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2023/6/24 凌晨2:51 The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper
18 Questions DATE  : 

1. The story is written from this point of view

A 3rd person omniscient B 1st person

C 3rd person limited D 3rd person objective

2. To improve the narrator's health, her family decides to...

A Rent a home in the country B Get plenty of exercise

C Pray regularly D Eat more vegetables

3. Which character thinks that rest will not help the narrator?

A Everyone thinks she needs rest. B the narrator

C Jenny D John

4. The character that tends to make the important decisions is...

A Jane B Joan

C John D Jenny

5. The speaker most desires

A freedom to follow her own desires B a room with chintz hangings

C the opportunity to write D congenial company

6. Because she is ______, the narrator tells John about her fear, but John ______ at her.

A Sad, Laughs B Happy, yells

C Afraid, Laughs D Happy, Screams 1/4
2023/6/24 凌晨2:51 The Yellow Wallpaper

7. "The Yellow Wallpaper":

The tone of the speaker can best be characterized as

A confiding and romantic B pleasant and dreamy

C caustic and cold D sentimental and passive

8. "The Yellow Wallpaper":

Gradually she begins to notice how ugly the _______ is and she wants to move rooms.

A Lady B House

C Wallpaper D Floor

9. Who said, "There is nothing so dangerous, so fascinating, to a temperament like yours. It

is a false and foolish fancy. Can you not trust me as a physician when I tell you so?"

A Narrator B John

C Mary D Jennie

10. The primary fixation for the narrator is

A John's reassurance B the passage of people across the lawn

C the wallpaper D the immovable bed

11. The speaker's husband is best described as

A controlling and practical B cold and serious

C loving and thoughtful D skilled and sarcastic 

12. 5a. What actions of the narrator show that her mental stat is beginning to deteriorate?

D. Her clawing and scratching on the A. Her focus on finding a purpose to the
doors of her room pattern in the wallpaper

B. Her determination to open the bars on

C D C. Her obsessive fascination with the
her windows and escape 2/4
2023/6/24 凌晨2:51 The Yellow Wallpaper

13. 2b. The narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" agrees to stay in the top-floor room, even
though she would prefer a room downstairs, because her husband says it's best for her.
What can be the reader reasonably infer from this about the narrator?

C. That she is used to doing what her B. That she is secretly planning to jump
husband thinks is right from one of the higher windows

D. That she wants to find the pattern in A. That she really does prefer a room on
the room's wallpaper a higher floor of the house

14. What did the speaker do to the wallpaper?

A She ate it B Nothing

C She drew on it D She ripped it

15. What happened to John at the end of story?

A The woman killed him B He cleaned the woman's mess

C He fainted D He made a meal

16. Who wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper" (1892)?

A Silas Weir Mitchell B Virginia Woolf

C Hattie Strong D Charlotte Perkins Gilman

17. What was expected of women during the Victorian era?

to be bold, tenacious, dominating, and

A B to be pure, domestic, and submissive

to be treated as equals, hard workers,

politically involved, and outspoken.

18. The Yellow Wallpaper deals with the themes of

A The struggle for Women's Rights B Both of these

C The stigma of mental illness 3/4
2023/6/24 凌晨2:51 The Yellow Wallpaper

Answer Key

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c

5. a 6. c 7. d 8. c

9. b 10. c 11. a 12. b

13. a 14. d 15. c 16. d

17. b 18. b 4/4

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