimated values
derived from the expected revenue generation in the first year of launch.

The report also includes a discussion of the major players performing research or the potential players
across each regional longevity and anti-senescence therapy market. Further, it explains the major
drivers and regional dynamics of the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market and current
trends within the industry.

The report concludes with a special focus on the vendor landscape and includes detailed profiles of the
major vendors and potential entrants in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market.

Information Sources
Primary sources for this report included key industry companies and leading research institutions. Data
were also compiled from secondary sources, including company websites and industry, trade and
government publications.

This report is a descriptive study with a trend analysis of the global market for longevity and anti-
senescence using quantitative and qualitative approaches.

BCC Research collects data through various primary and secondary sources, including interviews with
industry vendors, public financial proceedings, white papers, business journals and historical market
data from the internet. The market data is assessed and validated with consideration of interrelated
market attributes and the impact of global economic variables.

The value of the market is then obtained through a combination of the bottom-up and top-down
approaches using exclusive market modeling tools to generate BCC Research’s market data and
forecasts. Estimated values used are based on manufacturers’ total revenues.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 2
Geographic Breakdown
In this report, the geographic regions considered for market analysis include:

North America
• United States.
• Canada.

• France.
• Germany.
• UK.
• Spain.
• Rest of the Europe.

• China.
• India.
• Japan.
• Australia.
• Rest of the Asia-Pacific.

Rest of the World

• Latin America.
• Middle East and Africa.

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Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market, by Therapy

Senolytic drug therapy

Gene therapy

Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market,




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Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market, by Application


Senescence inhibition

Cardiovascular diseases

Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Market,


Neural degenerative diseases

Ophthalmology disorders


© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 5
Analyst’s Credentials
Bhavna Joshi has more than 10 years of experience in healthcare and biotechnology research. In
addition to business research and consulting, she has conducted corporate briefings for top players in a
wide range of market segments. She holds an MBA in marketing and finance from Chennai University
and has worked with major market research firms.

BCC Custom Research

Our experts provide custom research projects to those working to identify new markets, introduce new
products, validate existing market share, analyze competition and assess the potential for products to
impact existing markets. With impressive academic credentials and broad and deep knowledge of global
industrial markets, our independent analysts and consultants develop the facts, figures, analysis and
assessments to inform the decisions that will move your company ahead. Confidential inquiries to:
custom@bccresearch.com or 781-205-2429.

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Chapter 2

Summary and Highlights

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Chapter 2: Summary and Highlights

Global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market deals in the adoption of different therapies and
treatment options used to extend human longevity and lifespan. “Human longevity” is typically used to
describe the length of an individual’s lifetime and is sometimes used as a synonym for “life expectancy”
in the demography. “Anti-senescence” is the process by which cells stop dividing irreversibly and enter a
stage of permanent growth arrest, eliminating cell death. Anti-senescence therapy is used in the
treatment of senescence induced through unrepaired DNA damage or other cellular stresses.

Global longevity and anti-senescence market will witness rapid growth over the forecast period (2018-
2023) owing to an increasing emphasis on Stem Cell Research and an increasing demand for cell-based
assays in research and development.

An increasing geriatric population across the globe and a rising awareness of antiaging products among
generation Y and later generations are the major factors expected to promote the growth of global
longevity and anti-senescence market. Factors such as a surging level of disposable income and
increasing advancements in anti-senescence technologies are also providing traction to the global
longevity and anti-senescence market growth over the forecast period (2018-2023).

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the total geriatric population across the globe in
2016 was over 622 million. By 2022, the global geriatric population (65 years and above) is anticipated
to reach over 793 million. An increasing geriatric population across the globe will generate huge growth
prospectus to the market.

Senolytics, placenta stem cells and blood transfusions are some of the hot technologies picking up pace
in the longevity and anti-anti-senescence market. Companies and start-ups across the globe such as
Unity Biotechnology, Human Longevity Inc., Calico Life Sciences, Acorda Therapeutics, etc. are working
extensively in this field for the extension of human longevity by focusing on study of genomics,
microbiome, bioinformatics and stem cell therapies, etc. These factors are poised to drive market
growth over the forecast period.

Global longevity and anti-senescence market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 14.3% during the forecast
period of 2018 through 2023. In 2023, total revenues are expected to reach $644.4 million, registering
$314.6 million in growth from $329.8 million in 2018.

The report provides analysis based on each market segment including therapies and application. The
therapies segment is further sub-segmented into Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy
and Others. Senolytic drug therapy held the largest market revenue share of 30.1% in 2017. By 2023,
total revenue from senolytic drug therapy is expected to reach $196.9 million. Gene therapy segment is
estimated to rise at the highest CAGR of 15.2% till 2023. The fastest growth of the gene therapy
segment is due to the Large investments in genomics. For Instance; The National Human Genome
Research Institute (U.S.) had a budget grant of $155.6 million for 237 research projects in 2015, thus
increasing funding to $262.1 million for approximately 248 projects in 2016.

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The figure below shows market revenue of longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
for the forecast period of 2018 through 2023.

Summary Table:
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 86.9 99.4 196.9 14.6
Gene therapy 84.0 96.5 196.0 15.2
Immunotherapy 65.6 74.4 140.2 13.5
Others 52.5 59.5 111.3 13.3
Total 289.0 329.8 644.4 14.3

Source: BCC Research

Summary Figure:
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, 2017-2023
($ Millions)



$ Millions



2017 2018 2023

Senolytic drug therapy Gene therapy Immunotherapy Others

Source: BCC Research

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 9
The dominance of Senolytic drug therapy is attributed to its trending and significant ongoing research. It
is a class of drugs intended to target senescent cells and then to induce cell death. This field is basically
referred to as senotherapy in which senolytics are considered under the therapeutics. Geroprotectors
are included in the senotherapeutics intended to reverse aging. Senolytic are currently being examined
for treatment of various diseases such as Glaucoma, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), Atherosclerosis,
Liver cirrhosis/NAFLD, Glomerulosclerosis, etc.

North America dominated the market for longevity and anti-senescence in 2017 with total revenue of
$102.5 million. The dominance of North America is justified by the presence of wide pool of market
players in longevity and anti-senescence. The major players include Calico Life Sciences (U.S.), Human
Longevity Inc. (U.S.), Unity Biotechnology (U.S.) and others. A well-established healthcare industry and
high disposable income in addition to an increasing geriatric population also drives the North America
market. According to the NIH, the geriatric population in the U.S. in 2016 was 25% of the total
population. The United States Census Bureau estimates the elderly U.S. population to reach over 70
million by the end of 2030.

Asia-Pacific is expected to rise with the fastest CAGR of 15.2% over the forecast period. Increasing
projections of the geriatric population and of diabetic patients along with a rising level of disposable
income are a few of the factors driving the Asia-Pacific market.

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Chapter 3

Market Overview

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Chapter 3: Market Overview

Longevity and anti-senescence are radical new approaches in the field of therapeutic anti-aging
solutions. The market deals with the adoption of different therapies and treatment options that are
used to extend human longevity and lifespan. Human longevity is used to describe the length of an
individual’s lifetime and is used as a synonym for life expectancy in the demography. Anti-senescence
helps to overcome the process by which cells stop dividing irreversibly and enter a stage of permanent
growth arrest, eliminating cell death. Hence, anti-senescence therapy is used in the treatment involving
senescence that can be induced through unrepaired DNA damage or other cellular stresses.

Different companies and start-ups across the globe such as Unity Biotechnology, Human Longevity Inc.,
Calico Life Sciences and Acorda Therapeutics, etc. are working extensively in this field for the extension
of human longevity by focusing on the study of genomics, microbiome, bioinformatics and stem cell
therapies, etc. These companies are gaining traction with established venture capitalists and companies
to further research and development of novel therapies and drugs for anti-ageing. As an example, Calico
Life Sciences LLC, formed in 2013 and backed by Alphabet Inc. (US) along with AbbVie Inc. in 2014, spent
$1.5 billion on research and development of therapies for age-related diseases such as cancer and
neurodegeneration. In 2018, AbbVie Inc. and Calico Life Sciences LLC agreed to invest an additional $500
million for research collaboration. Similarly, Unity Biotechnology Inc., a pre-clinical biotechnology
company, raised $385 million in funding in 2018. This company engages in research and development of
therapeutics to extend the human life span. Such companies also offer different services such as
personalized vaccines, genomic analysis, cell therapies, etc. to deliver longevity and anti-senescence

An increasing geriatric population across the globe, a rising awareness for anti-aging products among
generation Y and later generations, a surging level of disposable income and increasing advancements in
anti-senescence technologies are some other factors expected to contribute to the market growth
during the forecast period.

Longevity and anti-senescence therapies have applications in longevity, senescence inhibition,

cardiovascular diseases, neural degenerative diseases, ophthalmology disorders and others. The
introduction of new gene editing tools, advancements in the field of genomics and development of
advanced platforms for study of new drugs have widened the application scope of longevity and anti-
senescence therapies.

The longevity and anti-senescence therapies market is segmented on the basis of therapies:

• Senolytic drug therapy.

• Gene therapy.
• Immunotherapy.
• Others.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 12
Longevity and anti-senescence therapies must undergo clinical development programs which include
investigation and data gathering on persistence of immunity, immune response, vaccination procedure
and appropriate dosage and assess the proper efficacy and safety of the drug. The following steps are
mandatory to assure performance safety of the therapy:

• Proof of concept through lab demonstration.

• Design and establishment of the manufacturing and process that must follow the Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
• Demonstration of non-clinical safety and adequate quality.
• A series of clinical trial approvals.
• Demonstration and proof of clinical safety and efficacy.
• Marketing authorization application.

Drugs, Devices and Technologies Used in the Longevity and

Anti-senescence Market
The market for longevity and anti-senescence is witnessing major advancements in the development of
new technologies and therapies. Several machine learning-based platforms, including a genome-based
ML platform developed by Human Longevity Inc., have been devised to help guide the use of genome
data in the development of novel drugs and therapies for age-related diseases. The current areas of
focus for researchers are neural degenerative diseases, longevity, cancer and others. Various
technologies and their current status (2019) have been tabulated below. The table provides information
about the companies and the various compounds used for the development of these anti-aging

Table 1
Various Approaches to Anti-aging Therapeutics

Preclinical In Vitro/ Preclinical In Vivo/
Technology Preclinical/ Phase I Phase II
Company Company
Genomic (NMN): Sinclair
instability Lab
DNA repair:
Jumpstart Fertility
Telomere Telomerase: CNIO
Telomerase iTR:
AgeX Therapeutics
OSKM: Salk Institute

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 13
Preclinical In Vitro/ Preclinical In Vivo/
Technology Preclinical/ Phase I Phase II
Company Company
GlycoSENS: Yale and
Cardizyme: Covalent
Loss of
Alzyme: Covalent
Arethusta: Leucadia
Autophagy: Selphagy
d nutrient Klotho: UCSF
J147: Salk
bolic therapies:
Animal Biosciences
bolic therapies:
Senolytics: Oisin
Senolytics: Cleara
Cellular Senolytics:
senescence ANTOXERENE
The Scripps
Stem cell Human growth
exhaustion hormone (HGH)

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 14
Preclinical In Vitro/ Preclinical In Vivo/
Technology Preclinical/ Phase I Phase II
Company Company
sterone (DHEA):
stem cell (MSCs):
Ectopic Replacement
Organs: LyGenesis

Source: Life extension Advocacy Foundation

Market Evolution and Key Future Trends

Timeline of Longevity and Anti-senescence
The foundation of Gompertz-Makeham law was laid in early 1825 as Benjamin Gompertz proposed an
exponential increase in death rates relative to advancing age.

The first ever formal aging theory was put forward by August Weismann which explained aging through
group selection.

Rate-of-living theory was described by Max Rubner in 1908 and proposed that an animal’s longevity
increased with slow metabolism. A theory which postulated that a fast basal metabolic rate refers to a
short maximum life span.

The “Life Extension Institute,” a longevity research center, was inaugurated in the U.S.

Building on the work of Max Rubner, Raymond Pearl proposed the “Rate of Living Hypothesis,”
concluding that high metabolic rates of organisms lead to shorter lives.

Clive McCay and Mary Crowell of Cornell University discovered that the lifespan of rats can be extended
twofold through calorie restriction.

With the introduction of molecular biology, an understanding of the precise molecular structure of
genes and proteins dramatically changed the perception of aging.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 15
Denham Harman proposed the “free radical theory of aging” which stated that an accumulation of
damage through free radicals caused organisms to age over time.

“Mutation accumulation theory” was formulated by Peter Medawar.

“Antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis” (AP), a theory which considered the evolution of aging, was
proposed by George C. Williams.

Leó Szilárd and G. Failla proposed the “somatic mutation theory” which suggested aging is caused by
random DNA damage across somatic cells.

Study of age effect on DNA methylation was discovered that helped in understanding the biological
cycle in chimpanzees and humans.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) formed a separate division called the “National Institute on
Aging” (NIA), whose purpose was to conduct research on aging.

The Gerontology Research Group (GRG) was founded with the intention of slowing or reversing aging.

Cytochemical assay leads to the detection of senescent cells in 1995.

Scientists at Harvard University reverse the aging process in mice by reactivating telomerase.

Calico, an American research and development biotech company backed by Google, was formed with
the intention of combatting aging.

Scientists discover autophagy genes across older worms’ neurons that provided a boost of 50% to the
total longevity.

Key Future Trends

Life expectancy on a global level is increasing. Hence, anti-aging solutions will be highly adopted in the
forecast years. Senolytics, placenta stem cells and blood transfusions are some of the technologies
picking up pace in the longevity and anti-senescence market.

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Table 2
Increasing Global Life Expectancy (in Years) for Both Sexes, by Region, 2000-2016

Region 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016

Americas 73.6 74.9 75.3 76.6 76.8
Western Pacific 72.8 74.7 75.8 76.7 76.9
Europe 72.5 73.5 75.7 77.2 77.5
Eastern Mediterranean 65.5 66.2 68.1 68.8 69.1
South-East Asia 63.5 65.4 67.4 69.2 69.5
Africa 50.8 53.4 57.6 60.7 61.2

Source: World Health Organization

Senolytics, a new class of drugs intended to target and destroy senescent cells through induced cell
death, is trending in research. Senotherapy is the field in which senolytics are studied. Geroprotectors
are therapies intended to reverse aging. These drugs are not yet approved by the FDA. They would be
prescribed in cases of diseases carrying secondary impact of aging slowdown.

Stem cell research is another trending technology. Stem cells can produce specific tissues and cells
useful in the treatment of age-related diseases. Celularity is one startup working on placenta stem cell
therapeutics for anti-aging.

Known as parabiosis, blood transfusions are yet another of the emerging technologies on reversing
aging. The foundation for this technology, laid in early 1950s at Cornell University, refers to a procedure
in which blood is shared between a comparatively younger animal and an older animal. Elevian, a
startup working on this technology, raised $5.5 million in funding in 2017.

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Figure 1
Increasing Global Life Expectancy (in Years) for Both Sexes, by Region, 2000-2016

Average Lifespan in Years

2000 2005 2010 2015 2016

Americas Western Pacific Europe Eastern Mediterranean South-East Asia Africa

Source: World Health Organization

Clinical Trials and the Expected Launch of Anti-senescence

The anti-aging market in the current scenario (2018) is largely dominated by non-therapeutic solutions.
Longevity and anti-senescence-based drugs and therapies are considered a promising approach to age-
related diseases. As of 2018, no drugs for longevity and anti-senescence have been approved by the
apex regulatory bodies including the FDA (USA) and the EMEA (Europe). However, clinical trials for
drugs, biologics and therapies for age-related diseases are increasing with the growing interest of the
global pharmaceutical committees.

Drugs and biologics related to aging that are under various phases of clinical trials, as of January 2019,
are listed in the table below.

