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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 461 264 FL 025 338 AUTHOR Abylkasymova, Mairam, Comp.; Jumabaeva, Gulaim, Comp TITLE Kyrgyz Language Manual. INSTITUTION Peace Corps, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) PUB DATE 1397-06-00 NOTE 324p. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom - Teacher (052) LANGUAGE English, Kyrgyz DRS PRICE MP01/PC13 Plus rostage DESCRIPTORS Contrastive Linguistics; Cultural Awareness; Daily Living Skills; Dialogs (Language); Family (Sociological Unit); Food; Foreign Countries; *Grammar; Health; Housing; Hygiene; Interpersonal Communication; *Kyrgyz; *Language Patterns; ‘Language skills; Phonology; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Skill Development; Teaching Guides; Transportation; Uncommonly Taught Languages; ‘Vocabulary Development; Weather; Work Environment IDENTIFIERS shopping ABSTRACT ‘The language manual for Xyzgyz was designed for the specific language instruction needs of Peace Corps personnel in Kyrgyzstan. It begins with a brief introduction to the Kyrgyz language, stressing the points at which the Kyrgyz system differs from English, and outlining the Kyrgyz sound system. It then presents 15 topical lessons, each containing sample dialogues from everyday life, relevant vocabulary, phonetic drills, exercises for practicing common phrases, expressions, and structures, grammar rules, exercises for practicing dialogues, self-directed exercises in everyday conversation and grammar, dialogues based on the granmatical structures and new vocabulary and leading to mastery of the particular vocabulary ang structures in natural conversation, and a reference grammar, Lesson topics include: greetings; family; food; housing; transportation; buying items at the kiosk, buying items in the bazaar; grocery shopping; department store shopping; post office; personal appearance; health; weather; daily routine; and the work environment. (MSE) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Peace Corps Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Language Manual Peace Corps Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Language Manual Compiled by: Mairam Abylkasymova Gulaim Jumabaeva Supervised by: Begaim Eralieva, Language Coordinator Typist: Marklen Ajigulov Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan June 1997 Table of Contents Preface The Kyrgyz People A Brief Introduction to Kyrgyz Introductory Phonetic Course Topic 1. Greetings Topic 2. Family Topic 3. Food Topic 4. Apartment Topic 5. Transportation Topic 6. Buying Items in the Kiosk Topic 7. Buying Items in the Bazaar Topic 8. In a Grocery Store Topic 9. In a Department Store Topic 10. Post Office Topic 11. Appearance Topic 12. Health Topic 13. Weather Topic 14. Daily Routine Topic 15. At Work Reference Grammar 4-12 13-24 25-79 80- 96 97-105 106 - 119 120-150 151-159 160-177 178 - 186 187 - 206 207 - 221 222 - 231 232 - 248 249 - 267 268 - 275 276 - 289 290 - 317 Preface This language manual was designed to meet the specific needs of Peace Corps Volunteers learning Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan. The manual is based entirely'on the norms of contemporary conversational Kyrgyz and upon the principles of the communicative competence approach to learning a language. The advantages of learning first the conversational language cannot be underestimated. Language learners who have mastered the elements of conversational language, including pronunciation and intonation, can easily learn the additional elements necessary for understanding the written language. This manual contains the brief introduction to the Kyrgyz language stressing those points at which the Kyrgyz system differs from the English system. It also contains phonetic section, which introduces the sound system of the Kyrgyz language. Each of the lessons contains a number of meaningful phrases which can be used immediately in everyday communication. This manual also includes fifteen conversational topics relevant to every day life. They are: Greetings Family Food Buying Items at a Kiosk Buying Items in the Bazaar Ina Grocery Store Ina Department Store ‘Transportation Apartment Post Office Health ‘Appearance Weather Daily Routine At Work The lessons of this manual are organized in the following common format: 1 Samples of dialogs which are used in every day life. 2 Vocabulary which is relevant to the topic and which is presented in a box. 3 Phonetic drills 4 Exercises for practicing common phrases, different expressions and structures. 5 Grammar rules which are presented in a box. 6 Exercises for practicing dialogs. or 7 Self learning section, containing different exercises on practicing everyday conversation and grammar. 8 Dialogs, based on the grammatical structures and new vocabulary and leading, to mastery of the particular vocabulary, structures and natural use of them in conversation. 9 Reference Grammar contains the Vowel Harmony, the structure of Kyrgyz words, the noun, the case system, declension of nouns, declension of personal pronouns, declension of numerals, grammatical tables with basic declension and conjugation patterns. The authors would be very grateful for any criticism or suggestions on improving this manual. We hope it will help you in learning Kyrgyz and in your effective adjustment to life and work in Kyrgyzstan. Good Luck to all of you! FOR THE US. PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEERS KYRGYZSTAN ~ THE KYRGYZ PEOPLE. ery little is known about the earliest history of the Kyrgyz. In an inscription, written on a funeral stone in 732 AD, the Kyrgyz people are" mentioned as having become the subjects. of another Turkic people, the nomadic Kok Turks. At that time the Kyrgyz lived north of the Kok Turks, in the region of the upper Yenisey river, They were hunters and to a certain extent cattle breeders. By 845 AD the Kyrgyz established themselves in the realm of their former masters who had been overthrown in 742 AD by the Uygurs, another nomadic Turkic tribe. The K6k Turks and Uygurs who had ruled their domains from the Otiikin mountain region, located between the rivers Orkhon and Selenga in present-day Northwestern Mongolia, maintained throughout their history a war and trade relationship with China This relationship was not continued by the Kyrgyz, who are rarely mentioned in Chinese records. It seems that they kept themselves away from Chinese interference and influence. In 940 AD the Kyrgyz were driven out of Northern Mongolia by the Kitay, a Mongolian people, and returned to the Yenisey region which they appeared to have kept under their control. The next major event in the history of the Kyrgyz is their expulsion from the Yenisey into the Altay mountains by the Mongols of Chinghiz Khan in the 13th century. Only in the L6th century did the Kyrgyz