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(C) Suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated
Ans. Change in education system:
(a)Skill based education should be promoted. More vocational subjects should be
(b) Students should be encouraged for professional courses which are job
oriented, instead of academic ones
(c) Children should be encouraged to begin their own ‘start up’s by promoting
the entrepreneurial concept in education.

12.(C) How do educated women earn at par with their male counterparts? (3)
Ans. (i) Women with high education and skill formation are paid at par with the men.
 (ii)Among the organised sectors, teaching and medicine attracts them the most.
(iii)Some women have entered the administrative and other services including those
jobs which need high levels of scientific and technological competence.

13.(C).  Can you imagine some village which initially had no job opportunities but later
came up with many? (3)
Ans. (i)There can be many examples of such villages. When an infrastructure project or some
industry develops near a village, employment generation takes place.

(ii) Gurgaon can be a very good example. Before the beginning of the Maruti
Udyog Limited, Gurgaon used to be a small village. 
(iii)Subsequent development of industry changed the situation in Gurgaon.

14.(C)  Why is educated unemployed, a peculiar problem of India? (3)

Ans. (i)Many youth with matriculation, graduation and post graduation degrees are not able
to find job. A study showed that unemployment of graduate and post-graduate has
increased faster than among matriculates. 
(ii)A paradoxical manpower situation is witnessed as surplus of manpower in
certain categories coexist with shortage of manpower in others. 
(iii) There is unemployment among technically qualified person on one hand,
while there is a dearth of technical skills required for economic growth.

C Long Answer Type Questions (5 M)

1.(U) Discuss the steps taken by the government to promote education.  (1x5=5)
Ans. (a) The government has made a provision for providing universal access, retention
and quality in elementary education with a special emphasis on girls.
(b) Navodaya Vidyalaya Schools have been established in each district. Vocational
streams have been developed to equip students with occupations related to
knowledge and skills.
(c) 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' is a significant step towards providing elementary
education to all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years.
(d) Bridge courses, back to school camps, mid day meal schemes have been initiated
to increase the enrollment, attendance and retention.
(e) There has been a significant growth in the number of universities and institutions
of higher education in specialized areas.

2.(U) Explain the effects of unemployment on the overall growth of the economy. (1x5=5) 
"Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of the
economy.” Review the statement. .
Ans. The effects unemployment has on the overall growth of an economy are:
(a)It leads to wastage of manpower resources. The people who are an
asset become a liability.
(b) It creates a feeling of hopelessness and despair among the young people. People
do not have enough money to support their family.
(c) Inability of educated people who are willing to work to find gainful employment
implies a      great social waste
(d) It increases economic overload. i.e., the dependence of unemployed people on
the working population increases.
(e) The quality of life of an individual gets affected adversely. Family health status
and education level declines. Hence it is an indicator of a depressed economy.
3.(C)   In the case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low. Do you agree or disagree. Give
suitable reasons to support your answer (1x5=5)
Ans. Yes,  I agree
(a)A large number of people represented with low income and productivity are
counted as employed.
(b)They appear to work throughout the year but in terms of their potential and
income, it is not  adequate for them. 
(c) The work that they are pursuing seems forced upon them. They may
therefore want other work of their choice.
(d)Poor people cannot afford to sit idle. They tend to engage in any economic
(e)Their earning keeps them on a bare subsistence level. Disguised unemployment
(common in agriculture) does not reduce their hardships and poverty.
4.(C) “Health is  a priority for the country”. Justify the statement by giving suitable   reasons. 
Ans. Health is a priority for the country because:
i. Healthy workforce   population contributes better to Gross Domestic Product.
ii. Health even increases the incidence of literacy since healthy students are more
regular to school.
iii. A better health reduces the chances of communicable diseases thereby adding to
the welfare of society.
iv. It will reduce health related  family expenditure  and increase savings.
v. It contributes in nation building by prolonged engagements in economic and
social activities. Therefore, improving health conditions must be one the
important agendas for the country

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