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Table 3
Drugs and Biologics Related to Aging Under Various Phases of Clinical Trials, as of
January 2019

Condition Intervention Company/Institute Phase

Drug: Sulforaphane
Aging Radiation: Narrow-band Johns Hopkins University Phase II
Ultraviolet B exposure
Drug: Metformin
Prediabetes, aging University of New Mexico Phase III
Drug: Placebo oral tablet
Drug: NG-monomethyl-L- VA Office of Research and
Aging, cardiovascular disease
arginine Development
Drug: placebo
Bone loss, aging Mayo Clinic Early Phase I
Drug: denosumab
Drug: Raltegravir
Aging-related Inflammation Fundacio Lluita Contra la
Drug: PI-based regimen Phase IV
in HIV-infected patients SIDA
Drug: Atorvastatin
RepliCel Life Sciences Inc.,
Intrinsic aging of skin Drug: RCS-01 JensonR+ Ltd., PHARMALOG
Skin wrinkling Drug: Placebo Institut für klinische Phase I
Solar degeneration of skin Device: Sham injection Forschung GmbH, Datinf
GmbH et al.
University of California,
Aging Drug: Zolpidem Phase IV
University of
Drug: Nicotine patch, oral
Healthy aging Vermont|Vanderbilt Phase I
mecamylamine, placebo
University Medical Center
Aging Drug: Acarbose|Other: Placebo Montefiore Medical Center Phase II
Drug: 23 valent pneumococcal
vaccine|Biological: 13 valent VA Office of Research and
Renal transplantation, aging Early Phase I
conjugated pneumococcal Development
vaccine|Other: Peripheral
blood sample
Albert Einstein College of
HIV, AIDS, aging Drug: Cannabis|Other: Placebo Medicine, National Institute Phase II
on Aging (NIA)
Drug: Metformin
Aging, inflammation, frailty Mayo Clinic Phase II
Drug: Placebo
Biological: stromal vascular Shanghai Jiao Tong
Skin, aging fraction University School of Phase I|Phase II
Drug: Saline Medicine
Drug: Sirolimus, Drug:
Anne Chang, Stanford
Aging Metformin Phase I
Drug: Diclofenac
Aging Drug: Methylprednisolone Texas A&M University Phase III
Yaakov Stern, National
Mild cognitive impairment,
Drug: 18F-MK-6240 Institute on Aging
(NIA)|Columbia University

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 19
Condition Intervention Company/Institute Phase
The University of Texas
Drug: Metformin
Aging Health Science Centre at San Phase I
Drug: Placebo
Drug: Placebo The University of Texas
Aging Early Phase I
Drug: Testosterone Medical Branch, Galveston
Drug: Nicotinamide riboside Douglas Seals, University of
Hypertension, aging Phase II
Other: Placebo Colorado, Boulder
Drug: Sulforaphane (broccoli
Skin aging sprout extract) |Radiation: UV Johns Hopkins University Early Phase I
or visible light
The University of Texas
Aging Drug: Testosterone Phase I
Medical Branch, Galveston
The University of Texas
Aging Drug: acarbose Health Science Centre at San Phase II
The University of Texas
Drug: Rapamycin
Aging Health Science Center at San Phase II
Drug: Placebo
University of
Florida|National Institute on
Aging Drug: Resveratrol Phase II
Aging (NIA)|University of
Alabama at Birmingham
Drug: 2-Minute Reveal Masque
Skin aging, photoaging of Drug: 24/7 Barrier Repair
Advanced Dermatology Phase IV
skin Cream
Drug: 8-in-1 BioSerum
University Hospital, Rouen|
Drug: ivabradine|Drug: lactose Institut national de la santé
Vascular stiffness, aging Phase III
capsule (placebo) et de la recherche médicale,
Peter Fox|Texas Alzheimer’s
Drug: Methylene Blue Research and Care
Mild cognitive impairment, Drug: FD&C Blue # 2 Consortium (TARCC), The
Phase II
aging, Alzheimer's disease Drug: Phenazopyridine University of Texas Health
hydrochloride Science Center at San

Source: Clinicaltrials.gov

This table provides an exhaustive list of various drugs and biologics currently under clinical trials. BCC
Research has found that senolytics is currently the primary area of focus to combat aging. Several
attempts in the last decade have been made by biopharmaceutical companies for the development of
anti-aging therapeutics. So far, these attempts have been unsuccessful. Sirtris (GSK) attempted to
produce anti-aging drugs through the use of sirtuin proteins but failed to pass the clinical stage.
Similarly, Garon Corporation also failed clinical trials which used enzyme telomerase.

Taking into the account the time required for regulatory approval, BCC Research estimates that the first
anti-aging therapeutics may be launched by Unity Biotechnology by 2024. A double-blind, randomized,

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 20
placebo-controlled Phase I study is currently evaluating the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of
a single intra-articular injection of UBX0101 into the femoro-tibial joint of patients diagnosed with
moderate to severe painful osteoarthritis of the knee. The Drug is currently in phase 2 trials.

Standards and Regulations in the Market

Regulations play a vital role in the healthcare sector. Introducing a new product in the market requires
the fulfillment of the minimum standards set by the medical drugs regulating authority. As different
countries have different regulatory bodies and set different rules for drugs, there is ambiguity for
product manufacturers. Due to this lack of common standards, a product certified in one country may
not be fit for certification in another country. International organizations such as the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the International Organization for Standardization (IOS) emphasize the need
for common standards and advocate for the use of international standards in the development of new

United States
The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is the primary body under the FDA which ensures
that drugs marketed in the U.S. are effective and safe. However, the CDER does not test drugs. Its
research is limited to drug quality, effectiveness and safety.

According to the FDA, the following are the five steps in drug development:

• Discovery and development.

• Preclinical research.
• Clinical research.
• FDA review.
• FDA post-market safety monitoring.

The CDER reviews both non-prescription/over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and prescription drugs.
Companies must submit a new drug application (NDA) in order to introduce a new drug in the United
States market. The FDA requires manufacturers to conduct its own tests for drug safety and
effectiveness. After such testing, a group of CDER physicians, chemists, pharmacologists, statisticians
and other scientists review the NDA.

The FDA reviews anti-aging products under both cosmetics as well as medical drugs/devices. If the
products are intended to reduce the signs of aging, then the FDA considers them cosmetics. FDA defines
cosmetics as “articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into or
otherwise applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the
appearance.” [FD&C Act, sec. 201 (i)].

Products designed to lessen the effects of aging which affect the body structure or function are
considered drugs or medical devices. Drugs and medical devices require approval from the FDA and
follow the common FDA medical devices regulations. The FDA defines drugs as “articles intended for use
in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease” and “articles (other than food)

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intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals” [FD&C Act, sec.

Cosmetics do not require FDA approval before entering the market. Requirements regarding the
registration and labelling of cosmetics and drugs follow:

• Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program, or VCRP, for cosmetic establishments and

formulations [21 CFR 710 and 720] is maintained by the FDA and suggests it is not necessary for
cosmetic firms to list their products or register their firms with FDA. However, under FDA [FD&C
Act, sec. 510; 21 CFR 207], (Drug Listing and Registration System (DRLS and eDRLS), it is
necessary for the drug firms to list their products or register their firms with FDA.

• There must be proper labelling for cosmetics according to “Cosmetic Labeling Manual.” OTC
drugs should have labeling that follow the OTC drug regulations which include "Drug Facts"
labeling described in 21 CFR 201.66. Combination OTC drug and cosmetic labeling should be
present on combination OTC drug/cosmetic products. For example, all the ingredients of drugs
must be listed as "Active Ingredients" in alphabetical order. Cosmetic ingredients should be
listed as "Inactive Ingredients" in descending order of predominance.

The FDA regulates both invasive and non-invasive lasers in the United States. The 21 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 1040.10 is applicable to lasers and laser systems.

The FDA recognizes four major hazard classes of lasers. Class I to Class IV lasers and three subclasses
that includes Class IIa, IIIa, and IIIb are recognized. The FDA mandates labelling for laser Classes II–IV.
Lasers must contain a warning symbol indicating the class and output of the product. Medical lasers are
classified as Class IV lasers.

Senolytic drugs are not yet approved by the FDA.

European Union
After completing preclinical and non-clinical testing and before starting clinical trials, an applicant for a
new drug must submit the Clinical Trial Application (CTA) to EMA.

After the completion of various phases of clinical trials, the European Union requires a Marketing
Authorization Application. An Ethics committee in the European Union is responsible for Market
Authorization Application approval.

The inspection for compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is completed by two or three
inspectors. Regulatory classifications which consider inspectorial finding under European Union are
classified as:

• Critical.
• Major.
• Minor.
• Others.

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According to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), drugs are classified in the
following ways:

On the basis of use and supply:

• Pharmacy drugs.
• Guidance-mandatory drugs.
• Non-prescription drugs.

On the basis of regulations related to safety:

• Poisonous substances.
• Deleterious substances.
• Drugs requiring a prescription.
• Habit-forming drugs.
• Drugs for specially designated diseases.
• Narcotics.
• Psychotropic drugs.
• Opium.
• Cannabis.
• Stimulants.

The third classification is based on biological and specified biological products. At the start of drug
development, a company must first get a manufacturing/marketing business license from the
prefectural governor. There are various licensing requirements based on the type of drug or device
intended for manufacture.

The PMDA classifies cosmetics into two broad categories of cosmetics and quasi drugs. In Japan,
cosmetics are defined as “articles with mild action on the human body, which are intended to be applied
to the human body through rubbing, sprinkling or other methods, aiming to clean, beautify and increase
the attractiveness, alter the appearance or to keep the skin or hair in good condition.”

Following are different regulations in Japan considering areas of concern for cosmetics products:

• Act for Ensuring Quality, Effectiveness, and Safety of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices.
• Enforcement of Rules of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Law.

• Good Quality Practice.
• Good Vigilance Practice.
• Standards for Applying for GMP Inspection.

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Licensing for Quasi Drugs
• Requirements for Applying for Marketing Approval of Quasi Drugs.
• Standards for Accreditation of Foreign Quasi-drug Manufacturer.

• Standards for Cosmetics.
• Japanese Standards of Quasi-drug Ingredients, 2006.
• Ordinance on Tar Color Used in Pharmaceuticals.
• Standards for Ingredients of Biological Origin.

• Standards for Advertisements of Drugs, Quasi Drugs, Cosmetics and Medical Device.

Ingredient analysis is recommended by the Japanese authorities for cosmetics. While ingredient analysis
is not mandatory, if the product is unsafe, related reports will be inspected. “Testing and inspection
facilities” by MHLW provide the platform for carrying out analysis. The following ingredients must be

• Preservatives.
• UV absorbents.
• Japanese legal color index colorants.
• Anti-oxidants.
• Heavy metals.
• Prohibited ingredients.

The Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Drugs and Cosmetic Rules 1945 are responsible for the
regulation of drugs in the country.

Import, sale, manufacturing and distribution of drugs are regulated by Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940
and Drugs and Cosmetic Rules 1945 in India. Bulk drug and finished formulations are also regulated
under the above said acts.

Any substance or material which conforms to the definition of drugs need to be registered prior to
importation. The manufacturing site must also be registered for import.

If a drug falls within the “New Drug (Rule 122 E of the Act)” definition, the new drug approval required
as a prior condition for submission of application or import of drug.

The National Agency of Health Surveillance (ANVISA) regulates drugs in Brazil.

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Drugs in Brazil are registered based on the following categories:

• Medicinal Products.
• Pharmaceutical Raw Materials.
• Health Products and Medical devices.

Registration requirements are different based on the following products:

• New Medicine Products/Innovator Drugs.

• Generic Products.
• Similar Products.
• Clone products.

A registration dossier composed of quality documents, legal documents, a degradation profile and
identification and finished product stability studies, etc. is mandatory. There are also guidelines on the
administrative documents.

Industry Growth Drivers

Increasing Geriatric Population Across the Globe
The geriatric population is more prone to suffer from diseases including cancer, neurodegenerative
disorders, tuberculosis, diabetes, orthopedic ailments and others. According to the National Council on
Aging, about 80% of aging people have at least one chronic disease, and approximately 77% are found to
be affected with at least two chronic diseases. The occurrence of such diseases tends to decrease life
expectancy. The adoption of longevity and anti-senescence therapies will further escalate market

A rising projection for the geriatric population signals an inclination towards anti-aging technologies.
This in turn creates favorable opportunities for the global longevity and anti-senescence market.

Table 4
Global Population Aged 60 Years and Older, by Region, 2015, 2030 and 2050

Persons Aged 60 Years and Older

2015 2030 2050
Northern America 74.6 104.8 122.7
Asia-Pacific 508.0 844.5 1,293.7
Europe 176.5 217.2 242.0
Africa 64.4 105.4 220.3
Latin America and the Caribbean 70.9 121.0 200.0
Oceania 6.5 9.6 13.2

Source: United Nations

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 25
According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the total geriatric population across the globe
in 2016 was over 622 million. By 2022, the global geriatric population (65 years and above) is anticipated
to reach over 793 million. The below figure shows the total geriatric population for the period of 2014-
2022. An increasing geriatric population indicates a high demand for technologies which increase life
span. This signifies a favorable market for longevity and anti-senescence products and techniques.

Table 5
Global Geriatric Population (Aged 65 Years and Older), 2014-2022

2014 560
2015 590
2016 622
2017 656
2018 692
2019 701
2020 714
2021 752
2022 793

Source: National Institutes of Health

According to the NIH, the geriatric population of the U.S. in 2016 was 25% of the total population. The
United States Census Bureau estimated the elderly population of the U.S. to reach over 70 million by the
end of 2030. Germany, Greece, Japan and Italy together had an average geriatric population of 26% in
2016, the highest in the world, according to the United States Census Bureau. The aging populations in
both Asia-Pacific and Latin America are rapidly rising. The elderly population in Asia-Pacific was 8% of
the total population (373 million) in 2016 and is expected to increase by 12% by 2030. According to the
World Bank, East Asian countries will have the largest elderly populations across Asia-Pacific with over
36% of the world’s population with age 65 years and above currently living in East Asia. This figure is
considered pivotal in deciding market growth rates through 2029. The percentage distribution of
population aged 65 years and above by region are shown in the below figure for the period 2016-2050.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 26
Figure 2
Global Geriatric Population (Aged 65 Years and Older), 2014-2022

800 752
692 701 714
700 656
600 560






2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Source: National Institutes of Health

Table 6
Percentage Distribution of Worldwide Population (Aged 65 Years and Older),
by Region, 2016 and 2050
(% of Total Population)

Region 2016 2050

Asia-Pacific 55 62
Europe 21 13
North America 10 7
Latin America 8 9
Middle East and Africa 6 9

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

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Figure 3
Percentage Distribution of Worldwide Population (Aged 65 Years and Older),
by Region, 2016 and 2050
(% of Total Population)

Middle East and 2016


Latin America

North America
10.0% Asia-Pacific


Middle East and 2050


Latin America

North America
Europe 62.0%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Surging Level of Disposable Income

Owing to the rise in disposable income levels across the globe, people are demanding luxury items such
as anti-aging products. They are spending more on their wellness such as health, fitness, personal care
and beauty and anti-aging. According to the Global Wellness Institute (U.S.), the personal care, beauty

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 28
and anti-aging industry has grown by 4.1% during 2015-2017. Spending has increased from $990 billion
in 2013-2015 to $1,082.9 billion in 2015-2017.

Through the BCC research it is estimated that the cost of anti-senescence will be considerably high and
disposable income will play a significant role in its adoption. Therapies such as senolytic drug therapy,
gene therapy, immunotherapy and others and their corresponding products have high costs associated
with them.

Table 7
Household Disposable Income Across Selected Countries, 2012-2018
(Per Capita)

Country 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

United States 105.9 102.91 107.27 109.67 110.73 112.9 114.62
Canada 108.97 110.94 111.01 113.66 113.17 116.42 116.04
Australia 112.31 113.73 115.64 113.99 114.11 114.8 113.20
Germany 103.47 104.29 106.22 107.48 108.86 110.16 111.73
France 100.23 99.74 101.16 102.08 103.07 104.28 104.61
Spain 86.34 87.78 94.38 92.9 93.53 93.76 95.07
Italy 86.62 87.19 87.52 88.64 89.01 90.43 90.95
Note: For 2012-2017, 4th quarter data are presented, while for 2018, 3rd quarter data are presented.

Source: Compare your country, OECD

The above figure depicts increasing levels of disposable income across selected countries over 2012-
2018. Disposable income for Asian countries such as Australia, India and Japan, etc. is also increasing.
According to the India Brand Equity Foundation, real household disposable income in rural India is
forecasted to grow by 3.6% over the next 15 years. This increasing disposable income across the globe
and specifically across Asian countries will prove to be a crucial factor for the growth of the longevity
and anti-senescence market.

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Figure 4
Household Disposable Income Across Selected Countries, 2012-2018
(Per Capita)



Per Capita





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

United States Canada Australia Germany France Spain Italy

Source: Compare your country, OECD

Rising Awareness of Anti-Aging Products Among Generation Y and

Later Generations
A rising awareness of anti-aging products among the majority of the world’s population is augmenting
growth in the global longevity and anti-senescence market during the forecasted years. With aging, the
skin changes in appearance and texture. Wrinkles and fine lines appear with aging, as well as a loss of
skin volume and density. As the internal structures weaken, skin becomes more sensitive. Ultra Violet
(UV) light exposure is the major cause of skin aging, causing sunburn and inflammation and making the
skin even more sensitive. Cigarette smoking also affects the function of cells and has adverse effects on
skin tissues.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, UV exposure causes skin damage that may cause
the development of scaly patches called actinic keratosis. These are pre-cancerous growths which often
develop into a type of skin cancer known as squamous cell carcinoma. According to the Skin Cancer
Foundation, 90% of skin aging is caused due to UV light exposure. The use of sunscreens can reduce the
aging process by 24%.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 30
Table 8
Lifetime UV Exposure in the United States

Average Accumulated Sun Exposure

1-18 23
19-40 47
41-59 74
60-78 100

Source: Skin Cancer Facts and Statistics, Skin Cancer Foundation

Such adverse effects increase awareness as to the importance of skin health. Manufactures of skin care
products offer a wide variety of prevention techniques and products to limit direct exposure to UV rays.
A rising adoption of these products is driving the market towards significant growth in the forecasted

Cosmeceutical products which offer benefits of anti-aging and acne-treatment have gained popularity in
past years. According to Guangdong Center for Diseases Control (China), these cosmeceuticals are
growing at an estimated rate of 10% to 20% per annum. Consumers are more aware of the damaging
effects of UV ray exposure and are opting for sunscreens with higher sun protection factor (SPF) which
restrict the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Younger populations have increasingly adopted
products that preserve skin health.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, sunscreens are the
best way to reduce the risks of skin cancer. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute (2018), the
number of Americans with melanoma skin cancer tripled from 7.9 per 100,000 people (1,975) to 23 per
100,000 in 2015. A rising number of skin cancer patients has increased the adoption of products that
reduce sun exposure.

