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1)What is the % of BA in Team Size and Project Duration

The BA s involvement in project is 12% to 16% in the team size i.e. 2 BA's in 12 to 13 team ...

Team size

Small project up to 500 man hours

Medium project 500-1000 man hours

Large project above 1000 man hours

2) What is the role of BA in a product development IT Company

A business analyst is a member of a product development team who analyzes the business

domain, documents its processes and systems, outlines business requirements, and matches
a software business model with the software being built

3) Explain Agile & Scrum Process?

Agile is a continuous iteration of development and testing in the software development process
whereas Scrum is an Agile process to focus on delivering the business value in the shortest
time. Agile methodology delivers the software on a regular basis for feedback while Scrum delivers
the software after each sprint.

4) List all diagrams of UML and draw samples ?

Intial node /start node stop node connector

Final node /end node activity continution

decision box control flow code

5) Explain Abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, Inheritance

1) inheritance :- A real-world example of inheritance is a mother and child. The child may inherit
attributes such as height, Voice patters, color. The mother can reproduce other children with the
same attributes as well
Child class inertingthe properties of parent class

2)polymorphism :-Single instruction and multiple operation

Different operation with different context.

Sometime an operation has the same name in different classes . you can open a door you can
open a window ,and you can open newpaper ,a present , a bank account or conversation .in each
case you are performing in different operation

3)encapsulation:-it is used technique to hide the complex internal structure or working

Refer that file name is used to save a file in our record .but the system saves the file with some
other hexa decimal format .these details are hidden to us .this hiding technique known as

4)abstraction:-abstraction menas simply to filter out an object properties and operations until
just the once you need are left .knowing what to include in a model and what leaves out . is the
most critical skill for modeler.

Consider What is required ignoring what is not required

6)what steps you follow to draw a usecase diagram from a Case study
Differentiate information against actions
Write the all sequence of action,try to find out which actor performing the above action ,try to identify
essential use case and supporting use case ,try to identifiy some modules with respect to functionality or
usages,draw the the relationship appropriately between the identified actors and use cases .
7) Why MVC Architecture is used? What are MVC Rules in identifying classes? What guidelines will you follow
to place the classes on a three tier Architecture ? What are persistence and Transient classes

The actual purpose of MVC is to separate your views from your controller and model. In other words,
it is a design pattern is a structure for keeping display and data separate to allow each to change
without affecting the other

What is a Requirement? How many

types of requirements are there? Explain them with examples

What is a Requirement? How many types of requirements are there? Explain them with examples

What is a Requirement? How many types of requirements are there? Explain them with examples
What is a Requirement? How many types of requirements are there? Explain them with examples?

The requirements, which are commonly considered, are classified into three categories, namely,
functional requirements, non-functional requirements, and domain requirements.
The functional requirements should be complete and consistent. Completeness implies that all the
user requirements are defined. Consistency implies that all requirements are specified clearly without
any contradictory definition.

The non-functional requirements (also known as quality requirements) are related to system

attributes such as reliability and response time. Non-functional requirements arise due to user
requirements, budget constraints, organizational policies, and so on. These requirements are not
related directly to any particular function provided by the system.

Write usecase specification for withdraw cash use case in an ATM ? 10 Marks

1. The customer enters their card into the ATM.

2. The ATM verifies that the card is a valid bankcard.
3. The ATM requests a PIN code.
4. The customer enters their PIN code.
5. The ATM validates the bankcard against the PIN code.
6. The ATM presents service options including “Withdraw”.
7. The customer chooses “Withdraw”.
8. The ATM verifies sufficient funds in the customer’s bank account.
9. The ATM presents options for amounts.
10. The customer selects an amount or enters an amount.

The ATM verifies that the customer is below withdrawing limits.

11. The ATM verifies that it has enough cash in its hopper.

12. The ATM debits the customer’s bank account.

13. The ATM returns the customer’s bankcard.

14. The customer takes their bankcard.

15. The ATM issues the customer’s cash.

16. The customer takes the cash.

17. Use case ends.

Q 10.Draw a Use case Diagram and Activity Diagram

solid circlr :- start the process of activity diagram

: Event and Activity.

:-sequence from the one activity to next

:-flow of information between event

:-represent report or document


:-end of process.
. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases?

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