arrive in their present habitat, the mountain territory of Kyrgyzstan, Around 1750 the Kalmuks, another Mongol tribe who lived east of the Kyrgyz in present-day northwestern parts of Xijiang, brought indescribable devastation to the region during a series of wars with the Kyrgyz. Between 1860-1870 the Kyrgyz were conquered by the Russians In 1916 the Kyrgyz joined all Turkic peoples in revolt against Russian domination. Their best lands and pastures had been taken away and handed over to Russian settlers. The plan was to have Kyrgyzstan become a region of only Russian settlers, In despair the Kyrgyz revolted. They had no modern weapons and the Russians Killed them in large numbers. The complete records of the massacres were not allowed to become public knowledge; only now, after the Kyrgyz have gained their independence in 1991, are accounts being published. According to one source, two out of every three Kyrgyz perished during the massacres of 1916. There are descriptions of some place where within ten days all men above the age of fifteen were killed. Those Kyrgyz who could escape fled to Eastern Turkistan (now Xinjang Uygur Autonomous Region, China), omy to encounter another disaster — starvation. When those who survived returned to 8 Kyrgyzstan they had to face the revolution; the ensuing years of war communism and the establishment of Soviet colonial rule. During 1929-1932 when Stalin enforced his policy of collectivization and sedentarization, the Kyrgyz, like the Kazakhs, suffered great losses and were deprived of the foundations of nomadic culture. From 1935- 1938, during Stalin’s purges of the non-Russian intelligentsia, the Kyrgyz, too, lost a large number of their writers and intellectuals. The history of the Kyrgyz is a tragic one. They were often on the verge of total destruction, but again and again they rose to their feet and survived. They can rightfully say: “We are the Kyrgyz, we died a thousands deaths, but live a thousands lives." Through all their difficulties the Kyrgyz gained strength from their remarkable epic poem, Manas. It has been said that the Kyrgyz never elected a common leader (khan/khagan) to rule over all their tribes. What united them was the spirit of the hero Manas whom the Kyrgyz came to look upon as their savior. The epic itself is the creation of generations of a special group of oral poets, called manas"ci (singers of epos Manas). In the course of time the epic grew in size. One version recorded from the manas"ci Sayakbay Karallaev has over half a million verses. It surpasses, in volume. the Iliad with 15,693, and the Odyssey with 12,110 lines, as well as the Indian epos Mahabharata. So fond were the Kyrgyz of their hero Manas that they created songs of almost equal length about Manas’ son and grandson, Semetey and Seytek, The epos Manas can be called an encyclopedia in verses of the history, life and culture of the nomadic Kyrgyz. The epos reflects upon historical events, mentioning also those related in the inscription of 732 AD. It depicts the everyday life of the Kyrgyz nomads, as well as the grandiose gatherings, memorial feasts (as”), weddings (toy) and other festivities in which members of all Kyrgyz tribes and the neighboring Kazakhs would participate. A highlight of these festivities were contests, namely poetical contests (aytis”) between poet-singers, in which their ability to improvise was tested. In recent years the tradition of festive gathering has. been revived, and many memorial feasts have been organized in honor of those who lived during the repressive Stalin years. It is also worthwhile to note that, as in the past, these festivities are community affairs. However, in line with modern times, for each feast special funds have been designated to which everyone is invited to contribute. Such funds have: also been established for other Social needs, such as support: for orphans and families with many children, invalids and other groups in; society in need of support during the transition from a planned to market economy on 9 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE KYRGYZ LANGUAGE. 0.1 Kyrgyz is official language. of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, or as Kyrgyz say 0.2 0.3 0.3.1 Agglutinatio Kyrgyz Republic (Keiprbia Pecny6nuxace!) . Kyrgyz is also spoken by the groups of Kyrgyz living in the neighboring republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. There are also large numbers if Kyrgyz located in Xinjiang (Northwest China) and Turkey. No reliable account of the float numbers of the Kyrgyz exist. According to Soviet _ statistics, which tended to underestimate the numbers for the indigenous population in the non-Russian republics, in Kyrgyzstan itself the Kyrgyz comprise 52% of the total population of approximately 4,6 million. Nearly 20% belong to groups ethnically related to the Kyrgyz : Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Tatars and Uygurs. The rest are Russian, Ukrainians, Germans and other. The Kyrgyz language belongs to the family of the Turkic Languages, which together with Mongolian, Manchu-Tungus, and possibly Korean and Japanese, are part of the Altaic Language family. Within the Turkic languages, Kyrgyz occupies a special position. Most scholars include Kyrgyz in the Central or Kipchak Turkic Language sub- group along with Kazakh, Karakalpak and Nogay. However, Kyrgyz displays many linguistic peculiarities not shared by other members of the Kipchak Turkic group. For example, Kyrgyz observes laws of ‘abial harmony, similar to those prevailing in Altay(Oyrot), spoken by a group ot Turkic peoples living in the Altay mountains northeast of Kyrgyzstan Therefore, the Russian scholar N.A. Baskakov classified Kyrgyz together with Altay into special group which he called the Kyrgyz-Kipchak Sub- group. Other scholars (J.Benzing, Karl H. Menges) also agree that the history of the Kyrgyz people and certain characteristics of their language indicate a closer connection with Altay (Oyrot). MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF KYRGYZ. Stems and Suffixes. Kyrgyz, like all other Turkic languages, is an agglutinative language. Agglutination ( “studying” oxyytra (<+ra dat. case) “for studying" Consonant Assimilation When adding suffixes with the initial consonants n(I), H(n), a(d), r(g). 6(b) to stems ending in voiceless consonants, liquids and nasals, Kyrgyz assimilates the initial suffix consonant to the stem final consonant. These consonant changes will be indicated with each suffix introduced in the following materials. 