There is a greater emphasis on preserving and protecting skin using anti-aging products rather than
solely on cosmetic appearance. Benefits offered by multi-feature, anti-aging products such as sun-
protection with moisturizing effects and anti-wrinkle properties are increasingly being used. According
to the International Trade Administration, Thailand is predicted to be the best prospect industry sector,
as the majority of its population is elderly.

The creation of new and promising anti-aging solutions has created a buzz in the market and an
awareness among the population. This awareness is another driver in the anti-aging market. Following
are some of the start-ups dedicated to anti-aging solutions which have received significant investments.

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Table 9
Start-up Companies in Anti-Aging Solutions

Start-up Country Funding ($) Foundation Year

Alkahest U.S. 50 million 2014
Calico U.S. 1.5 billion 2013
Alzheon Inc. U.S. 37 million 2010
Neuraly Inc. U.S. 36 million 2016
Nuritas Ireland 27.17 million 2016

Sources: Company websites, BCC Research

Increasing Advancements in Anti-senescence Technologies

Continuous research in the field of longevity has led to recent advancements. According to Long Life,
“senolytics” were discovered in 2015 by Scripps Research Institute (U.S.) and a team from Mayo Clinic
(U.S.). Senolytics are such drugs intended to fight against cell senescence. Some of this research has
shown positive outcomes in animal trials.

Senolytics is one of the recent advancements fueling market growth over the forecast period. Quercetin
(a flavonoid) and dasatinib (Sprycel) were the first two treatments which reduced senescence markers in
both in vitro and in vivo in rats. The same team proposed that naviticlax, an anti-cancer treatment, fetin,
BCl-2 inhibitors and piperlongumin all have significant effects on senescence.

Juvenescence AI (U.S.) has signed a joint venture with Insilico Medicine (U.S.) to work on the
development of nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products intended to target senescent cells.

Companies working with anti-senescence technologies are attracting heavy investments, thus fueling
the R&D processes. Following are some companies and their investments working on anti-senescence

In October 2016, Unity Biotechnology (U.S.) raised an investment of $116 million from various investors
including Fidelity Management & Research, Partner Funds Management, Arch Venture Partners and
Venrock. Arch Venture Partners is working on creating senescent cells that stops dividing in the body.
Unity has also received the support of Bezos Expeditions, an arm of Amazon.com’s CEO Jeff Bezos.

• Numeric Biotech received an investment of $339,216 (€300,000) in April 2018 from Erasmus MC
and UNIIQ investment fund. The company works on anti-senescence technologies and the
funding amount is used in the development of NUM102, its lead compound.

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Chapter 4

Global Longevity and

Anti-senescence Market
by Therapy

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Chapter 4: Global Longevity and
Anti-senescence Market by Therapy

The global longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies covers four segments: senolytic drug
therapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy and others. All such therapies considered in the market are
intended to slow or reverse the aging process. Scientists across the globe are dedicated to enhancing
human longevity. Many successful attempts have been witnessed in animal models already. The market
will show significant growth owing to the continuous efforts and awareness of consumers for longevity
solutions. Rising disposable income, a rising geriatric population, rising obesity rates and technological
advancements in longevity therapies are some factors propelling the market growth over the forecast

Table 10
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 86.9 99.4 196.9 14.6
Gene therapy 84.0 96.5 196.0 15.2
Immunotherapy 65.6 74.4 140.2 13.5
Others 52.5 59.5 111.3 13.3
Total 289.0 329.8 644.4 14.3

Source: BCC Research

The global longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR
of 14.3% during the forecast period 2018-2023. The market has been valued at $289.0 million in 2017
and is expected to grow to $644.4 million by 2023.

Senolytic Drug Therapy

According to Long Life, “senolytics” have been discovered in 2015 by Scripps Research Institute (U.S.)
and a team from Mayo Clinic (U.S.). Senolytics are such drugs intended to fight against cell senescence
responsible for aging of the body. It is a class of drugs that are intended to target and destroy senescent
cells through induced cell death.

This field is referred to as senotherapy. Geroprotectors are included in the senotherapeutics intended to
reverse aging. These drugs are in the early stages of development and if approved by FDA. They would

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be prescribed in cases of diseases carrying secondary impact of aging slowdown. Some research has
shown significant positive outcomes in treatments for aging in animals.

Quercetin (a flavonoid) and dasatinib (Sprycel) were the first two treatments to reduce senescence
markers in both in vitro and in vivo models in rats. The same team proposed that navitoclax, an anti-
cancer treatment, be considered senolytic. Fetin, BCl-2 inhibitors and piperlongumin have also been
found to have significant effects on senescence.

Juvenescence AI (U.S.) has signed a joint venture with Insilico Medicine (U.S.), a drug discovery firm.
Both companies are working on the development of nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products
intended to target senescent cells.

Table 11
Types of Senolytics Drugs

Senolytic SCAP Target Senescent Cell Types

Primary human and mouse
Dependence receptor/Src
Dasatinib (D) Preadipocytes (adipose-derived stem
Kinase/tyrosine kinase
Bcl-2 Family, p53/p21/serpine, HUVECs, mouse bone marrow derived
Quercetin (Q)
and PI3K/AKT mesenchymal stem cells
Dependence receptor/Src
As for D+Q plus primary human
Kinase/tyrosine kinase, Bcl-2
D+Q Lung fibroblasts and mouse
Family, p53/p21/serpine, and
Embryonic fibroblasts
Navitoclax (ABT263) Bcl-2 family (Bcl-2, Bcl-Xl, Bcl-w) IMR-90 Celss, HUVECs
P53/p21 and Bcl-2 family (Bcl-2
Piperlongumine binding component 3, also WI-38 cells
known as PUMA)
A1331852 Bcl-2 family (Bcl-Xl) IMR-90 cells, HUVECs
A1155463 Bcl-2 family (Bcl-Xl) IMR-90 cells, HUVECs
Note: SCAP (senescent cell anti-apoptotic pathways)

Source: BCC Research

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Table 12
Global Market for Senolytic Drug Therapy, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 30.8 35.3 68.8 14.3
Europe 25.2 28.7 57.0 14.7
Asia-Pacific 21.8 25.1 51.6 15.5
RoW 9.1 10.3 19.5 13.6
Total 86.9 99.4 196.9 14.6

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in senolytic drug therapy
segment with revenues of $30.8 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $68.8 million by 2023.
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 15.5% during the forecast period
of 2018-2023.

The enolytics drug therapies market is driven by the rising geriatric population across the globe. The
below figure depicts the growth in geriatric population over the years.

Table 13
Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2012-2017
(% of Total Population)

Year % of Total Population

2012 7.784
2013 7.973
2014 8.117
2015 8.283
2016 8.482
2017 8.696

Source: The World Bank

According to the NIH, the total geriatric population of the U.S. in 2016 was 25% of the total population.
The United States Census Bureau estimated the elderly population of the United States to reach over 70
million by the end of 2030. Countries such as Germany, Greece, Japan and Italy together had an average
geriatric population of 26% in 2016 according to United States Census Bureau, the highest in the world.
Aging populations in both Asia-Pacific and Latin America are rapidly rising according to the United States
Census Bureau. The elderly population in Asia-Pacific was 8% of the total population (373 million) in
2016 and is expected to increase by 12% by 2030. According to the World Bank, East Asian countries will

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have the largest number of elderly populations across Asia-Pacific with over 36% of the world’s elderly
population (age 65 years and above). Such high estimates of the geriatric population will fuel the global
market over the forecast period.

Figure 5
Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2012-2017
(% of Total Population)

8.8 8.696

8.6 8.482
8.4 8.283
% of Total Population

8.2 8.117



2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: The World Bank

Gene Therapy
Gene therapy for anti-aging refers to technique which introduce new genes into tissues or cells in order
to treat disease. The new genes are predicted to overcome the danger of failing or non-modification
characteristic of the existing gene. This therapy is currently being used to treat diseases such as
hemophilia and cancer.

As of 2018, the technology is still in its concept stage, however some positive results in dogs and mice
have propelled the demand for human longevity technologies. According to International Longevity
Alliance, the first gene therapy intended for reversing aging in mice extended the lifespan of such mice
by up to 24% in a single treatment. This therapy was proven to be safe and effective in animals and
delayed the chances of various diseases such as osteoporosis, etc.

Animals were treated with a DNA modified virus in which the existing viral genes were replaced with a
telomerase enzyme. Telomerase enzymes can repair the tips of chromosomes that are known as
telomeres. Through this therapy the body’s cell deterioration is slowed. The virus plays the role of
transporter, as it deposits telomerase genes into the genes. Rejuvenation Bio, Sinclair Lab and Jumpstart
Fertility are some companies working on this technology for humans.

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Table 14
Global Market for Gene Therapy, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 29.8 34.1 68.5 15.0
Europe 24.4 28.0 56.7 15.2
Asia-Pacific 21.0 24.3 51.4 16.2
RoW 8.8 10.1 19.4 13.9
Total 84.0 96.5 196.0 15.2

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in the gene therapy
segment with revenues of $29.8 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $68.5 million by 2023.
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 16.2% during the forecast period
of 2018-2023.

Large investments in genomics are driving the gene therapy market. The National Human Genome
Research Institute (U.S.) had a budget grant of $155.6 million for 237 research projects in 2015, thus
increasing funding to $262.1 million for approximately 248 projects in 2016. According to the Michael
Smith Foundation for Health Research (Canada), in January 2018, Genome Canada and partners, along
with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research invested $255 million in genomics and precision health
research. In January 2018, the National Institutes of Health, (U.S.) committed funds of $190 million until
2024 towards the creation of safe and effective genome editing therapies in humans. According to
Genome Canada, the Canadian government in its 2016 federal budget has announced funding of around
$180 million (C$237.2 million) to advance genomic science in Canada.

Table 15
Leading Institutional Developers of Genomics Tools, 2017
(Number of Tools)

Institution Genomics
National Institute of Health 154
University of Cambridge 98
University of Washington 105
Harvard Medical School 92
University of Michigan 82
Stanford University 89
University of Toronto 66
University of Oxford 90
University of Copenhagen 65
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 60

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Institution Genomics
European Bioinformatics Institute 81
University of South California 63
University of California 70
University College London --
Indiana University 75

Source: OMICS Tools Inc., France

The above table depicts various institutions working on genomic tools. The high number of tools across
institutions strengthens genomic research and in turn drives market growth over the forecast period.

Genomics continues to attract significant investment from public and private funds. This has fueled the
development of subdisciplines such as chemogenomics, metagenomics pharmacogenomics and
toxicogenomics. Advances in high-throughput technologies have led to a decline in sequencing costs and
an increase in data generation. The rapid evolution of cloud-based solutions has helped address some IT
infrastructure issues relating to data storage and retrieval. Challenges remain with respect to data
security. Such high growth in genomics is poised to provide traction in the gene therapy market.

Cell-driven immunotherapies are highly effective in the treatment of cancers and other diseases. The
immune effector cells, including cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), natural killer cells (NK cells), dendritic
cells, macrophages and lymphocytes, etc., operate together to successfully defend the body against
disease by targeting the abnormal antigens expressed on the surface of tumor cells.

High investment in the development of immunotherapies for elderly people and patients suffering from
cancer is expected to provide a major impetus to the growth of the immunotherapies based on
longevity and anti-senescence. According to company sources, KEN POLAND (U.K.) invested
approximately $23.2 million in Europe on research in cancer immunotherapy in 2017. This key
investment is expected to boost research on the development of novel platforms which assist in
immunotherapy for patients suffering from cancer and other chronic diseases and will thereby
contribute to the market growth. According to foundation sources, the Multiple Myeloma Research
Foundation (MMRF) declared an investment of approximately $15 million in its immunotherapy
initiative in 2017. The long-term objective of this investment is to boost research on cell line technology
for the effective development of cell-based therapies and the identification of new combinations of
immune therapies deployed for clinical trials. These key investments contribute to market growth.

According to company sources, Immunocore (U.K.) has received funding of approximately $40 million by
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the development of immunotherapies for treatment of
infectious diseases. The development of immunotherapy for the effective treatment of infectious
diseases is expected to boost the body’s immunity to fight against infectious diseases. This will also
contribute to market growth.

According to European Union sources, the HERCULES project, a collaborative project for studying drug
resistance towards ovarian cancer, received nearly $7.1 million of funding from the European Union

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Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program in 2015. The researchers in this project have deployed
cell lines and fresh tissue samples for studying the response of tumor cells to a number of drug
compounds. This research investment also contributes to market growth.

According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), Kymriah personalized gene therapy received the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2017 as an effective treatment for cancer. Kymriah
personalized gene therapy is a genetically altered autologous T-cell immunotherapy that is an on-time
treatment to cancer. The cell line derived from cancer patients is genetically modified and directs the T-
cells to precisely target and successfully kill the leukemia cells containing a particular antigen. This FDA
approval contributes to market growth.

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), in 2017 the FDA also approved
tisagenlecleucel, which is a new adoptive cell immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer. This CAR T-
cell therapy is used for the treatment of young adults and children suffering from acute lymphoblastic
leukemia (ALL). The adoptive cell immunotherapy enables clinicians to alter the genetic structure of the
cells of the patients with cancer while allowing the body’s white blood cells to precisely find and
effectively attack cancer cells all through the body.

According to sources at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the center received approximately
$35 million of funding from the Bezos family in 2017. This key funding is focused on supporting further
research on modifying the genetic structure of the cell line obtained from cancer patients. The genetic
modification is focused on boosting the immunity of the body against cancer cells to successfully fight
and overcome cancer.

According to the BrightFocus Foundation, in 2017, researchers explored several key preventive
immunotherapy treatments among elderly populations and aged populations at substantial genetic risk
for Alzheimer’s disease. This further contributes to market growth. At Frontiers Media S.A. Organization,
a (beta) immunotherapy treatment has been developed through the patient stratification that carry
highly particular mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene that are a part of the cell line
extracted from the patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

According to the Mayo Clinic, in 2017, researchers developed highly specific immunotherapy treatments
for Alzheimer’s disease by making genetic changes in the cell line obtained from the patients suffering
from Alzheimer’s disease. The Mayo Clinic asserts that Alzheimer’s disease impacts approximately 5.5
million Americans (2017). This number is expected to nearly triple by 2050. Therefore, the rising
incidence of Alzheimer’s disease among Americans is expected to boost the development of novel
therapies—and thus also expected to boost market growth.

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Table 16
Global Market for Immunotherapy, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 23.3 26.3 49.0 13.3
Europe 19.0 21.6 40.6 13.5
Asia-Pacific 16.4 18.8 36.7 14.3
RoW 6.9 7.7 13.9 12.5
Total 65.6 74.4 140.2 13.5

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in the Immunotherapy
segment with revenues of $23.3 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $49.0 million by 2023.
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 14.3% during the forecast period
of 2018-2023.

The other therapies include genomic instability, telomere attrition, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc.
Mitochondrial-derived peptides offer potential to address various age-related diseases with metabolic
dysfunction, including cancer, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative,
obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Biotechnology companies including Salk Institute, Animal
Biosciences, Continuum Biosciences, CohBar Inc. and others are some of the entities working with
mitochondrial dysfunction as a potential technology for therapeutic age-related diseases.

In 2017, a study conducted by Sinclair Lab treated mice with Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). The
study revealed that the use of NMN dramatically encouraged cells to repair DNA damage caused due to
radiation exposure or aging. With one week of the treatment, the cells of the old mice were
indistinguishable from the young mice. The lab is planning to take NMN to the human clinical trials as a
potential therapy to target the aging process in order to combat age-related diseases.

Also in 2017, AgeX Therapeutics Inc. began clinical trials for targeting biological aging based on an
emerging understanding of ‘clockwork mechanisms’ of human aging. The company uses cell
immortalization and pluripotency technology to develop cures for age-related diseases. The company
combines telomerase therapy and induced tissue regeneration (iTR) technology designed to reverse
aging and restore the capacity of tissues to regenerate following injury, a process which is lost with

With the growing technological advancements in the field of genomics, it is anticipated that the market
for other therapies would grow at a substantial rate over the forecast period.

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Table 17
Global Market for Other Therapies, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 18.6 21.0 38.9 13.1
Europe 15.2 17.3 32.3 13.3
Asia-Pacific 13.2 15.0 29.2 14.3
RoW 5.5 6.2 10.9 11.9
Total 52.5 59.5 111.3 13.3

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in the others segment
with revenues of $18.6 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $38.9 million by 2023.
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 14.3% during the forecast period
of 2018-2023.

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Chapter 5

Global Longevity and

Anti-senescence Market
by Application

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Chapter 5: Global Longevity and
Anti-senescence Market by Application

Human longevity is usually described as the length of an individual’s lifetime and is sometimes used as a
synonym for life expectancy in the demography. The high population of baby boomers (aged 65 years
and above) and generation y (aged 28 to 38 years) are the key customer base for longevity therapies
who act as primary drivers for the growth of the longevity market.

