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Card No. 5a
COMPANY has an obligation to provide a safe working
environment for their employees and in return expects that
their employees will accept responsibility for their own
safety as well as others affected by their actions.

COMPANY has produced Drugs and Alcohol principles. Within

these principles reference made to ‘employees’.
Any employee is anyone working for COMPANY either as a
contractor or sub-contractor working on LUL owned assets.
The LUL Drugs and Alcohol principles concerning ALCOHOL
are to ensure that all employees must NOT:

 Report for work under the influence of alcohol.

 Consume alcohol whilst on duty or during breaks in the
working day.
 Consume or possess alcohol on LUL operational
You must start work with a zero alcohol level. That means
you MUST NOT consume any alcohol at all in the 8 hours
before starting work and in the 24 hours prior to that, should
not consume more than 7 units of alcohol.

A general guide to Alcohol Content in units:

As a guide, one unit of alcohol is roughly equivalent to:
Half a pint of ordinary strength beer, lager or cider
Half a 175ml glass of wine
One 25ml pub measure of spirits

Any personnel when tested found exceeding a reading of 13

micrograms or above per 100 ml of breath are in breach of the
COMPANY Drugs and Alcohol Principles.
As an employee working for COMPANY you must be aware of
the COMPANY Drugs and Alcohol Principles concerning
DRUGS. These are:
 To use, possess, consume, store or sell illicit drugs on
LUL premises or to report for work having taken such
drugs will result in disciplinary action which may lead to
summary dismissal.
 You should be aware that work performance and safety
can be impaired by the taking of drugs, including those
medically prescribed or available without prescription.
 You should encourage employees whose performance is
impaired by drugs and to resolve any problems that may
 You should maintain own health and well being by
avoiding any involvement with illicit drugs.
 You should encourage colleagues with a drug-related
problem to come forward and seek help.

You should be aware that urine and blood tests shall be used
to detect the use of illegal drugs.
If you have taken any medication you should advise their
manager before commencing work.
Contractors who are classified Safety Critical are required to
carry a current certificate certifying that they have been tested
negatively for drugs in the previous 12 months.
Card No. 5b

How much do you know about;

1. How many units of Alcohol can you consume in the 24
hours before commencing work?

2. When should you NOT consume Alcohol?

3. When should you NOT report for work?

4. Where can you NOT consume or possess Alcohol?

5. If tested for alcohol, what is the limit in micrograms per

100 ml of breath?

1. With respect to Drugs, what circumstance will result in
Disciplinary action or summary dismissal?
2. What should you do if you identify an employee whose
performance appears to be impaired by Drugs and
3. If you are taking medication, what should you do?
4. If a colleague has a drug related problem what should you
5. How will you be tested for drugs?

6. What should Safety critical contractors carry with them?

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