0.5 Order of succession of suffixes. Word-forming suffixes are added first to the stems, followed by grartimatical ‘suffixes (plural, possessive, case suffixes, etc.) Examples: oxy- “to study" oxy-mywi+ “studying” oxy-myui+tyy “scientist, scholar” oxy-yw+tyy+nap “scholars” oxy-myurtTyy+napt+ i613 “our scholars” oxy-mywi+Tyy+nap+biGeis+apin “of our scholars” In noun formations a case suffix occupies the final position. In verb formations the negative suffix -Ga/-Ge (>-na-/-ne-, etc.) is added first to simple or derived verb stems. Examples: ken- “tocome" —en-muu- “to come together; to agree” ken-6e- “not to come” ken-Hu-ne “not having agree” oKy- “to read” oxy-6a- “not to read” oky-T-na_— “not to teach” THE KYRGYZ ALPHABET 0.6.1General Remarks During the course if their history the Kyrgyz have used a number if scripts. Their first alphabet was the Orkhon-Yenisey script, also called the Turkic Runic script, which survivec inscriptions on funeral and memorial stones dating back to the 8th century AD. The “Runic” script was also used by other Turkic peoples gradually adopted the Arabic alphabet in connection ‘with their conversion to Islam, The Kyrgyz became Muslims only in the 19th century. Most likely they used the Arabic script prior to that time, Particularly in their interaction with their Muslim neighbors. The Arabic script which the Kyrgyz started to use in the 19th century was modified in 1923 and signs were introduced to distinguish the vowels 0,u and 6,.i. In 1927 the Kyrgyz, together with all other Turkic peoples of the former Soviet Union, adopted a common Latin alphabet. This alphabet was replaced in 1941 by the Cyrillic, with a few additional letters for sounds non-existing in Russian: 6, Y and H. The Cyrillic alphabet is still used today. A decision has, however, been made to switch in the future to the Latin script. ray w 0.6.2Kyrgyz Alphabet and Rules of Pronunciation. a 56 Be tr aa Ee a x 33 un an Kx Jn Mm Hu HH Oo ee no Pp Cc tT vy bo Xx uu 44 wu Ubuy be blot be 30 10 aa (al (b] [wl] to] [d] Cel [yo] (dj) Gl fi) (yl (a) (k] ti] Im] fe] {yu] tya] like a in English gun like b in English band like w in English wise like g in English go like din English door like e in English pen like yo in English yoke like dj in English jam like z in English zoo iike iin English kiss like y in English yes is pronounced with back vowel: Kos is pronounced with front vowel: Key like | in English cold like m in English me like n in English now like the combination ng in English hunger like @ in English wrong like umlaut 8in German like p in Engtish plum like r in English rose but front like s in English sun like t in English tan like u in English cool like umlaut di in English German like f in English far like h in English hard occur only in Russian loan words pronounced like ch in English change like sh in English shall occurs only in Russian loan words hard sign, occurs only in Russian loan words ike i in English pit but short soft sign, occurs only in Russian loan words occurs in only initial position, pronounced like e like yu in English you like ya in English yard 0.7 PARTS OF SPEECH. AT aToo4 =~. Pronoun “Kum? Kamnep?_ Sune? SmHenep? » 2tmu - Verb OMHe KbuIDbI? Ome ‘kbUIaT? OMHE KbIIbIT okaTat? SmuHe Gonny? ‘Ome Sonyn xKaTaT? Kanter (What do you do? 8art atoo4 - Noun Kum? Omne? (Who? What?) ‘Aca Koay Men Bua tea x What are you doing? Cen —Cunep on cviinetir ‘maapaiir xs Cusaep oiHorT = oTToitT Anap sipaaiir kerepet CblH aTOOY - Adjective “Kannan? Kaiicel? (What? Which of?) ‘Kaiiapinyy alibi watieip KoK euinaak — KwunHe Cax aToo4 - Numeral Kanua? Heve? Kanwanubi? Heyeuun? Karoo? Hesee? (How much(many)? Coipabik ce3gep Interjection Ganut-Bani, ax-0x, oi- oli, aii-ui, wnpKMH, 6up, 6upunan, 6upee, anol TakTooy - Adverb Kanai? Kaxtun? Kava? Kayan? Katina? Kaiiqan? (Where? When? Where from? xan, bingam, Oar Oar, a3, Kor, auuik, suaeii-erige, anra, Ovrvn, apTeH —Form word _ aHAOOM; KOHYHAD, apreinyy, O010HNa, YH, eHen, Yelinn, Gepi. Gaiinamranap; ce6e6u, aTKeHM, ST@p, OLIOHYO, GoulvKrep; ra, xe, Tyypatabl «axa anectyy Cce3ze p; XXQIT-XYAT, WbUNAbIP ~ wbINAbIp, Tape-Type 0.7.1 Nouns Declension of Nouns. Kyrgyz has six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative locative and ablative. As in other languages, cases show the relationship of nouns to other words: in.sentence. With the exception of the nominative, which has no case marker, all other cases are formed by adding case suffixes to noun stems (at horse) or derived noun formations (at+Ta+pbim ‘my horses"). A case suffix is last suffix to be added to nouns. It follows plural and possessive su‘fixes (ar+rap+eimta “to my horses”). Av BS 10 The nominative functions as the subject of the sentence: oxyryyay Kenan “the teacher came”. The genitive is used to express definite ownership, e.g. “the teacher's house” is rendered in Kyrgyz oxytyy4ykyH viv (teacher- of; house-his) The dative case renders direction, expressed in English by the prepositions; "to, into, towards". The accusative states the definite direct object. The Locative indicates iocation, rendered in Englisn by the prepositions “in, at, on”, The ablative expresses separation (English “from”) 0.7.2 Verbs Tenses Tenses are formed in Kyrgyz from verbal nouns (e.g. Ken-reH+)to which personal pronouns or possessive suffixes are added In past tense formations, Kyrgyz does not emphasize the action itself but the physical position of the speaker in regard to the action. It is more important in Kyrgyz to establish where the speaker was when action happened. Was he/she an eyewitness or did he/she only hear about the action? If the latter is the case, then question of whether the speaker heard about it from reliable or unreliable sources must be answered. It is also important to indicate a past action or situation of which the speaker had no previous knowledge but leaned fater about through reliable sources. In each instance, the speaker's position is clearly defined by different past tense formations. Future tenses differentiate between the speaker's perception of whether an action will definitely take place or whether its execution is doubtful 0.8 WORD ORDER The basic word order in a Kyrgyz sentence is subject-object-predicate. The predicate either noun or verb predicate, stands at the end of the sentence. The predicate includes the person/subject: wena “(I saw) he/she/it came” (lit: came-he) oxyyaymyH “lam a pupil" (lit: Pupil -1) Direct and indirect objects precede the predicate. Expressions of time and locality precede the objects or, in their absence, are placed before the predicate-subject. Noun subjects, placed at the beginning of the sentence, are only necessary to identify the third person predicate-subject, because Kyrgyz, like other Turkic languages, does not distinguish gender (see 0.9.1): Kat xasabi “He/she/it wrote a letter” (lit.: letter wrote — he/she/it) Tynvapa kar xasas| = “Gulnara wrote a letter” 16 u 0.9 MAIN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN KYRGYZ AND ENGLISH. 0.9.1 Kyrgyz has no grammatical gender. It does not distinguish between female, male and neutral forms. Depending on the context the third person singular pronoun an may be translated as “he, she, it’. Similarly, the third person in tense formations may be referring to “he, she, or it’. The third person possessive suffix as in kuTe6u does not differentiate between “his, her or its book". 