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Answer the following questions/provided your recommended solutions per

account that you are handling:

1. What are the top 3 cost drivers for your FM accounts?

● The top 3 cost drivers of Syntrofia are the following:
○ number of processed orders
○ number of machine operation hours
○ number of labor hours
○ number of deliveries

2. How can we reduce our overhead (indirect costs) costs? (ex. Electricity,
Phone, and wifi billing)
● Here are the suggestions on how we can reduce our overhead costs:
○ For our electricity, it is very important to save energy even in a simple
■ I recommend plugging off the machines when not in use.
■ Use an electric fan more often than using the aircon inverter the
whole day.
■ Turn off the lights in the end corner of the store. Most of the
customer's avail of the full service.
○ Wield the power of technology
■ Leveraging the power of POS. There are some features that we
can use for our store processes. It can also help Day-to-Day
monitoring to become more efficient.
○ Use only one source of internet
■ Right now, Syntrofia has two internet sources. One is from the
phone plan that we have availed and the other one is from the
internet plan that was recently installed and shared with H2O.
■ Either, we will continue the phone plan because it has 16 GB of
data and unlimited calls or texts, or will push through with the
internet plan and omit the internet connection in the phone
○ Look for suppliers with a cheaper price
■ It can be applied to stocks and marketing.
○ For the delivery of the stocks, we can purchase stocks good for quarterly
estimation rather than purchasing stocks good for a month. With that,
we can reduce our delivery expenses through courier.
3. Are there any expenses that we can eliminate or reduce without affecting
our operations?
● Yes, we can eliminate the phone plan or internet plan.

4. Can we negotiate better terms or discounts with our suppliers or vendors?

● Yes, especially when it comes to printing materials such as flyers and other
marketing collaterals. We can build a loyalty relationship and have them our
supplier to all our handled accounts.
● I am thinking that we can exclude or re-negotiate our utility consumption
with Megaworld especially when it comes to Gas/LPG consumption. In
Expatipino, we are only paying for around 8,000 in a month.

5. Are there any areas where we can streamline our processes or operations to
reduce costs?
● Yes, the POS. There are some features that we can use to streamline our

6. Are there any technologies or automation tools that can help us reduce
● So far, I don't have any recommendations yet. But I will look for a tool that we
can leverage by helping us to reduce costs.

7. Can we consider outsourcing certain tasks or processes to reduce costs?

● No for now, since we are still in the process of looking for suitable processes
that we can use for our operations.

8. Are there any opportunities for cross-training or upskilling employees to

reduce labor costs?
● Yes, especially when it comes to maintaining and cleaning our equipment.

9. How can we regularly monitor and measure the success of our cost
reduction efforts to ensure they are effective and sustainable?
● We can regularly monitor and measure the success of our cost-reduction
efforts by setting Key Performance Indicators in comparing old and new costs
for our operations, keeping a constant eye on the expenses and sales for a
month, and projecting the total income, deducting the expenses, that we can
achieve for a month.

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