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) estimates that 77 million babies were born in the
United States during the boom years of 1946-1964. According to a report of Actuaries of India (IAI), In
Australia, the baby boom years are considered to be 1946-1964. About 4 million babies were born
during this period in Australia. The UK defines the baby boomer period as between 1945 and 1965.
Around 17 million babies were born over the period in the UK. Thus, the high population of baby
boomers is expected to drive the adoption of anti-aging products and technologies. According to a Pew
Research study, global population of millennials (generation Y) is anticipated to reach around 76 million
by 2035 increasing from 71 million in 2016.

Continuous research in the field of longevity has come up with some recent advancements that have
proven their worth in animal models. According to Long Life, “senolytics” was discovered in 2015 by
Scripps Research Institute (U.S.) and a team from Mayo Clinic (U.S.). Senolytics are drugs intended to
fight against cell senescence, the process by which the body ages. Some researchers have shown
significant results in aging treatments tested on animals.

Senolytics has been identified as one of the recent advancements that will fuel the market growth over
the forecast period. Quercetin (a flavonoid) and dasatinib (Sprycel) were the first two treatments that
reduced senescence markers in both in vitro and in vivo models using rats. The same team proposed
that naviticlax, an anti-cancer treatment be referred to as senolytic. Fetin, BCl-2 inhibitors and
piperlongumin were also found to have a significant effect on senescence.

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Table 18
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Drug Discovery and
Development, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 13.4 15.2 28.3 13.2
Europe 11.0 12.5 23.4 13.4
Asia-Pacific 9.5 10.9 21.2 14.2
RoW 4.0 4.4 8.0 12.7
Total 37.9 43.0 80.9 13.5

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in the drug discovery and
development segment with revenues of $13.4 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $28.3
million by 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 14.2% during
the forecast period of 2018-2023.

Senescence Inhibition
Longevity and anti-senescence technologies are used to reduce signs of the aging process. According to
the U.S. National Laboratory of Medicine, there is compelling evidence that with aging comes a
significant increase in senescent cells in the bone microenvironment. Such cells produce
proinflammatory secretome leading to decreased bone formation. Eliminating senescent cells will
prevents aging. Positive outcomes have been witnessed in mice, according to the U.S. National
Laboratory of Medicine.

Senolytic drugs have been considered one of the emerging technologies providing traction in the
senescence inhibition market. According to Long Life, “senolytics” was discovered in 2015 by Scripps
Research Institute (U.S.) and a team from Mayo Clinic (U.S.). Senolytics are such drugs intended to fight
against cell senescence, the process responsible for aging. Some researchers have shown significant
results in aging treatments tested on animals.

Senolytics has been identified as one of the recent advancements fueling the market growth over the
forecast period. Quercetin (a flavonoid) and dasatinib (Sprycel) were the first two treatments that
reduced senescence markers in both in vitro and in vivo models in rats. The same team proposed that
naviticlax, an anti-cancer treatment, be referred to as senolytic. Fetin, BCl-2 inhibitors and
piperlongumin were found to have a significant effect on senescence.

Senescence inhibition has potential to treat the following diseases during aging:

• Glaucoma.
• Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 45
• Atherosclerosis.
• Liver cirrhosis/NAFLD.
• Glomerulosclerosis.
• Type 2 Diabetes.
• Cachexia.
• Sarcopenia.
• Osteoarthritis.

Table 19
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Senescence Inhibition,
by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 16.6 18.9 37.3 14.6
Europe 13.5 15.5 30.9 14.8
Asia-Pacific 11.7 13.5 27.9 15.6
RoW 4.9 5.5 10.6 14.0
Total 46.7 53.4 106.7 14.8

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in the senescence
inhibition segment with revenues of $16.6 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $37.3 million
by 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 15.6% during the
forecast period of 2018-2023.

Companies working on anti-senescence technologies are attracting heavy investment which fuel the
R&D processes. Following are some investments under companies working on anti-senescence

• Numeric Biotech received an investment worth $339,216 (€300,000) in April 2018 from Erasmus
MC and UNIIQ investment fund. The company works on anti-senescence technologies and the
funding amount will be utilized for developing NUM102, its lead compound.

• In October 2016, Unity Biotechnology (U.S.) raised an investment worth $116 million from
various investors including Fidelity Management & Research, Partner Funds Management, Arch
Venture Partners and Venrock. Unity has also garnered the support of Bezos Expeditions an
affiliate of Amazon.com’s CEO Jeff Bezos. The company is experimenting with the creation of
senescent cells that stops dividing in the body. The firm will utilize the funding in order to
develop anti-senescent technologies.

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• Juvenescence AI (U.S.), a deep learning drug discovery firm, has signed a joint venture with
Insilico Medicine (U.S.). Both of these companies are working on the development of
nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products intended to target senescent cells.

Cardiovascular Diseases
Globally, cardiovascular diseases and coronary heart diseases is one of the leading causes of death.
According to the World Health Organization, about 17.3 million people died from CVD in 2008 and the
number is expected to reach 23.3 million by 2030. According to the Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, real indirect costs for all CVDs globally are estimated to increase from $171.7 billion in 2010
to $275.8 billion by 2030. The prevalence of heart disease (globally) has increased demand for
interventional cardiology surgeries and has created a demand for novel approaches for both prevention
and cures for cardiovascular diseases.

Hormonal therapies, telomere-based therapies and antioxidants are some prominent techniques which
are being aggressively studied for age-related disease and cancer. Several biotechnology companies
including Calico Life Sciences (Google Inc.), Insilico Medicine (John Hopkins University), Oisin
Biotechnology (USA), Cleara Biotech B.V. (Netherlands) and others are currently researching potential
senescence therapies. As examples, in 2018, Oisin Biotechnology entered phase I clinical trials with a
focus on ending solid tumor cancers. In 2017, Calico and C4 Therapeutics (C4T) collaborated on a five-
year project to discover, develop and commercialize therapies for treating diseases of aging, including

The global increase in lifestyle-oriented diseases has led to an increase in healthcare costs for economies
through government funding of treatments, government health programs, reimbursements and health
insurance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US spends more than
$108.9 billion annually on cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment. Cardiovascular disease
accounts for the largest cause of death across the world. More than 1 out of 3 adults have suffered from
cardiovascular disease.

More than 34% of American youth suffer from high blood pressure. Simultaneously, life expectancy has
increased from 72.3 average years in 2014 to 73.3 years in 2019. This small upsurge is expected to bring
the total population across the globe over the age of 65 to around 604 million. In Europe, Cardiovascular
disease causes more than 4 million deaths each year and accounts for 45% of all deaths across the
European population. CVD and CHD are the most common diseases, causing one million and 1.8 million
deaths respectively. The number of deaths from CVD is higher in women (2.2 million) as compare to
men (1.8 million). CVD accounts for 49% of all deaths in women and 40% of all deaths in men. Asia
comprises 60% of the world’s total population. China, India and Japan together accounted for
approximately 39% of Asia’s population in 2015. With this large population base, the prevalence of
chronic diseases in Asia is comparatively higher than other regions. China, India, Japan are among the
leading countries with high rates of cardiovascular diseases in adults between 25 and 69 years of age.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2015, over 26% of deaths in India were due to
cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of coronary heart disease in India is between 7% and 13% in
urban areas and 2% and 7% in rural areas. The number of patients with cardiovascular disease in India is
growing annually by an average 9.2%. According to a UN report, cardiovascular disease and diabetes
together may cost over $6.2 trillion to the India Economy in the long-term.

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China has highest the death rates due to CVDs in the world. CVDs in China resulted in more than 45% of
the total deaths in 2015, according to the World Heart Foundation. One in five adults in China has a
cardiovascular disease. Researchers at Harvard University estimated that more than 40% of the deaths
in CVDs in China occurred due to high blood pressure. CVDs along with other common chronic diseases
(cancer, diabetes etc.) will result in costs of more than $27.8 trillion in China in the long-term.

Japan has among the world’s oldest population. Over 26% of the total population in Japan (in 2015) was
age 65 years or above. With an aging population, the probability of chronic diseases, especially CVDs,
increases significantly. Atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemic stroke are among the most prevalent
heart diseases in Japan. Mortality from CVDs in the adult population of Japan has increased by 15% in
the last five years (since 2010).

Table 20
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Cardiovascular Diseases,
by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 19.4 22.1 41.0 13.2
Europe 15.9 18.0 34.0 13.6
Asia-Pacific 13.7 15.6 30.8 14.6
RoW 5.7 6.5 11.6 12.3
Total 54.7 62.2 117.4 13.5

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated longevity and anti-senescence market in cardiovascular diseases
segment with revenues of $19.4 million, and it is anticipated to generate revenues of $41.0 million by
2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be fastest growing region with a CAGR of 14.6% during the forecast
period of 2018-2023.

Neural Degenerative Diseases

Neural degenerative diseases include Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, Parkinson's disease,
Epilepsy and other diseases that lead a progressive degeneration and/or death of nerve cells. Neural
degenerative diseases are some of the most common health ailments in elderly people. Globally, efforts
have been made to find strategies to combat these neurological disorders. Anti-senescence may help to
overcome the processes by which cells stop dividing and enter a stage of permanent growth arrest.
Eliminating cell death has emerged as a promising approach for Neural degenerative diseases.

Moreover, there is an Increase in the prevalence of neural degenerative diseases. According to the
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), all neurological disorders showed 250,692 DALYs
(disability-adjusted life year, in thousands) in 2015, an increment of 7.4% in neurological disorders over

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a period of 1990-2015. The prevalence of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke and others is leveraging
a large customer base for the adoption of neurorehabilitation devices. According to Alzheimer Disease
International, 46.78 million people had dementia in 2015 across the globe. These figures are estimated
to increase up to 63.45 million by the end of 2025 and to 131.45 million by 2050. In 2016, seven to 10
million people were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Its prevalence increases with age, according to
the Parkinson Association. According to a research paper published by WHO (February 2018), epilepsy is
a common neurological disease, affecting approximately 50 million people across the globe.

Table 21
Number of People with Dementia Worldwide, by Income Level, 2015-2050

World Bank Income Level 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Low income 1.19 1.42 1.68 2.00 2.41 2.90 3.55 4.35
Lower middle income 9.77 11.52 13.72 16.35 19.48 23.12 27.18 31.54
Upper middle income 16.32 19.36 23.33 28.39 34.28 40.43 46.90 53.39
High income 19.50 21.97 24.73 27.95 31.72 35.71 39.14 42.18
World 46.78 54.27 63.46 74.69 87.89 102.16 116.77 131.46

Source: Alzheimer Disease International

There are notable investments in neurodegenerative disease and the pharmaceutical sector which aids
the growth of the global longevity and anti-senescence market. Private organizations and governments
are inclined to develop new drugs and medicines to be used for the treatment of neurodegenerative
disease systems. The Australian Government, the Federal Government of the U.S., the Government of
the UK and others are proactively involved in investments for the development of new drugs. Neural
degenerative diseases are the key areas of focus for biotechnology companies. A number of clinical trials
targeting neural degenerative diseases are currently in process. Companies involved in the research and
development of new therapies have received substantial funding. Alzheon Inc., a clinical-stage
biopharmaceutical company, raised funding of $37 million in 2018 for the development of medicines for
patients suffering from neurological disorders. In 2018, AbbVie Inc. and Calico Life Sciences LLC agreed
to invest an additional $500 million for a collaboration on research and development of therapies for
age-related diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration.

Following are some investments secured or completed by governments and organizations in the
research and development of medicines and drugs for Alzheimer’s disease.

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Figure 6
Number of People with Dementia Worldwide, by Income Level, 2015-2050








2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Low Income Lower Middle Income Upper Middle Income

High Income World

*Income levels as defined by the World Bank.

Source: Alzheimer Disease International

Table 22
Investments in Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

Company/Organization/Authority Funding Description

In 2017, the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and
Mental Health of Australia received a grant of $13.2
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and
$13.2 million million for the development of biomarkers to support
Mental Health of Australia
clinical trials for neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer’s and others.
In 2016, Alzheimer’s Research UK funded
approximately $46.62 million (£33.2 million) towards
Alzheimer’s Research UK $46.62 million
research into the biology of prevailing diseases like
In 2016, Alzheimer’s Research UK worked with the
UK Government and the pharmaceutical industry in
Alzheimer’s Research UK $98.30 million the development of the Dementia Discovery Fund.
An investment of $98.30 million (£70 million) was put
towards dementia research.
In November 2017, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
invested around $50 million in the Dementia
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $50 million
Discovery Fund (London). The Dementia Discovery
Fund provides venture finance to companies that

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 50
Company/Organization/Authority Funding Description
develop drugs and treatments for neurodegenerative
diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and others.
In 2017, the National Institute of Health (NIH)
invested approximately $1.4 billion for the
National Institute of Health (NIH) (U.S.) $1.4 billion
development of drugs and treatments for
Alzheimer’s disease.

Source: Different Organizations

Table 23
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Neural Degenerative
Diseases, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 21.6 24.8 49.3 14.7
Europe 17.7 20.3 40.8 15.0
Asia-Pacific 15.3 17.6 37.0 16.0
RoW 6.4 7.3 14.0 13.9
Total 61.0 70.0 141.1 15.0

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in the neural degenerative
diseases segment with revenue of $21.6 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $49.3 million
by 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 16.0% during the
forecast period 2018-2023.

Ophthalmology Disorders
An increase in aging populations along with diabetes prevalence across the globe are driving the
ophthalmology disorders application market. According to the National Eye Institute, the risk of eye-
related disorders increases with an individual’s age. Hence, longevity and anti-senescent therapies
would realize a significant demand for its assistance in overcoming ophthalmic disorders.

Gene therapy and senolytic drugs are trending technologies being examined in the treatment of
ophthalmic disorders. Senolytics are a class of drugs intended to target senescent cells and destroy them
through induced cell death. This field of senotherapy in one which senolytics are considered under
therapeutics. Geroprotectors are included in senotherapeutics intended to reverse aging. These drugs
are not yet approved by the FDA. They would be prescribed in cases of diseases such as cancer,
ophthalmic disorders etc. carrying secondary impact of aging slowdown.

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Table 24
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Ophthalmology Disorders,
by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 10.6 11.8 21.0 12.2
Europe 8.6 9.7 17.4 12.4
Asia-Pacific 7.5 8.5 15.8 13.2
RoW 3.1 3.5 5.9 11.0
Total 29.8 33.5 60.1 12.4

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in ophthalmology
disorders segment with revenues of $10.6 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $21.0 million
by 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 13.2% during the
forecast period of 2018-2023.

The prevalence of ophthalmic disorders is driving market growth. According to a paper published by the
World Health Organization in 2017, 253 million people have vision impairment. Un-operated cataract
and uncorrected refractive errors are two major causes of vision impairment. Eighty percent of all vision
impairment can be prevented or cured according to the WHO.

A rising prevalence of various eye disorders including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataract, age-
related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal disorders and others will bolster the global ophthalmology
application market growth. According to IAPB Vision Atlas in October 2017, the total cataract surgeries
across 197 countries of the world were recorded to be around 16.1 million. The South Asian region
accounted for the highest cataract surgeries with 6.9 million. South East Asia, East Asia and Oceania
observed 3.1 million surgeries up till October 2017.

The global prevalence of glaucoma also drives the global Ophthalmology application market growth.
According to the World Health Organization, glaucoma is considered the second leading cause for
blindness across the world. The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness projects that the
number of people affected by glaucoma will reach approximately 80 million by 2020. According to the
World Health Organization, uncorrected refractive errors accounts for 53% of all vision impairments
globally, and 25% of all vision impairments are caused due to unoperated cataracts.

The rising prevalence of diabetes across the globe has been considered as one of the major factors for
allocating the market revenues across the geographies. According to the American Diabetes Association,
people with diabetes have a greater risk of blindness when compared to people without diabetes. There
is a 40% chance that a diabetic patient will suffer from glaucoma. There is a 60% chance that a person
with diabetes will have cataracts. According to International Diabetes Federation, the total number of
adults with diabetes was recorded to be approximately 415 million in 2015 globally. This figure is
estimated to reach 642 million by the end of 2040.

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Table 25
Global Number of Adults with Diabetes, 2015 and 2040

Diabetic Patients
2015 415
2040 642

Source: International Diabetes Federation

The below figure shows the top ten countries with the highest prevalence of diabetes from 2015.
According to the International Diabetes Federation, China observed the highest number of patients with
diabetes in 2015 with 114.1 million patients with diabetes recorded. India observed the next highest
number of 70.2 million.

Figure 7
Global Number of Adults with Diabetes, 2015 and 2040







2015 2040

Source: International Diabetes Federation

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Table 26
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Diabetes, 2015

Diabetic Patients
China 114.1
India 70.2
U.S. 32.8
Brazil 15.4
Russia 12.6
Mexico 11.9
Indonesia 10.2
Japan 8.2
Egypt 8.1
Germany 7.8

Source: International Diabetes Federation

According to International Diabetes Federation, The Africa region is estimated to show an increase in
adult diabetes of 140.7% during 2015-2040. The Middle East and North Africa and South East Asia are
expected to follow Africa with increase in adult diabetes of 103.8% and 79.1% respectively by 2040.