0.9.2 Kyrgyz has neither a definite article (“the”) nor an indefinite article (“a, an”) ‘Only the context indicates whether or not to translate a noun with a preceding definite or indefinite article. 0.9.3 Kyrgyz has no auxiliary verb “to have". Instead, it uses the phrase “my-so- and-so exists (does not exist)" yii-vm Gap (kok), “my house exists (does not exist)”, , “I have (not) a house". 0.9.4 Kyrgyz has no modal verbs such in English “can, could, may, might, will, shall, should, must”, Each of these words requires a rephrasing in Kyrayz. For example: “I must go” is rendered as “my going is necessary” 6ap-yy+M (or Gap-ti+tim) Kepex. “I can go” translated into Gap-yy+m MYMKYH “my going is possible” or Gap-a anamuH/anam. Various construction are also used to express English “shalt, will, want” Bap-reitm Kenan “i want to go” (lit: my desire to go has come) 6ap-aiein “1 will go”. 0.9.5 Kyrgyz has no verb “to need”. The English phrase expressed as “to me bread necessary" mara HaH Kepek. need bread" is 0.9.6 Although direct imperative forms exist, Kyrgyz frequently refrains from using them in polite speech. A command will be rendered as advice: “if you do so, it would be good” meaning “you should do it’, e.g., “are Gapcanbis xaKwe! Gonor. 0.9.7 Instead prepositions Kyroyz uses postpositions requiring specific case suffixes of the preceding noun as, 8.9. KuiAMH “after”: mexten+tTeH (abl) KMiMH “after schoo!” 0.9.8 For expressing adverbs of manner like “always, fast, unexpectedly", Kyrgyz makes use of verb compounds consisting of the main verb in a converbial - (o)n/-(u)n or -a/-e from followed by a verb denoting a movement of their be “I 12 etc.) which describes haw the action expressed in the converbial form proceeds: Byn mektente oxyn xypemyH — “I study (for some time) at this schoo!” (lit: Istudy and go on, doing so). 0.9.9 Finally, Kyrgyz has neither dependent clauses, nor does it have subordinating conjunctions “when, before, after, since, while, that, which, who” etc. The English dependent clause ‘when he came" is rendered “ at (his) coming”: ken-rentne. Likewise, English relative clauses correspond in Kyrgyz to attributive phrases: “ a letter which was written" translates into “having written letter": -agpuiraH Kar. 18 (a) (a9) (39) (sn) (0) (30) (9b) (wa) ABC (AaTeneiuer 56. (6s) Ee (ie) Un (u) Mm (3m) @e (0) Tr (19) Xx (xa) uy (usa) (soft sign) 99 (9) andasvt - pronunciation) (89) tr (Ho) 2K (ua) Kx (9H) HH (na) Pp vy) YY (us) 44 (hard sign) blot Ow (iy) Aa ig (ra) (Ka) (ka) (IH) (ps) () (49) (bl) (iia) uw Aa 56 Tr aa Bs BO). AsTo6yc Banta Banka - Tr Auean ta READ ara, ana, Oana, aiiaa, bipaa, kaHua, aifT, Takuip, cypa, Kalina, Kan4ana, Tapa, kannak, akya, TaMak, Yakbip Gana, Oviine, aGan, GyrvH, Sew, Obiviuin, kaGap, Gep, Guin, Cunum, Gy, Gaui, Gop, Genex, ceGen, Gop6op, oGoH, anal, Ta, GyrvH, warvy, MepreH, ara, KnMre, 9MHesepre, 9rMH, Myranum, ara, Tamra, anra. Aaiwima, aiina, nalina, manger, Kaiiaa., Keneli, aentep, AYKeH, ANpeKTOP, manga, OyiHe, ganaii, xongow, aoc, kaliga. asia aux Sanat Ganbik 6 Sve READ Ee mek, cel, Genek, awek, TAnex, xeNeK, SMHe v4vH, KepeK, MepreH4n, Gewnk, exe, OxKe, SHE, KEKE, CEPM3, KET, CeKCeH, KETHMMLL Ok Kaul, KON, MaHDKa, Taka, KOXE, KYTYP, KUGEP, AT, KBINAbI, -KAKUbI, xaMal, KaTTA, KYPrOH-Typral, OMHe KEHYHAS, XyMa, a3, 33 3amal, agamaT, KbIShIN, KbI3bIK, A3BIK, TY3, TY3, XV3YM, Ke3, KeaneMe, Torys, KbISMAT, OTY3, a9, 23, apSaH, Tepese, Keane, TH3Me, Vane. Un vite, Guiine, Temmp, xeTHM, Guanm, Kennumm, 6p, Kip, MEH, vnwM, WT, TAU, 4, KMTEN, MiirMANK, THAeK, GuneK, wHK, THaMe. Aa att, catipa, kaiipa, Kui, Kuiivn, Gniine, naiiaa, kaiiaa, ait, bina, cbiiina, yi, Bylipyk, vi, vine, YipeH, KbiiKbIp, Galina, xait, mai. ene dxbinmbls —.KyMyPTKA >karak Kaine ARK e@ ¥ 16 Kuten 6alla Mu S22 Hos Mauna HaH HH&.... READ KK — KbiSbik, KISbIN, Kagak, aKbIpKEI, CaBAK, Tapak, KMTeN, KUNeM, AYKOH, KAT, aK, KOK, OKMOT, MYFIK, KVM, Ka/IMAK, KOM, KO3, KbIPK, KAU), KYMIAK. Tn Gana, wana, snvy, antel, canbi, Canbik, anTbI, Cant, Kan. antic, xanga, XbIN@aH, KbISBIN, KEIMBIC, Kein, Gun, GUNN, HAMM, Kan MM aij, gaiibima, TeweH, Mongo, Maina, MauIMHa, eKmerT, CYinem, xeHmeMme, GauskapMa, MaKCaT, MMH KM, KMMEP, MeHMH, MeKeH HA Happ, Haiiga, Hal, Kevan, saMaH, KYH, KyHYTS, OrrvH, TYH, TYHo@, amali, Nakaw, KaMaH, Hagik, xaMaH, Havap, OH, TOKCOH, CeKCeH HA Mui, TeH, xeHe, CHHAN, HHP, MaHbis, xaNAH, TaH, TAHbIpKa, aNabs, >kaHxaN, KOHN, EHV, KH, MEH, XE, 42H, OH. keme SaMoH nalisa malt TOOK cypOt otyPry4 Caat READ Oo = opyc, oxy, Kopo3, TOO, OpyH, COHYH, OTyPry', O10H, OM, ONO, OHO, Gonmo4oK, TOrONOK, KOHOK, MOHNG, COM, XOMOK, TOOK, OLUOHAO. @e OKMOT, xEHO,63, OHOP, KOXE, KOHYTY, AYKEH, Cyne, YiiNe, MeeHeT, CYpeT, YAPeH, KOK, KEK, KEN, KOMYP, KOHYN, CeiKe, siya, TEMOH. fin naga, tan, >«an, can, anbipt, canap, win, ana, xanaiibl, Qentep, annex, nevmn, 3nte, kentep, Ken, 3Men, 2%*anbis, KaNbIP, TON. Pp Gap, kaGap, Havap, canap, apbik, Caps, KbIDK, KbIZbIPMa, adbIP, bipaxmar, Tepese, OTypry4, Kapa, CYPeT, KYTYP, KAP, Tap, xap, TapT. Co cyiine, cony, acman, xaca, makcaT, ca6ua, ceKceH, caak, canamar, came, C¥ITYP, CYPT, Opyc, AYPYC, Canam, Coo. Ko KoHrypoo. caat 18 yy vy oo 44 blot 90 yy ope noprdens Yenek READ Twnek, TanaHT, KATAP, aTTAap, KaTbIH, CanTaHaT, Canamar, TbivibIH, Twn, Torys, TOKCOH, KaT, XaTTa, air, Ca/IT, Tepese, KeT, XeT, Tune. yk, ywyn, kyaaii, Kyyayn, yyn, ynyy, Myranum, okyy4y, cypa, Gyt, ykTa, YKYK, CYMYy, KYY, YAK, KATYY, KA3YY, YRMYLL, TYYFAH, yiiky. vii, AYKOH, MYnK, TYNKY, MY4O, CVATY, YATY, Ky, CYIN®, AYEIHO, AYHTYIIO, KYMOH, YiipeH, per, TYWYH, TYWYHAYp, CYMNEM, KOHYK, OMY, KEMYD. oraps, dpanuna, Va, Kobra, despans, mapahor, mopdbonorus, doronorna, punbm, dawuam, aduwa, dusuosorva, tu, mind, Tuy, dunocodns. 