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1) Communication with God is known as----(a)request (b) i ncantation (c)intercession (d)prayer

2) All but one are things we can do without as Christians (a)money (b)food (c)prayer (d)designer
3) All but one are types of prayer (a)intercession(b)petition(c)praise(d)rosary
4) -------is when a person is before God without uttering a word, but enveloped by the presence
of God (a)intercession(b)supplication(c)confusion(d)contemplation
5) All but one hinders effective prayer (a)sin(b)unbelief(c)lack of focus (d)patience
6) The Lord's prayer can be found in which book of the bible?
7) As Christians we can pray to God-------(a)3 times daily (b)7 times daily (c)always (d)when we
are in trouble
8) Jesus prayed before his crucifixion at ------(a)Gethsemane (b)garden of Eden (c)temple
9) ---------is a society where people live (a)family (b)soc iety (c)community (d)villa
10) As Christians we should-------to sinful lifestyle (a)conform (b)live according (c) comply (d) not
11) Christians should portray------lifestyle in their community (a)earthly (b)godly (c)worldly
12) ---------means to treat people equally regardless of their levels (a)partiality (b)equality
(c)equilibrium (d)impartiality
13) One of the benefits of impartiality includes-----(a)a just society (b)a large
14) God is an-------(a)arbitrary (b)early(c)exempted God(d)impartial God
15) -------means bringing back to life someone who has been confirmed dead.(a )aIive
(b)resurrection (c)restoration (d)reformation
16) All but one were the first to visit the tomb of Jesus(a)Mary Magdalene(b)Martha (c)Mary the
mother of Jesus(d )Salome
17) The death of Jesus implies that.(a)we will not die again (b)there is hope of Eternal llife (c)He
was an escape goat (d) God denied Him
18) An idle mind is--------(a)a thief(b)a busy mind(c)God's favourite (d)Satan's workshop
19) According to the bible anyone who does not work let him not (a)fast (b)eat (c)worship (d)pray
20) All but one are examples of bible characters with skill acquisition (a)Dorcas (b)Jesus (c)Simon
Peter(d)Mary Magdalene
21) A person who lives an exemplary life ----- God (a) believes (b) honors (c) sees (d) feels
22) The statement 'put on the Lord Jesus Christ' by Paul to the Romans implies ----
(a)following Jesus (b)imi tating Jesus(c)wearing Jesus as cloth (d) Christ-like Iivi ng
23) So lution to social vices inc lude (a)closing down cyber ca fes b)arrest of children
(c)banning of television and social media (d)parental concern and care
24) One of the importance of hard work to human life include(a)it makes one holy(b)it makes one
holy(c)it makes one not to be a mediocre(d)it makes one rich
25) The behaviors and conducts that are unacceptable in the society and are immoral is referred
to as----- (a)immorality (b)social vices (c)sin (d)malpractice
26) One of the causes of soc ial vices include (a)broken home (b)friendshi p (c)hard work
(d)Mary Magdalene
27) The act of failing to show appreciati on for what God has done (a)insufficient
(b)ingratitude (c)impatience (d)unbelief
28) -------is a way of empowering an individual for self dependence in futu re
(a)opportunity (b)gift (c)ta lent (d)ski ll acquisition
29) All but one are social vices (a) steaIing (b)arrogance(c)cultism(d)internet hacking
30) A ll but one are trades students can acqu ire (a)teaching(b)ha ir dressi ng (c)carpentry
(d)fashion designing

1) What do you understand by the term 'prayer'?

1b) Explain the following types of prayer.
i. Confession ii. Dedication prayer iii. Intercession
2) Explain two reasons why payers are not answered according to Isaiah 1: 1-19
2b) Explain the meaning of being a true witness for Christ.
3) State four social vices and their consequences
3b) How can a Christian avoid social vices
3c) List out the fruits of the flesh with Bible reference
4) Write out the Lord Prayer and the bible reference
4b) Explain the significance of each line

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