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Figure 8
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Prevalence of Diabetes, 2015

Germany 7.8

Egypt 8.1

Japan 8.2

Indonesia 10.2

Mexico 11.9

Russia 12.6

Brazil 15.4

U.S. 32.8

India 70.2

China 114.1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Source: International Diabetes Federation

Table 27
Percentage Increment of Diabetes Across Regions, 2015-2040

Region Percentage Increment

Africa 140.7
South and Central America 65.0
Middle East and North Africa 103.8
North America and Caribbean 36.7
Europe 19.0
South-East Asia 79.1
Western Pacific 40.2

Source: International Diabetes Federation

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Figure 9
Percentage Distribution of Increasing Diabetes Cases, by Region, 2015-2040

Western Pacific

South-East Asia

South and
North America and
Central America

Middle East and

North Africa

Source: International Diabetes Federation

Drugs that target both cancer cells and aging are currently being researched. These drugs would kill
cancer-causing cells and increase lifespan. According to Long Life, an anti-cancer treatment called
navitoclax was proposed to be listed as a senolytic drug. Gene therapy is currently being used to treat
diseases such as hemophilia or cancer, according to the International Longevity Alliance.

A placenta stem cell technique is also being explored as a treatment for cancer. Stem cells can produce
specific tissues and cells that are useful in the treatment of age-related diseases such as cancer.
Celularity is a startup currently working on placenta stem cell therapeutics to combat aging. Calico (U.S.)
has collaborated with AbbVie in research on treating age-related diseases, including cancer and
neurodegenerative diseases.

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Table 28
Global Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence in Cancer, by Region,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
North America 20.9 23.9 48.3 15.1
Europe 17.1 19.6 40.1 15.4
Asia-Pacific 14.7 17.1 36.2 16.2
RoW 6.2 7.1 13.6 13.9
Total 58.9 67.7 138.2 15.3

Source: BCC Research

In 2017, North America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in cancer segment with
revenues of $20.9 million. It is anticipated to generate revenues of $48.3 million by 2023. Asia-Pacific is
expected to be the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 16.2% during the forecast period of 2018-

A rise in cancer prevalence worldwide, along with an increasing geriatric population, are the factors
propelling the cancer application market. Cancer is considered as the second leading cause of death
after cardiovascular diseases, according to Our World in Data. About 42 million people worldwide had
cancer in 2016, an increase of more than double from 1990. Breast cancer has been identified as the
leading type of cancer, as 8 million people had breast cancer in 2016. While 6.3 million, 5.7 million and
2.8 million people had colon and rectum cancer, prostate cancer and tracheal, bronchus and lung cancer
respectively in 2016.

In 2016, approximately 8.9 million people across the globe died due to various types of cancer. The
reasons such as increasing aging population, increasing population size, chemical or toxic compound
exposures, poor dietary schedules, etc. are some reasons that have escalated global deaths from cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), cancer is defined as a collection of various diseases in
which abnormal cells divide and spread to neighboring tissues. Hence, cancer cell analysis is gaining
utmost importance in studying cancer-causing cells.

According to Our World in Data, cancer prevalence of all forms has registered a significant increase over
the period of 1990 to 2016. The major cancer types include breast cancer, colon and rectum cancer,
prostate cancer, tracheal, bronchus, lung cancer, stomach cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer,
bladder cancer, gallbladder and biliary tract cancer and others. However, breast cancer, prostate cancer,
stomach cancer and cervical cancer are the four major cancers which have increased across the globe
over the period of 1990 to 2016. The following figure depicts the prevalence of various cancer types in
2016 worldwide.

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Table 29
Global Cancer Prevalence, by Type, 2016

Cancer Type
Breast cancer 8.15
Colon and rectum cancer 6.32
Prostate cancer 5.7
Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer 2.84
Stomach cancer 2.2
Uterine cancer 1.96
Cervical cancer 1.94
Bladder cancer 1.77
Lip and oral cancer 1.39
Kidney cancer 1.29
Thyroid cancer 1.23
Liver cancer 1.03
Non-melanoma skin cancer 0.85
Ovarian cancer 0.78
Brain and nervous system cancer 0.78
Larynx cancer 0.63
Esophageal cancer 0.55
Pancreatic cancer 0.36
Testicular cancer 0.33
Nasopharynx cancer 0.33
Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer 0.16

Source: Our World in Data

The following figures depict major cancer type prevalence across four major regions including North
America, Central and Western Europe, Central and East Asia and Latin America and Caribbean. Central
and Western Europe accounted for the highest increase in Breast cancer and Prostate cancer over the
2015-2016 period. Central and East Asia registered the highest increase in cervical cancer and stomach
cancer. These figures suggest that these regions will adopt senolytic technologies. This in turn will drive
the global longevity and anti-senescence market over the forecast period (2018-2023).

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Figure 10
Global Cancer Prevalence, by Type, 2016

Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer 0.16

Nasopharynx cancer 0.33
Testicular cancer 0.33
Pancreatic cancer 0.36
Esophageal cancer 0.55
Larynx cancer 0.63
Brain and nervous system cancer 0.78
Ovarian cancer 0.78
Non-melanoma skin cancer 0.85
Liver cancer 1.03
Thyroid cancer 1.23
Kidney cancer 1.29
Lip and oral cancer 1.39
Bladder cancer 1.77
Cervical cancer 1.94
Uterine cancer 1.96
Stomach cancer 2.2
Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer 2.84
Prostate cancer 5.7
Colon and rectum cancer 6.32
Breast cancer 8.15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Source: Our World in Data

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Table 30
Cancer Prevalence Across Regions, by Type, 2015-2016
(Number of Cases)

North America Central and Western Europe Central and East Asia
Cancer Type 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Breast cancer 1,405,140 1,432,537 1,835,354 1,857,607 1,462,399 1,520,891
Stomach cancer 82,433 84,456 221,745 227,190 989,430 1,024,456
Cervical cancer 84,476 85,119 136,936 136,190 399,003 395,685
Prostate cancer 1,523,741 1,570,709 1,657,536 1,705,170 433,293 465,104

Latin America and Caribbean North Africa and Middle East

Cancer Type 2015 2016 2015 2016
Breast cancer 496,222 516,779 321,072 339,359
Stomach cancer 106,506 111,846 42,592 43,866
Cervical cancer 205,398 208,007 39,591 40,530
Prostate cancer 507,127 540,402 116,108 125,051

Source: Our World in Data

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Figure 11
Cancer Prevalence Across Regions, by Type, 2015-2016
(Number of Cases)

North America Central and Western Europe

1,570,709 Prostate cancer 1,705,170

Prostate cancer 1,657,536

85,120 Cervical cancer 136,191

Cervical cancer 136,937

84,457 Stomach cancer 227,191

Stomach cancer 221,745

Breast cancer 1,432,537 Breast cancer 1,857,607

1,405,140 1,835,354

0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 0 1,000,000 2,000,000

2016 2015 2016 2015

Central and East Asia Latin America and Caribbean

465,104 Prostate cancer 540,403

Prostate cancer 507,127

Cervical cancer 208,007

395,686 205,398
Cervical cancer
Stomach cancer 111,846
Stomach cancer 1,024,456
Breast cancer 516,780
Breast cancer 1,520,891
1,462,399 0 200,000 400,000 600,000

0 1,000,000 2,000,000 2016 2015

Source: Our World in Data

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Chapter 6

Global Longevity and

Anti-senescence Market
by Region

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Chapter 6: Global Longevity and
Anti-senescence Market by Region

Geographically, the longevity and anti-senescence market has been segmented into North America,
Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. All of the four regions have been analyzed based upon
various parameters including rising geriatric population, increasing disposable income, etc.

North America
North America longevity and anti-senescence market is primarily driven by the rising geriatric population
which is expected to create demand for longevity and anti-senescence tools and technology. This
increase will contribute to the growth of the market across North America. According to the United
Nations (2017), World Population Prospects: the 2017 Revision, the process of population aging is most
advanced in Northern America followed by Europe and other regions, in which more than one person in
five was aged 60 or over in 2017. By 2050, the geriatric population is estimated to account for 35% of
the population in Europe and 28% in Northern America.

Table 31
North American Number and Distribution of Persons Aged 60 Years or Older,
2017 and 2050

Number of Persons Number of persons Percentage Change Distribution of Distribution of

Aged 60 Years or Aged 60 Years or between 2017 and Older Persons in Older Persons in
Older in 2017 Older in 2050 2050 2017 2050
(Millions) (Millions) (%) (%) (%)
78.4 122.8 56.7 8.1 5.9

Source: United Nations (2017), World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision

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Table 32
Demographic Indicators Related to Population Aging in North America,
by Country, 2017 and 2050

Population Aged 60 Years Median Age of the

% Aged 60 Years or Older
Country or Older Population
(Thousands) (Years)
2017 2050 2017 2050 2015 2050
United States 69,774 108,425 21.5 27.8 37.6 42.0
Canada 8,590 14,368 23.5 32.0 40.5 45.2
Total 78,364 122,793 45.0 59.8 78.1 87.2

Source: United Nations (2017). World Population Prospects: the 2017 Revision

Table 33
North American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Country,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Country 2017 2018 2023
United States 80.0 91.1 176.3 14.1
Canada 22.5 25.6 48.9 13.8
Total 102.5 116.7 225.2 14.1

Source: BCC Research

The United States dominates the North American longevity and anti-senescence market by country with
a revenue of $91.1 million in 2018, up from $80.0 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to rise to
$176.3 million, growing with a CAGR of 14.1% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

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Table 34
North American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 30.8 35.2 68.8 14.3
Gene therapy 29.8 34.1 68.5 15.0
Immunotherapy 23.3 26.3 49.0 13.3
Others 18.6 21.1 38.9 13.0
Total 102.5 116.7 225.2 14.1

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominates North America longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies
segment with a total revenue of $35.2 million in 2018, up from $30.8 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to rise in value to $68.8 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest
growth of 15.0% during 2018-2023.

Table 35
North American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 21.6 24.8 49.3 14.7
Cancer 20.9 23.9 48.3 15.1
Cardiovascular diseases 19.4 22.0 41.0 13.3
Senescence inhibition 16.6 18.9 37.3 14.6
Longevity 13.4 15.2 28.3 13.2
Ophthalmology disorders 10.6 11.9 21.0 12.0
Total 102.5 116.7 225.2 14.1

Source: BCC Research

Neural degenerative diseases dominate the North America Longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $24.8 million in 2018 up from $21.6 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to be valued at $49.3 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.7% during 2018-2023.

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United States
United States longevity and anti-senescence market is primarily driven by an increase in ongoing
projects and new projects funded by for-profit or non-profit organizations in cancer research. These
studies are likely to leverage the growth of the market. As an example, The American Cancer Society
earmarked money for January 1, 2018 through its approval of grants for 78 research and training
projects in 2017. The American cancer society is expected to fund studies in 57 institutions across the
United States, of which 63 are new subsidies and 15 are renewals of previous grants. Following are some
research institute-based programs:

• Harvard Medical School: In their research, cell free extracts are used to check DNA replication
machinery, including chemical damage and transcription complexes to overcome obstacles in
the DNA template. The intention of the study is to identify new DNA repair proteins and
pathways that maintain human genome.

• Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research: This project aims to maximize the precise
targeting of cancer drugs into the relevant tissues by exploiting the specificity of transport
proteins embedded in lipid membranes on the surface and within cells. If successful, this
approach will solve some of the major challenges in longevity and anti-senescence and will offer
safer and more effective cancer treatments.

Neural degenerative diseases dominated the United States longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $19.4 million in 2018, up from $16.9 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to value $38.6 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.8% during 2018-2023.

Table 36
United States’ Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 16.9 19.4 38.6 14.8
Cancer 16.3 18.6 37.8 15.2
Cardiovascular diseases 15.1 17.2 32.1 13.3
Senescence inhibition 13.0 14.8 29.2 14.6
Longevity 10.4 11.8 22.1 13.5
Ophthalmology disorders 8.3 9.3 16.4 12.0
Total 80.0 91.1 176.3 14.1

Source: BCC Research

The US longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment is dominated by senolytic drug
therapy for 2018 with a revenue of $27.5 million up from $24.0 million in 2017. The market is

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 66
anticipated to be valued at $53.9 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.4% during the forecast years 2018-

Table 37
United States’ Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 24.0 27.5 53.9 14.4
Gene therapy 23.3 26.6 53.6 15.0
Immunotherapy 18.2 20.5 38.3 13.3
Others 14.5 16.5 30.5 13.1
Total 80.0 91.1 176.3 14.1

Source: BCC Research

Canada longevity and anti-senescence market is most significantly driven by an increasing geriatric
population. The geriatric population (aged 65 and older) has been rising progressively over the past 40
years. According to demographic projections given by the Canadian Government, the percentage of
senior citizens will rise to reach between 23-25% of the total population by 2036. The number of people
aged 80 and older is estimated to more than double to 3.3 million by 2036, according to a medium-
growth scenario.

In July 2018, Canada’s population was estimated at 37,058,856 with an increase of 518,588 from July
2017. More than 32 million Canadians (86.4%) were living in Ontario (38.6%), Quebec (22.6%), British
Columbia (13.5%) or Alberta (11.6%).

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Figure 12
Canadian Population Shares Distribution, by Province or Territory, 2018



British Columbia
13.5% Quebec

Source: Government of Canada

The 2018 Canadian longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment is dominated by
senolytic drug therapy for with a revenue of about $7.7 million, up from $6.8 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to be valued at $14.9 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.1% during the forecast
years 2018-2023.

Table 38
Canadian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 6.8 7.7 14.9 14.1
Gene therapy 6.5 7.5 14.9 14.7
Immunotherapy 5.1 5.8 10.7 13.0
Others 4.1 4.6 8.4 12.8
Total 22.5 25.6 48.9 13.8

Source: BCC Research

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Neural degenerative diseases dominated the Canadian longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $5.4 million in 2018, up from $4.7 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to be valued at $10.7 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.7% during 2018-2023.

Table 39
Canadian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 4.7 5.4 10.7 14.7
Cancer 4.6 5.3 10.5 14.7
Cardiovascular diseases 4.3 4.8 8.9 13.1
Senescence inhibition 3.6 4.1 8.1 14.6
Longevity 3.0 3.4 6.1 12.4
Ophthalmology disorders 2.3 2.6 4.6 12.1
Total 22.5 25.6 48.9 13.8

Source: BCC Research

The European longevity and anti-senescence market is primarily driven by an increasingly aging
population and rising disposable income, both of which are contributing to the longevity and anti-
senescence market across Europe.

Table 40
European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Country, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Country 2017 2018 2023
U.K. 15.5 17.6 33.7 13.9
France 25.0 28.7 57.0 14.7
Germany 18.9 21.5 41.2 13.9
Spain 11.0 12.4 23.4 13.5
Rest of the Europe 13.4 15.4 31.3 15.2
Total 83.8 95.6 186.6 14.3

Source: BCC Research

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France dominates Europe’s longevity and anti-senescence market with revenue of $28.7 million in 2018,
up from $25.0 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to rise to $57.0 million. Rest of Europe is
expected to show fastest growth with a CAGR of 15.2% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

Table 41
European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 25.2 28.8 57.0 14.6
Gene therapy 24.4 28.0 56.8 15.2
Immunotherapy 19.0 21.6 40.6 13.5
Others 15.2 17.2 32.2 13.4
Total 83.8 95.6 186.6 14.3

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominates Europe’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $28.8 million in 2018, up from $25.2 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to
grow to $57.0 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of
15.2% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

Table 42
European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 17.7 20.3 40.9 15.0
Cancer 17.1 19.7 40.0 15.2
Cardiovascular diseases 15.9 18.0 34.0 13.6
Senescence inhibition 13.5 15.5 30.9 14.8
Longevity 11.0 12.5 23.4 13.4
Ophthalmology disorders 8.6 9.6 17.4 12.6
Total 83.8 95.6 186.6 14.3

Source: BCC Research

Neural degenerative diseases dominated the Europe Longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $20.3 million in the year 2018, up from $17.7 million in

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 70
2017. The market is anticipated to reach $40.9 million by year 2023, with a CAGR of 15.0% during the
forecast years 2018-2023.

United Kingdom
United Kingdom’s longevity and anti-senescence market is driven by increasing disposable income,
resulting in the adoption of medical and healthcare services. According to the Office for National
Statistics, the median household disposable income for the 2017 financial year ending (FYE) was
approximately $30,824.32 (£27,200), an increase of 1.8% compared with the 2016 FYE of $30,257.69
(£26,700) after accounting for inflation and household composition. This is 5.7% or $1,699.87 (£1,500)
higher than its pre-economic downturn value of $29,124.45 (£25,700) in FYE 2008.

Figure 13
Index of Mean and Median Equivalized Household Disposable Income in the U.K.,

Index of Mean and Median





2015/16 2016/17

Mean Median

Source: Office for National Statistics

In addition, in the UK, the median income for retired households has shown an upward trend. As per the
provisional estimates for FYE 2017 suggest that household disposable income in UK reached $25,384.73
(£22,400) in 2017, which is 14.9% higher in real terms than in FYE 2008 $22,098.32 (£19,500).