4OH, “bIPaK, a4KbIN, akYa, GackbI4, Tenku4, 4, Yaa, aii, a4Ka, yapya, yay, 4e4, aKYYY, SYKU, V4KM, KM4MHeKed, 4YTYPeK, 4aH, cYpTKy4, Kayan, vavu, waviuip, aawkava, waman, Tavawia, Gaw, nuiTe, xawa, Caw, Geu, KenvWwhM, Tanaul-TapTblu, Wau, WAWKANaK, WaWNbIK, TYLL, KYPOUs, wiaap, vy, Tune, bipaxmar, bipaii, bIPac, BINA, CbINA, AalbIMa, TbILUKDI, aKbIPKbI, @3bIPKbI, aTbIP, KBISBIK, KBITMBIP, bIAMaN, TRIBIH, KbIbIH, CalibiH, CbIAbIH, KAaMbID, CaMbIH, SUK, WeK, MOSHET, 9pKe, 9PKEK, BpTe, SPTeH, Bra, aMHE, SMepeK, 39H, SIMK, 99H, 99, S9p, MAB, KBaNE, N99P, 9rMH, — MaaNeN, 699, 99K,K39, 24 19 4 bul Skea Ware anrbl ord” sow a- ob cabak kanbip Toll bipais aca waKtip Keslikbp wiina aman aK Teak bina kainaa alice MewHa ant >xbITuIpMa, keipk abnan anwic bipaak Guinn o-y kopoa opyy kyyaya ynax oto oryp yrys cypa ‘oronox coHyH yey ynyypaax owon yusya TOKCOH Torys yuyiia owona0 opycsa yurynnait ynam READ s/e-u Genex ‘suink Guan kunem xerene keTup vanp vwen Keren enn Onin u6ex sureme ceH# Gupaeme cexcen 3K Oupansn Gexep kemnuae Twrange uarepn n A nex e-y exmer keHYA vary crper xaHo koHYK TYUvH cvaine Gonox Tern GvrviKy kymon eanepy eayM GyrvH Tepree TopTynsy yaynuy Gorenve eave Grew rHn9 20 KA Kbl KO KY KbIs- girl ko3y - lamb a yilak - goot oon ais Kpipres Tan ak - bring up 1. Listen, repeat and read. C(rbt) eee Kbip-TeisMay-ra-uM TA bl FO Ty kuipreia Tan ~ the kyrgyz language Tawra = letter cabarei - his/her lesson myranun - teacher Carbin ~ Sagyn (name) na - flower rysinee - blooming - Byn kvm? - Byn myranun - Byn kvm? - Byn Carbit -Byn K tamracel - By T Tamracet K ae (9, 4, 8, ¥) OKM, KMM, KY/IKY, KEM, KeEPOM. (a, 0, y, bi) OKy, KaT, KBIW, Kysak, TOKOV r <= (9, 4, 8, ¥) evar, xyrepy, cerna, Terepek (a, 0, y, bl) Carbi3, cysry4, *KOrOpKy 26 21 Listen, repeat, read. Mind the pronunciation. HH 40H ara oKaH-rak 4OH HE 6a-abi-paH Byn - 4or ava Byn - oH ake. HH men mex Men HoH wa 4aH oka >aHbIT ali aH! Byn - Syn - Oo 00 Koos ——_«kbip-roon TooK KOOH cak-Too JN Too - mountain T00k ~ hen 003 - nice, beautiful KoOH + melon Kbiproon —- pea cock cakToo —- protection oKyy - read oxy ~ study TOKO wood/forest ovo - play TOK TooK 03 003 Gos 6003 22 Ge Tee koo-Kep ©-peeH Qeo-net Mbina Yen. Yen - bICbIK. Tee yenge. Keexep enge - up bicbik-Ken - Issyk-Kul 30H ~ river Omyp - life/(name) gym - myself OckeH - (name) e3Y - himfelf/herself Teo - camel e3vH = yourself epeon - valley Kon - sea KeeKep = (national dish) ken > many, much ceek ~ bone epaeKk -duck yy oy y-ayy -— ey water Oxyy - aK-kyy “swan 6Ounum yayy = great oynyy - beautiful Oynarbl yyny - his/her son ‘okyy - study 6yy - steeam 6y_ - this Make distinction. kyp - strap kyyp fry kyn = slave ky - cunning yp - beat yypy - thief cyp - gray cyyp - suslic (a kind of ground squirrel) 28 23 Yy veKy kvpn Ky-KyK enn qynekyRYAYK Yey, Yin, KYKYK - KaHaTyy KYLUTap. Bysl vHayk. Byn Tynky. Byn KY4YK. vp ypyv Ky kyaTyy Kya Kynyy Tp Trea Byn omHe? = aKa, waliHek yaTeip wunkan 1. Yaka MeHeH cyy TaweiléT 3. YaTbip xaaHAaH Kankanain. 2. YaiiveKreH 4ait myer. 4. Ypwikah Gyynaid Keir. & —_——_—— Byn omne? kyany KOHBKI CES kaprowKa 1. KyOuk MeHeH ofHorT. 4, Kaprowixa MeHeH TamaK Kinat. 2. Kynny meHeH Gexuer. 5. Keme cyyna cysor. 3. KoHDKN weHeH My3 TeOer. 24 CA Ra Byn omue ? Kanennnp Kapanaau konanak katen 1. Kanemnupay Tamakxa Kowor. 2. Kapangaui MeHeH cypet TapTar. 3. Kenenek xalieinna Kener 4. Kutent oxyitt. Byn omne ? Mauna Gyr mania MIUIEIK 1. Maina >kvK TawibiiiT ~ 2. Byr mauuvna Kui THreT. 3. Mbluibik 4BIYKAH KapMaitT. TEMA: CA/IAMAALUYY. KOLUTOLLYY. GREETINGS. PARTINGS. Bupunan ca6ak 1 (6up) First lesson 7 (one) YOU WILL LEARN : * To express simple greetings; GRAMMAR : * Noun. Nominative Case \oF - Canam Acax, vutep Kanai? - Paxmar, AKU - Canam! - Canam! - Menu atbim Acal, CeHMH ate KUM? + Mennn ateim Ava. CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. EXERCISE: Listen and act out dialogues. - Canam Aiwa! - Canam Acan! ~ Kannaii? Kama 9mec. ~ Kanna? ~ Kakuubl, esvHyy? > Anvinya. to Be 26 VOCABULARY Canam! - Hil Katinaii/Mumep Karnali? - How are you? leaves? = And how are you? PaxMat, >aKUIbI ~ Thanks, fine, bKamar amec./Anuiita, - Not bad. Cenmn arein Kum? - What is your name? Menu aTbim - My name is - This - Who? - What? a a Read and practice ~ Ceti atbit Kum? Menvi atbim Mapai. Menu ateim Acan. Meni ateim Camar. - Meni arbi Arai. ~ Mexuwn ateim Ucmann. 1.PHONETIC DRILL Listen, repeat and practice a-ar bi - Bip. o-oT y-yt 9- 9T w- ur 0- oT y-yt Listen, read and practice a-TbIM M-UMM @- 3YM -TbIk =~ WMH © - SYH -Tbl oM-WK @-3Y Vuwtep kaHaain? Vwtepym >xaKulbl. Vutepum 2kamat amec. Vwrepum anbinua. Paxmar, AKI. OsvHayH MuWTepnH KaHali? 32 27 2.GRAMMAR There are two questions in NOMINATIVE CASE #1 Kum? - Who? denotes only people Qmue? - What? => denotes animals and inanimate subjects. The nominative case is used to denote subjects. 3) a $ kuren Acan oou foes Tepese wyranmmt ane nae LS mes sonorrep Byn Matix Byn warren Byn Kotpun Byn nocka Byn Acan Byn Byn Tepese Byn kum? omne? Byn crynert Byn woiusbiK yn wyranun Byn ur WHO? WHAT? 33 28 Ex 1. KVIM? OMHE? peren cypooro oon GepreH cosnepay okure Genvn xaarbina Divide these pictures in two groups WHAT? and WHO? Ex 2. Byn cegnepavy wanted KMM?, SMHE? sereH cypooro >xoon GepreH cesgepay Tan akure Genryne Identify the words, which answer the questions WHO? and WHAT? and divide them in two groups Araii, axel, MyranvM, Kuen, Gop, Tepese, oKyy¥y, Kanem, SUNK, Acai, nentep, nocka, Mulubik, wT, MexTen, KoTpinl, Marpwk, THe 34 - 2 : | OBvHHY? 29 Ex 3. Cypoo Gepun, cypoonopro xoon Geprune Ask questions What is this?. and Who is this? and By KUM? BY) SMHE? } ‘a ") “ Ex 4. A\vanoray kepektyy ce3qep MeHeH GyTyn, aHaH TyYreYHEp MeHeH OMHOryNa. Complete these conversations with suitable words and then practice them with a partner a) 6) - Aviwa! . - Canam ! - Canam ! - 2 2 - Kaman amec. = Mennn arbim £kon. CeHMH arbi Kum? - Canam Acai. J ~ Paxmar. = 30 Ex 5. a) 6) LET'S TALK Aanorpy tyarvne. Make up a dialogue. Aocyk mexen canampawibin atin vwrepn xKeHYHAS cypa. Greet your friend and ask him/her about his work and well being. >Katbiigarel CTYAEHT MeHeH CanaMfaubin TaaHelu. O3YHAvH @TBIHAbI air, AHbIH aTbIH Cypa. Greet your neighboring student and introduce yourself and ask him/her about him/herself. @oviay rpynnanauiuna TaanbiUITop. Introduce yourself to some ef your classmates. 36 31 TEMA: CA/IAMAALIYY. KOLWUTOWYY. GREETINGS. PARTINGS Okunun | Second ca6ak lesson 2 (9Kn) (two) YOU WILL LEARN : * To express simple greetings; * To take leave; GRAMMAR : * Polite endings; CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. EXERCISE: Listen to and act out the Or a) - Canamarceia6ut! ~ Canamarabineik! ~ Vstepwns Kanga? ~ Kakubl, paxar. 6) - Kanaaiicus? ~ Paxmat, 2kaKUs, + Vusrepins xakubi6oi? - Kaku 8) - Canamarceis6e! Aviwa-ana! - Canamarabinoix Aca! - Ben coonyryny3 Kannan? = Paxmat, 2kakUsbl - Canamarra 6onyrya, ana. ~ >Kaxuubt 6ap dialogue. - r) - Canamarceis6e! araii! + Casiamarubineik. - Cua Ka4a KaUsTACEIS? - Mex 45 (kbipk Seu) KauiTaMbIH, e3vHHY? - Me 18 (oH ceria) kaWTaMbIH. 37 32 A) - Accanom anetixym! e) = Cu kaiiaan kenaunna ? - AnevixyM accanom! - Mew Amepnxanay enamm - Vwrepwks Kanna? + Cus oryiicys6y xe uurrericna6u? - Kama amec ~ Melt oKyiimy. = Kab) Kaen. - Mex nuTedinnn. - Canamarra Gonyry3. eres! CONCK a3, VOCABULARY |Canamatcu26ul? oa |Canamarupiibik | es Hello JAnevikym accasiom - Mutepmnna Kanaan? - How are things? MwTepans xKakiubt6bI - How are things? |Dex-coonyryxys Kanaan? - How's your health? Cu3 kaH¥a x«aluTacbI3? - How old are you? Mex 40 xawrtambin. - 1am 40 years old Cus kavinan Kenannna? = Where are you from? Mex AmepukanaH Kenan - 1am from America Cus oxyiicys6y xe vustedicus6u?- Do you study or work? Men oxyiimyl ~ 1 study . PHONETIC DRILL T. Listen, repeat and practice. bia - cya - CMS - cya. M@H - CeH - CHS - an HIS - Hy3- HHS - Hy3 63 - emnep - cuaaep - anap 2. Listen, repeat, read and practice MeH - MeHVH cen - ceHnH cua - ov3saMH an - aHbik M@HUH aTbIM, CeHMH aTbIH, CM3DMH aTbINbI3, aHbIH aTbI 33 2.GRAMMAR Polite endings in the kyrgyz are very important. When we speak to older people, to a teacher, to superior and to a new acquintance we use the following polite endings. _| Adjective + -cwis, -cu3 adverbs. Cy3, -CY3 7 EXAMPLE: >kaKiub! + Cbig + GbI - Are you fine? canamat + cbi3 + 6bI - Are you fine (health)? ynyy + cys ~ You are older? ~HbI3, -HY3- 7 Noun +2perspossend. + “hiy3" es EXAMPLE: nu + uf + Hua, your business AeH-coonyk + yf ‘ys your health Oky + yA, + ya’ your Classes oc + f+ va your friend EXAMPLE: a) Gap + biHbIs. go please yk + yitys listen please kup + HAS come in please kop + Yuva look please 6) mextenke Gap + a + obI3 + 6b! - Will you go to school? 34 kaiina Gap + a + opis + Where will you go? amuere Oap + a + Cbi3 - Why wit! you go? 3.PRACTICE. Ex1 Cyiinemgepay cbinbik bopmacbiHbiH MyYenepy meHen Gytypryne. Complete the sentences with a polite endings. Canamat____, AeH-coonyk kaa , Kanal ken, » KAKWEL canamat, , Ken oopy___, ynyy_ Ex 2. Cbinbik opmafarb!l MYYenePAYH acTbIH CbIsrbiNa, Ex 3. - Cus nwreticua6u? Underline polite endings. KenuiW3, CanaMaTcEis6e!, AeH-COonYTYHy3, Gapbiis3, OTYPYHYS, Crinonva, KagaHbis, OkyHY3, KaTanaNtsa, Cypanur, TYPyHys Byn cypoonopay tyreiivHY3aeH Cypalbi3 «aHa OpyH anmauikeina. With a partner take turns asking each other these questions. Cisann nen-coonyryrys KaHnain? - Cvs Kaiipan Kenankns? - Cus oxyiioya6y? 40 35 Ex 4. Oxwou auanor Tyaryne. Make up similar dialogues. + Canamarobis6e1 axe! > Canamaruinbik! ~ Deu-coonyryxys Kannan? - Paxwart, xamaH amec. Cu3 kumcu3? + Met Ayxeiin. Byn PoGepr. + Cus Kaiinal Kenawnis? Mex Muyuranaak Kengum. MeH MyranvmMu. Ex 5. Temerky ceagepay, ces alikawrapbiH KonaoHyn A@vanor Ty3aryne. Make up dialogues using the following words and expressions. a) canamarubintik, >xakulbi, AeH-COonyk, MUTED KaHAAl xaMmaH aMec, paxMaT, CanamaTcuis6u. 6) Kaiigati kenamnna? Cvs oxyricys6y? Amepukanal, MeH, VUTEMMMH, MEH OKyMMyH, MUITepMHH3 KAKUbIOEI? canamatra Gonyrys Ex 6. Tyypa cypoonopay taan opayHa koliryna. Ask the correct questions to the given answers below. a) ee OKakuubl, paxmat 6) eee Aneiikym canam By) Canamatapineix 0) Mex muterim Mex oxyiim ‘Amepvkanan Byn Po6ept Byn Maiixn AL 36 1) 3) ) 2) 3) Ex 7. Byn evporte AcaH TemeHnery kalicb! canampawyyHy KONAOHOT. Which expression can Asan use in this picture? Canacarcui36el! Accanom aneiixytal Canamarcwia6e! araii! >Koon 6epyy: Canamarubineik Accanom aneiixym! Canamaruoineix! LET’S TALK Ex 8. Aanor tysrvne. Make up dialogues. a) You are walking along the street. A native speaker wants to get acquainted with you, Introduce yourself, talk about yourself and ask him/her about him/herself. b) You are at your site. Get acquainted with your colleague. Ask him/her as many questions as you can. Answer his/her questions, about yourself. ©) Greet and get acquainted with an old aksakal. As him as many questions as you can. 8) You are at your site. Get acquainted with your school's director. Tell him where you are from. You are 20 years old. 42 37 TEMA: CASIAMAALUYY. KOLUTOWYY. GREETINGS. PARTINGS. YuyHay Third : Canasruauar \/Keaugabcus? ca6ak lesson 3 3 (ya) (three) YOU WILL LEARN : * To greet people and to be greeted; GRAMMAR : * Plural forms of nouns; CONVERSATIONAL™ PRACTICE. EXERCISE. Listen and act out the dialogues. pace a) - Canamatcnisgap6e! Gangap! - Canamarabinbik oxen! - Cynep kavigah kenayep? - Bug Amepukafah Kenan. 6) - Canamarcuisgap6u? ~ Canamaranintik! - Vustepviiep Kanaaii? > Paxwar, aku ~ Aen-coonyryuap Kanna? + AGnal KAKU 38 8) > Canam Aiwa! ~ Canam Ycou! - Bynap Kumaep? - Bynap sonontepnop (myranumnep, crynenttep, oxyysynap) + Anap/Bynap xaiinan kena? : , ) = Cnep oxylicyrap6u? ~ Anap Awepukanan Kenaw/kennurmn, © Coe noys ~ Amepikanan Kengmiep6n? - Oo6a, 6n3 AMepwkanaH KenaMK. 1) = Vwrepiiiep xaKuibi6u1? ~ Paxmar, xawan aMec a) ~ Kanaaiicbinap? - Kygalira wiyryp. VOCABULARY Canamarcvisnap6u? ~——- Hello Kaypaiiceinap? - How are things? Vwrepnnep Kanna? —_- How are things? en-coonyryxap KaKaaii?- How is your health? Kynaiire avryp, - Not too bad Cunep = you Bus -we Bynap + These Anap + those Myranum - teacher Oxyyyy ~ student JAMepukanbiknbis = Americans 1, PHONETIC DRILL 1. Listen, repeat and practice. fap - nop - nep - ep fap - nop - Aep - AEP Tap - Top - Tep - Tep 2. Listen, repeat and practice. kM - KUMBep oMHe - oMHenep an - anap cua - cranep v3 - cua - cbIa - cya - CYS 3. Listen, repeat, read and practice 39 Bana - Ganaap ctynent - ctynexttep Kel ~ Koiaap cua - cusnep yranum - wyranmupep Tepese - Tepesenep kuTen - KuTentep BONOHTep - BOnOHTepnap oxyysy - oKyy4ystap aentep - aentepnep 2.GRAMMAR PLURAL FORM OF NOUNS KUMMEP? Who are they? SMHEJIEP? What are they? The plural suffix +nap is added directly to nouns , before possessive and case endings.The plural suffix can also be added to pronouns. After vowel and “i”, “p"+ -nap, -nep, nop, -nep. After voiced consonants + _-nap, -nep, = -nep. ‘After voiceless consonants + _-Tap, -Tep TOP, -Tep. Gana - Gangap Tepese - Tepesenep Kia - KeignAp kuTen - kuTent ep KVIMBEP? ‘SMHESIEP? exe - axenep MbIUbIK - Mb bIKTAD ana - ananap ur - urtep 40 Tomeriky cesgepay Kenuvavk @opmara KenTupun xasrbina. Fill in the required endings. MODEL: TEPESE. - TEPESEDIEP Ac, AOKTOp, napTa, kanem, AenTep, AMPeKTOp, Myranum, cTymeHT, Aocka, Sop, kuTen, nama, ryn Temonky ceanepay KendvavK Typre KenTupnn akure 6enyn xasrbina. Give the plural form endings for the following words and divide them in two groups. MODEL: Kumpep? Omnenep? araiinap yerengep Koia, MYranM, MOCKa, KANEM, MbILIBIK, HT, BONOHTep, OvaHECMeH Ex 3. -nap -nlop -nep -nep Temenky KenTYK bOpMaHbIH MYYenepyH KonAOHyr cesnepazy Tysryne. Using these plural form ending make as many words as you can. -Aap -Tap -n0p -Top -nep -Tep -nep -Tep 46 41 Ex 4. Toon cesnepay oxyn, aHrnuc Tunune KoTopryna. Read the following words and translate into english. Kum? Kumpep? Que? Smnenep? 6ana.- 6annap repege - Tepesenep: xis - Kbianap napra - napranap axe - oxenep kurTen - kuTentep axel - axeinep MbILUBIK - MbIUbIKTap Myranum - wyranuuaep oxyy - oKyynap cryaent - crygextrep wacruTyr ~ uHeTATyrrap oxyyuy ~ oxyyuynap Kowa - kewenop Ex 5. Cyporty xaparsina, Temonky cesnep MeHeH TyreivHepre cypoo Geprune. AHal OpyH a/nmawein vuirerune. Look at this picture. Using the following words ask your partner questions. Then take turns doing so. Smuenep, kumgep, napranap, oKyyyynap, oTypry¥Tap, kuTentep, Gangap, Kbi3qap. 47 42 Ex 6. a) 6) 5. LET'S TALK Auanor Tsrvno. Make up dialogues. Cus Supnnun xony MeKTeNke KenauHns. Keismarrawrap MeHeH CanaMaaubin, TAaHbILLbIHIS. You are visiting your school at your site. Greet and get acquianted with your colleagues. introduce yourself and ask them as many questions as you can. Cen knaccka Kupann, Gannap mee canampawnn, okyysapbi XeHYHAe Cypa. You are in your classroom. Greet your students and ask them about their classes 48 43 TEMA; TAAHBILLYY. GETTING ACQUAINTED. TeptyHuy Fourth ca6ak lesson 4 4 (tept) (four) YOU WILL LEARN : * To introduce yourself; * To introduce somebody. GRAMMAR : * Personal pronouns; * Possessive pronouns (plural) CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. EXERCISE. Listen to and act out the dialogues. a) - Canamarctisnap6e? - Menu aruim Maiipam, Met myranvaaut. 