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Table 43
U.K. Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 5.7 6.5 12.6 14.2
Gene therapy 5.5 6.3 12.5 14.7
Immunotherapy 4.3 4.8 9.0 13.4
Others 3.4 3.9 7.1 12.7
Total 18.9 21.5 41.2 13.9

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated the UK Longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $6.5 million in the year 2018, up from $5.7 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $12.6 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 14.7% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases region dominated the UK Longevity and anti-senescence market
by application segment with a total revenue of $4.6 million in 2018, up from $4.0 million in 2017.
The market is anticipated to value $9.0 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.4% during the forecast years

Table 44
UK Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 4.0 4.6 9.0 14.4
Cancer 3.9 4.4 8.8 14.9
Cardiovascular diseases 3.6 4.1 7.5 12.8
Senescence inhibition 3.1 3.5 6.8 14.2
Longevity 2.5 2.8 5.3 13.6
Ophthalmology disorders 1.8 2.1 3.8 12.6
Total 18.9 21.5 41.2 13.9

Source: BCC Research

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 72
France’s longevity and anti-senescence market is driven by an increasing elderly population in the
region. As in other European countries, France faces a continuous and significant increase in its number
of elderly people. In 2012, there were 15 million over 60 years old in France. This number is expected to
reach 24 million by 2060.

Figure 14
Geriatric Population in France, 2012 and 2017


25 24




2012 2017

Source: UN Economic Commission for Europe

Table 45
French Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 4.7 5.3 10.3 14.2
Gene therapy 4.5 5.1 10.3 15.1
Immunotherapy 3.5 4.0 7.3 12.8
Others 2.8 3.2 5.8 12.6
Total 15.5 17.6 33.7 13.9

Source: BCC Research

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Senolytic drug therapy dominated France’s Longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $5.3 million in 2018, up from $4.7 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to
reach $10.3 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of 15.1%
during the forecast years 2018-2023.

Neural degenerative diseases dominated France’s longevity and anti-senescence market by application
segment with a total revenue of $3.7 million in 2018, up from $3.3 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $7.4 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.9% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

Table 46
French Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 3.3 3.7 7.4 14.9
Cancer 3.2 3.6 7.3 15.2
Cardiovascular diseases 2.9 3.3 6.1 13.1
Senescence inhibition 2.5 2.9 5.6 14.1
Longevity 2.0 2.4 4.2 11.8
Ophthalmology disorders 1.6 1.7 3.1 12.8
Total 15.5 17.6 33.7 13.9

Source: BCC Research

The key drivers for the longevity and anti-senescence market in Germany are an increasing geriatric
population and rising disposable income. According to the World Bank database, Germany is the most
populous country in the European Union with approximately 82 million inhabitants residing in urban and
rural provinces of the country. According to Eurostat Statistics, 21.1% of the population is above the age
of 65 years, a rise from 19.3% in the year 2006. In 2015, according to the Eurostat Statistics,
approximately 30% of the country’s population was between the ages of 45-65 years. This rising aging
population is expected to create demand for the longevity and anti-senescence market in Germany.

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Table 47
German Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 7.5 8.6 17.4 15.1
Gene therapy 7.3 8.4 17.3 15.5
Immunotherapy 5.7 6.5 12.4 13.8
Others 4.5 5.2 9.9 13.7
Total 25.0 28.7 57.0 14.7

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated Germany’s Longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies
segment with a total revenue of $8.6 million in 2018, up from $7.5 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $17.4 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 15.5% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

Neural degenerative diseases dominated Germany’s longevity and anti-senescence market by

application segment with a total revenue of $6.1 million in 2018, up from $5.3 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $12.5 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 15.4% during the forecast years

Table 48
German Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 5.3 6.1 12.5 15.4
Cancer 5.1 6.0 12.2 15.3
Cardiovascular diseases 4.7 5.4 10.4 14.0
Senescence inhibition 4.0 4.6 9.4 15.4
Longevity 3.3 3.7 7.1 13.9
Ophthalmology disorders 2.6 2.9 5.4 13.2
Total 25.0 28.7 57.0 14.7

Source: BCC Research

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Spain’s longevity and anti-senescence market is driven by an increasing geriatric population in the
country. According to Spain’s Health Ministry Report, the aging population of the country is increasing
rapidly, as 18% of the population (8 million people) is above the age of 50, and 25% of the population is
above the age of 80. According to the Spanish National Statistics Office, individuals above 65 years of
age will represent 30% of Spain’s population by the end of 2050 (approximately 13 million individuals).
Approximately four million individuals will be above the age of 80 and thus will directly impact the
adoption and growth of longevity and anti-senescence drugs and therapies.

Table 49
Spanish Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Gene therapy 3.2 3.7 7.2 14.2
Senolytic drug therapy 3.3 3.7 7.1 13.9
Immunotherapy 2.5 2.8 5.1 12.7
Others 2.0 2.2 4.0 12.7
Total 11.0 12.4 23.4 13.5

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated Spain’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $3.7 million in 2018, up from $3.3 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to
reach $7.1 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of 14.2%
during the forecast years 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases region dominated Spain’s longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $2.6 million in 2018, up from $2.3 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $5.1 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.4% during 2018-2023.

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Table 50
Spanish Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 2.3 2.6 5.1 14.4
Cancer 2.2 2.5 5.0 14.9
Cardiovascular diseases 2.1 2.3 4.3 13.3
Senescence inhibition 1.8 2 3.9 14.3
Longevity 1.4 1.6 2.9 12.6
Ophthalmology disorders 1.2 1.4 2.2 9.5
Total 11 12.4 23.4 13.5

Source: BCC Research

Rest of Europe
Rest of Europe’s (ROE) longevity and anti-senescence market is driven by an increasing geriatric
population in countries such as Russia, Netherland, etc. According to the World Bank Group (United
States), in 2017, 14.18% of Russia’s population was age 65 and over, an increase from 12.75% in 2001.

Table 51
Rest of the European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 4.0 4.6 9.6 15.9
Gene therapy 3.9 4.5 9.5 16.1
Immunotherapy 3.0 3.5 6.8 14.2
Others 2.5 2.8 5.4 14.0
Total 13.4 15.4 31.3 15.2

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated ROE’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $4.6 million in 2018, up from $4.0 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to
reach $9.6 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of 16.1%
during the forecast years 2018-2023.

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The neural degenerative diseases region dominated ROE’s longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $3.3 million in 2018, up from $2.8 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $6.9 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 15.9% during the forecast years

Table 52
Rest of the European Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 2.8 3.3 6.9 15.9
Cancer 2.7 3.2 6.7 15.9
Cardiovascular diseases 2.6 2.9 5.7 14.5
Senescence inhibition 2.1 2.5 5.2 15.8
Longevity 1.8 2 3.9 14.3
Ophthalmology disorders 1.4 1.5 2.9 14.1
Total 13.4 15.4 31.3 15.2

Source: BCC Research

In Asia-Pacific, the longevity and anti-senescence market is primarily driven by the rising geriatric
population, increasing disposable income, etc. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asia's
population is aging and is estimated to represent over 60% of the worldwide population of ages 65 years
or older by 2030.

Table 53
Asia-Pacific Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Country, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Country 2017 2018 2023
China 20.7 23.8 48.9 15.5
Japan 17.3 19.9 39.7 14.8
India 15.4 17.8 37.0 15.8
Australia 9.7 11.0 21.6 14.4
Rest of Asia-Pacific 9.3 10.7 21.7 15.2
Total 72.4 83.2 168.9 15.2

Source: BCC Research

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Revenues from Asia-Pacific’s longevity and anti-senescence market continue to escalate. Revenue is
expected to reach $168.9 million by 2023. China dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in
the Asia-Pacific region with revenue of $20.7 million in 2017. By 2023, total revenue of the market in
China is expected to reach $48.9 million. India’s longevity and anti-senescence market is expected to
have the highest CAGR of 15.8% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

Table 54
Asia-Pacific Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 21.8 25.1 51.6 15.5
Gene therapy 21.0 24.3 51.4 16.2
Immunotherapy 16.4 18.8 36.7 14.3
Others 13.2 15.0 29.2 14.3
Total 72.4 83.2 168.9 15.2

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated Asia-Pacific’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies
segment with a total revenue of $25.1 million in 2018, up from $21.8 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $51.6 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 16.2% during the forecast years 2018-2023.

Table 55
Asia-Pacific Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 15.3 17.7 36.9 15.8
Cancer 14.6 17.1 36.2 16.2
Cardiovascular diseases 13.8 15.7 30.8 14.4
Senescence inhibition 11.7 13.4 28.0 15.9
Longevity 9.5 10.8 21.2 14.4
Ophthalmology disorders 7.5 8.5 15.8 13.2
Total 72.4 83.2 168.9 15.2

Source: BCC Research

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Neural degenerative diseases dominated the Asia-Pacific longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $17.7 million in 2018, up from $15.3 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $36.9 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 15.8% during the forecast years

The rising prevalence of cancer among China’s population and an increasing geriatric population are
drivers of the market in China. According to the United Nations Organization, China’s population over 60
years old is the highest in Asia-Pacific. In 2015, approximately 1 in 4 people aged 60 or above lived in
China. Also according to the United Nations Organization, in 2015 China’s population aged above 60
represented 15% of the total population. That number is expected to reach about 36.5% of the total
population by 2050. With China’s growing aging population, the adoption of anti-aging products,
services and devices is expected to grow, thereby contributing to market growth. Further, a rise in
disposable income in China is also expected to drive the adoption of anti-aging procedures. According to
the Chinese government, the country’s average per capita disposable income reached $4,102.4 in 2017,
representing an increase of about 7.3% from 2016.

Table 56
Chinese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 6.2 7.2 14.9 15.7
Gene therapy 6.0 7.0 14.9 16.3
Immunotherapy 4.7 5.3 10.6 14.9
Others 3.8 4.3 8.5 14.6
Total 20.7 23.8 48.9 15.5

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated China’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $7.2 million in 2018, up from $6.2 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to
reach $14.9 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of 16.3%
during the forecast years 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases segment dominated China’s longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $5.1 million in 2018, up from $4.4 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $10.6 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 15.8% during the forecast years

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Table 57
Chinese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 4.4 5.1 10.6 15.8
Cancer 4.1 4.9 10.5 16.5
Cardiovascular diseases 4.0 4.5 9.0 14.9
Senescence inhibition 3.3 3.8 8.1 16.3
Longevity 2.8 3.1 6.1 14.5
Ophthalmology disorders 2.1 2.4 4.6 13.9
Total 20.7 23.8 48.9 15.5

Source: BCC Research

India’s longevity and anti-senescence market is driven by an increasing geriatric population and
increasing disposable income. According to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), disposable personal
income in India was recorded as $202.88 billion in 2015 and had increased from $187.77 billion in 2014.
The total disposable personal income in India from 1950 to 2015 was approximately $235.04 billion.
Thus, rising disposable income is considered a key factor responsible for the adoption of longevity and
anti-senescence drugs and techniques market.

According to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), disposable personal income in India was $202.88
billion in 2015 which had increased from $187.77 billion in 2014. The total disposable personal income
in India was averaged to be approximately $235.04 billion from 1950 to 2015. The total rural income in
India, which was approximately $572 billion in 2017, is estimated to reach $1.8 trillion by FY21.
Additionally, India’s rural per capita disposable income is estimated to increase at a CAGR of 4.4%.

Table 58
Total Rural Income in India, 2015 and 2021

Total Rural Income

2015 572
2021 1,800

Source: IBEF

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 81
Rising disposable income is considered a key factor responsible for the adoption of anti-aging product,
services and devices in the country. As a result, the adoption and demand for anti-aging products will
increase, thereby promoting the growth of the anti-aging market across India over the forecast period.

Figure 15
Total Rural Income in India, 2015 and 2021

2021 1,800

2015 572

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000

Source: IBEF

Table 59
Indian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 4.6 5.4 11.3 15.9
Gene therapy 4.5 5.2 11.3 16.8
Immunotherapy 3.5 4.0 8.0 14.9
Others 2.8 3.2 6.4 14.9
Total 15.4 17.8 37.0 15.8

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated India’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $5.4 million in 2018, up from $4.6 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 82
reach $11.3 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of 16.8%
during the forecast period 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases region dominated India’s longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $3.8 million in 2018, up from $3.3 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to value $8.1 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 16.3% during the forecast period

Table 60
Indian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 3.3 3.8 8.1 16.3
Cancer 3.1 3.6 7.9 17.0
Cardiovascular diseases 2.9 3.3 6.7 15.2
Senescence inhibition 2.5 2.9 6.1 16.0
Longevity 2.0 2.3 4.7 15.4
Ophthalmology disorders 1.6 1.9 3.5 13.0
Total 15.4 17.8 37.0 15.8

Source: BCC Research

Japan’s longevity and anti-senescence market is mainly driven by its increasing geriatric population.

According to the World Bank Organization, the population in Japan aged 65 and above increased from
22.49% in 2010 to 26.56% in 2016. The probability to opt for these anti-aging services, devices and
products is high in the elderly people. Since elderly people suffer from age-related skin problems which
would increase the demand for anti-aging that directly impacts the growth. According to the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Japan’s population above 65 is expected to
increase from 26% in 2015 to 40% by 2050. Furthermore, Japan has the highest female life expectancy
rate at age 65 in 2015-2020 and is expected to live another 29 years.

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 83
Table 61
Share of Japanese Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050
(% of Total Population)

2015 26
2050 40

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Figure 16
Share of Japanese Population Aged 65 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050
(% of Total Population)


% of Total Population






2015 2050

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 84
Table 62
Japanese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 5.3 6.0 12.1 15.1
Gene therapy 5.0 5.8 12.1 15.8
Immunotherapy 3.9 4.5 8.6 13.8
Others 3.1 3.6 6.9 13.9
Total 17.3 19.9 39.7 14.8

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated Japan’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with a total revenue of $6.0 million in 2018, up from $5.3 million in 2017. The market is anticipated to
reach $12.1 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a CAGR of 15.8%
during the forecast period 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases region dominated Japan longevity and anti-senescence market by
application segment with a total revenue of $4.2 million in 2018, up from $3.6 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $8.7 million by the year 2023 with a CAGR of 15.7% during the forecast
period 2018-2023.

Table 63
Japanese Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 3.6 4.2 8.7 15.7
Cancer 3.5 4.1 8.5 15.7
Cardiovascular diseases 3.3 3.8 7.2 13.6
Senescence inhibition 2.8 3.2 6.6 15.6
Longevity 2.3 2.6 5.0 14.0
Ophthalmology disorders 1.8 2.0 3.7 13.1
Total 17.3 19.9 39.7 14.8

Source: BCC Research

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 85
Australia’s longevity and anti-senescence market is driven by an increasing geriatric population across
the country. According to the United Nations Organization, Australia accounted for 20.4% of the world’s
population above 60 years of age in 2015. This number is expected to reach 28.4% of the total
population by 2050. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of Australians aged 65
or above in 2016 increased from 14% of the total population to 16% of total population in 2016. As a
result, the adoption and demand for anti-aging products will increase among this aging population and
will drive market growth over the forecast period.

Table 64
Share of Australian Population Aged 60 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050
(% of Total Population)

2015 20.4
2050 28.4

Source: United Nations Organization

Figure 17
Share of Australian Population Aged 60 Years and Older, 2015 and 2050
(% of Total Population)

30% 28.4%


% of Total Population





2015 2050

Source: United Nations Organization

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 86
Table 65
Australian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 2.9 3.3 6.6 14.9
Gene therapy 2.8 3.2 6.6 15.6
Immunotherapy 2.2 2.5 4.7 13.5
Others 1.8 2.0 3.7 13.1
Total 9.7 11.0 21.6 14.4

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated Australia’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies
segment with a total revenue of $3.3 million in 2018, up from $2.9 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $6.6 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 15.6% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases region dominated the Australia longevity and anti-senescence market
by application segment with a total revenue of $2.3 million in 2018, up from $2.0 million in 2017. The
market is anticipated to reach $4.7 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 15.4% during the forecast period

Table 66
Australian Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 2.0 2.3 4.7 15.4
Cancer 2.0 2.3 4.6 14.9
Cardiovascular diseases 1.8 2.1 3.9 13.2
Senescence inhibition 1.6 1.8 3.6 14.9
Longevity 1.3 1.4 2.7 14.0
Ophthalmology disorders 1.0 1.1 2.0 12.7
Total 9.7 11.0 21.5 14.3

Source: BCC Research

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Rest of Asia-Pacific
The Rest of Asia-Pacific’s (APAC) longevity and anti-senescence market includes Malaysia, Singapore,
South Korea, Indonesia and Thailand. Its market is driven by a rising geriatric population is all these
countries. The rise in the aging population has significantly impacted market growth in the Rest of APAC.
According to the United Nations Organization, in 2015, South Korea’s population above 60 was
approximately 18.5 % of its total population and is expected to reach 41.5% of the total population by
2050. Similarly, in Indonesia, the 60 and above population is expected to reach 19.2% by 2050, However,
it was around 8% in 2015 of the total population. Similarly, the aging population of South Korean’s is
projected to reach 35% of its total population by 2050, according to the Population Reference Bureau
organization (U.S.). Thus, a growing aging population is expected to drive demand for anti-aging
products, services and devices adoption, thereby bolstering the growth of the anti-aging market across
Rest of Asia-Pacific.