6) - Ceume areir kum? ~ Mewun arbim Kou. ~ Cen katinan Kenan? - Mev! Amepukanay Kenan. ~ Con myranuawcni6n? - KOK, Men BonoHTepMyH, 8)» Byn Kum? ~ Byn MeHvH oCyM. - AlLoxyysy6y? ~Kox, an BonoHTep r) - Cy3 kaigan Kenannvs ? - Men Kanudopxuanan Kenau. ~ CygaMH aTbIHbI3 Kum? 7 Ait ove eam? 7 Maus aren Tlatpk. Cus KaH4a xawTaceia? + Auibilt are! Matixn Men 47 >xausvanein 49 44 A) - Taanbiuein Kol . Byn MeHMH nocym. ATb! AcaH. + TaalbiuskaHibima KyGaHbiuTyymyH Meu aruim Kum, [VOCABULARY Cen myranumcun6u? —— Are you a teacher? An oxyyuy6y? - Is he (she) a student? TaaHeiuin Koi - Let me introduce you to my friend JAHbIH aTEt - His name is ... [raateuKarbima KyGanbiuTyyMyH_- Nice to meet you 1. PHONETIC DRILL. 1. Read, repeat: H - kavan, kaiiaan, wen, ceH, KaHaali, aHaH, samaH H - ara, aTbi, 4oH, KengMH, Oapabii, KeEpAYH, 3H 2. Listen, read and practice H - mex-meHun, an-albin, AcaH, BonoHTep, L)KOH, Kar. H - men, ovinowva, kenunns, Typyitys, Sapbiria, KANBIHbI. 3. Listen, repeat. Notice the articulation of K and T. K = ka-ko-Ky-ky-kbI-Ki To = ra-ro-ry-ry-rui-ri Kannaii, kaiina, Kol, Kyn, Ket,kuTen,kyT, Mara, cara, myranum, araij, cbisrel4, cerns. 4. Listen, repeat and practice. ~ TaaHeisin Koii(yitya). ~ Cen kaiway Kenan? ~ Byn MeHVH nocyn. - Men AmepvkanaH Kenan ~ By MeHMH oxeM. - Mex KaHsacraH Kenaum, - Byn MeHMH anaM. - Meu iOranan kena. - Byn MeHMH atam. ~ Men Heio-MopkTon kenaim. - Byn MeHVH MyranuMmuM. - Mex CnernpaH kenaum a5 2. GRAMMAR The Kyrgyz Language has no grammatical gender. It does not| distinguish between female and male or neuter forms. Depending on the| context, the third person pronoun “an” is translated as "she/he/it” PERSONAL PRONOUNS Person | Personal Endings pronouns. T= [Mew - 1 =MbIH, -MMH, -MYH, -MYH 2 Cex - You =ObIM, -CMH, -CYH, -CYH 3 Cus" = You(polite) [-ces, -cvs, -cys, -cns 4 An_- She/he EXAMPLE: ‘An oxyy4y , Myranm good Men >xaKUIbMbIH Cen >aKUbICRIA Cus >xakUIbiCdi3 An KAKU! Mex okyy4ymMyH, MyranwMMiH Cen oxyysyoy, myrannmont Cus oxyysycys, Myranumens beautiful cynyysayn cynyycy# cynyyeys cynyy wn re 46 Mex Cen Cra Mex Cen Cus 3.PRACTICE Ex 1. KOK my¥onepay Tyypanan Koliryna Fill the appropriate personal ending. Mew oxyyay _. Men cryaenr, , Mew aoxtyp, ‘i Cen aupexrop___, An myranma, , Cua aipoory An Gniiun___, Con Guinan , Cua crygenr. Ex 2. >Kaktama aTOo4¥ MeHeH 3aT aTooUTy Tyypanan Tankbina. Match the personal pronouns with the nouns. bipybictis MunMyMoHep bIpYbIMBIH BIPYBICEIH bIpYbt G a bipubt MyranuMMnn myranumcuH, Myranumcns myranum naxrasbl, MunuunoHep myranum manta, naxraup! GRAMMAR genitive case endings. possession/ownership. To express the English pronouns “my, your, his, her, its” the Kyrgyz use possessive suffixes. Possessive suffixes are} Genitive case expresses Personal Pronoun : Genitive . He a (OUN + Personal ending a7 1 Meuun 2. Cex + 3. Cu3guu Hy3 4. AxblH MEH - MEHUH AOcyM, KbisbiM, Ganam { - My CEH - CEHUH AOCYH, Keishi, Ganay You - Your cus - CASOMH You - Your (polite) AOCYHYS, KbISbIHEIS, Gananpis AN - AHBIH he/she/it_- his/her/it's Wocy, Kbisbi, Ganacsi 48 Ex 3. Temenky cosqepayn aarbita Taangbik MY¥enepay ko1on, cylinom Taryne. Make up sentences with these words. Supply the missing endings. MODEL: By meni kure6__ - Byn meu Knte6um Byn MewuH | cyper. . KOMYS. , kuten___ Bynceuwy | tepese___, mexren___, Kia Byn cusaun | 6ana_ obIsr eM, Byn | arait. , xe, , ana___, ata, Ex 4. TeMeHKY aT AaTOOY M@HEH 3aT AaTOONTOpAY TaaH~bIK Ex 5: myyenep Goionya Tyypanan Koiryna. Match these possessive pronouns with nouns according to their personal possessive endings. Crean | xnrarrin Conn | enxonva | aocynya | ava Temexky Avanoray Gytypyn, ofHoryna Complete and practice these dialogues. aTbIHBIS KM? core at____ xm? arom Kanar ~ Meni ar____ xon. yrannmcn36u? = Cenvi nocy___—- Gaps? myranum, + Mew pocy Gap. - Cennn vi____kaiina? - Menun vii___ Amepukana 49 LET'S TALK. Ex 6. Awanor Tyaryne. Make up dialogues. a) Balikenna qocyH KOHOKKO ¥akbipraH, @3y vine xox. Hocy meHeH * cyiinewviys: O3vHYsAY Ta@HbIWTbIPLIHLIs >%aHa aHgaH cypoonopay cypanuss Your host brother invited his friend to home, but he himself had to leave. Speak with his friend, introduce yourself and ask him as many questions as you can. b) Cus 90K RocyHysayKyHa >albi NOCyHyS meHeH GapmbiKeia. AHbI AOcTOpyny3ra TaaHbiWTeIPbIHbIs (AHbIH aTbi Avapa, 20 >kauTa, an Buuixextet) You are visiting your old friends with a new friend. Introduce her to your friends ( Her name is Anara, she is 20 years old from Bishkek) c) Cvsam mektenke xe vHCTuTyTKa KeNere YaKbIDAbI. KeNaoHHH aTbi “Kenrune Taawiuanb!". Cvspn 63vHY3 xeHYHRe aliTbin Gepray cypauite You are invited to a party at your school or institute. The theme of the party is “Let's get acquainted", You are asked to speak about yourseff. d) You are travelling to Osh. Introduce yourself to your neighbour, tell him/her where you are going, ask him/her questions about him/her. e) You are a teacher from Colorado states in America. You are’28 years old, married, have two children, Your wife/husband is 30 years old, a doctor. Introduce yourself to someone and ask him/her questions about him/herself. xt 50 TEMA: TAAHDILUYY. KOLUTOLYY. GREETINGS. PARTINGS “Bewwnsn Fifth caGak lesson 5 5 (Gew) (five) YOU WILL LEARN : * To ask for and give personal informations; * To introduce somebody. GRAMMAR : * Personal and possessive Pronounce (singular) CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. EXERCISE. Listen to and act out the dialogues. a) = Cunep kaiinas Kenannep? SD ” - Bus Kanudopxuagay Kengyx, - Cunepanit kecuGunep ome? ~ Bugqni Kecn6vGua myranim 6) - Canam Crue. Bysap Kumaep? ~ Bynap Menu noctopym, ~ Anapapit myranunan KH? + Anapapin myranunn Tysatiein 51 8) = Cranepann araixap Kum? - Menu atom Kow. ~ Meni aruim Matpik. = Meni ate Mapan, ~ Crisaepann KecnGniep oie? - Mex myranummnn. - Mex Gu3HecmeHmun. ~ Me@H MHkeHepmnn. - Cuanep kaiiaak Kenannep? - Bua AMepnxanak kenguk, VOCABULARY kecun - occupation, profession J6vanui Kecu6uGus ~ our occupation Hraanbiwibin anreina— Let me introduce you to each other. paanukaHuima KyOaHbiuTyymy#_— Nice to meet you 1. PHONETIC DRILL 1. Listen, repeat and practice. HeP-Hap-HOp-HOP-HYP-HYP Aep-Aap-Aop-AOp-AyP-AyP 2. Listen, repeat, read and practice. cun-cu6-63-6e13-6y3-6y3 kecun-KecvOvnep MeH-MeH-CeH-CiH-GbIH-CyH at - areitap AK-ReK- MbiK-AYK-BYK- AK Gyn-Gynap-Gynapauin-Gynapna cia- cuanep-cusqepae-cusgepank 52 2.GRAMMAR PERSONAL PRONOUNS (plural) PERSONAL PRONOUN | PRONOUN ENDINGS SON zy BUS - WE -Gbi3, -6u3, -Gy3, -6y3 2 CUNEP - YOU -CbIHap, -CMHep, -cyHap, -cyHep 3 CU3HEP - YOU (polite)|-ctisgap, -cnanep, -cysnap, -cysnep 4 AJIAP. ~ THEY lural_ endings EXAMPLE : BU oxyysynap+6ui3 oh CWJIEP oxyyuynaptceiHap 3p, CU3ZEP oxyysynap+cusaap AJIAP oxyyyynap 53 3.PRACTICE Ex 1. YexutTTepau «dK MYYeNepY MeHeH TONTypryna. Supply the missing endings. MODEL: 63 BOOHTEP. - 8U3 BONOHTEPBY3 Bua oxyysy. _ Bua myranum____, Cunep tips _ Anap moipga__, Cunep Tuna , Csnep alinooyy Bu3 AoKrop. |, Anap winxuiHep, , Cunep etyneHt_ Ex 2. Con >kakTarbi xKakTaMa aT aTOOYTOPAY OH >kakTarbl cosmep MeHeH Tyypanan Tankpina. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word from the right column. Bu3 { bIPUbICbIHAP cep =| —OKYYYYsIAP- cygpeP | foO4uynAP IAP | CTYDEHTTEPBU3 | cypeTuynep | QOKTOPCYHAP Ex 3. >Kaktama aT aToouTopay Tyypanan Kotiryna. Put in personal pronouns. BonotTepoyl BonoHTepeyHap —— okyyHyMyH ____ okyysy6y pips bipyeinap Myranumcus myranumenspep Ex 4. Temonky xxakTama aT aToouTopay KongoHyn cY”inom Tarvne, Make up sentences out if these personal pronouns. Bus, Mex, cusnep, anap, cus, an, cmnep, cus, cen 54 Personal Pronoun Bus-Busann We - Our 4.GRAMMAR POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Noun _ personal Genitive Case (plur) * endings Aocyt6ys, KbI3bi+6bi3, Gana+6b13 Cunep-Cunepauu — gocy+Hap,kbisbi+Hap, You - Your Ganat+Hap_ Cuspep-CusnepAuH - 2ocyt+Hy3qap, Kbisbit+Hap, You (polite) - Your 6anat+Hap Anap-AnapabiH - Qocy, Kbisbl, 6anacbl They - Their MODEL: BYs] MEHMH KUTES Byn meni Byn cenmn Byn cvannn Byn ane 5. PRACTICE Ex 4, Temenky cegnepay Konoryn cyiinem TysTyne. Make up sentences with these words. Supply the missing endings BYJ| MEHMH KVTEB exper___, Komy3__, kuen___ Tepese___, wekten__, kia. Gana___, cviars__, 60. arai__, axe. ,ana__, ava 2 S 55 Ex 5. >Kakrama at aroouropayh Wank xKeHAEMeGyH kongoryn cypooro xoon Geprune Using possessive pronouns answer the questions. MODEL: - Bynap Knmann Gangapel? - Bynap 6u3qun Ganaapbideis. Kbismappikap, myranumu, AocyHysaap, Knaccel, enkeOys, rapranapbi, mexTe6u, KuTenvepMKusaep, Kanenu, OTYpry4yM, Ex 6: Bepunrex cesnepre cypoo Gepun remexnery KepcerynreHgel oon Geprune. Put questions to the following words and answer the questions in the way shown. MODEL: - BYSIAP CUNEPAVH KUTEBMHM3ZEPBU? - OOBA, BYNAP BUSAN KUTEBMBIS3. - KOK, BYNAP BUSQUK KUTEBUBU3 SMEC. Aenrep, cymka, kane, vit, AOC, Myranum.«knacc, MekTen. Ex 7: Tekctw oxyn my¥enepay Tyypa xasrbina. Read this text, put in the right endings. MEHMIH QOCTOPYM. Meri goctop___ ken. Cepexa - opye, [xox - aMepnkannik, Tanrar - kasax, SpkunGex - Kbipreis. Bis KAKI HOCTOP__. BUS cryaentep, . Bus 6p Knaccra oxyitGya. A cent aocrop___ Gap6u'? Ex 8. Cypoonopro:%oon Geprune. Answer the questions and practice ~ Cusgep Kaiigah Kenannep? - Kecn6uxep ove? - Kana xawTaceinap? - OxylicyHapSoi xe nuTeviontep6n? 56 —x 9. Amanorty Gytypyn oftHoryna Complete and practice the dialogue. ~ Mennh aocym Buuskexte kawiai - Rocys 25 xawra, ~ An crynent. An axrnuese cyitnoir. LET'S TALK. Ex 10: Ananor rvaryne Make up dialogues. a) You are a foreigner, from France, 20 years old and a student. introduce yourself to a Kyrgyz person and ask him/her questions about him/her-self. a) You are a teacher from Colorado state in America. You are 28 years old. Introduce yourself to someone, ask him/her questions to get information about him/her-self. a) Your students are from America. Introduce yourself to your students, telling them where you are from, and other information about yourself. Ask them questions to get information about them. 82 37 TEMA: CAMIAMAALUYY. KOLUTOLYY. GREETINGS. PARTINGS. ANTbIHYbI ca6ak 6 (antes) YOU WILL LEARN : ( ( * To ask for and give personal information(merrital status); GRAMMAR : * Genetive Case #2; CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. EXERCISE. Listen to and act out the dialogues. Or a) - Keaupecus, 6yn Tanapi-Cyy6y? = Oo6a. Cen Kumcn? - MeH sonoHTepMyn. - Cen Kaligan Kenan? ©) Cenmn anno 6ap6ui? - Konopanonon kenaum = Kok, MeH 6OVAZOKMyH 8) - TypMytika YeikkaHceIi6el? - Oo6a, akv Garam Gap. 1) Axapattbin kriteecy Gap6ur? ~ Kok, an Typmyuika 4bira anek, a) - Kowy# mocy Gap6ui? - AnGerte Gap - An garb! AMepnikagah Kengn6n? = Kok, an Bawkexre Kawaiir. Proverb 3ku Too KepyunediT ku knwin KepYWET 63 58 PHONETIC DRILL 1. Listen, repeat and practice. Ka ~ KbI = KO ~ Ky ra - rl - ro = ry Ke = KM - KO - Ky re-mMm-r0-ry kar ~ Kb - KON - KyA Fal - Tei = TO - ryH keT = KUT - Ken - KYA FeH - TMH = ran - rvH 2. Listen, repeat and practice. Kapa - KaHa - kbis - kyp ravia - carbi3 - KMHOrO kepek - KATeN - KOHOK - KYp —-C@rM3 - SMHere - TOOrO - rv VOCABULARY Cen KumcuH - What are you? CeHMH aanbit Gap6bI?_ —_—- Are you married? Typmyuika 4ikKaHCBIH6bI? - Are you married? (for females) Yiinonrencyy6y? - Are you married? (for males Kylioe - husband aan - wife GornoKmyn - single Anette = of course 2. GRAMMAR Genitive Case #2 Kumaun? Whose? QmHeHnH? Who does it belong to? Genetive Case expresses possession/ownership/belonging. After vowels + -HbIH, -HUIH, -HYH, -HYH. After voiced consonants + -abil, WH, -ayH, -AvH After voiceless consonants + — -TbiH, -TMH, -TYH, -TVH 64 EXAMPLE. Bana+npin TOO+HYH oHe+HMH Tee+HYH 59 Kbis+AbIH KaT+TbIH atatm+aelH Tom+ays TontTyH KopootHtAyH 6u3+QnH kuTen+THR wnu+cu+HnH kostayH OTYK+TYH vine ayH 3. PRACTICE Oxyryna, KoTopryna. Read and translate. ~ Kuma caret? - OmneHNH swnrH? ~ Mapanniis cates - Mexrentni ownrn ~ Kamau Komyay? ~ Kumann aracei? - Acaawi KoMyay = Bxonayx araces ~ Kunagvit cymkacet? ~ Kynanynn wae? - Banani CyMKachl + Aware 4461 Ex 2. KawatbtH W4vH a4bin CesqepAyY unk xOHQOMerO kOION TaaHAblk My¥enepaY Tyypa Koon cypoonopro >koon Geprune. Remove the parentheses, put the words into genitive case using appropriate possessive personal endings. Answer the questions MODEL : By (Kuma) __ Kbiab Byn Acananit Kbisbl. Byn (kumavn) Gana. Byn (kumanH) ar. Byn (kumant)___ napaoo__ Byn (kvMawn)___ napa 60 Ex 3. Cyperrepre unk >keHnemeHYH cypoocyH Kolon ara oon Geprune. ‘Ask and answer questions in the Genitive case. Ex 4. Yekntrepan Tontyp, cypoonopro oon xasrbila. Fill in the required endings and ask questions. MODEL: - Byn kumann atacti? Byn AcaH aractl. - Byn AcaHabi aracti Kuten___ Get aubik. Kets sKONDOWY *KaKWbI. CypeTHy emreru 4oH. YiA cyty ken. Bana. Kasinarb! KOOS. AxcaKan komy3y Gap. Ex 5. Moye Go1on4a cypoonopro Koon Geprune. Answer questions, according to the model. MODEL: - Kuan komy3y? ~ Banaibil Komy3y. Byn KumMavn Gannapel? e Dyxelin Kumari xual? : Kumaun viv? e Kuma aoctopy? Mopi xvmani oxec? a Kuan Karet? oO Ex 6. Unik >kenpeMeHYH My4ecyH Koliryna. Fill in genitive case endings. 1, Mexten, (9MHeHUH?) KOpOOCy 4OH. 2, Avtuia___(kwimninH?) nocTopy aH 3. San____(omneHmH?) Tepesecu 4OH, 66

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