Table 67
Rest of APAC Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 2.8 3.2 6.7 15.9
Gene therapy 2.7 3.1 6.5 16.0
Immunotherapy 2.1 2.5 4.8 13.9
Others 1.7 1.9 3.7 14.3
Total 9.3 10.7 21.7 15.2

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated the Rest of APAC’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies
segment with a total revenue of $3.2 million in 2018, up from $2.8 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $6.7 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 16.0% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases region dominated the Rest of APAC’s longevity and anti-senescence
market by application segment with a total revenue of $2.3 million in 2018, up from $2.0 million in 2017.
The market is anticipated to value $4.8 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 15.9% during the forecast period

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Table 68
Rest of APAC Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 2.0 2.3 4.8 15.9
Cancer 1.9 2.2 4.7 16.4
Cardiovascular diseases 1.8 2.0 4.0 14.9
Senescence inhibition 1.5 1.7 3.6 16.2
Longevity 1.1 1.4 2.7 14.0
Ophthalmology disorders 1.0 1.1 2.0 12.7
Total 9.3 10.7 21.8 15.3

Source: BCC Research

Rest of World
The Rest of World’s (RoW) longevity and anti-senescence market includes Latin America, Middle East
and Africa. RoW’s longevity and anti-senescence market is primarily driven by an increasing geriatric
population and increasing disposable income.

Table 69
RoW Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Region, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Region 2017 2018 2023
Latina America 15.8 17.8 32.6 12.9
Middle East and Africa 14.5 16.5 31.1 13.5
Total 30.3 34.3 63.7 13.2

Source: BCC Research

RoW’s longevity and anti-senescence market continues to grow in revenue and is expected to reach
$63.7 million by 2023. Latin America dominated the longevity and anti-senescence market in RoW with
revenue of $15.8 million in 2017. Total revenue of the market in Latin America is expected to reach
$32.6 million by 2023. Middle East and Africa’s longevity and anti-senescence market are expected to
have the highest CAGR of 13.5% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

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Table 70
RoW Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 9.1 10.3 19.5 13.6
Gene therapy 8.8 10.1 19.3 13.8
Immunotherapy 6.9 7.7 13.9 12.5
Others 5.5 6.2 11.0 12.2
Total 30.3 34.3 63.7 13.2

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominates RoW’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies segment
with total revenue of $10.3 million in the year 2018, up from $9.1 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to reach $19.5 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 13.8% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

Table 71
RoW Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 6.4 7.2 14.0 14.2
Cancer 6.2 7.0 13.7 14.4
Cardiovascular diseases 5.7 6.5 11.6 12.3
Senescence inhibition 4.9 5.6 10.5 13.4
Longevity 4.0 4.5 8.0 12.2
Ophthalmology disorders 3.1 3.5 5.9 11.0
Total 30.3 34.3 63.7 13.2

Source: BCC Research

Neural degenerative diseases dominated the RoW longevity and anti-senescence market by application
segment with a total revenue of $7.2 million in the year 2018, up from $6.4 million in 2017. The market
is anticipated to reach $14.0 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 14.2% during the forecast period 2018-

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Latin America
Latin America’s longevity and anti-senescence market is primarily driven by its increasing geriatric
population. According to the Brazil based Union of South American Nations Organization, the aging
population of Brazil is increasing rapidly. Approximately 29 million people in the country in 2016 were 60
years or older, about 14.3% of the total population in the country. According to this source, by 2050, the
elderly population in Brazil is expected to represent about 30% of the country’s population. According to
the World Bank Group (U.S.), the geriatric population in Mexico was 5.9% of its total population in 2010
and had increased to 6.85% by 2017. Additionally, in Argentina, the geriatric population was about
6.85% of its total population as compared to 5% in 2010. This increase in the geriatric population
combined with a regard for physical appearance is boosting the demand for anti-aging products,
services and devices, thereby driving the market growth in the region.

Table 72
Latin American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Therapy,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 4.7 5.4 10.0 13.1
Gene therapy 4.6 5.2 9.9 13.7
Immunotherapy 3.6 4.0 7.1 12.2
Others 2.9 3.2 5.6 11.8
Total 15.8 17.8 32.6 12.9

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated Latin America’s longevity and anti-senescence market by therapies
segment with a total revenue of $5.4 million in 2018, up from $4.7 million in 2017. The market is
anticipated to value $10 million by 2023. Gene therapy is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

The neural degenerative diseases segment dominated the Latin America Longevity and anti-senescence
market by application segment with a total revenue of $3.7 million in 2018, up from $3.3 million in 2017.
The market is anticipated to value $7.1 million by 2023 with a CAGR of 13.9% during the forecast period

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Table 73
Latin American Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence, by Application,
Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 3.3 3.7 7.1 13.9
Cancer 3.2 3.7 7.0 13.6
Cardiovascular diseases 3.0 3.4 5.9 11.7
Senescence inhibition 2.6 2.9 5.4 13.2
Longevity 2.1 2.3 4.1 12.3
Ophthalmology disorders 1.6 1.8 3.1 11.5
Total 15.8 17.8 32.6 12.9

Source: BCC Research

Middle East and Africa

Middle East and Africa’s longevity and anti-senescence market is mainly driven by an increasing geriatric
population coupled with increasing disposable income. According to the U.S. World Bank Group, the
aging population in Turkey was 6.1% of the total population and increased to 8.15% in 2017. Similarly, in
Israel, the aging population accounted for 10% of the total population in 2000 and increased to 11.7% by

An increasing disposable income is also considered a key factor responsible for the growth of the market
in this region. According to the World Bank Organization, GDP per capita of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
was about $35,037 in 2010 and increased to $40,498 by 2017.

Table 74
Disposable Income in UAE, 2010 and 2017

2010 35,037
2017 40,498

Source: World Bank Organization

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Figure 18
Disposable Income in UAE, 2010 and 2017

41,000 40,498








2010 2017

Source: World Bank Organization

Table 75
Middle Eastern and African Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence,
by Therapy, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Therapy 2017 2018 2023
Senolytic drug therapy 4.4 4.9 9.5 14.2
Gene therapy 4.2 4.9 9.4 13.9
Immunotherapy 3.3 3.7 6.8 12.9
Others 2.6 3.0 5.4 12.5
Total 14.5 16.5 31.1 13.5

Source: BCC Research

Senolytic drug therapy dominated the Middle East and Africa longevity and anti-senescence market by
therapies segment with a total revenue of $4.9 million in 2018, up from $4.4 million in 2017. The market
is anticipated to reach $9.5 million by year 2023, and is expected to show the fastest growth with a
CAGR of 14.2% during the forecast period 2018-2023.

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The neural degenerative diseases region dominated the Middle East and Africa’s longevity and anti-
senescence market by application segment with a total revenue of $3.5 million in 2018, up from $3.1
million in 2017. The market is anticipated to value $6.9 million by year 2023 with a CAGR of 14.5%
during the forecast period 2018-2023.

Table 76
Middle Eastern and African Market for Longevity and Anti-senescence,
by Application, Through 2023
($ Millions)

Application 2017 2018 2023
Neural degenerative diseases 3.1 3.5 6.9 14.5
Cancer 3.0 3.3 6.7 15.2
Cardiovascular diseases 2.7 3.1 5.7 13.0
Senescence inhibition 2.3 2.7 5.1 13.6
Longevity 1.9 2.2 3.9 12.1
Ophthalmology disorders 1.5 1.7 2.8 10.5
Total 14.5 16.5 31.1 13.5

Source: BCC Research

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Chapter 7

Industry Structure in Longevity

and Anti-senescence Market

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Chapter 7: Industry Structure in Longevity
and Anti-senescence Market

Industry Structure
Industry structure and process flow within the longevity and anti-senescence market is similar to that of
the drug and biologic’s industry. The basic industry process flow covers the entire longevity and anti-
senescence market process right from product conception to production and consumption. Segments
within the industry structure include Research and Development, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Distributors,
and End Users. The below figure shows the process flow of botanical and plant derived products. Each
segment adds significant value to the final product.

Figure 19
Industry Structure and Process Flow: Longevity and Anti-senescence Industry



End Users

Distribution and Marketing

Source: BCC Research

Suppliers within the longevity and anti-senescence industry provide chemical reagents, manufacturing
equipment, analytical products and packaging materials, etc. Suppliers within the longevity and anti-
senescence industry are contracted with respect to the quality of materials offered, track record in
supply, price of raw materials, regulatory compliance, experience within industry and location. Most

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longevity and anti-senescence product manufacturers sign contracts with more than one supplier to
mitigate the risk of delayed production due to the availability of raw material supplies. Manufacturers
may sign non-disclosure agreements with suppliers to protect intellectual property of product
ingredients ordered.

The procurement of raw material for drugs and therapies in the longevity and anti-senescence market
depends upon the below mentioned factors:

Quality is the prime criteria for any manufacturer when placing orders for components. Manufacturers
typically select suppliers with a good track record in quality assurance. Suppliers with good engineering,
research and development and quality control certifications, such as ISO Certifications, are preferred.

Terms and Conditions

Suppliers who can comply with contractual terms and conditions and are able to meet delivery
schedules are preferred by companies in the longevity and anti-senescence market

Cost Effective Components

Suppliers need to provide cost effective products to manufacturers. In the current scenario,
manufacturers require products/components which comply with government regulatory requirements,
especially FDA regulations.

Table 77
Global Suppliers to Longevity and Anti-senescence Market

Suppliers Headquarters
Avantor Inc. USA
Sigma Aldrich Ltd. USA
LabDepot Inc. USA
Euro Chemo Pharma SDN Malaysia
Uflex Ltd. India
Sysbiotech France
Soaround Fermentor China
Applikon Biotechnology Netherlands

Source: Company website

Research and Development

Research and Development is an essential part within the longevity and anti-senescence industry. The
R&D process for the longevity and anti-senescence products market is similar to the drug discovery
process which involves molecular development, clinical trials and FDA approvals. Longevity and anti-
senescence product manufacturers typically carry out clinical trials to asses commercial viability, clinical
utility, and toxicity testing before applying for regulatory approval. Longevity and anti-senescence
product clinical trials may be contracted out to Clinical Research Organization (CROs) to test new
chemical biological entities. Some of the leading CROs contracted by the longevity and anti-senescence

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product manufacturers include Laboratory Corporation of America Holding (Covance Ltd., U.S.),
Quintiles IMS Holdings Inc. (U.S.), Charles Rivers Laboratories Inc. (UK) and others. The R&D timeline for
longevity and anti-senescence products is parallel with conventional drug research processes. According
to the Pharmaceutical and Manufacturers Association of America (PhRMA), it takes approximately 7 to
10 years from target identification to clinical testing to regulatory approval. The R&D timeline may vary
depending on the molecular nature of the product. The cost of R&D for longevity and anti-senescence
remains, on average, $2.6 billion, according to PhRMA.

Commercial manufacturing of longevity and anti-senescence products starts after regulatory approval.
Manufacturers may carry out an initial market assessment of demand for the product. The
manufacturing facility must comply with regional and international good manufacturing practices
(GMP). Overall cost and scale of manufacturing depends on resources such as manpower and
technology available through manufacturing institutions. Manufacturers may outsource production of
longevity and anti-senescence products to distant markets such as Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle
East or Africa in order to minimize production costs. Product quality testing is carried out throughout
the manufacturing process according to regulatory guidelines.

Table 78
Some of the Notable Longevity and Anti-senescence Companies

Manufacturers Headquarters
Human Longevity Inc. USA
Calico life science LLC USA
Unity Biotechnology USA
resTORbio USA
Celularity USA

Source: Company Websites

Distribution and Marketing

The study of market viability of anti-aging products is carried out during the initial stages of R&D and
post approval. Manufacturers typically launch new longevity and anti-senescence products while
keeping cost benefit analysis in place. Due to stringent regulations, the final product, majority of the
manufacturers within longevity and anti-senescence market act as distributers. Some manufacturers
utilize third party distributors and retailers, capitalizing upon an existing network of hospital chains and
outpatient clinics. The majority of small and medium enterprises within the longevity and anti-
senescence market use intermediaries to seek out clients and to offer products and services.

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End Users
Some of the leading users of longevity and anti-senescence products are the Baby Boomers (aged 65
years and above) and Generation Y (aged between 28 to 38 years). According to a Pew Research study,
the global population of Millennials (Generation Y) is anticipated to reach around 76 million by 2035,
increasing from 71 million in 2016. The Baby Boomer population is anticipated to decline from 74 million
in 2016 to around 50 million by 2035. Baby Boomers and Millennials account for around 60% of the
global population, creating demand for longevity and anti-senescence products through 2024.

Investments and Funding Analysis

Drugs and therapies related to anti-senescence and longevity are aggressively been studied across the
globe as a potential cure for age-related diseases. Large sums of money are spent annually on the
research and development of novel drugs and therapies. Annual spending on R&D by biopharmaceutical
companies across the globe is increasing steadily, providing huge growth opportunities for the longevity
and anti-senescence market. According to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI),
global pharmaceutical R&D spending in 2015 was $148 billion and is expected to rise to $181 billion by

Biopharmaceutical companies across the globe are investing in technologies such as CRISPR, genome
editing, cell culture, cell-based assays, stem cell research and others. Advancements in such
technologies have helped in the realization of therapeutics-based approaches for anti-aging solutions.
BCC Research has shown that North American companies are investing large sums of money on research
and development. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) member
company R&D expenditures (U.S.), rose to $71.4 billion in 2017, up from $50.7 billion in 2010. Investees
and investors in biopharmaceutical companies are considered a crucial factor in growth rate projections
until 2024.

Start-ups in the longevity and anti-senescence market have gained great traction from prominent
players and venture capitalist globally. Companies including Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Bezos
Expeditions, Mayo Clinic Ventures and others have invested significant capital in anti-aging start-ups.
According to Citi’s Disruptive Innovations publication, anti-aging medicines are ranked second in key
innovations with potential to disrupt well established markets for monoclonal bodies. Anti-aging
medicines also have the potential to capture substantial shares in the anti-aging market currently (2018)
dominated by non-therapeutic anti-aging products. Following are some of the major funding sources
procured by start-ups in the in the longevity and anti-senescence market.

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Table 79
Investment Analysis: Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market

Disclosed Funding
Company/Organization/Authority Remarks
Secured to 2018
Human Longevity Inc. works in the genome
sequencing domain and raised $300 million by
Human Longevity Inc. (USA) $300 million 2017. The company applies advanced machine
learning platforms on genome data to fight disease
associated with aging.
Celularity is a biotechnology company which raised
$290 million in funding by 2018. The company is
Celularity (USA) $290 million involved in the development of cell-based
therapies to augment biology, longevity and
BlueRock Therapeutics is a biotechnology company
BlueRock Therapeutics (USA) $225 million for the development of induced pluripotent stem
cell (iPSC) and raised funding of $225 million.
Unity Biotechnology Inc., a preclinical
biotechnology company, raised funding of $385
Unity Biotechnology (USA) $385 million million by 2018. The company engages in research
and development of therapeutics that extend
human life span.
resTORbio Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical
company formed in 2016. It has acquired funding in
the amount of $65 million. The company is focused
resTORbio (USA) $65 million
on the development and commercialization of
novel therapeutics for treatment of age-related
Alkahest is a biotechnology startup formed in 2014.
It has raised funding in the amount of $50 million
Alkahest (USA) $50 million
for the development and discovery of medicines
for age-related diseases.
Calico life science LLC formed in 2013, backed by
Alphabet Inc. (USA) and AbbVie Inc. In 2014 the
company and its backers spend $1.5 billion for the
research and development of therapies for age-
Calico (USA) $1.5 billion
related diseases such as cancer and
neurodegeneration. In 2018 AbbVie Inc. and Calico
Life Sciences LLC agreed to invest an additional
$500 million for research collaboration.
Alzheon Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical
company, has raised $37 million for the
Alzheon Inc. (USA) $37 million
development of medicines for patients suffering
from neurological disorders.

Source: BCC Research

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Chapter 8

Company Profiles

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Chapter 8: Company Profiles

420 Saw Mill River Rd.
Ardsley, NY 10502
Tel: 914/347-4300
Website: www.acorda.com

Acorda Therapeutics is a biotechnology company that develops therapies which restore neurological
function. The company was founded in 1995 and was voted one of the best companies to work for in
New York for the past five years.

Table 80
Product Portfolio: Acorda Therapeutics

Products Description
This is a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
AMPYRA (dalfampridine)
(FDA) to improve mobility in adults with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Source: Company website

1010 Atlantic Ave., Suite 102
Alameda, CA 94501
Tel: 510/871-4190
Website: www.agexinc.com

AgeX Therapeutics Inc. is a biotechnology company founded in 2017. The company focuses on the
commercialization and development of novel therapeutics targeting biological aging based on an
emerging understanding of ‘clockwork mechanisms’ of human aging.

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Table 81
Product Portfolio: AgeX Therapeutics

Products Description
This is a platform to generate young pluripotent stem cell-derived cellular therapies
PureStem intended for use in tissue repair in the aging human body afflicted with degenerative
induced Tissue iTR is designed to harness reverse aging and restore the capacity of tissues to regenerate
Regeneration (iTR) following injury, a process which is lost with aging.
This platform confers low immune observability to allogeneic cells for off-the-shelf
cellular products.
This technology is designed to stably engraft cell therapies or to slowly release iTR small
molecules in the body.

Source: Company website

Table 82
Recent Developments: AgeX Therapeutics, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

Company closed a $5 million equity financing, through the sale of 2 million
June 2018 Financing
AgeX common shares to Juvenescence Ltd.

Source: Company website

2521 US Route 11
Lafayette, NY 13084
Tel: 518/420-5004
Website: www.antoxerene.com

Antoxerene Inc., a company of Ichor Therapeutics Inc. uses proprietary next generation screening
technology to identify small molecule drugs for aging pathways. Antoxerene was founded in 2016 and is
focused on the discovery of small molecules via the study of protein-protein interactions which drive the
survival of toxic senescent cells, a major part of various age-related diseases. The company endeavors to
develop and identify novel compounds that restore tissue function and destroy senescent cells.

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Table 83
Product Portfolio: Antoxerene

Products Description
The company is developing first-in-class, small-molecule senolytic drugs to target
Senolytics (pipeline)
aging pathways.

Source: Company website

Table 84
Recent Developments: Antoxerene, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company entered into a joint venture called FoxBio Inc. with
Juvenescence Ltd. The joint venture plans to develop Antoxerene’s
July 2018 Joint venture
collection of small molecules targeting senescent cells. Juvenescence will
supply $10 million in drug development expertise and equity financing.

Source: Company website


1170 Veterans Blvd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Tel: 908/315-5901
Website: www.calicolabs.com

Calico is a research and development company whose mission is to advance technologies to increase
lifespan. The company, founded in 2013 in the United States, adopts strategies and collaborates as a
primary initiative to increase its revenue growth.

As of 2018, the company had not developed any significant products, but it is actively involved in
research and development.

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Table 85
Recent Developments: Calico Life Sciences, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company announced an extension of its collaboration with AbbVie to
June 2018 Collaboration develop, discover and bring to market new therapies for patients with
age-related diseases including cancer and neurodegeneration.
Calico and C4 Therapeutics (C4T) collaborated for five years to discover,
March 2017 Collaboration develop and commercialize therapies for treating diseases of aging,
including cancer.

Source: Company website

86 Morris Ave.
Summit, NJ 07901
Tel: 908/673-9000
Website: www.celgene.com

Celgene, based in Summit New Jersey, is a biopharmaceutical company engaged primarily in discovery,
development and commercialization of innovative therapies to treat inflammatory diseases and cancer
via protein and regulation. It employs more than 7,000 personnel in more than 60 countries.

Table 86
Product Portfolio: Celgene

Products Description
To combat prescription drug counterfeiting, the company takes proactive and deliberate
Anti-counterfeiting steps to strictly enforce safety and quality of treatments. Celgene is continuously working
therapies to implement and explore novel strategies and technological advancements to deter

Source: Company website

Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX, Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-88-755-6551
Website: www.clearabiotech.com

Cleara Biotech B.V. is an R&D-stage biopharmaceutical company focused eradicating senescent cells in
order to treat age-related pathologies, including senescence-like cancer cells. The company is involved in

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the development of effective and safe treatments to counter negative aging effects and to target
diseases such as therapy-resistant late stage cancer.

Table 87
Product Portfolio: Cleara Biotech

Products Description
Cleara Biotech is developing a senolytic peptide called FOXO4-DRI, which does not
Senolytics (pipeline)
harm healthy cells.

Source: Company website

Table 88
Recent Developments: Cleara Biotech, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company partnered with Dr. Tobias Madl (Medical University of Graz),
Dr. Marco Demaria (University Medical Center, Groningen) and Dr. Peter de
2018 Collaboration
Keizer (University Medical Center, Utrecht) to develop novel Therapeutics
Targeting Senescent Cells and Cancer.

Source: Company website

1455 Adams Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: 650/446-7888
Website: www.cohbar.com

CohBar Inc. is a clinical stage biotechnology company engaged in research and development of
mitochondria-based therapeutics (MBTs), an emerging class of drugs for the treatment of age-related
diseases. The company focuses on the development of mitochondrial-derived peptides. CohBar was
founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. The company aims to increase a
healthy lifespan though the treatment of underlying metabolic dysfunction related to aging including
NASH, obesity, cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Table 89
Product Portfolio: CohBar

Products Description
It offers potential to address various age-related diseases with metabolic dysfunction,
including cancer, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), type 2 diabetes,
derived peptides
neurodegenerative, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Source: Company website

Table 90
Recent Developments: CohBar, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company announced the selection of two analogs from the company’s
MOTS-c program for advancement into IND-enabling activities. The drug
candidates, CB4209 and CB4211, are intended to treat obesity, with
September 2016 Advancement
additional confirmatory studies planned to determine therapeutic
potential for the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and as
a potential add-on to other drugs to treat type 2 diabetes.

Source: Company website


4570 Executive Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: 844/838-3322
Website: www.humanlongevity.com

Human Longevity Inc. (HLI), was founded in 2013 and is based in the United States. HLI deals in expert
analysis, DNA sequencing and machine learning for data-driven science. The company is genomics-
based, working in genome database, clinical data and phenotype. It is also involved in applying and
developing machine learning and large-scale computing for new discoveries to generate personalized
health insights. HLI is focused on analyzing and compiling phenotypic and genotypic data to generate
unprecedented insights.

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Table 91
Product Portfolio: Human Longevity Inc.

Products Description
Whole genome WGS analyzes whole DNA to provide complete insights into health and genetic risks for
sequencing (WGS) many health conditions.

Source: Company website

Table 92
Recent Developments: Human Longevity Inc., 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company partnered with FirefighterAid, a company based in San
Diego that is dedicated to caring for fire fighters and their families, to
April 2018 Partnership screen 100 San Diego City Fire-Rescue Firefighters to present advanced
and early screening benefit in firefighters (category of high-risk
The company completed an offering of Series B Preferred Stock, raising
April 2016 Funding in excess of $220 million. It previously raised $80 million in its Series A
offering which closed in the summer of 2014.
The company agreed to purchase LifebankUSA, a cord blood and
January 2016 Acquisition placenta bank. LifebankUSA is working on methods for extracting
placental stem cells and related therapeutic programs.

Source: Company website

Johns Hopkins University
9601 Medical Center Dr, Suite 127
Rockville, MD 20850
Tel: 240/641-6266
Website: www.insilico.com

Insilico Medicine Inc. is an artificial intelligence company based in Rockville Maryland, with R&D and
management resources in Russia, Belgium, Korea, Taiwan and UK. The company works in drug
development and drug discovery through its expertise in aging research, drug development, biomarker
discovery and digital medicine. Insilico has made advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs)
and reinforcement learning of novel molecular structures for diseases. The company is involved in
collaboration with large pharmaceutical companies.

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Table 93
Product Portfolio: Insilico Medicine

Products Description
The company developed a drug discovery engine that uses multiple data types and
AI Pharma Pipeline
samples to discover signatures of disease and identify targets for molecules.
This is an AI-powered platform integrating various age predictors to manage health,
Young.AI beta 1.0
optimize lifestyle and track changes.

Source: Company website

Table 94
Recent Developments: Insilico Medicine, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

Insilico Medicine partnered with Baltimore based WuXi AppTec to boost its
June 2018 Partnership AI-driven biomarker and drug discovery platforms. This partnership is
expected to optimize and validate Insilico’s pipeline products.

Source: Company website

800 5th Ave, Suite 4100
Seattle, WA 98104
Tel: 877/736-1499; 206/447-1450
Website: www.oisinbio.com

Oisin Biotechnologies works in drug development and focuses on the creation of drugs which combat
various age-related diseases. The company is involved in the development of patent-pending, highly
precise, DNA-targeted intervention to clear senescent cells. Oisin is assisting its first joint venture pre-
clinical company focused on ending solid tumor cancers. It plans to enter phase I clinical trials related to
these cells by the end of 2018.

Table 95
Product Portfolio: Oisin Biotechnology

Products Description
This is a platform technology that enables precise targeting of senescent cells based on
SENSOlytics (Pipeline)
DNA expression.

Source: Company website

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298 Harbor Blvd.
Belmont, CA 94002
Tel: 650/620-9948 x250
Website: www.powervisionlens.com

PowerVision, based in California, United States, was founded in 2002. It is a privately held company
focused on the development of intraocular lenses designed to restore True Accommodation. The
company’s novel FluidVision accommodating intraocular lens (IOL) is used by patients who are affected
by cataracts and/or presbyopia.

Table 96
Product Portfolio: PowerVision Inc.

Products Description
FluidVision Accommodating It is designed to restore vision in all age groups of people affected by cataracts
Intraocular Lens and/or presbyopia.

Source: Company website

Table 97
Recent Developments: PowerVision Inc., 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company entered into a strategic alliance with Alcon, a division of Novartis
April 2016 Alliance and a major player in eye care. Alcon's investment in PowerVision Inc., will
fund clinical trials and development with the option to acquire the company.

Source: Company website


Level 3, 460 Bourke St.
Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: +61-0-3-9349-4906
Website: www.pranabio.com

Prana Biotechnology was incorporated in Melbourne, Australia in 1997 and has offices in Melbourne,
Australia and San Francisco, USA. The company is involved in developing therapies to treat orphan
neurodegenerative diseases. The company has excellent potential in the treatment of various atypical
Parkinson’s such as Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP).

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Table 98
Product Portfolio: Prana Biotechnology Ltd.

Products Description
The company is engaged in manufacturing products which treat Multiple System Atrophy
Pipeline product
(MSA), Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and Orphan Drug Designation.

Source: Company website

Table 99
Recent Developments: Prana Biotechnology Ltd., 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company entered into a securities purchase agreement with Boston
December 2018 Investment based Life Biosciences LLC to raise $44.5 million (approx. US $31.4
The company collaborated with Takeda Pharmaceuticals International
Inc. to study the ability of Prana’s investigational movement disorders
July 2017 Collaboration
compound, PBT434, to slow or prevent neurodegeneration of the
gastrointestinal system.

Source: Company website


80 Guest St., 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02135
Tel: 617/225-0096
Website: www.proteostasis.com

Proteostasis Therapeutics Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing small molecule
therapeutics to treat cystic fibrosis and other diseases caused by dysfunctional protein processing. The
company is based in Boston, MA. and focuses on identifying therapies that restore protein function.

Table 100
Product Portfolio: Proteostasis Therapeutics Inc.

Products Description
This platform combines genomics, proteomics, and functional assays with medicinal
Disease-Relevant chemistry and systems biology to convert emerging knowledge of Proteostasis
Translation (DRT) platform Network (PN) and its functions into a tool used to discover novel therapeutics for
diseases with substantial unmet patient needs.

Source: Company website

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41S Rio Grande St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Tel: 385/269-0203
Website: www.recursionpharma.com

Recursion Pharmaceuticals deals in drug discovery and performs automated experiments and analysis to
discover novel therapeutics. The company’s novel platform for drug discovery helps in massive
parallelization of drug discovery for the treatment of rare genetic diseases. The company's horizontal
business model focuses on accelerating the process of discovery of potential drug and reduces costs by
avoiding costly and slow in-house development.

Table 101
Product Portfolio: Recursion Pharmaceuticals

Products Description
This is a pan-histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. It exhibits both acetylation-
REC-2282 (OSU-HDAC42) independent and histone-independent mechanisms, at both cellular and epigenetic

Source: Company website

Table 102
Recent Developments: Recursion Pharmaceuticals, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company entered into a licensing agreement with the Ohio State
Innovation Foundation (OSIF), the technology transfer function of The
January 2019 Agreement
Ohio State University, acquiring rights to OSU-HDAC42, a clinical-stage
The company announced funding of $1.6 million from a Phase II Small
November 2018 Funding Business Innovation Research award from the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) through National Institute on Aging (NIA).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared an investigational
July 2018 FDA Clearance new drug (IND) application for a Phase I clinical trial of REC-994 in the
treatment of cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM).

Source: Company website

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500 Boylston St., 12th Floor
Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857/315-5521
Website: www.restorbio.com

resTORbio Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on commercialization and

development of new therapeutics to treat aging-related diseases. The company was founded in 2016.

In several clinical trials, including a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, resTORbio’s demonstrated

potential to treat multiple age-related diseases for which there are currently no approved therapies. The
lead indication for program has shown a decrease in the incidences of respiratory tract infections, or
RTIs, in elderly regardless of causative pathogen.

Table 103
Product Portfolio: resTORbio

Products Description
RTB101 is an orally administered, small molecule, potent TORC1 inhibitor to activate the
site of mTOR on TORC1 complex.

Source: Company website


250 S. Rock Blvd., Suite 130
Reno, NV 89502-2301
Tel: 775/530.1516
Website: www.sierrasci.com

Sierra Sciences, LLC is working to find ways to extend health-spans and life-spans beyond the theoretical
maximum of 125 years. Sierra Sciences is a private research facility striving to induce telomerase
expression in all human cells. Currently, the company has screened over 250,000 chemical compounds
and natural products and found over 800 telomerase inducers representing 38 drug families. The
company has made some major discoveries in research and development of telomerase-based drugs to
extend human life and is working on creating anti-aging products.

Coker Life Science Building
715 Sumter St.
Columbia, SC 29208
Tel: 803/777-6161
Website: www.senexbio.com

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Senex Biotechnology, founded by Dr. Igor Roninson, is a drug discovery and development company
focused on oncology therapeutics. The company has discovered small molecules, identified molecular
targets and has developed selective inhibitors of these novel targets.

Table 104
Product Portfolio (Pipeline): Senex Biotechnology

Products Description
Coatomer Inhibitors This product is intended to fight against various types of cancers.
CDK3 Inhibitors Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 (CDK3) inhibitors are in development for colon cancer therapy.

Source: Company website

43 Newbrook Circle
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Tel: 346/704-6707
Website: www.senolytx.com

Senolytic Therapeutics, based in Boston (U.S.) and Barcelona (Spain), is a member of Life Biosciences
group and develops novel classes of medicines that target and eliminate damaged (senescent) cells. The
company has developed a unique technological portfolio based on drug therapies that eliminate
senescent in age-related diseases. It is currently developing a series of novel drugs that target senescent
cells and encourage a healthy lifespan. The company is focused on the development of treatments for
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Table 105
Product Portfolio: Senolytic Therapeutics

Products Description
It will be efficacious to treat various disorders driven and caused by damaged cells. The
SEN01, SEN02, SEN03 programs include the development of senolytic compounds,
Therapies (pipeline)
improvement of post-oncological treatment and the discovery of novel senolytic
compounds, respectively.

Source: Company website

© 2019 | BCC Research LLC BIO185A Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market | 114
31 St. James St.
6th Fl. Boston, MA, 02115
Tel: [Not found]
Website: www.spotlightbio.com

Spotlight Biosciences Inc. developed a platform to quantify and identify various novel small proteins
(peptides), relevant to aging and other human diseases. The company’s platform is supported by
machine learning algorithms and built on proprietary technologies. Spotlight Biosciences Inc. uses its
library of peptides to identify proteins that may diagnose disease, delay aging and extend the human

Table 106
Product Portfolio: Spotlight Bioscience

Products Description
Proprietary software The company’s proprietary software and peptide discovery pipeline specializes in
(Pipeline) detecting thousands of proteins.

Source: Company website

420 Lexington Ave., Suite 2900
New York, NY 10170
Tel: 212/588-8805
Website: www.tasciences.com

T.A. Sciences is focused on creating clinically tested and research-based wellness products to address
cellular aging via telomerase activation. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that
protect chromosomes. Telomeres get shorter by age, which leaves DNA unprotected and causes cells to

Table 107
Product Portfolio: T.A. Sciences

Products Description
TA-65MD nutritional supplements are based on TA-65 compound and are formulated
TA-65MD Nutritional
through a proprietary process which increases absorption (bioavailability) of TA-65
TA-65 for Skin rejuvenates the complexion through the compounding effects of gentle
TA-65 For Skin
exfoliation, color balance, detoxification and nourishment.

Source: Company website

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Table 108
Recent Developments: T.A. Sciences, 2016-2018

Date Strategy Description

The company announced an addition to its skincare lineup, T.A.-65 for
February 2019 Product Launch
Skin, an anti-oxidant formula without fragrance.

Source: Company website

3280 Bayshore Blvd., Suite 100
Brisbane, CA 94005
Tel: 650/416-1192
Website: www.unitybiotechnology.com

Unity Biotechnology was founded in 2009 and is based in Brisbane, California. It is a preclinical
biotechnology company developing therapeutics to increase life span by reversing, halting and slowing
age-related diseases. The company focuses on the creation of senolytic medicines that selectively
eradicate senescent cells and treat age-related diseases, such as pulmonary diseases, eye diseases and
osteoarthritis. The company was formerly known as Forge Inc. and changed its name to Unity
Biotechnology Inc. in January 2015.

Table 109
Product Portfolio: Unity Biotechnology

Products Description
This randomized, placebo-controlled and double-blind Phase I study is assessing
UBX0101 (pipeline
pharmacokinetics, tolerability and safety of single intra-articular injection of this product
for osteoarthritis of the knee.
UBX1967 It is for ophthalmologic-related diseases.

Source: Company website

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Table 110
Recent Developments: Unity Biotechnology, 2017-2019

Date Strategy Description

Company entered into a license agreement with Ascentage Pharma Group
Corp. Ltd. granting Unity with non-exclusive manufacturing, exclusive
2019 Agreement
commercialization and development rights for outside of Greater China in
all non-oncology indications (for UBX1967).
U.S. FDA granted approval for UBX0101, a senolytic small molecule
2018 FDA approval
inhibitor of MDM2/p53 protein interaction.

Source: Company website

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June 2019

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